721 Anderson Avenue

By Mark Arsenault

Published on Aug 30, 2023


721 Anderson Avenue-2 by M.P. Arsent

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now. I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at mparsent@gmail.com and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job.

I had the lawyers office on speed dial and had explained the situation to Mr McAdams, my lawyer.

"Ok Jeff I have what I need from you. I'll be down to see Mr McBride in a couple of hours. I might need to speak to his employer as well."

"That would be Julius Armand at Club Man on Hobart. I'll let him know that you'll be by to see him. He's my next stop."

"Got it thanks. Should have the restraining order by later today."

I hung up and kept on my way over to the club.

"I'm sorry sir but we don't......Oh Jeff! Damn been a while dude."

"Hey Josh is Jules around?"

"Yeah he's out back. I'm sure you know the way."

"Yeah I remember."

I made my way back through the club to the office and the door was open. Julius was going over his books.

"Hard at work I see."

"Jeff! Damn it's good to see you."

"Wish I was here under happier circumstances."

"What the hell?"

"One of your dancers got pounded last night and he's going to be in the hospital for several days at least, Dana McBride."

"Damn, he's one of our most popular dancers. Anything I can do?"

"Just hold his job for him and cooperate with the lawyers that will be by sometime later."


"Yeah they are going to need to know what he earns and what he claims for tips. They have the guy that allegedly did it in custody and I'm seeing that Dana sues the living shit out of him for the hospital bills,lost wages,pain and suffering and whatever else they can come up with."

"Shit that leaves me a dancer down for the week at least. I couldn't get you to reprise your act could I?"

"I'm flattered Jules but we both know I'm past my prime for that and I haven't danced in what 3 years now?"

"Yeah about that,but you're still in pretty good shape and lately some of the customers appreciate a more matured body."

"Again I'm flattered Jules but I don't think so. You must have a list of wannabes stuffed away somewhere. Give them a chance why don't you?"

"I do but there isn't a one of them that is really worth the time. Guess I don't really have a choice. Ok let me get on the phone and see what I can do. You coming by anytime soon?"

"We'll see what life turns up Jules and thanks for holding Dana's job for him."

"I never could refuse you anything Jeff."

"Later dude. I didn't get a hell of a lot of sleep last night and I'm dragging now."

I headed back to the building and crashed out for a while. It was the weekend and unless somebody had an emergency,there wasn't anything I had to take care of.

It was later on in the afternoon when there was a gentle knock on my door. It was Bob and Irving from 3A.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Can we come in Jeff. We have something we want to talk to you about."

"Yeah come on in. What's up?"

"Well to get right to it, we where wondering if there was any policy about kids in the building. We've decided to adopt."

"Well,Bob as far as I can remember there isn't anything forbidding it,but are you sure you'd want to bring a kid into this environment?"

"We have thought about it a lot Jeff. We know and trust almost all of our neighbors and we know you do your damnedest to keep the building safe for everyone."

"I do Irv. I have no objection, but I think this is a case where you're going to have to poll the building."

"We thought that was what you would say. We've got enough notices printed up and just need your ok to put them in the boxes."

"Those boxes are going to start getting full with the eviction notification and whatelse."

"You're kicking Andrew out?"

"30 days and he is history if not sooner."

"And how is Dana?"

"Broken rib and pretty well beat up. Doc thinks he'll be fine given time,but isn't going to let him out of the hospital for several days."

"Yes well I can see why Andrew is history. Regardless, we have an even more important question for you. You know we both work and normally our work requires us to be at our respective places of employment. We were hoping that you would consider being our after school supervision for our child,seeing as we get one. They'll want to come by and check you and the building out."

"I'm flattered that you guys would consider me,but I don't know how good I'd be with a kid. I haven't even seen my own nephews since I couldn't tell you when. Not that I haven't wanted to you understand. Their mother is a bit homophobic."

"Jeff, we've seen you around the building for what 3 years now? We don't have the slightest doubt about you being with a child. We're purposely looking for an older child,between 10 and 14. We figure we can explain to them at that age."

"Sounds about right to me guys. Go ahead and put the questionaires in the boxes and let me know how that goes and keep me in the loop. It wouldn't do for me to be 'entertaining' when they come around."

"That won't be a problem. By the way our offer still stands if you are ever interested."

"It is still under consideration guys. Not sure I'm really up for a three way."

"All we can ask is that you consider. Course once an adoption goes through that window closes."

"As it damn well should I think. Ok guys noted. When do you go in for your first interview?"

"If the building doesn't object we were going to shoot for next week."

"I can't think of anyone who is going to object, who will still be here at least. I'll let Dana know about it seeing as he isn't going to be here."

"Thanks. I would think Dana would be the last person to complain about anything."

"Have to agree with you there. Ok guys if there's nothing else?"

"No that's it for now at least. Just have patience with the whole process please."


Bob and Irv left and I was going to kick back for a bit,but my mind wouldn't let me given what Bob and Irv had asked. I went and booted the computer and started doing some searches. I was going to be prepared for whatever child services might be ready to throw at me.

Later I shut the computer down after I had made my inquireies and made a list that I printed and posted right by my phone.

I went ahead and made myself some supper and afterwards headed up to the roof to relax a bit. There were a few others up there and it was just your regular hanging around until Dawson from 2B showed up. He wasn't drunk but he was being a bit over affectionate tonight. A sure sign he was looking for some fun.

Again Dawson would be one who was easy on the eyes and a bit younger than me. Certainly not one I'd kick out.

"Jeff,how you doing tonight?"

"I'm hanging in Dawson."

"Would you rather be hanging out?"

"Dawson you're about as subtle as a sledgehammer."

"Still doesn't answer the question."

"What the hell why not."

Dawsons eyes lit up at that and he started to move towards the door to go inside. I tried not to be to obvious about it and headed inside myself.

"Your place or mine?

"Yours. Mines a mess."

We quickly made our way downstairs and to his apartment. Dawson wasn't wasting any time and moved straight into his bedroom. He looked at me and started to strip and was naked in no time. I followed suit and he moved to me once I was naked. He ran his hands over my body as I took him by the hips.

Dawson slid down my body and quickly engulfed my hardon and started to work me. I carressed his shoulders as he worked my cock. He stood and took my hand and led me to his bed where he streteched out. I moved in over him and kissed him once and then made my way down his body and engulfed his cock and worked him for several minutes before I worked lower to his balls and along his "taint". He pulled his legs back and offered me his ass and I went to work on his tight ring to loosen him up some. A little bit later I found his bottle of lube and used it on us both.

I entered him to his moaning and went right to work on him. I pounded his ass and he seemed to love every minute of it.

"Damn Jeff breed me before I cum!"

I took several more deep thrusts into him before his body went ridged and he started pumping his load out all over the both of us. The spasming of his ass was enough to send me over the edge and I unloaded deep inside of him.

"Oh fuck man I've been wanting that for some time now."

"As enjoyable as it was Daw don't get to use to it."

"Can't play favorites?"

"Something like that."

I laid with him for a bit after that before I headed into his bathroom to clean up. When I came out of the bathroom he was still laying there stretched out,as if offering himself up again.

"I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night Daw. I'm bushed and heading to bed.....alone."

"I understand Jeff Have a good night."

I headed for the elevator and when the doors opened I was greeted by the smiling face of Andrew.

Next: Chapter 3

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