50 shades of cock in my ass

By walter naised

Published on Dec 11, 2017



this is a work of explicit erotic male/male fiction. all similarities to real life people or events or other fictional characters/ events is entirely coincidental.

This is for entertainment purposes only and not a how-to guide. always use protection in your real-life encounters or at least know the risks you and your partners take. otherwise enjoy.

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50 shades of cock in my ass

I was buzzed and horny browsing craigslist. I had just broke up with my boyfriend, who had dumped me for losing my job. So I had no real way to pay my car payments or rent and felt like distracting myself by finding some raw anonymous dick.

Was only by chance that I saw it, while every other ad was blatant in it's description "bottom looking for anon loads" and "looking to suck str8 dick" this one simply read "houseboy position wanted"

I sipped my drink and opened it up.

"35 year old professional. Total top, seeking sub bottom houseboy for live in position.

Seeking bottom boy to trade free rent and board plus stipend in exchange for sex on demand as well as regular housework/other duties.

My house my rules. I make very little compromise. Must be submissive and take orders

Serious only. More details upon consideration"

I was intrigued. I had quit my shitty retail job to go full time being a rentboy. Work was semi regular but erratic. Most of the guys who contacted me wanting to get action turned out to be flakes who were only messaging me impulsively. I got a lot of messages since I was well muscled from working out, blue eyed with dark brown/reddish beard, and had no hangups about baring it all for the camera. Indeed most of my pics were my own vanity projects of flexing in front of the camera and showing off my round ass.

A sugar daddy couldn't hurt. He was located in San Diego, clear across the country as I was in Chicago but if he was willing to fly me out, he could still have me. I liked selling my ass to men, knowing it was good enough to shell out for so I messaged him back:

-yeah man. That'd be great. Please let me know about the position

The response was prompt a few minutes later but lengthy enough to where I could tell he had prewritten it and simply copied and pasted.

It read:

I am a business man who is constantly preoccupied at work and I do not have the time nor patience to date traditionally. what I want is a slave-boy 18-30 to live in my house and abide by my rules (sexual and non-sexual). This is a serious lifestyle choice, as well as at the end of the day a job. It is not suited for everybody. The initial price will start at $500 a week and if you make it past 6 months we can negotiate a higher price.

Before I get into the details of the job position I would like you to please answer a few questions:

  1. Tell me your name. (or nickname/handle)

  2. What is your sexual orientation (gay/straight/ bi)

  3. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

  4. What is your preferred sexual position. If versatile please give

percentage description of preference of top vs. bottom

  1. Do you have a car/ other mode of transportation

  2. How submissive would you describe yourself?

  3. If not local Would you be willing to relocate to a new city?

Send stats as well as clear full body pictures including face, full nude body shots including ass and cock. The more exposed the better as modesty is not something suited for this job.

Give me a brief description of yourself and why you would be suited for this job, and if you are chosen I will send you a follow up questionnaire, and then following that we will schedule an in-person interview.

Seemed pretty simplistic so I responded:

  1. Kartoffel

  2. Gay. Kinsey 7. actually pretty uncomfortable even being shirtless

around women

  1. No boyfriend

  2. I'm versatile I like both a lot but if I had to put a number on it

I'd say maybe 60% bottom and 40% top but love to flip

  1. I have a motorcycle

  2. I like a guy who knows what he wants.

  3. Yes

Student here without a college fund so this is how I pay for it. I have some houseboy experience but not much. Mostly work as an escort. I'm 5'10, 185lbs, white, 7.5inches cut. Vers

Pretty open guy here, few limits, love to serve men. I have one cat.

Hope to hear from you soon


I attached about six or seven photos of me laying in bed nude or in the shower. I actually found it strange I was having trouble finding naked photos of me without other people in them. Oh well lol.

I sent the message and went to go get a sandwhich at the deli down the street. After about an hour my phone buzzed a few times and I received a new message from the faceless profile:

It was a link to a questionnaire that was actually quite illuminating to the job and was more than I thought:

None of The answers you give to this questionnaire will necessarily affect your eligibility for hire so please answer honestly.

-Do you have sex-work experience? (stripping/escort/pornographic films/ etc.)

-Do you partake in any recreational drugs? (including pot/cigarettes/alcohol)

-do you have any sort of criminal record

-are you willing to have sex with people you do not know or have just met?

-are you willing to be filmed doing any sort of sexual activity

-do you have any issue with being seen naked by strangers/large groups of people?

-will you be willing to submit to a man fully as "property" with very few to no limits? (these include extensive rules in a contract)

-if straight are you willing to be primarily with men-only with very very limited exception?

-do you shower/clean out regularly?

-are you prepared to be exclusively-bottom (not vers)?

The questions just came with a yes or no checkbox with no textbox for elaboration. I guess he'd follow up in person if he was for real

I immediately responded. My cock was getting hard thinking "oh shit is this for real?" part of me had just written it off as spam. But spam usually asks for money by the second email.













That last one was one I especially was unsure of but I had tapped "yes" and sent it without hesitating anyway.

I finished my sandwhich and hit the gym, the whole time all I could think about was the possibility of having a real full time sugar daddy. Was distracted enough to almost miss the pass one of my gym buddies was giving me inviting me to the sauna with him. Part of why I worked out here was the rather lax rules they have on hooking up in the locker room. This time though I just smirked and shook my head despite being horny as fuck. Was too distracted.

Within 24hrs (that felt like forever) I received a response

I have reviewed your answers and your photos and would like to prepare you for an interview. Please submit your full legal name to me and I will book you a flight. I would prefer to have you out for the 23rd-30th. Your hotel room and meals will be compensated by me of course as well as transportation. All expenses require receipts. I will arrange for your pickup and dropping off. Please email me back as soon as possible


My heart quickened it's pace with excitement. After almost a full week of flakey guys who probably couldn't have afforded me in the first place seemed a guy who genuinely wanted to use me and get paid. The rent was due in 2 weeks and I was still $600 short. I could move out of this shitty studio though instead if he liked my ass enough.

I replied instantly

yes sir. The 23rd works. My legal name is Steven Gliek but my rentboy name is Kartoffel.

A few minutes later I got a response:

Good. Wear shorts and tank top and sneakers. Do not wear underwear. You may wear a hat or bandana if you wish but nothing else. Do not pack any other clothes as you will not need them. You will receive your tickets shortly.

I arrived at the hotel and in less than an hour after I walked in and settled down I received a text:

"your interview is at 11am. I will have a car pick you up outside your hotel room at 10:30. be there and ready. Be freshly showered and your hole cleaned out thoroughly. No scented soaps or deordorant"

I had about an hour to get ready so I quickly did as his texts told me and was outside in just my shorts and tank top right at the time he said too. Part of me was self conscious wondering if anyone could see my dick through my shorts since I wasn't wearing any underwear but I sucked it up since I knew I didn't have any choice.

The white prius was there to pick me up and thankfully the driver didn't say anything to me as he picked me up and drove me to his house where he dropped me off and left.

And that's when I saw him come out of the gate. He was actually quite handsome which surprised me when I expected an average-looking business man at best. His hair and beard were short and neat and he clearly made time in his schedule to work out. He had beautiful piercing blue eyes and a strong chin. His looks probably helped him in his success tremendously.

His house was huge. Easily worth several million dollars. We entered in through the front gate into a courtyard. To the left of me was a deck table and chairs that complimented the jacuzzi and gardens all surrounded by high walls covered in well trimmed plants. The right hand of me was a large sprawling yard with a fountain.

"wow" I whispered looking around at the elaborate place around me.

He turned to me his expression still professional.

"please take off all your clothes, including your shoes and socks and leave them folded here on this outside table. I will be in my office which is inside the house through the door that you will see me enter down the hall to the left." with that he turned away and strode into the house without glancing back at me.

I was taken aback about how serious he took the situation. But it was clear from the beginning that I was here to sell my body to this man. So I quickly shucked my t-shirt over my head and dropped my pants. I now understood why he didn't want me to wear any underwear. Made for less time.

I stood in the middle of his office. Completely naked in front of this handsome man I've never met. He still was fully clothed in his business suit, even with his tie on, his expression never wavering, him regarding me like an average head of a company examining a new employee.

He circled around me with a clipboard, his eyes scanning me up and down in between him checking things and scribbling notes onto the clipboard.

He glanced up.

"you are indeed an attractive candidate. Clearly you work out at the gym often. If hired would you be willing to modify your workout to increase muscle mass in your body and especially ass?"

I blinked "oh... uh yeah of course."

"remove your bandana for me please" he said

"ohshit sorry" I said pulling it off "I forgot"

"normally I will allow it but right now I'm just assessing all of you" he said calmly

I sighed

"no need to be nervous" he said looking at me trying not to shiver "you said you had sex-work experience? What was that? Escort? Modeling?"

"uh escort, and some dancing and one or two amateur vids"

"yet you seem nervous here before me?" he said with a slight smile at the corner of his eye

I breathed out "well I've never done anything like this" I said gesturing at he camera in the center of the room that was filming

He smiled "ah well, please note that being seen and in front of the camera is part of the job. And at the end of the day that is indeed what this is: a job. Is that understood?"

"yes" I answered

"if you are to be my boy you are to address me as 'sir' or 'mister Bennett' understand?"

"yes sir!" I answered immediately

"good" he said as he continued to walk around me.

"eyes forward at the camera" he said as he noticed me turning my head to follow him.

"what BDSM scenes have you done?" he asked

"I've done a few play parties. One of the Dom's in town runs one and will often use me to demonstrate for a class"

"tell me what that is like"

"he'll throw a class theme, like flogging or clothes-pinning and so I'd go up on the stage or wherever and take off my clothes and get into whatever position was required and he'd show the men how to do it to me" I said and I noticed his eyes lit up at this story despite his clear efforts to remain neutral

"is that something you're looking to do?" I said with a small smile

"occasionally I enjoy branching out into the kink community. BDSM has many aspects that I like on occasion though this situation I am seeking is more because I want to have what I want when I want it without question. Basically I am more interested in the business-arrangement aspect than the 'play' aspect."

He stopped behind me and I heard the rustling as he removed his tie and suitjacket and then I felt his hands slip around me from behind and he pressed my naked body against his still mostly clothed one. I grunted softly as he slowly caressed my stomach and chest. One of his hands slid lazily downward and slowly grabbed my cock and balls and slowly began caressing them "you've got a nice piece here" he muttered softly in my ear

I grunted again as my cock was already stiffening up

"already excited I see" he said "when did you last have sex?"

"I topped a guy about a week ago" I said, his hand slowly stroking me harder

"and when did you last bottom?"

"a few days before that. But he didn't cum in me" I muttered, his hand pumping my now fully hard cock faster now.

He licked my ear and breathed heavily "well we're going to fix that today when I fuck you"

"please" I said

"I want to know that you are taking this seriously" he said "too many of you boys come through here unsure of themselves or oblivious to what the real-life meaning it is to be a sex slave, thinking they're just going to be a little housewife. But what I want in a boy is complete and utter servitude. You got that?" he said as he abruptly stopped caressing me and grabbed my junk roughly but not enough to hurt. Just enough to show he meant it

"yes sir." I gasped

"yes sir, what?"

"I want to be your boy. I know what I'm getting into. I like serving strong men, this is what I want"

I heard him chuckle evilly and he clamped his other hand around my neck.

"that's a good start. But words are cheap. And the last thing I want to do is waste a whole afternoon spelling out all the ins and outs of a contract for someone who's just going to get cold feet at the last minute"

"please" I gasped "sir"

"when I say you will be my boy it means I will own you. Literally, I will consider you bought and paid for and expect to get exactly what I want. It will not be romantic, I don't care if you like it or not, it isn't about you. It is about serving me and any other men I choose to share you with. If you think you're ready for this job you'll have to show me your commitment with your body first. Then we'll talk more about what it really means to be a slave" he growled clamping his arms around me

He suddenly let go and I breathed heavily and slowly turned around to face him.

He was slowly unbuttioning his shirt sleeves and looked up at me with just his eyes as if waiting for me to say something

"I want it." I said with more conviction "tell me how you want me"

He smiled "that's a better attitude. Come over here and take off my shoes"

I complied carefully undoing the laces and helping him step out of them as he unbuttoned and pulled off his shirt revealing a well muscled and fuzzy hairy chest.

Suddenly he walked away telling me to go to the couch on the other side of the office and walked to the camera. I complied obediently noting how much the black leather sofa looked identical to the one in every porno audition flick ever. I chuckled to myself.

He set the camera down and adjusted it for a few seconds before walking to the couch and laying back on it

"undo my belt" he ordered and without question I undid his leather belt and opened his trousers and pulled them aside and went to pull down the band of his small white briefs when his hand caught my wrist

"I didn't say anything about the underwear" he said looking at me with sharp eyes

"sorry" I muttered and for some reason I was too nervous to look him in the eyes

"you are learning, so you are more easily forgiven but note that everything happens always on my terms and when I say, no exceptions. Understood?"

"yes sir" I said

"good" he said gripping the thick bulge in his underwear. "now lick my cock through my underwear. Don't use your hands"

I buried my face in his crotch feeling the throbbing cock press into my face through the fabric. I licked it like he directed, even licking up the salty precum that quickly began soaking up the fabric around the head of his cock. I had not even seen a picture of his dick before but it was clearly a thick 9-10 inches at least.

Finally he said "now pull my cock out"

And I pulled down the briefs and he allowed me to pull them and his pants completely off revealing his massive cock exposed. I knew now better than to touch it without orders to. I was a quick learner.

I watched as he took a few seconds to stroke his thick dick to get it harder to where it stood full mast, and he spread the precum coming from the tip of it around with his fingers.

Suddenly he leaned forward and smeared the precum from his fingers across my face. Using me as a rag to wipe his fingers clean. He said nothing but I knew I wasn't to wipe it off

"now lick my cock but don't suck it"

It was torture to not be able to suck his thick cock when I wanted it in me more than anything. I still obediently flicked my tongue around the head licking it clean and licking it up and down the shaft. Remembering I was being filmed I made it a point to moan and get as most of it shown up on the film.

"now suck on it. "

With relief I took his thick cockhead in my mouth. I hadn't had a cock this big in a long time and I struggled not to gag on it as I sucked down.

"deep throat" he ordered and I did all I could to open my throat until I found myself with my face buried in his pubes and I knew I had taken him all the way down

"that's a good boy" he said. I heard the click and flash of a camera and I realized he was taking stills as well of my performance.

He had me suck his cock for a few more minutes before he pulled me off him and stood up pulling me to standing along with him.

Then without a word he turned me around and shoved me facedown on the couch where he immediately spread my legs and grabbed each of my ass cheeks and spread them to expose my hole.

"that looks so tight. .. Nice" he said and to my surprise he buried his face in my ass and began to eat my hole out. He licked up and down my ass crack and began furiously tonguing my hole. I gripped the back of the couch hard, grunting as he began seriously tongue-fucking me

"oooooh godddd yessss" I moaned involuntarily as he made animal sounding grunts and snarles while eating my ass.

Just as suddenly as he began though he pulled off and stood up and began sliding his hard up and down my wet asscrack.

He let out a breath "alright. I'm going to fuck you now"

"Please be gentile" I said without thinking "....at least at first" I followed up with

He had pulled a bottle of lube up from the table to the side of the couch and began lubing up his dick and then added it to my hole

"I'll go slow when putting it in this time" he said as he pressed the head of his thick cock against my hole "but in the future you'll have to get used to me shoving it in with no notice. Understood?"

"...yes sir" I said

"I am going to fuck you raw. No-condoms are allowed here, and I am going to cum inside of you"

"yes sir. Please breed my ass raw!" I begged. I needed to get fucked. I was already ready to

"that's exactly what I want to hear" he said as the head of his cock was pressing into me. I felt the sides of my hole stretch farther than what seemed like ever before as I gasped in large discomfort. He did not ram it in like he said but he did not slow down either sliding himself deep in me in one uninterrupted motion despite my gasping the entire time.

"that's it boy" he murmured as his entire cock was buried deep in my ass

He pressed me down with his body until he was pinning me down with his bodyweight and his cock deep in my hole as he began pumping his cock in and out of me.

"that's it boy. Take that thick cock" he grunted at me

"yeaaahhh fuuuuck me" I moaned "this is what you signed up for" he grunted at me "think you got what it takes to get this every day?"

"damn every day?"

"you'll be available whenever I want or for whomever I want" he grunted, never breaking rhythm as he fucked me "if you're not getting fucked by me you'll be getting fucked by someone. I don't like seeing my boy go more than 24hrs without servicing someone's cock. And I'll be damned if he's allowed to go 48hrs."

"oh fuck" is all I could say

"this isn't dirty talk while I'm fucking you" he snarled in my ear "anything I say here is what I mean when I say I'll own you entirely. If I buy you, that means your body in it's entirety is open to public use." he was thrusting his cock all the way deep inside me now harder with each thrust

"fuck. Yeah. I'll take anyone's dick, I just wanna be used.

"that's right boy! You're getting it. It's not about you!

"alright boy here it comes, take that raw load boy!" he yelled as he crushed me into the couch with his body, his thick cock pulsing as he shot load after load deep in my hole.

I was so out of breath all I could do was lay underneath him gasping while he held me close agaist him. Eventually he wrapped his arms around me again and rolled me over to spoon me without pulling his cock out of my ass.

We laid there for a few minutes just letting our bodies cool down.

"so did I do okay so far?" I asked eventually. "for a first interview?"

"so far so good" he grunted again, his cock still giving another swelling in my ass

"damn you've got some stamina" I said "hope I can keep up"

"most boys don't" he said "that's why I have to host interviews to weed out the ones who'd normally waste my time"

"how many interviews like this are you doing?" I asked

"I've done three thus far" he said "and have three or four over the next week, and then I think that should be the last of them"

"well I don't know if the other guys are hotter than me, but I hope I showed my willingness to submit to you"

"you did better than the other boys thus far on that front I'd say" he said and he slowly pulled his slowly softening dick from my wrecked hole and stood up and stretched as he looked down on me

I turned over on my back and looked up at him and then down at my still rock hard cock and reached down but stopped "am I allowed to cum?" I asked

"you are allowed to this time" he said with a small grin

I began jerking my cock thinking about how he had just left his load in my ass while he watched while making no motion to help me get off in any way. It was one of his many ways of reminding me that me getting off wasn't important as was anything else I wanted. If I wanted to nut I had to do it myself when he was done with me.

Within a few seconds I was groaning and suddenly my dick squirted cum all over my stomach and chest. Some even got on my neck and a bit spattered even on my face, getting caught in my beard.

He laughed and told me to wait right there and left the room.

He was gone for a few minutes which allowed me to relax and let my cock deflate a little

When he returned he was holding something made of clear plastic in his hand. Before I could ask he bent town and smeared all the splatters of cum on me all over my body and working down to continue covering my dick and balls.

Without asking he unlocked the chastity device he was holding and locked it around my genitals and secured it with a heavy lock.

"with that on you will not be able to get hard fully, let alone have sex" he said " at the end of the week I'll make my decision on which boy I'll choose as my houseboy. That device is to make sure you think about what it really means to submit to another man fully. If it is what you want you will be in such states often. You can opt out at any time, I will remove it if asked but you will not be welcome back. Ever. This cannot be appealed."

"I understand sir" I said

"good boy. This concludes our interview, you may leave now. You may not wash off the cum, keep it on you until after you leave, put your clothes on in the courtyard where you left them. And I will contact you when I am finished with all my interviews and have made a decision and decide to proceed forward with an offer"

"thank you sir" I said turning to leave "...sir?"

He looked up but said nothing

I asked "if you pick a different boy can I still be one of your boys on the side?"

He smirked "we'll see

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