Unexpected Weekend

By Adam Smith

Published on Jun 14, 2012



This is a new story involving some of the same people as my last one Changing The Game. To get a little bit of background on myself and some of the people I mention in this story you should read that one first (it was posted on the 9th of Feb in the Authoritarian section). I decided to write this one as a separate story though. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to send me feedback to my email.

It had been about 2 months since the events that occurred with my friends at the poker game at Doug's house. Funnily enough the things that happened got swept under the rug a little bit. We have had a couple of poker games since then but things were back to the status quo and my clothes remained on. Not that I didn't enjoy myself or didn't want to do something like that again, it just seemed to be a one time thing in everyones minds. Occasionally someone would make a sly reference to it and we'll all laugh but then we'd move back on to the usual topics of conversation. Sometimes when I was speaking to one of the guys individually it would come up, particularly when talking with with either Graham or Ryan but no one ever talked about it in great detail. I think everyone was a little embarrassed to be honest.

I of course in my own time would constantly revisit every moment of that night in my mind and blew many a load thinking about it and wondering if the others did the same. I was torn a little as to whether I wanted it to happen with them again though, worried that it could interfere with some good friendships and I didn't want to be put in a position where I just became their bitch by default. Still, I made the decision in my mind that if the opportunity arose again for it, or something similar, I wouldn't decline.

One night while sitting at home drinking wine I was chatting to Graham on Facebook, just about general things, TV, work and what not when he suddenly asked me what I was up to the following night.

"Nothing much" I replied "was planning on a quiet one".

"You should come round to my place. My parents are away and i'm getting bored being here by myself".

It was slightly out of character of him, but I didn't think too much of it. While it didn't happen often I would catch up with him away from our usual poker games. He did get a little schtick from us about still living with his parents, especially as he wasn't out to them, so we didn't spend that much time at his place.

"Sure thing, sounds good to me. Should I bring anything?" I asked

"I've got wine if you're drinking so don't worry about that."

"No problem" I answered.

Graham is the same age as I am. A little shorter, just under 6 foot. Slightly stocky but not fat. He has brown hair and incredibly smooth and blemish free skin. I'm slightly envious. He always dresses smart, in shirts and dress pants. You'd never catch him in just a tee-shirt. He comes across as a little too business like sometimes but I have always gotten on well with him. He's quite attractive certainly, and I do like his dominant nature. He certainly exercised it at that poker night.

The next day while I was at work I got a text from Graham:

"Bring your togs and towel tonight, wee can use the spa if it stays nice out" (NB: togs = trunks and spa = hot-tub for the Americans out there). Despite our occasional ribbing I couldn't deny there were advantages to Graham living with his parents. My place didn't even have a bath in it. Let alone a spa out the back. Whereas Graham lived in quite an affluent area so the house was huge. It seemed like a good idea to me. I could quite happily while away the evening soaking in his spa with a glass of wine in my hand. I was not opposed to living the high life for an evening.

Once I got home from work I went into the cupboard and grabbed my usual swimming towel which my togs were wrapped up in. I didn't often get cause to use them as I didn't tend to go swimming that often. I jumped in the car and headed round to Graham's. It was just starting to get dark as I pulled up to his place. It was mid Autumn and although it wasn't overly cold there was still a slight chill in the air. Graham's place was a large three story affair. No lawns, just bricked pathways round the house with the odd flowerbed. Low maintenance. His parents were certainly not gardeners. The pool and spa were round the back of the house which was surrounded by fairly high walls, despite being hemmed in slightly by a lot of equally impressive houses it was completely private round the back.

I went up and knocked on the door. Graham opened it, as usual he was in a smart shirt and black pants. I had tried suggesting on occasion that he should diversify his wardrobe a little but he always point blank refused stating he liked the way he dressed. Admittedly he did always look really good, so I didn't push him too much.

"Come in, i've just opened the first bottle" he said with a smile and gave me a hug. I bent down and started taking my shoes off. Graham wandered away but called back "we're in the kitchen" as he left the hall way. I wondered who he meant when he said "we".

In the kitchen I found him standing at the bench along with another mutual friend, Brad sitting across from him. I had known Brad for a couple of years through various things. We weren't close friends but we'd chat on Facebook and had hung out a couple of times. He's shorter than Graham and I and a couple of years younger, slightly geeky looking. He has glasses and mousy brown hair that he never does much with. I would never say he was attractive, but definitely cute. He always seemed quite shy whereas I have always been quite outgoing so we had never become close friends. But I always enjoyed the times we did hang out. I hadn't expected him to be there tonight, he seemed like an odd addition to the evening but I didn't question it. It was Graham's house after all and he was entitled to invite who he liked.

"Hiya" I greeted Brad, and gave him a slightly awkward hug "how's it going?"

"Alright, same old" he replied. He was a boy of few words mostly, unless you got him talking about Pokemon...which we tried our best to avoid doing since once he got started it was impossible to shut him up.

Graham poured me a wine, he already had a glass. Bradley was drinking what looked like coke, but I spied a bottle of vodka on the bench behind Graham so assumed it had a good measure of that in it (Graham didn't skimp on the booze).

We stayed in the kitchen for a little while chatting about stuff in general. Graham and I supplied most of the conversation but Brad did pipe in occasionally. It was all quite pleasant, though I still couldn't shake the feeling that it was a slightly odd mix of the three of us. About an hour or so after I arrived we had finished one bottle and were into our second one. Graham suggested that we should head out and continue drinking in the spa. Brad and I agreed. I looked around for my towel but realized I had left it in the car.

"I'll be right back, I need to go and get my togs and towel out of the car" I said. "Sweet as, just come round the back when you're ready, we'll be in there by then" said Graham.

I wandered down to the street where I had parked and grabbed my towel and headed back up to the house. I went into the bathroom and unrolled my towel to get changed but it came up empty.

"Shit!" I thought. Just my luck, I should have checked before I left the house but was in a hurry and just assumed that my togs were rolled up in there. I figured Graham would have a spare pair somewhere and although he had a bigger waist than me I'd just do the drawstring up tight and keep hold of them if I made any sudden movements.

I wandered on out to the back of the house. Graham and Bradley were already sitting in the spa chatting.

"Hey Graham, I don't have any togs with me, thought they were in my towel but apparently not. Do you have a pair of shorts or something I can borrow?" I asked

"Um yeah I guess so..." he replied and then paused

"Where are they?" I asked

"Do you really need them?" Graham answered suddenly with the question, a smile creeping onto his face "there's no one around but us, just don't wear any"

I looked at him for a second wondering if he was serious. Bradley was looking at me with a small smile on his face that threw me as well. He didn't seem at all surprised by Graham suggesting I go in naked. I could see they were both wearing their togs under the water so it wasn't a mutual thing just yet. Graham didn't let me answer his question and carried on.

"Come on, hurry up. Clothes off and hop in" he ordered.

"No...I can't...I" I stammered a little in return

"Why not?" he asked "it's not like it's anything I haven't seen before, and if I give you an order I expect it to be obeyed. I've already told Bradley how good you are at doing what your told and what a nice cock you have, you wouldn't want to disappoint us would you?" he continued, still grinning from ear to ear.

I was shocked. I didn't realize Bradley knew about the events of the poker game. I stood there for a few seconds taking stock of the situation. I was getting a good idea in my head of how the rest of the night was going to play out and with Graham not having to share the control over me with anyone I knew it was going to go much further than before. It didn't take me long however to accept the situation in my head as well. Just from Graham already barking out a couple of orders my submissive nature was already coming to the forefront and he was right. I didn't want to disappoint him.

"I'm waiting" said Graham.

I snapped back to reality. They were both looking at me intently. I peeled off my shirt and let it drop onto the ground. My cock was already growing hard in my pants and I didn't see too much point in delaying the inevitable that long. I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them to the ground. I was wearing some tight fitting boxer briefs that didn't hide anything that was happening in them. Both boys had their eyes trained to my crotch. I didn't blame them, if I were sitting watching someone get casually naked like this I would be looking at the same thing. I hooked my thumbs into my waistband and pushed them down and off in one quick movement and stood up. I stood there for a few seconds, figuring I might as well give them a chance to enjoy the view. Graham and Bradley were both looking me up and down as I stood there completely naked and hard as a rock. Bradley seemed quite happy with what he was seeing for the first time.

"Nice!" he said.

"Right, stop standing there showing off and come and get in" demanded Graham. I didn't think he had a problem with me standing there showing off at all, he just wanted me in arms reach. I didn't for a second think either of them would be keeping their hands to themselves once I was in there. In the space of 5 minutes the night had turned from just 3 friends catching up for a drink to me being put in a submissive position again, a plaything for their enjoyment. A small part of me was bothered by this. The fact that Graham knew so quickly now that he could just flick a switch basically and make this happen. But that was the point, the rest of me had no problem with it at all and loved every minute of it. I knew Graham was going to take a lot more advantage tonight, and I was going to let him. I still wasn't sure about the idea of Bradley being there as well, but considering my current state it was a little late to be worrying about that now. I hadn't exactly objected to stripping off in front of him so probably wasn't going to object to whatever happened next. In all honesty I was looking forward to Graham having his way with me, I knew that once he got started he was not going to hold back.

I wandered over the spa and stepped into it, sitting between the both of them, they were about a foot away from me on either side. Graham had brought the bottle of wine out and there was a glass for me. I poured a large one and started sipping it. We all just sat there in silence for about five minutes. I adjusted quite quickly to the fact that I was sitting between them naked and so didn't even flinch when Graham slid a little closer to me and I felt his hand on my knee and then slowly slide up my leg to rest on the inside of my thigh only an inch or so away from my balls. He held it there for a minute or so, stroking the inside of my thigh lightly with his fingers, and then moved his hand up to grasp my cock.

"Still hard eh?" he asked looking at my with a knowing grin "damn this is a nice cock"

"Thanks" I said. I sat there just looking at him while he stroked my cock under the water. He looked straight back at me directly into my eyes the whole time. He knew very well what kind of control he had over me for that evening and I could see in his eyes that he was going to exercise it.

"What do you think Bradley? You like his cock?" Graham suddenly asked

"Yeah, it looked pretty nice before" replied Bradley. I had expected him to seem a little timid considering his usual shy demeanor but instead he showed every sign of enjoyment and comfort with the position I was being put in.

"Stand up" commanded Graham "give Bradley another look"

I complied without question, standing in the middle of the spa and turning to face them. It wasn't overly deep and i'm quite tall so the water came up to my mid thigh stopping just a couple of inches below my balls. My cock pointed straight out at the both of them, dripping wet.

"Go on" said Graham to Bradley "touch it if you want, Adam doesn't mind"

"You sure?" asked Bradley

"Yeah" replied Graham "like I said earlier, he'll do what I tell him. He's very obedient in the right situation"

"Nice!" said Bradley. He reached out, his hand going straight to my cock, stroking it a few times, then pulling back the foreskin and playing with the head. His other hand came up and started playing with my balls. Graham just sat there smiling, reveling in the fact that he could just offer me to someone like this. He was clearly happy with the fact that he didn't have to share me tonight with the other three from poker. I couldn't help but be slightly disappointed that Bradley was there as well. As much as I was enjoying being put in this position again, and especially being exposed to someone else new, I found myself quite liking the idea of it just being me and Graham so that I could be just his for the night. But for now it seemed he wanted to share me so I didn't say anything.

We remained like that for a minute or two. Bradley just casually feeling me up, Graham just watched, but then moved a little closer and started running his hand up my leg and then over my stomach, playing with my belly button and then back down to my legs again.

"Turn around" he said with a level voice, commanding, but not demanding. I complied without question, "mmm, nice"

"Very cute" echoed Bradley.

Both of them started to feel up my ass, running their hands over it and squeezing it. I felt pressure on my back as Graham wordlessly ordered me to bend over. Naturally I didn't question him and down I went, resting my hands on the side of the spa and pushing my ass out towards them. It didn't take much cognitive processing to work out what was coming next. I felt Graham's hands spreading my ass and felt the cool chill of the night air on my hole.

"Here, help me spread his ass" said Graham, and I felt Bradley's hand replace one of his, keeping my cheeks spread apart. With his now free hand Graham started lightly stroking my hole. "This needs to be loosened up a little I think" he said. I felt his finger push a little and I relaxed as he slid the tip of it in and then slowly he started to push it right in up to the hilt. He slowly finger fucked my ass for a minute or two.

"Fuck this is hot" breathed Bradley, clearly enjoying watching my ass get violated like that.

"What time are you getting picked up?" asked Graham. Bradley also lived with his parents and didn't have a car so relied on being picked up and dropped off places. It wasn't an ideal situation for someone in their early twenties but he didn't seem inclined to do anything about it.

"Dad said he'd come get me around 10. What time is it now?" Bradley replied

"I think around 9" answered Graham, still with his finger in my ass "we should maybe head inside and have a little more fun"

"Mmmm yeah" agreed Bradley "I wanna suck that cock"

I had heard before that Bradley was a bit of a cock hound and apparently gave quite good head and naturally I wasn't opposed to the idea of him going down on me. My night had definitely taken an unexpected turn for the better. Graham took his finger out of my ass and gave it a light slap.

"Lead the way, we'll go down to my room" he said

I climbed out and grabbed my towel and started to dry off. The both of them sat there for a minute just watching me before also climbing out and grabbing their towels. I was pretty much dry and despite the chill in the air I refrained from covering up, instead throwing my towel over my shoulder and standing there waiting for them. My cock was still rock hard and was leaking a bit of precum. The other two finished drying off, picked their stuff up and wrapped their towels around their waists. I turned and started walking toward the house. Graham and Bradley followed me. We headed downstairs to Graham's bedroom. As soon as we walked in I dropped my towel on the ground. Graham did the same, still wearing his togs he flopped down onto his bed. He beckoned me over. I went and stood beside the bed and he grasped my cock, jerking it slowly.

"Well Bradley, you want to suck on this, come on then" said Graham

Bradley walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He bent down and took my cock in his mouth. What I had heard was right. Bradley had a talent. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his mouth sliding up and down my cock. He knew just what to do, working his tongue over the head and using just the right amount of suction. His hand came up and started caressing my balls. I was in absolute heaven. I was getting one of the best blowjobs i'd ever had. I opened my eyes and saw Graham stretched out watching the proceedings and rubbing his crotch through his togs. He clearly was as hard as I was. I took the time to check him out. He had a slightly stocky build but was still very nice to look at. His chest was virtually hairless with only a scattering on his upper body and a very tempting treasure trail leading down from his belly button. He clearly lifted weights as I could see the muscles in his arms, nicely defined without being too big. I couldn't help but lick my lips in anticipation, knowing that at some point soon Graham was going to be feeding me what he was massaging in his shorts. I was definitely looking forward to him really making me his bitch that night. Despite the fact that Bradley was giving me one of the best blowjobs i'd ever had I was looking forward to him having to leave soon so Graham and I could really have some fun. While Bradley was cute to a degree I wasn't overly attracted to him. Once he was gone Graham wouldn't be able to be distracted by the novelty of being able to just hand me over to someone else. I know he got off on the power of it.

"Come and lie over here" he said, patting the bed next to him.

I pulled my cock out of Bradley's mouth and stretched out on the bed on my back next to Graham putting my hands behind my head and relaxing. Bradley's mouth quickly found its way back to my cock. Graham was on his side resting on one arm while the other was down his shorts playing with his cock. He was watching Bradley bob up and down on my cock with every sign of enjoyment. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked

"Mmmmmm" I moaned. I moved one hand down and rested it on the back of Bradley's head guiding it up and down. Graham took his hand out of his pants and moved it to my chest, lightly playing with one of my nipples then running it down my chest over my stomach and back up again. He lent down and put his mouth up to my ear.

"I hope you are enjoying yourself for now, because Bradley's going home soon, and once he does, you're all mine and then it's not gonna be such an easy ride. I'm gonna fuck you so hard tonight" he whispered quietly. We looked at each other, he could see quite clearly in my eyes that I was willing to do whatever he wanted.

Graham went back to running his hand up and down my chest while Bradley continued to suck me off. I lay there enjoying the sensations I was feeling and thinking about what was gonna happen later. Nothing more was said for about 10 minutes or so, but Graham never once took his eyes off me. I could see the wheels turning in his mind as he planned what he was going to do with me.

Suddenly a mobile started ringing. Bradley jumped up.

"Shit, that'll be my dad" he said and scrabbled around in his clothes to find his mobile. He finally got his hands on it and answered it "yeah? Yeah, i'm ready, i'll be out in a minute" he hung up.

"Well man, thanks for coming round" said Graham "hope everything was to your liking"

"Fuck yeah, I wish I didn't have to leave. Stupid parents" Bradley looked back at my cock, clearly wanting to get it back in his mouth. I couldn't believe how much he loved sucking on it. There was a boy who was a born cock sucker. "Anyway, see ya later, have fun" he continued looking a little bummed out.

He gathered his stuff up and then walked out the door shutting it behind him. As soon as it clicked shut Graham turned to me, his hand was still rubbing up and down my chest but he slowly slid it down and grasped my cock.

"Well, now that it's just you and me I can have some real fun with you" he gave my cock a squeeze "this is all mine this weekend. Are you going to be a good boy?"

I nodded. I couldn't wait to get Graham's cock in my mouth and wanted so badly to feel it up my ass as well. I also liked the way he said "weekend". I had a feeling I was in for a lot of fun.

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