A Boy from Georgia

By moc.loa@54321kcoJ

Published on Oct 16, 1997



A Boy from Georgia, Part One by Matthew Shakespeare

Hey, my name is Jake and this is a story about somethin that happened to me this past year, and about some stuff that's happenin right now. It's kinda funny, my life, when I look back on everything that's happened over the past year and how different it is from all of my life that came before it. Sixteen is a weird age. It's the time that you get your license to drive and all the freedom from your parents that it provides. A time for figuring out stuff for yourself. Taking off on a wild streak. I turned sixteen and it seems like for the first time in my life I was finally my own man. And boy, was I a man...

Let's see, three weeks after I turned fifteen I lost my virginity. Damn, that was a little bit unexpected. And it wasn't even with a girl. My next-door neighbor Trent, well, he had never been seriously popular and we never much hung out in school, but he did come over alot as next-door neighbors tend to do. We were pretty good friends I guess you could say. Grew up together. He was like my brother. I don't know why we weren't better friends in school. He did have this wild, capricious side and a tendency to say stuff without thinking first. Guess that put him at a disadvantage; seemed like he never could quite muster up the popularity to make it to that upper stratus of the high school scene.

But anyway, one day during the summer he was over at my house and we were swimmin in my swimmin pool. We were just chillin out in the water; nobody was at home; and we started wrastling and messin around. Guess one thing led to another. I always knew that I was into guys a little bit. Especially after I started spending some time on AOL... the whole chatroom and internet thing really corrupted me and taught me things fast.

But here we had jumped out of the pool and were still wrastling. We ended up in the grass outside the pool, and I noticed somethin funny was happening when he grabbed me in a choke hold from behind. We were both soakin wet and buck naked except for our Umbros and I was standing on his foot. I could feel his chest pressed hard and rubbin against my back... his arms wrapped around my neck were streaked with water and I could feel his breath against my neck all hot cause both of us were panting.

And then I felt it. Hard, and pokin me right in the butt. I already had a hard-on but he couldn't tell that standin behind me. But there was not doubt about it, Trent was hard as a brick and we were about naked and wet and wrastlin in this warm grass that was perfect for rollin around in. I still wasn't sure what was happening or if it was just an accident and you know I was bout scared out of my mind, but goddammit I was horny and Trent was just too hot. I spun around real quick and grabbed both of his wrists and pinned em to the sides of his head so that our faces were just a few inches apart and he was grinnin like somebody who was fixin to get sex. I stared him down. His eyes were wide and blue and a little bit glazed over. He seemed to me like the hottest guy I had ever seen, all drippin wet with his chest muscles heavin and his dick popped up in his shorts. It was like right then some boyhood psychic connection between us just snapped and we just lunged at each other at the same time. It just HAPPENED. That's the only way I can explain it. Our mouths were locked on each others and I kissed a guy for the first time. It all started out hard, like we were fixin to wrestle again, but then his arms went around me and it slowed down to nothing but a kiss... and Trent could kiss better than any girl I had ever been with. His mouth was hot and a little sweet at the same time, and we kissed for a few minutes that seemed like forever. Every time he'd pull out for air I could feel his breath on my face and it drove me nuts. His hands started rubbin down my back and I did the same thing, feeling all that 15 year old muscle in his back and then his tight ass. I was horny as hell and I think I finally just broke off the kiss and jumped on him. We snatched each other's shorts down and just fell in the grass, rolling around and grindin on each other like animals. It was crazy.

The grass was warm, and so was Trent, even though he was still wet. We didn't suck each other off or anything, but just grindin against his tight wet body was almost enough to do it for me. We jacked each other off and I can remember exactly how his hot pecker felt in my hand... I was the first to blow my wad but I guess feeling my spunk all over his leg set him off... I'll never forget the look on his face when he cummed, and what a load that was. I couldn't figure out how that boy's cods churned out that much jizz. It was fuckin fantastic.

But after he cummed he got a weird look on his face and wouldn't look me in the eye. Didn't seem like he was pissed off or anything, but his whole attitude was pretty weird. He wiped off with a towel and went in the house to change clothes. I followed him in and watched him grab his clothes off my bed and then he went in the bathroom and shut the door to change. We didn't say anything. I went in the living room and layed down on the couch and started watchin TV. I heard him walk down the stairs and looked up and he was opening the front door.

"You leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, looking outside.

"Aight, later."


And that was it. He was gone. He came over two days later and acted like nothin had happened. That Saturday night we camped out in the field behind my house.

One thing led to another and we ended up messing around again inside the tent. This time I didn't feel guilty at all. I liked it. But it was the same deal; he acted pretty weird and we didn't talk. We ate some sandwiches and potato chips and then went to sleep.

This whole pattern continued for the rest of the summer. We'd spend the night together or he'd come over when nobody was at home except me, and we'd mess around.

Each time we'd do more and more stuff, until we finally got each other up the ass. But every time we did more and more stuff, after we fucked he seemed to get madder and madder.

Finally one night we fucked each other pretty hard and afterwards he was so pissed off- acting that I had to say something. I asked him if he thought what we were doing was a good thing and he said no. He said that it messed him up every time that we did stuff together and he felt really guilty about it, but every time he came over it seemed like we ended up messing around and that once he got horny he couldn't stop himself. Then he asked if it was the same way with me. Even after everything we had done together I didn't want to sound queer and say that I really liked it, so I lied and said that I felt the same way he did.

We agreed that it was best if we didn't spend the night with each other or mess around anymore, and we promised each other that we'd never do anything sexually with each other ever again. He left the next morning and we didn't talk for the rest of the summer.

Things were better once school started, but it wasn't the same. Trent started playing football and I'll admit he was pretty good. It seems like he outgrew that immaturity and all the guys eventually liked him. Most of the time we were good friends but at times I'd catch him acting pretty snotty or hateful, but I think he was always too scared to really go out on a limb and diss me in public, scared that I might say something to somebody. He should have known better than that. All of my friends are the Southern fratboy-jock type and they'd lynch me if they ever even suspected.

But they don't. Because I'm one of them and too high up in that high school social stratus for anybody to even think about accusing me of liking other guys. All the real popular guys in school are like my brothers, but I realized that I can't ever mess around with any of them, even if I found out that they were into guys. What happened with Trent proved that fact. It wasn't a complete tragedy. As everybody knows, I still like girls, and for a few months during the beginning of school I was on the verge of getting a girlfriend. I didn't think about Trent too much. My friends thought I was completely straight, hell, they even thought I was a pretty hardcore gay basher.

What all of my friends didn't know though, was that around December I started spending alot of time on-line, and every day that went by I was realizing more and more how into guys I really was. I was REALLY into guys. I started hanging out in a few chatrooms and I realized that not all guys who are into other guys are flaming queers.

And by the beginning of February, I was talkin to a guy from North Carolina who was eighteen years old and in high school. A football player. 5'11" with short dark hair and blue eyes. We eventually sent pictures and he was hot as hell. We started talking... a lot. Putting in 3 hours a night of on-line chats and phone conversations and he seemed like the coolest guy I had ever met... The only problem was he lived 300 miles away.

But by the middle of April that really didn't matter to me much, because I was willing to do anything it took for us to get together. Strange as it sounds, for the first time in my life, I was really, and truly, in love.

I didn't turn sixteen until the middle of May. I knew that on my birthday my parents were buyin me a new truck. I already had it picked out. I just had to wait for my birthday. I'd finally be sixteen and I could finally drive. And the first weekend I had free I knew I was headed straight for North Carolina, and destiny.

(to be continued.)

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