98 Degrees Hardest Thing

By lictor

Published on Jul 8, 2000


The Hardest Thing A 98 Degrees story lictor (at) aol (dot) com

Usual disclaimer applies: This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the orientation, beliefs or anything else about the real members of 'N Sync, the Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, or anyone else depicted here. If you are under legal age, or are offended by graphic depictions of homosexual (or, eek, incestuous homosexual) relationships, please go find something else to read. The new Harry Potter book is out...

Hi all, this is Kevin, author of NSYNC Lance & JC. As readers of that story may know, the 98 Degrees guys had a cameo in a recent chapter of that story, and I've decided to spin them off on their own little tale. This will be sort of a crossover, and I expect it to be only a few chapters. But you never know!

If you're not familiar with Drew, Nick, Jeff and Justin, take a quick hop over to their official site: www.98degrees.com.

I love getting email, please let me know what you think about the story! DCKevin@aol.com

Content copyright © 2000 T. Kevin.

Drew Lachey sighed and settled back into his airplane seat -- and jerked forward as his baseball-cap bill hit the headrest. Frowning, he angrily twisted the hat around so the bill was facing forward and sat back again.

"You doing okay, bro?" Nick smirked at this little brother's discomfort, then gave Drew's muscled thigh a playful squeeze. He let his hand linger a second longer, sliding up his leg a few inches before he withdrew it.

"Yes, I'm fine." Drew rolled his eyes. Nick could be a real asshole sometimes, and a tease on top of that. But he had learned to tolerate Nick's teasing -- both kinds. He had resigned himself to being the 'little brother,' always in Nick's hulking shadow. He had also resigned himself to being his brother's bedmate -- only when it suited Nick, of course. Even when Nick let Drew top him he had to be in charge, barking orders... "Harder! Faster! Slower!" Like Drew didn't know what he was doing! If there was one thing Drew was good at besides singing, it was fucking. And... he allowed himself a humorless smile... it was the one area where he surpassed his arrogant brother. He might only be 5' 5" tall where Nick was an inch or so shy of six feet, but below the belt...

Drew glanced across the aisle in time to catch a sympathetic look from Jeff Timmons. Drew had a feeling that his bandmate knew -- or at least suspected -- what went on between the Lachey brothers, but he was afraid to say anything. Drew liked Jeff a lot as a friend, and in his mind he wished that it could become something more. Besides being handsome and majorly strapped, Jeff was a sweet guy, and considerate... even sensitive; all qualities that Nick lacked. Jeff gave Drew a little smile and seemed about to say something -- but Justin elbowed him and shoved a magazine article in his face. The fourth member of the group, Justin Jeffre seemed oblivious to the ongoing tension between the Lacheys. Drew assumed that Justin was hopelessly straight, and oblivious to the brothers' relationship. Jeff on the other hand never seemed that enthusiastic when talking about 'babes.' Maybe he was bi like Nick, or even gay... like himself.

Try as he might, Drew could not muster an attraction for women. Nick knew it, which seemed to give the elder Lachey yet another excuse to taunt him. Drew told himself that Nick wasn't cruel but only considered it brotherly teasing. If he only understood how much every little jibe hurt Drew...

"Hey bro, smile! We're headed for Cancun!" Nick favored his sibling with a wide smile. "Beach, sun, babes... oh yeah, well, two out of three." Then he leaned close, his full, sensuous lips almost touching Drew's ear, and whispered in his best husky-sexy voice, "I'm sure there will be plenty of hot guys to check out too, bro. And once you get all keyed up we can go back to our room and work it out."

Drew half-smiled. Actually, he was looking forward to meeting up with 'N Sync again to do a Spring Break concert for MTV. As Drew thought about the other guys, his smile widened. They were all cool to hang out with. Joey and Chris were real jokesters, JC was always ready to talk about music. Then there was Justin, who towered over Drew but never made fun of his height. Justin was so sweet, sexy in a boyish way. Drew sometimes wondered if the 'N Sync star might actually be into guys too. And then there was Lance. The younger Lachey closed his eyes remembering that night in Stockholm where he and Lance had stayed up almost all night in Lance's room talking. For being so young he sure knew a lot about the music business. He was smart and funny, and he had that sexy deep voice. A few times, when their conversation had lapsed, Drew had looked into Lance's eyes and thought he saw something -- maybe a spark of interest. But he was afraid to act on it, even though he was pretty sure Lance was gay. So every time, they just looked away from each other shyly, laughing a little. When he finally left, Lance walked him to the door and they hugged; it had been wonderful. Nick was asleep when he finally got back to their room; Drew was surprised he wasn't awake and angry. Or maybe he was disappointed that his brother wasn't jealous.

The next day before they parted ways, Lance had been very friendly, but Drew began to notice how the bass singer looked at his groupmate, JC. Lance was so clearly in love with him, Drew was surprised he hadn't picked up on it before. He watched as Lance's gaze would follow JC everywhere. When they talked he always seemed happy but at the same time a little uncomfortable. He also though he saw JC give Lance a longing glance or two, but JC was harder to read. He always looked so intense...

Drew wondered what if anything had come of that situation. He could certainly relate to the frustration of wanting someone and being afraid to tell that person. His smile faded as he glanced over at Jeff again, but the hunky brunet was engrossed in a paperback novel.

He wished he'd had a chance to talk to Lance at the party the other night in Orlando, but the whole thing had turned into such a disaster when JC disappeared... it was nice meeting that computer guy Terry though; he seemed pretty cool -- awfully handsome and strapped for a computer geek -- and maybe even 'family' too. Well, hopefully in Cancun there would be a little more time to hang with the 'N Sync guys.

The plane taxied down the runway and Drew lost himself in his thoughts. Would he ever be able to come out from behind his brother's shadow? Even with their growing fame, he was the little brother. He wore the damn baseball cap as his only identity to separate himself from Nick. Ever since he was a kid his parents had thrown Nick up at him. 'Your brother got better grades in school, what's the matter with you?' 'Your brother was captain of the Varsity football team, and you're second string, what's the problem?' 'Sure you're smaller, don't use that excuse.' Nick this, Nick that. If they only knew that their perfect son Nick was also banging his little brother almost every night.

Drew felt his jaw muscles tighten. His whole body tensed as the plane took off and he was pressed back into the seat. Of course their parents would never know... and eventually Nick would marry some babe, while that little failure Drew would hide his homosexuality in shame. Drew's eyes started to burn as tears welled up. Oh god he wasn't going to cry right here in front of the guys and all these other people. He tried to fight them back as the plane climbed, but the pain kept growing inside him. 'Screw the 'fasten seat belt' sign...' unable to hold back, he unbuckled his seatbelt, leapt up and ran to the bathroom. He ignored the glare of the flight attendant and stumbled in, slamming the door. Inside, he collapsed against the wall, sobbing violently. In the back of his mind he was grateful for the loud engine noise to cover the sound of his pathetic crying. He slumped onto the closed toilet seat and gave himself over to it, tears streaming down his face.

Meanwhile, Jeff and Nick exchanged worried looks as Drew bolted away.

"What's with Drew, is he sick?" Jeff looked concerned.

"I don't know. I better check on him." Nick set his jaw and, after hesitating a moment, got up and made his way to the bathroom. The door was closed but not latched. He gave it a push partway open. "Drew? Are you okay bro?"

"Dammit man go away!" Drew snapped.

"I'm just worried about you dude." He slipped inside the tiny compartment and leaned a powerful shoulder against the door, forcing it shut and locking it. As he half-turned back, Drew stood up; their bodies were pressed together in the cramped space.

Drew was forced to look up at his brother, revealing his red- rimmed eyes. He wiped fitfully at his wet cheeks. "I told you to leave me alone!" He muttered unconvincingly.

"Crying jags again, bro? What's been eating you?"

"You wouldn't understand." Drew tried to turn away, but Nick slid his arms around him and held him tight.

"You know I love you baby." Nick whispered sexily.

"No, you just use me. You don't love me."

"Ouch man, that hurts. You're my brother and I love you. Want me to prove it to you?" As he asked the question he leaned down and brushed his lips over his brother's ear and slid his hands down to cup Drew's muscled ass.

Drew felt his cock harden against Nick's powerful thigh; the damn thing had a will of its own. And Nick was getting hard too as he began to slowly hump against his brother. "Nick, stop it." He whimpered.

"C'mon Drew, I'll make you feel better. I've never done it in a plane; bet you haven't either, bro." Nick growled, then playfully bit Drew's ear. "I want to fuck that hot ass of yours, baby."

"Fuck you."

"That'll work too." Nick sensuous lips curled into a crooked smile. "You know I love that big stud cock of yours, bro." Nick also knew how dirty talk turned his shy little brother on, as much as Drew tried to deny it. Keeping one hand on his brother's muscled glute, he reached over with the other and started unbuckling Drew's belt.

"No... Nick please..." Drew whimpered. But he didn't resist, even when Nick tore open his baggy jeans, and his callused hand roughly massaged Drew's hardness through the soft fabric of his briefs.

"Oh yeah bro, you are so ready." Nick panted, his breath hot on Drew's cheek as he reached in and wrapped his hand around his little brother's thick eight inches. "I know you want it... you always want it..." He knelt down, pulling Drew's briefs down to his knees. His little brother's cock was hard already when he wrapped his lips around the head.

"Damn." Drew whispered. He hated himself for not having more self-control, even as he cradled Nick's head in his hands, urging him to suck more of his manhood.

Not that the elder Lachey needed encouragement. Something about taking on his little brother this always gave Nick a thrill. His own jeans were open and he was stroking his hard meat as he sucked more and more of Drew's pulsing cock. Their moans were drowned out in the jet engine roar and they struggled to keep their balance in the tiny bathroom as the plane continued to climb. It wasn't long before Nick had Drew's entire rod glistening with spit as he sucked it down his throat. The younger brother pulled his t-shirt up and behind his neck so he and Nick could access his chest. He cupped one muscled pec while Nick pinched the other nipple.

But Nick wanted more -- he only kept this up until he was sure Drew was primed past the point of no return. Then he deftly pulled out a small tube, squeezed out some gel and smeared it on his brother's dripping cock.

Drew closed his eyes and shivered as the cool gel coated his meat. He leaned back against the sink.

Nick stood, turned and dropped his pants, presenting his hairless, perfect ass for Drew. "C'mon bro!" He urged, pushing backwards when Drew hesitated. He reached around, grabbed Drew's cock and aimed it at his hole, at the same time bending over as much as he could in the tiny space. The head in place against his rosebud, he pushed.... and let out an animal groan that Drew was sure they could hear in the cockpit.

The younger brother just sighed as he slipped into Nick's welcoming ass. Inch after inch, he eased in, while Nick squirmed and wiggled and thrust back.

"Oh bro you are great! Man you make my ass feel so good." Nick planted his hands on the door for leverage and pushed, impaling himself the rest of the way on his brother's steely cock.

Drew couldn't keep himself from caressing Nick's wide muscled back, his lean flanks, then reaching around to grab his hard, blocky pecs.

Nick smiled crookedly. "Yeah, you love your big brother, don't you?" He whispered.

"Oh yeah." Drew gasped as Nick's ass squeezed him. He'd never been with another man, but he found it hard to imagine anyone who could work their ass muscles like Nick; god the way he milked Drew's cock was unbelievable. One hand went down to grab Nick's hard six inches as the other roughly pinched a nipple. He began to thrust slowly in and out of his brother's warm chute.

"That's it baby, fuck me... fuck your brother's ass man. No one loves your cock more than me baby."

They fell into a rhythm, hips slamming together. The tiny cubicle was filled with the slapping sound of their sweaty skin and their grunts of passion. The tempo and intensity increased, then slowed, then increased again, their muscular bodies tensing as they got nearer to release...

Drew shoved his brother against the flimsy door, ramming every inch of his big dick into Nick's hungry ass. For a moment he thought the door would give way, sending the two of them sprawling into the aisle. 'Wouldn't THAT be a scene?' He smirked; the thought of it turning him on even more. "Yeah you like getting fucked hard don't you, yah big whore? You like getting fucked by your little brother?" He punctuated his words with jabs deep inside Nick. This was wrong, it was dirty, and it was so hot.

"Oh... yeah... ugh. Fuck me.... Drew babe you are my stud bro!" Nick grunted He took his own cock in his hand and started jerking it frantically. In moments he was cumming, his juice splattering across the door. His clenching ass triggered Drew's orgasm, and with a few final deep thrusts the younger Lachey's cock unloaded deep inside his brother.

They slumped together, out of breath and sweating.

"Damn, you're good." Nick sighed.

But Drew was already overcome by the guilt that always followed sex with his brother. He pulled himself out of his brother's ass, turned to the sink and started to wash himself off without a word.

Nick pulled his jeans up then wrapped his arms around his brother from behind. "I really do love you, Drew. I know you think it's messed up, but I do.

Drew buttoned up his own jeans and tried to get free of his brother and open the door.

"I mean it." Nick forcibly turned Drew to face him. He looked in his brother's eyes, pulled him close, then leaned down into a kiss.

At first Drew resisted, but once again his brother won out. As Nick's tongue slithered between his lips, he relaxed in that powerful hug. A little moan escaped from him and his hands slid, almost reluctantly, around his brother's waist.

'Damn you, damn you, damn you.' Drew thought, even as his fingers moved down to cup his brother's perfect ass... and he felt his cock getting hard again.

To be continued?

Email me and tell me what you think! lictor (at) aol (dot) com

Next: Chapter 2

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