98 Degrees Hardest Thing

By lictor

Published on Aug 12, 2000


The Hardest Thing CHAPTER 2

Usual disclaimer applies: This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the orientation, beliefs or anything else about the real members of 'N Sync, 98 Degrees, or anyone else depicted here. If you are under legal age, or are offended by graphic depictions of homosexual relationships, please go find something else to read.

If you're not familiar with Drew, Nick, Jeff and Justin, take a quick hop over to their official site: www.98degrees.com.

Thanks to all of you who have written to me with your positive comments about the story so far! I was a little hesitant about the whole brothers thing, but I appreciate your comments about how you understand that I'm trying to make the characters three-dimensional. However, this story, unlike NSYNC-Lance&JC, is mostly sex! You've been warned.

I love getting email, please let me know what you think about the story! lictor (at) aol.com

Story content copyright 2000 T. Kevin.

Drew waited to leave the airplane bathroom until a minute or so after his brother, but he still felt terribly self-conscious. As he walked carefully down the aisle, he couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was staring at him -- did they see him come out of the same rest room his brother had just left a moment earlier? Were they all snickering to themselves about the two young men joining the 'mile-high club'? Were they even a mile up yet? Despite his anxiety, Drew felt himself thinking about that non-sequitur. He'd love to tell Nick that, no, they hadn't joined the club because the plane hadn't climbed high enough in the air before they'd 'done it.' But then, Nick would want to go at it again... his smile faded.

The rest of the trip was uneventful -- Jeff and Justin read or slept or listened to music, Nick read while Drew played his Walkman... though every once in awhile Nick would press his knee against Drew's, or casually brush his hand over his brother's thigh. It was a teasing game that Nick never seemed to grow tired of.

Cancun was warm but cloudy when they arrived. At the airport they were met by MTV people: two very big security men led by a tall, rail-thin woman with spiky blonde hair. She wore funky purple suit and carried a pink Plexiglas clipboard. She introduced herself as Sheri and cracked her gum, eyeing Nick and Jeff appreciatively over her blue-tinted glasses. Drew and Justin were barely given a glance as they all shook hands and told her their names.

"Okay you guys, we have a van outside to take you to the hotel. Sorry, no limo; they attract too much attention." She added.

That was fine with Drew, and he suspected, with the others -- even Nick. A limousine seemed kind of... pretentious.

"That's fine." Jeff gave her his polite smile. "We just need to get our luggage."

"Oh, of course, sorry! I've been so crazy the last couple days with everyone arriving."

"Do you know if 'N Sync is here yet? We're friends of theirs." Drew asked. He felt Nick's glare on his back.

Sheri's eyes narrowed just a hair. "Yes, actually they came in earlier this morning and are already doing a run-through. As soon as you can get settled we'll take you over to the stage to join them. You perform tomorrow afternoon so you have tonight to relax. Just not too much partying!" She shook her pen at them.

Jeff opened his mouth, no doubt to protest that they didn't really get into partying much, but her cell-phone rang.

"Sorry, it'll have to wait." She held up a finger, then turned to one of the hulking men. "Take the guys down to Baggage Claim; I'll meet you at the van." Then she skittered off on her platform heels.

The guys were all getting excited by the time they got to the hotel. Sheri was chattering on her cell phone as they pulled around the back. "Too many people around the main entrance." She explained around her gum and the phone. They screeched to a halt and one of the security guys leapt out. He trotted back with a luggage cart while Sheri whipped out an envelope. "Here are your room keys and itineraries. We'll come to your rooms to get you for rehearsal in about an hour.

Of course, the Lachey brothers would be sharing one room, Justin and Jeff would share another.

"One of these days," Jeff sighed, "We'll be famous and rich enough so we all get our own rooms."

"Aw, Drew and I have been rooming together all our lives!" Nick threw his muscled arm around his little brother's shoulders. "We wouldn't know what to do if we had to sleep alone... would we bro?" His mouth curled into one of those semi-smirking grins.

Drew smiled nervously at Sheri, but she just looked bored and impatient. "Yeah sorry about the rooms." She intoned, not sounding all that sorry. "'N Sync is on your floor though, if it makes yah feel better." She winked at Drew.

"Nice rooms." Nick dropped his suitcase by the door and sauntered to the window. It was actually a sliding glass door opening onto a balcony. The threw open the door and stepped out.

"Well, it's a Hilton, so of course it's going to be nice." Drew said, mostly to himself. He took his shaving kit out of his bag and put it in the bathroom. 'Hmm, little shampoos and everything.' He'd stayed in a lot of hotels in the last year, but he still got a little thrill out of it. He and Nick had not exactly grown up rich, and they still weren't exactly big-city sophisticates either. He didn't like being called a 'hick' but they basically were small-town boys from the midwest...

"Hey bro! Check this out!" Nick hollered from the balcony.

Drew meandered out and joined his brother. Nick had opened his dress shirt and one side of it had blown back, revealing his strongly muscled shoulder and the strap of his tight wifebeater.

"Hey, look there's the stage!" Nick pointed excitedly

Down below them, on the edge of the beach, was a stage with a big yellow canopy over it. In front of the stage was a big wading area where the seawater came in, and a curving runway. Drew could just make out some people moving around on the stage through slots in the canopy. It looked like 'N Sync!

Nick bumped against him playfully. "You excited to be here?"

"Yeah." Drew admitted with a little smile.

"Cool. I'm really glad you're here, you know, in the group and stuff." Nick turned to look at him. "You know that, don't yah?"

"Yeah." Drew met his brother's gaze for a moment then looked away.

Nick put his hand on the nape of Drew's neck and gave it a little squeeze. "I know, we're not exactly typical brothers, but we take care of each other." He began to gently massage Drew's neck muscles.

Drew closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax a little. 'Damn that feels nice...'

Then Nick slid his hand down Drew's back and let his fingers rest right above his little brother's ass. "I'm gonna go lie down for awhile, wanna come?" He smiled.

"In a minute."

Drew was curled up in his brothers arms, half asleep, when someone banged loudly on the door. Both Lacheys jumped apart, suddenly aware of how they might look if someone were to somehow walk in on them.

It was Sheri at the door when Nick opened it. "Ready to go?" She cracked her gum.

"Uh, yeah, we just g-gotta put our shoes on." Nick stammered.

"Meet you at the elevator." She didn't even wait for a reply.

A few minutes later the four guys were following Sheri to the back of the stage, where several people were hanging out, sipping water and shooting the breeze.

"Look who's here!" Jeff Timmons called out when he saw the 'N Sync gang.

There were hugs and high fives all around.

Drew was particularly happy to see Lance. "Hey, man!"

"Man I'm sorry we didn't get to talk the other night." Lance apologized as he released Drew from a strong hug but kept a hand on his shoulder.

"No prob, man, there was a lot going on." Drew grinned. "I meant to tell yah, I like the new 'do."

"Thanks. You guys are looking more buffed than ever."

"Well, Nick and Jeff. I don't work as hard at it as them." Drew blushed. It felt nice that Lance was complimenting him.

"Naw, man, lemme see those abs." Lance teased and pulled up Drew's loose shirt. As Lance suspected, the younger Lachey's stomach muscles were incredibly defined and tight. "Check it out!" He patted them with his other hand.

Drew reddened darker and pulled away a little, but he was grinning. "Stop it Lance! You know I'm ticklish!" Out of the corner of his eye he also saw JC Chasez glaring at him. "Hey, we gotta rehearse now, but maybe we can get together and talk later -- if you're not busy?"

"That would be great." Lance smiled.

After rehearsal, Drew went straight to Lance's room, dodging Nick's questions about where he was going.

Lance opened the door with a smile and invited him out onto the balcony. Like Drew's, it faced the beach and overlooked the MTV Spring Break stage. There was some kind of party starting up, with lots of people dancing in the pool in front and a DJ on the stage.

"Sooo...?" Lance asked after they got through talking about their flights and the weather.

"Who wants to go first?" Drew asked a little nervously.

"Okay, I will." The blond took a deep breath. "You probably know already. I'm gay."

Drew grinned in relief. "I figured, but I'm glad you told me. So am I." It was easier to admit than he thought, but Lance had broken the ice. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"Well... that's complicated."

"I got all afternoon." Drew leaned back. He had a feeling he knew.

Lance told his old friend everything that had happened recently with him and JC... and a little about Justin and Terry.

Drew nodded, "Terry seems like a nice guy, kind of serious and quiet -- but maybe that's what Justin would like. And he really likes Justy -- he was makin' googly-eyes at him all night at that party."

"Yeah they are so cute it's sickening." Lance said with a little laugh. And made a motion like he was choking himself with a finger. "But they went through a hard time for awhile."

"I'm sorry that you and JC are having a hard time right now, though. I'm sure he'll come around." Drew really hoped they would; they seemed like such a great couple. He had to admit to a little jealousy, though he wasn't sure if he wished he was with Lance or he was just wishing he was in a 'normal' relationship with SOMEONE.

"I don't know." Lance frowned. "He's become more withdrawn lately. I've tried to get him to talk about it but he just keeps trying to avoid the subject."

"Are you guys pretty serious?"

Lance pressed his lips together. "Well, I think so. I mean, he gave me this ring." He showed Drew the glittering ring.

"Wow." Drew's jaw dropped. "Are you, like, engaged?"

"Sort of, at least I thought so." Lance shrugged. "We were talking about having a ceremony. That is, before the parents put a wrench in things."

Neither said anything for a few minutes, just watching the waves crash against the beach. Finally Lance said, "So, are you gonna tell me your story, bud?"

Drew shifted in his chair. "I don't know what you're gonna think." He frowned. 'God what WILL Lance think? What Nick and I are doing, it's incest...'

"C'mon man, I told you everything." Lance poked him gently.

"Mine's kind of... strange." Drew mumbled. He felt his heart pounding.

"I promise not to judge you man. Hey, you're my friend. Is it Jeff? You guys do kinky stuff?" Lance smirked.

Drew felt himself blush. "No, I wish. It's me and... Nick."

"Your brother!?" Lance gasped.

"Yeah, see? It's sick." Drew hung his head.

"Hey, I said I wouldn't judge you!" Lance said reassuringly. "You want to talk about it? I mean, is this a romantic thing or are you..."

"'Fuck buddies'?" Drew smirked humorlessly. "I dunno man. We have actually been messing around for years. Nick started it, but I didn't resist. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get anything from it. He's never forced me, we, you know, kiss and stuff. And he even says he loves me. But, jeez, he's my brother! It's messed up!" He looked away again. "You have to swear not to repeat that to anyone, man. If it ever got out..."

"Of course." Lance nodded. "Not that anyone would believe it. Do the other guys know? I guess not."

"I have a feeling that Jeff suspects something is going on, the way he looks at me. Justin is clueless."

"Well, Drew if he makes you happy that way I guess that's what's important. But you know, it's something that you'll have to keep secret for the rest of your lives."

"Yeah, of course. My head is such a mess, though. I mean, I love Nick, but more like my brother, not like a boyfriend. I want someone different..."

"Like Jeff?" Lance smiled warmly.

"Yeah, I guess so. Do you think he might be... family?"

"You know him a lot better than I do, man." Lance hedged.

"Yeah but you can be objective."

Lance pressed his lips together. He didn't want to give Drew false hopes but didn't want to discourage him either. And the more he thought about the thing with Nick -- taboos aside -- the more he thought it was bad for his friend. "I think it's possible he's at least bi. And I definitely think he cares for you."

Drew smiled his darling smile. "Man I hope so. I really, really like him."

"You have your work cut out for you though. I mean, don't you think you need to deal with Nick before you go after Jeff?"

"Yah. But breaking up with your brother is complicated, especially when you know you are gonna see him every day for the foreseeable future!"

"Yeah, that's gonna be tricky." Lance agreed, thinking that 'tricky' was an understatement.

When Drew got back to the room Nick was in the shower, so he went back out on the balcony to watch the sun set -- and show on the beach. The kids down below were getting pretty crazy, dirty dancing and making out.

He heard Nick come out of the bathroom and turned to see his brother stride across the room buck naked. Nick was gorgeous, no denying that.

"We're meeting the other guys and a bunch of other people downstairs for dinner in half an hour, bro." He said as he rummaged through his suitcase, exposing his perfect ass to Drew.

"Uhh, okay, I guess I better shower." Drew mumbled.

"If you'd gotten here sooner we coulda showered together." Nick winked. "Were you visiting with your buddy Lance?"

"Yeah." Drew admitted.

"That's cool, man. He's kind of a fruitcake but seems like an okay guy."

Drew frowned at his brother's comment, but he was surprised that Nick wasn't jealous. He was usually pretty controlling about Drew's friends.

Dinner was in a private dining room with the 'N Sync guys, Sheri, Carson Daly from TRL, and a bunch of other MTV people. MTV was pretty generous about the tab, and Carson ordered wine for everybody. Drew didn't talk much, but he had fun watching everyone else. Carson sat next to Justin Timberlake, and Drew could swear the VJ was either teasing him or flirting with him all night. It got more obvious after he'd had a few drinks. Justin seemed to either try to ignore it, or a few times he just looked at Carson like "what the hell are you doing?"

After dinner they said their goodnights. Joey and Justin Jeffre said they would go down to the party with Carson while everyone else decided to turn in.

Up in the room, Nick went to the bathroom muttering about wine making you have to piss while Drew hung up his shirt and pants.

Nick came up behind him and slid his fingertips lightly up and down Drew's bare flanks. "Hey stud." He whispered, leaning close.

The younger Lachey shivered. Instantly he felt his cock starting to harden. Nick knew him too well, knew how to turn him on. And he was feeling the wine buzz.

Resting his hands on Drew's hips, he slowly ground his crotch against his brother's ass.... up and down, then side to side. "Mmm, I love your butt... almost as much as I love this..." As he spoke, he slipped one hand around inside the waistband of Drew's briefs, and gently grasped the younger Lachey's growing member.

Unable to control himself, Drew let out a little moan and rocked his hips forward, thrusting into Nick's hand.

"That's it, bro, you are always so horny..." Nick pulled his brother's underwear down to his thighs and yanked his boxers off. With a smack their hips connected, Nick's hard cock nestling between Drew's muscular ass cheeks.

He pulled Drew over to the bed and guided him up onto it, on his hands and knees. He bent over and began to lick his brother's smooth glutes, at the same time reaching down between Drew's legs to pump his big, steel-hard cock. Then his agile tongue slithered into the cleft, down towards Drew's puckered little hole. He flicked the tip just underneath, smirking as the muscles convulsed in pleasure. Then he laved the tender skin, feeling his brother's ass tremble against his tongue. He owned Drew. They both knew it. No matter what happened, Drew would always be his boy. And now, he would take what was his. He poked the tip of his tongue in, forcing his way, then slithering it around the pink ring. Then he pulled back, still holding Drew's rigid cock in his hand. "How's that feel, bro?" He whispered."

"Feels... okay." Drew gasped through clenched teeth.

Nick caressed the outside of his brother's strong thigh with his free hand. 'Damn, Drew, my little bro, you are a hot guy,' Nick thought, 'Maybe a little short but strapped and sexy, and damn what a cock...' Then he leaned down again and gently pulled Drew's big dick backwards between his legs just far enough so he could lick along the sensitive underside.

"Ohhhh... mannn." Drew groaned and leaned down more, dropping his head onto the bedspread and spreading his legs further.

"That's it, stud." Nick scooted down a bit more and took the head of his little brother's cock into his mouth, then tenderly scooped a drop of precum out of the little piss-slit with his tongue tip.

"Dammit, Nick, dammit..." Drew whimpered. But he didn't try to stop Nick as his older brother began to avidly suck on his aching cock. Instead he started to thrust down in time with Nick's head bobbing upwards, fucking his brother's hot, wet mouth. "Oh god yeah..." He groaned as Nick sucked and licked his manhood. It was the most incredible feeling in the world. Well, second most incredible after the feeling of Nick's ass squeezing his cock...

The elder Lachey had something else in mind, though. He stood and roughly pulled Drew up to face him. Nick's eyes glittered in the reflected light coming through the sliding doors. He glanced over towards the light and a crooked, almost sinister smile spread across his face... that smile Drew was all too familiar with. "C'mere, bro." Nick grunted, pulling Drew towards the glass doors.

"What are you doing?" Drew asked, but he only put up token resistance as Nick flung the door open and hauled him out onto the balcony, his hard cock swinging back and forth. "Dammit Nick, we're buck naked! People can see us!" He shied back away from the railing, then looked nervously from side to side. There were privacy screens separating their balcony from the ones on either side, but they weren't a hundred percent private. If you got close and worked at it you could see onto the adjoining balcony. The railing itself was also solid wood up to waist level, so people really below couldn't see their lower bodies. But still...

"Dammit, Drew, you are such a prude! That's what makes it exciting. Besides, no one will look up here." Nick dragged a chair around so it was facing them and began to guide Drew onto it so he was kneeling on the seat. As he did, he caressed and groped his younger brother.

"Nick, man, you are... oh man... you are insane. If anyone saw us like this our careers would be over! Not to mention the fact that our parents would disown us... ohhh."

Drew's argument was silenced when Nick began to lick his sensitive anus again. He was kneeling on the chair, hands gripping the back. He leaned down, partly to keep a lower profile, partly to give his brother better access. He had to admit, it WAS exciting to be up here on the fifth floor, looking down on the hundreds of partying college students, while his brother rimmed his ass. Tomorrow they would be down there on stage, and none of those people would have any idea what the Lacheys had done the night before...

In the room next to Nick and Drew's, Jeff Timmons was alone. He lay awake, one hand wrapped around his thick hard cock, the other cupping his brawny pec. He was straining to hear the noises in the Lacheys' room next door.

Jeff pumped his big cock slowly, milking the precum from it while he began to roll the little nub of his nipple between thumb and forefinger. the sounds from the next room turned him on, and at the same time made him sad. He couldn't catch much more that a groan, an incoherent word and an occasional sound like a slap of flesh. But he knew what was happening. He'd known about Drew and Nick for a while now... almost as long as he had known... that he was in love with Drew.

Then he heard the sliding door open. 'They couldn't be... could they?' He got off the bed, crept to the door, and tried to open it slowly and silently. Sure enough, he heard the Lacheys on the balcony, just a few feet away. Drew was making a halfhearted protest... Jeff moved closer. The racket from below would cover any small noise he made, and maybe he could finally catch a glimpse of the brothers naked and going at it. His cock was hard as steel in his hand as he moved towards the screen on his bare feet.

Nick worked his way down from Drew's puckered hole, over his balls and down the long shaft. He bent down and took his brother's pulsing manhood into his mouth again, as always loving the feeling of control it gave him. Little Drew was a slave to his monster cock, and Nick knew how to make it feel good.

Drew moaned and whimpered but didn't say anything as his older brother expertly brought him close to orgasm then backed off. He slurped off of Drew's cock and worked his wet way back to the younger Lachey's ass, licking it sloppily while beginning to pump Drew's spit-slick cock. Then he stood up behind his brother and rubbed his cock-head over Drew's trembling anus. "What do you want me to do, bro?" He demanded huskily.

"Fuck me..." Drew mumbled, then wished he could take back the words, but it was too late. God, he said these things almost against his will. But part of him wanted it, craved it. His eyes squeezed shut. He needed this intimacy with Nick. It held his loneliness at bay. He was so lonely, ashamed of his homosexuality... afraid to get too close to anyone... except Nick. His brother knew him, and they shared a trust... and a secret.

On the next balcony, Jeff's cock spewed precum into his hand when he heard Drew say "Fuck me.". 'I wish it was me. I would make love to him all night...' He pumped his massive prick and moved closer. Through the slats he glimpsed the Lacheys, Drew bent over a chair and Nick behind him. He had to admit, Nick had a gorgeous body: wide muscled shoulders, powerful legs, beautiful rounded ass...

Drew's upbringing told him this was wrong, sick, perverted. Bad enough that they were homosexual, but to be brothers... But they were adults, they knew -- then Drew's train of thought was derailed when he felt his brother's dick push against his tender anus. He gasped as the fat cock-head popped in.

"Oh, damn, Drew, ohhh..." Nick moaned, grabbing Drew's thighs for leverage and pushing all the way in with one stroke. He looked down, always loving the sight of his cock entering Drew's sweet, tight ass. He felt Drew push back onto him and smiled. 'He loves to get fucked as much as I do, he just won't admit it, poor guy.' He thought, even as he pulled harder on Drew and shoved the last half-inch into him. "Yeah, ohhh, yeah my little brother, your ass always feels so nice. You know how to make me feel good."

Drew felt Nick's strong fingers rake over his tensed abs, hook on is hips and pull. He couldn't hold back the groan of pleasure as Nick's cock slid in him all the way. Nick's cock, while not all that long, was perfect. Cut with a nice big head, it fit into his ass like they were made for each other. Not too big, yet long and thick enough to give Drew's prostate an incredible massage.

Jeff Timmons stroked his thick seven inches in time to the fucking men on the other side of the screen. With his left hand he cupped his pec, kneading the muscle. God how he wanted to be with Drew.

Jeff was so absorbed in the scene on the next balcony that he didn't hear the door to his room open.

Justin came into the room quietly, thinking that Jeff might be asleep. Then he noticed two things: that his roommate's bed was empty, and that the sliding glass door to the balcony was open. He'd had a few drinks but he had the presence of mind to realize that this was a little unusual and that maybe it was worth keeping quiet while he checked it out. He silently closed the door then moved through the room so he could get a better view of the balcony. There, naked, legs apart and facing away from the door, was Jeff. It was hard to be certain, but it sure looked like he was jerking himself off... and looking trough the screen to the next balcony... Drew and Nick's balcony. Justin moved around closer, keeping himself behind Jeff. Then he heard them: Nick's and Drew's voices. It was obvious what they were doing.

Suddenly everything Justin had been suspecting for years was proven true. He felt his dick start to harden in his boxers. 'Fuck,' he thought, 'It's now or never!' Emboldened by the alcohol, he stripped out of his clothes and moved up behind Jeff. 'He is so hot, handsome, and what a body.' Justin thought to himself, gripping his hard cock as his gaze traveled over Jeff's smooth back and rounded ass. He knelt down behind his friend...

The Lacheys settled into their fuck; they knew each others' bodies well, and they were like a passion machine together. Sometimes Nick held his little brother's hips and slammed him, their skin smacking together in a staccato rhythm; sometimes, Nick leaned down over Drew and held one hand over his abs, the other pumping that massive cock while he slowly fucked his clutching hole. Their voices rose in grunts and moans of animal pleasure as they accelerated towards orgasm...

Jeff methodically worked his big cock as he watched the brothers go at it. Then suddenly he felt a pair of hands grip his ass cheeks and spread them, and a tongue probe into his anus. He gasped, but resisted the instinct to turn around while his mind raced. Who could it be? Only one person was likely to have gotten into the room -- but Justin rimming him!? Justin was straight! Then he felt the tickle of a goatee on his smooth ass cheeks. Jeff closed his eyes and moaned. It was Justin. It was totally unexpected, but damn it felt good...

End of Part 2 -- to be continued

Sorry to leave you all hanging... well not really. ;-) Next part soon I promise.

Email me and tell me what you think! lictor (at) aol.com

Next: Chapter 3

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