Published on May 28, 1995



Message-ID: 035339Z28051995@anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an151170@anon.penet.fi Lines: 59

Message #7496 "Fantasy" Date: 15-Mar-91 22:33 From: Leviman To: All Subj: Traveling Buddy

A few years ago my buddy and I took a trip to Virginia Beach. I was still in my early twenties, he was 17 or 18. He isn't gay, and I was still wondering about myself....anyway, we stayed at a motel in Richmond, Va. that only had one double bed...not wanting to go any further because it was getting late, we took the room.

After the usual stuff of eating and using the swimming pool, we finally hit the sack, both of us wearing only Jockey shorts. I awoke during the night with a hot desire to touch my buddy's shorts, but was very nervous that I'd wake him up and cause an embarrassing scene that I didn't think I could handle. The longer I lay there, though, the hotter I got. My cock was stretching my briefs to the limit. My buddy was sleeping on his back, so his alluring bulge was very much "available". I carefully help my hand just above his genitals, afraid to touch the soft, sexy mound. Finally I took a deep breath and laid my hand on his crotch, gently feeling the soft cock and young balls safely tucked in those shorts. He didn't stir at all, so I slowly moved my fingers around the outline of his manhood and gently slid my fingers under his crotch, feeling the solid, virgin nuts in the tight scrotum of the teen ager.

It took a couple of minutes, but his cock started to respond, although he didn't move at all. I could feel his dick growing quickly as I continued to play with it all the while jostling his balls. I carefully took my next move by putting my finger inside the fly of his shorts and felt the hot, hard skin of his now-throbbing dick. (I was sure by this time he was awake and aware of what was happening, but he pretended to be asleep). I stroked the hard rod and tried to push it down to the opening along his leg, but before I could do that I felt a spurt of cum as his cock sprewed forth its jism on my hands. I was surprised at how fast he shot his load. I quickly took my hand away from his groin, just as he moved and woke up!

He didn't say a single word to me, but obviously was embarrassed or upset that I had brought him to orgasm. He went to the bathroom and washed himself off. When he returned, he sat in the chair and never said a word. To this day he has never mentioned the encounter. We finished our trip, had a good time, but there were no more jackoff sessions. I still wanted to caress that great dick of his, but in deference to his desires (which weren't the same as mine), I never tried to touch him again.

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