Troy and Abed in the Morning After

By Julian Naing

Published on Apr 7, 2020



This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to Dan Harmon and the Russo Brothers Films. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors.


(Four Chapters Before the Morning After, a countdown to when they finally make love)

"...something called the Human centi---", and the Dean's voice cut off, right before "Waterloo" by ABBA played for the 3rd time that night. It was the Greendale Community College Halloween dance, and it was going to be a night that the gang would never forget.

Troy Barnes chuckled at the announcement. The queer Dean, especially in his outrageous Lady Gaga costume, made him laugh but also inspired him, as he was true in expressing himself without filter. His confident attitude in his unusualness reminded him of---

Abed suddenly started to hiss at these two women, dressed as a referee and a witch, at the party. Normally, Abed wouldn't approach these women, but tonight he was playing a character. He was wearing an alien costume from the movie Alien. He started to squeal at them. That was Troy's cue.

"Get away from those hotties," he said, walking over in a yellow cardboard mech suit. Troy and Abed fought epically, just as rehearsed. Troy wanted the referee, while Abed supposedly wanted to date the witch. Troy hadn't gotten laid in a while, and Abed still hadn't had his first kiss. "I want to know if the kissing scenes live up to the hype in real life," half-joked Abed, in Troy's memory.

As Abed fled the scene, Tory flirted with their targets, saying, "You're safe now. If that thing comes back, I'm going to need one or both of your phone numbers", with a cocky smile.

"What a cute couple's costume!" said the woman dressed as a referee.

Troy was confused, but not surprised. "Um, we're not a couple, we're just good friends, and we want to go on dates with both of you?"

"Yeah, right," she scoffed, and they walked away. Troy knew that this would happen. His antics with Abed were putting a damper on his success with the ladies. He thought that this time would get him lucky AND give him a chance to have fun with his best friend. But the latter still made a great night.

/Troy and Abed? as a couple?/ Troy felt a strange joy when he heard the referee mention him and Abed being a couple. This wasn't the first time he had heard that comment, but it didn't bother him. Abed was confident in his own personality. He knew his constant movie references made him weird and off-putting, but he did them anyway. That is what Troy loved most about Abed and why he loved to hang out with him.

Lately, Troy has been missing Abed more and more after hanging out with their study group. Their fun "hand on the heart, double taps" handshake have become hugs goodbye, when the rest of the group aren't around. Abed rarely hugs anyone, so Troy felt honored. He started to miss Abed like he was missing hanging out with a crush. He always shook off those feelings, just a strong bromance with a cool dude. But tonight, he thought about the possibility of being closer to Abed. /Troy and Abed, as a Couple!/ Troy sang in his head. /Nice./

After seeing Troy struck out, Abed ran back to comfort him, "How did we do?"

Troy's face lit up, seeing Abed next to him. "Aww, no game this time."

"That witch looked attractive," Abed guessed, because he was too busy thinking about how awesome their live action movie reenactment was to notice them. "I'm going to get some punch." As he sprinted away, Abed felt guilty, in being glad that Troy struck out. He knew that Troy getting a girlfriend meant that he would spend less time with him, which was a constant worry. He never wanted to lose his best friend.

Troy walked over to Jeff, because he was nearby watching the whole encounter. No costume as expected, just wearing a boring, yet fitting, $6,000 suit. He wondered how Jeff did so well, with Brita, and Professor Slater, and possibly Annie, in his pockets. He must have some advice, in courting someone with absolutely no interest in him. "So how do you do it?"

Jeff explained, "Well, I remind girls less of taking their little brothers to Comic-con". He laughed at his own joke, then went off to probably bother Brita.

Maybe that was how Abed saw him. /Too much like a brother/, Troy thought. Deciding to change that, he went off to the men's bathroom, as fast as he could in a cardboard mech suit.


Abed Nadir could not find Troy anywhere. He wanted to reenact another scene with him.

A girl walked up to him by the punch bowl, and flirted with, "Nice costume back there". She was the witch that he had terrorized earlier. She pinched Abed's tush under his Alien tail. "This spandex really doesn't leave much to the. imagination".

/Guess she must have liked our performance/, Abed thought.

"Thanks. Have you seen my friend in the yellow mech suit?" Abed asked.

"Oh, you guys really ARE homos," and the girl walked away, insulted that the cute, tall Brown boy wasn't paying attention to her. Abed shrugged, and sipped his Hawaiian fruit punch.

He saw Troy come out of the men's room, only he was completely shirtless. Troy's solid abs, his strong, well defined arms, and his broad chest had Abed with his mouth hanging wide open. Well, wide for Abed.

"Where's your costume?" Abed said, crossly. He lifted his helmet visor, and Troy could see his intense stare, with a hint of anger and confusion. With him showing off, he might get a girl tonight, which would ruin their movie plans. "Our costumes go together."

"I'm a SEXY Dracula now," Troy insisted, with his chest covered in a thin layer of curly hair and a toilet seat cover that said "DRACULA" in black marker. He looked sexy, but he looked stupid too. That was Troy's look.

/Not even red/, Abed thought. /What happened to production value?/

Abed was still disappointed, so Troy walked away, calling Abed a nerd under his breath. Abed was confused. Why was Troy acting like this? Showing off his bare chest, instead of being loyal to his best friend's costume? Abed had to admit, seeing Troy shirtless never got old. He felt a twinge in his crotch in his spandex suit.

/Out of character behavior indicates jealousy, or annoyance, or---/

And Abed zoned off to think of potential movie plots for their situation, until he heard Troy yell out "Leonard's a zombie!" Abed rushed to his side, saw Leonard in a horribly bloody state, and yelled "Zombie attack!"


Abed and Troy's little spat was nothing compared to the zombies closing in on them. Hearing Annie's plan to lower the temperature, Abed said, "Troy. We have to rise to the occasion like Ripley and kick monster butt in our undies." He knew a plan to save them all, that he had the best chance to survive, and that he wanted his best friend with him when it all went down.

Right now, Troy was freaking out and he hated Abed's suggestion to risk their lives. "I'm not Ripley, Abed. I'm a cool, sexy Dracula." Abed looked at him, intense as always, yet somehow heroic and inspiring him to be a better person.

Troy looked longingly at his handsome, stoic face, as it may be the last time he could. Snapping out of it, he added, "I make love to ladies and I survive". Abed looked hurt at his friend's selfishness, and looked away.

As it turns out, Rich and Brita lied about not being bitten by the zombies, Chang threw a shoe, Annie is captured, the whole gang run away and split up, into Chang and Shirley, and Troy, Abed, and Jeff.


"Oh cool, a dark basement", snarked Jeff.

Abed pressed Troy about the costume, while Troy shrugged it off as insignificant. Troy just wanted Abed to see his body, but the plan was stupid looking back.

/Now he has to be shirtless for this whole episode.. of events/, Abed thought. It was distracting him from the escape plan, and the increased skin exposure made him such a vulnerable target. He had to protect Troy.

The cat jumped back and forth in front of them. "I vote we take the door" said Jeff.

"He doesn't want to dirty his suit", explained Abed.

"For real?" exclaimed Troy. The two looked at each other, as if to telepathically think, /White people/.

As Jeff got eaten by zombies, the two made their way to the exit window on the wall. Troy locked out the zombies past the gate, as Abed barricaded it. The two looked at each other, scared shitless and facing their doom.

Abed cupped his hands and said, "Go". He may not fit in through the window, with his alien costume on, and if his last act was saving his brother, he couldn't think of a better way to go.

Troy shook his head. "I'm not going without you." He had imagined his whole life with Abed, but he never imagined death by zombies (well no, they probably did imagine this at some point) and never imagined them ending in a fight.

"Make me proud, Troy. Be the first Black person to make it to the end". Troy grinned. Even in the face of death, Abed could still crack a joke.

Troy was heartbroken at the thought of leaving his brother, let alone to die. It was just the two of them, looking into each other's eyes. And also a hoard of zombies in the background. He hugged Abed, as tightly as he could, saying, "Abed. I love you".

Abed felt all of Troy's abs on his stomach through his spandex. He put his hand on Troy's bare back. In all of his life, Abed had never kissed anyone. He knew he was going to die, and he knew that he loved Troy. This was the end of his movie, and maybe his heroic self-sacrifice deserved an "in the face of death" kissing scene.

He almost said, "I know", a reference to some other movie.

Instead, Abed said, "I love you, Troy", which accidentally referenced High School Musical 3.

It was exactly what Troy wanted to hear. /Here goes/, Abed thought, as he unexpectedly leaned in for a kiss. His hand moved to the back of Troy's head, and his fingers slid into his curly hair.

Troy's eyes widened, as he felt Abed's lips on his mouth. Smelling Abed's skin, he closed his eyes and opened his lips, licking Abed's mouth. He tasted like the fruit punch from earlier in the party. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, as a zombie yelled out and Abed pulled away. Yet Troy felt a tingling in his whole body, his heart pounding with the rush of kissing his best friend.

Abed said nothing, just stared intensely as always, and cupped his hands to give Troy a boost out of the window. Troy ran to the front of the student building, all the way crying from losing his best friend.


As his tears dried, Troy realized he was the only one who could save his brother through changing the thermostat. He might also have to stop calling Abed his brother when all of this is over.

In front of the building was a face he never felt happier to see. The Dean shouted, "Troy! Be honest, are you a zombie?" When he saw Troy's dark skin, sweat glistening in the moonlight, he was immediately erect, even in the face of doom. Luckily, his Lady Gaga costume covered his lower regions.

"Give me the keys," Troy demanded. "People are going to get brain damage, unless I help them."

Now, the Dean loved being commanded by authority, but he would not stand by this. "Troy, I don't care how shirtless you think you are, there is a chain of command, so unfortunately---"

He was interrupted, by Troy punching him in the crotch. Troy felt disturbed, knowing that he had just punched a boner of the school administration. He searched his pockets for the keys. He went into the building, got into his mech outfit that offered no protection at all, fought off zombie Abed, who eventually bit him, and mustered all his strength to adjust the thermostat.


Scenario B carried out, and everyone forgot what happened at the party.

"I can't believe that someone would mass roofie an entire party," said Brita.

Troy licked his lips, which tasted like Hawaiian fruit punch, and looked at Abed. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure. I don't feel like anything action heavy."

"Have you seen Marmaduke?"

And so, Troy and Abed went back to their dormitory for a viewing of Marmaduke. Neither of them remembered their Alien reenactment or their silly fight, or their first kiss... out of many.

Thanks for reading! Hope you cherish Troy and Abed as much as I do. Not much action, but just a romantic context introduction. Next episode, I add Jeff Winger :) to the fun. @ultim8grandma

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