Titan Gay. E.

By Riku Sora

Published on May 8, 2004



Hello people. I'm not sure where this story will go. Maybe sci-fi, or maybe celebs. But I hope you enjoy it. It's my fan fic of Titan A.E. or at least mabye a first draft, I may do a better version when I get more time on my hands. I first got the idea when I saw the scene where his towel fell off. Cale has a great ass, and that was exiting enough, but then I heard, he was supposed to be naked the whole time through that scene! Maybe we were even supposed to see his peepee;) Anyway, here's my fan fic. Oh, but one last thing, wear condoms boys! I'm getting sick of seeing in the news how gay males are STILL one of the highest groups of people with HIV!

Titan Gay. E.

Cale's ship was attacked, he'd been kidnapped, but he didn't know why. It was not the Drag who were after him, this was something differnt. He was laying on a table, the room around him pitch black, and he was completly nude! Finally a door opened and the room was bathed in light. To Cale's surpise a HUMAN walked in. A male human. He coudln't beleive it was humans who were kidnapping him. The boy was a little younger than him, about 18 or 19. He was muscular, but not too much. Just that right amount of muscel that looks nice on a young thin guy. The guy was mixed in race, light skined, the color of moca. The boy had not hair on his chest save for a small little trail leading to his puibic area, which was in full veiw! The young man was naked just as Cale was.

"W...wh...what the hell is going on here?!" Cale asked.

"I'm sorry Sir." the boy replied. "We didn't want to kidnap you, but we had no choice."

"What are you talking about? And why are we naked?" Cale asked.

"We have a favor to ask of you. If you say no, no harm will come to you and you will still be returned...."

"NO!" Cale screamed.

"You haven't heard my request." the boy said.

"Don't need to, I have a mission, and I have to get back to it." Cale replied.

"But sir, we're dying." The boy said meakly.

"Who's we?" Cale asked.

"Me and my brothers." the boy replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but what do you want me to do?" Cale asked.

The two were inturpted by three more guys coming in with medical equipment. Each a differnt age, the youngest looked to be only 5, the oldest 40, and the one inbetween closer to his teen years. All nude, both of the older men had the same trail of hair going down to their pubic hair, and all had the same light shade of skin, in fact, they all had the same FACE! Then it hit Cale.

"You're all clones!" He yelled. "Yes, we've been out in space for over 100 years now, only one person was on bord this ship, he knew the attack on earth might come some day, to make sure his legacy didn't die, he cloned himself, and the process has being going on this way for the past century." The boy explained. "About 30-50 clones exist at one time. All differnt ages."

"What does that have to do with me?" Cale asked.

"Our DNA has been used and reused so many times it's wearing thin. There are genetic disorders poping up. Soon, we will start to die off because our cells simply don't stay alive as long. In some the cells start dying off in bones, in others, it can be hearts, kidney's, lungs. It's not fatal yet, but in a few more genrations..."

Cale lowered his head. "Well, I'm sorry about that, but I'm still not clear what you want me to do."

The boy dismissed the other clones from the room. The boy walked over to the table. Cale didn't know what he was going to do. He wondered if the boy was about to harm him in some way. But then the boy simply leaned over and began to kiss Cale full on the lips. Cale was shocked, anddidn't know how to respond, then he wanted to turn away, but for some reason he didn't. There was something in this boy's kiss, the need that Cale could feel coming from him made him relax and open his mouth. The boy's tounge invaded Cale's mouth. The restrants holding Cale's hands came undone. The boy broke his kiss with cale, and whipsered in his ear.

"It's up to you now." The boy said, and stood up.

Cale began to float freely in the air, his naked body being examined as he rotated, his cock now simi-hard. He stopped rotating by still remanined floating in the air, his frontal area facing forward. The boy began to play with his cock and it became harder with every strok. The boy ran his hands all over Cale's body. He had accesse to every inch of Cale since he was free floating.

"This is what we must do." The boy said. "Will you help?"

Cale didn't undertand, but he nodded yes to the boy. The boy began to suck Cale's cock genltly. Cale was in heaven! He was straight, loved females, but there was something about having a male, stong mought sucking on him so softly, yet strong at the same time, that made him so hard, and want it so bad!

"mmm...ooh...it's never felt like that." Cale moaned.

"It's differnt with a male." The boy replied, for an instant taking his mouth off Cale's Cock. "We know how a guy wants it, and it's just a differnt feeling...or so I've been told."

The boy went back to his work, sucking Cale as he continued to moan. The boy slowly lowered Cale back down to the table, and climbed on top of him, he began rubbing his own hard penis on the young blond thing under him. Their penis' touched and rubbed together. It was a feeling like Cale had never felt before, so male and sexual. Cale had had sex before, but this felt differnt. Primal and good, bonding almost. He felt almost as if he were this boy's brother, even though he'd known him for less than a half hour.

The boy and Cale humped and made fucking motions, rubbing their hard, and throbbing dicks togher.

They were bringing each other to new levels of exitment. Cale could feel himself getting closer to cumming, he began to kiss the boy, their tounges fighting for controll in eachother's mouths. Suddenly Cale began to spurt stream after stream of cum, and the boy fallowed soon after. They still continued kissing and humping, cum squishing between their bodies. Finally both collapsed in an exuasted heap.

Their silce was inturpted by the door swinging open, and yet another nude clone came in. He picked up a hose from the equipment, and brought it over. "Sorry, to inturupt, but we have to get it while it's fresh." He said, and sucked up the cum between them.

"Oh my God." Cale said in realization. "You're going to do something with my cum, aren't you? That's what you wanted isn't it?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, if you don't want us to use it, we won't." The boy said.

"Well, what is it for?" Cale asked.

"We need to mix our DNA, to mate." The boy said.

"But we're both guys!" Cale exclaimed.

"I know, but we can combine the to samles of cum they just took and creat a new embryo, the new DNA will refresh our gene pool, and we wanted it to be someone strong, you're the strongest, we've seen." the boy explained.

"But, it'll be like it's...OUR son?" Cale asked.

"Yeah, and with the refreshed DNA, we should be albe to keep cloning him for another 100 years, and by then, maybe there will be a new home for humans to live." the boy said. "But only if you'll allow it."

"My father abandoned me! I can do that!" Cale said.

"But you won't be leaving him fatherless, here he'll have all the fathers a boy could ever need! And brother's too." The boy said.

"But he'll never see a woman...or have a crush, or know what love is like." Cale said.

"He might." The boy said. "We're all homosexual, becasue our "father" was. Maybe we'll pass it on to him. Maybe he'll know a kind of love most people never even know about! Even if he isn't gay, he'll still feel sexual pleasure as you just did, and he'll bond and love his brothers."

"I'm not going to let you creat a son of mine and leave him in this homo orgy!" Cale said.

"We're not an orgy! We don't like wearing cloths cause we're all males here, we all have the same body and have nothing to hide, you only think of being naked as being sexual cause you've grow up hiding your dick and not seeing anyone else's either. Being naked is one of the things that binds us, but it doesn't mean we have sex all the time." The boy explained.

"I don't know." Cale said.

"They will all suffer than." the boy said sadly. "Our next genration will not survive much longer than the boy who was in here a few moments ago."

Cale thought for a moment, he reemmvbered the boy, the cute little child that smiled at him before he left, and looked so happy, thought of the suffering of furtur kids just like him.

"Do it." Cale whipsered.

To be continued....Maybe

You can e-mail me at: gaycartoonkid@yahoo.com or you can IM me using my yahoo ID if you have yahoo messenger. Thanks for reading.


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