A Better Friend

By D One

Published on Feb 21, 2012



The sun hadn't risen enough to call it morning, though some light streamed across his body. It was his favorite day, Saturday. And it was his birthday as well.

As he did every Saturday morning, Jason tossed the covers back so his naked body was exposed and his usual morning erection became his personal flagpole. He watched it bob, flexed to make it do that and toughed it with his finger tip.

His finger transported the moisture at the tip to his lips and his tongue gathered the sweet taste. He usually took his time.

It was uxorious, self indulgent, exploratory and would end with the internal activity and sensations he savored. It was his day.

The length of his body became one nerve ending. His finger tips traveled up one side, across his belly to the other. His nipples made themselves known even before he pinched, pulled, twisted and stretched them further.

Rolling to one side his hand reached to stimulate his skin on his smooth back, over the mound of buttocks and down the back of his thighs.

Jason heard his own deep breathing, gasping at the familiar and occasionally new quiver of muscles to his own touch.

Beneath his manhood, under his balls, the smooth skin between them and his anus fascinated him. Smooth, probably like a new born baby's skin, it attracted petting.

A finger over his tightly puckered muscled exit made him curl his legs for easier entrance. It was warm there, soft, deep. He strained to go further then he remembered doing before. First one then another finger reaching and pressing against the hardness they found.

"Hey Mrs...." Jason heard the voice. Craig was downstairs.

"Shit" Jason said out loud being interrupted from his usual Saturday morning activity. It was too early to recognize other people, even his best friend.

He pulled the thin blanket over and turned his head towards the wall. Trying to control his breathing Jason calmed to Fein sleeping.

Maybe Craig would back out and wait downstairs for him to arise. There would be less time to finish what he started but the eventual goal would be achieved. He could entice Craig to join him of course. They had lay side by side masturbating upon occasion.

There was something exciting about his bare leg touching another. About watching Craig loose control while he did as well. Feeling the juices land on his skin from another while his own arched and fell where it might.

Jason touched his aching cock under the blanket and squeezed hoping it would calm down too.

"Hey Birthday boy" Craig had entered the bedroom.

Jason squirmed as if being awakened.


"God you got one hell of a woodie" Craig said

Jason looked up at his friend, standing at the foot of the bed. He was shirtless as usual these warm weekends. The morning sun shown through the white shorts he wore, revealing the dark shadow of his own male glands.

"Fuck off" Jason said..

"No man I mean it, that's fucking huge" Craig licked his lips and rubbed himself. "If I had a vagina...."

"You'd be queer" Jason finished the statement his way and Craig laughed.

"Come on show me" he flicked his eyebrows.

"Fuck off" Jason replied

"Hell I've seen it before...." Craig

Jason threw the covers back. His tent pole cock bounced up.

"Fuck me, that's huge" Craig said again. There was something in his voice that sounded weird to Jason.

"Go away, let me sleep" he closed his eyes and turned his head.

The touch startled him. They had jacked off, watched each other, played grabass and even did swordfights in the shower. But they hadn't touched each other like that before.

"What are you doing?" Jason looked at his cock, covered by Craig's hand, his fingers closed around its flesh stalk. "Shit man"

"It's your birthday and I'm your best friend. I can't afford a gift so lay back and enjoy" Craig smiled, but his eyes were focused on Jason's erection.

Jason gasped. "Shit man you shouldn't, we uh shouldn't...fuck the door!"

Craig, revealing his intent, looked at Jason. "I locked it when I came in"

Jason stared at his friend. His brain revealed his memories of fantasies of doing this and more with Craig. Guilt ridden at times, he brought himself to orgasm thinking of Craig's naked body, his cock, his butt, the feeling of his bare thigh pressed against Jason's.

"Oh fuck" Jason couldn't hide the pleasure of feeling Craig's hand sliding on his cock, the fingers tracing his piss-slit.

"Lay back, man enjoy your birthday" Craig was back staring at the cock he was milking. He had watched it times before, thought of reaching over and touching it while Jason would touch his. It happened only in his mind until now.

"Lay back" he hissed quietly again while enjoying the sounds Jason made reacting to the pleasurable sensations.

Jason lay back and closed his eyes. It was Craig. Nobody would know. They had shared secrets over the years, watched pubic hair growing, penis getting hard, hands flailing until their bodies lost control and showered them both.

They had wrestled in the grass and in the privacy of their rooms, not hesitating to grab, grope and press their bodies together.

Jason stared at the ceiling then turned his head to see the reflection of his friend intent on masturbating him. To Jason's surprise, Craig had kicked off his shorts and now sat on the bed totally naked. His own hard cock bounced in the air, but he wasn't touching it.

Craig's hands were working only on Jason. He didn't say anything or utter any sounds. Jason heard his own throat moan, grunt and express sounds that his nervous system stimulated.

He felt the fingers on his testicles now holding, juggling, squeezing. His cock throbbed.

"Gawd" Jason said as his body stretched back muscle and his hips involuntarily moved fucking the tight grip around his cock.

He heard Craig laugh quietly at his movements. There was no hiding the fact he was loosing control to Craig's hand.

"Shit" Jason turned his head again closing his eyes so his mind would travel where it had before. There were quick pictures of his naked cousin and him bathing as little kids. There was his Uncle David running naked across the grass and diving into the lake that summer. There were gyrating nearly naked men performing on stage he had seen on the Internet. And there was Mandy Savor wearing nothing but a jockstrap in school gym.

"ooooh" Jason reacted. The finger was sliding across the same smooth skin he enjoyed, it moved slowly then touching the place that only his own finger had been.

It moved around the opening and stabbed gently until it was knuckle deep. Craig's fingers were tracing around his swollen cock head, across the piss slit around the edge where once foreskin had been upon his birth.

"Let it happen" Craig urged.

Jason was relaxed. He felt each inch of his skin quiver, each muscle layer react even those far below the surface. He didn't need Craig's words; Jason had given in to his friend's control of his desires.

Jason trusted him. He let the boy see his private revelation when only 12; his penis sprang hard whenever it wanted to. Nobody else had seen it. He hid behind books, chairs, blankets to hide his embarrassing evidence of puberty.

But he showed Craig. Somehow that erased his self consciousness. Craig laughed and revealed his own cock which popped out like a twig on a tree suddenly released.

"Oh god" Jason said it loud.

"Shhhh" Craig said "don't ruin this"

Jason stifled less his mother would see what the two were doing. She had ignored the sounds of their laughter, midnight talking, room wrestling and loud music over the years.

She probably knew what they had done from time to time and purposely ignored the obvious sounds that ranged from giggling to curses as she ignored the stains on his sheets.

"Goin" Jason was gasping. His hand wanted to go to the cock and rub to the point of satisfaction. But another hand was controlling him, a hand was squeezing his balls, a finger was inside him.

Like a puppet that wants to be a real boy, Jason quivered, ached and wished. But another person was pulling the strings and his body could only react to each touch, squeeze, milking and pressing.

When he came, it was too soon and not soon enough. It drained him of juices and sought more then volume then his body had created. It sprayed Craig's face and his body. It fell to his hot skin feeling even warmer then suddenly cool. It was messy. It was desired. It was over.

Jason could only lay there while his muscles slowly released and his nervous system shut down like the city's electric grid during a blackout.

It seemed like an hour rather then seconds, before Jason looked down at Craig.

His cum had wet the boys face and dripped from his cheek. Craig was smiling. He flicked his hand throwing more of Jason's wetness down onto his naked body.

"Happy Birthday man" Craig smiled. He was still excited. But this wasn't his time for pleasure it was Jason's. And he felt even more excited that he had given his best friend sensations and pleasure, Jason probably had never imagined possible.

"Gotta fucking shower" Jason said not moving. Craig was intertwined in his bare legs. He couldn't move and didn't want to. His cock, half hard, he wished Craig would grab again and take him to that special place that seemed like so far away now.

"Yea we better"

They had shared a shower before. They had jacked off in the shower and they had just showered clean, drying themselves and each other's backs.

They did that now, talking about the day ahead, a party they would attend that evening, a film they might go see that afternoon.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Jason's parents and sister proclaimed as they descended the stairs.

The cake was decorated, candles on fire, Jason's name written in sugar. He laughed, blew out the flames and opened the presents.

"I already gave him mine" Craig said.

"What did you give him?" Jason's sister asked.

Jason stammered and Craig laughed.

"That's between them honey" Jason's mother said and the matter was ended.

They left the house after breakfast to the pool that beckoned them for a morning swim.

"So remember buddy, my birthday is in a month" Craig reminded Jason as he put his arm across Jason's bare shoulders.

Craig laughed and Jason's mind had already begun creating the gift that would be opened in another month.

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