Would You Screw Me?

By Hank Yager

Published on Jan 4, 2015



Author's Note: This is a work of fiction based solely on the fantasies of the author. It does not depict safe sex practices. It contains graphic depictions of sexual encounters between adult men. Any similarity to any persons, places, or events is entirely coincidental and unintentional. If you have moral objections to such material or if it is illegal where you live do not read it.

This story is the property of the author. Comments are welcome: hankyager@outlook.com

Would You Screw Me?

I answered the door on a Saturday morning a couple of weeks ago to find my friend Rich. We've known each other for decades. We move in the same circle of friends, all aging boomers now dancing around retirement age, several of us one-time hippies, all of us self satisfied liberals still trying to change the world, just maybe not as energetically as we once did. Mostly a group of well settled married couples with kids and now grandkids, I have the distinction of being the out gay man of the bunch. But most folks are too liberal to admit they notice unless I bring it up.

While we're friends, my relationship with Rich was not really a drop by early on Saturday morning without calling sort of one. We had always been a more of an arrange and plan, call ahead sort of thing. Still I was not unhappy to see him. I like Rich a lot.

"Sorry I guess I should have called but I wanted to catch you before you went out or something it being Saturday and all. A lot of people go out on Saturday, shopping and well, whatever.

"Not a problem, the house is in a bit of a mess but come on in"

"I went by the Farmer's Market this morning and they had those little pumpkins and I know you make that baked pumpkin thing with them. They didn't have many and I wasn't sure if there would be more. It's pretty late in the season. I guess I could have called and asked if you wanted some but it was early and I though maybe you were sleeping in. But I thought you might want some. Of the pumpkins I mean. Because they didn't have many. So I got you a couple. Here." and he handed me a bag.

I didn't remember ever seeing Rich quiet so...twitchy. He sure appeared nervous about something.

"Wow, thanks. I appreciate that. Come on in. I just made coffee. Want some?"

He came in and took off his jacket and hung it over the back of a chair. I gestured him toward the living room and asked again if he wanted some coffee.

"Coffee? Yeah coffee would be good. Don't go to any trouble but if you have some that would be great but if not that's okay. I had a couple of cups already. Don't really get going in the morning without it. I suppose it is an addiction but not one of the worst ones..."

He continued to talk as I went to the kitchen poured two cups of coffee and returned to sit in the recliner across the coffee table from here he sat on the sofa. Privately I thought the last thing he needed was more caffeine. I had never seen him so edgy. Rich was usually a pretty laid back, rather quiet man. I had never heard him actually chatter before.

I asked about a couple of mutual friends and we made small talk for awhile. Rich seemed to calm down and relax a little. Our talk turned to the news and I mentioned the latest same sex marriage victory. I expected the usual enthusiastic but kind of detached 'It's-about-time-that's-wonderful-good-for-you-people.' I usually get from my straight friends when I bring up gay politics. Instead Rich looked directly at me and said with a seriousness I hadn't at all expected, "Y'know lately I've been really interested in, well you know gay issues. Politics and lifestyle and social questions. How things change, and how that change impacts people. And people change. Just stuff like that. Stuff I've never really considered on any kind of a persona level before."

Okay, I'm slow. I missed the subtleties there but in my defense how the hell was I to know what was coming next?

"I know, I would never have imagined gay folks having the right to get legally married...kinda still not too sure if I understand why they want to. Not really my thing but I guess so. To each his own..."

"Do you believe that?"

"Believe what?"

"To each his own...what about if your own changes?"

"Whadda you mean? Like if you change your position on something?"

"No, like if you change..."

"I don't follow. Like if you change what?"

"Change...yourself...Okay look, for awhile now I've noticed my interests in...people....you know...my sexual interest...might be...well actually is...has...changed. But not like a new person, more like a new gender....lately I have. I...well, ahhhh, I guess," He glanced down at the cup in his hand and then back at me "you would say I'm bi-curious."

The good thing was I didn't laugh. I was far too stunned to laugh. I just stared at him and said "You're....ahhh...what??"

I could see his cheeks above his beard turning red and his hands shaking a bit. I realized then that this sweet gentle man had just made a really difficult confession to me and I was on the verge of responding like a jerk.

"Look, I'm sorry. I ...hell I should never have come over here. I ...I'm making a jackass out of myself and probably offending you and...."

"Rich, hang on. I'm not offended and you're not a jackass. Just...just relax...'bi-curious'? Does that mean you're interested in men, attracted to someone... wondering? Looking? What?

"Yeah. All that. Well not really. For a long time I was...interested. Wondering what it was like. Years probably. But then it got to be more so. Not an obsession or anything but I really wanted to know and when I thought about sex...think about sex...it's mostly with another man. Then, awhile back, maybe a year ago, maybe more I started you know, really looking on the Internet and stuff. Not porn..."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow and smile and he caught it and half smiled himself.

"Ok, well yeah some porn. But other places too, the match-up sites and Craig's list ads. I was....I don't know. Not looking to DO any thing. Not at first but it seemed maybe I could find somebody to...explore....with. But I wasn't sure. Janet doesn't know anything about this and then there's my kids....my grandkid. I thought 'this is dangerous as hell, I don't have a clue what I'm doing'. There were those murders with Craig's list which pretty much decided that for me. I thought if I was actually going to meet anybody it would have be somebody close by that I knew because I wasn't ready to take a real chance on a strange person in a strange place so I had almost stopped even considering doing anything. Then I thought I know you and....and ...this was probably all a very bad idea and I should probably go. Please just forget it... don't say anything...

"Rich, don't leave. I get it, you know me and I'm somebody you can talk it through with. That's a great idea. It sounds like you really need that, a way to talk through and work things out. The Internet is not exactly the best place to do that. Really, if there are things you want to know about ask me. I'm sure it's different for you than for me but I've been there and you know I'll support you, do whatever I can...

He looked at me a moment, settled back onto the sofa, looked at the ceiling then leaned forward toward me.

"Okay...to be honest....talking and support and all. That's good and maybe yes, maybe later but....oh hell I don't know how to do this! Look Bill, bluntly...what I want to know right now, today, is would you screw me?

Like I said I'm slow. Didn't expect that at all. Sure I've thought about some...most...okay all of my straight male friends naked and about having sex with a few...okay, all of them but I never really expected to have any of them offer! I mean what do you do when the straight guy you always knew suddenly isn't? Rich was still talking and I tried to focus on what he was saying.

"...it's sex. I want to do it. I want to...need to, find out if I ...how I react...feel? I don't know. Here's the thing. I've wondered for...truthfully, for decades. I've been married for over forty years. I have two kids. I have grandkids. And I've had, even still have, a pretty active sex life but there are some things...well one thing in particular I can never experience with a woman. I guess I've thought about it all for so long there isn't much else to think about. But lately it's all I think about, y'know? I finally got the nerve today to come over here. This was like the third time I've started. I mean, well, you don't just show up at your friend's house and say 'fuck me" if you haven't thought about it over and over and over. I...honestly, I don't want to talk about it, or think about it anymore. I just want to do it. I...

I got up, walked over and sat down beside him. I put one hand on his knee and with the other turned his face toward me.

"Rich. Hey, Rich, yes. I will screw you. Just stop talking..." And I covered his mouth with mine. I kissed him hard and he responded with a darting probing tongue. I tasted his coffee and a background of mint. It amused me that he had come so prepared, probably with a mouth spray just before he came in. That would be like Rich. It reminded me that I knew this man well and I liked him very much. I put an arm around him and drew him close to me then pulled my mouth off his. His breath was quick and his mouth remained open.

"Okay?" I asked

"Oh yes" he said, "very okay!"

"I know you don't want to talk" I said with a grin "but if this is something you've waited so long for, then it should be right. You tell me, so I can give it to you, just what is it you want. How do you want this to be?"

"Well, I'm ah... pretty passive sexually. Even with women. So I guess I want you to just take charge, decide what to do and tell me....I just want to end up having you... having you, well...you know, fuck me."

"You do know that isn't always real fun at first? It's not like it is in porn. You have to get used to it. I'll be as careful as I can but still it can hurt. I know you've never been screwed but have you ever had anything up you ass? Ever play with a dildo?"

"Well, actually I have...not a dildo but Janet has a vibrator and a few times when nobody was home I tried it. I got it in but not far, I was afraid..."

"I'll go slow and relax you as well as I can but you still you might not be able to take something in the first time. If it's all we manage to do, just getting finger fucked can be nice. Remember, any time, if anything hurts tell me and I'll take it slower"

"I...ahhh I do my finger...in there... sometimes. This is all new. I trust you to just tell me what I should do." He looked around "Where should we...?"

"Right here is fine to start. We'll go in the bedroom later. Let me tell you what I like. I like a naked man. Striped bare, not a stitch on naked. And I really like watching him get that way. So if you want me to call the shots, the first shot is for you to take you clothes off for me. At least down to your underwear. I like to do those myself." I pushed the coffee table aside and as he stood up I leaned back to watch him undress.

It's true. I love naked men. I have no clothing fetishes. No jock straps or boots or leather chaps for me. The more of a man that I can see the better. As he unbuttoned his plaid shirt, I really looked at Rich for the first time in a long while. You get used to your friends and stop really seeing them. Like I said, I had a fantasy or two about naked Rich but that was fantasy naked Rich. Right here was real naked Rich...or real getting naked Rich. Rich is a bit older then me, about sixty-five. His hair was still thick and rather long, wavy and unruly but the dark brown of years ago was now grey. His full beard and moustache were both completely grey. He was shorter than me, about five nine and small of build...skinny in fact. I watched his long fingers undo the buttons and then remove his shirt. He really was attractive I realized. Nothing like having a man offer you his virgin ass to make you see him in a new light! I was getting hard.

He tossed the shirt aside, took of his glasses, laid them on the coffee table and pulled the white undershirt over his head. His chest was furry, a salt and pepper of dark brown and grey hair. A line of hair ran across his belly, around his navel and descended into his jeans. His nipples, I noticed were erect and when he turned to lay the undershirt aside, I saw that there was sprinkling of hair on his shoulders and too.

"Nice" I said "I can't wait to get my hands all over you. You're kinda gorgeous you know?"

He shook his head. "Hardly...."

"Absolutely! Come on I want to see more. Shoes and socks next."

He kicked off his shoes then sat on the chair I had been in earlier and lifted a foot to his knee. He pulled off the thick grey wool sock and I saw a narrow foot with shapely toes. Long toes sprinkled with hair and well groomed nails. My cock ratcheted up another notch. I do like a man with pretty feet and I had admired Riche's feet through sandal season every year. It was the one part of him that had always caught my attention And now at some point very soon I was going to suck those toes! By now he had the other sock off and looked over to me.

"I happen to know you have great legs Rich, just as nice as those sexy feet. Y'know I'm a major leg man! Of course, I also like a fuzzy chest, nice ass, hard cock, nice loose balls...."

"You may be disappointed. I'm not much, you basic old guy."

"So am I and I'm totally into other basic old guys! Take your pants off for me and let me see more of your basic old self"

He unbuckled his belt, unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans. He slid them down and stepped out of them. His legs were thin, and as I knew, hairy all the way up his thighs. He straightened up and stood in front of me in his white jockey shorts. I could see his pecker straining against them. He was dipping precum and there was already a damp spot at the place the head was outlined. I was totally hot for him and I wanted to see, smell and taste his cock.

"Beautiful" I said sitting up "Just beautiful. Come here and let me see" I reached out and put a hand on each of his hips, He stepped forward and stood with his crotch right before my face. I ran one hand over his ass, feeling each cheek under the fabric of his underpants. I then leaned forward and nuzzled the front. I could feel his dick twitch and I let my tongue taste the damp spot as I breathed in the smell of him. Clean, soap and fabric softener and the damp wetness of the precum. I then traced the rigid shape with my fingers. "You seem to have gotten just a little bit hard there Rich"

"I've been hard since I was driving over here. This is the most exciting thing I've done since...I don't know since when. I am so horny, so very horny...

"I can see, well actually, feel that" I said giving his dick a squeeze "May I see it?"

"Oh yes...please, whatever you want."

I hooked my fingers into the front of his underpants and pulled. I peeked down inside and saw a shiny blue cockhead rising on a thick shaft from a silver streaked bush of curly crinkly brown pubic hair. I tugged his shorts down and it sprang out, a slight curve bending it upward. Reaching around I pulled his underpants off his butt and with one hand on each side slid them down his legs, enjoying the feel of the hair against my palms. Just below his knees they fell to the floor and he stepped out of them, moving back a bit as he did. I looked and saw him in his full naked glory. His cut dick, about five inches long but thick was rock hard and literally dripping. his balls were not huge but hung loose in a furry sack. One hung lower than the other. I touched the slit of his gleaming dickhead and caught the drop of juice. Then, with that same finger, I reached around and probed his crack and finding his puckered hole. I massaged it using his precum as a lube and felt it start to open a bit. His dick was level with my face. I wanted to get out of my own clothes but his asshole was responding to my probing finger and I wanted to taste his cock. I used my other hand to cup and fondle his fury nuts.

"Rich, I know you want to get fucked but man, I got to tell you, you have an amazing cock." I let go of his balls, wrapped my thumb and forefinger just behind the head and slid my hand loosely down the shaft. "Can I suck it just a little before I move back here" And I pushed a bit with the finger that was entering his ass.

"I'm yours...suck me if you want to...do whatever you want to me."

"That's a dangerous offer my friend. You sure you are ready for that?"

"I'll go anywhere you wanna take me."

I leaned in and licked a new drop of precum from his dick. Then I brushed the dickhead with soft breathy kisses before opening my mouth wide and taking him full inside me. Because his cock was short I could easily swallow it until my nose was deep in his brush. He smelled warm and soapy clean. Again I realized he had prepared himself for this. I was wiling to bet his ass was clean enough to rim. "I'm going to do just that.." I thought sure that a little tongue attention would relax his virgin hole better than anything else. I made small fucking thrust with my finger in his ass and he whimpered. At first I thought I had hurt his butt, perhaps a sharp fingernail but then I felt the dick in my mouth twitch and start to spasm and I knew what was happening. It was too late to prevent it so I sucked harder as I felt the juice gush out. Rich whimpered again, moaned and grabbed my head on either side with a hand pulling me down on his manhood. Then he started humping my face before he let out a long groan and a sigh and relaxed. The cum still flowed out of him and I took it all. The taste of some men's juice turns me off but Rich was literally sweet with a hint of musk. It was thick and very warm I savored the last drops.

I withdrew my finger from his ass and sucked one more drop out cum from his spent cock as it slid from my mouth. Rich was breathing hard. I took his hand and pulled him into my lap. I leaned back and after an unsure moment he snuggled into me. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Sorry" he said "I didn't mean to...well finish in your mouth. I couldn't stop."

"I wanted you to shoot it in my mouth. You taste so sweet. I just didn't know you were that close"

"I've been so horny since last night when I made up my mind to come over here. I wasn't kidding, I got in the car hard. When you had your finger up in me, and your mouth on me, that finished me."

I rubbed his back pulling him closer to me. I was rock hard and having a naked man in my lap was not going to encourage it to go down.

"Oh, you are no where near finished. I believe you asked me to screw you didn't you? And are you not the least bit interested in seeing what you have done to my cock?"

"You want to....do me... again? Really? You were saying before that it maybe would be only your finger. I thought we were done but I'd love to try for more."

"Of course I'll do you again. Fact is I haven't `done' you yet at all. That was just some really good foreplay. I took the first big load off the top so you can focus on enjoying the rest. Let's go to the bedroom and I'll show you how ready I am for more of you."

He slid aside and I stood up, took his hand and led him to my still unmade bed.

"Why don't you lie down while I undress. You can watch me." I said. He did as I suggested and much faster than he had, I stripped off my clothes. My pecker was rock hard and when I lay beside him, Rich stared at it.

"Can I touch it? I never have...another man's...you know I've never actually touched one."

I pulled him close to me, took his hand and guided it to my dick. His fingers hesitated.

as they touched my hard rod but tentatively, gently he took hold.

"Of course you can touch it...I'm going to put it inside you. You need to get to know it, what it's like, how it feels. How it's like yours and how it's different.." I let him feel me noting that he got bolder, squeezing it and actually starting to jack me a bit.

"You aren't circumcised are you?" he asked "Can I pull this back...?"

"No, I'm not cut and certainly, slide the skin back. It'll look a lot more like yours then."

"Pretty," he said softly, "it's very pretty."

I ran my finger across his cheek "So are you...very pretty. Why the hell have I not been trying to get in your pants all these years?"

"It would sure have made it easier on me if you had." he said "How do I...stroke you?"

"Do what you would do to yours...ah...yes. That's good. Very good. Do you like the feel of it? Still want it in your ass?

"I do. It's ...different than holding my own, it's longer but skinnier" He looked at me and smiled at me " But nice. I've never touched any man except myself before. This is...nice...all of it is very nice. Your sucking was tremendous. I've never really done much oral sex....Janet doesn't....well we just....Anyway that was beyond good!"

"You have to really like cocks to suck them right. And I really like your cock. Some are made to suck and yours is one of them, just fits in my mouth...and in my hand" I said taking his dick in my fist "...I believe you're getting interested again mister. Maybe I can play with it a little now. You were so close before I think just holding it would have made it shoot!"

"I'm sorry, I can usually last better but...

"I told you, it's okay. Taking some of the edge off your horny will make this part so much better. We can go slow and enjoy what comes next."

"And what does come next?"

"Well my gorgeous friend," and he smiled and again shook his head "Yes...you are, sexy, handsome...gorgeous! First off I want to rim you. You know what that is?"

"Yeah, I think...I saw on the Internet is it...oral...ah...well...licking my ass?"

"Mmhm, that's right. I'm going to lick your asshole. French kiss it actually, best way there is to loosen it up so that thing in your hand will fit.

"What do I do?"

"Get on your knees here, stick your ass up in the air like this...I positioned him "That's it. I never really looked at your ass earlier, just felt it up...oh Rich, it's beautiful! I adore a man with hairy cheeks" I positioned myself behind him and saw how nicely his balls dangled between his hairy thighs. I was also taken by the pink soles of his feet, his toes curling up in anticipation but it was his ass I wanted to focus on at the moment, "Now reach back and spread your crack nice and wide" And I showed him how to put a hand on his cheek and pull open his butt crack. It was slightly damp with sweat but when I leaned close, like the rest of him the smell was of soap. His crack was hairy too but the hole itself was a puckered pink rosebud in the middle. I kissed each cheek, ran my hands over his legs and cupped his balls...."Rich, this is the most intimate place a man has" I said as I rubbed my thumb over the puckered hole and he inhaled sharply. "The most personal, most private part of you" I continued to rub his hole and he let out a soft moan. And I'm touching it, touching you, in the most intimate way...." More moans "If you like being touched in your most private place you are going to love being kissed there" and I bent to run my tongue over the tight wrinkled opening.

"Oh...oh you really are...my God.... wow!"

He really was clean, very clean. I though about the shower he must have taken, getting ready for something he knew he wanted but wasn't sure how to get. I thought of him at his computer, trying to find out, imagining what it would be like. This was my friend of years and he was offering me such a gift, offering it and not even really understanding what he was giving. I cared a lot about Rich and I really wanted him to enjoy this. This man, I thought, deserves a grand fuck!

I licked, nibbled, sucked and probed his hole. It responded and relaxed, opening to me, the rose blooming. I reached under and jiggled his balls and reaching further found his cock rigid again. He said nothing but made the little moans and whimpers that I knew meant he was enjoying it. When I could push my tongue well into his ass, I raised up and repositioned myself. I stuck two of my fingers in my mouth, lubed them with spit and poked them against his hole. There was little resistance as they slid in.

"Rich, how does that feel?"

"Nice...very nice."

"Did you like getting rimmed?"

"God, Yes, I never knew you could ...feel... so much there."

"Your butt is as sweet as your dick." I told him as I started to slide my fingers in and out "That okay?"

"Yes, wonderful. Feels...full...but it doesn't hurt."

"Then you're probably ready to take my dick up your ass. Whadda think, ready to be ravished sir?

"I think so"

"How do you want to do it, from the front or back?"

"I don't know...how do you like it."

"I like it from the front so I can see your face but it may be easier for you from the back the first time"

"Do it the way you like it best."

"Okay" I said as I pulled my fingers out of him you'll need to roll over on your back and turn sideway across the bed, get your ass right on the edge....yeah like that. Let your legs hang over for now." His face was now near my crotch and I edged over to him "You need to lube up my cock for me. Lick it and get it nice and wet." I could see him hesitate but only for a moment. He took my tool in his fist and did as I said, licking the head. I eased forward and thrust a bit to get him to take more in. Again he hesitated but tried. In the end he went back to licking but it felt great to look down and see him working my dick with his tongue. I knew I wasn't getting a lot of lubrication from it but it sure felt nice. The very fact that he was doing it, even though he was not at all good at it, made it so much better.

"That's great Rich," I said pulling away and swinging off the bed. I squatted between his legs and said, "Now, pull your legs up and spread them, Lift your ass and let's slide a couple of pillows under it....no scoot forward...yeah...gab behind your knees if you can...see it spreads your ass...there's that wonderful hot hole again. It's so damn beautiful...gotta kiss it some more"

He had tightened a bit in the moving around but my tongue over around and in it opened him up again. I stood and as I did, grabbed his ankles and placed a foot on each of my shoulder. That brought my dick right in line with his hole. I used my hand to line my cockhead up with his ass and pushed forward. I looked down at him, his cock still hard, his hair tousled, a small smile on his lips. His eyes were closed and he was breathing fast, clearly excited. His arms were flung out on either side and I noticed his hairy pits. My sweet fuzzy friend, so eager to be fucked! Again I reminded myself he deserved this to be nothing less than grand.

"My cock's starting into you Rich, the head is usually the hardest part to take. Once it's in you we'll hold off a bit and let you get used to it...you tell me when you want more... after you have in awhile it'll be easier to take more..."

"It feels fine...it's not hurting it just feels...stretched." We waited for a bit, me stroking his legs, telling him again how sexy he was, how silly I had been never to have seen that before and how much I loved having my cock sliding into him, joining with him as closely as two men can.

"More." he whispered..."put more in me Bill...It's fine, I want more...I want you all the way in me...shove it into me, fill me up!"

I didn't shove but I did slowly ease myself into him feeling his hot tight ass clenching my cock, his body responding to mine as we joined. My pubic hair ground against the back of his balls and I was fully inside him.

"You've done it Rich, you have my cock all the way up inside you....you feel wonderful, warm and tight. I love this, being so...connected. How's it for you.?"

"Wonderful...I like this...like just feeling you inside me."

"Not hurting?"

"No....a little...uncomfortable maybe but not hurting. Like I said, full."

"Just wait a bit and let your ass adjust then I'll fuck you properly. In the meantime, I have wanted to suck these beautiful toes since you took your socks off. Actually that's a lie...I have wanted to suck your toes for years.." And I turned my head and pulled his foot to my mouth. .."and years"... I ran my tongue over the sole of his foot and his toes curled..."and years!" I kissed the tops of them then ran my tongue between them and again across the sole of his foot. Then I took each toe in turn into my mouth and sucked it. All the while his hot ass clasped my dick and held in a warm tight grip. I was in heaven, my cock up his ass and his toes in my mouth while I looked down at his hairy body. His dick had gone rather soft but that was fine. It was still lovely nestled in the silver sprinkled hair of his crotch.

"Tell me beautiful man why, for all these years, I have never noticed how incredibly sexy you are!"

"Your eyes are just going...I'm not all that much."

"You're plenty for me. I can't get enough of you, right down to" and I sucked on the largest one "your toes!"

"Is there nothing you don't suck!"

"Not on you. Remind me to do those nipples later. You ready for me to hump a bit?"

"I think so."

I started to fuck him slowly at first with short thrusts but as he adjusted, I made my strokes longer and faster. I let his feet rest back on my shoulders so I could run my hands up and down his hairy legs as I slid my prick in and out of his butt. He was getting softer I noticed, a result of the fucking.

"Still okay?"

"Damn fine!!"

"If you play with your dick it may stay hard....and it would really get me going to see you touching yourself."

He reached down and took his cock in his right hand. He held it between his thumb and two first fingers and stroked it. With his left he rubbed his tits.

"You devil man!" I said, "you're trying to drive me wild!"

"You said you liked my nipples..." he said seductively. Finally more than Rich's ass was loosing up. He was giving in, getting into the sexuality, the sensuality of it all.

"Oh yeah, and it's time I paid them some attention" I bent over him and said "Wrap your legs around me baby, yeah that's it!" With his legs hugging me close I could get my lips on his hairy nips and I sucked on first one then the other. They were hard and I let them roll between my tongue and upper teeth. Clearly his nipples were hot wired to his cock. He responded with a new eagerness and actually began to grind his ass against me, meeting my thrusts, trying to get more of me inside him. His cock was against my belly now and was getting the friction of my thrusts. He put his arms around my back and I scooted up so that I could kiss him. I was almost there, nearly ready to cum. My cock pumped in and out of his warm gripping ass. His cock was hard and wet against my belly, still dripping. Our beards tangled as his tongue probed my mouth. I was immersed in Rich. I came to the edge and fell over. I started to shoot my load deep up into his ass.

"Oh Rich....oh my sweet man, take my load! I'm going to fill you up with my cum!" I gave a deep hard shove as my cock drained inside him. Spent, I nuzzled into his neck "MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm you are so good, so very good you beautiful man!"

He was still squirming under me. He made the whimpering moans that signaled he was coming too and I felt his cock twitch between us then a hot wetness as he groaned and spurted his juice. He went limp under me and I caressed his face.

"You came too. Not everyone can stay hard let alone cum when they are getting it up the ass. You have to really be into being fucked for that to happen. That's very special, to come together like that. But then you're a very special man!"

"And you too. God, thank you...it was...." I looked over and saw tears gleaming in his eyes.

I kissed him again "It's okay Rich, it was big step and I'm so grateful to you for choosing me to take it with you." We stayed locked together, his legs around me and his arms holding me tight as my cock went soft inside him, his going soft between us.

"You know" I finally said to him "Usually when I go soft in a guy I slip out but you still have me inside you, you ass just won't let me go!"

"I'm not sure I want to let go. I like being here like this. This is perfect, just like this. And I don't know what happens next, don't know what happens after I let go."

He was asking something, I knew. It was a huge question and I didn't really have an answer. What did happen when we let go? So I avoided it. "Well, we need to untangle and stretch out or a couple of old codgers like us are going to seize up from staying in such contortions. Then we need to shower and maybe have lunch"

We did untangle. But we didn't really let go. Once we were side by side on the bed I pulled him over to me and nuzzled into his neck.

"That wasn't what I meant" he said "about what happens next."

"I know. Look Rich. I don't know what happens. You're a wonderful man, but like you told me you need to figure out how you feel about it all. And I do too. Things just changed and I'm not sure how. It's going to take some time for you, for us to figure all that out. But know this. I don't for a second regret what just happened," I kissed his neck. "not for a second!"

"Me either. I don't know if anything really changes. I don't know if I want anything to change...I just want...this...again. And again...and again."

"So let's just see what happens. I can tell you there's a good chance that if you show up at my door again with pumpkins and the key to your garden of delights again I going to be pretty willing"

"I didn't go to the Farmer's Market this morning...we got those last week."

"I know."

"And 'bi-curious'. That wasn't entirely as cool sounding as I thought was it?"

"Kinda Internetish, yeah."

"But I still bumbled my way here..."

"That you did. And you can bumble yourself back any time you want."

"Really? So you would...be open to the occasional...tryst."

"Tryst? Really?"

"So what would you call it?"

I kissed his neck again and reached for his cock. "Hot fuck."

"Yeah, well you're crude" And his lips found mine, his hand my cock. "So damn sexy but crude as hell."

"Hey Mister 'Would you screw me?' you are a fine old codger to be calling me crude!"

"Do you think a couple of crude old codgers could get inspired one more time."

In my hand, his dick was getting hard again.

"Richard, Richard, Richard, you're much too old to cum three times, you do know that don't you?"

"Think you could manage twice?" And he squeezed my own growing cock.

"Probably inevitable if I stay in this bed with you..."

And it was.

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