Trucker's Delight

By Marcus Graham

Published on Feb 13, 2012



Drop me an e-mail at and let me know what you think of the story!

If kinky sex between consenting men offends you or this is illegal for you to be reading, please stop now! The sex in this story isn't safe, but you should always play safe!

The road stretched on ahead and behind me for as long as I could see, with not a car in sight. The last guy I'd hitched a ride with told me that most folks around here would rather take the old highway rather than the new one, so I'd set off down the old, overgrown road in the hopes of finding another lift. I didn't know if the guy was fucking with me, or just didn't know any better, but in the past two hours I'd only seen one car drive by. And they hadn't slowed down as I stuck out my thumb.

I pulled up the bottom of my white t-shirt and wiped my forehead, asking out loud (for the third or fourth time that day) "What the fuck am I doing out here?"

I sighed, using my damp t-shirt to clean off my sunglasses, then scouted out the area again. Flat prairie, as far as I could see, with the mountains a dull line on the horizon. A small copse of trees stood off the highway a bit, and I debated heading over there for some shade. It was midafternoon, but the sun felt even worse than it had at noon.

I spotted a glint on the horizon, and my heart jumped a little. As it drew closer I saw it was a large 18 wheeler, blue, carrying a trailer behind it. I stood out on the shoulder and raised my thumb, prepared for it to drive on past like so many had before, but to my delight it slowed down and stopped just in front of me.

The driver had his window rolled down and shouted to me. "Where are you headed son?"

"West." I replied, holding my hand up to my forehead to block the sun. I could barely see the driver, just a hint of a baseball cap and a beard.

"No particular destination?" He laughed.

"Just trying to hit the coast."

"Well I'm heading to the other side of Alberta, just into BC if you want to tag along." He called down.

I wasn't going to turn down a ride across two provinces. "Sure thing!"

"Hop in." He said. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the other side of the truck. I hoisted myself up and into the cabin, surprised at how spacious it was. There were the two large seats up front, and a few cabinets and a bed in the back.

"You can toss your bag back behind the seat there." He said as I closed the door. "And I'm James by the way, you can call me Jim." He extended his hand to me after I'd thrown my bag in the back.

"Mark." I replied, taking his hand and finally getting a good look at him. He looked like a stereotypical trucker, a sleeveless red flannel shirt open to expose a well-worn white wife beater, stretched tight over the hairy chest underneath of it. Tight, faded jeans and a pair of dusty boots completed the look. He was maybe mid-forties, and quite handsome. His face was tanned, presumably from years on the road, and his beard was mostly black with a few grey hairs in between. Sunglasses and the hat covered most of his face. His body looked powerful, not the type of body a man sculpted in a gym somewhere, but the type that came from years and years of physical labour.

"Pleased to meet you Mark." He said. I sat down as the truck took off down the road.

"Thanks for stopping man, it's been a rough few days."

"I can imagine. I did my fair share of hitching back when I was your age. It's a hit and miss game sometimes." He pulled a pack of cigarettes out a pocket on his door, and lit one up. "You want one?"

"No thanks." I said.

"Do you smoke?"

"I quit a few years ago."

"You don't look old enough to have quit a few years ago. Unless you started when you were twelve." He laughed.

"I started when I was 16 or so. I'm 22 now." It was true, I looked pretty young. I could barely grow facial hair, and aside from a few sparse hairs on my stomach, I was smooth.

"Ah, I didn't start till my first divorce." He chuckled. "Mind you I was only 22 at the time."


"Yeah, well. Only. Learned my lesson after that one." He took a drag off his smoke. "Luckily, she cheated on me and I caught her in the act. She didn't get to take any of my money or anything."

"Well that's better than the alternative."

"Definitely." He said with another puff.

"So that isn't your wife?" I asked, pointing to a photo taped to the dashboard. A woman who looked to be thirty or so, a bottle blond, posing in a bikini. She was reasonably attractive I guess.

"Her?" He laughed. "No, just a lady I see from time to time when I'm home."

"Where is home?" I asked.

"Cape Breton. You couldn't tell from the accent?" He laughed.

"I couldn't hear one." I admitted sheepishly. "You're a ways away from home."

"Yeah well someone needs to drive these loads across the country. I don't have much tying me up at home these days, and the pay is fucking sweet." He tossed his cigarette out the open window.

"I figured you'd take the main roads though, wouldn't it be quicker?"

"I usually do." He sighed. "This sounds dumb, but when I was younger I used to come out here during the summers to see my grandparents. I love the prairies. So I try to take the back roads where I can out here. I've got time."

"Doesn't sound dumb. I know what you mean. I haven't really ever been out of the city."

"Where are you from?" He asked.


"And you hitched all the way out here?" He asked, surprised.

"So far. I've gotten a few lucky breaks. An old lady let me crash at her place and she did my laundry in exchange for mowing her lawn, so I'm not recycling dirty clothes yet." I smiled to myself.

"I'm glad for that." Jim grinned over at me. "So why are you on the road?"

"No reason." I muttered.

"Sounds like there's an awful big reason there son. But I won't pry." We drove on in silence for a few moments. "Oh there's water back there in the cooler if you want some."

"I'm okay for now, thanks though."

"Not a problem. Whatever's mine is yours."

We made small talk for a while longer, and about an hour later Jim pulled the truck onto the shoulder. I'd only seen two cars coming the opposite direction since I'd gotten in the truck.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Have to take a leak." He grinned, popping open his door. "You?"

"Oh no, I'm okay. I sweated most of it out earlier."

"Lemme know if you need to stop." He said, swinging down. I caught a glimpse of his backside in the skintight denim as he left. He walked around to my side of the truck, to where I could see him in the rear view mirror. He unzipped his pants, and although I couldn't see his equipment, I could see the stream splashing on the ground. I swallowed reflexively, feeling a familiar gnawing feeling in my stomach. It didn't go away as he zipped back up and came back to his seat.

"Much better." He grunted, pulling the truck back onto the road.

We stopped for dinner at a little roadside diner, and were back on the road soon after. As the sun started to set, I grabbed us both bottles of water and Jim lit up another smoke. He also took off his sunglasses, revealing a particularly vivid pair of blue eyes.

"Sure you don't want one?" He asked again.

"No I'm good."

"I'm a terrible influence." He chuckled, lighting it up.

We drove on, the sun setting completely now.

"So son, we have two choices." He said, tossing his cigarette away. "We can get a motel for the night and split it, although I'm not sure where we're going to find one here. The closest town is a few hours away. Or, we can crash here in the truck. I'm cool with either, but we'd be going splits on the motel."

I debated whether I wanted to get into the tiny bed back there with this guy that I was finding increasingly attractive as the drive went on, or if I wanted a motel bed. I pushed my hormones aside and realized that I couldn't really afford the expense of a motel at the moment. "The truck is fine." I said. "I'll just sleep here in my seat."

"Nonsense." He scoffed. "The bed is big enough for two. I've done it plenty of times." His voice carried a note of finality, and I didn't press him on it. Although the gnawing in my gut that had gone away around dinner was definitely coming back.

About ten minutes later we pulled into a small rest area. We were the only vehicle in sight. It was just a large parking lot really, with a small building in the back that I assumed was washrooms and a few shower stalls.

"Now last time I stopped in here the showers didn't work, but that was a few months ago." He said, stretching his arms above his head. The night seemed too quiet without the familiar hum of the engine and the sound of the road beneath us. "I've gotta piss, and you must too."

"I do." I agreed.

"Let's hit that up. We'll see if the showers work too." He said.

"I don't have a towel or anything."

"I've got a few spares. We don't have to really shower until the morning though."

"Okay." I opened the door and got down, following Jim to the bathroom. I was briefly worried about the fact that we were alone in the middle of nowhere, but dismissed it as silly. The worst we'd have to face would be wildlife, and I doubted that they could get into the truck.

There were three urinals (thankfully they had dividers between them, I didn't need that distraction) and two stalls there. Jim walked up to the middle urinal, which I thought was strange, and I heard his fly unzip. I tried to be casual as I walked up to the one on his left, and unzipped my shorts. Jim let out a groan of pleasure as his stream started up, loudly splashing into the urinal. I had a few seconds where I had a bit of stage fright, but soon my own cock was pissing too. I finished first, and was washing my hands as Jim zipped his jeans back up.

"That was much needed." He said.

"Oh yeah." I chuckled.

We got back to the truck and he took his flannel shirt off, leaving him in just his wife beater. "Time to hit the hay I guess." He said, yawning. "You get in first, I have to sleep on the outside, force of habit." He said.

"Okay." I said, kicking off my sandals and moving towards the bed.

"Now son, no offense but your clothes are a little dusty from the road." He said, stopping me. "Just sleep in your boxers, no problem with that is there?"

"No sir." I said, the gnawing in my gut building up to a tidal wave. I took my t-shirt off, and then undid my shorts, which I pulled down to expose my white briefs. Jim hadn't moved, he was just watching.

"Oh cute undies son." He laughed as I tossed my shorts aside with my shirt. I blushed and crawled onto the bed and faced the wall, unable to come up with anything to say. I heard him undo his belt. "Seriously though, I thought all boys your age wore boxers." He flicked off the light in the cabin, leaving us with nothing but pale moonlight to see by.

"Not all of us." I said. "I have a bit of both, but these were clean." And I didn't have much time to grab anything better when I was running out of my house.

"They're cute. Like boy panties or something." He chuckled. I heard him step out of his jeans. I tried not to be embarrassed too much, despite the blush which I could tell was flushing my face. He didn't mean anything rude.

"I can't wear `em myself." He said, laying down next to me. "Not enough room for me, if you know what I mean."

The tidal wave roared harder.

"You can lay on your back son. It's not a big deal. There's room."

I rolled over onto my back beside him, realizing now he'd left his wife beater on, and a surprising pair of boxers, deep blue with a red paisley pattern on them, silk. Our shoulders and arms pressed against each other. The contrast between us was even deeper now that we were undressed. He was thick, tanned and hairy. I was pale, lithe and smooth. His dark hair was mussed from being under a hat all day, and my shaggy brown hair started to stick to my forehead. The night was damp and muggy.

"If you're cold I might have a blanket here somewhere. Or a spare beater you can wear." He said quietly.

"No it's okay, if anything I think it's going to be too hot."

He chuckled. "Well you can't get much more undressed. I know though sometimes when I have a lady friend along for the ride in the summer we can't snuggle afterwards, too damn muggy."

"You say `afterwards' like it's every night." I laughed.

"It usually is." He said, not a hint of humour in his voice. "Something about trucks just drives them insane. Plus I wouldn't bring them along if it wasn't a guaranteed thing every night."

The scent of his body was driving me insane, along with his not quite dirty talk. It was taking all of my concentration to not get hard, which would be impossible to hide in my small briefs.

"What about you?" He asked.

"What about me?"

"You pull in much pussy?" He asked.

"Not a lot." I mumbled sheepishly. I didn't even get as much cock as I'd like, and had no interest whatsoever in pussy. Somehow, when I was in bed, next to him, in our underwear didn't seem like a good time to come out to him.

"Surprised, a young stud like you." He chuckled.

"I don't have much time." I lied.

"Well I know how it can be, horny all the fucking time. I mean we're both guys. I may be a little older but trust me, the sex drive never goes down." He reached down and adjusted his crotch. It might have been a scratch, it was hard to tell in the thin light.

"Hence why you need it every night."

"Damn straight." He said. "If I don't have someone here I have to jack off at least once a day." He reached down again, definitely adjusting himself now. I saw the beginnings of a bulge tenting up his boxers, the moonlight dancing off of the silk.

"Me too usually."

"Been doing it much on the road?" He asked.

"Whenever I can." I mumbled, shutting my eyes.

"I bet. Did you spank one out in that old lady's guest room?" He chuckled.

Twice actually. And it was a couch in her basement. "Why do you want to know?" I asked, starting to get a little worried (and a little aroused by the conversation).

"Just horny myself, wanting to get another opinion on some things." He chuckled. I opened my eyes and saw him openly groping at his tented boxers now. And the tent was big, and getting bigger by the second.

"Come on son, let's just jack off a bit." He urged me on, his boxers now barely containing his massive tool. I couldn't help it now, I was hard. "I can see that tent in your little boy panties, I know you want to."

I blushed again as he called me out on it, especially with his humiliating comments on my briefs. As he reached his free hand up to twist one of his nipples, I reached down into my briefs and pulled my cock free.

"That's the spirit son." He chuckled. "Uncut?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered quietly, stroking my six inch cock.

"And you trim?" He asked, nodding towards my thin pubes. I blushed harder.

"I shave actually, just haven't had time to get it in lately."

He scoffed. "So you wear little boy panties and shave your crotch? No wonder you aren't pulling in much pussy." He grunted.

I felt each word sting me, my face getting redder by the second. I was still jerking off though.

"Women like a man with some hair you know. Like this." He pulled his boxers down, his cock springing up into the air. He was uncut like me, but his cock must have been at least 9 inches long (9 and a half I would later find out) and thick. His pubes and balls were just as hairy as the rest of him. We jerked in silence for a few moments, nothing but the sound of our laboured breathing and the sloppy wet sounds of our foreskins sliding back and forth.

"You know who else likes hairy dudes and trucks?" Jim practically whispered in my ear. I grunted a questioning sound, too absorbed in watching his thick cock. "Faggots."


"Oh yeah son, faggots love a nice hairy guy. I should know, I've fucked plenty of them here." The laid back guy from earlier was disappearing, a sneering taskmaster was coming to the forefront.

"You have?" I whispered nervously.

"I can tell them a mile away. They shave their cocks, they wear little boy briefs, and they haven't stopped staring at my cock since they opened their eyes a few minutes ago."

I tucked my cock back into my briefs, panic setting in. I tried to move but in a second Jim was on top of me, his own cock back in his boxers now.

"Come on son, things were just getting interesting." He smirked down at me as I struggled beneath him. His strong arms pressed mine down into the thin mattress, his cock grinding against mine through the silk.

"Please Jim, just let me go." I pleaded.

"Not a chance boy. Not when I've got a little faggot here for my pleasure." He leaned down and licked the side of my face. I tried to squirm away, but he leaned down and started whispering in my ear.

"See, I knew from the second I saw you standing there on the highway. I said to myself, `this boy a cock hungry little faggot', and I knew I had to give you what you need."

"You don't know what I need!"

"Oh but I do boy, do I ever. Because you see, it's not just that you're gay. I knew that too. But I have a special talent for sniffing out faggots."

"There's a difference?" I asked, still trying to work my way out of his grip. Unfortunately, his legs were clamped tight across my legs, and I couldn't move under his weight. The worst part? I was still hard. And leaking more and more precum.

"Oh yes son." He licked up my neck, making me cry out with delight. Embarrassed, I tried to bite my lip. "You see, a gay guy will gladly suck my dick, maybe even let me fuck him, and then he'll be on his way no questions asked. Faggots on the other hand need to be broken, need to be trapped, and then need to be used and abused by a real man."

"You're wrong." I said, my eyes squeezed shut. It sounded like a lie even to my ears.

He just laughed dismissively. "You say that now, but your cock tells a different story." One of his arms left me, and shot into my briefs. I gasped as he wrapped his fist around my cock. "Your cock says it's loving this, and if you don't believe me, here." His hand left my cock, and he shoved his fingers into my mouth. I struggled a bit, but he held me down.

"Clean off my fingers faggot." He barked. I had no choice. My tongue swirled around his fingers, lapping up my own precum from his calloused hands. The tidal wave I had felt swirling around inside of me finally broke, and with it, my inhibitions. I moaned softly as his fingers moved around my mouth.

"That's it boy, you know how to service daddy." He whispered.

I moaned again as he named himself my daddy.

"Oh yeah son, daddy knows how to please his little cocksucker." He grabbed my chin and held my face beneath his. "Now are you going to behave boy?"

"Yes sir." I mumbled, then felt a sting as he slapped me across the cheek, then quickly had me by the chin and in place again.

"That's not my name boy."

"Yes daddy." I moaned.

"Good little faggot. Now are you going to try to get away?"

"No daddy."

"Good." He got up off of me, and knelt beside me, pulling his cock free of his boxers. "Now suck on that fucker." He grunted as he parted my lips with his cock. I obeyed.

His cock seemed even thicker now that he was shoving it into my mouth. I opened my lips as wide as I could, accommodating the giant invader. My tongue swirled up and underneath of his foreskin, making him moan appreciatively. I moved my tongue faster, feeling better and better about myself as his moans intensified.

He pulled his cock free of my mouth, smearing spit and precum around my face. I let him do it, marking me as his own. He put it back to my mouth, grabbing me by the hair, and without warning he shoved it in as far as it would go. I gagged a little at first but had no choice but to take it. I could feel his pubes and the silk tickling my nose and his balls resting against my face.

"Fuck yeah boy, daddy knew you could take it all." He whispered as he slowly pulled it out, then shoved it back down. "Daddy thought he'd have to break you in slowly, but it looks like you were ready for his cock. Like you'd been waiting for it your whole life."

His hand was now stroking the back of my head as I whirled my tongue around the shaft in my mouth. He was making quick, short thrusts now, the main bulk of his tool never leaving my mouth. My own cock was aching to be released from my briefs, or `little boy panties' as I was starting to think of them. But I knew deep inside that until he told me it was okay, I wouldn't take them off.

I realized with a shock that he was right. He had called it exactly. I was a faggot. I needed to service him to make myself complete. I might not feel the same way in the morning when it was time to get dressed and get back on the road, but for tonight I was his plaything.

"Come on faggot, you can do better than that." He growled at me. I realized I had stopped working my tongue over it as I sorted through my thoughts. I quickly brought myself back to my mission, pleasing my daddy. "Much better son." He said appreciatively, moaning softly as I brought my hands into play. One hand stroked his thick shaft, the other one grabbed at his ass, pushing him deeper into my mouth. The silk boxers, which had seemed almost ludicrous when I had first saw them, became incredibly sexy as I felt them brushing against my hands and face.

I looked up to see him pinching his nipples with his free hand, both of them poking out through the thin cotton of his undershirt. Part of me wanted to pull the shirt over his head and bury my face in his hairy chest, but the rest of me knew I wouldn't until I was ordered to.

He removed his cock from my mouth long enough to push me to the middle of the bed. He propped my head up on a pillow and moved so he was straddling my chest. With a quick motion he was back in my mouth, and slowly started to fuck my face.

"Oh yeah baby." He groaned, taking my hands and moving them up above my head. I noticed there was a compartment of some sort above us, and felt him moving up there, but I was concentrating too hard on giving him the best blowjob I could that I didn't realize what was happening. I felt metal slide down over my wrists, and looked up to see a pair of handcuffs securing me to a metal bar above the bed.

I tried to cry out but couldn't, since my mouth was stuffed full of thick daddy cock. Well, I was trapped now, and had no choice but to continue on. His cock slipped in and out of my mouth for what seemed like hours, spit and precum dribbling down my chin. Every so often he would tell me what a good faggot or good cocksucker I was, which I'm ashamed to admit almost made me beam with pride.

Eventually he pulled his cock free, letting it slowly slide down my chin.

"A nice messy blowjob son, you know just how your daddy likes it." He grinned, rubbing his wet cockhead around my mouth and lips. I desperately flicked out my tongue, trying to get as much of a taste as I could.

"Open up." He ordered me. I opened my mouth wide and he leaned down over me, a trail of spit moving from his mouth into mine. I swallowed, savouring it.

"Thank you daddy."

"Now, the real fun can begin." He said, sliding off of me and standing before the bed. I held my breath as he pulled his shirt up and over his head, exposing his furry torso. Again, it wasn't the six pack abs and pecs of a gym bunny, it was the thick muscles of a real man. He kept his boxers on.

Without a word he got down on the bed between my legs, and hoisted them up onto his shoulders. My stomach turned to ice as I realized what he had in mind. I had been fucked before, but never by a cock that big, or by a man that demanding.

"First daddy needs to get your pussy ready for this beast." He said, grabbing his cock by the base and shaking out drops of precum onto the sheet beneath us. I let out a gasp as I felt him grab hold of the back of my briefs with both hands and suddenly rip them, exposing my ass. He ripped a bit more to the sides, leaving my cheeks completely exposed.

"Mmm what a nice little pussy." He moaned, pushing my legs back over my shoulders now, my ass up in the air. The position was a little uncomfortable with my hands cuffed above me, but I didn't care. All I cared about was what was about to happen to my ass. Or was it my pussy now?

My eyes widened and I let out a moan of carnal satisfaction as his tongue made contact with my hole. I shivered and bucked with delight as his slow, probing licks turned into quick darts and swoops. My vision blurred and my head swung from side to side, alternately begging him to stop and begging him to go deeper and deeper.

Once it was wet enough I felt a finger slip inside of me as well. I let out a howl of delight as another finger joined it, both of them supported by a wet, insistent tongue.

"Damn your cunt is tight boy." He hissed. "Can't wait to crack that sloppy hole open."

"Please daddy!"

"What boy?"

"Fuck me now!" I begged, with an intensity that shocked even me. I was still terrified of his massive pole ripping me apart, but I wanted it inside of me at the same time.

"Can't keep a slut waiting." He said, pulling my legs down a little. He spit on his hand, lubing up his shaft with it. It was going to hurt, I just knew it. I felt him put it at the entrance to my hole. "So boy, do you want it hard and fast? Or slow? It's going to get rough either way."

"It doesn't matter what I want daddy. Do whatever you need to."

"That's the right answer son." He leaned down and shocked me with a quick kiss, his lips pressing against mine and his tongue flicking briefly into my mouth. Before I could register the shock though, he shoved his cock inside of me.

He broke off the kiss in order to get a better angle to ram me with, and I let out a scream. I'm glad there were no other trucks around, because someone must have heard my cry of anguish. It hurt like hell, his huge, barely lubed cock thundering inside of my ass. But despite the physical pain, I felt mentally at peace. I was making my daddy happy by letting him fuck my pussy. It was what I was born to do, what I needed to do to justify my existence.

After a few minutes of his merciless thrusts, I managed to get my eyes open. The pain was still there, but the pleasure I was getting from it now was overpowering it. I saw his eyes closed, curse words and dirty talk spilling mindlessly from his mouth. Sweat broke out all over both of our bodies, and I saw it glistening in his chest hair.

"Oh my god boy, you've got the best ass I've ever felt." He moaned. "And I mean that. Fuck, this is amazing." He groaned.

"Thank you daddy!" I wailed, my voice wavering with each thrust.

True to his word, he did what he wanted. At times, he was soft and almost gentle, asking me if I was enjoying myself. Of course I was, and I tried to tell him that as often as I could. Other times he was thrusting away like a mad man, and I felt that even if someone were to walk in and forcibly try to separate us, they wouldn't be able to.

Eventually the pain was just a dull roar in the background. I felt almost high on pleasure, the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the night giving me an incomparable head rush. And I knew daddy couldn't hold on much longer either.

He leaned down over me. "I'm going to cum soon baby."

"Fill me up daddy. Breed my fucking hole." I begged.

"You want it inside you?"

"Deep inside me daddy."

"Want daddy to fill your little cunt up with his seed?" He sneered down at me, our eyes locked in the moonlight.


"Daddy's going to boy, but not because you want him to, understand?"

"Of course daddy."

"Daddy shoots his big load wherever the fuck he wants. If he wants to deprive you of his cum, you have no say in the matter, right boy?"

"Of course daddy." I agreed, but felt an ache as I pictured him not giving me his cum in any of my holes. What had come over me?

"Oh god boy, here it comes!" He yelled.

"Breed me daddy!" I begged. I felt his cock twitch in my hole, and he let out a roar.

"Oh my fuck!" He screamed, tossing his head back. I felt his warm seed shoot inside of me, coating my insides. He let out a few more screams, shot after shot oozing out of his cock, which was still inside of me.

"Oh daddy! Fuck! Yes!" I urged him on as his body shook, the last few drops of cum pouring out of his cock. He let out a final groan, then collapsed on top of me.

I felt almost like I had an orgasm of my own in time with his. I had been hard the entire time, and my cock was still trapped in its white cotton prison. His cock slid out of me, and he shocked me yet again.

A hand brushed my cheek, and his lips met mine again. He was still very much in control, but the insistent tongue probing of earlier was replaced with an almost tender kiss.

"You did very well son, I think it's time for your reward." He whispered in my ear, moving so he was lying down beside me. He pulled his boxers off, and brought them up to my face. I groaned with delight as his musky silk boxers covered my mouth and nose, the scent of my daddy rolling through my body.

With his other hand, he reached down and pulled my briefs down around my thighs.

"You made quite the mess here boy." He chuckled at the dampness around my crotch. "But this will make it even worse." He moved down the bed, leaving his boxers over my face. One of his hands wrapped around my cock , the other moved down underneath of my balls to finger my hole.

"Daddy!" I cried out as he started to jack me off. His large, rough hand moved quickly over my cock, pulling my foreskin back and forth over my swollen head.

I'm ashamed to say it only took a minute or two before I was blowing my load. My body shook and quivered, my hands flailed uselessly in their cuffs as my orgasm ripped through me. Shots of cum flew everywhere, I felt some land on my chest, some on my face, some smacked against the wall behind me.

I cried out wordlessly as Jim urged me on. "Come on son, show daddy how big of a load he made you shoot. Show me how much you loved getting impaled on my fucking dick." I tried my best, spasming and shaking until my balls ached. I felt emptied, dehydrated, but most of all I felt pride at having pleased my daddy.

My vision was blurry, my head swam. I felt my arms released from the cuffs, and they fell limply at my side. I knew Jim was still beside me, moving me onto my side and feeling his strong arms wrap around me, holding my back to his chest. I sighed, pushing myself back against his broad and hairy body.

"That was amazing Mark." He whispered to me, kissing at the back of my head.

"Thank you. You were awesome."

I felt my swollen hole, where his cum was slowly leaking out. "I should head to the showers and clean up I guess." I chuckled, moving to get out of bed. His arms held me tight though.

"Not yet Mark. Just lay here for a while."

"There'll be a mess on your sheets."

"Not the first time. Hopefully not the last." He said dismissively.

"Alright." I said, content to lay there in his arms, inhaling the scent of our mingled sweat and cum. I was sore all over. My legs were sore from being held up for so long, same as my arms. My ass was sore from the pounding it had taken. My cock was sore because I was aching to cum so badly that when I finally did it took every drop of cum from my balls.

"How was it Mark?" Jim whispered in my ear, softly kissing my neck.

"Not `son' anymore?" I asked.

He chuckled. "We don't have to do that all the time, unless you want to." His arm stroked my chest as he said it.

"Where's the domineering alpha male from ten minutes ago?" I asked, stunned.

"Like I said Mark, I know your type." He rolled me over and looked me square in the eyes. "You need someone who can be the domineering type while you're in bed. But when you're done, you need someone to treat you tenderly." His hand rubbed my back and pulled me closer to him. I melted into his chest as he softly parted my lips with his, kissing me deeply but tenderly.

"How did you know?" I whispered as the kiss broke.

"You remind me of a boy I used to know years ago." He said softly. "When it came time for sex he wanted me to basically tie him up and rape him. Afterwards, he wanted to cuddle and be held all night."

"This is a little bizarre for me Jim, I need to get a shower." I said, getting up out of the bed.

"Should be some spare towels in there." He said, pointing at a cupboard. I grabbed a towel, put my sandals back on and got out of the truck. I realized briefly that I was in nothing but a pair of briefs with the ass torn out of them, and had cum dribbling down out of my hole. Thankfully nobody new had arrived since we'd parked, so I went to the small building in the back of the parking lot alone. I stripped off my briefs and laid them down beside the towel on a bench.

The showers weren't anything to write home about, but right now I just needed to sort out my thoughts. The worst part of all of this was that he was really right, it WAS how I'd always wanted to be treated. And he was fucking gorgeous. God was he ever handsome. I closed my eyes as the water ran down my hair and could picture his face as he fucked me, eyes blazing with intensity and passion.

Could I continue on the road with him? We would probably get to where he was going tomorrow evening. And a voice in the back of my mind dared to whisper: `Can you let him go after that?'

I shoved that thought aside, and cleaned myself off, making sure to get my insides as clean as I could as well. My hole was sore as hell, but I didn't mind. In fact, I'd probably let him do it again tonight if he wanted. I didn't even know what time it was, I realized with a start.

What was I getting into? I hadn't put much thought into my flight from home. I just knew I had to get away. My father, my real one, hadn't been happy with me coming out of the closet last year, and had made his displeasure known to me several times since. But for a year he'd kept his cool, until that one night. I remembered the sound, ringing out in the living room. My mother gasping and crying out for him to stop.

The punch. It knocked me back over the table.

"No faggot is going to live in this house!" He barked as I picked myself up off of the floor, wiping blood from my cheek. Strange how that word coming from my real father wounded my soul, but coming from a random stranger could arouse me.

"Clarence!" My mother got up out of her chair, holding back his arm as if she feared he would do it again.

"I'm done with him." My father said, spitting on the floor in front of me. Part of me wanted to rush him and do to him the same that he had done to me. Part of me wanted to fall to the ground and cry. Part of me wanted to just get the hell out of the room.

"Mark!" My mother called after me as I turned away and headed up the stairs. My father was out in his car and driving off (drunk, I might add) into the night. I weighed my options. I had just graduated university and was looking for a job, having no luck in Toronto. I had a lot of friends I could count on and stay with, but I knew eventually I'd end up back home. So as I was packing my bags, I made a choice. I would never go back there. I would leave, and never return.

My mother was sitting by the window when I left, fretting that my father would get in an accident while he was driving drunk. As she sat there, I went to the kitchen and called the police to report him, giving his name, the make and model of the car and the license plate number. (I checked online when I was with Ethel, the older lady who's couch I had slept on, and he had been caught. He was a rather well known lawyer in the city, and it was a minor scandal.)

"Mark, you know he didn't mean to do that." My mother said as I stood in the doorway, my bag slung over my shoulder.

"No Mom, he meant to do exactly that. And has for years."

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Away for a while." I said, leaving my cell phone on the counter, shutting the door behind me.

I choked back a sob as the shower ran down me. I'd managed to keep most of the issues that led to my journey under wraps, but somehow this handsome stranger had brought everything back to the forefront. I had almost lost it at Ethel's place, but kept it under control. Now, I let it all out.

"Mark?" I heard Jim say behind me as the stall door swung open.

"Oh fuck!" I jumped back, startled.

"Sorry to interrupt, you'd been gone for a while and I wanted to come check on you, make sure you were okay." He came into the stall with me. "What's the matter? I didn't hurt you did I?"

The look of concern on his face was almost enough to make me burst into laughter. "Jim, how do you do it?" I asked.


"Go from the man who handcuffed me in his truck and ripped my clothes off to the man who wants to make sure I'm okay?" I wiped my eyes.

"Everyone has multiple sides to them Mark." He said, stepping into the stream from the water. "You should know that as well as I do. You went from the confident young guy who stepped into my truck, to the submissive slut who laid down beside me, to the scared boy I just saw here in the shower."

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I said, embarrassed. Emotions were frowned upon in my family, much like homosexuality and visible minorities.

"I just want to make sure I didn't cause it." He said, brushing my hair off of my forehead.

I had to laugh at that, not harshly. "Not directly Jim, you just brought up a lot of memories I had tried to forget."

"Your reason for hitch hiking halfway across Canada?"

"Yeah. That." I laid back against the tiled wall.

"With no destination in mind?"

"None." I said flatly.

He opened his arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me tight against his chest. "I promised not to pry Mark. I just hope that I can make it better."

"You are." I said as I leaned against his broad chest. "You are."

We stayed there for a few minutes longer, and then stepped out of the stall. Jim had brought two towels with him, and a bag of clothes. We dried off, and he picked up the bag.

"Now Mark, you've got a choice here." He said. He pulled a pair of grey boxer briefs out of the bag. "I got these out of your bag. They're clean from what I could tell. If you put these on, you're just my passenger until we get to BC. No hanky panky, you can lay down beside me or sleep in the seat if you want."

He pulled a red jockstrap out of the bag. "If you put this on, you get to keep being my boy until we get there." He said, putting them down on the bench. He slipped into another pair of silk boxers, plain red this time. "I'll see you in the truck."

I stared down at the underwear before me, and made my choice.

Jim was already back in bed when I got back to the truck. I kicked my sandals off, and went over to join him. I laid down beside him, and he moved his arms to let me curl into his chest.

"Good choice." He smiled as he cupped my bared ass. The red jockstrap fit me like a glove.

"I thought so." I chuckled as I curled up against him. "How tired are you?"

"Not at all after that shower." He said.

I told him the story of why I was on the road, and what had led me to his truck.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Mark." He said, holding my head against his chest after I had finished. "If I had known, I mean, I wouldn't have..."

"No Jim, don't worry. I had more fun with you as my daddy than I had with him in twenty years." I laughed, realizing it was true.

"So you wouldn't have changed anything?"

"I might have had you molest me a bit in the shower." I grinned up at him.

"Oh to be young again." He sighed, but his hands moved down my back to my ass, grabbing at it. "Jim? Before we get started, can I ask you one more thing?"

"Of course."

"When we get to BC and you have to turn around, what then?"

"Well then, I think I'll have to give you another choice." His finger slipped inside of me, and I gasped with delight. "Do you want to keep your jockstrap on and be my boy? Or do you want to put those boring boxers on and try to build a life in BC?"

"I don't know..."

"Well we aren't there yet. Tonight we're just a dad and his horny little boy, in the middle of nowhere, with nobody stopping me from taking what I've wanted from my boy for years." He grinned as he rolled me over onto my back. I felt his cock hard through the silk against my leg as he slid on top of me.

My brain was swimming before, wondering what the future would hold. But as I felt his hands move up my body and his fingers twist at my nipples, my mind cleared. All I focused on was pleasing my new daddy.

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