A Beautiful Friendship

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jun 10, 2016



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A Beautiful Friendship

Part One

They had known each other since before a time when either of them could remember. The boys were born three weeks apart. Both their mothers were working mothers, friends and neighbors. They took their sons to the same day care center on their way to work.

When they grew older, Douglas always threw his extra three weeks at his younger friend, Leo. He never let Leo forget that he was the older of the two. As a child Douglas was always called Dougie, and Leo was always called Lee. In their maturity they became Doug and Lee to everyone.

They were quite different. Doug grew to be six feet, two inches tall. He had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, a square chin, and lots of muscle. He was cut, and about four inches flaccid. Neither boy ever saw the other hard. Lee grew to a respectable five feet, ten inches, but he was thin and not very muscular. Doug seemed to tower over him. Nevertheless, of the two, Lee was the more handsome. He had ash blond hair, blue eyes, a small nose, a square chin, and an uncut cock, which was three and a half inches flaccid. They both reached six and a half inches when aroused, and Lee's foreskin totally disappeared, so that equality was reached.

The two men loved each other in a brotherly way all through their growing up years. They would do anything for each other. Once, while playing pirates, they took a blood oath to die for each other if the need arose. In spite of all that, they never had sleepovers, and they certainly did not do anything which might remotely be considered as a sexual act. They never even masturbated together, although they were aware that they were both doing it. They did see each other naked in locker rooms and at sleep-away camp, but there were always dozens of boys around. When they were old enough to know the difference between being straight or gay, they identified themselves as one hundred percent straight.

Halfway through high school, they began to date girls, and in their senior year they both lost their virginities. They told each other every last detail of their encounters, and they giggled like little school girls. In college they shared a room, and although they were both very sexually active, they never had sex with a girl in their dorm room.

After graduating from college, they both got good jobs in the city of their births. Doug worked for an ad agency, and Lee labored away as an accountant in a textile mill. They rented a two-bedroom apartment together. Now they saw each other naked more often than they had in college, and sometimes they even saw each other's morning woodies, but it meant nothing to them. In short, they were macho alpha males; one hundred percent heterosexual.

They always vacationed together. They were both passionate about skiing and horseback riding. To that end, they both split their two-week vacations. In the summer, they went to a dude ranch in Arizona for a week, and in the winter, they went to a ski lodge in Maine for a week. There were always many young women at both locations. The two handsome men had no trouble scoring, and that gave them more reason to look forward to their mutual vacations.

During one winter vacation, when they settled into their room at the ski lodge, they went to the main lounge to socialize. They were dismayed to find that better than eighty-five percent of the guests were men, and all of the women were either wives or girlfriends of the men they came with.

To make matters worse, the weather was atrocious. It was snowing near blizzard-like conditions. Skiing was out of the question. As a result, the two inseparable friends found themselves hanging out at the bar, and drinking too much. They became friendly with some of the other skiers, and two of them hit on them, but they didn't get very far. Doug and Lee had no idea that they were being cruised, and the advances of the other two guys went unheeded.

By the third day of their stay they had managed to get in about three hours of skiing; in total, not consecutively. That evening they drank even more than usual at the bar. They didn't realize what time it was, until the bartender told them he had to close for the night. They looked around and discovered that they were the last two people there.

They were so pie-eyed, they had to support each other to their room. They both kept giggling, but they didn't know what was so funny. When they got to their destination, Doug, who was the larger of the two, was also the tipsiest. He collapsed on his bed, fully clothed, fell asleep, and proceeded to snore loudly. Lee looked at his buddy, and continued to giggle, but now he knew why. Doug was all twisted up, and he looked terribly uncomfortable. In addition to that, he was lying on top of the covers, and the room was quite chilly.

In an act of charity, Lee began to undress Doug. He knew that they both slept nude. That had been a big topic of conversation in college, when they first shared a room. They both felt that it made life easier, if they got an urge to whack off during the night. Therefore, Lee had no problem in deciding to undress Doug down to his birthday suit, but he had lots of trouble actually doing it. Doug was so much bigger than he was. With a lot of turning and twisting, and a slight amount of help from Doug, Lee managed to get him undressed, and also to get him under the covers.

By the time, he had Doug settled and sleeping peacefully, Lee was exhausted. He started to get undressed himself, but sometime during the process, he fell fast asleep. He had managed to undress completely, but in his stupor, he didn't recall getting into bed.

Lee had neglected to draw the blinds, and when the dawn came, daylight came into the room. There wasn't any sunshine. The blizzard was still raging, but the dim amount of daylight entering the room woke Lee first. When he awoke, he was fully cognizant of his surroundings. He was lying in Doug's bed. His head was resting comfortably on Doug's chest, and Doug was holding him tightly. They were both naked, and Lee became paralyzed with fright. He had no recollection of ever getting into bed with Doug after he undressed him and made him comfortable.

Lee wanted desperately to do two things. First he needed to pee so badly, he was afraid of wetting the sheets. Secondly, he wanted to get over to his own bed, before Doug woke up, and put an end to their friendship. Every time he tried to get out of bed, Doug held him tighter. He had to admit to himself that he didn't feel upset or angry at the situation. He kind of liked being held in Doug's big, brawny, athletic arms. Nevertheless, he was fearful that Doug would discover their unmanly and unseemly situation, so he decided to hold in his urine, and ride it out.

After just a few more minutes, he knew that he would be a goner if he didn't pee. He pushed Doug's arm away, jumped out of bed, and ran toward the bathroom. The room was freezing, but he didn't give a damn.

When Lee pushed Doug's arm away, Doug woke with a start. He saw Lee making a bee line for the bathroom, and he realized how badly he needed to expel all that booze he had drunk last night. He ran into the bathroom yelling, "I can't wait. Move over." The two friends crossed swords, and sighed loudly as they relieved themselves.

As they were getting back into their separate beds, Doug asked, "Where did she go? Did she run out on me?"

"Where did who go?" Lee answered. "Nobody was here, but us." He realized that Doug thought he had been sleeping with a woman. "Maybe you had a dream," Lee ventured to guess.

"If it was a dream, it was very real, and very pleasant."

"Well, look outside. We won't be skiing this morning," Lee said. "It's very early. Try to doze off for another hour or so. Then we can shower and go downstairs for breakfast." His words fell on deaf ears. Doug was already snoring lightly, but Lee was wide awake. He knew something Doug didn't, something bad, and it greatly disturbed him. He was overwhelmed with angst. He decided that if he couldn't sleep, he might as well get up, shower, and dress.

He was almost all dressed, when Doug finally, fully awakened. "You're dressed," he noted. With that he threw off his covers, and ran freezing to the bathroom to shower and shave. Lee glanced at Doug's bed, fearing that he might find evidence to indicate that he had slept with his buddy all night. He saw the stain almost immediately, and ran to examine it closely. It was semen, cum, jism, and it was dry and stale.

Lee knew that Doug could not have jerked off, while he was in the shower. If he had, the semen would have been fresh and wet. For sure, Doug didn't do the deed, before they went to sleep, because the beds were freshly made. He didn't do it after Lee got him ready for bed either, because he had passed right out. Lee threw the covers back on the bed to conceal the stains. He knew that the beds would be made up fresh, while they were at breakfast, and he prayed that Doug wouldn't see it. The evidence might have been circumstantial, but it seemed to Lee that he and Doug had been intimate with each other.

Doug came out of the bathroom shivering. He dressed warmly and quickly. They left the room, and went downstairs for breakfast. Lee sighed with relief.

The lodge supplied a plentiful continental breakfast, and the two young men had no trouble stuffing their faces. While they were eating Doug said to Lee, "If the snow doesn't let up by this afternoon, let's check out tomorrow morning and go home."

"I agree," Lee answered, "but what if the roads aren't cleared, and we can't drive?"

"We'll check at the desk after breakfast."

The desk clerk was very helpful. "Unfortunately," he said. "This is going to keep up for another couple of days. I'll be sorry to see you check out early. I know you are recurring guests, and I hope this unusual situation, won't keep you from coming back again."

"It won't," Lee assured him, "but what about road conditions?"

"If you decide to check out in the morning, you'll be fine. Our own staff is keeping the road perfectly plowed from the lodge to the highway, and it's clear to go. After that, the state is doing a good job on the highways, and the roads are good. Besides, once you get about fifty miles south of here, there's nothing more than flurries."

"Thanks," Doug said. Then he turned to Lee. "No drinking tonight, buddy. If we are leaving tomorrow morning, I want to get an early start."

Lee nodded in agreement. "Now what are we going to do all day?" he wondered out loud.

"There are a few card games going on in the lounge. Wanna give it a try?"

"Sure," Lee said, "but you go on ahead. I want to go back to our room for a minute. I need to pee, and you know how much I hate to use public toilets. I'll meet you there."

What Lee really wanted to do was to make sure that the evidence of sexual activity was gone. He chided himself for being so uptight. Why was he so worried? He didn't remember a thing, and certainly Doug didn't remember anything either, he was so drunk. He got to the room, just as the maid was leaving. They nodded at each other.

He was so paranoid, that he thought maybe she might have just straightened out the sheets, and not changed them. He pulled down the cover on Doug's bed, and was satisfied that the sheets were fresh. He remade the bed, but as hard as he tried, he couldn't get it to look as perfect as the housekeeper had done it. He didn't think Doug would notice the slight difference in the two beds, and he allowed himself to breathe easier.

Still, he was haunted by the probability that he and Doug had sex together. The thought of it turned his stomach. He got himself together, and left for the card room. He never stopped trying to remember what happened last night, but nothing came to him. Irrationally, he wondered if he could recall the events through hypnosis. He vowed to look into that possibility when he got home.

That night, they went to bed cold sober. Lee was finally relaxing in the knowledge that Doug did not have the same suspicions that he had. Then from his bed, Doug said. "I'm telling you Lee, it was so real. I know I was holding a girl in my arms when I woke up this morning."

Lee shivered in his bed, and not from the cold. He remained silent, pretending to be asleep.

Part Two

Lee couldn't sleep a wink. He began to imagine some terrible scenarios, but every time he became too fearful or too disgusted, he reminded himself that there was a possibility that nothing ever happened.

Then he would remember the cum, which could only have been produced while he and Doug were in bed together. Still, try as hard as he could to remember, he was drawing a blank. He was way too disturbed to sleep. He tossed and turned all through the night. He wondered if he should tell Doug about it, and discuss it. He would make it clear that an encounter was only a remote possibility. Maybe then he could put it behind him.

Lee continued to toss and turn, trying to find a comfortable position. Each time he moved, the bed, in the old lodge, creaked. It was disturbing Doug, who whispered in the middle of the night, "Lee, are you awake?"

"Yes, I am. I can't sleep. Why are you up?"

"I haven't been able to sleep either. I keep thinking of the girl I was holding. I tell you it was no dream. It was as real as you and me, lying here and talking."

Lee knew, then and there, that he had to tell Doug the truth or he and Doug would both go crazy. He sat up in bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

"Ouch," Doug said.

"Sorry, buddy, but we have to talk."

"Sounds serious," Doug said. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't think so, but I have a fear about something, and I need to get it off my chest. Last night we really tied one on."

"Tell me about it," Doug interjected. "I can't remember a fucking thing. How stewed did I get?"

"Well, the bartender kicked us out of the lounge, when we were the only ones left. I remember we both had to support each other to keep from falling. We finally got to our room. Don't ask me how. You fell onto your bed fully clothed, and on top of the covers. You looked so uncomfortable that I undressed you, and covered you properly. When I was satisfied that you were resting comfortably, I started to undress myself. Dougie (Lee reverted to Doug's childhood nickname), when I woke up, I was the one lying in your arms, not a woman. I must have climbed into your bed instead of mine."

"That's not so bad. Why didn't you tell me, instead of letting me continue to believe that I had fucked a woman and couldn't remember it?"

"I couldn't tell you, Doug. When you went to the shower, I found dried cum in your bed, and it hadn't been there when I put you to bed. Apparently, I spent the night in your bed. I think we had sex."

Doug was silent, and his silence was killing Lee. Finally, he got out of bed, and sat down next to Lee on his bed. He put his brawny arm around Lee's shoulder, and pulled him tightly to him. In what can only be called "an awakening," Lee realized that he was getting an erection. Doug began to speak.

"Now you listen to me. What I'm about to say is difficult enough, and I don't want any interruptions, okay?


"I've been thinking about us for a long time now. We're pushing thirty. All our friends have gotten married or are about to. You and I never make love to a woman. We fuck them and leave them. I can't remember the last time I was with a woman twice. How about you?"

"I can't remember either."

"I began to wonder why, and it came to me, that I was afraid to be separated from you. If one of us got married, we wouldn't live together anymore; we wouldn't hang out together. When I realized that it would kill me if you weren't in my life on a daily basis, I was very confused.

"I'm not gay, at least, I don't think so. I know how my cock reacts when I see a foxy lady. But Lee, when you walk into a room, my whole body heats up with love. I want to hold you and protect you, and not let anything happen to you. It's something spiritual, not carnal. I never thought of sex between us until last night. Do you think it's possible to be straight, yet ache sexually for one man, only one, no others? I have a confession to make. I remember every last minute of last night. I didn't say anything, because I was waiting for you to indicate somehow that it was you in my arms, and no woman, and at last you have."

Lee started to shake, so Doug held him closer.

"Tell me," Lee pleaded. "I've been in agony thinking we had sex together. Please tell me."

"Before I do, will you please tell me something? If we did have sex last night, would you want to end our relationship?"

"Never. I couldn't live without you. Please tell me what happened."

Doug held Lee even tighter. "You must have gotten into my bed instead of yours. You hunkered up to me, and I put my arm around you. You would never have done that when you were rational and sober. I concluded that it was a subconscious impulse on your part, and that you do love me as much as I love you. I really didn't expect, or even desire anything to happen. I was just content to hold you.

"But I felt your hard-on pressing against my leg, and I guess I lost my resolve. My hand wandered down to your cock, and I began to jerk you off. I wanted to give you pleasure, because I knew you hadn't gotten laid, since we arrived here. As I stroked you, your hand found my cock, and you began to stroke me. We both came together, and frankly, I'm disappointed that you don't remember.

"One last thing. When you came you must have awakened somewhat. We spoke to each other. We promised to suck and fuck each other soon, when we were sober. We also agreed that we had brought each other to an orgasm beyond anything either of us had ever experienced in the past. Before we fell asleep again, we kissed."

"We kissed?" Lee asked incredulously.

"Yes, Lee, like this." Doug leaned into Lee and placed his lips on his. It was a chaste, brotherly kiss, but soon, Doug began to pry Lee's mouth open with his tongue. Their kisses became more passionate than any kiss either of them had ever given to a woman, and their embraces were more loving.

An overwhelming feeling came over Lee. He felt like a warm breeze was invading his body, and making him feel euphoric. He yelled out, without any forethought, "I love you Dougie. Please promise me that we will be together forever. I don't care if everyone thinks we're a gay couple. All I know is that I love you."

Doug began to cry. "How could we not have known how much we loved each other all these years? Let's not check out tomorrow. Let's stay here all day. We can't ski, so let's make love all day. I love you so much."

"Do we have to wait until tomorrow?" Lee asked. He leaned over, gathered his courage, released his lust, and took Doug's steel hard rod into his mouth. He could feel a drop of pre-cum on the crown, and he slurped it up. That really excited him. He let go of Doug's cock, and told Doug several times, how much he loved him. He took Doug's rod back into him, and started running his tongue up and down Doug's shaft. Doug was squirming in pleasure. He wanted to ask Lee to turn around, and they would play sixty-nine, but he felt himself cumming and he couldn't stop now if he wanted to. He came in a torrent into Lee's mouth and down his throat. He didn't expect Lee to swallow it, but he did.

When Doug went limp, Lee crept up beside him. They began to kiss passionately again, and they fell asleep in each other's arms. A couple of hours later, Lee began to awaken. A new and strange feeling was coming over him. He felt like his cock was being washed in an aromatic mixture of water and body oils. Lee knew that Doug was down on him. He had experienced many blow jobs in the past, but this one surpassed his wildest dreams. Shrieking yet again, how much he loved Doug, Lee gushed into his mouth, and like Lee had done before him, Doug swallowed everything. Once again they began to doze. As they started to drift off, Doug said, "I have plenty of lube and rubbers, that I had hoped to use with a woman. Tomorrow, it will be my pleasure, if we used it on each other."

The next morning, they showered, and dressed for breakfast. They were smiling, and seemed so happy. The two gay guys who had hit on them, the other day, smiled and winked at each other. They knew the look of love which passed between Doug and Lee, and they accepted the fact that these two lovebirds didn't want any third parties in bed with them.

After breakfast, they consummated their love with anal sex. Although they used plenty of lube they were both in great pain at first, but they wouldn't admit it to one another. Of course, the pain changed quickly to extreme pleasure. When they had both satisfied each other, they lay wrapped up in each other's arms, and cried non-stop.

They made love all day, and slept very well that night. They woke to sunny skies, and decided to remain at the lodge for the rest of their planned stay. They skied all morning, and made love all afternoon. After dinner they felt a kinship with the other gay couple, and they socialized with them all evening. They laughed and joked, and lamented the fact that they lived so many miles apart.

When they were alone, Doug made an observation. "You know," he said. I'm having much more fun as a gay man than I ever had as a straight man, and I figured out why?"

"Oh really," Lee asked, "so please tell me why."

"Because, I'm sharing everything with you, the one I love."

"Shit Doug. You're making me cry again."

When they got home, and resumed their regular routines of work and play, they went to a straight bar at the first opportunity. They each scored and went home with the lady. They both came home early, and just stared at each other.

"Well?" Lee asked.

"Well," Doug repeated. "I had fun, and I had a satisfying orgasm, but all the while I was wishing I was with you. I don't think I can do this anymore. If you want to continue to be a player, I won't be jealous, but I'm going to save all my energy for you."

Lee said simply, "Me too."

"I think the next time we go to a bar, it will be a gay bar," Doug observed, and Lee laughed.

"It'll be sooner than you think. My immediate supervisor is gay, and happily married. I met his husband once, and I really liked him. Anyway, my boss and I have been bantering jokes ever since I started to work there. He keeps joking with me to have sex with him, and I'll never want another woman in my life. I keep telling him, he's got it backwards. To make a long story short, I made a date for us to socialize with him and his hubby at a gay bar this Saturday evening.

"You know," Doug sighed. "I thought I'd be afraid to go to a gay bar, but now I'm looking forward to it. I'll bet we'll have a lot of fun. Half the guys I work with at the ad agency are gay. I better come out at work also. We might meet some of them at the bar Saturday night."

They didn't make love that night. They were too done out from the sex they had with the two women, but they slept together in Lee's bed. They kissed and fondled, and each thought that having someone to love, and cuddle with, was every bit as satisfying as sex. It had taken them a long time to find that out.

And they lived happily ever after.

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