The TV Guy

By Trent Jock

Published on Feb 2, 2009



This is a work of fiction containing situations and scenes of graphic sex between consenting adult males. All legal disclaimers apply. If this topic offends you, do not read any further. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) and too young to be reading such material, or if you are in a locale or country where it is not legal to read such material, then please leave.

This is my first attempt at writing so bear with me and enjoy. It is quite long, but hopefully all the better for it! Personal stories and accounts are always welcome. I value your feedback, so please contact me at

The TV Guy

My girlfriend and I decided to move in together about a month ago. We'd both been out of college for about a year and by this time had settled into our jobs, earning a decent living and been going steady for about three years. We spent most of our free time together anyway and figured that moving in together would be the next logical step. The apartment was much bigger than either of us were used to.

Moving into a large place certainly gives you perspective on your life. Although we both had enough, suddenly there was all this space, and nothing to put in it. But things were going great. Our sex life took on a new meaning and we made a point of having a go at it in every room, on every possible surface. It also seemed that we took it upon ourselves to entertain the neighbours, since we hadn't gotten 'round to buying new curtains and instead of covering only half the window, we simply left them open.

Unfortunately Julie quickly tired of having her body on display to every guy on the block, and I mean unfortunately since I really got off on the idea of being watched. So we set out to do the necessary shopping on the first free weekend we had after settling in. Now to me, bigger room equals bigger TV - a definite necessity. I needed something that said, "I may be living with my girlfriend, but I'm still a guy," which brings us to the day in question.

We happily set off in different directions. She would go looking for new curtains and a few other things we needed for the place and I would go and look for my new TV set. We'd agreed that this way we wouldn't get on the other one's nerves and be done sooner.

I had already worked out a route that would take me past about 5 stores and since they were all quite close to our place, I decided to lug the old set around with me and trade it in. The day passed without much excitement and by the time I reached the last store on my list, I had a pretty comprehensive understanding of what was available on the market, heard every angle of a sales pitch and despite my regular work-outs, my arms were getting really tired from carrying my TV around all day.

This store was like every other. Stacked displays of appliances in every direction and a wall of TV sets all showing the same thing. At least this place showed music videos instead of cooking shows and exercise tapes like all the others. The music was deafening. There wasn't a person in sight and I had to wonder if the loud music was the reason for this, or as result of it. I navigated my way through tightly packed shelves towards the TV display. A few minutes later my attention was caught by two guys laughing and punching and each other playfully as they made their appearance from somewhere in the back of the store. The younger of the two, I guessed his age around 19, took a seat behind a somewhat concealed reception desk and lazily turned his attention to a small TV on the counter. The other guy made his way towards me. He was around 6'2", walking slowly, swinging his body lazily with his jeans low on his hips, left hand pushing down into one pocket, his right hand absently scratching around his belly button. His fingers were curled up under his shirt showing a soft trail of dark hair and the pronounced V of his torso disappearing into the waistband of his boxers. His abs cut a hard line down the middle of his body.

I was preparing myself for another gruelling sales pitch, but he didn't say anything. He nodded, turned slightly and leaned his upper body sideways against the TVs to face me. He kept scratching his stomach. After seeing him up close, I was glad my girlfriend didn't want to come along. This guy was smooth. She would have been embarrassingly obvious. Julie loves attractive guys, granted she's a girl, but she would flirt blatantly. I never pay any attention to it, because if she's allowed to play, then so am I. We had a silent agreement of how far we could take things and at the end of the day we always went home together, so I couldn't be too bad looking either.

He was standing there with his eyes glued to one of the sets. A woman's cleavage was covering the screen, bouncing to the beat of the music, her skimpy outfit barely able to cover her assets as she danced.

"Looking to get a new set?" he asked, still watching.

"Yeah," I said, partly trying to match his suave manner and partly because I was also a little distracted by the screen. The video ended.

"Anything particular?" he asked, straightening up and with that moved his hand from his stomach up to his head, and tried to flatten his unruly curly hair without much success. His name tag read "Michael." Appropriate, I thought.

"No, just bigger really" I said jokingly and indicated towards my old set standing on the floor clutched between my legs. He shifted his attention towards the set and I saw his mouth curl up in amusement.

"Trading in?" he asked, his dark eyes amused and unable to hide his growing smile.

"Trading up" I said apologetically. He nodded knowingly and flashed me a brilliant white smile through an even 5 o'clock shadow. He bent over towards me. As he did, his shirt fell down over his back. Half an inch of his ass crack was visible above his jeans. Two silky muscles ran down his back on either side of his spine to meet the round orbs of his glutes. Again a fine dusting of hair trailed into his boxers. This guy was hot. I was really glad Julie wasn't here to see this. I've always had an eye for good bodies. I worked out and could appreciate the effort that went into it. But this was pure, hard, natural muscle. I was jealous. And I was still staring.

"Vic!" he shouted turning his head towards the general direction of the rest of the store. He had grabbed hold of the TV between my legs. He looked up towards me.

"Sorry, uhm, can I...uhm," he said indicating towards the set with his eyes, still bent over.

"Oh...uh...sure, sorry," I mumbled stupidly and moved back. He straightened up in a smooth movement, now holding the set in front of his chest, his arms forming thin ropes of muscle.

"Vic!" he yelled again frowning.

"What!" came the irritated answer as the young guy kept his eyes on the screen at his desk. Eventually glancing towards us, he registered and got up to fetch the set. Michael shot me another smile and rolled his eyes jokingly.

Up close, Vic was equally impressive - blonde, tanned, and strong, but clearly from lifting weights, unlike his co-worker's slender natural build. His biceps and pecs sprang to attention as he took the set. As he turned away Michael poked him in the ribs and he crunched up the one side of his body with his elbow out, trying to avoid the assault.

"Fuck off," he said laughingly. Michael did it a second time.

"Seriously, I'm gonna drop this," he said without turning and kicked up a foot behind him which hit Michael's inner thigh. Michael made an audible "oomph" from the blow and let up. Still laughing and attempting to rub his side with his arm, Vic disappeared behind the shelves carrying the set. This was clearly a routine joke between them. And at that moment I was quite curious to know what those two were doing in the back before I came in. Bouncing a joint, talking about their latest lays, probably watching porn I decided. Again, I was jealous.

Michael walked around to behind the TVs and I was left standing alone in the store again. The sound on the TVs went down somewhat and Michael reappeared with a smile.

"So!" he said giving me a playful slap on the shoulder and turning to stand right next to me, facing the display. His shoulder was touching mine, his hand was back on his stomach playing around his belly button, the fine hairs on his arms brushing against my skin. I could smell him - clean laundry, sweat, manly.

"Now let's get you a set" he said in animation.

"See anything you like?" Julie would be all over this guy by now.

"Uhm yeah, I'm thinking something like this one here," I pointed to an enormous free standing screen and laughed, "but I think my girlfriend would freak."

"Yeah, OK," he chuckled and shot me an inquisitive glance. Fuck, I thought. This guy thinks I'm gay. He probably saw me checking out his ass when he was bent over. But he didn't move away and his arm kept brushing up against mine. It was OK it seemed and I was strangely getting turned on. His manner was flattering, and I liked it.

"Yeah, but she'd probably be OK with something more like this one."



"No, no," he said shaking his head, "bigger is always better. Girls say size doesn't matter," shaking his crotch at the TVs and looking at me, "but you can't argue with this baby." He walked towards a large TV towards the other end of the display. He was still holding his crotch and looked at me for an answer. A large grin spread across his face.

"Yeah," I said nodding with a smile, "yeah, definitely." I crept in closer to check it out from up close. Again he was right next to me, stroking the screen, pushing buttons, stringing sentences together with descriptions of "perfect picture quality," "hardcore viewing pleasure," "personalised settings," and "switching modes." I was sold - and hard as a rock. Hell, this guy could sell anything.

"Well?" he said, bringing me back to reality.

"I'll take it," I managed, "oh shit."

"Huh?," he looked at me in surprise.

"Its wall mounted," I said, "and I need free standing. We're renting this new place and the lease prohibits us from drilling holes." He laughed.

"Hell, I hope that doesn't mean you can't drill any holes?" I blushed.

"No we took care of that already," I said laughing too now.

He stood up. His crotch in my face and for the first time I noticed the bulge in his jeans. He had his shirt up again, his hand idly stroking his stomach. I could swear this guy was starting to tent, or he was really packing a fat piece of meat down there. It was inches from my face. I wanted to see this guy's cock. See how it pushes up from that muscled V and the trail running down to its root. My cock was starting to leak pre-cum. I could feel it soaking my shorts. What the hell was going on? I have a girl, I thought. I'm straight.

"Well," he said, "we have some in the back. They came in this week. Haven't had time to unpack them yet, but you can take a look?"

"Sure," I said. He nodded as he turned and walked in behind the display wall. I was glad to have time to adjust my crotch, pull my shirt down over the visible wet spot on pants, and get my head straight before I followed him to the back. I noticed Vic was back at the desk. He nodded as I moved past and carried on watching TV.

I walked straight into Michael as I turned the corner, smack! into his solid body. I kept my balance by grabbing onto his biceps. His hands were around my waist. My chest against his, my crotch hitting his hip, and I got a feel of his bulge against mine, his smell in my nostrils. He obviously came back to look for me, since I took my time to make sure I was 'composed.' I was completely dishevelled again as we awkwardly untangled ourselves from the other. I admittedly took my time. I breathed deeply when he pulled away and my dick jumped. We both apologised, then laughed.

"I found them back here," he said turning away again and walking towards some stacked boxes, his round ass bouncing in his low jeans. I quickly readjusted and followed.

He picked up a box and set it down on the floor, bending low. His ass in the air and his shirt pulled up, giving me another look at the fine trace of hair starting at his crack. I walk right up to him, taking in the site of this hot guy bent over. My cock was achingly hard. I wanted to touch him. Slip my hand down the back of his pants and feel the fine hairs trace along my hand. He went down on his haunches and the line of his crack opened to give me a view between those round orbs pushing up above his boxers. I wanted to run my fingers down between his ass cheeks, feel my way down over his hole and grab hold of his dick from behind. My dick was grinding against the waistband of my shorts. I was gonna come soon if I didn't focus.

He glanced back at me and this time he definitely noticed I was checking out his ass. He frowned and asked me to give him a hand to lift the TV out of the box. I hoped my shirt was hiding the bulge in my pants and moved around to his side to help.

"OK, you lift out the TV and I'll grab hold of the box," he said repositioning himself.

I moved around to the other side. I managed to pull the slim new TV out of the box by the top two corners, with him holding down the box. I lift it an extra few inches to clear the edge of the box. My shirt was lifted exposing my stomach. And now my still bulging cock. Michael moved the box away and I suddenly felt him pulling at the zip of my pants. I gasped, still holding the TV in the air in front of me. I jumped back, but his one hand grabbed the back of my ass and he started rubbing my cock though my boxers. By now the head of my dick was so sensitive that my legs were trembling from his touch. He kept his hold on my ass and fished out my dripping cock. He was blowing me and I heard hard deep grunts as Michael sucked me off, using his hand at the back to pull my hips in with each thrust. Within seconds I was blowing my load. Thrust after thrust, my cum blasting down this hot guys throat. He didn't stop sucking until the last drop was drained from my cock. I was breathing heavily as I lowered the TV, to see Michael on his knees in front of me - smiling.

"Let me help you with that," he said jumping up and grabbing hold of the one side. We set it down in front of the boxes and stood back.

"So how about it?" he asked.

I couldn't say anything. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I just knew I wanted more of this guy. I was expected home soon and I was going to make the best of my time. I turned to face Michael. He was smiling slyly. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and then pulled into me. He kissed me hard and I let go of any inhibitions. I wanted him.

With my tongue caught up with Michael's, my hands started searching his body, down his sides, feeling hard muscle curve into slender hips. I let my hands move round to his ass, moaning as I kissed him. His crotch grinding into mine as I slid my hand down the back of his pants and pulled him closer. With my finger I trailed the line between his cheeks, feeling my way down the line of hair. I pushed harder when I moved my hand up, running my finger over his hole. My cock was hard again. I pulled my mouth from Michaels, breathing heavily, dropped to my knees pulling his jeans and boxers down simultaneously in one quick motion. Michael leaned his upper body back and pulled his shirt over his head. I had a perfect few. His broad chest was glistening with sweat.

Perfectly smooth skin with a patch of dark hair between squared pecs honed down into washboard abs and finally to the root of his cock. I reached up and ran my hands down his body. A thick uncircumcised cock was staring me in the face. It was bigger than my own, standing straight up from his body at about 8 inches. My one hand found a grip around the base of his cock, the other grabbed hold of his low hanging, unshaved balls.

It took me about a second to think about it, I pulled back his foreskin, and swallowed his cock. First starting on his dark head, playing with it between my lips. I would suck for a while, pull of, jerk him a few times and then suck it again. I've never sucked cock before, but I've had mine sucked enough times to know what felt good. I was really getting into it, reacting to Michael's gasps, sucking harder when he moaned, tugging at his balls. Now and then I'd let go of his cock and reach up to pinch one of his nipples. He'd gasp and thrust his hips forward, letting his cock slide deeper down my throat each time. We never spoke a word.

Finally I pulled my mouth off his cock, never once having gone done to the base of his cock. He looked down at me. He took hold of his own cock and pushed his hips forward aiming it at my mouth. But I cocked my head, took hold of his hips and spun him around. I still wanted to his ass up close. He pushed his ass back as I slid my tongue up his crack, licking, kissing, biting. He instinctively bent over as I spread his cheeks with my hands, my mouth never lifting from his skin. I could feel the fine hair tickling my flared nostrils, his manly smell enveloping my senses and feeding my sexual drive.

I could see my target, the soft round pink flesh of his pucker. I leaned in, inhaling his smell and my tongue slowly circling his hole. He moaned deeply and bent lower, lifting his one foot onto a box and pulling his the other cheek wider open with his hand. His other hand was jerking his cock furiously. I needed no invitation as I my tongue moved right onto the target. He moaned deeply. I reacted and pushed my tongue deeper into his hole, tasting him, making his legs shake with every flick. I was in control of this hot stud. My action was his pleasure, every movement bringing him closer to orgasm. I was pushing my tongue in as deep and hard as I could, his hips moving back and forth rhythmically. Pre-cum was running down my shaft, which was still sticking out of my zip. I wanted to jerk my cock so back.

Michael gave another deep groan and I thought I heard him say "Fuck me."

"Huh?" I said, my lips still firmly lodged around his hole.

"Fuck me!" he moaned loudly. "I want you to fuck me."

I stood up. Michael moved over to a table, his jeans still caught around his ankles. He turned back to face me. He pushed his arms back and slid onto the table, pulling his legs up. He kicked off his shoes and his jeans dropped to the floor. There he sat, his eyes never leaving mine, his pucker exposed, his cock sleek and sticking straight up between his legs. I loosened my belt. My hard cock was swaying from one side to the other as I tried to kick off my shoes. My pants fell to the floor and I stepped out of them on my way to Michael who was now licking his lips. He pulled me in, kissing me hard, his mouth searching mine, tasting himself.

He pulled my shirt over my head and pushed his mouth into my armpit, licking it and making my squirm. He bent down to suck on my nipple and then back to my mouth. I could taste my own sweat and his all muddled up into the distinct smell of sex. He pulled off, leaned back with his ass just leaning over the edge of the table. I aimed my stiff cock at his hole, still sleek from my spit, and pushed in. Michael made a made a deep sound almost like a sigh of relief as my cock pushed deeper into him. The pace picked up gradually, my cock sinking in deeper with each thrust. By the time his hole hit the base of my cock, my hips were pulsing in long deliberate thrusts. Each motion became faster, stronger, edging on orgasm. My hands were under his back, pulling him into me each time to match my action.

Through all the heaving and pushing I noticed a movement on the other side of the room. I stopped and turned. My cock still buried in Michael's ass. It was Vic. He had a solid 6 inch uncut piece of meat out and jerking hard, but he didn't stop when I did. Instead he licked his lips and walked over. His hand still pumping his rod, his mouth open, his eyes dazed and his expression lost in pleasure.

I looked at Michael. He just winked at me and smiled. I was past the point of caring and the thought of being watched spurred my cock on. My hips started moving again. Vic was standing next to me now, still jerking off. With his other hand he started jerking Michael's cock. I started fucking with new energy. I was so close to spilling my load, but I didn't want to stop and kept tugging at my balls to keep from cumming. While I kept fucking Michael, Vic would switch between blowing Michael, kissing me, then kissing Michael, all the while pumping his rod. I couple of times he ran a wet finger along my crack, almost pushing me over the edge. My cock was ready to explode.

"I gonna cum!" I yelled. Vic gave a loud moan as shot his load all over Michael's stomach. With that I pulled my cock out and after the second jerk followed suit. My cum flew in white ribbons across Michael's chest and legs, the first blast hitting him square in the face. Vic bent over, running his tongue over the cum pooled on Michael's stomach. I took Michael's hand off his cock and started sucking him again. This time relaxing my throat and swallowing his cock to the hilt. His breath suddenly picked up and within moments I felt the first blast of hot cum hitting the back of my throat. I gagged, but kept my mouth closed on his rod, eager to take it all. Blast after blast filled my mouth until it started spilling out the corners of my mouth. Vic took to lapping up the cum that was running down the shaft.

When the last jerk of Michael's subsided, Vic and I collapsed on the table next to him. We were all breathing hard and managed a burst of laughter that only signifies complete satisfaction.

After a while, we cleaned up as best we could and got dressed.

"So!" said Michael giving me a slap on the back, "how about that TV?" The set was still standing on the floor, untouched and covered in a plastic sleeve.

"I don't know," I said. "I might have to come back next weekend to check it out," wondering how I was going to explain a day's shopping with nothing to show for it, to Julie. Michael just flashed his brilliant smile and winked at me.

"I'll be sure to put a reserve on it," he said and gave a light pull on his crotch.

(I value your feedback. If you enjoyed the story or would like to leave your comments, please write to me at

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