Young Neo

Published on Feb 26, 2004



The following story is a work of fiction based on a work of fiction and as much as they can the Wachowski brothers own the Neo and Detective Smith characters. It includes teen gay sex so if you don't like that please go. If it's illegal or going to get your ass whipped please leave as well. Enjoy. All comments to

Young Neo - The True Beginning Concept by Jason Story by Sid G. Copyright 2003


The name my father gave me is Jason though you know me as Neo. As an adult I will become a computer geek and supreme hacker with no life in reality, at least none that appealed. You have learned about that period in my life through the Matrix trilogy of movies. Though to be honest I am much hotter than Keanu Reeves.

But that story will take place about fifteen years after these tales. When these adventures began I was fourteen and in all my newly pubescent glory. While very much into computers and the internet I was in eighth grade in Mt. Pleasant Jr. High in Livingston, NJ where I was on the track and soccer teams. All right, I was the star of the soccer team and the best sprinter the school had ever seen. I swam and played baseball and basketball with my buds. And I loved playing with my cock, balls and ass.

That's right, Jason who grows into Neo, The One, who is going to save humanity from the machines is gay. But I guess its time to take you back to the year I was fourteen, "1998."

Part 1: Discovery

It was the last day of summer vacation and Jason was lying naked on his bed with his left hand stroking his long cock and right hand playing with his large balls. His strawberry blond hair was cut short and his lean muscular freckled body vibrated with the impending orgasm.

As he picked up the pace of his stroking he pictured his best friend Jarrett in his mind. In the image Jarrett was just as naked and hard. He slowly turned the image around in his mind until Jarrett's ass was facing him. He bent the image over and spread its cheeks. At the sight of the pink hole Jason came, the first shot hit his lips and the rest coated his torso from the top to the bottom.

But Jason didn't feel a drop hit his body, didn't even taste the drops of cum he automatically licked from his lips.

His eyes were wide open in amazement and not from the realism of his imagination or the fantastic orgasm.

As Jason shot his load Jarrett's ass continued to spread apart and he'd seen through his friend to a vast dark chamber lined by pods as far as the eye could see in any and every direction. He'd felt something rushing toward him and suddenly saw Jarrett, what he knew was the real Jarrett.

Jarrett was as Jason first imagined him but was stroking his cock and as Jason's third rope hit:

"Eat it Jason, swallow my cum lover," Jarrett shouted in his empty room.

Jarrett's knees buckled slightly as he thrust his hips forward, brought his dick close to the mirror and spewed all over the mirror.

That stunned Jason and he felt himself being pulled back but fought it and won long enough to watch Jarrett kneel and start licking his own cum off the mirror. Seeing that broke Jason's concentration and he flew backwards and landed on his own bed.

"Holy shit! What the fuck was that?" Jason shouted.

"You say something honey?" his mother shouted from the kitchen at the other end of their ranch house.

`sorry Mom, I, uh, was amazed at a scene in the book I'm reading," Jason said.

"About time you started your summer reading assignment," his mother said and Jason wisely didn't respond.

Instead he quickly wiped himself off, walked over to his computer, spread the towel on the chair and shook the mouse to wake it up as he sat. Jason logged on to MSN Messenger and saw Jarrett wasn't logged on so he sent a quick email to set up a voice and cam chat. He received the invitations a few minutes later and was quickly looking at a pair brown nipples and a smooth firm chest. Moments later Jarrett's face filled the screen as he settled in while running his fingers through sandy blond hair. Jarrett smiled and Jason moved his head slightly on seeing the light reflect of Jarrett's braces with blue bands that matched his own.

"Hi Jason," Jarrett said in his English accent.

"Have a nice wank? How does cum on glass taste?" Jason said with a straight face.

Jarrett tumbled back in his chair and hit the deck.

"You all right?" Jason shouted and looked closer at the monitor.

A minute later Jarrett sat back down still visibly shaken.

"Blimey, what the hell? How did you know? I know the camera was offline," Jarrett said.

"I'll tell you but let me tell it straight through without any interruptions," Jason said.

Jarrett nodded and Jason started, quickly going from his stripping to the quick conversation with his mother and sending the email.

"Jason, you know what you saw. Don't you?" Jarrett said

"You mean besides your sexy body?"


"You want me to say I looked through the Matrix and into your home. The Matrix isn't even a myth, more like a fairy tale," Jason said.

"I'll accept you're calling it a myth since it's never been proven but there have been too many stories from too many sources over too many years for it not to be taken seriously."

"Just like there are real wizards that the Potter books and movies are trying to hide by saying they exist. Wait, maybe I saw the tracks for the American version of the Hogwarts Express."

"Then you explain what you saw," Jarrett said

Before Jason could respond he heard his mother.

"Jason get over here right now. The police are here to talk to you."

"Don't go; they'll take you away and you will never come home," Jarrett said.

"Relax," Jason said as he quickly slipped into his gym shorts, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

He threw his t-shirt on as he walked out of his room and wondered why the cops were after him. It wasn't like he'd hacked into anything important during the last couple weeks. Unless he'd left a trail at EA's development system and they were afraid of espionage.

Jason sighed at that thought as he approached the front door and wondered if his Mom or cops could tell he'd just jerked off.

"Jason, about time you got here and why are these two detectives want you for?" Mrs. Anderson said.

Jason smiled at his mother's unexpectedly mangled grammar.

"No idea Mom. What can I do for you officers?" Jason said as he looked up at the two identically dressed men.

Between their black suits, ties and shoes, clean white shirt and the dark sunglasses they almost looked like twins.

"Mr. Jason Anderson, my name is Detective Smith and this is my partner Detective Blair we'd like to ask you some questions."

"Like? Doesn't look like I really have a choice. Can we do it here with my mother present?"

"We would prefer to do it in your room but it will be easier if your mother waits here. Is that acceptable with you Mrs. Anderson?" Detective Smith said in a very flat voice that definitely hinted at menace.

Mrs. Anderson looked at her son who shrugged.

"Ok Detective Smith but I'll be able to hear if you do anything causes Jason to yell."

"Thank you Mrs. Anderson, don't worry about your son's safety in our hands," Detective Blair said in the same voice.

Jason led them to his room and cleared off his bed for the officers while he sat by the computer. He hoped they didn't realize the web cam and microphone were active.

"Nice room you have Jason. Typical teenaged boys room with all the computer and sports stuff. Be a shame to lose it all," Detective Blair said.

"What?" Jason said.

"No pictures of girls, but we know why that is," Smith said.

"Was expecting posters of Haley and Aaron to be honest," Blair said.

"I'm gay, their pictures are in a scrapbook under my mattress but last I heard there was nothing illegal in either one, at least in this state," Jason said.

"Normally I wouldn't care how queer you are and frankly that's secondary to why we are here. What I want to know is what happened here in this room this afternoon," Smith said.

Smith leaned forward and Jason could feel the piercing gaze through the solid black glasses.

"After I returned home from the pool I took my t-shirt and trunks off and put them in my bathroom then lay on my bed and jerked off thinking about a close friend who'd I like to be my boyfriend. Then after I came, and it was a huge load, I logged onto the net and chatted with him until Mom called me when you got here."

"Tell me your fantasy about Jarrett," Smith said.

"Fuck you," Jason said.

"Not likely Mr. Anderson but I would advise you to answer my question and answer it now," Smith said.

Jason shivered as it felt like the room temperature had dropped twenty degrees.

Smith leaned forward till his face was inches away from the teen's face.

"Or you will never be anything more than a pussy boy sticking your ass up in the air because you won't have cock or balls."

Smith waved his hand over Jason's crotch and Jason felt his cock and balls shriveling up. Without caring about the men in front of him he slipped his shorts down.

Nothing, felt nothing but smooth skin where his favorite body parts should be.

He started to scream but realized there was no mouth to scream with.

"So Jason, care to talk or would you rather stay a nullo?" Smith said.

Jason slumped back in his chair without lifting his shorts and after a short nod buried his face in his hands.

"You can talk now son. You'll get the rest back when you're done."

Jason told him everything he'd seen while the two detectives sat still without taking any notes. When he finished Jason looked into their soulless black glasses.

"That's it. I swear that's what I saw. If it was real it was way hot but I couldn't do it again if I wanted to," Jason's hand went to his smooth crotch, "and I don't. Can you make me a boy now?"

Instantly he felt his cock and balls return.

"Now of course nobody will believe your stories about what you saw before or disappearing body parts. And your computer and web cam went offline the second we walked in so Jarrett or whoever was on the other end is just squirming. Now fag, pull your shorts back up and walk us out and we will tell your mother that everything is fine," Smith said.

Jason slowly stood, his body and mind reacting sluggishly to what had happened to him. He followed them to the front door and didn't really hear Smith and his mother talking. What he did pick up and wondered if his mother did was the total lack of sincerity in the man's tone or smile. Once they were out the door he reassured his mother he was fine and everything was all right then went back to his room and without stripping lay on his bed and fell into a deep sleep.

A sleep he didn't wake from until the next morning.

As always Jarrett knocked on his front door an hour before school started.

"Sorry if I scared you last night but I just fell asleep right after they left, Mom couldn't even wake me for supper," Jason said.

"I know. I called to check up and she told me. What," Jarrett stopped at a sharp shake of the head from Jason, `did you dream about last night?"

Jason thought for a second, "I don't remember dreaming at all though I know I must have," he glanced at the clock, "time to go. See you after school Mom, love you."

His mother came over and gave him a hug, `love you son. Be careful and be safe. You hear me?"

"Yes Mom, don't want a repeat of yesterday either, believe me."

"Good, and that goes for you too Jarrett."

"Yes Mrs. A," Jarrett said.

They bladed in silence. A silence that was driving Jarrett crazy but he had a feeling Jason was getting his thoughts in order. Finally as they reached the park he'd had enough.

"Jason, I love you," Jarrett blurted out.

Jason stumbled on an invisible crack in the road and almost fell.

"I'm sorry, I'll go," Jarrett said.

"No, it's what I wanted to hear, just didn't think it be the first thing out of your mouth this morning. I love you too Jarrett. I think our love for each other is what opened that gate between us."

Before there was a response a horn blew and they jumped. At a second blast they turned and saw Jason's father in their SUV along the curb. Jarrett's father was in the other seat which confused the boys since they didn't work anywhere near each other.

"Get in," Jason's Dad said.

"We've got the skates on Dad," Jason said.

"Get in."

Jason and Jarrett looked at each other and shrugged. This was usually against the rules but Mr. A did not look in the mood for argument despite the smile on his face. They opened the back door and carefully climbed in dumping their backpacks between their feet. When the door was closed and they were buckled in Jason's Dad pulled away from the curb.

After a minute Jason realized they weren't going toward the school.

"Where we going?"

The two fathers looked at each other and Jarrett's nodded at Jason's.

"We know about yesterday, know everything that happened," Jason's father said.

"Dad, how?" Jason said.

"Let me finish. When I'm done you two can ask questions," a long pause, "To answer your question there's a camera hidden in your bedroom. We installed it there a long time ago just in case yesterday ever happened. Mom turned it on as soon as you went into the room with the detectives. You didn't know about it and it's not hooked up to any computer which is why they didn't turn it off like they did your PC. First of all none of what is happening today has anything to do with the two of you being gay and if not already soon to be lovers. That both sets of parents heartily approve of."

"That's true son. Mom and I suspected and we love you and Jason as much as before."

"Thanks Dad, means a lot to us," Jarrett said and took Jason's hand in his.

"Jason, I need you to tell us everything that happened from the time you got home till you went to sleep. Everything you saw, said, happened to you."

"Everything Dad?" Jason said.

"You can leave out the same detail you left out when you told Detective Smith," Mr. A said and laughed.

By the time Jason was finished they were in the country and off the interstate.

"Jarrett you were only partly right. What Jason saw wasn't the Matrix but its power source. We live in the Matrix. Everything you see, feel, touch, even Jason's hand is part of the Matrix. What you saw is where our real bodies are."

"You're scaring me Dad, I don't understand," Jason said.

"You've seen the Terminator movies?"

"Yes," the boys said.

"The basis is real but instead of systematically destroying all humanity in reality the machines linked humanity into giant batteries to power them and created the Matrix to keep us happy and calm in our pods. What you did yesterday son is supposed to be impossible. We're supposed to live our lives without ever knowing the truth. But some of us do learn and understand. And prepare to fight a war to liberate mankind from the machines.

"Jason, yesterday you showed you have a role to play in that fight. Unfortunately they know it too so as a result you two are going to a special school out in hills where you'll be safe, learn and even take place in the war. As far as anybody back home will know you two ran away on the way to school because we found out you were gay and were afraid we'd beat you and kick you out with nothing. We'll deny that of course and look for you but alas we won't find you."

"You mean we won't see you again?"

"Not for a while, it won't be safe for you. The school is coed but most of the boys are gay and most of the girls are lesbians so you don't have to worry about that."

"That's good, don't think I could handle this alone and in the closet," Jason said.

"Glad I'm here, don't want to lose you," Jarrett said then leaned over and kissed Jason gently on the lips.

"Normally I'd say go ahead but its time to switch to your sneakers since we'll be pulling into the compound in five minutes. Once you get to your room you can do whatever you want."

"Damn, all right," Jarrett said.

Jason and Jarrett followed their fathers inside the huge mansion which they later found out was only the school's main building. It was clear their fathers knew where they were going and quickly they were entering a door labeled Headmaster Kyp Zephyr.

Headmaster Zephyr was six feet seven inches tall, long blond hair and despite his suit looked more like a gym teacher than head of a special secret school.

"Frank, Bryce, good to see you again. See the day has finally come," Zephyr said.

"Good to see you Kyp, See you're still working out," Jason's father said.

"Of course, only way I can keep these kids in line and from the looks of these two I won't be able to let up. Now you have to be Jason, you look too much like Frank to be anybody else."

Jason smiled, "Yes Sir, glad to meet you. This is my best friend and boyfriend Jarrett."

Jarrett blushed and smiled, "Honor Mr. Zephyr."

"It's Kyp to everybody, except for a couple students who go just by their last names it's first name only, either that or their hacker name. Either of you have one yet?"

"Not me, I have enough trouble doing regular stuff," Jarrett said.

"I'm Neo," Jason said.

"You're Neo? Can't be unless you copied his name? You'd have had to been," Zephyr said.

"Nine when I hacked into NEA cryptology. A lot of luck and some help from some friends," Neo said with a big smile.

"Frank?" Zephyr said.

"This is Neo, been a couple close calls along the years but so far so good," Mr. A said.

Zephyr laughed, "Kid you're going to have a blast here but keep it as Jason for a while until you have the right opportunity to blow them away."

"Got it," Jason said.

There was a knock on the door and a second later it opened and another boy walked in. He was, the boys both noticed, their age and height, light brown hair, and in a word hot as hell. He was wearing the school uniform of off beige shorts that stopped an inch above the knee, a navy blue polo shirt with the schools crest over his heart, sneakers with white socks pushed down.

"Jonny, these are our new students and they'll be in your wing. On the left is Jason and the right is Jarrett. Take them to their room so they can freshen up and after lunch give them the complete tour including picking up their uniforms."

"No problem Kyp," Jonny said as he looked at the two new hot gay boys. He knew they were gay because all the boys in his wing were and it looked like they'd have a great welcoming party on Friday night. `lets go guys, don't have much time before lunch and I'm sure you're hungry."

"Yeah," Jason said as they left the room, "food any good?"

"Food's great and you can have as much as you want as long as you get it all down before your next class and only time that's a problem is if you're late for breakfast. Two of you are boyfriends?" Jonny said.

"Yes, is it that obvious?" Jarrett said.

"Well everybody in our wing is gay and while nobody has a closed relationship most of us have paired off. You'll meet my love Brice at lunch," Jonny said.

They walked down the west wing and up two flights of steps and halfway down the corridor before Jonny opened a door and motioned the others too enter.

"Wow, this is bigger than my room at home," Jason said, "expected some closet."

"Cool, one bed, they don't make assumptions do they," Jarrett said.

Jonny laughed, "Only one room has two beds and that's because both boys move around so much they woke up bruised every morning. We've got an hour to lunch so I'll let you rest and see what the room has to offer. Check the bed to make sure it's comfortable."

"Now that sounds like a good idea, knock first," Jarrett said.

"This time," Jonny said and closed the door, "Oh one question. If with your braces I saw you kiss in the dark would I see sparks?"

"Friend, you'd see sparks between us lights on or off," Jason said.

Jonny smiled, winked and closed the door.

They did check out the rest of the room, which had its own bathroom, and put the few personal things away that had been in their backpacks and small satchels their fathers had brought along.

"Wonder where we are?" Jarrett said.

"Pocono Mountains, northeast Pennsylvania would be my guess. It's strange though, I feel a little bit like Harry Potter does arriving at Hogwarts for the first time."

"Finally home?"

Jason nodded.

"Does that make me Ron?" Jarrett asked letting a little more of his English accent out.

Jason took Jarrett in his arms and they kissed. Gently on the lips at first but quickly slipped into their first long and deep expression of love.

Jarrett took hold of Jason's shirt and pulled it over his head forcing the kiss to end.

"In a way, you've always been more into this Matrix and other stuff than anybody we know," Jason said.

He was about to say something else but he felt his boyfriend's lips on his left nipple and moaned in surprised delight. Jason slowly pulled Jarrett's shirt up and off and once it was past his mouth Jarrett moved to Jason's right breast, getting that nipple as hard as the cock straining to get out of Jason's pants.

Jarrett sensed that hardness and his hands went to Jason's belt and started fumbling with it. Jason tapped Jarrett's hands away and quickly had his shorts and boxers pushed down around his ankles. As soon as they were Jarrett pushed him onto the bed and finished stripping his boyfriend and then shoved his own shorts and boxers off.

Jarrett knelt between Jason's splayed legs and took a good close look at hard cut five and a half inches staring him in the face and reached out to touch the huge balls hanging below it. As his fingers touched the golden orbs Jason let out a moan and lay back on the bed.

"So soft," he said and Jarrett wasn't sure if Jason meant his touch or the bed or both. Not that it really mattered.

He kept massaging the balls as he first kissed the cockhead and then started licking up and down Jason's hard cock. After completely tongue bathing it he went back to the cockhead and licked off the precum and slowly tasted it. It was a good taste, even better than his own.

Without thinking, without hesitation but with desire he opened his mouth and took Jason's twitching cock deep inside. He felt the cock slide along his tongue and to the back of his mouth until his nose was against Jason's trimmed bush.

Jason extended his arms as far as they could reach and let his fingertips brush against his lover's hair. This was the moment he'd dreamt of for months. Not how and definitely not where but it didn't matter. The feelings running through his cock, his entire body were more and better than he'd ever imagined. Jarrett's hands gently rubbed his balls, hot mouth slid up and down his throbbing rod.

Jarrett lowered his other hand to his own hard five plus inches of throbbing meat and began stroking it in time with his head bobs. He knew Jason would want to blow him but he was too hot. No way could he hold off and not cum with his boyfriend, with his lover.

Reciprocating wasn't anywhere in Jason's thoughts at that moment. All he knew was that the impending orgasm was going to be the biggest of his life. Up to now and maybe ever. And that it was coming soon.

Jarrett realized it would be very soon. He felt Jason's balls rise and become harder as the cock throbbed harder and reached further down his throat. A tiny voice said slow down; make it last but need and lust shoved the advice aside. There would be other sucks for that, more true lovemaking. Now it was two boys who loved each other in heat.

"Oh God," Jason shouted, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

Jarrett felt the first blast roar across his tongue and down his throat and backed off a bit and continued to suck on the gushing fountain in his mouth while his own penis shot its load first up to where it hit his chin and finally onto the floor.

Jarrett couldn't believe how much cum he was drinking, and drinking without spilling a drop. How wonderful Jason's seed tasted.

Jason collapsed on the bed exhausted pulling his still leaking cock out of Jarrett's mouth.

A few minutes later Jarrett lay down next to him and they kissed. Jason's tongue entered Jarrett's mouth and tasted his own cum.

"I taste good in your mouth," he said.

"Yeah, way good love," Jarrett said and resumed the kiss.

"You cum too?" Jason said around the kiss.

Jarrett just nodded while continuing the kiss.

There was a knock on the door.

"Ten minutes to lunch you'd better take a quick shower and dress," Jonny said.

To be continued.

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