To Ease the Pains

Published on Oct 29, 1996



Well, Boys and Girls out there......... My first UN-Lurking Story........

It a short story, but I'm hoping to get some good feed back, so other stories well continue getting better.

To Ease The Pains By Ma'lisa

Jeff read the ad in the newspaper and smiled...... If nothing else it was the fact he was 32 single and had a bitch of a job...... But he could think of more than one hundred reasons to visit the new mineral Spa that was in the center of town. He ripped the ad out of the paper and put it in his pocket, hoping to go there in the evening after work. Getting back to work, he started to wish the day on faster. Finally the day wore on, leaving Jeff even more tired and tense then before..... He had had an Argument here, a Dead line to finish here... 10 years of this had made for one very warn out man.... Packing up his daily stuff into his briefcase, he walked out of the office, down the elevator, and into the park.. Grabbing his keys from his pocket he opened his large BMW car, that his company had got him, 'one of the only real perks of this damn job', he thought.... As he got into the car, and relaxing back he took the ad out of his other pocket and read it again....


The best relaxing spa in Town..... The mineral's from the greatest springs, all warmed to heat, to relax you, and make you feel like a new person. Address --- 101 Kilo Ave.

City Center "Well, old boy..... It's about time you and I go and get a good relaxing" Jeff said to himself, as he started the car, and threw the ad on the other car....

It only took him 5 minutes from his work to drive to the Spa, and as he left his car, he looked at the small building named Chan Ju Spa..... He then saw the building next door to it called, Young Chan's Escort Girls, He frown and started having second thoughts. Walking up to the building of Chan Ju Spa's door, he pushed it open, and walked into what looked like a large garage.... An old Asian man, waddled over to him and took him by the hand.... "Hello, you first customer, you are" the old man shouted, smiling all the time..... Jeff nodded, wondering if this was such a good idea after all. "You change over there....." The old man pointed to a large "box", which stood next to the spa..... Jeff then noticed the Spa, It was huge........ Steam rose from it like a blowing kettle..... He smiled and nodded back to the old man.... Jeff just couldn't wait now.....

Jeff rushed over to the changing "box" and entered it..... He stripped down and folded his clothes into nice neat piles.... Then he looked for the bathing suit.... "Um...." He said and he noticed nothing was here... "Old Man, Where is the swimming suit?" Jeff shouted out, still looking around the small changing room... "You must not wear one... For spa to work correct, you must be naked... Now come out and get in spa..." The old man shouted back.... Jeff again thought this was a bad idea, but then, hell why not..... No one else was in the spa, no one but the old man could see him...

He walked out of the Changing "BOX" and walked over to the large spa..... Putting one tow first he slowly entered the steaming spa...... Sitting on one of the ledges of the spa, he Relaxed back against the side of the spa, and instantly felt the spa start to relax his body..... "This is grand, Old man" Jeff shouted out.... "Yes..." the old man said behind Jeff, giving Jeff a little scare.... "It is very powerful, and well make your body feel better then it would have ever felt before." The old man then handed Jeff a drink, and smiled.... Jeff looked at it and looked back up to the Old Man... "What is this for?" Jeff asked... The Old Man smiled and started to walk away....."It is a drink to relax your soul, and your mind.... To ease the pressures of days gone, and days to come..." "Oh" was all Jeff could say, but he tried a little anyway..... YUM, it tasted like beer, and Jeff loved Beer..... He took another gulp and relaxed back down again.....

Slowly he felt each part of his body relax, and feel wonderful.... At first started at his feet, making them feel smaller and softer.... Then his legs, feeling soft and thin, so relaxed..... It then hit his heaps, and he felt them seem to widen against the sides of the spa.... He knew he should check, but he was so relaxed, so calm.... Then he felt his arms, and hands relax, and felt them to get softer and slimmer..... Smaller, then before. He then felt his groin area relax.... Soften, turning to liquid and floating away with the Spring water.... He knew he should move, check the feelings he was having.... But he couldn't, he's body wasn't responding.... He felt his chest tingle, and he could see out of the corner of his eyes something growing there, some sort of flesh things... He felt panicked, scared.... He knew what was happening, some how he knew, but He couldn't accept it..... It couldn't be happening..... Jeff suddenly felt a hand on his head, he tried to move to grab it, but he couldn't..... The hand pushed his head under the spring water, and he started to feel his face and neck relax and change like the other parts of his body..... He started to scream in his mind, as he felt his breath start to fade from within him. Then at that stage, he started to think weird thoughts, She was starting to think of the job she was going to start, the new pimp she would have, the....... Hold it, I'm a man, Not a woman, I knew this wasn't a good Idea...... But as soon as the thought of his male-self came, it disappeared, replaced with a strong feeling of womanhood.... When April's head popped out of the water again, she pushed her long blond hair out of her eyes and turned around to see the Old Man standing there. "So Sir, I'm I going to be a busy girl tonight." April smiled, as she started to get out of the spa.... The Old Man looked over the naked woman, and smiled too...... Her breasts were just the right size, for her small teenage looking frame.... Her eyes were soft and sweet, along with her full red lips..... Her long blond hair, reaching down to her firm bottom.... Her groin so soft, and smooth, like the rest of her body, no sign of anything male, no sign that this lovely female in front of him, was once a male. "Yes, April.... You have a few clients tonight..... You should be able to pick up a lot of money tonight girl" The old Man said, taking the girl over to the back door of the Spa, and into the Escort Agency next door. April smiled and kissed the old man on the cheek.... "I feel so relaxed"


Hope you like it......... It's my first quick story, That has not taken 2 years to write..... This only took a little while, so when I get to my large stories, I'm hoping they well come out better... All comments are more then wanted................ I need them..................................................... You can send them to the TSA-TALK, or to me Ma'lisa

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