Unnatural acts

By moc.atonatut@nooccarykcir

Published on Sep 5, 2021



Unnatural acts


Eight year old Ricky buys an antique Ouija board at a yard sale. He, his brother Brian and Brian's friend Zack try it out and discover things they knew nothing about.


Bb, Anal, Mast, Oral, First, Fantasy, Mind control, Incest


Zack (11yo); Brian (10½ yo); Ricky (8yo)


I could hear someone's bike skidding on dirt as they took the turn, almost hard enough to slip and crash, but lucky for them, they didn't. Glancing back I saw it was Barry, a kid two years older than me and on the track team. I knew I had no chance of beating him there, but with luck I'd still be one of the first ones to arrive. All the kids at school had been talking about it for more than a week now- the big garage sale. In preparation for the sale I took my entire secret penny jar, all of my savings, and now I could hear it in my backpack, jingling coins waiting to be spent.

Barry whooshed past me easily, looking like he was hardly putting in any effort. I kept pedaling hard, focused on the road, not even noticing the houses as they seemed to fly by. A few minutes later I saw the rusted metal fence surrounding the old house, with the big sign saying "Garage sale! Everything has to go!" in big, handwritten letters. A few kids were already there, waiting eagerly with their bikes leaning on the fence or lying on their sides. Several adults were also waiting, some talking among themselves. Looking at my wristwatch I saw it was 14:52 already, only 8 minutes until the old gate would open and we would finally be allowed to enter the always-locked yard which stood empty for the last thirteen years. The yard, usually completely bare except for the dying yellow grass, was now full of all the stuff that was for sale. Heaps and piles of who knew what treasures, most covered with white sheets.

We all had heard stories about the Taylor residence growing up. The house stood locked and abandoned for years, it's once white paint cracking and peeling away, and all sorts of scary stories popped up around it. Some stories claimed that the couple that lived there were murdered by their only son who then committed suicide, others that their tormented ghosts still haunted the house and could be heard mumbling and calling to each other during nights with no moon. All the kids around town knew these stories, and I used to believe them myself once, but I wasn't about to let some ghost story scare me now that I was eleven. I wasn't no baby anymore.

At five past three, when everybody was crowding around the rusty gate, we saw a man in formal clothes opening the house door and walking toward us. All at once, everybody started pushing and trying to get closer, even some of the grownups. When he opened the gate we all rushed forward, and I barely heard him calling "slow down, please!" as people hurried to search for bargains. I, of course, was there for the exact same reason. Rumors had it, that the kid who lived in that house, Nicholas Taylor I think his name was, had tons of cool stuff back when he was alive. I didn't believe half of what I heard about it, but I wasn't about to pass up this opportunity to find out for myself.

Me and several other kids ran to the pile closest to us and started digging for loot. Up close the piles looked bigger, and I saw the thick layer of dust covering most of the things in it. There was no order to it, like someone shoveled all of what was in the house and dumped it outside. I wandered around, picking up random things and examining them. One colored box contained porcelain tea cups with flower printings on them; another was full of fancy looking silverware. After a few minutes I saw Brian and his younger brother, Ricky, hurrying past the gate, followed by their mother. Brian walked over to me and we did our usual high five. Ricky just stood there looking lost, staring at his brother and me.

"My mom told me I have to watch over him while we're here" said Brian, looking annoyed.

"Okay, no problem. There's tons of things here and I didn't find anything interesting yet, so let's keep looking before it's all gone" I said, and the three of us started digging into the piles of things.

After a while I found some very old looking magazines, all thrown together in no particular order, and underneath them a small collection of comic books in good condition. There were several "The amazing Spiderman" ones, which I liked, and some less known ones like "Mister Miracle" and "Atom," six books in total. It was a good find and I showed it to Brian.

"Neat! Great find, man! I bet some of those are rare and are worth something" he said, as he dropped whatever he was holding and rushed to look at the books in my hands. Ricky wanted to look too and even managed to ask in a weak voice, so I let him leaf through some of the books. After that we kept on looking, hoping for another lucky find.

It was nearly five when I heard my mom's voice calling me from behind the fence. She sounded a bit mad, her voice having this annoyed quality I was by now very good at noticing, so I hurried to her and we left. In truth I was glad to be called home. The long awaited sale turned out to be a disappointment. I only found the comic books and a vintage set of painted lead toy soldiers. They were nice, but not nearly as awesome as I hoped I would find. Brian stayed for a bit longer with Ricky and their mom, who was currently bargaining for an old chair with the man in formal clothes. I got my bike from where I left it and rode slowly while mom walked. On the way home I told her about the things I'd found and how much I paid for them, but she didn't seem interested and just said "that sounds great, honey" a lot.

I was starving by the time we got home, and was impatient while mom heated my lunch in the microwave. Dad wasn't home yet and mom already ate, so the moment mom gave me my meal (fish fingers with mashed potatoes and peas) I started wolfing it down, being generous with the ketchup when mom wasn't looking.


Brian was still looking at stuff and only glanced my way every few minutes to see I'm not getting him in trouble or something, so I was pretty much left to do whatever. I was hoping to find something cool for myself, and figured I should look near the ground since the bigger kids and the adults could see the things on the higher parts of the piles that were too high for me. I was short for my age, only about 49" [125 cm], so that was the best strategy for me, probably. After some looking around and some digging I found an old looking wooden box with metal parts nailed to it. On the top part it had the name "Nicholas" scratched deep into the wood. It had a heavy looking lock on it, which was rusted all the way through in a brownish yellowish color. When I touched it some got on my fingers and I had to wipe them hard on my pants to get it off. The box was in a wooden cupboard that looked like it was about to fall apart, and I was sure I was the first one to find it since the sale opened. I tried to pick the box up and it was HEAVY. I could do it but only barely. Something in this box looked... interesting somehow. I couldn't tell why but I felt I just had to pick it up and take it with me. With effort I took the box to show Brian. He looked at it and his eyes lit up.

"Cool! You found the dead kid's treasure chest!" he exclaimed and rushed over to help me carry it. I had a huge smile all over my face. Brian almost never showed me so much interest and attention, especially when we were around other people. He looked closer at the box and the rusted lock and frowned. "I'm not sure we'll be able to crack this one open, bro... It's hard wood and it's reinforced with metal, and that lock is really thick too... I don't know. Buy it if you want I'll help in trying to open it, but don't get too disappointed if we don't make it."

After that he kept searching the piles, and I carried the box to the seller man. At first he didn't notice me, and even after I said "excuse me" twice he didn't look down.

When I finally got his attention he looked down at me and then at the box, and said "What do you want, kid?" in an annoyed tone.

"I wanna buy this box, sir" I told him.

"Ah, that. We found it in the boy's room but couldn't manage to get it open. There is no key, you know that, right? So don't come crying to me afterwards. Oh, and no refunds too."

I ended up paying twelve dollars for it, and that's most of what I had saved up in my piggy bank. I knew he was charging me too much, and that if Brian was the one buying he would have bargained with the man, but I didn't know how to do that so I just paid. For the rest of the sale I waited for Mom and Brian in the shade of one of the overgrown trees in the garden, and tried to open the box. I tried with a stick that broke almost immediately, and a rock that barely scratched the lock but really hurt my hand. By the time mom and Brian called me to the car my hands were full of scratches and red marks, but the lock hadn't budged.


After the sale we got back home. I didn't end up buying anything but I didn't care much. Most of the things there were very old looking or in bad shape, and the games and toys were sooo old I didn't want to pay for any of them. We spent the rest of the afternoon in the yard trying to open the box Ricky bought, but with no luck. Pretty soon the sun was setting so we had to come back inside. Ricky was obsessed with the box for some reason, and I promised him we'd keep trying tomorrow.

The next day at school was boring as usual. We had our half an hour of quiet reading, first thing in the morning, and then two periods of history. At recess Zack and I played dodgeball with some other kids in our class. Everyone in third and fourth grade was playing every recess to practice for the dodgeball team tryouts next week. After we both got hit and were "in jail" I told him about Ricky's box.

"Cool, I can go home and get my dad's fence cutter from the garage and then come over to your house," he said.

I told him I had to ask my mom if it's ok. After the game ended (our team lost) some kids wanted to join so we decided to have team captains, and have them take turns picking players until everybody had a team. I hated this way of picking. I was usually the last one to get picked, and always with reluctance. No one wanted "four eyes" on their team, and honestly - I couldn't blame them. As expected, Zack was among the first ones to be picked, and I was among the last. We still had a good game, even though I was out for most of it. When recess ended we had math, which I liked and Zack hated. It was a weekly torture for him, and because we were seated together I could see he got almost all the answers wrong on the worksheet the teacher, Miss Evans, gave us. I tried helping him but she gave me her death stare and told me to be quiet and keep working, so I did. The rest of the day went by slowly. I was curious about the box now that we probably had a way of opening it, and couldn't wait for classes to be over. When they finally were and mom came to pick Ricky and me up from school I asked her if Zack could come later, and she said yes but only after lunch.


School was sucky as always and thanks the heavens it was over for today. I was hungry so I hurried home for lunch. Mom usually left my meal in the fridge and I was allowed to heat it up myself in the microwave. Today she left me meatballs with rice and some salad, and a little note attached to the plate saying "Hope you had a good day at school! Love you! P.S. don't throw away the salad or so help me god I will feed you to the neighbors' dog."

I ate everything, even the salad, and then went to get my dad's fence cutter. I wasn't sure I was allowed to touch my dad's tools, I never actually asked, but he was usually home late so I could put it back before he noticed. Probably. I took the cutter and headed to Brian's house.

I found Brian and Ricky in the yard in front of their house, trying to pry open the box using two thick branches. They weren't getting anywhere like that, and it looked like they knew it. When they saw me and the cutter I was holding they let go of the branches and stood up, grinning. After the mandatory high five with Brian and a shy wave from Ricky we went to work. First we tried simply cutting the lock, but even together we weren't strong enough to do it. We tried several methods for the next half hour, but no luck. We were red and sweaty by the time Brian suggested propping one handle of the cutter against the ground and jumping on the other handle. I was the heaviest, so Ricky and Brian held the cutter in place and I jumped. I hit the handle hard and felt the metal give way. The lock was cut, but the force of the jump was too much for the cutter, which now had one handle bent at an odd angle.

"Oh man oh man my dad is gonna kill me!" I said, turning white at the thought. Brian and Ricky looked sympathetic, but were too curious about the box to really focus on anything else. Brian struggled for a second with the cut lock, and then threw it aside and slowly opened the box, with Ricky peeking eagerly over his shoulder. Inside the box there were only two things; an old looking teddy bear, ragged and worn with one ear missing, and a wooden board with writing on it.

Ricky took out the teddy bear with a disappointed look on his face, and said "what the hell?? I paid twelve bucks for this??" with a dismayed tone.

Brian reached down and picked up the wooden board. It had the Alphabet written on it in golden letters, and a row of digits from zero to nine underneath them. On the right and left of the board there were empty circles around the size of apples. It all looked very stylish, but I had no idea what it was. Brian flipped over the board and we saw there was an inscription written in black in an old looking font.

"You are holding the board of Asmodai. To use it place the pointer in the middle Of the board and have each participant Touch it with the tip of one finger only, Then ask a question or make a request. Asmodai has no power over you but what You allow with your own will. Be warned: Permission granted cannot be revoked"

Near the inscription was a triangular wooden pointer that was held in place by a thin metal chain. Brian and I looked at each other, and I noticed Ricky looking at us.

"What is it?" asked Ricky, and I said "I dunno" and at the same time Brian said "I think it's an Ouija board... I've heard of those. They're supposed to contact spirits I think.."

After this statement there were a few seconds of silence. "Sooo.... You wanna try it or what?" I said.

"I'm scared of ghosts" said Ricky, and that seemed to help Brian make up his mind.

"Ok, let's go and see if this thing works."

Ricky looked conflicted, torn between the will to make use of his new toy and his fear of supernatural things. Brian took the board and started walking toward his and Ricky's room. Ricky dragged after him, and I took the bent fence cutter and joined them. After we got to the room we closed the door, and Brian made a point of locking it, probably just to make Ricky even more nervous. He opened the shutters to let some light in, and placed the board on the carpet. He then took out the pointer, placing it in the middle of the board as instructed by the ominous inscription, and placed his finger on it. We waited a few seconds, but nothing happened.

"Come on!" Brian said, "You have to put your fingers too or it's not gonna work."

I sat down on the carpet opposite him and placed my finger. Ricky looked reluctant, hesitated for a bit and then seemed to fold under the pressure of mine and Brian's gazes. He sat cross legged near Brian and slowly reached out and put his index finger on the pointer.


The second Ricky touched the pointer I felt a jolt run up my arm; like that time I touched an electric fence by accident. By the looks of Zack and Ricky they felt it too. The pointer started shaking slightly and then faster and faster, like it was building up a charge. Suddenly it lurched to the side, and I could feel myself pulled by it, as if my finger was glued to the wood. The pointer moved to the letter A, and started shaking around it rapidly. Then it moved again, spelling so rapidly I had trouble making words out of the movements.


The pointer started clattering against the board, and I saw Zack leap to his feet, rush to the window and close the shutters. The moment the sun didn't touch the board anymore the clattering stopped, and all three of us stared at each other in the sudden silence. After a few moments Zack returned to his place in the circle, and put his finger back. This time the movement started slower, with none of the urgency and franticness of the last time. The pointer moves smoothly to the letters, spelling.


The pointer stopped moving, still over the letter D, and for a time nothing happened.

Then Zack said "ummm... yeah, sure. No problem. Who are you anyway?."

The pointer started moving again.


"I can't make out the words!" said Ricky in frustration. "It's way too fast!."


We stared at each other, the pointer not moving. This whole thing was just insane, Toys weren't supposed to do that, and what the hell was happening anyway. Maybe it was magnets or something.

"Maybe we should stop for now," said Ricky, echoing my thoughts, but Zack seemed to have a different idea in mind.

"Ricky, it wants us to bring candles so it can speak, or that's what it said. Do you want us to...?" he said.

"I don't know..." said Ricky. He looked thoroughly spooked and his voice was even quieter than normal.


The pointer stopped moving for a few seconds and then resumed.


"Go on Ricky, say it's ok, I wanna see this," said Zack, somehow managing to sound both skeptical and enthusiastic.

"What?" asked Ricky.

"Say the Asmodai can touch and move things. He says he can help me somehow.."

"Ok.. I guess. Asmodai, you may touch and move things that are near the board," Ricky squeaked.

The minute Ricky finished speaking the air moved, like something flowed from the board upwards and then to one side. I could sense some shift, like a distortion in the air, floating towards the broken fence cutter Zack brought. The disturbance surrounded the cutter and it started moving on the floor, slowly at first but in a more determined fashion as the movement increased. Without a sound the crooked handle started bending back, and in a few seconds the cutter looked like it was never broken. The disturbance flowed back towards the board and somehow got absorbed into it. After that I felt like the board turned off somehow, like something that was present before was now gone, even though no visible change occurred.


Brian and Zack were staring at each other, both of them speechless. I was feeling weird, like in shock and with nothing to say. It was super scary and creepy, but also kinda cool that I had this new amazing toy and that Brian and Zack wanted to play with me because of it.

"Dude! that was way awesome!" Zack exclaimed, excitement clear in his voice. "This thing is some sort of magic or something, and it totally fixed my dad's cutter! No way is this some trick, I'm telling you, it's the real deal!."

Brian's face was still a mix of shock and awe, and it took him a few seconds to answer. When he did he sounded conflicted. "I... I don't know Zack... That was scary. I mean... Awesome too, sure, but I'm scared. I don't think my mom would want us to play with spirits.."

"What?? No way. What could happen? It can't do anything we don't allow it to do, remember? It says so right here on the board."

He took the board and flipped it, showing the inscription on the back. Brian didn't look convinced, but didn't say anything in return. "You know what? I'll make you a deal. Let's go ask your mom, and if she says it's ok to play with it then we try again tomorrow, alright?."

It was like he forgot the board was mine and not Brian's, but I didn't have the courage to tell him. Brian took a few seconds to answer again, but then said "sure, if my mom says it's ok I guess we can."

"Yeah! Alright!" Zack said, jumping to his feet and picking up the board with one hand. He started walking fast towards the door, and Brian and I followed. Downstairs mom was sitting on the couch watching TV. Zack assumed his best 'good boy' posture, and said in an extra polite voice "Excuse me Mrs. Miller, is it ok if Brian and Ricky and I play with this board that Ricky bought?."

Mom was visibly torn between the screen and Zack, and after a glance she said, "sure honey, just make sure you play nice and include Ricky, ok? Have fun boys," and then she returned her attention to the screen.

Brian looked like he was about to say something more, but Zack spoke first.

"See? I told you. Now quit being a crybaby and keep your promise. We agreed.."


I had trouble falling asleep that night from all the excitement and the cool ideas I had about Ricky's board. I was still awake at 23:00, and I heard dad coming home and mom asking him why he was so late. They started having one of those fights and I covered my head with the pillow. I guess I wasn't so excited anymore because that's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep. The next morning I was super tired, and riding my bike to school took more time than usual. I was late for first period so Mrs. Garcia wrote a note for my parents. In third period we had a grammar exam, which I totally forgot about and hadn't studied for. Time went by excruciatingly slowly; every period lasting for what felt like hours. All I could think about was going to Brian's after school was over and trying the board again. When the bell rang at the end of sixth period I flipped my chair in record time and was the first out the door and into the hallway.

I didn't remember my tiredness at all on the way back home. I didn't even take my helmet off while heating the food mom left me and then eating it. I was done in minutes and got right back on the bike. I got there just as Brian and Ricky were finishing their lunch, still seated at the table with their mom.

"Hi guys, hi Mrs. Miller," I said, a bit out of breath after riding fast all the way there.

"Oh, hi Zack, I didn't realize you were coming over again. It's nice to see Brian bringing home friends.."

Brian's ears turned red upon hearing that, and he quickly got up and cleared his plate. "We're going to play in the room and... and Ricky can come too, Ok? You don't have to keep an eye; we'll be quiet and won't bother you.."

A few minutes after that all three of us were sitting on the floor in Brian and Ricky's room again, with the board in the middle. We had the curtains drawn and the door locked from the inside. I was so excited I could feel my pulse, and had a wide grin from ear to ear I couldn't wipe from my face. Brian looked more reserved, and Ricky looked nervous.

"Candles... We should bring candles, that's what he said, remember?" said Brian.

He got up and went to fetch them, and was back in a minute with two long white candles and a box of matches. He had them hidden under his shirt so his mom wouldn't notice.

"Ok... ready you guys?" I said, already placing my finger on the pointer. Brian nodded and placed his finger, and we both looked at Ricky, who then reached forward slowly and finally placed his finger on the pointer too.

HELLO AGAIN the pointer spelled, slowly. IT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU

"Umm... good to see you too," said Brian.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, and I could feel the excitement building in me. When I couldn't hold it anymore I blurted, "Can you do magic again?"

It wasn't what I had planned to ask, but that's what came out.


The pointer moved quicker now, with sharpness to its motions.

"I can't read that fast!" complained Ricky, looking dismayed.

The pointer moved again, slower now.


"We got them," said Brian, lifting them over the board.


Brian did so, carefully placing each candle in the middle of the drawn circles on the right and left of the board.


Brian did.


"Ricky, say that... um... Asmodai can show himself and speak through the... umm... smoke," said Brian.

Ricky said he could, though Brian had to repeat it twice until Ricky said it correctly.

The moment permission was granted the candles flickered, their flames growing brighter for a second and then dimming back to normal. Thick grey smoke started pouring from the candle tips, and seemed to gather in the air without dissipating. It started taking shape. First a chin and a mouth and a small nose, then eyes that seemed to be hallow with a faint light inside. Last materialized the forehead with two horns that curved smoothly backwards over the head. Asmodai's face seemed sharp somehow despite being made from smoke. Once it fully formed the face jolted to life, rotating to face each of us.

"Ah yes! That's better, thank you kindly." The voice was clear, charismatic and radiating dominance but at the same time appealing and pleasant to the ear.

Asmodai rotated to face Ricky and said, "What wish of yours should I help fulfill, board owner?"

It was clear Ricky was too shocked to speak. I was thinking about the things I wanted to ask when Brian said, "I want to get picked for the dodgeball team."

He said it so fast and so forcefully that I got the impression the wish had been burning in his mind all day.

Asmodai faced him slowly and smiled, the entire head tilting in air as if in consideration.

"You want my help to become better at dodgeball, good enough to make it to the team. Interesting..."

Asmodai seemed to consider the problem, his face looking contemplative.

"Yes, please... is it possible?" Brian's voice sounded pleading.

"Yes, it is. It's a tall order though, and I will have to maintain the change periodically. You will have to be more agile, faster, and I will have to fix your vision."

"Please, yes... will you do it? Please."

I've never heard Brian pleading like that, and it hit me just how hard it must have been for him to get picked last for every sports game.

"Every request comes with a commensurate price. What can you offer me for granting this one?" Asmodai's gaze was fixed on Brian, his voice heavy.

"I... I... I don't know. What do you want?" Brian answered.

Asmodai seemed to think for a minute before responding, and eventually spoke; "It has been a very long time since I wore a body and could move freely, feel the ground under my feet and the air on my skin. This is what I want from you to complete the bargain: your body to wear, for a short while."

There was silence for a few seconds as we absorbed this statement. The price sounded... weird. It wasn't like Brian would be losing anything, but it was just intensely creepy.

"Brian, you shouldn't do it, I don't think it's a good idea," said Ricky, but his protest only seemed to help Brian make up his mind.

"Ok, I'll do it. Deal!" he said.

Asmodai smiled a wide grin. "Wise choice. All you need to do is give me explicit permission to take control over your body and to change it, and then inhale the smoke."

The grin didn't leave his face as he waited for Brian to say the words. Brian was pale and seemed scared, but also determined and resolute. He carefully said "I give permission for Asmodai to control my body and to change it," enunciating every word clearly. He then leaned forward and inhaled the smoke making up Asmodai's floating face.

Brian's body tensed, his breathing halted after the large gulp of smoke he inhaled, with it still in his lungs. His eyes rolled back in his skull and for a second I could see only the white. Then they came back down, and he grinned wide, an expression that seemed foreign to the face it was carved upon. Brian exhaled, but no smoke came out. He stood up and stretched his arms to both sides.

"Yes... yes! It has been so long!."

The voice was Brian's, but it didn't sound like him at all, the cadence and speech were Asmodai's.

Brain took a couple of steps, and then stood facing the mirror that hung on one wall. He looked at his reflection for a long time, touching parts of his body and his face, and then started to undress. He took off the shirt, running the fingers over the smooth skin of the chest, circling one nipple as he went. He then started to take off his pants.

Ricky yelled "Hey, you're not supposed to do that!" in an alarmed tone, but Asmodai didn't even slow down.

"Hush boy, I will reward your brother handsomely for this, and it is my time with his body to use as I please," Brian's voice said without his head moving to look.

The pants came off and I could see Brian had a stiffy that made his undies look like a tent. Without a pause, Brian's hand pulled down his underwear and he stood naked in front of the mirror. A look of exultation was plain on his face, and his eyes seemed to devour every inch of skin. I could see Brian's boner was throbbing slightly, the foreskin stretched and covering the head almost completely. My foreskin retracted when I had erections, and I had no idea it could be different.

Asmodai moved Brian's hand to grab the penis, and, as he did, he grunted a sigh of pleasure. He stood for a minute, his eyes losing focus and his head lolling back slightly, and then he started moving the hand up and down Brian's penis, stretching and loosening the foreskin with every motion.

Ricky was staring wide eyed. I was also staring, unable to look away. The sight was somehow both very disturbing and intensely interesting at the same time, and I could feel an erection starting to rise in my own underwear. Brian's hand moved faster and faster now, his breathing becoming strained as if he was running. I saw he was starting to sweat a little and a slight redness was visible on the inside of his thighs and on his cheeks. He was making weird sounds as he rubbed himself, moaning and grunting in intense pleasure. After a while the hand motions reached a peak. Brian's body spasmed and he let out a loud cry of pleasure that I was sure could be heard from downstairs. I saw something transparent dripping off the end of his penis, probably pee.

He stood looking exhausted, when we all heard Brian and Ricky's mom yell "Kids, are you alright up there?."

"Yes mom, we're swell!" answered Brian's voice, and I saw he had a wide grin on his face.

"That was a long time coming, yes... and now for my part of the bargain." Brian closed his eyes and stood motionless. He had a drop of thick transparent pee hanging from his penis, which was still erect and red from all the rubbing.

Suddenly Brian's muscles started shifting without him moving a limb. It was like snakes were crawling under his skin, and as they moved Brian's body changed in slight ways. He seemed to get thinner in places, the bones becoming more pronounced under the skin. The transformation continued for a while and then subsided, and a small trickle of smoke snaked out of Brian's nose and mouth and towards the board, somehow being absorbed in the wood. Brian fell abruptly to his hands and knees. He blushed furiously and scrambled to pick up and put on his undies as quickly as he could.

While he was getting dressed, none of us spoke or looked at each other until he was fully clothed. I heard him trying to hold back sobs but one or two escaped his lips, and when I looked I could see tears in his eyes. He kept looking around, as if searching for another item of clothing even though he had put everything on already.

"Brian..." I started saying, not knowing how to finish or what I wanted to say. He looked at me and I could see the shame in his eyes. "Oh... come on... don't be like that, ok? It really wasn't you, was it? You didn't have control, it was all Asmodai. We don't mind, right, Ricky?."

Ricky started nodding quickly, still looking shocked. Seeing our reaction seemed to calm Brian a bit, and he slowly stopped sobbing.

"Anyway, man, look at your new body! You look like you can run a marathon or something, and you're seeing without having your glasses on!."

Brian looked at his hands, and then the rest of his body, his eyes filling with wonder. I handed him his glasses and he put them on, immediately squinting and blinking hard.

There were conflicting emotions on Brian's face, and I could feel the confusion myself. Too much had happened, and some of it was like nothing I had ever seen before. Asmodai was more than just some cool magic trick. He was real and powerful and terrifying, but somehow Brian still got what he bargained for and now looked like an athlete. As to what he was forced to do... I wasn't sure what to think. I had heard about "jacking off" in the locker rooms at the pool, but I didn't know how to do it so I had never tried. Was it supposed to be like this? Does it really feel so amazing like it seemed? I wanted to ask Brian, but couldn't bring myself to do it. It was probably best to pretend like none of this ever happened.


I was sure I would have a hard time falling asleep after everything that happened today, and really bad nightmares once I did, but I didn't. Somehow I fell asleep almost before my head touched the pillow, and without answering any of the questions I was sure Ricky wanted to ask me. It was better this way.

The next morning I woke up and immediately reached for my glasses. Only when they made everything blurry did I remember yesterday. After a quick breakfast and a kiss from mom I went to school. It was Wednesday, so we had two hours of math first thing after morning reading, and then there were the dodgeball team tryouts. Thinking about them made my heart beat faster, and I really hoped that whatever Asmodai did really worked. I was fidgety all through math, so much so that Mrs. Evans asked me if I was feeling unwell. The tryouts were held in the school gym so after math I joined Zack and we went there together. He looked nervous and didn't say much, and I didn't know if it was because of the tryouts or because of what happened yesterday. When we got there he just said "good luck."

Mr. Nielsen, The gym teacher, had us split into two groups and play against each other. We were too many in each team, but he didn't seem to mind. He blew his big silver whistle hard and the tryouts began. A wave of kids rushed towards the balls that waited on the half court line. I didn't even try, knowing from experience it was a bad idea. Those who got to the balls first threw them almost immediately at those who were just a little too slow, and many got eliminated right away. It was complete mayhem. Balls were flying everywhere and everyone was shouting. Every time I saw a ball aimed at me I dodged it, not even trying to grab any of them to throw myself. It was like they were somehow flying slower than in previous games I played. Without the glasses I saw clearly all around and could dodge balls I only caught glimpses of.

Despite my new found expertise my team was still losing. It was three against six now, and my two teammates were obviously winded. A volley of balls took out Tyler, a boy from my class. My other teammate, Andy, managed to take out one of theirs but was hit right after. One against five, and I was yet to touch a ball in this game. I weaved and dodged, evading every shot and frustrating everyone on the other team. At some point they started coordinating, and I realized my only chance was to stop my dancing and start trying to take them out.

I picked this moment to act, snatching at a ball thrown with less force than usual and caught it in midflight. I used it as a shield, deflecting the rest of the balls they threw at me before blasting the ball I held into the player closest to me. He tried to catch it but it was way too powerful for him. The ball slipped past his failed catch and slammed into his torso. He fell, dazed. A minute and a half later I was playing against only two players, and they were on the defensive.

From the corner of my eye I could see Mr. Nielsen watching, and knew that all the other eliminated players were watching me too. There were more balls than players at this point, so I grabbed one from my side of the court and advanced towards the middle line. The other two players were breathing hard, and I took my time picking the one that looked more exhausted. I took aim and threw as hard as I could, noticing that the other player picked this as his cue to strike. The ball left my hands just as I saw another one quickly filling my view, aimed straight for my head. I closed my eyes, knowing it was too late and that I would never dodge in time.

When I opened them I saw the ball inches from my face, caught firmly in my hands. I haven't even realized I was trying to catch it. A loud cheer rose from my fallen team as they realized we had actually won, and some ran on the court to congratulate me. I saw Mr. Nielsen looking at me and writing something in his teacher's book.

For the rest of the day I felt like I was the king of the world. Kids from my class kept talking about the game and about my amazing moves. It was like I was suddenly popular, and on recess everybody wanted to be on my team. Before last period Mrs. Garcia, our teacher, told me Mr. Nielsen asked her to tell me I made it to the team, and that he wants me to be the captain. When she said it she had this smile, like I was her own kid and she was very proud to see me finally doing well. On the way home I told Ricky about the game and described everything in detail, and he looked at me with wide eyes and said "wow!" and "cool!" in all the right places. At lunch I told mom, and she too was impressed. I couldn't wait until the first game of the season.


In the three weeks since Brian got his body improved a lot of things changed. He became the best at all sport games, not only dodgeball, and that made him super popular. He made new friends and brought one or more of them home every day. Having friends over and dodgeball practice took all of his time, and he didn't have any left to play with me anymore. I guess I felt happy for him, but it really sucked for me. The friends he brought home were kids from his class that I didn't know, and I was too shy to try and talk to them when they came. Mom told Brian to include me when they played, but it was obvious they didn't want me around and I didn't feel like playing with them anyway.

I found myself playing alone more and more, usually with Legos and sometimes with other games and toys. The only times when Brian had time to talk was when we went to bed in the evening. I was always sent to bed a full half hour before Brian because I was younger, but for the last few days I had tried my absolute best to stay awake so I'd have a chance to talk for a bit but didn't manage it. Tonight I heard Brian brush his teeth and then the tap running, and a few moments after the bedroom door opened slowly and Brian sneaked in wearing his space jammies.

He had the top bunk so he had to climb up to get to his bed. When he put his hand on the ladder I whispered, "Hey."

He looked at me with surprise on his face. "You're supposed to be sleeping!" he said, doing a pretty good impersonation of mom's voice.

I chuckled as he climbed up. "Brian..." I started, not sure how to express what I felt.

"Yeah bro? What's up?."

"I don't know... I wish I was like you and had friends to play with. I'm bored all day and I'm sick of Legos."

"Ah... dude... yeah, that sucks, I'm sorry. Listen, tomorrow we can play after school, ok? I'll talk them into including you this time."

"No! I don't want to play with your stupid new friends! When I'm there they look at me like I'm a sad little bug and I don't know how to talk to them so I don't say anything, and then they get bored with me."

There was silence after that, and I didn't know if Brian was going to answer. Just when I decided to say something he spoke. "Bro, you've gotta stop being so shy around people. No wonder they don't want to play with you, you usually just stand there looking at the floor or something. If you talked with them like you talk with me you'd have no problem."

I knew he was right, but it didn't help, and I could feel myself getting angry at him for pointing out exactly how everything was my fault. I hoped talking with Brian would help but it only made things worse.

"You know what, never mind. Keep bringing your jerk friends, I don't care!." And I covered my head with the blanket. I felt the tears filling my eyes, welling up until finally it was too much and one started sliding down my cheek. My face was hot from crying and being under the blanket but I didn't want Brian to know so I stayed there.

After a while I felt the bed move, and realized Brian was climbing down. He joined me on my bed, whispering "scooch" and lying next to me. I peeked out of the blanket and saw him looking at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Hey... listen, I didn't mean to make you cry and everything. I'm sorry, okay? I just want you to have friends and have someone to play with, that's all."

"But... but I don't know how. I'm too shy, I can't make friends like that. Even in my class I can barely speak out loud, let alone with kids that are bigger than me." My voice was chocked and it was obvious I was crying just before, but Brian already knew so I didn't mind.

"Hey... maybe you can ask Asmodai to help with that. I never would have met all my new friends if it wasn't for what he did."

I could hear some hesitation in his voice, and I knew he was thinking about what Asmodai did with his body. We hadn't talked about it since, but I was sure Brian hadn't forgot.

"I don't know... that thing he made you do... that was weird. I don't want it to happen to me. It looked painful."

"It wasn't THAT bad, it didn't hurt or anything. I was just embarrassed that you and Zack saw me naked. The thing he made me do... it's hard to describe, but it wasn't painful or anything. It actually felt kinda good, but still super weird. I dunno...."

I was surprised Brian was telling me that much about what happened. I was sure he didn't even want to think about it.

"Just think about it, ok? It's really not such a big deal, and if he can help you then great. Problem solved."

"Ok... I'll think about it. Thanks." I wasn't crying anymore, and I wasn't mad at Brian.

"OK bro. cool. Have a good night." Brian hugged me for a second, like mom does, and then climbed back up to his bed.


Brian and I both made it to the dodgeball team. I kinda squeaked in and Brian rocked it like some sort of a dodgeball god, but we were both in. Once the new team started the weekly practice sessions I was suddenly a lot busier, and barely had any free time. Going out to play and practice was good, it meant not being home all day.

Mom and dad were fighting again, and this time was one of the bad ones. I could hear them arguing almost every night, sometimes so loud I could still hear it with the pillow over my head. A week after the tryouts, dad started sleeping on the living room sofa, and he and mom stopped speaking to each other almost completely. Dad volunteered to drive me to practice a lot and would stay and watch me play. We would sometimes go out for ice cream after, and almost always took the long way home. It was fun hanging out with dad so much, but I could feel something wasn't right, like some tension in the air that made him and mom nervous and quiet.

School was still a huge stinking pile of crap. I kept thinking about dodgeball and about mom and dad so I usually didn't listen in class. I think Mrs. Garcia had kinda given up on me at some point because if I didn't interrupt the class, she didn't ask me anything and didn't care if I didn't write in my notebook. I wish all the teachers were like her, but they weren't.

I hated Mrs. Evans the most. She still kept giving me a hard time and asking me questions in front of the class. Maybe I was just slow, like I heard mom yelling at dad the other night, and maybe that meant I couldn't understand math. Whatever. It's not like I was going to be a mathematician, right? So why should I care? Usually keeping my test scores secret took a lot of effort and made me super nervous, but with mom and dad fighting all the time they didn't ask me about school so much, so that was ok at least.

One day at practice I was playing on the same team as Brian. I improved a lot since the tryouts, and now both of us on the same team were a force to be reckoned with. I saw Brian barely dodge a ball that was aimed at him, and then take aim and throw. He was squinting as he aimed, and his throw was weak compared to his usual cannonballs. The kid on the other team dodged easily. Seconds after that Brian got hit and eliminated, and I followed not long after. As we waited for the game to end I saw he was still squinting and focusing hard on the game.

"Hey, Brian, what's with the funny face?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"It's nothing bro, It's alright, just not feeling so good today, that's all."

He didn't sound alright, but I didn't want to push. "Hope you'll feel better by Wednesday, it's the big game against Lake Forest elementary and we need you in top shape."

I hoped mentioning the game would cheer him up, but it did the opposite. He looked a bit panicky but didn't say anything. We both just sat there and watched the game, and when it was over the coach had us do stretches and then we went home.

The next day Brian showed up with glasses, something he hadn't done since that day with Asmodai. He looked totally bummed out and at recess he asked me to stay in the classroom with him.

"Dude, what's up?" I asked, already suspecting the answer.

"I... I can't see well without my glasses anymore. It's like it was before. Crap! What am I going to do, man? I can't play like this. I can't throw hard, I can't dodge, I ain't worth crap as a player now."

"Oh dude... that's bad. We have the game tomorrow! We can't lose you, you're the team captain!."

"I know... Shit man, I can't miss the game. The entire team will stop being friends with me. I don't want to go back to being wimpy and wearing glasses all the time. Dude, you have to come to my house today and we'll fix me, okay? Please."

I knew he was about to ask, but I could still feel the chills running through me as he said it. The last time was a lot to take in, and it was Brian who was in the center of it. I knew how much his improved body meant to him, I knew it made him a great player and that got him tons of new friends, but still...

"Dude, please, you have to come. I have to do this, it's gonna be alright. It won't take long, okay?." He sounded like he was about to cry so I nodded.

"Alright, alright, I'll come, Jeez... If you want to do that thing again then do it, I won't stop you. Hey, maybe you like rubbing your dick like that, it seemed like you were having fun."

He looked mad at that last part, but didn't say anything.

After school I went to my house first to eat. Mom and dad were at work and my plate was in the fridge like always. On the way to the kitchen I saw my dad's faded T-shirt and boxers on the carpet near the sofa. These were his sleeping clothes, and it looked like mom was avoiding picking them up like she usually did with clothes lying around. I heated the food mom left (spaghetti with red sauce. Yum) and ate in front of the TV. After eating and putting the plate in the sink so mom won't be mad at me I took my bike and rode to Brian's.

When I got there he opened the door even before I had a chance to knock.

He quickly said, "Hi bro, come in," and then ran upstairs to his room with me following slower.


Zack finally got to the house. It only took him forever, and I was super nervous and fidgety the entire time while Ricky and I waited. I hurried to my room, where Ricky was already seated on his bed, and waited while Zack climbed the stairs. I locked the door after him and all three of us stood and looked at each other. I was both excited and very nervous. The board was positioned like last time, in the middle of the carpet with the pointer on it and the two candles in the drawn circles on its two sides.

Zack sat down in the spot he used last time, and Ricky followed suit. I joined them on the floor, sitting criss-cross applesauce and reaching for the matchbox.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked, with a bit of a tremble in my voice.

"Yes" said Zack, and Ricky nodded.

Hardly believing I was doing it I took out a match and lit it, lighting one candle and then the other. I put the matchbox aside and placed my index finger on the pointer. Zack put his finger too, and we both looked at Ricky as he joined us and touched the pointer.

Like last time smoke poured from the candles and coalesced into the shape of a horned human-shaped head. The face was smiling as it formed, and Asmodai chuckled with his thin voice.

"Ahhh... You've come to me again I see... Good... What brings you, I wonder." He looked amused, as if enjoying a joke only he understood.

"The change you made, it hasn't lasted. I need my glasses again and I'm not as strong or as fast. I need you to change me back."

"Oh... you liked being strong and fast, didn't you? You made the team, like I promised?."

"Yes, I did, and we have this big important game in a couple of days and I need to be in top shape! I can't play like this with my regular body. I need you to fix me again." I was sounding desperate and I knew it, but as long as I got what I needed it was fine.

"Yes... I can do that for you. You remember our bargain from last time, correct?."

"Yes, I remember. We can do that again, no problem" I said.

"Your body for me to wear for a short while, and the improvements I can provide for you to enjoy. I accept, but... Before we do it, it seems like your friends deserve to have their wishes fulfilled as well, don't you think?."

"Yes... I guess" I answered, not knowing where this was going.

"So, boys, if you have any request of me, this is the time to make it. There must be something your heart desires, something you are in need of, something you want. Ask it of me now and you shall have it... For a price."

The smoky face swiveled, floating in midair, looking at Ricky and Zack with anticipation that almost looked like hunger.

I was really surprised when it was Ricky who spoke first.

"I have something, Asmodai, sir," he said in a weak voice, looking at the floor. "I... I don't want to be so shy anymore. I want to be able to talk when other people are around and not feel so scared and embarrassed all the time."

Asmodai seemed to consider it, and then replied. "Changing that which lies in another's heart is no easy task, nor is it advisable, unless you are sure of your desire. I can make your wish come true, but think on it before you wish it."

Ricky looked at me, doubt in his eyes. I tried to look encouraging and nodded my head slightly, signaling he was doing fine.

"Yes, I want it. I'm sure."

"Excellent" said Asmodai. "Then repeat after me: I invite Asmodai into my heart, to change my feelings, my desires and my sensations."

Ricky repeated those words, and the grin on Asmodai's face grew wider.

"Now, inhale" commanded Asmodai, opening his mouth. A thin tentacle of smoke snaked from inside like a twisted tongue, slowly reaching all the way near Ricky's nose. At this point I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but Ricky inhaled before I could say anything, and the creepy tongue vanished into his lungs. He coughed a bit, and when he exhaled no smoke came out.

"I don't feel any different" said Ricky, clearly confused.

"Patience dear boy, patience. All in good time."

Asmodai rotated to face Zack. "And what about you? Do you have any wishes or desires? Is there something you want but can't achieve on your own?."

Zack looked conflicted and didn't say anything for a few seconds.

Asmodai waited, but Zack didn't speak. "Well... perhaps not...."

"Wait!" Zack cut him off, seemingly reaching a decision.

"Yes?" asked Asmodai. "I want my parents to stop fighting with each other."

"Oh... That is a noble request indeed," said Asmodai. "Asking not for yourself but for others, such a wish I cannot deny. I will grant it, and not ask you for a fee ."

It sounded too good to be true, and Zack seemed thrilled. "You can actually do it? You really can?"

"Yes, I can give you the means to stop your parent's quarrels, but you are the one who will have to use them. Tell me, who do you feel closer to, your father or your mother? Answer truthfully."

Zack didn't have to think long. "My father, sir" he answered.

"Very well," said Asmodai, and the smoky figure closed its eyes in concentration.

A single black bead of burnt wax dripped from one of the candles, somehow detaching from it and rolling a bit on the board. Asmodai opened his eyes.

"Make sure your father eats or drinks this. It has no taste and will dissolve in any liquid. Make sure he consumes it in its entirety, and your parent's fighting will end."

Zack placed the bead in a pocket with a zipper, sealing it in so as to not lose it. "Thank you," he mumbled, looking relieved and grateful.

"And now, for the Bargain that was struck. I need to enter your body again, dear boy. Open wide!."

The face lost its form, tuning into a stream of smoke slithering through the air straight towards me. I opened my mouth to protest but it slid cleanly inside, filling my lungs with smoke. I felt the urge to cough but my body didn't. Instead I felt myself straitening up and stretching my arms as if I was tied and just now got free.

"Yes!" my mouth said, "oh yes that feels good."

My hands started to undress me quickly, first the shirt and then the pants. I felt my penis stiffening, becoming even harder than it is sometimes in the morning. The pants were off and tossed to the side. I stood there, feeling my hands gently caressing different parts of my body, from my chest to my belly and down to my inner thighs. Then, with a swift motion, the undies came off, exposing my nakedness and my rock hard stiffy to the stares of Ricky and Zack.

I felt so self-aware and so embarrassed, but none of those emotions reached my face. It was like being locked in a cage. I tried to shout, to fight, but there was no use. My hands moved all over my body, barely touching, giving me goose bumps as they went. My motions had nothing of the urgency I felt last time, like Asmodai was taking his time. While I couldn't control my body I could still feel everything. The sensations were novel and, to my surprise, exciting. The motions continued for a while, repetitive, mind numbing, and I slowly focused more and more on how good it felt.

Suddenly my hands stopped and dropped to my sides. I turned to face Ricky, who was still staring at me wide-eyed.

"Now, child, it is time for me to take care of my promise to you. You wanted to be less shy, more confident. I will do that for you. You see, human emotions can be tuned, just like with a dial"

My hand went up, my fingers holding an imaginary dial in the air.

"For example: sadness."

The fingers turned slightly, and I saw Ricky's face crumple as he began to cry quietly, sobbing and whining more and more as Asmodai turned the dial up. After a few seconds my fingers dialed the sadness back down, and Ricky stopped crying.

"Or... we can do anger" my mouth said with mirth.

My fingers moved the imaginary dial again, and this time Ricky's fists clenched hard and his eyes narrowed. Right when he started to growl and it seemed like he would lunge at me at any second, the anger was dialed back down.

"Wait... Please, stop..." Ricky's voice said, his face still wet with tears and flushed from the anger.

"Oh... but we didn't get to the fun part yet. You are going to love this, you'll see."

My hand went back up for the dial, and before Ricky had a chance to protest I turned it hard and fast. A small gasp escaped Ricky's lips and his knees buckled. He fell softly to the carpet, lying and not moving but clearly still conscious, making faint noises.

"You see, the mind is used to feelings at a certain level, but the body is capable of producing so much more."

My voice sounded amused, in stark contrast to the confusion and terror I felt. It looked like Ricky was dying.

"I doubt your mind has ever experienced such intense pleasure, am I right?."

It looked like Ricky was trying to speak, but only managed to whisper something I couldn't make out. Zack looked mortified, not moving an inch from his spot.

"You think we can go further? See how much your mind can take before it snaps?"

My finger turned the dial further, slowly. Ricky twitched and moaned, seemingly no longer aware of his surroundings. His eyes rolled backwards in his skull and he started making weird throaty sounds. His face wore an expression of pure bliss and ecstasy. After several more seconds of this my fingers moved again, dialing back this time. Ricky slowly came to his senses as the pleasure was dialed back to normal levels. He stood up, shaking, and didn't say anything for a few seconds. It seemed like Asmodai was waiting for something, and after a while it came.

"Please... I want more. Can you do it again?."

I felt my mouth stretching in a huge grin, and my voice saying, "Oh? But we didn't get to the part where I make you more confident yet...."

"Just for a bit, please, it felt so good... please."

It seemed like Ricky was struggling to find words. He was totally begging, and that bastard Asmodai was loving every second of it.

"Well... maybe we can take the time to indulge you for a bit. No harm in that. Only... you will have to indulge me for a bit too. TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES!."

The last part was said with forceful command, so much so that it took Ricky a second to even answer.

"But..." he started, and my fingers rose again, tapping the imaginary dial but not turning it.

I could see the conflicting wills pulling Ricky in different directions, but the struggle wasn't long. With a resigned face he started taking off his shirt and pants. When he pulled off his shirt I could see the separate ribs, and I tried to occupy my mind by counting them and not think of what was about to happen.

"Those too" my voice said as Ricky stopped short of taking his underwear off. Ricky slowly took them off and dropped them to his side. After that he stood there, his palms cupping and concealing his privates.

"I see what you meant when you said you were shy, boy," said Asmodai through my lips. "Arms to the side!."

Ricky did as he was told and I felt my eyes fixing on him. He was pale and skinny, his penis like a little finger between his legs. My eyes traced the barely existing curvature of his body before my voice continued.

"Now, I will make you my deal. I want you to put this," my fingers pointed to my rock hard stiffy, "in your mouth. Pretend it's a delicious lollipop and lick it."

Ricky moved forward hesitantly and reached to take my Willy with his hand but despite Asmodai's words something stopped him short.

"I will make you feel as you make me feel. Do it well, boy, and at the end you will receive what you asked for."

Ricky went to his knees on the carpet in front of me. He grabbed the base of my Willy with his hand and I felt a shiver running up my body. I tried to scream, to slap his hand away. I willed my hands to push him, but my struggle was useless. It felt like trying to bend metal.

Ricky's head leaned forward and I felt his warm mouth envelop my tip. He started moving, slowly at first but faster as the sensations started to build. It felt far better than what Asmodai made me do with my hand, and it seemed Ricky was feeling it too because he knew exactly how to move to make the sensations greater. His head slid up and down my dick, sucking eagerly and moaning all the while. He used his tongue to explore every inch from the base to the tip, and then tried to slide it under my foreskin to touch the sensitive part below. My hands reached down to grab at Ricky's head and my thighs started thrusting. Every motion felt more and more amazing, like I was closer and closer to exploding. The sensation became more urgent, and Ricky's motions became frantic. I felt my thighs thrust like pistons, and at that point I gave up any resistance. It was too good and I wanted it. I didn't care anymore that Ricky was my brother or that this was wrong, I just needed to keep moving and get to the peak of whatever this thing was.

All of a sudden I felt myself back in control. Just like that my body was mine again, and I could stop. Ricky kept going, seemingly unaware of the change. My hands were still on his head, grabbing him hard by the hair with my fists. He plunged his head forward and a moan escaped my lips.


I thrust once again, and again, unwilling to break contact even as a part of me was horrified at what I was doing. I was so close! I grabbed the back of Ricky's head and thrust hard. I heard him gag but I kept going, not allowing his head loose. I thrust again and again, fast and finally I exploded. A wave of pleasure pulsed and surged through me as I held Ricky's head hard, his mouth and throat still enveloping my dick entirely. He collapsed to the carpet as I finally let him go. I stood over him, my dick wet and dripping with spit, bright red from all the action and still hard and pulsing.

We were both breathing hard. Ricky looked like he was enjoying the same sensation he experienced before, when Asmodai made him fall. It was clearly fading, but he was still uncommunicative. I was all shaky. I knelt next to him, planning to help him up, when I felt the iron vice grip of Asmodai's will over my body again. My hand reached forward and stroked Ricky's hair slowly, and I heard myself speak in a soft tone.

"That was very good, little boy. You did very well, and as a reward I did as you asked and made you feel special again. Remember, you can make it happen again and again and again. You just have to listen and do as I say."

Ricky, still lying on the floor, nodded faintly with a distant look on his face. I felt sick to my stomach.

"And now, I'll make you more confident, like I promised."

I felt Asmodai closing my eyes and reaching my hand up to the imaginary dial again. My fingers rotated it a bit, about one quarter of a turn, and then let go. My head turned to survey the room. Ricky was picking himself up from the floor, and Zack was still there looking at us. His expression was hard to read, probably from too many emotions and thoughts. I saw he had a bulge in his shorts and two wet lines on his face from crying.

My eyes closed again, and I felt myself convulse. I had this weird feeling of all my muscles shifting and moving at the same time, and my eyes vibrating in this strange way. It was just like last time when Asmodai changed my body. It took several moments, and then the shifting ended. I felt my mouth open, and a stream of thick smoke slithered out.


After dinner and some TV time I was sent to bed. I tried to not fall asleep and sure enough - I was still awake when Brian entered the room. He climbed to his bunk and I kicked the bottom side.

"Hey, knock it off!" he said. "You're supposed to be asleep."

There were a few moments of silence and then I said, "Brian, did... did you like what we did today?."

"No and I don't want to talk about it. Now stop it and go to sleep!" he answered, angered.

I heard him tossing and turning and, not finding a comfortable position.

"I liked it... it felt really good, even if it was gross and everything" I said.

I hoped Brian would agree. I had no idea how he felt when we did it. Asmodai was controlling his body, and maybe he didn't feel anything. I decided to ask him. "Brian, what does it feel like when Asmodai controls your body? Do you still feel things that happen to you? Does it hurt?"

He didn't answer at first, but then he spoke. "I can feel stuff, okay? Happy now?."

"Yeah, sorry if it makes you angry... It's just that it looked like you liked it. Didn't it feel good?" I asked.

"It did, but I still hate it. It's wrong. We shouldn't be doing this, it's not for kids."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Just... because, okay? I know it was my idea this time and that I needed my body fixed again, but I don't want us summoning him again, okay?."

I didn't answer.

"Ricky, I mean it, okay? I need you to promise me."

"Alright, alright, I promise," I said.

"Good, now let's go to sleep."

I heard him turning again, and then silence. I stared at the criss cross patterns on the bottom part of Brian's bunk and thought about today. Brian sounded really upset, and I thought I understood why. What I did was gross. I put his penis in my mouth! Ew! But... Asmodai made me feel so amazing. I got a rush just by imagining it. I had promised Brian to not do it again, but I really wanted to. With this on my mind I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of sirens. It sounded like police cars were just outside our house, rushing to somewhere else. I was very tired and blurry from sleep, so after they drove past us I fell right back asleep and didn't remember anything of that in the morning.


I rode my bike from Brian's house back home. I rode fast, pushing myself. There was no actual reason; I just wanted to put distance between me and... that. My mind kept going back and replaying scenes. Ricky lying on the floor, the smoke entering Brian's mouth, Ricky licking and sucking Brian's dick and how much they both seemed to enjoy it. It was really gross and that's that. No need to think about it anymore, or at least that was what I was trying to tell myself. The truth is I did feel grossed out, but also other things. Looking at them going at it made me feel weird, like my body wanted to try it too. I now had a hardon just thinking about it.

I got home and yelled a loud "MOM!" so mom would know I was there. I could hear the washing machine working so she was probably in the small laundry room folding things or whatever. Dad wasn't home yet, I knew that because his gray car was still gone. I sat and watched some TV and waited until he came. My fingers kept playing with the small wax bead Asmodai gave me, and I kept imagining ways to slip it into my dad's drink when he didn't notice. After some time mom came out looking all sweaty and stared at me.

"Hi mom" I said, hoping she was in a good mood and not mad at me for returning home late.

She looked like she was contemplating the same thing too, but I guess she eventually decided she didn't care enough because she just said "hi Zack" and went to the kitchen. It was six already, and I had to be in bed by nine so I had some more waiting to do. Time crawled by sooo slowly. I couldn't focus on any of the shows. I kept having flashbacks, and kept trying to imagine ways to make dad drink the wax. At eight thirty dad wasn't home yet, and mom told me to go shower and brush my teeth.

"But mom, please can I stay with you and wait for dad?" I tried to sound extra nice so she would let me, but no luck. I tried arguing but that only made her angry and eventually I went to shower and get ready for bed. After mom closed my door (and left a small crack like she always does) I put the bead under my pillow and tried to stay awake.

The shouting woke me. I heard mom yelling at dad and him yelling back. They both used the F word a lot, and mom called dad some really nasty names. I got quietly out of bed, and with the bead held firmly in my fist I snuck to the living room. I knew dad would be drinking his scotch, like he usually did when he came home late and mom was mad. That was my opportunity. I walked to the living room and stood right at the point where they still couldn't see me. My heart was beating like crazy from being so nervous. Finally I stepped forward into the living room light. When mom and dad saw me they both stopped shouting. I blinked a couple of times and squinted, trying to adjust to the brightness.

"Zack, what are you doing up, honey? Go back to bed," mom said softly, with a guilty look on her face.

"Ahh! leave the boy alone for a second Merry. Come here, give your daddy a hug."

I walked over to him slowly. He still had a glass filled with his smelly Whiskey in one hand, and I figured that was my chance. When he leaned over to hug me I managed to drop the bead right into his glass. It sank right to the bottom and started dissolving. Dad smelled of smoke and sweat and it was gross, but I hugged him anyway.

After a few seconds he stood up and said "That's a good boy. Now listen to your mother and go to bed."

Mom was rolling her eyes at that but didn't say anything. "Can I stay here with you? Please...."

I didn't really care about staying, I just wanted to stall enough to see dad drinking what he had in his glass. They told me to go but I insisted, and I could see dad getting upset. Finally he took his glass and downed it with one swig, and then started walking towards me, probably to forcefully take me to my room. After a couple of steps my way he slowed and clutched his throat with one hand. His face briefly contorted in pain and then he collapsed to the floor and started shaking.

Mom screamed "Eddie!" and rushed to his side. "Zack, call 911!" she yelled at me, but I just stood frozen. Dad was still shaking and his eyes rolled backwards so I could see all the white. "Zack! Now!" mom screamed at me, and that broke the spell. I ran to the kitchen, picked up the phone and rang.

An ambulance and a police car came and the medics took dad away. Mom called granny and woke her up so she could come and watch over me while mom went to the hospital to be with dad. I wanted to go too, I begged mom and even yelled at her but she didn't listen. Eventually I had to stay home with granny.

In the morning Granny and I went to see dad. Mom was also there, still wearing her clothes from yesterday. Dad was asleep, and mom said the doctors couldn't tell what was wrong with him yet. They said it looks like he is in a coma, which is like sleeping but all the time, and he can't wake up. We stayed there for a while. We spoke very little and when we did it was quietly, as if not to wake dad up even though he was in a coma and we wanted him to wake up. I knew the doctors wouldn't be able to do anything and that it was all my fault. I asked Asmodai and he delivered. I hated him and I hated myself and I couldn't tell anybody because no one would believe me.


The morning of the big game I woke up feeling amazing. I stretched, enjoying the sensation of strength my body gave me, but then remembering how I got this way, killed my good mood right away. I peeked down to see Ricky still asleep with his mouth open and a bit of drool on the pillow. Seeing him like that made me think about yesterday and I immediately felt myself getting a stiffy. That kinda freaked me out, and I threw the blanket over my head and tried to make the stiffy go away before mom or dad came and saw. It eventually went down and I started getting ready for school.

The game was at Lake Forest elementary, so the entire team skipped school and we had to go all the way there. Before the drive, the coach read our names off his list, but when he got to Zack's name there was no answer. Everyone looked around but no Zack anywhere. Eventually we had to go without him. I was nervous and fidgety the entire way there. It was a big game and I'd never played for my school before.

Despite my worrying, the game went great. Lake Forest was just another school, kinda similar to ours. The game started and I soon discovered it was barely even a challenge for my quick reflexes and improved strength. I hit with every throw, dodged every ball. The entire thing lasted only about ten minutes. It was a big win for the team and all the kids yelled and cheered, but for some reason I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be. I kept thinking about Zack and Ricky and what I did yesterday and how it made me feel.

On the way back I wondered if maybe Zack didn't come today because he didn't want to be my friend anymore after yesterday. Maybe he thought I was gross and a weirdo for doing what I did with Ricky. I decided to ask him tomorrow.

That evening at dinner mom asked Ricky and me about our day at school. I told about the game and Ricky said he made two new friends. That was actually very unusual for him and it made mom very happy. She asked all about them and he kept talking, but after a while I lost interest. I finished my plate and asked to be excused, extra polite so mom would let me.

After brushing my teeth and getting ready to bed I quietly walked into the room. Ricky always went to sleep half an hour before me, and was usually fast asleep by the time I walked in. This time he wasn't. He was lying on top of his bunk with his PJ shirt but with no pants and no undies. His willy was hard and he was playing with it, rubbing with two fingers and tugging on his foreskin. He stopped when he saw me and I could see his face turning red even in the dim glow of the small nightlight.

"Dude! What the hell are you doing??" I asked him, shocked. I was afraid he had summoned Asmodai alone or something.

"I... I just wanted to try it. It really feels good, but not like Asmodai makes it..." he said, and then covered himself with the blanket.

I didn't know what to say so I just climbed up to my bunk and tried to sleep. I could still feel the bed rocking rhythmically as I drifted.

Zack didn't come to school for the rest of the week, and at that point I was sure he must have told someone and that his parents had him move to another school to get him away from me. On Monday morning, while we had morning reading, Zack entered the classroom accompanied by his grandmother. She went to talk with Mrs. Garcia while Zack sat in his place. I tried to make eye contact but he just looked at the floor. After a few moments Mrs. Garcia said "alright children, focus on your books" so I did.

At recess Zack stayed in class instead of going out to play, so I stayed too. I wanted to know if he still wanted to be my friend, and if he had told someone.

"Hey man... what's up? You didn't come to school at the end of last week and I thought..." I trailed off, not sure how to finish the sentence.

Zack looked at me, and I could see he wasn't angry. Sad, if anything. "It's my dad. He's in a coma. That's why I didn't come. He's in a coma and it's all my fault" Zack said, staring back down at his desk and not looking up.

"Wait, what? A coma? How?" I asked.

"It's because of stupid Asmodai and the stupid board. I never should have listened to you, I didn't even want to do it the last time."

He sounded like he was about to cry. I knew Zack was right and that I had pressured him a bit.

"The doctors don't know what to do, and they say he can stay like that, or even worse. It's all my fault.." His face crumpled and his eyes began to fill with tears. He was still not looking at me.

"But it's not your fault!" I said, mainly trying to cheer him up.

"It is! I asked Asmodai to make my parents stop fighting, and then he went and made THAT happen and now they aren't fighting anymore. I'm such an idiot!."

I had no idea what to say to that. For all I knew Zack was right and it really was Asmodai's doing.

"What are you going to do?" I asked meekly.

"I don't know man... I have no idea. I'm not a doctor, and they will never believe me if I tell them what really happened."

Hearing that I started to panic. "You can't tell them! It's our secret, we promised!."

If mom or dad found out about the things I did with Ricky they would kill me. I tried to think fast, and spoke as soon as I had something.

"We... we can maybe ask Asmodai to make your dad better. He made him Sick, maybe he can fix him."

"I never want to see that son of a bitch again ever!" Zack was almost shouting. He looked up, finally making eye contact. "He tricked me! I hate him!."

"You're right, I know, but we'll know to be extra careful now. Ask only very specific things and make sure we know what we're getting, alright?"

I felt kinda bad for trying to convince Zack not to tell. Maybe telling was the right thing to do for his dad, but I couldn't even imagine the reactions if he did. It was too horrible to think about.

Zack looked conflicted, thinking about what I said. "I don't know man... You really think we should? It ended really badly the last time."

I paused for a moment, realizing I was arguing Zack and myself into summoning Asmodai again. Saying I had mixed feelings about the whole thing was the understatement of the year, and here I was, arguing for exactly that. Shit.

Finally he agreed to try, but that only Zack would ask Asmodai for things this time, that me and Ricky wouldn't get involved. I spent the rest of the school day trying to come up with a good request with no loose ends. The best I came up with by the end of last period was "I want my dad to be healthy again, exactly like he was before he drank the wax bead a week ago, and for no one else to be hurt by this and also no trickery or funny business."

I thought it was pretty good and "air tight" so I wrote it on a small piece of paper and put it in my pocket. We decided to meet up after lunch at my place. Mom and dad told us they wouldn't be back until the evening today, so it was a good opportunity. On the way back home from school I told Ricky about our plan. He looked excited, like I told him we are going to get ice cream or something. I had to remind him that this time we were not going to ask for anything whatsoever, and to keep his mouth shut when Asmodai appeared.

When Zack got to our house the three of us went straight upstairs. None of us wanted to wait and have it hanging over our heads. As we climbed the stairs I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. THUMP THUMP THUMP. It was so loud I could hear it in my ears. Ricky hurried to close the blinds and we positioned the board in the middle of the room like always. At the last minute I remembered to give Zack the piece of paper with the wording I worked out in school. I could see the stress on his face, the same stress I felt all over my body. Ricky's face showed his anticipation as well as some fear. A weird mix, but by this point Asmodai's touch was like a drug to him, or so I guessed. When all was ready we stood there for a second, and then Zack said "okay, let's do it" and I moved forward.

I touched the wick with the flame and as usual thick smoke poured out. In a few seconds Asmodai's face appeared before us, grinning. THUMP THUMP. I felt like my heart was about to burst.

"Children...." Asmodai said with his silky voice. "I began to think you didn't want to see me again... But now I see that you do."

I saw that Zack wasn't saying anything so I gestured to the piece of paper I gave him earlier. He got the hint and unfolded it, and then began to read out loud.

"I want my dad... I want my dad to be healthy again, exactly like he was before he drank the wax bead a week ago, and for no one else to be hurt by this and also no trickery or funny business."

His voice was shaky at first but he managed to finish.

As he did Asmodai frowned at him. "You ungrateful boy. I go out of my way to give you a gift and you want me to just undo it? I am wounded by your lack of gratitude!."

I would have believed him, he sounded sincere, but the evil grin on his face made it clear he was playing with Zack, much like the cats in our street play with birds after they manage to catch one.

"But... will you do it?" asked Zack, looking anxious.

"I am not going to ask you for a trade, boy, because I don't need to. I am just going to tell you what I want you to do, and you will do it, or else your dear daddy is going to die."

I wasn't expecting this. Zack stood frozen, his face showing the same shock and horror I felt in my stomach. Asmodai's voice continued, as if he didn't just threaten to kill Zack's dad.

"First of all, as usual, you will strip off all your clothes. Do so now."

Zack didn't move. I knew I had to do something, so I very quietly started reaching down to blow out the candle and make Asmodai disappear.

"STOP! FOOLISH CHILD!" roared Asmodai, turning to me.

I felt my pulse quicken as I got angrier and also more scared. This wasn't fair and I wasn't about to take any more.

"I don't need your stupid magic to change my body, alright? You can fuck off back into your board or whatever and just leave us alone!."

I stepped forward to kick the candles. As I did Asmodai winked at me, and I felt all the strength drain away from my legs. It was a strange sensation, like being deflated. I collapsed to the floor, unable to stand. I started to lose sensation in my legs, and in a few seconds I was completely paralyzed from the waist down. Ricky started screaming, and a second after I started too. I felt more terrified than I ever did in my life.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" I screamed at Asmodai, and he started laughing.

"Oh, you thought giving me control over your body and the ability to change it only means making you fast and strong? Think again, stupid boy. I have power over you now, and I intend to use it."

He let the meaning of his words echo. I started to cry.

"Now, where were we? Ah.. yes. You!" Asmodai's head snapped towards Zack. "Clothes. Now."

Zack started to undress slowly, quietly. Two tears made their way down his face.

"You too, Boy!" he said, meaning me.

"I... I can't. I can't move my legs!" I cried.

After a second I began to feel them again. The relief was palpable, but I didn't have time to dwell on it. I was terrified Asmodai would make me paralyzed again if I displeased him. We were completely under his thumb and he knew it.

Zack and I stood naked, and Ricky still with his clothes on.

Asmodai faced him. "Well, boy? Get them off, you know what to do."

Ricky looked hesitant and then asked "Will you make me feel good if I do? Like last time?." He stared down at his feet as he asked that. He looked ashamed of himself.

Asmodai laughed out loud. "We will see, little one. You two should listen and learn, this one is asking the right questions!."

Asmodai's laugh was high and shrill, and as he laughed Ricky quickly took his clothes off.

"Today I will not possess you, and instead we are going to have a little show. I want to watch you preform for me, and for that we need props."

Asmodai looked around the room, searching. Finally he spotted our shoes, thrown around near the piles of clothes behind each of us.

"Perfect!" he said, and as he did the shoelaces began to move and crawl like snakes. They slithered out of the shoes and started crawling on the floor towards each of us. "Don't move!" commanded Asmodai, so we didn't.

The two shoelaces from my shoes reached my ankles and started crawling up my legs, coiling around them and climbing up. I briefly thought they were going to crawl up my butt and clenched automatically, but they kept climbing up my body, tickling me, until they got to my shoulders and then down my arms. When they got to my wrists I felt them tugging, directing my hands to behind my back. I didn't dare resist, and the two snakelike shoelaces began tying my wrists together behind my back like handcuffs. When they finished and stopped moving I tested the knot. It was impossible to untie or wriggle loose, and trying too hard would hurt a lot. Looking up I saw Zack and Ricky with their hands behind their backs too. The three of us stood there, tied up and naked like some twisted version of a children's game.

"We are going to start with a test to see how close you are to each other. It will be fun, you'll see."

He turned to face Ricky, who straitened like when being asked a question in class. Instead of speaking Asmodai blew a stream of smoke that flowed towards Ricky's face, and Ricky inhaled eagerly. At first nothing happened, but then I saw Ricky's penis starting to get hard. He noticed too and instinctively tried to cover himself with his hands, but they were still tied. It started slow, his small finger-like pecker filling and swelling in slow motion, straightening and starting to point up. We could see him get harder and harder until his small penis was standing like a pole and clearly throbbing with his heartbeat.

"What you are now experiencing is called 'arousal', child. Around the level a teenager would feel after having certain thoughts. It is rare for a child your age to feel it with such intensity, and we really are only just beginning."

Ricky's breath started to get deeper and he seemed focused on his hardon. After a few more seconds his breathing became less regular and he began to fidget.

"You can feel it increasing, can't you? I wonder how much your young mind can take. It will truly be wonderful to see."

Ricky desperately began trying to reach his penis with his hands, but they were tied firmly behind his back by the laces. He squirmed in place, seemingly unable to stay still anymore. His hardon was pulsing, the foreskin tightly stretched over it and just the tip of the head peeking out, deep pink. Sweat began to appear on his body.

"Brian, what do I do??" He screamed in panic, but I had nothing. Red blush crept up his inner thighs and on his cheeks. I saw him try to control his breathing, but soft moans kept escaping his lips.

"Stop it!" I yelled at Asmodai, "He's in pain!."

"Oh it's not pain, but no mortal can reach this level of arousal naturally. Soon he won't be able to take it anymore. Maybe one of you should help him get the release he needs."

Ricky's body began to shake and his hips began thrusting forward repeatedly. Only slightly and slowly at first, but faster and more vigorously with each passing moment. It looked like he couldn't control it, or maybe he wasn't trying anymore. Then he fell backwards and arched his back in terrible tension before going back to humping the air, his back to the floor.

"BRIAN!" he gasped between moans, and I moved forward. I couldn't help Ricky with my hands so I went to my knees, lowered my head and opened my mouth. Ricky was still thrusting in the air, but when he saw what I was doing he was able to slow and aim his penis into my mouth. As I saw it come closer I quickly closed my eyes.

A fraction of a second later I felt it stab into my mouth, forcing my lips apart and pushing deeper until I almost gagged. It wasn't big, but Ricky pushed as deep as it would go and I could feel his balls tapping against my chin. It was salty from all the sweat, and I could hear Ricky moaning loudly as he began thrusting his penis again and again into me. He wasn't waiting for me to do anything, and instead humped my mouth and throat as I tried not to gag. I felt his legs wrap around my sides, holding me in place as he fucked my face. He was moaning loudly with every thrust now. Push, moan, pull back, push and again. Focusing on the rhythm helped me ignore all the rest, to not gag, to not think about what was going on. After a while I heard Ricky yell, felt him thrust forcefully one last time and shudder. He then pulled his penis from my mouth and didn't push it in again. I opened my eyes.

Ricky was on his back, breathing heavily as if he had just ran a mile. His penis was still erect and wet from my spit, but it was shrinking slowly. Asmodai was watching us with a delighted look on his smoky face. I tried not to look at Zack.

"Bravo! Bravo! That was absolutely fantastic. You boys belong on a stage, truly," Asmodai sounded sarcastic and amused. Hearing his voice made me sick.

"Now, up on your feet, quick quick. We still have much to do today. You, Boy!" He turned to face Zack, who jumped a bit. "Do you think you can top this marvelous performance?."

"No... no, sir. I don't think I can, sir," answered Zack meekly.

"Oh... you underestimate yourself. A strong willed boy like you can surely impress. Let's see... ah! Yes. I have just the idea for you. For this you will need to lie on your back."

Zack slowly did so, arching his back slightly because of his tied hands.

"Ricky," Asmodai said, "Now that you had a moment to rest, I have something I want to ask of you. If you'll be a good little boy you will get another... pleasurable treatment."

Ricky's eyes gleamed and a huge smile slowly spread on his face.

"Ricky, no, don't!" I said, but I knew it was futile, Ricky was hooked.

"Zack, you will lie on your back and try your hardest to not... explode, like little Ricky just did, while he will try his hardest to make you. As a further incentive- think of your dear father and his poor health."

Zack looked terrified but didn't say anything, and Asmodai floated through the air toward Ricky and started whispering in his ear. I saw Ricky's face making a disgusted expression, but then he nodded. As Asmodai floated back Ricky moved forward and approached Zack. He knelt next to him and leaned downwards, towards Zack's crotch. Zack's penis was soft and small. I saw the foreskin was slightly darker than the rest of his skin. Ricky looked at it for a moment, and then started licking it again and again, then put it in his mouth and started sucking. He did it for several seconds, while Zack was trying to breathe slowly, deep and regular like he was trying to control himself. Ricky alternated between sucking and licking, and every time Zack's penis was out of his mouth I saw it was getting bigger. Soon it was in full erect mode, with the tip out in the open. Once that happened Ricky focused on it in earnest, tickling with his tongue before plunging Zack's penis fully into his mouth.

At this point Asmodai said "Stop!" in a commanding voice, and Ricky stopped at once.

"Now, do what I told you. It won't hurt, that I promise. Just follow the sensations in your body and you will do fine. Remember your treat if you do it right."

Ricky stood up and moved to stand over Zack's lying body. He then crouched down, positioning his butt directly over Zack's crotch. With his hands, still tied behind his back, he took Zack's penis and directed it straight up, and then lowered himself onto it, slowly. I felt sick to my stomach but couldn't make myself look away. I was rock hard, despite everything and hated myself for it.

Ricky slowly continued lowering himself, his butthole expanding visibly to accommodate the demand. It looked like he was enjoying the sensation somehow. His eyes had that dreamy look they got every time Asmodai worked his magic on him. Zack looked panicked and disgusted, but he was still hard and still being enveloped slowly. After a few seconds Ricky lowered himself all the way down, and was now sitting on Zack's crotch, with Zack's penis all the way inside him. He moved his legs under him, on Zack's sides, moaned softly and began to move up and down. It looked like he was riding on a horse, but in slow motion.

After a moment Zack started to show signs of unrest, and looked more and more panicked. His breathing became quicker and deeper and he moaned occasionally, looking distressed.

"Ricky... Stop, please!" he gasped, but Ricky gave no indication he even heard. He kept on going, Zack's penis sliding in and out of him with every motion.

"Ricky for the love of god please stop please!" Zack was shouting now. He then arched his back suddenly, trying to fling Ricky off. The motion caught Ricky by surprise and he was almost thrown away. He ceased his riding trying to hold on. Zack was wriggling and doing a good job of it, and in a few seconds Ricky was off him.

"I didn't give you permission to move, boy" said Asmodai dryly.

Zack was breathing hard, more so than his wriggling could explain by itself.

"However I do appreciate the resourcefulness, so you will not be punished this time. YOU!" Asmodai swiveled to face me. "I want you to hold your unruly friend in place."

I felt my hands being untied and the shoe laces falling near my feet. "If you want to keep the ability to use those arms of yours you better put them to good use. Now."

I moved over to hold Zack down. He looked at me with sheer hatred in his eyes and I quickly looked away. I was terrified and there was no right thing to do. I sat down on Zack's legs and tried to hold him down with my weight and strength. He didn't even put up a fight as I did it.

Ricky stepped towards us and stood over Zack again, ready to lower himself in the same way. I was much closer now, facing Ricky's back.

"Hold Zack's penis for your little brother" commanded Asmodai.

I reached and grabbed it. It was hard and wet and warm to the touch. I pointed it up as Ricky crouched down, and aimed it directly into his butthole. When Ricky made contact he slowed, and I could see his butthole expanding and Zack's penis being swallowed by it. Ricky resumed his position and right away started riding Zack again. He made a faint moaning sound with every down motion, when Zack's penis was all the way inside him. After a while Zack began to breathe hard again, and I could see him trying to find a way to control himself.

"Remember our game, child. Don't explode just yet, I haven't give you leave. Think of your father."

Ricky kept moving, increasing the pace of his riding, and moaning loudly as he went. I felt Zack's body shake each time Ricky's butt cheeks tapped against his pelvis. Zack was breathing hard, moaning and twitching. I could tell he was close and fighting the sensations. Eventually I felt Zack's leg muscles spasm hard. He yelled and his legs jerked, and after a few seconds he started to cry.

Ricky stopped moving and slowly rose to a kneeling position, and then rolled to his side and stayed sprawled on the floor, the dreamy look still on his face. Zack was sobbing, laying on his back.

"That was excellent, boy. You truly put up a tremendous fight. you lasted much longer than I thought you could, and I had little Ricky really give you his all. Very well done."

Asmodai's cheerful tone was in sharp contrast to the nightmare we were trapped in. "After a performance like that I think I shall be merciful. It wouldn't do to leave you unrewarded. Your father will live to see another day, boy, and he has you to thank for that. Bravo."

Zack was still sobbing, but he tried to speak through it. "Tha.. thankkk... you...sssir.." he managed.

"That is one day you have bought for him, I do expect to see you here tomorrow. That goes for you too, child" he was facing me again. "If you want to keep your body functioning properly make sure to be here tomorrow with your brother. After today he won't need much convincing, isn't that right, little Ricky?."

Ricky nodded slowly, still sprawled on the floor.

"Good. Well boys, today you outdid yourselves. Rest well, for tomorrow you will need your strength."

With these parting words Asmodai became a stream of thick smoke and sank back into his board, extinguishing the candles as he passed.


When I got home I went straight to the phone. Granny was there but I didn't even say hi. After three rings mom picked up. "Mom, how is dad? Is he okay? Is he... still alive?" I asked in a rush.

"Yes Zack, honey, he's alive. Oh... It must be so hard on you baby...."

I could hear her take a minute to collect herself. "The doctors even say he opened his eyes earlier and tried to speak before falling unconscious again. That's' a big improvement and they're hopeful."

The next day at school I didn't even try to listen to the teachers. I drew in my notebooks all the ways I would kill Asmodai, and kept thinking about more and more awful ideas to try. At recess I saw that Brian stayed in class. He looked like a zombie, with dark circles around red eyes.

"Hey, dude... what's up?" I tried, but neither of us were in the mood for small talk.

"Hey man," he answered dispassionately.

"Listen" I said. "We need to find a way out of this trap. I can't keep doing this. Our plan didn't work but there has to be something. We need to find a way to persuade Asmodai to leave us alone."

"Fat chance" Brian answered. "He has all the power. He can kill your dad man, he can make me crippled or blind or... or he could kill me too, stop my heart. And he's got Ricky addicted to his magic, he won't listen to us."

"I know I know" I said, flustered, "But there must be a way! Maybe if we offer him something he wants?."

"Nah, what can we offer him? He wants us, to make us do these nasty things to each other. That's his kick. I don't want to offer him to do any of that, and he can just make me do it anyway."

They were good points but I was not about to give up. I wasn't about to go to his house again and have Ricky ride me like he did, put my dick in his butt. It was gross, and I don't care if it felt good. It was nasty.

"But..." he continued "I maybe have an idea."

I didn't expect he would dare to try anything so I listened.

"Maybe if we threatened him... we already know one of his weaknesses. He hates sunlight! We can force him to suffer until he promises to leave us alone."

I looked at Brian, and he looked back, a defiant sparkle in his eyes.

"Dude... That's one hell of a risky plan... do you think it could work?." I wanted to believe, and maybe Brian had figured a way out of this mess. I was afraid to try but even more afraid not to. I couldn't keep doing this day after day.

"Alright... I'm in" I said after a brief deliberation, "Let's do it today. We can take the board with us to somewhere no one will hear Asmodai screaming, and threaten to leave him there even. That's perfect! Brian you're a genius!."

We shook on it and decided Brian would bring Ricky and the board and candles to the abandoned shoe factory at the end of town. There I would meet them and deal with Asmodai for good.

I was super nervous for the rest of the school day. My leg kept jumping up and down even after Mrs. Garcia told me to stop like five times. When the bell finally rang I flew out of class. My stomach was all tied in knots from being nervous and I knew I wouldn't even eat one bite, so I decided not to go home at all. Instead I went straight to the shoe factory and waited there. On the way I felt the sun on the back of my neck and imagined it burning Asmodai to ashes, leaving nothing.

My head was filled with the image of him burning when I got to the factory. It was an old building of bare concrete and almost all the windows were broken because kids threw stones at then. Everything was dusty, and if you walked inside and disturbed all the dust then if floated up and you could see it in the sunlight coming through the windows in parallel lines. Parts of the floor were in direct sunlight and some were in the shade, exactly what we needed for our plan.

I walked around the mostly empty rooms of the factory and tried to pick the best spot. Along the way I kicked empty beer cans and other trash people brought in. I was on edge and kicking things around, helped for a few seconds. Eventually I found a good spot. It was in a room with some old machines, so big and heavy, no one had bothered to move them or take them away. A part of the roof collapsed in, lighting half the room in bright sunlight while the other half was in shadow. There was only one door, and a few big work tables stood near it. We could block the exit with a table if we tried to move one together so no one would come in and stop us. It was perfect.

I waited for a billion hours until I heard the sound of footsteps and the voices of Brian and Ricky echoing from the factory entrance. I walked towards them and shouted "HEY! OVER HERE!" and after a minute we found each other and I led them to the room I found.

"Wow.. big room" said Ricky. That surprised me a bit, I wasn't used to hear Ricky talk without being asked a question, but then I remembered Asmodai made him less shy, and that made me feel bad. Brian lowered his backpack on the dusty floor and reached inside.

"Wait, stop for a sec" I said, dreading the sight of that damn board. "Maybe we should block the entrance first, right? So no one will walk in on us or disturb us" I said nervously.

"There isn't anyone around for a mile" Brian said, but he walked toward one of the big tables near the door anyway. Together we managed to move it and block the door, and my shirt and pants got all messy and dusty. I didn't care.

"There. Now let's get this over with" Brian said, clearly just as nervous as I felt. He got his backpack and got out the board, the two candles and a matchbox. We decided to arrange it so that Asmodai would appear in a shady part, protected from the sun by something we would hold up, and after he appeared we will drop the thing and the sun will hit him full force. We found a piece of old cardboard with a half faded shoe model printed on it and decided I would be the one to hold it up while Brian did the talking.

We got in position, the two of them with one finger hovering over the pointer, Brian holding a lit match and me with a finger over the pointer and the big cardboard held in the other hand, blocking the sun from touching the board.

"Ready?" asked Brian.

"Yes" I lied, while Ricky nodded with a small smile. Brian lit the candles and then we all touched the pointer at the same time.

As always the smoke formed the horned face I had learned to hate. Asmodai moved his floating head around, looking surprised.

"Where are we?" he managed before I lowered the cardboard and the sun lit the board brightly.

The confused expression contorted to an agonized one, and a high continuous scream escaped his smoky lips. It looked like the smoke was pierced by the sun and somehow burned away in small patches with glowing edges. All the while Asmodai kept screaming and screaming, not even stopping for air.

After a few seconds Brian signaled me to block the sun again, and I did. Asmodai's eyes were narrowed to hateful slits.

"Zack, if he tries anything make him burn," Brian said, and I nodded.

"We want you to leave us alone forever," Brian continued. "No more of your games. Just go away and leave us alone, or else."

Asmodai looked at him with a concentrated look. "Brave move, little boy..." he said, seemingly at a loss for anything more.

I was amazed it was working so well, I had half expected Asmodai to pull some trick and somehow get the upper hand again.

"But leave you alone like that? I don't think so... what's in it for me? What do you offer me in return?"

The bastard was still bargaining. I felt my heart in my chest going THUMP TUMP like every time I was this agitated. Brian didn't look like he knew what to say, and Asmodai smiled. As they talked I noticed that the holes the sun burned in Asmodai were slowly closing.

"Let's put aside this little rebellion..." he started, but I had enough.

"No!" I yelled at him, startling Brian and Ricky, and myself. "You will stop hurting us you big bully!" and with that I lowered the cardboard again. Asmodai screamed, and a huge smile stretched over my face. I was going to burn that fucker until he was truly dead and gone.

After a second Ricky suddenly gasped and started screaming too. He fell on the floor and convulsed, the sound of his screams mixing with those of Asmodai's. I looked at Brian and he looked at me. The screams went on; Ricky was shaking and arching his back in obvious pain.

Asmodai was in no better condition. It looked like parts of the smoke were being burned away again, and the light kept eating into him. Another moment and the horned face lost its Humanoid shape and turned into the face of a goat with dozens of needle sharp teeth. The goat head opened its mouth wide and from within grew another head, this time hyena shaped, which replaced the previous one. The smoke kept changing shapes faster and faster, screaming all the while.

Ricky began hitting himself hard in the face with his fists, screaming in agony like he was on fire. His nose began to bleed but he just kept going in a frenzy. After a few more seconds of this Brian broke.

"Zack, stop it!" he yelled at me, but I didn't put the cardboard back. "You have to save Ricky, He's in pain, please!"

Brian's eyes were fixed on Ricky in horror. The blood from Ricky's nose splattered all over his face, some entered his mouth and caused his screams to turn into gurgles for a few seconds. He kept hitting himself all over his body. It was like he was being burned alive with invisible fire, and he was trying to put it out. Brian yelled at me again, but I didn't understand him over the combined screams of Ricky and Asmodai. When I didn't move he lunged at me and tackled me to the ground. I dropped the cardboard in surprise and tried to get him off me. He tried to get the cardboard and block the sun.

We fought on the dusty ground. Brian was on top of me, holding one of my arms. I tried to push him off with the other and somehow slip from under him so I could get back on my feet. I was older than Brian and originally stronger, but he had the benefit of the body Asmodai gave him. His grip on my arm was like a vice and I couldn't shake him off or slip away. Out of nowhere he landed a hard punch on the side of my face. For a second my vision swam and I was dazed. My cheek hurt like hell and my mouth tasted of blood. By the time I managed to focus back on my surroundings I saw that Brian was no longer on me, He was scrambling for the cardboard. I was only two paces away, but there was nothing I could do to stop him from getting to it. I looked in utter helplessness as he grabbed it, stood shakily and raised it over his head, blocking the sun.

The screaming stopped at once. The eerie silence was interrupted by Ricky's voice quietly whimpering. The smoke that was Asmodai was floating in a shapeless writhing blob, pieces of it morphing into fragments of animal bodies momentarily before collapsing back into formlessness. The shifting was slower now. The smoky blob had entire pieces burned off; whole chunks missing and some holes went all the way through.

Brian breathed in and out a couple of times and then said "Ricky..!"

When he did the smoke turned to face him, even though it didn't even have a face, and morphed into a thick long tentacle that shot towards Brian's head. Brian immediately closed his mouth, but that barely slowed the smoke. It crawled into his nose, visibly expanding the nostrils to the point of almost tearing the flesh. When Brian yelled in pain, the smoke quickly entered his mouth and flowed in with force. Brian gagged and coughed but in a couple of seconds it was over and no smoke was left. Brian looked at me with an expression of complete terror in his eyes, and then the expression slowly changed to rage and hate.

"Pathetic humans! Insolent infants! I will make you pay for this, and I will make it hurt like nothing you have ever known before!"

I was on my feet by that point, and I could feel my knees shaking. Brian's body walked to where Ricky was curled on the floor, kneeled down and picked up a broken glass shard that was probably once a piece of a bottle. With his other hand he grabbed a handful of Ricky's hair and pulled back hard, exposing a stretched neck. He placed the broken glass point first against the side of the neck, right where I could faintly see Ricky's pulse under the skin.

"No!" I yelled, thinking he was about to slit his throat. He didn't though, and instead faced me.

"YOU!" boomed Brian's voice as he looked at me with hateful eyes. I was shaking in earnest now, and could feel warm pee spreading in my underwear and dripping down my leg.

"I have your friend's body, I have this little one's life and I have your father's life. If you want any of them to live you will follow my commands to the letter. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

I nodded in fear. I felt numb, like I was watching everything through thick glass. It felt far away, and I could feel myself thinking I should run, but all my body did was nod and look at Brian's feet.

"Repeat my words as I say them. Do not stutter, do not say anything more and DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE, BOY!"

The last few words were spoken with such a menacing voice I nodded even before I realized it. And then Brian's voice began:

"I allow Asmodai into me, into my body and into my soul."

I repeated the words with a hollow voice.

"To enter me and dwell in me, to do with me as he pleases. I relinquish myself to his presence and will for as long as I shall live."

I finished the litany with a trembling voice, dreading my punishment if I got a word wrong or stuttered. Brian released Ricky's head, and Ricky just laid there, barely conscious. Brian-Asmodai seemed calmer now, more at ease. A shadow of his usual condescending smirk began to return, and it was not an encouraging sight. He approached me slowly.

"Now you're mine, boy. Mine completely, to do with as I please. Do you understand what that means?"

I nodded and managed a faint "yes sir."

"No. You don't. You think that seeing me play and amuse myself gives you understanding. It doesn't. You do not yet understand, but soon you will. Now take off all your clothes."

It was happening again, like in my nightmares. I still felt far away, and my hands began to remove my shoes and then my socks and tossed them aside, all on autopilot. I watched myself remove the rest of my clothes, even my underwear, until everything was off and I stood naked and shaking.

"Go there."

Brian's hand reached out and pointed to a very heavy looking square metal container that was one of the things left from the old factory days. It was all rusty and covered with dust, and was just under waist height for me. I walked over, afraid of what Asmodai will have me do.

"Face it."

I did.

"Spread your legs to the sides."

I spread my legs to a bit more than shoulder width, still trying to guess what was coming.

"Now reach forward, stretch your hands to the far side and lean your body on the box."

I did. I could feel the cold metal on my belly and thighs and smell the old oil smell coming off the container.

"Don't move" I heard Brian's voice order me.

I heard his footsteps coming towards me, and then stop. I looked back and saw him reach out his hand and touch the container. Once he did, I felt the metal shift under my hand. It became like quicksand, and my hand started sinking into it. The metal rippled and engulfed my palms, and I slowly sank more and more until it was over my wrists. Then Brian's hand lifted and the metal hardened again, trapping my hands inside it. I couldn't lift my hands or escape. Brian bent down and laid both his palms on the floor. I felt the concrete shift and my feet sinking. I didn't dare to move a muscle, and I knew there was no point resisting.

Brian straightened and came to stand right behind me. I could feel his fingers gently stroking my back and I shuddered at the touch. Scared sobs began escaping my throat, silent at first but louder and louder. He didn't stop, his fingers tracing a path down my back and onto my butt, around the cheeks and then slowly towards the center. He didn't stop even when he reached my hole, his cold finger making me shiver and clench hard. He moved on though, down to that sensitive area right at the bottom of the body, and then to my ballsack.

"I am going to enjoy this very much, my dear boy," he said softly. "Do you realize what is going to happen in a moment?"

I didn't answer, I was paralyzed with fear. My knees were still shaking, but it hardly mattered now that I was mostly leaning on my hands and belly.

"Please..." I tried, barely managing to sound coherent through the sobbing. "Please... don't do this, don't hurt me.. Please..."

Brian's voice laughed with all of Asmodai's menace. "It's far too late for that, little boy" he said, and I heard him undressing.

The last remnant of my denial was gone, and I began to cry in panic. Through the tears and the sobbing I begged Asmodai to stop.

"Please, don't, please, I'll do whatever you want! Just don't hurt me like that, please..!"

I tried to free my hands and feet somehow, tried to wriggle out of the metal and concrete encasing them. No use. When I felt Brian's small hand on my back again I jerked and screamed, but he didn't let go. The hand slid down to my left butt cheek, and another hand touched the right one. He slowly spread me open, more and more until it was painful.

"Aw! Brian, stop, you're hurting me, oh god please, no, please..."

I heard Brian spit and felt it hit near where he was holding, right next to my hole. He spread it with one finger all around, and then he spat again. This time he pushed it with the finger against my hole, and kept pushing, trying to get inside. I clenched as hard as I could, and felt him slowly push harder and harder.

"I like your spirit, boy, but fighting me will only make it hurt more," Brian's voice said with amusement, and then he pushed harder, breaking through my resistance.

His finger slid into me forcefully and I yelled. It hurt a lot. He wriggled it inside, wetting everything with the spit, and then pulled it out.

"Are you ready, boy?" he asked.

I could picture that sickening grin on his face. "No, no, please don't, please..."

I didn't even finish speaking when I felt him gripping my waist and pulling me towards him. His penis touched my butt, and he positioned me with his hands to ease the penetration. I tried to fight him but his strength was inhuman. I felt Brian's penis touch my hole and start to push against it. Oh god, this wasn't happening. He pushed harder and harder and I couldn't fight it, and with a thrust he slid inside. It hurt like nothing I had ever felt in my life and I screamed. My hole was stretched tight and it felt like it was about to rip.

I heard Brian's voice moan in pleasure, and he started to thrust his penis in and out of me rhythmically. Each time was like being impaled for the first time. Again and again and again, Brian's voice moaning and me screaming. He was gripping me so tight, pulling me towards him as he thrust his pelvis forward, and then the sound of his body hitting mine with his penis deep in me.

As he continued something changed. I felt his penis change, getting longer inside me, reaching deeper with every thrust. Its texture changed too, from skin-smooth to something else. I didn't believe it could hurt more, but it somehow did. Like hundreds of thorns tearing me, reaching so deep I felt it in my stomach, almost in my core. I screamed and screamed but he just kept sliding in and out, tearing my insides raw. The thrusts came faster now, deeper each time, and all I knew was pain. Then a final brutal thrust that drove the stake-like organ so deep into me I was sure it would tear me in half. I felt the tip squirting red-hot liquid that burned my insides. It came in pulses, one after the other, like lava being poured directly into my center. I felt it gather, coalesce inside me to a single burning mass, forming a sphere of burning pain that latched to my inside and stayed there. I was vaguely aware of Brian's voice moaning and gasping as he slid out and didn't thrust again.

As I kept screaming in pain he collapsed to the floor. The metal that held my hands and the floor encasing my feet slowly returned to their original formation, allowing me to move. I collapsed next to Brian's body, unable to even crawl away. I was sure I was bleeding a lot from what he did to me, but somehow I wasn't. Everything was silent, the three of us on the ground and not moving, Brian and me breathing heavily. I was still crying quietly, and I could head Ricky was as well. Brian seemed like he was passed out. I could still feel that sphere inside me, burning, but somehow not as painful. We stayed like this for a long time.


I couldn't sleep. That wasn't unusual; I had had trouble sleeping for the last two weeks, ever since we broke the board in the old shoe factory. I tried not to think about it, and for most of the time it worked fine, but at night all the pictures would come back.

We didn't tell mom and dad. I told Ricky not to, and he just listened and did as I said. All the spunk he got from his deal with Asmodai was gone along with the rest of it. It was all undone after what I did to Zack. All the magic and changes. I got my old body back and had to use glasses again. We heard that Zack's dad got better. I had no idea why, but it was like the entire thing never happened. I broke the board with my shoe back in the factory, kicking it against the wall, and it just... broke. No special effects or Asmodai appearing and making us do things against our will.

I felt the bed rocking rhythmically and looked down. Ricky was at it again, rubbing himself on his new stuffed bear mom and dad got him after he woke up with his bed wet for several nights in a row. Now he only fell asleep after rubbing against "Rufus" for a long time each night. I didn't feel like joining him tonight, even though sometimes I did. Seeing him like that still made me get a stiffy, and sometimes joining him in the bottom bunk was the only way of getting rid of it and falling asleep. He seemed to like it when I did.

Mom came to wake us up. This was a rare treat, and she looked in a good mood too. Ricky's bed was dry and mom told him congratulations and that he did it and stuff like that, as if he was three or something. He still seemed to be proud of himself so I guess that was ok. I got a kiss on my forehead and a "good morning, darling." As I got ready for school I wondered if today I will finally have the courage to talk with Zack. I promised myself that today will be it, that I'll say something as soon as I saw him in class, or after first period at the latest. I almost believed myself.


The first thing I did once I got home was call mom. She wasn't home, and granny was asleep on the couch with her mouth wide open. The phone rang for forever but eventually she picked up. There was a lot of noise on the other side, like she was in a crowd.

"Oh honey, my baby, you wouldn't believe what happened! A miracle! Daddy just opened his eyes and spoke! He's alright! He's going to be alright! Oh baby... Oh honey...." She sobbed and I couldn't make out her words. I was sure it would feel different, but somehow I just felt hollow, like all this was happening to someone else.

I finished the call somehow. I don't remember what I said, probably feigned relief and joy. Granny woke and we waited for mommy and daddy together. They didn't return for a long time, and I was already exhausted from all the day's events. I went to my room even without brushing my teeth and fell on the bed with my clothes still on.

In my dream everything was gray and foggy. There was this beat to everything and I was trying to find its source. It was like a heartbeat that made everything pulsate, and it became louder and louder as I stepped near. I almost got to the center of it, the thing that was pulsing, and as I got nearer and nearer I was filled with a sense of urgency and dread. At the last moment I awoke, covered in sweat. Even with the remnants of the dream fading I could still feel the pulsing inside me, not stopping as I transitioned from dream to real life. Whatever Asmodai put in me was still there, attached to my very core.

Mommy and daddy were asleep, and granny allowed me to sneak a tiny peak but only after I swore to be extra, extra quiet. He was really there, in the bed next to mommy, like nothing had ever happened to him. Granny shooed me away before I got a chance to make noise, and made me prepare for school. Eventually I left, but only after she promised me that they would call the school when daddy woke up. I was the first to get to class so I busied myself drawing in my history notebook. I had my hoodie on and didn't look up when other kids entered. I didn't want to be bothered, and thankfully I wasn't. I was drawing black circles with my pencil, repeating them again and again until the page was punctured through in several spots. I didn't know why I drew them, I barely even noticed. All the while I could feel the faint pulse inside me, the one that started in my dream.

After second period we had recess. Most of the kids ran outside but I didn't feel like it so I stayed in. I saw Brian linger for a moment near the door, but when our eyes met, he lowered his head and quickly walked out. A few minutes before recess was over the teacher, Mrs. Garcia, called me to the school secretary's desk for a call. When I picked up the phone I heard dad's voice.

"Hey there, champ! How's my favorite kid doing?."

I tried to answer but choked up instead. All I managed was a faint "hi dad," accompanied by a strange choking sound that somehow got through the lump blocking my throat.

For the next few days I kept feeling the beat. It was there when I was awake; always in the background like the world itself was pulsating. And it was there in my dreams, and in them it was worse. They were always gray, and the beat was everywhere. It always came from this one thing - a big blob of pulsating shifting darkness. In every dream I came closer to it, even though it filled me with strange thoughts and sensations. Every night the beat became stronger, and it stayed stronger after for the whole day. What was just a faint and barely noticeable rhythmic pulse at first, not very different from a heartbeat, was now an ever present drumbeat emanating from my inside that demanded constant attention. In class I stopped trying to listen, and instead just focused on the sensation. Whatever was inside me was growing somehow without changing its size. It was getting stronger.

Mom and dad didn't go back to fighting. It looked like they didn't care about the things that made them so angry before, so that was good at least. They spent a lot of time together, and we even had family dinners, everything was going great. I sometimes had trouble focusing on the conversation because of the beating I felt all the time but they didn't seem to think much of it. I tried to hide it as best I could so they wouldn't ask questions I couldn't answer. I was so happy dad was back and things were back to their old selves, or perhaps even better.

One night, about two weeks after the incident at the factory, I found myself in the same foggy gray landscape, as usual walking towards the beating mass. I saw it coming closer, dark and twisted, pulsing like it was alive. I was curious to find out what it was, but at the same time just wanted to get as far away from it as I could. I came closer, closer than I ever came, and noticed it was oval in shape, like a huge black egg. I reached my hand out to it, an immense sense of dread flooding me, and touched the surface. It was warm, and I could feel movement inside. The feeling of something unclean filled me, but I couldn't pull my hand back. The pulsating grew stronger and I felt whatever was inside this egg shifting, banging against the shell where my hand was. Small cracks began to appear, spreading around my palm like a spider web, and from them oozed a tar-like liquid that slowly ran down the outer shell. I looked at my hand with the substance on it. The skin turned black where it touched the liquid, and my hand began to heat up.

I awoke with a yelp, all covered in sweat and with a raging boner like I had never had before. I reached down to my underwear even before I was fully conscious, feeling an irresistible urge to touch myself. I barely managed to control myself enough to pull my PJ pants and underwear down for easier access before my hand just took control and grabbed my tool hard. I started stroking, unconsciously matching the strokes to the ever present and all-encompassing beat. As I rubbed with increasing vigor I was vaguely aware of the moans and gasps I was making, barely hearing them over the beat and the haze of lust and pleasure I felt. The sensation built and built, reaching intensities I didn't know it could. My hand was moving on its own, eliciting wave after wave of ecstasy and an increasing feeling of urgency and need. I was moaning loudly, thrusting my hips hard in a motion I had no way of stopping. Finally I exploded, yelling and spasming uncontrollably, completely unaware of my surroundings.

The door to my room opened a crack and mom's head peaked inside. "Honey, are you alright? Did you have a bad dream?" she asked in a worried tone.

"No.. I mean, yeah, I had a bad dream," I answered, trying to hide my panting and to cover my half naked body with the blanket at the same time.

"Do you want me to stay for a bit, sweetie?" mom asked, and I quickly refused.

After she left I laid there, still breathing hard, and tried to make sense of what had just occurred. This had never happened before, and was totally not like me. It reminded me of the things Asmodai made us do, and the memory made me shudder. I remembered the dream and looked at my hand. It was hard to see in the dark but it looked alright, with nothing black or gooey on it. It was still very warm, but maybe that was because of all the movement. I closed my eyes and focused on the mass inside me. It felt hotter than yesterday, and still pulsating. The beating was louder than ever now, and only the fact that I was so used to it made it possible for me to ignore the incredibly powerful drumming. It was so intense that my vision swam a bit with every thump. I could feel it in my entire body, like being underwater and having a shockwave run through me. I wasn't sure, but I felt like the beat was actually faster now than it was yesterday.

In the morning I barely woke up. Mom had to shake me before I managed to open my eyes, and to tickle me until I agreed to get out of bed. I was bone tired and had no idea why. Somehow I managed to get through breakfast and the rest of the morning routine, even though all I could focus on was the thing inside me. At school I didn't even try. All the noises were so distant, and the throbbing beat was everything. I sat like a zombie in my spot and no one bothered me. When I got back home, no one was there. I stumbled into my room crashed on the bed, clothes still on, and fell asleep instantly.

I was in front of the egg again. It was more cracked than the last time I saw it, the dark surface lined with thin fault lines and fractures all over. The tar-like fluid was oozing from the wider cracks, running down the egg and gathering around its base. I saw more cracks appearing as they were pushed from inside rhythmically. Whatever was inside was visibly trying to get out. All the while the loud pulse continued, faster now, building toward some crescendo I feared what was about to emerge. I couldn't move. I stood there like a statue, gripped in terror and terrible fascination, and watched the egg that was inside me hatch.

Finally a piece of the shell detached and fell as the thing inside pushed it outward. Through the opening I could see a black claw made from the dark liquid breaking more and more of the shell off around the newly opened hole. When it was big enough, the tapping stopped, and the claw hesitantly reached out. As it stretched outward it was followed by more of the liquid from which it was made. A writhing mass of viscous abomination, constantly growing different body parts that quickly dissolved and morphed into new, terrible ones. As the thing exited the egg completely the shell disintegrated behind it, collapsing into dust and disappearing. The beating stopped.

The pain in my inside woke me up. It felt like my body was being infected from the inside out, the pain slowly spreading. I twisted and squirmed hard, trying to ease the pain. At first I tried not to scream but quickly gave that up. I buried my face in my pillow and bit hard, screaming and crying as my body squirmed violently. The infection spread from my stomach up to my chest and down to my pelvis. As it reached my penis it immediately got hard, but I barely noticed. It continued to my thighs and arms, and finally to my head. Soon after my entire body was consumed.

I stopped moving and laid still. I didn't choose to, my body did it on its own. When I tried to move my limbs didn't listen. I couldn't move an inch. I felt my lips stretch in a wide grin, and then my body started laughing.

"It must be confusing for you. It is the first time you are experiencing this after all, but it's ok. You'll have time to adjust. All the time in the world, in fact. 'I allow Asmodai into me, into my body and into my soul, to enter me and dwell in me, to do with me as he pleases. I relinquish myself to his presence and will for as long as I shall live'. Remember that, boy? Now sit back and enjoy the ride. You did pay all you had for the tickets."

My hands tossed the blanket aside and I stood up. I was quickly undressed, and Asmodai had my body stand there with arms to the side. After a moment I stepped towards the window. A flick of the finger and the latch moved without being touched. I stepped on the ledge then onward onto the nothing, my naked body floating through the cold night air.

I felt the bite of the cold night on my bare flesh but couldn't even shiver. My body floated over houses and roads, aimed at some unknown target. I tried to shout, to speak to Asmodai with my mind, but no answer came. At this point only the panic prevented me from giving in to apathy and despair.

A few minutes into the eerie flight I realized where I was headed, and redoubled my efforts to beg and plead. I screamed inside my head, but to no avail. Soon after I landed on the roof right outside Brian's and Ricky's room window. It was closed but the curtains were drawn, and inside I could see the room faintly lit by a small night light. I saw the bunk bed, and both Ricky and Brian sleeping together on the bottom bunk. Brian had his PJs on, but Ricky's were thrown in a pile next to a big stuffed bear right next to the bed.

I gestured with my finger and the window opened without a sound. My body floated forward and landed softly on the carpet, not making a sound. Another gesture and the key turned in the door, locking us inside.

"Wake up, my pretties, we have a long night ahead of us, and after it -- many, many more!" my mouth formed Asmodai's gleeful words. Brian woke up first, opened his eyes and then quickly sat up straight, shocked. Ricky sat up too, and they both looked at me in dawning realization and horror. My lips stretched in a terrible smile and I moved forward.

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