A Cat Always Knows

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 24, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Mom came out the front door to greet us as we pulled up to the house. "Erik, baby!" she called out as I got out of the car's passenger door. "Erik, it's so good to see you!"

"God, Mom, I've only been away at college for two months!" I griped. "Get a grip, already!"

Mom just laughed and gave me a big hug. Moms are like that, you're her little boy for all your life and you might as well get used to it. Mom was hugging and then she stiffened and I knew why. Mark was getting out of the driver's side door. "Hello." she said to him.

"Mom, this is Mark, my roommate." I said, as carefully as I could.

"I thought you were bringing Emily." Mom said.

"She couldn't make it after all." I said. "And as long as I'd already bought the ticket, I offered it to Mark."

"Oh." Mom accepted this lie with the grace of any mother whose little baby has never told her a lie in his life. Well, I hadn't lied to her, much. Except about my sex life, about which I'd lied to her a lot!

Okay, I was in the closet. Had been long as I could remember, or at least as long as I'd known I was gay. I'd been going out and coming home and lying about where I'd been as long as I'd been furtively exploring my sexuality. Mom had gotten awful suspicious about how none of the girls I'd told her about had ever been brought home. I'd "dated" and "broken up" with a fair number until college.

Now I was a college sophomore, and had found Mark, and he had found me. I'd wanted him to meet my family and promised to think hard about telling them about me and him at the same time.

Well, I'd had the ride home to think it all through and you saw my answer. Mark didn't like it, and I can't blame him (demoted from gay lover to just a roommate in two seconds, from his point of view), but he accepted it with all the grace he could manage. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ferguson." he extended a hand, that should have been my mother's embrace. She shook his hand and made him welcome in our house, like any mother would make her son's roommate welcome. And not one bit more.

Mark was perched in an armchair, scooted forward so he could reach the coffee table with his cup's saucer, holding the cup forward and suddenly a golden-furred regal face pushed itself between his arm and body and looked up at him with eyes of emerald green.

Mark accepted Bandit's attentions well-humoredly enough. "Well, hello there, gorgeous!" he said to Bandit. He reached with his free hand and scratched Bandit's head. Bandit raised his head up and purred loudly.

Bandit is my grandmother's cat, in case you haven't figured that out yet. An admittedly pretty long-haired cat, he was usually quite standoffish. But he took to Mark right away.

Grandma was watching this and she said, "Well, Bandit thinks you're a part of the family, young man."

Bandit was busily making himself comfortable in Mark's lap, more trouble than you'd expect, for Bandit was a rather big cat. But he managed and his purr punctuated the conversation after that.

"I've always liked cats." Mark admitted. "And he's a beautiful one, all right."

Not as beautiful as you, I thought as I looked at him, his sandy-colored hair, blue eyes, smoothly muscled body, and with golden-haired Bandit resting in his lap, he looked like the most wonderful man in the world.

"Bandit is a very good judge of character." my grandmother went on. "A salesman came in here once, trying to get us to let him repave the driveway, but Bandit took one look at him and arched his back and hissed. Your mother wanted to talk with him, but I told her that the man was nothing but trouble and not to have anything to do with him. Well, I got the man all mad at us and he stormed out and your mother cussed me out. Turns out the man was a crook, and he ruined three driveways on this very block with shoddy workmanship. But Bandit knew the moment he saw him, all right."

Grandmother looked at Bandit resting on Mark's lap. "A cat always knows. You can say whatever you want, do whatever you want, but a cat can't be fooled."

"I'm glad Bandit likes me, in that case." Mark looked down at the golden feline curled on his lap. "Of course, he's keeping me from getting unpacked. Erik and I are only here for the weekend."

"I thought Erik was bringing his girlfriend over this weekend." Grandma said, looking from Mark to me and back again to Mark, the golden cat on his lap. "But this way is better. We can put you two boys together in Erik's room, and put Alicia's boy out here on the couch instead of Erik. We were going to give Emily his room, you see."

"No reason to keep Erik and me apart." Mark grinned at me.

I grinned back. "And here I was thinking I'd get away from your snores."

"You should be so lucky." Mark shot back.

And Bandit's purrs grew louder and louder as my lover and I bantered.

We'd come for my sister's wedding, which was scheduled for Saturday afternoon. This was only Friday afternoon, Mark and I had cut our classes for that day and driven back to my home. We were surrounded by family that was getting thicker as the day wore on. It wasn't until ten o'clock that night, when Mark and I went to my room to go to bed, that we had a chance to even talk.

"I thought you were going to tell them." Mark settled for saying softly as he took off his shirt.

"I know." I grimaced and cringed a little before him. "I just couldn't. After the wedding. I promise, after the wedding, I'll sit them down and tell them all everything. Okay?"

"I think your grandmother already knows, if you ask me."

"Oh, Grandma thinks that cat knows everything, just like she said. Bandit likes you so you must be important to me, a member of my family."

"Well, aren't I?" Mark asked, and before I could formulate an answer to that, he said, "Why did you name him Bandit?" Mark had stripped down to his briefs and crawled into bed.

"Grandmother named him that." I said. "Because he's a genius at getting into anything and anywhere he wants to. He kept getting into her breadbox and nibbling at her bread as a kitten, so she named him Bandit."

"He's a beautiful cat." Mark said. "We should get a cat when we get our own apartment." His hand came out from under the covers, holding his briefs which he dropped onto the floor.

"I'll put that on our list." I said as I crawled into bed with him. "Right after we buy the essentials, we'll get us a cat."

"What do we need besides a bed and some coathangers?" Mark asked me as I snuggled up to him. "We don't do anything else besides fuck all night long as it is."

"Are you complaining?" I asked as I fished my way down his stomach and found, grasped his cock. It was stone hard already, it always was.

"Nah, I was bragging." Mark agreed as my hand began to work his pud up and down, slowly, just milking him a little. "How comfortable are you with us doing this in your old bedroom."

"Oh, you're not the first." I told him. "I've had a few up here, not a lot. But I had some sleepovers, and Mom never twigged to it, far as I could tell. Of course, Bandit always showed up to watch the fun every darned time. I don't know how he gets into my bedroom, I lock the door...."

"But you don't lock your window." Mark cut in. "Or even close it, or have a screen in it."

"How do you know that?" I looked up. Mom insisted on keeping windows open in the bedrooms, "to air them out." But before I could say that, Mark's pointing finger directed me over to the window and....

"Bandit!" I said. For the cat was sticking half in and half out of the opened window. "Get out of here!"

"Oh, let him watch." Mark said as he pulled me to him. "Long as he doesn't try to turn it into a three-way." And Mark kissed me and I forgot all about the damned cat!

We had hold of each other's cocks, and before I could dive under the covers, Mark beat me to it and I settled for scooting down on the bed so we could sixty-nine. His cock fit into my mouth like it had been molded specifically for my tongue, lips, tonsils, throat. I moved back and forth in long-practiced competence, and Mark plied his oral skills on my own dong in a way that showed an intimate knowledge of what made me quiver and squirm in delight. I swear he had a way of stroking every nerve in my cock at once, the pleasure that shot through me every time he pulled upwards with his lips and stroked his tongue over the underside of my shaft at the same time. I could have made a sexual meal of just doing this with him, and had more than once, but tonight, here in my own childhood bed, I was determined to christen my lover in more ways than one.

So I shifted to be able to work my tongue into Mark's ass. He was a bit strong from the long car ride, but I didn't let that slow me down, I got him wet and moaning in lust from my probing his sphincter, and then I said, "You want some lube on that, I got some in the nightstand." Mark had spent the time I'd been tongue-fucking him in really foaming his saliva over my prong, so I didn't know if he would need reinforcement in artificial form or not.

"Naw, I'm good." Mark panted. So I threw the covers well back from our bodies and lay on my back, my dong glistening in the lamplight. Mark didn't waste any time, he crawled over my stomach and lowered himself down. As my cock slid up into his ass, I thought again how perfectly we meshed together, Mark and I. Same as when he was fucking me, we just went together without any friction, any resistance, any inhibitions. I slid in smooth and clean and when I was well buried within Mark's ass, Mark groaned and began to bob up and down on my pud, milking me with his ass at every stroke.

And the bed shook in a different direction as Bandit jumped onto the bed with us! "Aw, shit, Bandit!" I groaned. "Get the fuck off the bed!"

Bandit obeyed me like he always did, which was not at all. Instead, he moved over to sniff at my face.

"I think he tastes my cock on your breath." Mark observed.

"Hell!" I grunted, for Bandit was indeed sniffing at my mouth. "I thought we agreed, no three ways!"

Satisfied, Bandit stepped away to the corner of the bed and settled on his haunches, ready to watch us from this close vantage point.

"Looks like we got ourselves an audience." Mark chuckled. "Relax, Erik. After all, who's he going to tell?"

"My Grandmother, from the way she talks." I grumbled. "All right, but if he sticks his nose in one more time, he's going flying out the window."

"Just relax." Mark crooned. "Pretend he's not here."

"Says you." I groaned, but Mark began to bounce on me again and I found my cock exercising a veto over my brain in terms of what it was going to do...think about a damned cat, or get into the sexual groove from what was going on down there! My cock won, hands down!

I put my hands on Mark's thighs, just to feel his warm body and looked up into his eyes, beaming down at me. Shit, he's such a hell of a good-looking stud, I still couldn't believe he and I had matched up sometimes. Sometimes, you just fucking luck out in life, you know what I mean! Why was I hesitating about telling my family about him? He was the best thing that had ever happened to me! He deserved to be treated as my lover, not just my "roommate."

That revelation sparked my brain into orgasm. I began to gasp out, "Oh, God, Mark, I'm coming, man, I'm coming!"

"Yeah, come on, give it to me, give it to me!" Mark panted.

"I'm telling them tomorrow!" I heaved out by sheer force of will, for my ecstasy was busily clawing my eyes out from behind. "Just after the wedding, I'm going to tell every one of them!"

"Yeah, give it to me, give it to me!"

"I'm going to...tell them...all!" I climaxed this remark by exploding my load up into Mark's ass. "Alll-ahhh-ah-ah, ahhh, allllll!" I concluded my orgasm by gasping hard, for those words and that sound had emptied my lungs, I was struggling for air while my brain was busy churning out and exploding neural fireworks inside my skull.

Mark capped the entire thing, just as I was subsiding from my own climax, by spraying his load onto my chest and stomach, hot white splashes of his jizz that were like the benediction of heaven. I'd made him come just from fucking him, you can't get higher praise than that!

Mark finished, groaning, and rolled off me to lie beside me. I looked over at him, his face sweaty and soft and loving and I reached up to stroke his face...and then I felt it!

Bandit, of course. That damned cat had come over and was licking at Mark's jizz on my chest! His sandpaper tongue was licking up the spunk! "God damn it, Bandit!" I yelped when I saw this. "That's just fucking sick!" I pushed the cat off the bed, messily, for he sunk his claws into the bed sheet and didn't fall all the way off, just clung there and then released his claws and went down from there.

Mark only laughed. "And here I thought he liked me for myself. Turns out he was just wanting some of my love-juice."

I was wiping myself clean as best I could. "Well, if he wants some, he can go shop somewhere else! I'm closing that window from now on!"

"You're just selfish." Mark said.

"And when it comes to you, I'm going to keep on being selfish. You're all mine, damn it!" I said and kissed him.

Bandit jumped back up onto the dresser and went out the window, and I took the opportunity to close the window.

The next day, I was dressed up in my tuxedo and helping dish out the punch to the after-wedding guests in my parents' back yard. It had been a small wedding at the local church, but the weather was nice and warm still, just warm enough to make the afternoon pleasant and delightful. We had a band playing and Mark was over among the guests, dancing with some of the girls. He did look good.

Grandma came over. "There you are. Aren't you going to dance?"

"Maybe later."

"I'll take over with the punch." Grandma said firmly. "You get over there and dance with your boyfriend before one of those girls takes him away from you."

I looked at her dumbfounded and she just smiled. "I got a full report on you two from Bandit last night."

Something in me just let it all go. All the lies, all the careful avoidances, the denials, the half-truths, they just didn't fit me anymore. "I always knew that cat was your personal spy."

"Cats always know." Grandma said serenely. "Not that I needed him to tell me. The way you two look at each other tells me all I need to know."

Mark was looking at me and I smiled over at him. "I love him, Grandma. I love him so much."

"Then go dance with him." Grandma said. "And your family will either accept him or they won't. Either way...who cares?"

Mark was sitting with my mother. I went over and just held out my hand to him and he got up, moved into my arms. Slowly, easily, we danced together. There were some murmurs and a gasp from my mother, but like Grandma said, who cares?

When I rested my chin on Mark's head and that put me looking at one of the tables. On top of it, sitting on his haunches like he had on the corner of our bed, was Bandit, looking at us. When he caught my eyes on him, he closed his eyes, a cat's grin. I closed my own and held my man in my arms as we danced.

Grandma was right...a cat always knows. Like Bandit had known that Mark was the perfect man for me!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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