Visiting Subic

By S L Ashley

Published on Jun 4, 2014



Warning: If you don't like the interaction of two males in sexual expressions, please find some other story to read. The following story is a work of fiction, any resemblance to any actual people is not intentional. The places and cultures expressed in this story are based on real places and experiences of the author but are embellished for story telling enhancement. If you enjoy this story, please share any and all thoughts with me since I am looking for feedback on how to better my writing. ;-) Enjoy.

Chapter 1. In the Beginning

Geo felt out of place. Time after time, he felt this odd feeling creep over him, yet this time it didn't take any thought at all, he was out of place, very out of place. "How the hell did I end up in here, waiting on some whore to show back up?" he mumbled. "Fucking booze, what else."

Going into town was what everyone did, it was not only expected, it kept the locals happy to see the sailors spending money. Geo know better than to hire someone out of the bar, but he was more than blitzed and the memory of the infidelity, he no longer cared.

But then, after making the deal with the 'Mama-San' for the right to take... he didn't even know her name, or to be clear, her trade name... out of the bar, she walked arm in arm with him out the door, hailed a trike, and took him back to what was supposedly her home. Entering the house was even worse than he even he would have thought. This bar fly showed him to a room, separated from the rest of the shack by only what appeared to be a curtain meant for a window as a door with a twin bed against the wall. No decoration, no items in the little room other than the bed, made up with what was clearly a clean set of sheets. One small piece of good news in this back water town.

Helping Geo undress, she tried her best to speak to him clearly enough that he might understand her, yet not enough to give away the truth that she understood him much better than he did her. Between the excitement of the possibility of some close contact, and the help getting him undressed, when the bar fly pulled his briefs down, she made some sounds of awe as she knelt and gave the shaft of his erect manhood. Then came the twist, she helped him sit on the bed, and indicated that he should wait there, relax a moment while she went to shower, promising to return. Minutes ticked by, time slowed so far that Geo lost interest completely. Being in a strange place and became uncomfortable, Geo put his tightie-whities back on. He was one of the fortunate, or maybe unfortunate, he hasn't decided which yet, that it didn't take long for the affects of alcohol to release it's hold on his mind. Taking a peek out the curtain door to see that his purchase was nowhere to be found, but two local guys were sleeping in what appeared to be the dining room/kitchen combination. "Shit, what in the hell have I done?" he murmured.

Minutes passed. At first he had thought she would return, then he hoped she would, then as time passed, he knew she'd bailed on him. Laying in the bed, taking some family member's sleeping place for the night, Geo began to feel bad. Taking a glance out to the remainder of the house, he noticed that there were two guys sitting, no sleeping, in the chairs. The shack did have another small nook off the main room area, once again, separated only by a curtain door. As Geo was peering out, one of the men glanced in his direction. Lifting his head, this unknown local man walked toward his house guest. "You wake?"

Nervously, in a cracking voice he replied, "Where did she go? She only left to shower, that was a long time ago." Geo wasn't sure what was going on, what to say nor what was about to happen.

"She shower. You sleep. She come back. Promise boss." the man said, the voices echoed in the quiet of the evening. The unknown man pressed, "You sleep. She be soon boss."

Geo closed the curtain, Standing in a strange country, in someone's home in a town he was unfamiliar with, not even knowing where in the town he stood, Geo became increasingly uncomfortable. He had returned to sit on the little bed, not more than a cot really, so he stood and took a peek out of the opposite side of the curtain he had used.

Memories flooded back, stories of liberty in the PI, short for the Philippine Islands. The main one that had come to mind was the one that actually had embarrassed the teller. Geo's shipmate Clay had been out on the town their last in-port, some four and a half months ago. Clay picked up a very accommodating gal from one of the local bars, not a bar-fly, some other person visiting from the city. As the story goes, according to Clay himself, this gal and he went down one of the myriad of alleyways, she told him she wanted him so badly, she demanded to give him a BJ, the local slang for a blow job. Clay said he leaned up against the side of a building as his partner unzipped his pants, lowered them and made comments about how enormous he was, how pleased at the beauty of his 'dickie' was that she 'went down on me so far, her lips touched his balls'.

Geo had felt so aroused by the story, but didn't let it show back when he'd heard it for fear the others would see his hard on. The memory though, knowing the outcome, made him inflate so quickly that his briefs held him in a very awkward angle. Clay though would soon suffer from the opposite reaction. As the story went on, Clay had continued to tell them that he had told his conquest he wanted her so bad, yet she demanded he take her anally instead of having direct sex with her. Continuing, he obliged her request, mounting her from the backside, having her even lifting her dress and dropping her panties around her ankles. Attempting to enter her caused her to complain, 'too big, it hurt, too big' she had complaint. Then with a blush to his cheeks and downward look, Clay finished telling the story, "She was such a bitch, I went to turn her over and found she had a dick! She was a he-she! What a dick, hard as a rock and only about four inches long. I... beat him in the face and left." he had said, trying his best to save both face and his masculinity, when all he did was pull himself out and leave as quickly as possible.

Adjusting his penis to lay upright, he took in the view he saw... which caused Geo's heart to nearly beat itself out of his chest. The rhythm was faster than the current heavy medal hit played on the radio. The curtain at the other side of the small shack had opened, revealing another squid, more than likely not someone from his own ship, starting to leave. This other guy looked like he could have any woman, or even man in the city and he'd be the envy of the town. As he gave a quick nod to the guy sitting at the table, he exited without a word. It wasn't this other sailor that had Geo's attention though, no, it was the local standing in the small room behind him. Standing stark naked, cock at half mast with the pink glow that showed he'd just had a very fun time, the guy looked as if his face had been made up with makeup, his hair was long and styled in the current fashion that the gals in town wore, yet... not.

Geo was busy watching the other sailor leave after he'd noticed the whole scene unfold a moment earlier that he didn't notice that the he-she was looking in his direction. Geo must have transfixed on the departing guy so much, he had opened the drape a bit more than he expected. Glancing back at the table to see the man there talking to the naked guy in the other cubicle, speaking in their native tongue, and then to the man he had spoken to earlier, he suddenly froze. The man who spoke with him was looking directly at him! Quickly closing the drape, Geo backed quickly to the bed, crawling under the sheet he hoped to act as if he was asleep if anyone looked in on him.

'One. Two. Three...' Geo got to ten before he began to relax a bit. He could hear voices whispering in the other room. As he neared twenty, he stopped, the sound of the curtain being drawn open made him freeze in place. He dared not even breathe. With his eyes closed, he pretended to be asleep, till he felt the bed move, pressure was being exerted behind him, someone was crawling into the small bed. Not wanting to give away the fact that he was awake, he continued to breathe as if he were sleeping, deep raspy breathing, near a snore emanated from his nose and throat. Then he felt the touch of another, first gently against his upper shoulder, then he felt a complete body contact his, 'spooning' against him as an intimate partner would.

Acting as if he had only just awoke, Geo groggily as he could said, "Hoy, is that you? Where did you go?"

To his surprise, in a very feminine voice, "Don't play coy sailor boy. You want it now, you want give?"

Geo froze, it took him only a moment to realize who it was that truly joined him in bed. "Hey, I'm not some gay boy!" he said, though he hadn't moved a muscle, with the exception of his heart that once again started pounding as if it were about to leap out of his chest.

"No? Why you nice boner, sailor-boy?" the voice said as Geo felt a hand grasp his erection though his briefs. Unable to move, the hand did what he had only hoped for or could have dreamed would happen, it moved slowly up and down, gently rubbing his throbbing cock. "Ah, I stop? Go on? You like, yes?" the voice whispered as he felt the full contact of a warm body against his back, a hardening dick began to poke his butt.

Geo didn't know what to say, let alone what to do. He had thoughts, desires even of what it would be like to have sex with another man, but until now, he wasn't going to ever go through with them. The hand on his manhood was moving slowly along his briefs, causing even more pressure to build in his loins. Geo's heart was ready to burst. He hadn't felt so much lust in his system since he'd had his first encounter with Lonnie, his girlfriend, not so long ago.

"What matter sailor boy? You hard rock, you no like? I make you very happy sailor boy." the voice told him as the contact between them became a bit firmer, almost as if it were more urgent, then the hand slipped up the leg of his tight briefs.

Geo's eyes were still closed. He had no idea of time or even of where he was at the moment. All he knew was a deep desire erupted in his gut, a desire he had put off, even denied existed since he was a teenager. "What happens now." he croaked out as he squeezed his eyes tighter, his body still frozen, waiting...

"What want sailor boy? Want BJ? Maybe want my hole? You say, you pay sister good, anything want sailor boy, I do for you, no shit."

Geo wasn't prepared for that answer. Even in the fuzziness that persisted in his mind, he clearly understood what was being offered. "I'm not sure." with a deep gulp he continued, "Show me." he said as he slowly moved, then shifted to face the other person in his bed, still keeping his eyes tightly closed, unwilling to truly see or accept what was about to take place.

"Want cuddle? No? want me to..." the voice started to say, then stopped as Geo shifted position.

Not opening his eyes, Geo took the warm naked body that laid with him and drew it close. He could now tell by the firmness that pressed against his own stomach that it was definitely a male that had joined him when their hard cocks touched though his briefs. Drawing his face closer, Geo began to kiss the local male, quickly receiving a willing mouth in return. Geo felt a strange sensation against his lower abdomen, a warm pulsation ran from his pubic mound to his belly button. Taking his free hand, Geo slid it along his own waist till it came in contact with the erect penis before he stopped, his finger tips resting along the shaft.

In response to the kiss and the light touch of his penis, Geo's bed partner moved his hand from Geo's upper back, slowly sliding down his back, and under the waistband of his briefs before pausing. Geo also hesitated a moment, opening his mouth wide to gasp for breath as the hand in his shorts shifted them down his hip before pivoting to drag his briefs down along the front to grasp him tightly. "You like me sailor boy?" Geo's heart fluttered a moment, causing his whole body to shutter. "Ah, you like! Try best not cum fast, right sailor boy?! Shhhh, no talk, me go, me do."

Geo let his bed partner shift to straddle him, moving him from laying on his side to flat on the bed. Geo could feel his briefs being remove and raised his hips. Gentle kisses on his penis let him know his partner desired to keep their contact going. With his underwear removed, Geo felt exposed, but that feeling was fleeting. "What do I call you?" he croaked out through the cotton mouth he was suffering from his earlier alcoholic binge. "What's your name?"

"Scream what want, big sex boy." came the response.

Geo didn't know why he asked, but he coughed out, "What... name... sailor who... left?"

The sensation of a tongue licking up his right thigh, just above his knee, slowly moving upward suddenly ceased. "What you say? You know my sweet Lieutenant?"

"No, I didn't recognize him, but he was." Geo stopped talking. He opened his eyes for the first time and looked down into the face of the man who was with him. "He was cute." he finally admitted.

A smile emanated from the dark skinned face that had locked eyes with him, "No'oh. I wills no say name my sweet Lieutenant. He mine. You taste sweet, so I tell you, when you here, you see me, I Dominic, you go Magsaysay, Tree Bar on left side, ask Domie, they find me. I be yours, anytime sailor boy." Domie lowered his head and gently dragged his tongue from Geo's scrotum, up the shaft, to flick a few times just below the head of his dick, causing him to drop his head back to the bed in ecstasy.

Domie played along Geo's shaft, licking up and down, sucking on his balls, flicking his tongue on that sweet G-spot just below the head. Geo loved the feelings, yet wasn't sure it was right to have another guy licking him like that. When he felt the mouth wrap around his penis, a warm sensation of pressure made Geo moan lightly. Geo has had blow jobs before, back when he was dating in high school, but this was different, more experienced. Geo felt the grip of a hand moving lower along his engorged manhood as the warm mouth pulled at the top. He could feel Domie's teeth lightly drag on his skin, not hard enough to bite, but definitely enough pressure to feel the sharp sensation.

A pause in the action, to enhance the experience, "You like? You want more?"

Geo wanted more all right, but he wanted something different. "I want to try that, teach me how." he replied as he levered himself up to look down at his partner.

"OH, you no be with man before? You want lickie me now." Domie said as he moved to stand at the side of the bed. "Show me what know, sailor boy. No worry, me clean, no bugs. You turn, you taste me."

Geo shifted, sitting on the bed, a naked Domie stood in front of him. Wrapping his hands behind Domie's back, Geo took the erect penis into his mouth. Not sure what to do, this was all new to him, he did what he thought would feel good, he slid his mouth up and down the shaft, taking in the smell of his partner as he tried to take him completely into his mouth. The heady scent made Geo feel more drunk then the alcohol he'd consumed earlier. Geo increased the pace, allowing a little drool to lubricate the dick.

"You do good. You like me?"

Geo was lost, he wanted to keep going, he wanted the feeling to last. He mumbled his pleasure and agreement, opening his eyes long enough to see what he was doing, not quite believing how much he was liking this, liking to give head.

"You want me finish you sailor boy?"

Geo hoped his mumble of 'no' and the new urgency he was displaying as he continued working the penis in his mouth would tell what he desired. It must have since Domie took his hands and placed them on his head.

"You want finish me? That sweet sailor boy. I be you first. I honor sailor boy." Domie replied, shifting slightly, loosening up his stance in preparation to oblige this hungry man. Loosing himself in the moment, he let himself feel the buildup in his own loins. "Ready... sailor... boy..." he whispered, feeling the closeness of his impending orgasm. In reply, the action increased even more, the hands on his hips gripped tightly, pulling him closer.

Geo felt Domie tighten his whole body, draw his long nails along his back slowly to his head before he drove his face deep on that hard cock. The gush of warmth coated his throat, nearly making him choke as Domie's cum pumped into his mouth. Both his and his now satiated partner's eyes had rolled back into their heads. Swallowing the salty warm fluid did nothing but make his desire for release even more imperative. The rush was better than Geo could have imagined, he'd just sucked a guy to orgasm and he liked it. Suddenly the thought came to mind, 'does this mean I'm gay now?'

Releasing Geo's head, "You good sweet sailor boy. What you name?" Domie asked.

Geo finished drawing as much of the liquid from his partner before pulling his mouth off the slowly relaxing cock. Swallowing one last time and wiping his mouth, Geo replied, "I go by Geo. That wasn't what I expected, it was so thick, like... pudding."

Domie let out a little chuckle, "Not full, second nut tonight. You good first time Geo. You want suck suck now or want fuck fuck me hole?"

Geo didn't expect that, to be offered to butt fuck this thin man before him. With his own penis still at full mast, throbbing for it's own release, he didn't know what he wanted. "I've never been with a guy before. I don't know what's allowed." he answered, becoming shy about their exchange and his sudden honesty.

"You like girlfriend? Do same me. You want top or me top?"

Geo's heart started pounding even louder than the butterflies in his stomach sounded. His arms began to vibrate, he wasn't sure he wanted to lay with a guy like he did his girlfriend, well, ex-girlfriend. "Um, no, maybe just a blow job. I've really gotta bust a nut bad."

In reply to his words, Domie lowered himself to kneel on the ground, wrapping both his hands around Geo's manhood, then his lips. The gyration of the hands and the suction on the tip of his dick, it didn't take long for Geo to build up to orgasm."Oh fuck, that's it... Oh, man... here it comes..." he warned in time to feel himself explode as his partner deep throated his dick. Geo's whole body convulsed as he dumped load after load into Domie's mouth. Domie was good, he didn't let a single drop escape his lips and he hadn't let up on his ministrations, causing the vibrations in Geo's body to continue, till it was just to much, Geo cried out, "DAMN"

When he was spent, the vibrations beginning to subside, Geo's whole body went limp, well, not quite his whole body since Domie held tension on his dick, holding the blood inside, keeping him hard as he started sucking on the side of his shaft. He wasn't done playing with his new toy it seemed. Domie's hand circled low around Geo's penis, his other hand gently rubbing his balls as he drew the blood inside to the surface, giving Geo a hickey on his dick. Letting go and looking up at his spent sailor, Domie smiled and kissed the penis one last time before letting go. The blood rushed out, back into Geo's body causing a rapid deflation of his hard on.

"You marked now sailor boy. You show in shower that you mine now. You tired, sleep here."

"I can't stay all night, I have to get to the ship, I don't have overnight liberty." Geo said, suddenly worried what time it was.

"You no officer? That okay with me. My sweet Lieutenant never stay, it okay. You tasty sailor boy, I like you. You like me? I suck suck or fuck fuck anytime. You big when hard sailor boy. You come back, you fuck fuck me, 'kay. You come back sailor boy? I want feel you fuck fuck me."

The talk about seeing this guy again was a turn on to Geo. He had really enjoyed their exchange and was quite intrigued at the idea of seeing Domie again. "The Tree Bar on Magsaysay, I remember. I'd... I'd like to see you again, um, how much?"

Dominic looked down at the naked sailor on the bed and smiled, "I no take money. You give money, I like okay. You give suck suck or fuck fuck I love okay. Sister, she barfly, she get peso for take home. I no barfly, I like American men, they biggie dick, I like biggie dick, you big-biggie dick." he replied, then bent over and kissed Geo on the lips, flicking his tongue till he responded by opening his mouth. Domie climbed down to lay on top of Geo, his hands caressing him like a lover. Geo responded to the attention by caressing this thin brown man's back, holding him tight against himself. They exchanged breaths as they kissed, a very passionate gesture of sharing. Their interaction had the same affect on them both, they both were now sporting new erections.

When they finally broke the kiss long enough to breath, Geo stopped Domie from continuing. "I have to go. I hate to, I really do, but if I don't get back I'll not be coming back to town this in-port."

Dominic looked down into Geo's eyes, "I take back, fast gate fast. I have bike, take back fast. You want?"

"I want you, but yea if you could get me back since I have no idea where we are." Geo replied. Domie gave him a quick peck on the lips and again on the tip of his nose before he crawled off him, still sporting his erection.

"You sexy man sailor boy Geo. You make me hard, you hard. You want go 'gain?"

"I... I'd like that but I really don't have time. Oh, shit, is your other guy going to be mad? I don't want anyone finding out about us, um, you know."

"No one know you like me? I keep secret, like my sweet lieutenant. He no here tomorrow, you be back tomorrow?"

Geo did have to work in the morning, being an alternate duty day, "I can come back tomorrow, but I work till after lunch." getting up from the bed and looking for his clothes, he continued, "How will I find you? Should I go to the Tree Bar?"

Standing near the curtain, leaning provocatively against the door frame, Domie replied, "You tell sister, Tree Bar, she call, I show up." He pulled the curtain aside, opening the room to full view of the rest of the house not even caring that there may be others outside or that he was sporting a fresh hard cock.

Geo suddenly felt uncomfortable with the curtain open, glancing out he saw the room was empty. "Where did the others go?"

"Sleep over there." he replied, pointing at the other curtain that was now closed. "I get short on. We go bike." he turned and left, quietly entering the other room.

Geo got his briefs back on, then finished dressing in his street clothes that had been folded and set by the end of the bed. Dominic returned in only a pair of shorts and flip flop shoes, his thin and quite sexy brown chest still exposed. Geo sat back on the bed to put on his socks and shoes, carefully being watched by Domie. "You no flake on me? You come back me tomorrow, yes?"

Standing, Geo walked right up to Domie, leaned over slightly and gave him a kiss. "You keep my secret and I will be back every chance I get.. Oh god, I can't believe how awesome that was... It so happens... I was wanting to meet someone like you... very, very much." Dominic smiled broadly, then took him by the hand and led him quietly out the door.

Down a short alleyway, they arrived at a street, small motorcycles lined the road. Dominic pulled one back, inserted a key, then straddled the bike and kick started it. Once it was started, he indicated for Geo to get on back, taking his hands and wrapping them around Domie's bare belly, noting how firm his lower abs really were, the two took off down the street. It wasn't far back to the main road, they arrived right at the bridge that linked the city to the base. Releasing his hold, Geo got off the bike. He wasn't sure what he should say or do. Domie waived to him, "Soon sailor boy." he said with a large knowing smile on his face, as he turned the bike away from Geo and departed back up the street.

Geo was so glad Domie didn't try to kiss him or something that might indicate to the other sailors returning to the base what might have occurred between them. Geo caught a taxi with a couple others returning to his ship, but he didn't speak to them, just shared the expense, acting drunk and tired. After boarding the ship he went directly to his berthing compartment, got his toiletries, wrapped a towel around his waist before taking off his briefs and heading to the showers.

Washing his body he could see the hickey that had formed on his penis, it wasn't as noticeable since he was flaccid, but he was sure it would be if he wasn't. Returning to his rack, he put on clean briefs, stored his items and hung the damp towel on the rail before climbing into his bottom bunk. Glad that no one else was up, at least no one in the immediate area, he was able to relax without having to share his evening with anyone else in his division. Sleep didn't come right away, memories of the evening and thoughts of what might happen the next day kept him awake, but also gave him time to come up with a cover story for the others the next day.

Chapter 2. A night in town.

During the morning muster, the alternate duty section was given their assignments. Geo hated his task, supply working party. He would go to another muster with the supply department to do stores on-load. That could last anywhere from an hour to all day. He hated being so low on the totem pole, as a lowly E-2, out on his first cruise ever, he was tagged for all kinds of menial jobs, like today's. Going down to the mess deck, he found the place where the working party would be gathering. The petty officer in charge took his name and division then told him to stay in the area till everyone arrived. Taking the opportunity to get a glass of juice from the galley, Geo took his seat and waited.

Nearly half hour later the rest of the workers had arrived, assignments were given, bodies deployed up and down the ship from the hangar bay to the fifth deck. Geo's assignment was at the top of a set of stairs, he would set the containers on the ramp that now covered the steps, and gently release it down to the guy below. Today's stores started out canned goods and ended being boxes of dry milk, never a good sign.

The Philippines was their last port where large quantities could be on loaded right off the pier. Any others would he done while they were moving at sea, called an 'unrep' or underway replenishment. Today took four hours out of his day, from just before nine in the morning till just after one. When he was finally released, he knew his division would have had their lunchtime muster already, so he dragged himself back to the division office to check in with the duty chief, hoping he would be done and could get off the ship.

Nearly crawling into the office, Geo reported he'd completed his assignment. The duty chief checked him off on the list and told him that since he looked like hell, to hit the showers then come back for the three o'clock muster since the others in his duty section weren't released yet. He felt like shit and thought he had entered hell. Making his way back to berthing, Geo got his shower out of the way, the water pressure was down, they must have been working on the systems again. He didn't mind there was no hot water, the cold felt refreshing after huffing boxes all day. Once he was back in uniform, he saw he had some time yet before muster, so he went down to check on some grub. A slider, the navy's euphemism for what was more commonly known as a hamburger, and soda, were all he managed to get in between mealtimes. Geo didn't care though, he had already loaded some extra dollars in his wallet, he would exchange them for peso's when he made it to town.

The ship would be in port another three days. Geo would be off after this muster until he had to muster again for his own duty day, the day they would actually be pulling out. He didn't want to think about that part, he wanted to look at having the whole evening and next day off. Unsure if he could actually get away with it or not, he was hoping to hook up with his new local friend and stay off ship for the night. Not being a petty officer yet, he wasn't actually allowed to stay in town overnight, but he knew many of his fellow non-rates got away with it all the time. He would take the chance, "What'll they do, make me stay on board the next port call, so what." he mumbled as he returned the plastic cup and basket to the scullery.

Geo didn't have many friends on the ship yet, he'd only reported aboard after he'd completed boot camp one week before they pulled out on this cruise. Most of the other non-rates in his division had lives to live up to departure, and with only half of them working the day shift, the other half nights, he didn't meet them all, and the ones on his shift treated him either like scum or used him to do all the worst jobs. He didn't care really, he was more of a loner in life anyway.

Geo departed early for muster, hanging out in the hangar bay, looking out over the port, taking in the sites. Geo glanced down at the pier, watching the people come and go, workers moving all sorts of items around. He saw how the enlisted men walking along the pier would pop salutes to the various officers going in the opposite direction. He started looking a bit more diligently at those officers, wondering if his local friend's 'sweet lieutenant' was down there or was he on another ship. Chances of him being on Geo's ship though were very high though since there were more officers on an aircraft carrier than any other ship in the fleet.

The ship's bells rang, ding ding, ding ding, ding ding. "Three" he said aloud, then turned to join the others at muster. The POIC, or duty petty officer in charge, took muster and released the alternate section on liberty. Geo was now so excited, he was already showered and fed, so all he'd have to do is change and take off to the brow, hopefully making it to town before anyone in his division wanted to tag along with him. Grabbing his liberty card from the muster PO, he headed off. He didn't run to berthing, but he'd speed changed, slipping already tied shoes on his feet, Geo clasped the lock closed and nearly took off at a dead run out and down to the brow. "Request permission to go ashore." he reported to the Chief of the watch, to which he was granted since he presented his id card and the proper liberty pass. Making a brisk pace down the brow to the pier, Geo sped to catch the taxi. He was alone in the cab this time, "Front gate please." he said, handing over the two bucks for the ride.

Geo nearly flew out of the back of the cab before taking off a quick pace to the gate. Once again requesting permission to leave the base, he presented his id card, liberty cards were for the ship only. The gate guard flagged him on without a word.

Geo was free, and on his way across the bridge, popping to the left side of the street so he could get to the bar faster. With a quick stop at the money exchange, Geo walked into the Tree Bar before he realized he didn't even know who he was looking for, other than she was Dominic's sister. Inside it was dark, it took him a moment before his eyes adjusted so he didn't see who had approached him and took his hand. It was quite common for the barflies to pick up a sailor at the door, claiming them in the hope that they could get some water down drinks out of him. The voice of the gal that held his hand said, "Heya sailor boy, buy me a drink?" she escorted him to a table along the side of the bar.

"If you can help me, I may buy you a drink. I'm not sure what her name is, but there's a gal who works here, I'm suppose to meet her here so she can make a call for me."

The gal released his hand fast, as if it had burned her. "You want benie boy. Who call?" she said in the most snide voice she could manage.

Geo was embarrassed. He no longer wanted to say a thing, her voice must have carried, the place was still fairly empty and quiet. "Dominic, Domie." he said quietly. The gal got up and left, going behind the curtain at the end of the bar. A moment later she returned, with another gal, both sat at his table.

"You Geo?" the second gal asked. He nodded, not wanting to say anything but he could now see that this was the gal he'd 'bought' the night before. "You owe drink. Me too." she said, then indicated to a waitress to bring over two drinks. When the gal arrived with the two 'girl's drinks' she asked if he wanted anything. He shook his head and paid for the drinks. "You not look old. You new sailor boy."

"Yes, this is my first time here." he replied. The two girls spoke quietly a moment in their native language before she asked, "You how old? What you do?"

"I'm nineteen. I do what they tell me." he replied, keeping his answers short. "You call Dominic?"

"He be here fast. You look baby." she said, causing the two of them to laugh. "You fun, Domie talk talk you. He like you. You like him?"

He was feeling more uncomfortable by the minute. "He's cool. How old is he?" that caused them both to laugh again.

"He legal baby sailor boy. He older you, we all older you!" she said as the two gals hung on each other laughing and jabbering probably some snide comment.

"How old is that?" he pressed, starting to become angry.

"He say. You benie boy?"

"No. I had a girlfriend before I left. Just... ah... trying it I guess."

"You go now. Go where drop off, he meet there. Give me kiss not benie boy." she said, scooting closer to him.

Geo looked at the gal, she was indeed older than she'd appeared the night before, but then he was quite inebriated. He remembered pieces of their night together and they had kissed a couple times. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "For my friends sister." he replied.

The girls laughed and smiled at him, "You good one." the first girl said.

"I Mary, like virgin in bible. Ask me next time." Dominic's sister said as she returned the peck on the cheek. "Go."

Geo scooted out of the booth and headed out the door without looking back. Stepping onto the street was the opposite, it was so bright outside he had to squint to see unlike the darkness he'd just left Geo went back down toward the bridge, it was safer to cross there than try to cross between the jeepney's or trikes that moved rapidly down the street. When he made it to the bridge he could see his friend waiting on his bike just beyond the barrier. As he approached, Domie turned the bike around and gave the indicator to hop on. Wrapping his arms around Domie's waist tightly, enjoying the firm body he held onto, the bike took off down the street without a word spoken.

A short distance later, in a quieter section of the city, Dominic pulled over to the sidewalk that ran along 'Shit River'. "You want go beach with me?" he asked.

"Sure. Wherever so long as it's safe." Geo replied, getting a bit worried since he was heading further away from the base than most sailors ever went.

Domie leaned back against Geo, "It clean, no one there." he said, then leaned forward and began riding down the street, past the point Geo recognized as where they had got on the bike last night. They followed the river, past the point where the island that comprised the base sat on the other side. The shoreline changed from a river to an inlet, yet they continued down the road. The further they went, the more rural and beautiful the area became. They were well outside the central city, moving a bit more inland before the bike slowed and turned on a dirt road. "We be alone here." he said loudly as they bumped their way through the trees, eventually ending up back at the water.

Dominic pulled the bike down a short path off the road, then coasted to a stop and turning off the motor. "We here. You like swim?"

"I'm in the Navy, I can swim, but I didn't bring a bathing suit with me." Geo said as they both got off the bike.

Domie leaned it against a tree before turning to his partner, "No worry sailor-boy." he said, then began taking off his clothes. "Come, no one see, we alone. It safe."

Geo watched his local friend disrobe, placing his clothes on the seat of the bike, having stripped off everything. "You come out here often?" he asked as he hesitantly removed his shirt.

"When I want swim naked, yea. You want me help you?" Domie said, stepping closer to Geo. He reached over and ran his finger tips down Geo's chest before beginning to unfasten his pants. "You sexy. You very sexy." he said as he released the pants, letting them fall to the ground.

Geo's heart has started racing again as soon as he'd seen Domie's naked body. Now with him touching him, undressing him, his underpants bulged out from his growing erection. "You sure we're alone?" he coughed out as his pants dropped around his ankles.

"Sure sure. You get hard easy sexy boy. You need release?" Domie asked as he pulled down Geo's briefs, allowing his penis to jump up at attention. Not asking, Domie took him into his mouth a couple moves later, let him free again. "Tasty sexy man." he said, standing back up, his own dick inflating slightly. "Come, we go water." pointing at the bay.

Geo gulped for air, then when his partner stood back up, he began to breathe a bit easier. He kicked off his shoes and removed his pants and briefs, then socks, placing them on top of the bike seat as he'd seen Domie do. His erection bobbed back and forth as they moved through the clearing to the water. He wasn't exactly at ease walking around naked, continually looking around a moment, but he saw how Domie was acting, unconcerned at the fact that they were both sporting hard-ons made it a bit easier on him.

Domie splashed his way out into the water, a quick look around showed Geo that the beach was a small sandy beach surrounded by trees, they were indeed the only people anywhere to be seen. Geo went to the water, a bit surprised to find it was actually warm, not like the beaches in his native California, where the ocean is continually cold. This was more like a lake, he could see land masses all around, islands that dotted the area. A ship in the distance gave proof that they hadn't dropped off the face of the planet. "Nice area. Reminds me of a lake I use to visit when I was a kid, but the land has trees here where it's all desert around Lake Mead."

"I like here. I like no clothes, here no one care if naked. You very cute naked man. You like me naked?" He displayed his body, hands on hips, hard cock sticking out to the side.

"It's a bit odd being outside, but yeah, I like you naked." Geo replied, he had relaxed a bit once he'd gone deeper into the water, enjoying the cool on his skin. "You must come out here often then, you don't have tan lines. I haven't had a chance to even be in the sun out of uniform in months."

"You butt white! It cute, tight little butt." Domie said, swimming over to where he was sitting in the water. He'd swam up between Geo's legs, pulling himself high enough to kiss. "I glad when sister call. I rode fast. I glad you come back to me sexy boy."

"I wanted to get off the ship earlier but I had to work longer. You never did tell me your sister's name so I had to ask, then I had to buy Mary and the other gal a drink."

"I not say in case you not come back to me." Dominic kissed Geo's nipple, then flicked it with his tongue. "You can do me if you want."

The offer for sex was all it took for Geo to get hard as a rock. "What, here?" Domie nodded, shifted to Geo's side and began to play with his growing erection. "This is all so new to me. You do like sex don't you." it was more a comment than question.

"You not like? You young, you think sex all time, I like that. You can play me too."

Reaching over to fondle Domie's penis, making it grow, Geo asked, "How old are you Dominic?"

"I old enough. I know you want number, I two two, not sure how say."

"Twenty two, I'm nineteen. You seem so much younger, you don't have any hair on your chest, that threw me a bit."

"We no hair, no like American. I like hair more no hair. It fun play hair." he said as he shifted to lightly scratch and tug on Geo's pubic hairs. "You want fun now?"

Geo thought they were having fun, at least they were playing nicely with each other's manhood. "What do you want to do?"

"I want you fuck me. I want this" he squeezed Geo's dick quite hard "in me."

"Ah, alright I guess. Um, I have a condom in my pants." he said.

"I clean. We stay in water, no get dirty dick." Domie said, as he shifted onto his knees. Moving to straddle Geo, Domie remained facing him and took a hold of the object of his desire and positioned himself over the upright shaft. Slowly he rubbed Geo's penis around his anus, he let lose a moment and licked his fingers, using the saliva to lubricate his hole before picking up Geo's erection again and playing with the tip on his hole. Slowly Geo could feel the warmth surround his shaft as Domie slowly lowered himself down, penetrating his ass deeper and deeper. A moan emanated from Domie's throat, "You big. I like big."

Geo felt weird being exposed outside and having sex with a man right there in the shallows of the beach. It was so arousing as well. "Does it hurt?" he asked since Dominic was groaning so deeply.

"No hurt, is good, is so very good. I like feel you in me. You bigger than sweet lieutenant, you go so deep, make me open so wide." Domie moaned out, his head thrown back, exposing his throat. Geo could see his erection was pulsating, it was like it wanted attention, so he took it in his hand and gently began to stroke it, causing Domie to start lifting and lowering himself along Geo's shaft. The more Geo rubbed, the more urgent Domie moved. "More, oh, yeah, more." Domie squealed.

To Geo the action of having his penis ridden was just like the one (and only) time his girlfriend was on top. It was such a turn on, something different and having her breasts bouncing in front of him had made him orgasm quickly. As the motions he felt started building in him, he tightened his grip on the penis in his hand till suddenly a stream erupted from it to land on his belly and all over his hand. That was all it took, seeing the milky white sperm squirt all over caused him to explode. Domie had to have felt it, he lowered himself to take Geo's entire throbbing dick into himself as he burst his load deep in his ass. They both groaned in delight.

Domie loved the feel of such a large cock throbbing in his ass. He looked down at his partner and saw the messy cum lines he had expelled all over Geo's chest and belly. Smiling at him, he leaned over and kissed this wonderful man he'd found once, a light yet passionate kiss before sitting back up, Geo's penis still inside him. Taking one finger, Domie started playing with the cum, "You very good. You like?"

Geo could still feel he was inside Dominic, "That was hot." just then, he could feel a squeeze that caught his penis, "Oh, what happened?"

"I hold you tight sailor boy. I like you dick in me." he replied, still tracing his cum over Geo's chest and belly. "You young, you stay hard?"

Geo thought a moment, he had deflated a bit yet he was still holding a partial hard on. "I might be able to. Usually once I cum the fun is over, you want to keep playing?"

Domie took his whole hand and began gently massaging the rest of the ejaculate mixed with the sea water over Geo's chest. "I can go and go if you can." he said, lightly pinching both of his nipples hard before taking his caresses lower, rubbing the lower belly that was normally in his briefs. The gentle touch was arousing, arousing enough to send blood back into his erection. "Good, sailor boy." Domie said as he relaxed a bit, allowing his partner to get his hard on back. He began to ride him slowly, up and down, in and out, he loved it, the large hard penis stretching his hole wide.

Geo laid down, feeling the return of the movement on his shaft. "Why do you like that so much? It must hurt. Don't you feel like you have to shit all the time?"

Domie chuckled, "That lie. Hole close when done, like woman. I like, make me shoot hard, lots, again again."

Geo thought about what he was saying, but he'd felt really strong orgasms each time they'd been together now, the last one the strongest. He could feel the gyrations increase, Domie was riding him faster, but it would take more than that for a second orgasm. "Wait. Let me do you." he said.

Dominic stopped, and looked down at his sexy sailor man and smiled. He slowly sat down on him, causing the erection to penetrate deep before slowly raising all the way off, a sucking sound made them both laugh. Domie got on all fours then lowered his head to the sand while Geo took his manhood in hand and placed it into the awaiting ass. Geo had done his gal 'doggie style' once before, she didn't like it, not intimate enough, but it was enough experience to know what he had to do. Slowly he entered the hole, since they had been already engaged, it was easy going. Geo started going in and out, then started driving himself deep inside on each stroke, causing gasps of pleasure out of Dominic. With each two or three thrusts, he added a deep, hard one in an attempt to get in even further than he had been. Domie kept crying out 'More. More.' each deep thrust. Between the faster pace he was able to attain and the verbal approval he received, it was enough for Geo to build up once more. More and more he thrust, more and more he got cries of pleasure, more and more he built up until at last he screamed out a deep, guttural growl as he thrust his dick so deep it was if he'd fallen in, bursting his load deep inside Domie's ass.

Completely spent, all strength left his arms and legs, Geo rolled off Domie's back, pulling his penis out as he fell to the sand. Domie on the other hand sat up into almost a kneeling position. His ass was sore, but in a good way. He did some movements that would close him up, but not before some of Geo's sperm dripped out to run down his foot. "You no have man before? You sure? You very good sexy sailor man. I keep you inside me ever ever if could."

"I'm beat. Oh my, that was beyond everything I have ever done before, and I'm not even drunk. Holy shit, I've fucked a guy, had my dick sucked and even sucked and swallowed, and I like it." Geo said, then turned his head to see the man he'd shared all these experiences with sitting next to him, watching him. "Kiss me."

Domie obliged by laying right on top of him, one naked body covering the other. They exchanged some passionate kisses before Geo rolled them both over so he was on top, continuing the exchange between them. Taking a break, Geo looked down into the dark brown face and eyes, he was falling for this man in a way he should even be feeling. "You are hot Dominic. I'm glad you came in the room last night. You've shown me how pleasurable it can be to be carefree with another guy."

Dominic looked up into the brown eyes of his partner. He too felt a deep connection between them, it was more than he'd felt with anyone before, including his 'sweet lieutenant'. "I could love you." Geo whispered so quietly it shouldn't have been heard, but the look on the face above showed he had heard. "You no worry, it no can be. I know."

Geo did hear the near whisper, barely audible at all, but Geo was a music aficionado and use to play at being able to hear the smallest details in the music, and it scared him, right up till he heard his way out. "At least we have now, right. It can't be more, but we are here now." he felt some of the same things, but then he had some of those same feelings with his last girlfriend, it was the sex talking.

"You want food sexy sailor man? I take you good food, no sailors there. My friend cook good. You want?"

Lowering himself back down to kiss the beautiful mouth below him, Geo looked back at him, "Maybe soon. I want to stay like this, with you."

"My friend close, we walk when ready. My friend family no have clothes, is okay?"

"What? Your friends live close enough to walk there and they don't wear clothes?" Geo was confused.

"No like clothes. We always be naked. I visit lots, they nice. No sex sex on visit, okay."

"Oh, definitely not. You visit there and you are all naked? Oh, I've heard of this, I think you're talking about nudists. But the stuff in my pants, my id, I can't leave that anywhere."

"We put on shoes, you put sock. All good, yes?" Domie said as he continued to gently caress Geo's bare butt.

"Well, I don't know. I've never gone naked around others just cause. What if, well, I get hard again?"

"Don't think sex, think... ship. It fine, they understand. He good cook, he no benie boy but know me. You have nice ass sexy sailor man."

He laughed, "That kind of talk will get me in trouble. I'm not sure I can do it though."

"You try suck suck and fuck fuck. Now try naked. Come on, I hungry." Dominic said, attempting to get up from underneath the larger Geo. With a strength his thin body hid well, Domie shifted Geo back on the bottom then got up. "Let get shoes." he said, offering his hand to help Geo up.

After they both put on shoes and Geo placed his wallet into his sock, they both relieved themselves before heading down a path he hadn't noticed before. "I've pissed next to someone before, but we had a divider between us. That was odd simply peeing with someone who could see, or actually you were staring at me."

"I love you dick, it, how you said, awesomes?"

"Awesome, no s. Thanks, I've never had someone praise my dick before. I do like yours too."

"Too small. I want big dick like you. I be movie star if I have big dick like you." he replied as they came upon a clearing, a small hut sat at one end, there were people sitting on what could be a patio or veranda. "Hoy! Miguel! Domie!"

A male stood up and waved at them, "Hoy Domie!" Miguel replied, stepping off the porch into the sun. Geo could now tell that he was indeed as naked as they were, or Domie was with only flip flops on his feet.

After a quick exchange in their native language, they switched to English, "This Geo. He sailor man from base. This Miguel, he teach me English."

Miguel held out his hand, "Good to meet you. I use to be an English teacher before I decided to give it up and live off the land. You seem a bit nervous, not usually a nudist are you?"

"Uh, no. Domie said he comes here to be naked all the time, is it okay he brought me along?"

"Sure, we love company although so few actually make it this far off the road, which I do like." he replied with a wink.

"We? You don't live out here alone? Dominic didn't say anything other than you were a good cook."

"My family is here with me. Delia went inside till we knew who it was coming. My kids are here too, but they're fishing right now. Come, sit, make yourselves comfortable." The three men returned to the porch, out of the direct sunlight.

Geo was still not sure how to tell the age of the local people. If Dominic was 22 and Miguel had been his teacher, that would probably make him in his forties, though he looked no older than maybe 30. Miguel sat back in a reclining basket looking chair with a big cushion, a 'papa-san' chair. Geo and Domie sat next to each other on a bench along the side of the porch. Geo froze the moment a woman stepped out of the house onto the porch to sit in a smaller version of the same chair Miguel was in, a 'mama-san' chair. She was also naked, no apparent tan lines were on either of their bodies from what Geo could see. If she was even thirty, he would have been shocked, she looked no older than Domie or himself. "This is Delia, my wife and the breadwinner of our family. She took on my position at the school when I left. She now teaches English at the high school."

Geo and Domie spent the evening with the family, though at most times Geo was self conscious of his state of nakedness, especially when their two children returned. The family behaved as if it were the most natural thing for them all to be naked, not even changing the way they crawled on their parents as they sat in their chairs, hands landing wherever they may. The little girl was obviously not as verse in speaking English, she was mostly quiet where her older brother was more bilingual, adding his stories of fishing or asking questions what it was like to be in the navy. He spent most of his time standing directly in front of Geo, mere inches away from him as they spoke. It was those times when Geo was the most uncomfortable, noticing more than once that the ten year old would continually look at his groin.

After sharing their dinner of fish and rice with vegetables, the sky was beginning to darken when Geo mentioned, "Will we be able to see back to the bike?"

"We go." Dominic replied, switching to his native language to thank the family for being nice hosts and letting them share dinner. Geo also thanked them all for their hospitality, being asked to return anytime his ship came into port.

Domie and Geo headed off, back across the clearing, "Very nice people. Thank you for taking me, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it might, although having the little guy staring at me so much was a bit odd."

"He like you big dick, like me like. He no see one big. I bet you be good movie star here if you want. We go back my house now, you want."

"That's the second time you said something about being in movies, are you talking about porn? Sex movies?"

"You be big star. I want keep you only, no share. We go in water before dress, okay, no water home."

"You don't have running water at your house?"

"Some, no lot, cook water." Domie stopped and turned to Geo, "We okay, we have family. Is okay."

Geo was moved at the plain honesty and simple lifestyle these people lived with. Geo stepped up to Domie and wrapped his arms around him, "I'm sorry, that's sad." he said, holding him tightly against his chest, no longer caring or aware they were both naked.

"Is 'kay. Come, we go back." Domie pulled away, out of the soft, warm touch he'd just received. He really was falling for this guy, he wasn't some conquest and not his military benefactor either, he was caring, and he didn't want to fall too hard just to lose him.

They went back to the motorcycle and got dressed. Domie moved the bike then boarded and started it up before Geo climbed on back, drawing closer than he had before. They puttered slowly down the trail till they made it to the dirt road. Out of the trees the sky lightened a bit, not quite as late as he had thought, Geo said internally. When they made it back to the pavement, Domie increased the speed back into town.

Chapter 3. Get a room already.

Pulling to the side of the road on their way back to town, Dominic asked, "You want go bar? We go drink, we play after. 'kay?"

"Yeah, lets get some drinks, someplace quiet, not too loud music, not on Gordon or Magsaysay, okay."

Domie smiled and they started out again, going to the place he usually parked his bike. "We walk, close. No sailor, maybe only station dito, no talk place. I show you." he said as they headed back away from the downtown area to a street they had just passed. Walking a couple blocks now, Geo hadn't noticed a single American anywhere, only the locals were in the area. He must have tensed or gave some other clue that Domie picked up on, "You safe, you and me. No one care." he said as they neared the outdoor patio bar on one corner of two streets. Domie went inside, Geo followed.

It looked like any other bar he'd gone in anywhere in the city, with two major exceptions, the first was it was not packed with squids and they hadn't been met and grabbed by barflies. Domie led them first up to the bar, "Red Horse." he said before looking at Geo.

"Rum and Coke, biggest you have please."

"You drink hard sexy sailor man. No drink lots we no play..." he said warning him not to overdue it so he wouldn't be able to perform.

"Never had that problem before, don't think it'll be a problem." he returned the sly smile as the bartender returned with a tall bottle of beer and a full sized glass, four times any 'large' he'd been given at any other bar. "How much?"

"Twenty peso." the bartender said, then Domie had a few words with the gal. Geo had already taken out the money, it was the same he would have paid for a small drink anywhere else. "Pardon, ten peso." the bartender corrected as she glared toward Domie. Geo had sipped the drink, it was even a tad stronger than anywhere else as well, not watered down.

Geo didn't have that small of a bill on him, he was carrying plenty of money but hadn't asked for smaller bills. He handed the gal the twenty he had, "The rest is for you, this is a very good drink, thank you." then to Domie he said, "It's worth it!" At the current exchange rate, they had walked away from the bar with their drinks, both for less than a dollar since he got 23 peso to the dollar.

The bar wasn't completely empty, there were four other tables with patrons sitting around. The place also had a stage at one end, that's where Domie led them, a table off to the side, tucked out of the way yet they could see the stage clearly enough. "This 'kay? You like here?"

"A dark corner in a back road bar. What's not to like. So far I like it, music not too loud either. What's the stage for?"

A sly smile crossed Domie's face, "You watch. Start soon. Drink." he said as he slid closer to Geo, not right up against him, but much closer than say two sailors would get.

The music was nice, a collection of up to date soft rock tunes that he knew. The drink was indeed stronger than he would have thought, even stirring it with the straw didn't diminish the flavor of the rum. Geo watched the room, there were as many men there as there were women, yet none appeared to be either a mama-san or barfly. The patrons talked quietly as they sipped their drinks with an accompanied bowl of popcorn or peanuts. As they sat, a waitress came up to the table and spoke with Dominic a moment before leaving, only to return with a bowl of popcorn and another bottle of beer.

"I'm paying for everything tonight, got it." Geo said.

"We on tab now, pay when go." he replied, placing his hand on Geo's leg. "Is okay we kiss here." he said, leaning closer. Although he wasn't sure, he was sure they were in the darkest corner of the bar and no one would be able to see them, especially since the candle on the table wasn't burning. As Geo gave Domie a kiss he felt the hand shift to rest on his groin.

"I thought we were going to your place for fun after."

"I tease sailor man." he replied with definite mirth in his voice. "Make sure you get hard after drink."

In response, Geo had just enough buzz going to return the favor by resting his own hand on Domie's groin, there was one major difference though, Geo had jeans and briefs on where Dominic had only linen shorts on, no underwear underneath, providing Geo a much better feel than his counterpart was receiving. They both leaned back from their kiss, hands remained in place.

They both used their free hand to drink or snack, neither willing to release the others' package, until the waitress returned, gesturing at their drinks. There was about half inch of liquid remaining in his glass, but Domie ordered refills for them both. "Drink, she take glass if done or no."

Geo finished the remainder of his glass and the burn of it make him cough. "Strong." he said, and as a reply he got a tighter grip, trying to play with his manhood. The gal left the glass and bottle, answered a question Domie posed, and departed. "Do you know her? What did you ask."

"When show start. They in back, be soon. You like here?" Domie asked, rubbing his hand up and down Geo's inner thigh.

Taking another long drink, Geo smiled slyly and shifted his hand, tucking it into the leg of Domie's shorts, slowly he walked his fingers and hand up his inner thigh till he struck gold, the package he'd been seeking. "I like it here with you." he replied, tickling the ball sack at his fingertips.

Domie shifted a bit, raising his short leg higher to give easier access to the hand now resting on his flaccid package. "You sexy man. What you do? What you want do?" he said, resting his own hand on the hand inside his shorts.

"I'm proving to you that it doesn't matter if I have some booze, I can still play just fine." Geo replied, then gave a light squeeze.

"Oh, here, show start. You like me, you like show. Watch."

The lighting shifted slightly, the only light in the patron area was now the candles on the tables only, the stage was lit, but the light was being cast away from the little corner booth where they sat. Geo realized that there would be no way for anyone, even if they walked right up to the table, to see them sitting there.

Two people went onto the stage, the guy went and sat on a stool, his guitar was the only thing covering his body. A gal had also walked on stage, she sat a microphone stand in front of her, placing the mike she carried in the holder. She too was completely naked. "You like it here cause they're naked, isn't that right." Geo said.

"Yes." he replied as he gently guided Geo's hand out of his shorts, placing it on the table. Geo could barely make him out in the lighting since it was so dark, but he could tell Dominic was shifting around in the booth before he settled down, moving up against him. "Better."

Geo took his arm and placed it behind Domie's head, he noticed that he touched bare skin on his shoulder. "Are you naked??" he asked, then reached over with his free hand to find Dominic was indeed naked as his hand found his shorts were no longer there. "What are you doing? Have you done this before?" a worry in his tone.

"I like here. I sit naked here lots. It like at Miguel's house. You try."

"Hell no, not here. It's fine you are, but not me." he removed his hand from Domie's penis and once again took a large drink from his glass.

Dominic snuggled up against Geo, the arm across his shoulders was very comforting. He wished Geo would have joined him so they could snuggle and watch the show both being naked, but he wouldn't push. The waitress made her rounds and brought them another round, Domie hadn't even budged although Geo became worried he would be seen naked.

The show went on for an hour before a short break, then the performers returned to the stage and sang another set, another hour passed before they stopped. To Geo's shock Domie called them over to join them. The lights adjusted slightly, but the establishment remained mostly in the dark. Domie introduced the two performers, good friends but not an item. They slid in the booth on the far side where they ordered drinks and Geo said to put it on his tab. They thanked him, then they talked about his like in music, asking how he liked the show.

"You both have good voices, you sound like so many of the real singers, it's amazing. But why be naked? You sing good enough that you don't have to do that."

The gal answered, "We like it and this only place we can. You not care we naked?"

"He not care, he holding Domie, he naked. Why you not?" the male chimed in.

Dominic rattled off something quickly then answered, "Not everyone like it. Not all like us." his hand caressed Geo's inner thigh once again. "Unless you change mind?"

Geo was definitely feeling the effects of his drinks, yet he wasn't that bold. "Later" he said low, hoping the others didn't hear his answer. He received a patting of his groin in response.

After some time and conversation about what songs Geo liked, the performers finished their drinks and thanked Geo and Domie before they exited the booth. Domie sat up, causing Geo to take his arm back, to his relief since it was a bit tired from being held up for so long. Domie had other ideas for his arm though, he took his hand in his own then shifted them both to his bare package before adjusting Geo's hand to rest on his now slowly inflating cock. Geo was a bit surprised by what he felt, they were still in a public place, yet he couldn't help himself, Geo began to play with the cock in his hand, causing a slight moan to escape Domie's lips.

The angle wasn't the best for play, but it was interesting to see what might happen if he kept it up, so Geo kept fondling Dominic, playfully tickling up and down his shaft with a finger causing it to jump around a bit. "Are you ready to go back to your house now?" he asked, taking a full hold of the throbbing cock in his hand and giving it ha hard squeeze.

"Suck me." Domie replied, "I cum now. Suck me!" the imperative was clear and the hands seeking his head let him know Domie was serious. Geo wasn't sure but he did know he'd gone too far in his play, quickly glancing around the room, few patrons were present, but there were still others there. He felt his head being guided as he bent over, a throbbing cock urgent wanted his attention. Geo had barely got his mouth around the cock when he felt the warm gush flood into his mouth, Domie letting out a grunt.

Geo went lower, taking more into his mouth as the juices continued to flow. Pulling back slightly so he could swallow, Geo went back down till he could smell that heady scent that set him on fire. Geo drained the cock then swallowed the last of the ejaculate, carefully licking all over the still standing shaft making sure it was clean. The flavor was salty, a nice change to the sweet drinks he had been downing all evening. Geo sat back up and did another quick sweeping glance around the bar, no one seemed to have moved and the conversations were still going on. A smile crossed his face, "We got away with it." he said low.

"You so good to me. I suck suck you now."

"No, let's go back to your place. Oh, I should have asked before, is it okay if I stay with you all night? I can't go outside after midnight, but we can go out in the morning."

"You stay with me? All night? YES! Oh, yes yes yes." Domie slipped back into his clothes before they exited the booth and stopped at the bar to settle the tab. Geo handed Domie his wad of peso's, trusting that he would take good care of the bartender and waitress. They both then stopped in the bathroom to relieve themselves before leaving the bar. Once again it was difficult to pee while standing right next to someone, but with only a trough to pee into, Geo's bladder became less shy after hearing his partner's stream trickle down the drain.

Dominic led the way back to his place, "We go same same room before or you want rent room?"

Having a place to themselves sounded much better than sharing a shack with who knew how many others, "Is there enough money for a room?"

"Many night we stay with money have. You want we rent room?"

It was beginning to be a bit difficult to walk, the number of drinks Geo had consumed hadn't hit him till he stood up. "Yes, I just hope it's close."

Dominic led them to a place a few doors from where they were standing. Contracting a room for the night and paying the host after a slight debate, or was it bargaining, they headed up the stairs to a room on the top floor.

Geo was simply happy to see a real bed in the room, a double bed at that. Stumbling over to it, he plopped face down and let out a sigh of relief. "A real bed. I wasn't sure one even existed in this city."

"You drink lot. You only want sleep now? No play?"

Geo rolled to his side and patted the bed, "It's not sleep I want. Oh shit, I don't think I've been this horny in my whole life. Hell, we did it how many times already today and all I can think about is doing it again."

Domie was evidently pleased at the response, "I afraid you no play, you no walk good."

"Shut up and take your clothes off, hell, take mine off too, I can't fringer out 'dis fricken thing." Geo stumbled out as he was attempting to unfasten his jeans.

Dominic took off his own clothes first before helping his partner undress, "You sure? You lots drink."

"I haven't been more sure of anything in a long ass time. Get me out of these things, I've got my dick folded in half in there and it hurts." Geo's jeans were tight enough that at the angle he had been at, when he began thinking of enjoying himself all night, his erection was caught and unable to finish completely inflating. Once the jeans were open though, he reached in and freed it, "Ah, that's better." he said, then lifted his legs so Domie remove his pants and briefs. The last thing off was his shirt.

"Ah, it's nice to have a free boner. Oh, that's even nicer, to have lips wrapped around it too!" he slurred out as his partner began repaying the earlier help he had provided. "Ah shit, that is awesome. You can suck me dry any time buddy. Matter fact, you can use my cock however you want."

Dominic knew Geo was drunk. He would take him to orgasm then let him sleep it off a bit. They had already spent a wonderful day together and he'd shared parts of his life with this young stud more than he'd ever shared with someone before. More than the exchange of bodily fluids, he shared his way of life, his friends, his deepest secrets. He did truly enjoy this massive cock as well. He ignored the slurred words coming out of his lover's mouth, he concentrated on the wonderful dick he had to play with. Domie licked that wonderful shaft up and down, like a long lollipop before tickling the g-spot with his tongue. He caressed the large scrotum and played around with his balls as he continued licking up, then down, up, then down. Collecting some saliva in his mouth, he transferred it to his hand, making it moist as he played more with those wonderful balls. Geo's legs were wide apart, Domie lifted one leg up, bending it at the knee and placing his foot to hold it up. This granted him better access to all of Geo's nether regions. Again he transferred more spit to his hand, but this time he began to play with the exposed anus as he continued to lick and suck on that massive cock.

Geo felt his leg being adjusted and went along, he even slightly shifted to he was partially on his side, exposing himself more fully to his partner's ministrations. He felt the wonderful caresses of both Domie's hands and lips as he gave himself over fully to the sensations. He also felt a light tickle, a wetness and touch was playing around his hole and it felt noticeable awkward and yet kinda good. The licking continued, but the stroking of his balls and shaft had ended, yet the tickle on his ass was beginning to feel urgent in his gut. When he first felt the finger slip ever so slightly in his hole, it felt as if his entire body was about to go numb. "Oh, that's actually nice." he croaked out, the first sounds he had made since Domie had started playing around his ass.

Domie noticed that Geo had gone quiet, but he knew he wasn't asleep, he was getting into it. He licked the shaft slower, more deliberately, pausing and circling the mushroom head of the wonderful cock he worshiped. When he felt he'd played enough, he slowly slipped the tip of one finger into the puckered asshole of his lover, and to his delight, he received a good response. Continuing to suck on this lovely cock, he slowly worked his finger in the ass, slightly inserting it in and pulling it out. Geo had shifted even more onto his side and raised his leg higher, granting an easier access for his hand to play with his hole.

Geo felt the little finger fucking his ass was getting and he wanted more, adjusting for more attention got the response he was now desiring, the finger went in a bit deeper, making slow circles that widened his hole. At first he feared if he let it continue, he might accidentally shit, but then he recalled the exchange earlier that afternoon as he turned Domie over and remounted him, thrusting his cock all the way in the hole till his balls bounced against his skin. "More. Fuck me, yea, more, it fells good."

"Relax. no hold, relax." Domie said as he continued to finger fuck his friend. He paused a moment from his cock worship to lean over and dribble some spit directly onto his hand and the hole he was working. He then backed his hand out and inserted two fingertips in the hole. From many years of having and giving anal sex, Dominic knew that this was the first time anything had been inside this super tight hole, it would take some special care before it would be ready. He returned to licking the cock and balls, occasionally adding more spit to his hand. Geo continued to moan in delight as he worked his fingers in and out till he was finally learning how to relax his anus. He then added a third finger, not playing only with the tip, he sent all three inside, a startled Geo let out a gasp and looked down at him

"What did you put in there, your whole hand?" he said, then dropped his head back to the bed.

"You like? I stop if want. I fuck you now if want." he offered knowing that he was now open enough to accommodate his erect penis.

"Not too hard." was the answer, so Dominic pushed him back down flat on the bed and repositioned himself between his two upraised legs. Taking one in each hand, Dominic lifted him enough so he could begin to slowly stick his dick into Geo's ass. He had closed down a bit, so Domie let some drool drip onto the hole and his dick before he began slowly pushing then relaxing, pushing a bit more, then relaxing over and over till Geo finally relaxed his hole enough that Dominic slid his penis half way in. Geo felt himself on fire, he could also feel wetness on his belly where his dick had let some fluid go. A gasp escaped his lips as he felt the slow motions moving in and around his asshole. The fire was building rapidly in his balls, the pressure was unlike any he had felt all day. An involuntary action made him cinch down his anal muscles which only caused the fire to enrage. "Holy shit, I'm on fire." he cried out.

Domie saw the precum dripping from the massive cock he had been staring at. He so wanted to lick it up or grasp the cock and bring it to orgasm, but his hands were still busy holding up the legs. Suddenly he felt a clamp around his dick, Geo had tightened up, but it was too late, he was already inside. With and ever slow movement of his hips, Domie began in erst to fuck his new friend. After a few small thrusts, the door opened and he was once again free. Increasing the movements in and out, each time going a bit deeper and deeper, Domie was nearly all the way in when Geo let out a deep moan. At first he thought his friend had orgasm-ed, but that wasn't it, he was in ecstasy. Domie increased the thrusts, going faster, and faster. More groans came out, with each thrust more cum dripped out of that glorious cock forming a pool on Geo's belly. Soon he too was feeling the buildup to orgasm, the thrusts in and out intensified, he was truly fucking this tight ass while watching as more and more fluid came in waves out the tip of Geo's cock.

Geo could feel the thrusting becoming nearly frantic, the movement in and out was easier now, but the sensations were intensified. He felt as if he were slightly peeing himself, so at one point he raised up and looked. A puddle of white cum was on his stomach, yet he had not orgasm-ed yet. He no longer cared, the pressure was too great, the dick sliding in and out of his ass was causing a raging inferno in his balls, he grabbed a hold of his shaft and with no more than one stroke, he exploded, sending solid streams of cum up his entire body. He could feel the wetness on his face, but he didn't care, that frantic stabbing in his rectum was causing more thick streams to rush out his penis and all over his chin, face and chest.

Domie was near the point of explosion when Geo grabbed his own penis and held it as the streams of glorious man's milk went shooting across his body. He was so close, he kept thrusting in and out till finally after watching his partner's juices nearly cover his entire body, he made the last, deep thrust as his own balls released wave after wave of semen into his lovers ass. A couple last micro thrusts to empty himself, Dominic looked back down at the glorious mess that covered Geo. "You like."

"Holy fricken shit. That was mind blowing. It was beyond awesome man. Oh that's what you like, now I know why. Fricken shit is indescribable."

Domie couldn't let all that wonderful milk go to waste. He slowly pulled his dick from Geo's ass before bending over and slurping up every last drop. The licking and slurping, more licking and swallowing, it took nearly five minutes before Dominic had cleaned up his lover. He spent an extra moment sucking the last of what was lingering in the shaft of Geo's dick before he crawled up on him, planting a large, still wet kiss on his lover's lips, before sliding to one side.

Chapter 4. Head over heals.

Geo and Dominic stayed laying side by side for some time, both were satiated and needed a few moments rest to recover. Geo more so from the strength of those rum and cokes he'd partaken off, he had drifted in and out of sleep.

As Geo rested, Domie was able to enjoy laying next to this wonderful man whom he'd only met the day prior. He felt as if they had a connection, not just from the numerous physical pursuits they'd had in their short time together, no, it was more. It had been years since he felt so close to someone like this, the last was a schoolmate when he was thirteen, some nine years ago. Domie recalled Jorge well, he no longer lived in the area, having found work in Manila some time ago, but he still holds a special place in his heart. Jorge introduced Dominic to the benie boy life, they experimented with each other, sneaking into unoccupied rooms to exchange blow jobs or meeting at their swimming spot and spending hours trying to see how many times they could orgasm for each other. Domie thought they would be together forever, but then Jorge found he liked a girl. Their time together was nothing more to him then sexual exploration. Domie was crushed. He hid himself away for many years, never wanting to open himself up to such disappointment ever again.

Then one evening nearly two years ago now, Mary brought home a man, very drunk but very timid around his sister. He had paid her 'bar fine' so she brought him home to sleep it off. The story went much like the prior day except when his sister was attempting to 'go shower' so the sailor would fall asleep, he held onto her arm, not wanting to let her leave. His voice had cracked and became quite loud, waking Dominic out of his bed. The man was yelling about being robbed since she wasn't going to 'put out' he would beat it out of her. Dominic came flying out from behind the curtain to confront the man, yelling as he came, the sailor released his sister, throwing up his hands as if he were needing to defend himself.

A short conversation with his sister reveled that the sailor was demanding to have anal sex with her, something about not wanting her dirty cunt anywhere near him. Once she was free, Mary took off out of the house, she would end up staying in an upper room above the bar. Domie did his best to talk with the sailor, to tell him to lay down and rest till he could think better, but the sailor had other things in mind. After some thinking about it, Domie agreed and played surrogate for his sister's suitor, giving in to the carnal needs of this rough sailor. It was the worst sexual experience Domie ever had, but once he had finished, the sailor left and was never seen again.

A few months later Mary again brought home another man, but this time they both sat at the table and asked Dominic to join them. Mary explained that this man had asked if anyone knew of a man he could be with, he'd paid Mary's bar fine twice over and offered her more if she could take him to another man. It was at a time when the ships weren't in port, the town had gone dry and money was very scarce, so Mary thought of her brother in hopes they could get enough money to live on for awhile. That's when Domie met his sweet lieutenant.

After coming to an arrangement for sex, Mary departed, leaving the two men alone. Domie was still emotionally scared as he remembered the last encounter he'd had with the aggressive man, but this one, he wasn't the same. He spoke clearly and slowly, he even knew a few native words, asking if he could give Dominic full whole body massage to start. The experience was truly pleasurable. Remembering the massage, Domie began to gently rub his hand along Geo's chest, a gentle touch, a caress, as he explored with his eyes and fingers the body that lay before him. The contact made him wish he could keep this one forever, he toyed with the idea of asking this young stud to stay, he would hide him until the ship left, they could move far away and live together forever. But his memories returned.

After being the emotional wreck, meeting this kind man who wanted little more than to be in contact with him, touch him, give him massages, he thought he was in love then too. Oh sure, their contact would progress to intimate contact, a hand job, Donnie providing relief of his benefactor with his mouth, but that' s all that would happen. His sweet lieutenant enjoyed spending time in direct contact with him but he never stayed the night.

Anytime his benefactor was coming to town, a single flower arrived at the bar, no note other than to deliver it to Mary. Mary of course gave it to Domie, within the next couple days he would be there. At times he came with a ship, other times he wasn't. Dominic never pried into his life, knowing very little about him other than when they met those two years ago he was a lieutenant, now he didn't know. He was still a nice man, older than Domie, but he did know why he liked Domie so much, he liked the younger men because they had little to no hair. When he'd learned that, he attempted to surprise him by getting one of his sister's razors, a luxury item to them all, and shaved his pubes. After Mary dropped him off as she always would, once they were nude and his visitor saw he was clean as a younger man, his benefactor threw a fit, calling aloud "I'm no fucking pervert." before dressing and storming out of the house.

It was only a few days ago when the flower arrived. Domie wasn't sure he'd ever see his sweet lieutenant ever again, but when he'd sent the flower, then showed up, they spent a very special hour simply naked, holding each other, hugging close with no expectations nor words. His man was not a talker. They spent more time together that evening then they ever had. To Domie's surprise he also given him a card when they first saw each other which read, "Sorry for the last time. Forgive me." that contained two American one hundred dollar bills, a fortune that could keep them all living well for over six months, a year if they were frugal. He also handed him an American fifty dollar bill just before they departed, telling him to buy himself something special, maybe for their next meeting. That's when he suddenly snapped back to the present, he was suppose to meet his sweet lieutenant at noon at the Pag-Asa market at the flower shop he used to order the flowers.

Geo stirred, he liked the gentle rubbing he felt, he was beginning to enjoy not having the barriers of clothing on since the 'normal' stopping points of a touch were bypassed, the caresses extending from his sternum to his hip joint. Opening his eyes, he shifted his head to watch the expression on Domie's face. The look of pleasure and contentment shifted to one of shock at the same moment his hand froze in it's tracks. He waited a moment, then asked, "What's the matter? You remember something? You can tell me."

Dominic looked down into the serene face looking up at him, "I got room one night, one day. When you go back boat?"

"Ship. I have to go back tomorrow night, gotta be on the base before midnight. Is that a problem?"

"I meet my sweet lieutenant, noon. I want stay you, told him meet okay. What I do? Like you say... shit."

"Oh damn. We still have tonight though, right? You have till noon tomorrow before you see him so we still have now. We can figure it out."

"I here with you. You right sexy naked man." Dominic replied, then leaned over and gave Geo a kiss.

"Here, lets just spend time in bed, no sex though, that last one really spent me out." He recommended, so they both got up and crawled under the sheet before snuggling together, bodies in full contact yet no direct sexual acts began. After a few moments Geo's mind kicked in and with the buzz still present, his mouth kicked in as well.

"I still find it amazing that I am so comfortable with another guy like this. Hell, if you would have told me I was going to even kiss another guy a week ago I would have decked ya, and now look at me. I've kissed not only another guy, I've given and gotten a blow job, fucked a guy's ass and even been fucked." shaking his head in unbelief, "how did all this happen anyways? Oh, I know the first time you came in I was blitzed, hell, am again, but this afternoon I wasn't. What happened? I like girls, I swear I do, yet now, shit, I like guys too? Holy crap, I'm so confused. Hey?" he said, shaking Dominic to get his attention, "is it possible to like guys and girls still, even after all we've done? Do you think?"

"You talk talk. I know guy like guy and gal, is okay. First guy I with like gal more, leave me. You find girl, get marry, no see me more."

"Don't see that happening anytime soon. The last girlfriend I had was a lot of fun but there was no chemistry, no deep connection. You're so much more interesting then she was. How'd we even get this far so quickly?" he paused, no answer came but time clicked by a moment longer before Geo continued, "Must have been the purely physical connection we share. You know what though, it seems more than that now. You're cool to just hang around with, even if you like to hang out in public and take off all your clothes."

"I wish no have clothes, always naked. Everyone same same, everyone... equal. Rich wear nice clothes, poor have old clothes, not fair. If no clothes, everyone same. Yes?"

Giving it a moment's thought Geo replied, "Damn. That was profound. I think you're right. Where I grew up they'd try to put everyone in jail for being naked though, but here, it's a damn good idea."

Time passed silently as they lay snuggled together in the now dark room. A neon sign buzzed outside, casting a dim light against one wall. The sounds of the street had died out, only the occasional car or motorcycle speeding by broke the silence.

"Geo? You wake?" Dominic asked.


"Why be pervert if like no hair here?" he asked, gently scratching Geo's pubic hairs.

"What? Why would you ask that." not a second passed before he figured out the answer, "OH, ah, it's not a bad thing, many people like shaved pussies, or I guess dicks. I guess whoever told you that might not like it though."

"You like or no?"

"I haven't been with anyone before that didn't at least have some pubes." reaching back to find the patch he sought, "Like this, it's fine with me there is some here. I think if there wasn't, especially with how young you already look, you'd seem like jail bait."

"Jail bait?"

"That's what we call someone under 18, if you get caught having sex with an under aged gal, you go to jail. Get it, jail bait."

"I no jail bait, I two two, why think I so young? All American think I young."

"It has to be your nationality. It's so difficult for most of us to tell how old you are. Um, lets see, we grow facial hair around twenty, you don't seem to even shave yet. You are all very thin, most teenagers are skinny then they start getting bigger, plus most of your people are short, like our younger people. Shit, I might have messed you all up."

"NO! I get. We small, is okay. It hot, we no hair, you hair all over." Dominic replied, shifting to run his fingers through Geo's small patch of chest hair, "We no hair here."

"And that's part of it too. We all get hair here, although lately more and more body builders are shaving most of their body hair off. You don't have enough hair to even consider shaving any off." Geo said, chuckling.

The thought brought back the time he'd lost his man for some time, and for some reason he shared, "I do one time, razor hair off. I got yell at bad. It make bad time, long time make mad. Now my sweet lieutenant come back, he sorry mad. Why he mad I shave all hair away? You know? Talk talk me."

Thinking about it made Geo realize that Domie had just shared one of his secrets. He was beginning to realize that he'd shared many of his secrets with him in the past couple days. "He's the one that was mad at you then. How long did it take till he contacted you again?"

"Over year. Why? Important?"

"It could mean something, but it may not. Um, when he was here the other day was he, ah, normal acting with you or did he do anything different. I don't mean to pry, just trying to figure this out."

"He gave card, say sorry. He nice, he take long time no touch. Is razor bad?" Dominic was puzzled why it would have been such a bad thing.

"Well, from what you've said so far and from his actions I'd say he doesn't know how old you are. When you shaved, he got scared, probably thinking you might not be you, I'm not sure there, but if you were, he was worried he'd like it or would want someone else younger, he didn't want that. He keeps you a secret, doesn't he? He contacts you like I did, through your sister?"

After nodding, Domie lowed his head and replied, "Yes, Mary bring home, she get money but she go away, we play. He give me money and go. He no stay long time night, he stay long time day you see. He first time year see him, but he say come back, see me market at noon."

Geo realized that Domie and this Lieutenant had been seeing each over off and on over a year. The last time ended badly and the night before, when he'd seen him depart, that was their reunion, yet, Domie had still provided him a good night's experience. "Do you love him?"


That was a shock. "He pays good though, doesn't he? Is that the only reason you sell... sorry, I don't mean to sound mean or mad."

"No, is okay. Mary I make it okay. We make good now I play lieutenant. He go away, we...{sniffle} we rent room for food. Now he back we good, is okay. They gone now, me Mary only house. She my family. We only family. {sniff} She love me."

Geo turned over to face Dominic, "I can tell you two are close." Geo replied, drawing him closer against him till Domie stopped crying. "I wish I had a sister, or even a brother sometimes. I grew up alone, had to make my own way, but it was still much better than you've had it."

"I no cry. I sorry. We talk you now."

"Talk about me huh. Okay. Well I grew up living with my mom, dad bailed on us when I was young. Mom worked, never dated, did her best to raise me. Oh man was she proud of me when I told her I was going in the Navy. She wanted to be able to send me to college, but I knew better, she'd never make that kind of money. I had to do something, that's why I joined. Am I boring you?"

"No, I like. Say more." Dominic replied, his accent was thick now, he was tired and was having a hard time forming the English words.

"I had to join. There's no jobs right now and I can earn enough in four years to maybe go to college, make something of myself. Do you have a dream Domie, something you want to do or become?"

"I want... family. Not easy, family as benie boy. I visit Miguel, he family nice. I want that, live family, me, man, kids, all happy naked. That my dream."

"That sounds nice. Not sure about the living naked part, but a family of my own, that'd be cool."

"We naked, is nice. Why no naked, everyone same same naked."

"You are a nudist at heart, aren't you." Geo said, gently squeezing Dominic against him.

"You no tired, no sleep?" he replied as he began to gently rub his hand up and down Geo's side.

"I'm awake now, guess the booze is wearing off, but if you were thinking of more sex, I might be younger but I think you drained me the last time."

"You like? You like me fuck you?"

"It was the largest load I think I've ever had. How did you get me to cum even before I did, I mean, how'd I have so much on me before I busted a nut?"

"Man milk. It come before squirt, happen when fuck. You first time fuck, lots inside drip then lots lots cum. All taste very good." Domie said with a smile widening on his face.

"It was quite a new feeling, it was odd at first, then oh, man, it was great. You ate all that came out? That was like a gallon! You like eating all that?"

"I eat you all gone, over over lots. You sweet, not salt. What you eat, you cum sweet, true."

"Are you saying my cum isn't like yours? I mean isn't it all the same? Yours is kinda salty and thick, but mine is sweet? Really?" Geo didn't believe him, how could that be. Sure, Dominic kept calling him 'sweet sailor man' but he thought he meant it as a euphemism of his attitude or even his mannerisms, not literally.

Dominic could tell Geo thought he was lying. "I prove, I suck suck, kiss, you know." moving his hand down to begin playing with Geo's dick.

"I'm not sure I have it in me to give. Oh, that does feel good. Just don't play in my ass, okay, it kinda hurts still."

"You virgin, hole hurt short time. I no play you no want." he said as he continued to gently fondle the lovely penis in his hand. It didn't take long for the blood to begin to fill it up, engorging it into the shaft Dominic worshiped so much. "Ah, better. You manly man. I make you happy, I make you scream name." he said, looking deep into Geo's eyes.

"You slut. You're a cum slut aren't you? You drain me dry to drink my spunk, then want more." he was talking to make himself horny again.

Domie tossed the sheets off of them before shifting himself to align his face with the glorious cock that was at full mast now. Going down on it like a hungry wolf, Dominic began urgently working the shaft and head with all the skills he had, one hand rubbing low, the other cupping the ball sack.

A low moan came from Geo letting Domie know he was making progress. He also knew that with the huge load he'd just let go, all this work might not lead to any fluid release, he may orgasm, but it might not be much. The longer he went, the more work it took. Twice Domie thought he'd done something wrong as the tool he diligently worked in and out of his mouth lost it's stiffness. Then he felt Geo shiver, he knew he was about to bring his partner to orgasm. Pressing on he could taste the little drops of lube that came out of the end of the dick.

Geo was losing his hard on. The more he thought about it, the worse it became, so he shifted his thoughts, concentrating on the action, believing it was his first time of the night, how much he had to release, anything that would keep him from losing it. That's the first time the thought crossed his mind, he ran with it. Once he began to picture the three of them, himself, Domie and that Lieutenant all together, he could feel his shaft harden. The action on his dick now was enough to keep the thought going, he began to feel himself want release, he wanted to be with more than one, the more he built on, the closer he got to orgasm. He thought of this other man, it was he, an officer, that was servicing his manhood as his new friend Dominic rode the officer's ass into submission. The thoughts along with the faster action on his rod brought him to climax, his body tensed, trying to hold it in, make it stronger, before he relaxed and let his manhood pump in glorious ecstasy.

As Dominic thought, when his partner spasmed, little if any fluids flowed out. Oh sure, there was some there and as he promised, he reserved it, let it sit on his tongue, not swallowing. Once the convulsions stopped, he removed his mouth from the quickly deflating cock and crawled up to transfer the small load to his friend. Once he looked down into the flush face, he went down and kissed him, then moved his hand to open Geo's mouth gently before releasing the sperm to fall on Geo's tongue before closing it again.

"You no taste self? See, is sweet, not honey, not sugar, man milk sweet."

Geo did taste a difference, then he realized it was his own spunk he was tasting and nearly gagged. Once again, he'd done something he never thought he'd do, one more sex act in his book of experiences, eating his own cum for the first time ever.

"You no think sweet?" Dominic asked, puzzled by the gag reflex Geo had just exhibited.

"I didn't think you were going to feed me my own jizz man! You could have warned me or something. Oh, dude." he did consider the taste though and it was indeed not as salty as the other loads he'd tasted during their exchanges.

"You mad?"

"Nah, just coulda warned me is all. It wasn't the same, but my own stuff, who would do that?" then a light went on in his head, "You eat your own, don't you?"

"Is easy, no mess." Dominic replied, admitting he had or still did eat his own ejaculate. "You taste good, not me, sweet."

"And so when you say 'my sweet lieutenant' does that mean he tastes sweet to you too?"

Domie wasn't quite sure he should be comparing his two men, especially not sharing his experiences, one with the other. "He not same. You big, you sexy. He same me, not big, lot hair. He like lot touchie touch then play. He no play much, one time only, done. You play, rest, play more. I like lot play, more fun." he said as he sat back, his own penis was simi hard, he began to stroke it. "You want play me? You done, sleep now?" he asked, his small brown dick swelling to it's full size as he held it out for examination.

With so much sexual action over the past two days, Geo wasn't sure if he could keep it up. "Can I watch you play, let me see how you do it."

Dominic smiled and began to stroke his manhood while Geo watched. He paused to lick his hand, transferring more saliva to lubricate his stroking. The increased liquid began to make a slick, sucking sound of it's own as he continued to stroke himself for his partner. "You help if want. I like you watch. It like you stroke me. Ahh."

Geo didn't move, he was physically exhausted, yet the show was again, a new experience for him, watching another guy masturbate in front of him, no, for him. Geo watched as Domie's face contorted, his breath becoming labored as from holding it to breathing in puffs. He watched the urgency build, the stroking became frantic, rough. Domie's whole penis was a deep red as the blood pored into it and he sped the strokes faster and faster before he threw his head back, exasperating a rough breath from his lungs then rapidly filling them as if he was starving for air. Geo was now enthralled by the actions, he wondered what would happen, would he just explode everywhere? Would he shift his grip at the last moment to catch it? Or would he stop before he even orgasm.

The more Domie stroked, the more he thought of this man watching him. Geo excited him very much, more than any of his other partners. He'd never had the nerve to jack-off in front of any of them, so this was something very new to him. Normally when he would masturbate, he would be outside in the jungle where he could let it fall to the ground where he would then kick dirt over it. If inside, he had an old towel or cloth he kept that he would then need to wash before anyone else found it. But here, here was different, he wasn't sure what to do. Would his partner lean over at the last moment to take it in his mouth? Would he simply let go and then leave the sheet for the maid to clean up? Or would he try to minimize the mess and catch it in his hand, then go to the restroom or eat it himself.

Time was up and so was he. Giving up on his sitting, Dominic fell backwards onto the bed just as he erupted, spewing his small amount of cum onto his lower belly, a thick cream, such a small amount since he'd been a busy player for the past two days now. Taking a short break to gather his breath, he reached over, taking the edge of the sheet, he wiped himself dry then turned around to crawl back into the bed, covering them both up once again.

Geo couldn't believe he'd just watched another guy beat off, thinking how different it was to see from that angle. When Domie cleaned up, he laid quietly till he felt the kiss. Returning it he murmured "Night" to Dominic as they both decided it was past time to go to sleep.

Chapter 5. A new day.

The light was bright outside. Dominic and Geo had slept in since they'd been up so late. Actually for two reasons really, they also had to wait till after nine in the morning before Geo felt safe to go outside. Because of the number of 'play' times they'd had the prior day, neither was up to more sex, agreeing to take advantage instead of the room they'd rented. Most hotels in the city weren't the greatest, but Domie knew one that would afford them some of the most basic needs, and be clean, that's what he had to argue with the clerk about when they arrived, a real working shower.

Each took their turn in the shower since Geo said he wanted to rest more, allowing Domie to go first. Most showers were no more than a pipe sticking out of the wall, others were hoses attached to spigot like Americans had on the outside of their house to water plants. This was a normal shower with a shower head that actually flowed and both hot and cold water pipes. It quickly became evident that they were more for looks than functionality since the water came out of both at the same temp, warm. Even this early in the morning, there was no cold water in the city, unless it was iced or melting ice. Once he was clean and dry, Domie didn't bother dressing, he instead opened the drape to look out, their room faced the street that was just beginning to show signs of life.

"Hey, close that, it's bright! Aren't you afraid someone will look up and see you standing there naked?" Geo complained, pulling the unoccupied pillow over his face.

"They busy, no look up. Who care anyway, if look, should get good see, okay!" Domie was in a good mood, he'd slept very good in a real bed, next to a very hot younger man, then enjoyed a real shower, not one from dumping a bucket over his head. Life was good, even giving him a very nice view of his own as he watched Geo crawl from their bed, naked, a very nice view in his opinion, he loved watching that white ass as it gracefully crossed the room.

Geo went to the bathroom, only a curtain separated the rooms. 'Don't they believe in doors in this backwater place?' he thought as he stopped caring, remembering he'd shared much more intimate moments with this roommate than anyone he'd ever been with before. Taking his turn in the shower Geo made multiple attempts at changing the temp before giving up, never realizing there was no difference in the two handles. Walking back in the room as he dried his hair, short as it was, it was still longer than when he'd completed boot camp a little over a month ago, he was liking having longer hair. "What's the plans for today? Do you want to leave to meet your friend?"

"You hungry? Want good American breakfast? I know place, close." Domie replied, not answering about what he didn't want to consider.

"Sure! I'm starved." he replied, so they both dressed, but before leaving the room he asked, "Do we turn in the key or how long did you reserve the room?"

"Is okay we keep one day again. I ask room two day, we stay, have shower fun you go ship. No... we have two day, we can stay so we can shower or have fun till you go ship." Domie corrected himself. He wanted to correct his English, he wanted it to sound more natural, especially since both his 'best men' were both Americans.

"Oh, okay. So we can come back her later, cool. Oh, do you still have the peso's I gave you?"

Dominic pulled a wad of bills and coin from his pocket. Geo didn't even know they had coins in the country, everything he'd ever bought, they didn't give him change. "Good, you keep it, use what we need, it seems you get a better deal around here than I do." crooking his head to the side and with a smile he asked, "I can trust you with it now can't I?"

Domie almost took great offense to the comment, but seeing his friend's smiling face he knew he was kidding, "I no no. um, I don know, it lot money, may not get all back." he replied, sliding up closer to Geo, leering up into his face, so desiring a kiss.

Placing his arms around his friend, "Kidder. I'm probably breaking some stupid unwritten rule, but for some strange reason, I trust you. Tell you what, you make as many good deals as you can and I'll let you keep the rest of the peso's you've got there. I'll get some more when we pull back in. OH SHIT!" Geo stopped, he'd not said anything about this being his last day, he also didn't want to get in the way of this 'guy'.

"Shit? What shit? Some wrong?"

"No, just forgot to say this was my last day to visit. Is it possible for you to know when we come back? I'd like to see you again, if you don't mind of course."

"I hear big ship in, out, all hear. I like lot see you, yes. You stay me today? No... will you stay wit me today?"

"With not wit, and yes, I'd like that, but I won't if it means getting in the way, between you and your lieutenant. If you want time, I don't mind, you've known him much longer than me."

"We eat, come." Dominic said as he opened the door and started heading down the hall, tucking the money back in his pocket. Glancing back after hearing the door close, ensuring Geo followed close enough, he thought it out before attempting to say it, "I would like it, you stay wit me today. Dan nice. No one know us, like you, no one know like me, okay. No say, me say, okay. I say, we be three today, I try. It okay, okay?"

"You want me to meet him with you? His real name is Dan then?" Geo asked, thinking 'oh great, Lieutenant Dan, like in Forest Gump, just what I need, at least I won't forget his name.'

"Why no?? He nice, if you no want, we talk talk, all fine. You see." Domie said, leading him out onto the street, where he turned away from where Geo knew the main street was, which made him a bit more relaxed, less chance of being seen out too early in the morning. They didn't say much as they went along to get some breakfast.

Geo liked the little place, the food was fresh, though a bit gamey tasting, and the bacon was more like thin sliced ham, the fattiest parts of the pig. Lucky for him, he liked it crispy, beat getting some disease that would make his stomach upset. They didn't speak much while they ate, and ate, but when they'd both polished off two plates of food each, Geo sat back, "Well, that was good. Needed it. The rice and fish was good, but left me hungry. What do we do now?"

"You shop, look shop shop. Soon Dan show, we talk him if you okay talk. Come... shop."

Looking around the market, Geo noticed nothing had a price tag on it, everything negotiable. He found a couple items he thought would be nice, not too large, just a few things that would fit in his locker and maybe even make the cruise a bit more homey. A plush blanket was the largest purchase, size wise. He'd seen the others on board had one on their bunk now, definitely beat the old wool ones they had been issued. He also found a couple patches he liked, someday he would add them to a 'cruise jacket' to commemorate his time in service. But the best part of it all, every time he asked a price, his partner would take over the negotiations. He literally saved him a bundle of money in just the few transactions he'd made.

Then, while looking around some strange shop that had all kinds of wood carvings Dominic said he had to look at, all definitely too large for him to consider, that's when he realized Domie wasn't looking inside the store more than out the front at the stand across the small walkway. "You're suppose to meet him here, aren't you?" Geo asked.

"There." he said, pointing at the flower stand, then down at his wristwatch, then suddenly back up. "He come, see there?"

Geo indeed did see another sailor in the area, all kinds of them to be exact. He was also smart enough not to ask which one, he would stay put in this store or even the music dealer next door while Dan and Domie met up. "Go ahead. I'll look at the music. Go."

Dominic walked away, feeling terrible for leaving his friend, he never wanted to be away from him, ever again, but he stepped out of the store and approached his sweet lieutenant. "Hoy. Hello." he said.

"Hi. Who's your friend over there? Seems like you two have been taking in the sites, buying a few things. Getting him some good prices I hope." Dan said, nodding his head to the side, pointing out the young sailor he'd noticed walking with Dominic for some time now. See, unknown to either Geo or Domie, Dan had finished his own breakfast a few minutes before they'd arrived and had been watching them since they sat down to eat.

Dominic was worried and yet not. He'd never made promises to anyone, well not lately, that he would be only with them. "He nice guy. First time PI. Show shop, low price. You see us?"

"I saw you bartering for him, nice of you to pay for his things. Not normal to trust so quickly, unless of course you've known him longer than just this morning." Dan said in an attempt to find out a few things.

"He okay, promise. He no talk talk, he shhh." Domie replied, putting a finger to his lips. "Is okay he come?"

Dan looked over at the young sailor who was doing his best to look both at the various music cd's on display as well as keep an eye on them both. "Best we go over there, he may make a run for it if you call him over. Looks a bit scared to me, what have you told him Dominic?"

Dan rarely used any name when he spoke to Domie, he now felt as if he was in trouble. "He one saw you go out house. Sister bring in, I promise show shops. Is okay?" he asked, fast forwarding though the past couple days.

"He was the young guy that peeked out from your sister's curtain the other night? Has he been with her this whole time then?"

"No, he back base, he work, come back shop. I make promise, forgot meet you. Is okay? I ask he go if want. He go base tonight, no back again long time."

Dan understood the broken English very well since he had many dealings with locals, "It's fine. It may look better if we are all together instead of just one of us with a local, brings too much attention. What's his name? What do you know about him?"

"Geo. He younger me. He on big ship, no Navy long time." Dominic said before turning and walking to the music stand. "Geo? Dis Dan. He nice guy, know long time. Okay all shop?"

Geo looked at the man next to Domie. He wouldn't have thought that he would have been having a relationship with another guy, he was so clean cut, so military looking. "Hi. Sure. Domie said he had to meet someone here. Do you mind if I hang around with you guys for awhile? Domie sure knows how to argue for better prices, sir." in his mind he said, "Shit! That just slipped out."

"It's fine with me, but don't use that out here in town, okay, it's best none of the locals know who's who. Best they all think one sailor is like any other. Dan will be fine Geo. Okay." He was calm, he figured that Dominic may have told him his rank or something similar since he'd once let it slip, but that was some time ago. "Looking for anything in particular? I hear it's your first time in the PI."

"It is and no, just shopping. Nothing big though, not a lot of space for stuff on board. Figure since I saw some of the guys with one of these, I'd pick one up myself. Hate those rough wool blankets."

"A good buy. I have a few mink blankets myself. So, what was the plan? I hear you have to be back on your ship tonight, heading out soon."

Geo wasn't catching what he might be trying to imply. He didn't know what they had said before walking back over so he did his best 'stupid sailor' impression and replied, "He's the tour guide, guess we can follow his lead."

Dan leaned his head to the side, not sure what to make of that comment, "Sounds like a plan. He's never steered me wrong before. It's lunch time but I had a big breakfast, so what do we do now, tour guide?" he said to Domie.

"We go house, it close, leave stuff. I want show Barrio Barreto. Sound okay?"

"Haven't gone to the barrio in some time, sure. That little beach bar? Oh, the barrio is a little town on the water just east of here. We catch a jeepney to get there. There's this beach front bar where the view is fantastic, and the people watching isn't bad either."

"Okay, lead the way." Geo replied as he was starting to feel like a third wheel all the sudden since he didn't know anyplace and yet these two had places they'd been to before.

Chapter 6. Seeing the sites.

Domie led the way back to his house. Once inside, Geo left his purchases in one corner of the large room. He wasn't sure they'd be safe, there was no lock on the front door that he'd seen, but he figured it'd be fine. Dan hadn't made any moves or comments to Domie or anything else that might give away their true relationship, just the few comments of changes noticed from past visits.

The ride to the barrio was interesting, plenty of town sites to see, bars and shops gave way to schools and houses, then after a turn and bridge crossing they were in the jungle. The jeep was like a bus, only smaller. It stopped at various places to let people literally jump in or out before taking off. Then as quickly as the forest had started, it disappeared and the bay came into view along with more shacks and shops. A tap on his leg alerted Geo that they were nearing their stop, that and the other two in his party stood in the little aisle and carefully moved to the doorway, while they were still speeding down the road.

Once off, and nearly losing his balance, Geo felt as if they were still moving even though he was standing still. "Wow, that's dangerous. I can't see that going on back at home."

"Where you from, originally." Dan asked as they started walking down the road, crossing to the beach side.

"Cali, north of LA, Ventura area. You?" he answered thinking he could ask since he answered.

"North Carolina, but I grew up in Mesa Arizona. I can see why you'd pick the Navy though, water, beaches, sand, all things from where you grew up. And before you ask why I did, it was to get out of the desert of course."

Dan and Geo were actually getting along, not unlike two sailors who served together. It was nice Geo thought to himself as he did his best to forget their pay grade differences. Once they'd turned into the little bar and ordered a drink, the three of them went out on the back patio along the beach, it was indeed a beautiful site. Geo saw how there were only little waves, not like an ocean at all. And the people, he didn't see any other Americans at all, everyone walking in the sand or swimming in the bay were all locals. "Not crowded at all. Nice. Too bad I didn't think to bring a suit." he said, playing on a hunch that maybe this place was chosen because the suits were optional.

"Yeah, it would have been a good idea. Dominic here has a tendency to go in his shorts since they dry so quickly. Jeans on the other hand wouldn't be a good idea, isn't that right."

"No jeans, only short. Is nice wind, keep cool today. Can take shirt off if want, okay bar."

"You'll find there are many customs here that are 'okay' with the locals that we would think odd. You can go shirtless everywhere here, but the SOPA frowns on it in town, here it is fine though, if you wanted to that is." Dan said before slipping his own shirt off, hanging it on the back of his chair, exposing his furry yet well formed chest and arms.

Geo followed suit. "More beach-y this way." he said, noticing Dan had kept a 'sly eye' on him as he did, letting out the first hint that he was there to check out the local guys, not gals.

After relaxing a while, not talking much, Domie broke the silence, "How long you here today?" he asked Dan.

"Just the day. It seems I leave out about the same time as your friend here. When did you have to head back Geo?"

"Well, I guess I have to go back when you do since I'm lost way out here. I have to be back on the ship tonight, Cinderella liberty for me is eleven tonight."

Now knowing more than asking direct questions would have revealed, Dan knew his companion was both enlisted and very junior since non-rates had to be back by eleven. "And you? Did you have some time you wanted to head back? Did you have something else in mind for later?"

"We go back soon if want. We play, eat, whatever." Domie was trying to get the other two to tell each other anything, but both only talked around it all, not bringing anything up. "I get more? We go back? What, all okay, promise." he pressed when they'd all finished their first round of drinks.

Geo knew what he was saying, and he was sure their other guest did too, but he was very coy about it all. Geo wasn't sure he wanted to say anything at all, he still didn't even know what ship Dan was on and he for sure didn't want to get booted from the Navy for a fling with another guy. "Whichever is fine with me. It's nice here, but going back is good too. Oh, you guys have known each other awhile now, has he ever taken you for a motorcycle ride before? There's a lot of jungle all over this place."

Dan shook his head, "No, we come here or stay in town usually. I don't make it off the ship during the day much, night owl, work the night shift, like it that way. If I do come into town during the day I like coming out here, not so crowded."

"I see that, it beats the bar scene in town anyway. They really should turn down the music though, it's way too loud, except for that one bar. Have you taken him there?" he asked Domie.

"He ask Dark Bar. I take, he like, right?" Domie hoped that maybe admitting something might get them all to be friends.

A hint of surprise rose in Dan's voice, "He's taken you there too? Quite the stage show, isn't it."

Nodding, Geo finished off his drink, "Yeah, naked performers, not so loud either, and they sing quite good too. Oh, and they make their drinks strong and huge compared to this little thing."

"I bet being from Cali you weren't allowed to drink there, so where'd you get the taste?" Dan asked taking a swig of his lite beer.

"Mom kept it in the house, said if I was going to drink, best be safe and not sneak around. I've had small drinks like this for years. I'd rather drink at home then at a bar anyway, not a bar kinda guy." Geo admitted, hoping not to share too much.

"Yet, that's where you met Mary, you know, the gal who took you back to her place the other night. Yes, I know that was you behind the curtain and I know you know that was me leaving." he said it so dead pan, giving away no emotional hints at all.

"Yeah, I know. I won't ever say anything either, promise, swear to God and everything." Geo held up his hand to swear.

Didn't take a second hint or comment for Dan to put them together, "And then you and Dominic? You spent some time together too, and you want me not to say anything either, right?"

"Yes sir, I, uh, I mean no... shit. Please don't say anything, I've never done nothin like that before. I'll go when we get back to town, you'll not see me again, swear." Geo felt like he wanted to crawl up and die right then.

Now it was Dominic who was more hurt. "You no go. He no go, say, please." he begged, placing a hand on Dan's bare arm. "He nice, you nice, please."

"I never said he had to, it was his idea. If Geo feels he must go, you must let him, but I won't force you to go, I know it's your first time here, and as an old sailor saying goes, 'what happens in the PI, stays in the PI'. Your secret is safe with me and I expect the same from you." his voice was calm, comforting and yet firm and so like an order.

Geo started breathing again, "Thank you. I'm not asking for special favors or nothing, if you want time alone, I can take a hint, just say the word. I have so much shit to consider now anyway, it'll be fine." Geo noticed their differences more, where he was still thin, about six foot, maybe pushing 150, Dan was a tad shorter, maybe 5-10 but he had a broad chest and developed arms, probably weighed in around 180 but all muscle. He thought about that and their other obvious 'financial' differences and was beginning to really feel like he should go.

"Hey, you like the hard stuff, right? Ever try a local drink called a Mojo, sometimes referred to as jungle juice?" Dan asked. After explaining what it was, he asked Domie to go get a pitcher and three glasses, handing him a 100 pesos to pay for it. When he departed, Dan continued, "I'm not sure what your thinking but let me put it out there, I'm not gay, had a wife, got a kid too, so my relationship with Dominic is no more than convenience, got it. I don't plan on taking him back to the states and you should be very careful about who you get involved with. Don't become one of those 'got a gal in every port' kind of sailors, that'll give you diseases you'll regret forever. You keep up any kind of relationship you don't want your command finding out about, keep it to yourself and stay away from the other squids, they talk too much. You getting my drift?"

"Yes sir. I had a gal back home too, she dumped me when I told her I was joining, but I had no other choice, it was a guaranteed job. I ain't got no friends on the ship anyway, they're all jerks. I plan on doing my time, saving for school then using the GI bill to get some college to land a good job. I didn't plan on any of this, um, stuff here, it sorta just happened."

"Well, not the safest place to try gaining some experience. Keep it like that, your plan that is, sounds like you've got a head on your shoulders and that's becoming rare these days." Dan replied, beginning to wonder what happened to Dominic, it sure was taking a long time to get one drink.

Geo too was wondering what was taking so long, but he had a concern, "Can I ask a question? You're not on the carrier too are you?"

"Does it matter? After this outing it's not like we'll be out in town anywhere in the future. Why ask?"

"Just, ah, shit, I'm worried. If I accidentally see you or something I'd worry forever if you'd tell on me. You're an officer, you could get me booted before I even made it back to the ship."

Dan decided he had sized up this young man incorrectly. His attitude and awareness was of someone much older and wiser then he appeared. He was so relieved when the pitcher arrived. "Ah, finally. Now, it goes down like punch, but then it'll wallop ya."

The three all had a glass, even polished off the pitcher, but Dominic was very aware of the affects of this particular drink so he sipped his one and only serving while the other two shared the rest, at least polishing off three glasses each. The conversation was tame, well, relatively, the two sailors both saw a very good looking European couple walk down the sandy beach. They both also kept their comments directed at the gal though Domie knew they both noticed what he did, the small tight florescent green swimsuit the guy wore, the type of suit that made many Americans wonder why the guy would even bother wearing in the first place. Both sets of suits were matching and nearly see through, that gave them all plenty to watch and talk about.

Once they'd finished the Mojo, at first Geo wondered why all the fuss, he wanted to order another pitcher but both of his compatriots refused. Once they decided to head back to town, he found out why very quickly, nearly falling flat on his face before taking ten steps. Geo wasn't the lightest of the three, but he was definitely the most tipsy since Domie watched his intake and it seemed Dan was a bit more accustomed to this particular drink, not as blitzed but also feeling no pain, and it seemed a bit more care free.

Geo hated the ride back, the driver found and hit every bump in the road, making him want to be sick. The affect didn't last very long though, once they had made the second roundabout, he was feeling only a buzz similar to having a few drinks instead of the near pain he had earlier. "Where we going next?"

"We go house? Maybe room?" Domie asked.

Dan wasn't sure what he was talking about, "Room?"

"We stay room last night. No want house. Can go play, have all night."

"Your young friend has his things at your house though." Dan reminded him, no longer feeling up to 'play' anyway.

"Ah, I can get that later. Can we eat something, just not monkey on a stick though, please." Geo said, feeling his stomach lurch again.

"Here! Get off here!" Dominic suddenly yelled out as he stood up, heading to the front. They weren't near their normal place to get off, but he had an idea.

Geo and Dan both followed him off the jeepney as it came to a stop, others also stood by to get on, so it was a normal stop, but they were a few streets from their normal stop. "Here, we eat. Food good." he said as they walked up to what appeared to be a fast food place, much like an American burger place, but the name wasn't familiar.

After polishing off some burgers and fries topped off by real ice cream shakes, they were all quite happy with their meal. It was the first place Geo had been in the whole city where prices were posted, no price bartering. It made for actually a good time for them all. As they walked back to the main road, Dan realized they weren't as far off the central roads as he thought. Geo finally realized where they were once the large market came into site. That's when Dominic came to a stop in the middle of the block, "Where? You no pick, I do."

Geo and Dan exchanged glances, neither wanted to say they wanted the day to end. Domie didn't give them even five seconds to decide before he made a loud huffing sound, turning around quickly before heading off down the street again. Geo was good at directions, at least when he was sober, and he knew once they reached the corner he'd know their destination, at least Domie was going to one of the two destinations he knew. He didn't.

Arriving and stopping at the doorway to the 'dark club', Domie's favorite establishment, he announced, "You choose. I inside. Both come, one come, I go now." he said as he went in and stopped at the bar, frustrated with them both. In his heart his hope above hopes was they'd both walk in the door, but he didn't want to watch.

Geo and Dan stood outside, "He has my stuff and my pesos. If I go I'll lose both. If you want I don't care what else happens but I spent a lot of money I should have sent home, so I'm going in. Ah, Dan, I know we're not suppose to hang together but so far you've been cool, um, so, I guess, well, I don't mind hanging out a bit longer. Maybe even you could give me some pointers on other ports and stuff."

Geo's sincerity and hesitance actually changed Dan's mind. He was about to simply head off on his own. He liked being helpful though and this plea for help softened his heart. "I'll come in with you, if you're sure you don't mind and remember that it's not commonplace for us to 'hang out' as you put it. Oh, one more thing, I know only locals come to this place" pausing and pointing up, "no signs, so I doubt either of us will be recognized by anyone inside. Do you get my drift?"

"I think I do and don't worry I won't be calling out saying hi to ya if I see ya on the street. I understand the whole thing well enough, just looking for advice, if you're willing to tell me that is."

"Why? Why not ask the others you work with instead of me?" Dan was puzzled.

"You'll tell me the truth, or at least I believe you will. Plus, like I said before, they're jerks. Come on, it's hot out here, Domie's waiting." Geo was being honest on both fronts, it was hot out and Dan would be honest.

It took Geo a couple moments for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before he could make out the general layout, enough to make sure he wasn't going to bang into anything, or anyone. He recognized Domie standing at the bar and headed over, Dan right behind. In his current mood, lightly buzzed, Geo walked up behind Domie and wrapped his arms over the top of his shoulders, stopping only when his whole body was in contact with his friend. "You know what we like, other than you that is. See ya at the table." he whispered into Domie's ear before backing up a step and heading off to the table they'd used the night before, Dan followed, not asking what was said and with the darkness, no one could see the puzzled look on his face.

Geo sat at one end of the table, close to the stage and stayed on the edge. His idea was to have Dominic sit between them, but then he remembered he wanted to find out about the other ports and didn't think this Lieutenant Dan character would speak freely with a 'foreigner' sitting between them. Domie arrived with a bottle of lite beer, a large rum and coke, and a bottle of beer for himself. Setting them on the table he realized he'd have to choose who he was going to sit next to, but it wasn't a hard choice since the only open seat was actually at the far end of the table, but he didn't sit there, he scooted in next to Dan, nearly sitting on his lap.

Dan moved over a bit, he felt confined for a moment, then he felt a bit relieved, the young Geo who had wanted to speak with him had made it so they sat next to one another in hopes some of their sensitive conversation may not be heard. Taking a swig from his beer he asked, "So, what ports do you want to hear about."

As the evening progressed the two sailors seemed to be getting along better at least, joking about many of the possible port calls they could make and what each wanted to see or do as they shared stories. Dominic didn't mind at all though, for it was still quite obvious that Geo didn't know what he and his older friend did, that they were both on the same ship. Dominic didn't say anything about it at all, he still had the rest of the day to spend with both of his friends, and the little twinge that they may yet possibly all end up sharing some play time together.

Geo finally asked a fairly personal question, one he'd been avoiding but he did have some info on already, "So um Dan, Domie says you've known each other over a year now and you know some secrets of massage, or I think that's what he was trying to say, do you know how the real massuses, mass-sours, eh, those people, how they work?"

Dan laughed at his attempts to speak, evidently the prior Mojo's and the current second large glass of rum he'd been drinking were catching up with him. Dan too had a nice buzz going, but he wasn't worried about that part. "Yea, my ex was one to complain about hurting all the time, so it was either learn some skills or keep paying for the pro's. I chose to learn a bit, but I guess that's about the time she decided the guy she'd been getting her rubdowns from, and more, was more her type."

"Than why you like it then, if it were me I think I'd not want anything to do with something that broke me and my gal up. At least my gal admitted she didn't like the idea of me being gone so much. You mad at yours or anything?" Geo was thrown off my the dead pan answer Dan had given.

"No more than any other guy would be. I stay civil with her though so I can see my kid, but being gone all the time, that sucks too." it was the first time Dan dropped his head, closing his eyes a moment.

Dominic asked, "Why you like rub? No remember her?"

"That really has nothing to do with it. I like touching is all, physical contact. I think if more people would feel comfortable simply touching without any sexual stuff, this world would be a better place. But who the hell am I to think such a thing."

"I think it's cool though. I bet when you date at home, you get far enough to give a normal massage, you'd be getting all up in it. I mean you'd have plenty of friends." Geo said as he finished off the second of his extra large, extra strong drinks. "Pardon me mister's' while I go pee. Haha, it rhymed." he left the table with a slight stagger to where he knew the bathroom was.

Dominic waited a moment before he asked, "You like Geo? He nice, right?"

"He's young and naive, but yeah, he's alright." Dan said finishing up his bottle as well, "He's got the right idea though. Hey, they have a show tonight or not?"

"No show Sunday, even if ship here."

"See, that's why they don't get more business, but I don't mind, I like it less crowded." Dan also departed the table to use the head.

Geo was standing at the trough, one hand on the wall to keep from falling over and the other holding himself out far enough to not piss on his pant leg when Dan walked in and took a position far enough away to not feel as if he was crowding. "You feel alright? Maybe you should order a bottle of water, don't ask for a glass, that's not too safe." Dan said, not looking at him.

"I'm alright, but thanks I think I will, and get some of that popcorn too, its safe to eat isn't it?"

Dan glanced over at Geo, that's when he noticed, "Oh geez, guess I can see now why Dominic likes you so much."

"What? Oh, sorry, got thinking a bit off I guess." Geo replied as he finished his task and tucked his semi erect penis back into his pants. "Uh, what'd ya mean by that, you think he only likes me for my prick? Well, I guess that might make sense, he does comment about it a lot.

"You didn't accidentally take some Viagra as a kid did you? I mean, you must have had trouble in school once it got out what you pack." Dan could feel the effects of his day's drinking now.

"No I didn't take no pills or nothing. I went to a charter school, why would it be a problem, I ain't got nothing different." Geo replied as they both headed to the bar and ordered, water for him and another beer for Dan.

Dan didn't say anymore till they made it back to the table, this time he pushed Dominic to the center between himself and Geo. "So my friend, I happen to see why you've been hanging around with Geo. Care to explain?"

"No explain, he big, I like, he nice. You see, why you see?"

"Hard to miss something like that in there." Dan replied, pointing toward the bathroom with his thumb. "Gotta take it out to drain it. So, now that I know why you're wanting to keep him close, what exactly were you planning on? Trading me in for a younger model I'll bet."

"No! I love you long time. I want you, me." Domie paused, suddenly feeling shy of what he wanted to say, but he went and said it, "I want you, me, Geo go play. Is bad?"

Geo knew what he wanted all along, it was evident from the time he'd mentioned it the previous night, so he kept quiet to see what Dan would happen to say next.

Dan wasn't shocked, not really, though the thought would have revolted him if he wasn't a bit buzzed and a bit intrigued about the young man, especially after seeing the size of his manhood. He absolutely did not want any kind of relationship, even a PI fling, with another sailor, especially not one on his ship, and not an enlisted guy to boot. "Not a good plan Dominic. What in the world were you thinking... oh, you weren't, that was." he pointed down at his crotch.

"Domie was only wishful thinking Dan, no need to get too upset since you asked him and he told you. It's easy enough to just say no. It's not like I go for guys all the time, I wasn't too keen on the idea myself, though, that was what came to mind a little while ago." Geo admitted, adding, "Just being open and honest here."

Now Dan was confused. He believed honesty was always best, yet he'd kept this one secret to himself for a very long time, and now these two had nearly challenged him to stay honest, the two that knew his one secret. Could he chance them not letting it out if he upset them? Oh sure, he could deny any relationship with Dominic easily enough, but now with a collaboration from another American, he could lose it all. He'd have to tread very lightly, and think fast. "Honesty is good, thanks for the reminder. I'm not mad at you, don't think that alright." he told Dominic.

"Is okay. I hope you show me touch touch, maybe I do job later, real job, make money. Can give you free anytime."

Now Dan started to feel bad, he could help his foreign friend to possibly better his future, "What, you were hoping that I would show you how to do massage? There are so many here in this town that could show you, why me? And I take it you wanted to watch as I showed you on someone else, is that why you've wanted to keep Geo here as well?"

"I hope, yes. Can show me? Not same touch touch as go-go parlor, they no nice. Please."

"Oh, I didn't know that was his plan, honest!" Geo quickly added in, "I swear."

Dan took another draw from his beer bottle before he replied, "You know what, it's probably... no definitely against my better judgment, but I'm okay with it." he regreated the comment as soon as it was out.

Domie's mood brightened so much he could have lit the room. Geo was a bit amazed at the response himself, various thoughts and scenarios began to run through his head. Dan also had scenarios running in his head and was sure they were quite different from what his two younger companions were thinking. The decision was made to go to the hotel, so when Domie and Dan completed their beers, the three of them left, Geo took the water bottle he'd started nursing along with them.

Chapter 7. More the Merrier

It was still relatively early evening, the town was buzzing with life, yet the trio made their way down the street never passing another sailor. Dominic flashed the key to the room at the clerk who had leapt up when they walked in with the hopes of another sale, only to be stalled, with a dismissive wave, sat back down to watch his little television set. Domie went first, followed by Dan, Geo took up the rear since he knew where they were going as well.

With the light on and the door closed, the tension in the room peaked. Domie was the most at ease, dropping the key on the dresser before heading to the restroom. Dan looked down at the made bed on his way to look out the window. The drape was open, allowing a view of the streets below."Not bad, must have cost you a bundle." he said, turning toward Geo.

"I'm not sure. I gave Domie my peso's and he's made them go pretty far. He got this room, all my food and drink and even the stuff i bought earliet, yet I see he still has some left. I'm going to just let him keep it, he's saved me more than I would have without his help."

"Generous of you, depending on how much you started out with." holding up his hand he continued, "I don't need to know how much it was either, so long as you think you got a bargain, it's all worth it."

Domie walked naked back in the room, the shower was running in the background and he was drying himself off with a small hand towel. "Shower feel good. Who next?"

Dan and Geo exchanged pensive glances, each suddenly saying the other could go, finally settling on Geo showering first. When he'd exited the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, Don said, "You relax on the bed then, and no touching him Dominic if you want me to show you some massage techniques, he needs time to relax not get all excited. You can keep that on if you want." he went in and showered the sweat off his body as well.

Having a running shower was no small blessing for a sailor, the stalls on the ship had hand held showers where you had to press a button to make the water trickle out... water saving they called it. While showering, the extra time made him give the situation a second thought, and he was actually more confused at those than the one earlier that made him agree. Things out of his past got mixed in with the current thoughts, the combination was not what a clear headed pilot would have considered even on a bad day.

To date, the flying and the Navy were the most important things in his life, well, left in his life. Dan's ex had remarried and moved, and with her getting full custody, thanks to a vicious lawyer and his own 'service to contry', he didn't know the next time he'd get to see his baby girl, who had only recently turned eight. Then came his current duty assignment, not even a flying billet, he was on his 'disassociated tour', an assignment that was suppose to 'season' him in the overall operations of the Navy as a whole. These assignments were a grooming tool for command, yet he no longer cared, he missed flying, it's all he wanted to do anymore. The water running down his back felt good, relaxing, clearing in a way, at least clearing his mind enough to no longer care what came of spending some time doing something he liked personally, though not advantageous professionally.

Turning off the water, Dan took the last towel and walked out into the larger room, fluffing his hair. Geo was face down on the bed, as he had wanted although the towel was no longer there. Dominic didn't follow directions well either, he was sitting next to him, gently rubbing his back, no... not rubbing really, more of lightly tracing the various different areas on his back and butt. He would have been upset, but that movement had apparently relaxed them both quite a lot. Smiling inside at the site, and the thought of being in a room with two other naked guys, hot naked guys at that, he realized this could end up quite a memorable night. Dan shook off the thought.

Dan tossed his towel back into the bathroom and proceeded to the bed. Domie saw him coming and stood up, moving out of the way. Dan smiled, "It's okay, he's relaxed, that's what's important. You are relaxed aren't you I hope, and you don't mind if we do this, do you?"

Geo didn't move, he did turn his head a bit, "Sure am, and sure, looking forward to it. That light touch Domie's been doing, you teach him that? Cause it was really nice."

Dan didn't answer, he stepped up to the bed, a bit lower than he liked but what he had gotten use to. He didn't have any oil or lotion to use, they hadn't thought of that, so he was glad they'd showered, that would at least make it a bit easier to move around. Dan began to gently rub Geo's shoulders open handed, he was getting a feel for both his skeletal structure as well as his musculature. He then placed his hands on either side of Geo's spine and working from the top down to and including his lower back be gently pressed. Little popping sounds emanated from the back and low groans accompanied from the throat of his 'client'.

Dan began explaining what he was doing, each touch had a reason, a purpose. When he'd gotten to a point he couldn't access the knot under Geo's shoulder blade, he had two options, he could have Geo move on the bed or try to straddle him to get the proper angle. After appreciating the skinny lad he was working on, Dan decided on the latter, crawling onto the bed, one leg on each side. Geo didn't move during the shift, he was in bliss, until that knot had been found, when Dan moved, he mentally worked out the reason, not even considering they were both naked at all.

Dan on the other hand did. As he positioned himself over Geo, his flaccid penis hovered barely above his lower back, the thought of the closeness was a distraction yet he continued. Geo's pain and groaning both increased, but the pain was a form of relief and not torture. The sounds also didn't help Dan maintain his composure, his penis began to swell, he stopped giving the lesson, deciding to let himself go a moment, rubbing out the area he'd just worked and getting lost in the physical connection.

Dominic knew the look that had come over Dan, he'd seen it many times, but usually as he was the recipient of a chest massage. Not wanting to be left out, he moved over to the side of the bed where Dan had been standing and joined in the massage, taking up gently rubbing Geo's thighs. Domie enjoyed the site from this angle, both of his lovers' butts so close together, he too began to show signs of arousal.

Geo felt the second set of hands join in, he knew Dan was still straddling him, the feeling was more sensual as well. "Oh, that is nice. Can I turn over yet?"

Dan was completely aroused and in his zone, he'd like to see this hot young man watching him work, have his very large cock become hard under him. "Yes, I'll hold while you spin."

Geo made a tight spin on the bed, Don hadn't moved. He saw what he expected, a fully erect man straddling him just above his groin. Bending his arms behind his head, he closed his eyes to relax a moment, doing his best to not start sporting a hard on of his own. The hands returned, instantly breaking his concentration. The gentle touch on his chest were a bit different and felt good, but it was the hands that had began working his legs again, specifically his inner thighs and purposely brushing against his balls that made him begin to inflate.

Dan began gently rubbing this skinny chest below him. It was not much different from Domie's, with the exception of a small patch of hair over the sternum, 'actually quite a sexy little patch of hair' he thought when he felt a bit of movement under his butt, a quick glance down as he stretched up to Geo's collarbone showed him the excitement that had built up. Smiling back at the reaction his little brown friend had caused.

The smile he'd gotten emboldened Domie, he stopped since he'd received the reaction he wanted, he too climbed on the bed, straddling Geo's legs, he started to gently rub the moving back of his older friend, matching the movements he was making in order to keep contact. After a couple moments, Dan paused, "You take over here." he told his friend as he moved onto the open side of the bed.

Domie did as he was told, but the thought of being so close to riding Geo's cock was nearly too much for him, he could even feel his hole relaxing in hope and anticipation of the glorious ride he could have. Unsure what Dan had in mind, he didn't want to make anyone upset, he was suppose to be learning massage without sex, but having that massive cock so close was very tough.

Dan knew the look in Domie's face, he had a yearning, he wanted to do something, and yet something was stopping him. Wanting to sit and watch, Dan waited till Domie looked over at him, nodding, "If you want" he said, using the words they'd agreed upon as permission. "If he wants." he quickly added, not wanting something to suddenly happen that the other didn't want happening since he wasn't sure where their play had led before.

Geo opened his eyes when he heard the voices. He saw Domie above him, he had the look on his face of sex. With one look from Domie, no words needed to be said, his manhood wanted attention and Domie had made such a fuss over how he wanted him all the time, Geo simply said, "You want a ride, okay."

It didn't take Dominic long to adjust himself a bit, taking one hand to position Geo's massive dick, he nearly jumped up and landed on it, impaling himself. Crying out in shock and pleasure, Domie nearly fainted from the rapid penetration of his ass, he fell forward onto Geo to catch his breath. A hand rested on his back, the soft touch told him Dan was concerned. Sitting back up he said, "I okay, is awesomes. I move fast. I okay now."

Dan watched what his little friend had done and nearly gagged at the sound of the scream. When he'd collapsed, he became concerned he'd seriously hurt himself. The quickness of the insertion of such a large item into his ass must have hurt bad. When he was told everything was okay, he sat back to watch again, carefully observing their faces as much as their joining.

Domie looked down into Geo's face, "You big. I forgot big big." he leaned down and they kissed, long and passionately as he began to slowly move his body to ride. He raised up, hands on Geo's chest as he began to ride, he looked over at Dan, "Come, join."

Geo felt the action on his cock; slow, steady and tight. As it continued, it became a bit faster, smoother, free-er, more exciting. When Domie invited Dan to join, he was losing himself in the feeling, "Yes, please, join, do you kiss?"

Dan was excited watching Domie ride this other hot young man. Being invited in made his own cock jump in delight. Leaning over, first he kissed Domie, then he bent down and kissed Geo. Geo's lips parted though and his tongue sought his own, he obliged. Dominic watched them kiss, then joined in. The three more licked each others lips and tongues than truly kissed. The three way action was very exciting to them all, it was the first time all three had something new to add to their experience lists.

Domie began riding faster, harder, he pulled out of the kiss to urgently ride. Geo had to gasp, ending his part of their kiss to hold himself from his orgasmic explosion so soon. Dan was about to sit back when Geo's hand found his own erection. The grip was a bit harder than he liked, but knowing that the owner was near orgasm he didn't say anything. In turn, Dan began to caress Geo's face, taking more note of how cute this hot young man really was. His face was clean, a light '5-o'clock shadow' graced his face, but the hair was not course, it was soft, same as his whole face.

Geo felt a comforting hand caress his face, it was so erotic and yet relaxing at the same time. He had watched as Dan tried to separate himself from their connection and something deep inside told him not to allow it, so he grasped the exposed erection. The touch he'd received had three instant reactions, it brought down his climax just enough to stop it yet not bring his own erection down, he felt a deep connection click into place between himself and Dan, and the comfort make him break down, a tear formed and fell. His emotional high was now coupled with a deep emotional hole in his life being filled, someone cared about him.

Domie saw the exchange and the tender touch, and slowed. He was no longer sure what he should do. He felt fulfilled simply having the massive tool his friend shared deep inside himself and was happy holding it there without the need of the pumping, yet he wasn't sure if he should go ahead and bring his friend all the way, then he saw the tear.

Dan watched as Geo began to cry, the tears, warm against his fingertips. He bent over and kissed this young man, not with passion but caring. He gently whispered, "What do you need? You need us to give you some time? You want time?"

"Nnno. Don't stop, it's just so much, so different. I'm alright, I'm good, swear. I want you. Can I suck you?" Geo said, suddenly desiring deep inside to have this man's cock in his mouth. He still had it in his hand so he began to stroke Dan's manhood with hope of more.

Bending over further Dan once again whispered in Geo's ear, "First you must tell me you real name, the whole thing, then I'll know you won't come after me."

In a normal voice, since he didn't care what Dominic knew or didn't at the moment, Geo replied, "Stephen Michael St. George, Geo cause I don't like being called a saint. I'm only a fucking Airman Apprentice in V-3, okay, what else do you have to know 'SIR'?"

Dan was taken back by the flood of honest information and the near contempt he showed in able to get his way, which surprisingly was to give him a blow job. With a tense glance back at Domie, who was watching what they were doing, yet still bobbing his body up and down on the young Geo's dick, Dan straddled Geo's chest, positioning himself in a way to grant full oral access to his now throbbing cock. Geo watched him, releasing Dan's dick so he could move and then lifted himself enough to allow Dan to start fucking his face.

Geo's eyes rolled back before they closed, he began diligently working the cock in his mouth as his friend Domie had shown him. He could still feel the action on his own dick as Domie once again stared to ride a bit faster, and faster. The faster he felt the action, the more intensified his reaction was in his own pursuits, giving head to 'the officer in charge'. When he felt himself nearing climax though, he had to begin breathing though his mouth, a difficult maneuver with it full of man meat, yet he started a rhythm of breathing and sucking, sucking and breathing that evidently flipped a switch in 'Leiutenant Dan'.

Dominic was so turned on watching the events in front of him as he continued to satisfy his own desires by having the biggest dick in the room going in and out of his ass. His own dick kept a fairly constant flow of it's own going now and he was wondering if he should let it pool on the belly below him or use it in some way. His sweet lieutenant was too busy having his own tube lubed, he didn't want to attempt to play with the older man's ass that sat just in front of him. Even though it was tempting, Dan had never cared to have anything near or touch his ass, let alone enter it. Domie let his juices flow unabated down his shaft, to drip off his balls onto Geo's pubes, 'such a waste' he thought.

Domie felt the throbbing increase, the undulations in Geo's penis excited him so he increased the speed, then tightened down to increase the pressure he was giving, it proved a wonderful success. Geo had a good rhythm up to the point he felt the fire, then when the clamp around his dick pressed in, the hole that was using him closed tight, it sent shivers up and down his body, he lost his pace and his breath caught in his throat. The spasms shook the bed as Geo climaxed, hard and long, crying out in ecstasy. Domie felt the pulsations pumping juices deep into his ass, when they began he sat down, taking Geo so deep into himself it hurt a bit more than any other time. The pulsing was so strong, it caused him to excrete some cum of his own, though not in orgasm but as his prostate was being milked.

When Geo stopped his actions, Dan knew what was about to happen, it was titillating to him to be able to watch. First he glanced down to see Geo's head thrown back, his eyes rolled to white even though they stayed open, he wasn't breathing. Leaning to the side, not dismounting this hot young man between his legs, he watched as Domie's reaction was nearly the same, head flung back, and though he couldn't see his eyes, he knew by the excretions flowing down his shaft that Dominic was in ecstasy. He'd sat down on Geo's hips, Dan was sure they were still connected. He wondered how anyone could take that cock so far into them to have it disappear under them completely. He slowly stroked his own still swollen shaft, just enough to keep him hard as he watched them both slowly return from their states of bliss.

Dominic too took a hold of his moist cock and slowly used that lube to stroke himself, desire to climax flooded his whole being. With Geo still inside him he wanted to feel the full force of orgasm, he started moving faster, faster, until his hand was stopped. Snapping his head to upright, he opened his eyes to see Dan's face so close to his own, a kiss graced his lips. The kiss migrated down, chin, chest, breast, belly button and tip of his dick. Removing his hand, Dan took over the action, and not slow, he went right in at full speed, exactly what Domie wanted. It didn't take long at all for the action and the slowly deflating penis moving in his ass to make him throw his head back and groan out his orgasm for the whole world to hear.

Dan felt the juices gush forth into his mouth. Normally he didn't like the idea of having cum in his mouth, but he'd thrown all precaution to the wind the moment he walked out of the shower and into the bedroom. He let the fluids fall from his mouth to spill onto Geo's belly, he was not one to swallow, not one to chance a permanent disease even if this local boy of his, and his doctor, swore he was clean. The action of giving head made his own loins now ache for release, though he wasn't sure by what method anymore, not since the two younger men had already had their climax.

Dan drew back off Dominic, finishing the action with some slow yet firm strokes as he watched the small pulsations excrete cum out the tip of his penis to join the ever growing puddle below. Geo watched the action as he came back to reality. Even though he was still inside Domie, he could feel himself losing stiffness, until he watched the orgasm and subsequent fluid release, all landing on him. He re-inflated a bit, probably helped his little brown friend to squirt a bit more out. He could feel the warm liquid both on his belly and sliding down his shaft and balls as his own cum had slowly dribbled it's way down, following the rules of gravity. "Um. Not to be a party poop-er, but, ah, can I get cleaned up a bit?"

Dan had moved to the side, off Geo to gain better access to Dominic in order to help him with his release. When Geo spoke though, he had no choice except to laugh, bringing Dominic from orgasm to joviality along with him. "Sure. Give the man back his dick Dominic, he'd like a moment to get that mess off him we made."

"Oh, it's not that one bugging me, honest, it's the runny feeling on my balls I'm talking about."

"In that case, it is time to dismount my toasted twink. If you want, you can help me out with a little pressure though." Dan said, repositioning himself to lean against the head of the bed, legs spread wide to display his still hard, yearning cock.

Without a word, Dominic slowly lifted himself off Geo, the returned hardness helped him dismount, leaving behind both the massive cock and the mess for Geo to clean up, the rest of the load he'd released into Domie. Sliding over to lay on his belly, Dominic slink-ed up provocatively to take a hold of Dan's manhood before wrapping his eager lips around the shaft to begin work.

Now it was Geo's turn to watch, being this close gave him a better perspective on how to give head right, or at least more proficiently. Using the towel he'd been laying on, Geo cleaned himself of the two messes on his body, though the bed was now wet from the exchange. Geo wanted to play along still, he liked the whole three some thing going on, so he moved closer, didn't immediately interfere, but was so close he was part of the action. Placing a hand on both Domie's back and the other on Dan's leg, he drew himself up against Dominic, body against body, to watch as close as he could, face right in Dan's crotch, what was happening.

Being right there, Domie drew Geo into the action, first he released Dan, then he kissed Geo, then he licked Dan, Geo got the hint and also began to lick Dan's shaft. Dominic moved to sucking on Dan's balls as Geo licked the head, taking him once again into his mouth. A few strokes later, they switched positions, Geo licked Domie's lips and Dan's shaft as Domie sucked. Back and forth they went, working Dan as he watched the two young men work all over his manhood. Domie got a bit excited and went a bit too far down, or back, once while caressing his balls with his tongue, licking the tip of his anus. Dan gently tapped Dominic in the head, making him draw back away from that particular area, as they continued.

Dan enjoyed watching them both work more than the feelings they were conveying on his manhood. The licking, kissing and sucking though began to ignite that need within. A minor adjustment and the continued action made him really heat up. He didn't care who was where anymore, he just knew there were two very hot guys, both younger than himself, taking care of his need and he couldn't help but tense. The fire built and built yet he did his best to hold off, the action was all over the place, balls, shaft, head, he was holding so long it literally began to hurt. He released the breath he'd been holding with a loud grunt and the orgasm shot off. Dan so wanted to watch the fireworks, but he was too deep, too far gone to open his eyes.

Geo had just changed positions again with Dominic when Dan's body tensed. A moment later, when he was just on a down stroke, the hot fluid filled his mouth. The amount though nearly gagged Geo, he had to let it flow out of his mouth, he wasn't ready for how thin the fluid was nor the quantity, thinking at first that Dan might have released his bladder. When he looked down after he'd released the hold he'd had, there was no piss on the bed, it had only been a thin shoot, it guessed Dan must not have had a release since the day he'd seen him depart Domie's house.

Dan was no spring chicken, he still had it in him to perform, but as the song goes, 'as good ONCE as I ever was'. Dan had never been a multiple performer, not like these two young studs still attempting to work at keeping the evening going. "I'll be fine watching now. Having you both on me was fantastic, I don't want to mess up that memory. Have fun, go on." he edged them on with their continued sexual exploits. Thinking to himself how nice it would have been to still be their age, not have his concerns, all sorts of other 'responsible' lines of thought.

Geo wasn't sure if he would ever get another chance to just let it all out. He knew that even with two more short port calls before they spent endless weeks at sea. He did know they would be coming back through the PI though, but that was on the way home, months from now. Dan was done, he'd bowed out of their fun, yet he didn't want the evening to end, even with the fact that time was rushing by and he would have to be heading back soon or get into trouble. He and Domie didn't move far from their third partner, both were still between his legs, Domie laying on top of Geo, groin to groin, which meant their heads were at different levels, Domie kissing and nuzzling his neck.

Glancing up, giving more access to Domie and allowing him to see Dan sitting over them, still watching closely yet calmly, his limp penis close to the top of his head. "Do you plan on visiting next in port? Would you consider maybe all getting together again?" Geo asked.

Dan gazed down into Geo's face the cute face and innocence made him feel a bit odd. "So, to be here, you must at least be eighteen, I took that for granted before, but looking at you now, you don't seem even that old. So, before I answer yours, you must answer mine, how old are you Mister Stephen Michael St. George?"

Dominic was busy licking Geo's throat, making it harder to concentrate, "Nineteen, didn't graduate on time, had to do extra classes to graduate to join. Are you upset? Am I not young enough for you, or maybe too old?"

"That's uncalled for." Dan replied in his 'authority' voice. Yet it didn't seem quite as hard to him since he could see he was sitting there with his hanging Johnson was resting against the crew cut haircut of the subject of his scolding. "I may still be on board on the way back, I may not." pausing in thought and watching these two hot young men rubbing their bodies together as one did his best to devour the other, "If I don't get transferred before then, alright, I'll return, if just to watch you two move around like snakes after co-licking me to climax." he replied, smiling down at the two cute faces looking back at him with delight glowing from their faces.

Dominic was so happy with what he'd just heard, he didn't dare speak. He was learning more English by listening to how they talked together, he only wanted to stay in contact with at least one of them as long as he could, he was a man hound.

Geo was glad, by having Dan even tentatively agree to another get together indicated, at least to him, that he wasn't planning on turning him in. Dan now knew his complete name, yet he didn't know enough about him to protect himself, other than the size and shape of his dick, and the fact that he liked to visit guys for sex. He had to find out more, but Domie had shifted down a bit right then, the sliding skin against skin drew his attention back to the action, since he's motion had been in full contact with his no longer fully relaxed penis.

Geo liked the attention, to be center stage, the main subject in the majority of the nights attention. From the massage, the ride, and then having even Dan do what he desired, adding it all up, the events of the past two days were definitely the best of his young life. Now he was getting lost in the sex, Dominic had moved from kissing his belly to actually nibbling his skin, pubes and now his quickly re-inflating dick. He was a bit shocked, in a good way, when Domie hadn't even waited for a full erection before trying to swallow his dick in it's entirety.

Dan knew well of his young local boy's tendency to want more and more, he rarely kept up with the demand so having this second 'surrogate' ended up being a small blessing. Watching Dominic try and take even the semi erect dick of young Geo into his mouth ended up being more than he could handle, and caused Dan to chuckle inside. "You tried Dominic, you gave it your best but our new friend here is even more than I think you can handle."

Pulling back of the ever inflating cock, Domie looked over at his benefactor, "It fun try!" he said with mirth in his voice, "He have big dick, make good star if want. Me wish... I wish I had big dick like this, I be big BIG star!"

"Oh you and you wish to be famous." Dan replied, "You only want that so you can have any guy you want. If you had a dick that size you'd be too busy playing with yourself all the time to make a movie at all. Hell, you'd probably drown in your own spunk if you had the chance."

"Ah, but it good way go! I wish I go out wit Geo dick in ass, that heaven." Domie quipped as he wrapped both his hand around the fully erect cock, "See! I no hide two hand, he dream come true."

Dan smiled as he replied, "He's you dream if he'd keep cumming and cumming you mean. You really are quite gifted in the size department my young friend, as you see, quite envious even."

"Until all the comments Domie's made, I hadn't really thought much about it. I know my first girlfriend refused to even touch it when we played doctor together, and the last wouldn't do it unless I held out, guessing now it's cause I was too big for her?" Geo replied.

"I could see some small gal not being able to handle you, most big gals either. I'm still beyond amazed that Dominic took you all the way in, he's probably ruptured something inside but he won't find out till he can't shit anymore, or can't stop, one."

"I fine, it big but fit good. Make me feel... complete?"

Dan laughed, "Now that's what a gal would say if you asked her what sex feels like, 'makes me feel complete'. Well, if that's what it takes for you to feel complete, you'd better get this boy's number and start paying him! There aren't many guys out there that sport pricks the size of a baseball bat like he does."

Geo didn't know if he wanted to blush in embarassment or astonishment. He'd never been told he was exceptionally sized, oh, sure, Domie had mentioned it a couple times now, but he figured he was only a bit bigger. It made him suddenly wonder, "I use to shower with the guys in boot camp, no one ever said anything about my size. I noticed, but I just thought it might have been something wrong with me. The doc didn't say anything during the medical exam either. Why's that?"

Now Dan laughed so hard he nearly pissed the bed they all were sharing, "That's because if someone in your company said anything, the others would have thought they were gay. Your doc may have seen bigger or maybe he was in awe of it, who can say. Just trust me, Dominic and I are normal guys of normal size and we look like newborn babe's compared to you. Be proud of what you've been given, just not too proud, don't go showing it off everywhere you go. Matter of fact, might want to try and keep that thing covered at all times while you're on ship, just a suggestion."

Dominic returned to his cock worship, spending his time and full attention now on the one thing left in the room he cared about, cock. With the increased attention, Geo was beginning to lose focus on the conversation, but again, he was a bit shy about it now, since he found out he would be considered 'gifted' in the male organ size comparison arena. Now he understood why the couple he'd met the day prior rarely looked in his direction even when talking to him, and also why their son stared.

Domie worked his magic, pulling out everything he'd ever learned or tried on anyone, even if he'd only heard, to entice this wondrous cock in his hands and mouth to give up it's deeply hidden gifts. Dan watched more intently as Dominic continued to slobber and slurp, suck and rub Geo's rod and balls. He took note of the small patch of hair Geo had, another indicator that he was young since most American males continued to cover over in hair the older they became, except on their heads, that thinned the older they became, of Geo's true age... younger than he was.

The more Dan watched, the more he too wanted Geo. He had previously announced to them both that he was not gay, and he wasn't, he still enjoyed the company of the ladies both socially and sexually, but over the years he's also learned he enjoyed the sexual company of men, specifically younger than him men. He had a couple flings in the states after his divorce, he was bitter towards his ex-wife and all women for a time and found the company of some men pleasurable. When he 'hired' Dominic the first time, he became hooked. He found that the younger, hot studly guys with their tireless sex drive to be what he wanted, it made him feel as young as they were. The same still held true, watching these two hot studs go at it, exchanging sex with each other made him feel young again. Suddenly he too wanted to join in, to try that massive staff Dominic was so diligently attempting to bring to orgasm.

Dan shifted to his knees, gaining an upper position over the two who had been between his legs not that long ago, he was now straddling Geo. Moving to gain access from the belly down since Domie had his own access from the legs up, Dan bent over and joined in on the licking.

In response to the added attention, Geo had closed his eyes, allowing the attention of the two, making him once again the center of attention. In his sex clouded state though, Geo let his eyes open slightly, to his delight there was a flaccid cock hovering only inches above his face. Lifting only slightly he licked the hairy ball sack, starling their owner. It didn't stop Dan for long though, he returned to servicing Geo's shaft although the continued licking and attention did bring Dan back to attention as well.

With all three back in the heat of sex, two sucking on Geo while Geo licked on Dan's shaft, they all lost themselves in the hot action, just as they had when Geo and Domie nibbled and sucked on Dan together. To Geo the dual attention was amazing. The more they worked, the more he though of them, the closer and closer he got to his inner fires lighting off.

Dan didn't enjoy having to share, he now knew what it was like, but it wasn't something he specifically liked. Once Geo had begun his throws, stopping the attention he'd been giving Dan, Dan backed off, giving Domie full access while he returned to sitting on the side and observing. Thinking to himself, 'he is quite gifted, but I'd hate to have that package. Although, it may be nice to play with sometime, if I didn't have to share.' the thought surprised him. He watched as Domie backed off to watch the fireworks,,cum spurt out of the tip of Geo's dick and onto his own chest. Domie glanced at Dan, an offer to 'clean up', but Dan was not exactly one who sought to do that. A nod back to his little brown buddy, Dan raised off the bed and went to the shower once again.

Domie cleaned up his massive friend with great delight, making as much play out of the job as he took in bringing Geo to climax. Once he'd finished, Dominic crashed once again onto Geo, making full contact with the youngest member of their little triad, almost in a possessive way. He noticed when Dan had left, he was not upset at all, he knew that their relationship was more of a side adventure to Dan. Domie only hoped that maybe with the exchanges he and Geo had the past couple days linked them close enough that Geo would return. Dominic was honest with himself though, listening to Geo's heartbeat he knew they could never be together forever, unless Geo wanted to come to live in his country, the Americans had many rules against same sex unions and definitely not with one of their military people.

Geo was exhausted, spent, and beyond happy. It was quite comforting to have Domie laying on top of him, it was like the days when he was still dating. He so wanted to simply fall asleep. Wrapping his arms around Domie, puling him even closer, eyes closed, he relaxed as he received a hug in return. They were able to lay like that for a few moments before the shower turned off and Dan returned to the bedroom area. "You had best think of getting your stuff together so you can make it back in time." Dan told them as he dried himself off.

"I get. You stay, shower. I bring blanket, quick quick." Dominic said, rolling off Geo then grabbing his items to dress and run back to his house.

"Thank you Dominic, that's very nice of you." Dan told him, then to Geo, "This is probably your last chance for a normal shower, take advantage young man, once back on the ship, no long showers."

Geo thought about it about half a second before getting up off the bed, "Thanks! I will. And thanks for fetching the stuff for me Domie, I really appreciate it. Remember, there's a bag and the blanket." he said as Domie was ready to leave out the door. It doesn't take long to slip on a pair of shorts, shirt and flip flops.

Dan finished drying as he watched the slender naked body of this younger man walk by him, he wasn't ready for the feelings running though him at that moment. Once that hot body was out of the room, he felt something in him Dan didn't expect, attraction. He couldn't let that happen, he had an ex-wife, a little girl, he couldn't really have feelings for a guy, it was only a fad, a phase, nothing more. Just sexual release, feelings never came into play here, he didn't have any true feelings for Dominic, it was a way of getting release and help a needy family. But those feelings were much different from what he'd just denied with Geo.

Geo let the water run down his back, the water felt good, cool, not hot, just the running water felt great. It was also a good idea to rinse off all the various bodily fluids he'd ended up having on his body, he just wished there was soap or shampoo he could use to get really clean. Calling out he asked, "Hey, don't they believe in soap in this country? I'd be nice to get clean for real, ya know."

"Remember that. The next time you come to town, pick up a bar at the market, or better yet, bring one of your own." Dan was half tempted to walk in there and watch Geo wash up, there was no curtain on the shower area so he'd have a clear view... then he stopped his train of thought, refusing to give in or make a fool of himself. Dan instead went over and began getting himself dressed.

Geo exited the shower and dried before he realized his clothes were piled in the other room. He could see Dan was sitting in a side chair glancing out the window, throwing the rest of decorum out the proverbial window, he walked back into the bedroom area, "Anything outside? What time is it anyway?"

Dan glanced over at Geo, the feeling came back, he mentally ordered them to 'shut up'. Glancing at his watch he said, "Just befor ten. Dominic won't be too long, he's a good guy, he'll bring all your stuff in and then show you the fastest way back to the base gate."

Geo could see that since it was so dark outside, and light inside, that even though Dan was 'looking' outside, he was actually watching him, and quite closely. Giving quite a bit of thought in the shower and over the past hour or so, Geo had come to the realization that although he liked the relationship he'd had with his girlfriend, he had more fun and less stress out of his most recent relationships with the guys. It was nice, no stress, just sex and fun without all the baggage.

Checking his clothes an extra moment or two, he laid them all out on the bed then dressed as slowly and provocatively as he could come up with, starting with the socks, then shirt, leaving the covering of his 'vital organ' till last. Taking a moment to check out the briefs he'd had on... and off... over the past couple days he said, "Think they'd give me a tough time if I were to have these in my pocket? Do they even check pockets? Think I'll be okay if I don't wear these dirty things back?"

"They may check your bags but I don't think they'd check your pockets, unless you had a large bulge in them. Best you dress all the way, just to keep yourself from any possible embarrassment." Dan could see how Geo was still holding his underwear to the side, letting it swing on one finger. He could also see the movement below, recognizing the person entering from the street level. "Dominic is back. You don't have time for his extra attention that you seem to want to get, so you best get those on before he makes it up here."

Bummed, Geo put his briefs back on and slid back into his jeans before Domie made it upstairs. He was a bit rattled though at Dan's cold comment, but then he'd only been in a playful mood, not truly expecting anything to happen.

Dominic came in the room, sitting the items down as he noticed they were both dressed. Reaching into his pocket he removed the now much smaller wad of peso's he'd been intrusted with, "You money. When come back, you see me, yes?" he asked the standing Geo.

"You keep the change, that was our bargain, and sure, when we come back, I'll stop at the Tree Bar and have Mary give you a call." Geo replied, then continued, "I really liked our time together so if it's okay with you, and Dan of course, I'd like to see you again."

Dan replied without turning away from the window, "Your choice not mine. As long as you don't go sleeping around and keep it clean, then it'll be safe enough for us all since I know Dominic doesn't get out anymore."

"I no go, you Dan only, swear. You only since Mary left and you, ah, so big." Domie added.

Geo smiled at Dominic, "Then I guess I'll be seeing you again, next time. Don't worry, I know the way, you stay and say your goodbye's with Dan." then to Dan, "It was really nice to meet you, honest. If you're in town when we pull in, it would actually be nice to see you again too." then to them both, "I gotta get." he went forward to pick up his stuff from the floor and quickly bent over and pecked Dominic on the cheek, "Later, friend."

Geo departed the open door without turning back or even listening behind him. At a quick clip, he bounced down the stairs to the lobby where he nodded at the clerk as he went out the front door and hung a right, back toward the main street and the base. The first part of his journey was a bit scary, no sailors on this street, it wasn't till he was only a few steps from Magsaysay that he felt at ease. A left back toward the base and he found that there were all kinds of others heading back at the same time, he blended right in all the way back to the ship.

Dominic closed the door, "He nice guy. You like okay?"

"You have a way of picking out some very lovely men, don't you. He is a nice one, young and full of energy, a bit more than an old guy like me can handle, but you seemed to enjoy him quite a bit."

"You no mad? I no see him you want, you come again?" Domie asked, hoping for more time with them both again.

"I'm not sure. Seems me and the Navy might have to part ways soon, so I might or might not, look for the flower if I do or if you see Geo again and you didn't get a flower, then unfortunately I may never get a chance to come back. But don't feel bad my little lover boy, he's a fine replacement that I'm sure you'll enjoy much more than you did me." Dan stood up as he spoke, and after he'd seen Geo depart, going the right way away from the hotel.

"It not same. He fun big boy, you my sweet lieutenant. If you no come back, I miss you much, you know you miss me too."

"I will, but even if I do come back, that will be my last time. If I don't then there is a chance I might be able to visit in a very long time, so this may still be our last visit." Dan reached into his front pocket where he'd been holding a small stash of cash. Walking up to Dominic he gave his little friend a warm hug before he handed him the cash, "That is for you and your sister. If you can, do the right thing and move far, far away from this life, take her away from here Dominic, give her a chance at a life with kids and a husband, not the life she has now. You too my friend, get away, get yourself some land somewhere and farm or raise chickens, get away from the base." He turned away a moment to wipe a tear from his eye.

Dominic didn't look at how much he was being given, he never did until later, he accepted the cash, the talk, and wrapped his arms around Dan's waist, burring his head into the taller man's chest. "I do that. Mary no like here, we move. Thank you Dan, thank you much."

Dan returned the hug he'd received before releasing Dominic and headed out the door without further word, his standard farewell. Once he had the room, Dominic looked around, the bed was a mess from the time the three had spent together, there was an American ten dollar bill on the sideboard, he left it there. Waiting a moment longer, he turned and also departed the room, not wanting to look back on the memories he'd made there. At the front counter, Domie handed the clerk the key, thanking him for the room before he departed for home, wishing and wondering when the next time at least one of his men would be back to see him.

      • fin - - -

Thank you for reading my first story. I anxiously look forward to hearing your thoughts... don't hold back.

;-) SLA

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