Two lonely travellers

By bill williams

Published on Jan 1, 2009



My name is Bill, and this story is true.

I grew up in a normal suburban midwestern family. I succeeded in school enough to get by, but I was a restless soul. After high school I went to a local community college in the hopes of finding a career path that suited me. I had no luck. After a couple of years of pointless (and expensive) education I decided to hit the road to find ... something.

I had never had problems finding sexual thrills in school. I considered myelf straight, and although inexperienced in homosexual activity, i was not offended by it. Thoughts of it had crossed my mind on occasion, but I had never acted on them.

At 23 years of age I decided that a year of travelling around the U. S. of A. would do me good. I had done well for myself after six months or so. Finding rides on-line, working temp jobs, living in cheap rooms. Staying out of trouble. I had packed up (knapsack. I travel light.) from where I was living, because I was offered a job and accomodations in Dayton, Ohio. I had a ride booked through an on-line connection, and was waiting by the side of the Interstate at a pre-arranged spot under an overpass. It was December, and, although I didn't like travelling in winter, I needed the money. After 2 hours waiting for my ride I was convinced that he wasn't showing up. Drastic measures would soon be called for. I was freezing! I scrawled "I need a ride!" on a piece of cardboard, and stood as close to the road as possible. After about 15 minutes, a big Semi-truck pulled over.

The passenger door swung open. "Damn, you look frozen!" said the driver, "where are you heading?"

"Dayton." I replied. "I'm headed right through Dayton. Heading for the Gulf of Mexico! Get in!" said the driver. That was enough for me, so I climbed up into the cab. As we went on down the road, we excanged pleasantries. His name was Mike, he was married, had 2 kids, and at 27, he wasn't much older than me. I soon learned that, like me, he was a restless traveller like myself. despite the fact that he had a family, he couldn't get home as often as he or his family would like.

We got along very well for a couple of hours of driving, but tension set in when the weather started turning ugly. Drifting snow, poor visibility, cars in the ditch, and CB conversations with other truckers, were spelling doom. Finally mike gave up and exited the highway. he pulled the rig into an empty mall parking lot, and said "here's where we park." I didn't want to inconvenience him, so I offered to leave and walk further into town to find a room for the night.

"No way!" said Mike, "it's cold as hell out there, besides, I have to stay with the truck." He motioned with his right thumb towards the bunk behind him. "I could use the company." That bunk didn't look that roomy. As Mike scrambled in to the bunk and closed the curtain behind him, I bundled up on the passenger seat. Awkward, but better than walking to town in a blizzard.

After a few minutes, Mike called to me from behind the curtain. "the heater in this truck isn't that powerful. You're going to freeze up there. there's a double bed back here. It's not a gay thing, wanna share space?" I wasn't sure, but lying down in a warm bed sure beats sleeping sitting up all night!

"Alright!" I said, trying to hide my enthusiasm. I grabbed my knapsack and clambered over the center console, parting the curtain as I entered.

He was right, it was warmer back here. Mike had removed his shirt and pants and was sitting there in his boxer briefs. He had a nice tan, was probably 6', had a decent build, with a bit of "trucker's belly" and wasn't very hairy. I stripped down to my shorts as well, mentally comparing my body to his. I stand 5'11", 225lbs, with pale white skin that looked downright sick compared to his tan. We each curled up under the covers, careful to observe the others' personal space. But, I must admit, the occasional touch of a hand or a foot on skin felt strangely electrifying. I hadn't had intimate contact with anyone in a while, so human touch felt good.

We talked for a little while, about our goals in life, our futures, etc, but we were both gradually dozing off, so I settled in for a comfortable night of sleep.

Sometime later, I was gently awoken by a warm hand on my side, and a hardness pressing against my ass. He was snoring quietly, so I don't think he was aware of it. I laid there for a few minutes, wondering what to do. Then I noticed I was hard as well. I reached for his hand to move it when...

"Huh? What the....? Oh shit! uh, I'm sorry!" said a startled Mike, obviously awoken from a very happy place.

"It's ok." I said, turning to face him. "let me help." Before he could say another word, I slipped my right hand under the waistband of his shorts and grasped his hard cock, and started gently rubbing it. Without a word, he slipped his hand inside my underwear and started stroking my throbbing cock. I looked into his eyes and received silent approval of what was happening. Within what seemed like moments, I could feel his chest heaving as his breath quickened. I was doing the same, for his strokes on me were becoming faster, more urgent. I felt him stiffen, heard him utter a grunt and he was cumming, shooting hot jizz all over my wrist and hand. No sooner had he shot his load, that i felt my own orgasm building. His strokes were firming up when suddenly I let go with one of the most powerful orgasms I can remember. I drained my balls of more cum than I thought I was capable of producing! As we both came back down to earth, he finally spoke " I can't believe we just did that. I'm not gay!"

I tried to calm him, "No. You're not gay. You just needed a friend."

That seemed to reassure him. He offered me a towel to clean up, and we both went back to sleep without a word.

Some time later in the night, I was awoken again by a hard cock rubbing on my ass. I turned to face him, only to find he was awake.

"I can't sleep." he whispered. "what do I do now?"

"do you want to fuck me?" I whispered.

"Yes" he said, "yes I want to fuck you"

Silently, I reached for my knapsack, pulled out some moisturizing lotion, anD stroked some onto his hard cock. I rolled onto my belly, he climbed on top of me, and I waited for the pain of first-time penetration. I wasn't sure what to expect.

The head entering hurt momentarily, the pain quickly replaced with the pleasurable feeling of about 7" of hardness sliding deep into me. The sensations were simply wonderful. His husky breathing in my ear, his chest hair tickling my back. Soon I felt his whole body tense up.

"I'm going to cum!" he groaned.

"Cum in my ass" i replied "I want to feel it!"

Momemts later he took one last deep thrust and let loose a hot load of sperm in to my spasming ass. As he withdrew, some of his load ran down the back of my balls (to this day THAT is one of my hottest memories!)

I rolled over find that I had shot my load into the bedsheets without even knowing it! He offered me a towel to clean up the wet spot. Literally, seconds later we both collapsed asleep, curled up together.

I awoke to the side-to-side movement of the sleeper cab, and the deep growl of the diesel engine. We were moving along. Mike shouted to me "Bill, are you awake yet? we're about 10 minutes outside of Dayton. Where do you want to go?"

I quickly dressed, stuffing my sticky shorts into my knapsack. I climbed into the cab and gave him the name of my destination. he pulled off the highway near where I had to go, and dropped me off at a truck stop.

"It's been a heluva a ride Mike. Thanks." I said as I climbed down from his truck.

"that's for sure. Good luck!" mike shouted. The last word barely audible over the revving engine, as he accelerated away.

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