Young Ben and older Bob - new story

By Ben Mc

Published on Jan 7, 2009



So there I was, living away from home for the first time, studying engineering at University. Initially it felt strange not knowing anyone, but friendships formed quickly, some out of necessity, some taking a bit longer and some to last a long time. Having easy access to friendly young women was fantastic but that is not what this tale is about. You see I also had an interest in older men. This is a true story about what was at first a friendship between myself (a student) and Bob, a senior university lecturer, which later became a bit more than just friendship.

It was great having lectures in the lovely old building which was to become my educational home for the next 3 years. I felt really important as a engineering undergraduate. My week was full of lectures most of which were enjoyable. On the whole the lecturers were enthusiastic and friendly, but there was one lecturer who stood out, it was almost as if he devoted his life to his job, giving students that helping hand that some, if not all, needed.

He was always accommodating, even running to cups of tea between lectures in his small study, for anyone who cared to knock on his door. A while later I found out he invited students to his home for chats and general discussion, and on a few occasions I did go along, only to find the lounge packed to the rafters ! Of course I was too busy chasing the fairer sex to spend any time doing anything else, missing some of those 'early' nine o'clock lectures as a result.

On the odd occasion that I did bump into Bob when I was between lectures, he would without fail invite me in for a cup of tea which I sometimes took up, and sometimes declined, but I always thought about it. Now that I was at university, my self esteem was high and I was really enjoying life. I flattered myself that this small amount of attention I was getting from Bob, was in some way a message from him that he wanted to see a bit more of me. As time passed I allowed these thoughts to grow inside of me.

My freshman first year came and went and all too soon it was Christmas at the end of the first term of my second year. There was a engineering department dinner/disco to which most students and many of the teaching department attended, including Bob. I made sure I did plenty of mixing, chatting to everyone, including Bob, indeed we chatted in a small group for quite a while. During this chat I made my excuses for a genuine reason to visit the little boys room, as I was desperate to have a pee.

Almost as soon as I started relieving myself, Bob was alongside me at the next urinal. I looked up and in the same moment said 'Oh Hi' and having just been chatting to him I gave him a big smile. As I looked into his face I noticed his gaze was down below watching me relieve myself. Under normal circumstances if two chaps bumped into to each other in the toilets, then they would say hello and perhaps steal a glance at each other, but no more than that.

Well whatever the circumstances were, I had had quite a lot to drink and I had lost some of my inhibitions. After I noticed Bob looking down at me, I unhooked the top of my trousers and pushed the front of my pants down to expose myself further, in fact I cupped my hand under my balls, now pushing everything into clear view. I wanted him to have a really good look. I turned again to Bob and his gaze down below was unwavering as if it were the most natural thing in the world. While shaking the last drip off, I played with myself for more than a few seconds before zipping up and returning to the melee.

By the end of the evening I was somewhat tipsy and was wondering how I was going to get home. Out of nowhere Bob appeared and offered me a lift back which I was grateful to accept. On the way back he asked if I'd like a coffee at his place which I said yes to. Now I was starting to sober up and wondering if I had made the right choice, in fact I was a little nervous. At Bob' house we looked at a few photo albums, then he showed me around the house. We went upstairs and explained that he was doing a bit of renovation work, but the spare room had no bed. He showed me every room except his bedroom.

Bob then said I could stay over if I wanted to. I did think about it for a moment but I lost my nerve saying no I had better get back as the next day I needed to be up early which was true. In retrospect I could have stayed as I know Bob would have given me a lift back at any time I cared to mention. I lost my nerve mainly because I didn't know Bob well enough. I think I was worried that if anything of an intimate nature had happened between us then I wasn't sure what the affect would be on our student / lecturer relationship.

As the three years of my course was nearing completion I had started to get to know Bob more as a friend and less as a teacher, I repected him completely, I learned that he was utterly trustworthy and later I learned he was totally discrete. After I left university I made sure I kept in touch. Then a couple of years later I rang him out of the blue and invited myself for a flying visit on the pretext I was travelling through, which as a matter of fact I was. Now a little older and wiser, I had overcome what ever reservations I had had previously and I wanted to make myself available to Bob . This was of course if Bob wanted it too, that I didn't know, but I wanted to find out.

Upon my arrival it was obvious he hadn't forgotten me which was very gratifying and as usual he was very accommodating and put me in his spare room which now had a bed ! We went out for the evening and had a very nice meal, then it was back to his place. We had coffee and chatted, but then it was late and time to retire to bed. After washing and brushing up I jumped naked into my bed in the spare room, but left my door open and light on as if I was having a quick read before lights out.

Within a couple of minutes Bob came in and asked me to sign his visitors book, so I rolled over onto my front and in the same movement I tried to 'accidentally' move the quilt to reveal my backside. I was so nervous I could barely write anything in his book but managed a scribble. As he rose from the side of the bed to leave, I realised the moment had come and I quickly blurted out 'do you mind if I sleep with you tonight ?' trying to sound as calm as possible, Bob instantly responded 'of course not' and smiled. He then left the room with the book.

I let him leave the room and I climbed out of bed. I looked at myself in front of the spare room's dressing mirror to check if I looked ok. I tidied the bed. I arranged my clothes. I was very nervous and I was putting off walking into Bob' bedroom. I was only moments away from finding if Bob and I were on the same wavelength.

Finally I walked slowly and calmly into his room without a stitch on, he was waiting for me and as I appeared at the doorway he didn't take his eyes off my midriff, exactly as our encounter at the departmental disco. I then slowly climbed into his bed, lingering with my bottom in the air before slipping under the quilt. A couple of minutes elapsed before Bob reappeared from the bathroom, switched off the bedside lamp, and slipped into bed beside me. He was taller and a bigger build than me, so I naturally rolled towards him once he was in bed.

I had my back to him but he quickly enveloped me in a big bear hug and turned me onto my back and immediately his hand was stroking my cock which was now slowly but surely becoming more erect. He whispered into my ear 'how did you know?' I replied along the lines of this story, that a lingering look tells a thousand words ! Next he whispered 'I expect you have slept with hundreds of men' to which I replied truthfully 'actually no, you are only the second'. He complemented me on my boldness to which I replied how surprised I was that it was actually happening and I explained that I had wanted it to happen for a long time.

Both his hands were now working all over my body exploring every part of me, and he pulled my hand to rest on his cock which was semi erect. I was not to move my hand, apart from stroking him, for some considerable time. I was now really enjoying lying under a nice warm quilt next to Bob while his hand was gently massaging my balls and my cock, I couldn't ask for more.

After a while I moved his hands off me and I changed position so that my face was lying sideways on his tummy and right next to his cock. His penis was shorter than mine but it was much thicker. I moved my face right next to it so I could now smell the scent of his manhood. I slowly moved my lips to touch the tip of his cock. I slowly peeled back his foreskin and kissed the tip again. It felt moist so I licked it and it tasted a bit salty, but not at all unpleasant. I then licked and then parted my lips and allowed his penis to enter my mouth. The mushroom shaped end was bigger than I was anticipating with my lips being stretched a little, but it did all fit in my mouth. It was nice and soft and very smooth. I lay there sucking and licking his cock for quite a while. I tried to get as much of him inside my mouth as I could. I wanted to give Bob pleasure, I wanted to please him.

After I had finished I lay back alongside Bob . By now I was fully erect but more relaxed and was able to thoroughly enjoy the very intensive examination I was receiving. I had always wanted Bob' hands on me and now it was finally happening, the moment seemed unreal. I was relaxed but not relaxed enough for Bob to bring me to orgasm for a very long time. He must have had very strong fingers, wrists and forearms because he stroked me for such an age before finally I felt myself coming. I let out a little gasp as I came, the spurts landing on my tummy and on Bob' fingers.

This was the first time a man had ever made me come and I told Bob that it was probably the most memorable orgasm I had ever had and it was true. Now it was his turn, he lay on his back and asked me to stroke his balls while he pulled himself off. I gently played with his balls while he was coming. With a couple of enormous breaths he came. If I thought the evening was over I was wrong as he was not finished with me just yet. He set about me once again and before I knew it I had another erection, this time I came a bit more quickly, again with a soft moan as I enjoyed his marvellous touch. Finally Bob came once again and with that we dropped off to sleep.

In the morning I ran myself a bath with plenty of bubbles, there is nothing like relaxing in soapy bubbles. Bob popped in and asked me if everything was ok and I asked if he wouldn't mind washing my back for me. He quickly soaped up a sponge and started rubbing my back for me. Pretty soon he was rubbing my chest and asked if I wanted him to carry on to which I replied yes please. I raised myself to my knees and with his right hand he started soaping up my very stiff cock and balls and with his left hand was washing my bottom. He washed each cheek carefully with plenty of soap before finally working a soapy finger inside my bottom.

With two soapy hands gently working on me, I was in seventh heaven, in fact I had to lean against Bob as I was feeling a little dizzy. Eventually I got out of the bath and dried myself, but before I got dressed Bob asked if I wouldn't mind him taking a few photos. I was delighted that he would want some photos of me, so I gladly posed for him, my erection being the centre piece for some of the photos.

Finally it was time for a quick breakfast before I was on my way. We said our goodbyes in the hallway with a big hug. As his arms enveloped me I reached behind and pushed his hands down over my bum to feel his hands groping my buns one last time.

Later that day I rang Bob to thank him for having me, he asked when I was coming to visit again and could I stay longer next time. Within a few minutes of putting the phone down I was so excited I had worked myself up to another orgasm and then had another later that evening, all the time imagining it was not my hand but that I was in Bob' firm grip.

I did visit Bob again, in fact several times, and each visit was very pleasurable. I may find time to write about these visits one day.

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