A Chorus Director's Dilemma

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 14, 2020



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A Chorus Director's Dilemma

Eighteen Years Ago:

The young couple were both seniors at The High School For The Performing Arts in New York City, and they were also gainfully employed. Both of them had landed jobs in the chorus of a hit Broadway musical. It was hard for them both, juggling school and work, but it was almost over. Graduation was one week away.

Neither of them could make the senior prom because they would be performing on stage. So, at the first opportunity following their graduation, they decided to party on their own. The boy took his girlfriend out to a fancy dinner. After dinner they strolled on a pathway in Central Park. They sat down on a bench and began to make out. They were petting heavily.

The girl was nearly out of breath, when she asked, "Do you have a condom?"

The boy was delighted. "Every guy my age has a condom in his wallet for just such an occasion," he sniggered.

"How old is it?" she asked.

"Maybe six months," he answered sheepishly. That was a lie. The condom had made the boy's wallet home for about two years.

The girl looked around her. The area behind the bench was very secluded. She took the boy's hand and led him into the bushes. It was there that the youngsters lost their virginity, but there was a major problem. When the boy removed the condom it was torn, and most of his spunk had leaked out.

The girl got pregnant, but refused to have an abortion. As a couple, they decided that the best thing they could do for their child was to adopt out the baby.

When the baby boy was born, the mother saw him for a brief second. The father never saw him. Both parents had previously signed documents with an adoption agency, run by Catholic Charities, absolving themselves of all parental rights, and freeing the child for adoption.

Two days after the birth, the girl moved to Los Angeles to seek a career in the movies. The boy stayed in New York, where he earned a master's degree in fine arts from NYU. He occasionally got stage roles, but he supported himself by giving voice and piano lessons, both privately, and at his high school alma mater. After the girl moved away, they lost touch with each other. She never made it in the movies, and he had no way of knowing what she was up to.

His greatest claim to fame was that he was the director of The Gay Men's Chorus of New York. He had come out immediately after graduating high school. With his occasional acting gigs, teaching commitments, and his leadership of The Chorus, he was one busy man, with a minus social life.

One week after his birth, the baby boy was adopted by a lovely couple from Connecticut. They were quite wealthy, and the new father commuted daily to his job in New York. He and his wife had been married for three years, and they could not conceive a child. In desperation they registered with the adoption agency.

The reason that the woman could not conceive was that she had a cancer growing in her ovaries. The growth of the diseased cells was very slow, and very pernicious. She wasn't diagnosed until her son was two years old. She died when he was five. The young son had made her last years an absolute joy, and her husband was forever grateful to him. The boy's adopted father raised his son with much care, love, and affection.

Five Years Ago:

Calvin (Cal) Kurland, Jamie's father, never hid from his son the fact that he was adopted. He wanted him to know how special he was, and that he was a chosen child. In spite of knowing that they were not related by blood, the two men loved each other dearly, as much as any blood related father and son can love one another. Even so, when Jamie was thirteen years old, he yearned to locate his birth parents. In order to put closure to his adoption, he needed to know why they gave him up. Jamie suspected that his mother was a young, unwed teenager, but that was only conjecture. He actually wanted to thank them for giving him such great adoptive parents, and such a wonderful life. If they ever felt guilty about giving him away, he would assuage that guilt.

His father was over generous with his allowance to Jamie, and he hardly ever spent any of it. He had a substantial cache if he wanted to engage a private detective. He also had a few great leads for the tec. He knew the name of the charity, the hospital he was born in, the date of his birth, and the date of his adoption. He didn't want his father to think that he was ungrateful because he was pursuing the search for his birth parents, so he decided to postpone the search until he was away at college. He was still a minor. Waiting until he was past his eighteenth birthday seemed like the right thing to do.

Cal was an account executive at a Madison Avenue advertising agency. Most of the male models he knew were gay, and Cal was basically gender blind. He became very friendly with Scott Mason, one of his agency's most popular models. When they were working together, they would often have a drink, and sometimes dinner together, at the end of the day.

That summer, Cal sent Jamie to a sleep away camp. He left on a Sunday.

The following Friday evening, he and Scott were having a TGIF drink together, and Scott noted with a laugh, that Cal wasn't clock watching that evening.

"You're a regular Sherlock Holmes," Cal said. "My son's away for the summer, and I don't have to rush home. My last commuter train leaves the station at 10:30 PM."

"In that case," Scott smiled, "I insist that we have more than one drink, and then we'll have dinner together. We'll be done in plenty of time for you to make your train."

"I got married young, and missed all that wild stuff," Cal joked. "You're on Buddy."

In the end, they had several more drinks, and at dinner they had several more. Cal missed his train.

"You'll come home with me," Scott said. "We'll have another drink and you can stay over. It'll be fun."

When they got to Scott's apartment, Cal got comfortable on the couch, and Scott mixed them each another drink. In fact, he made two more after that. He only stopped when Cal fell fast asleep.

The following morning, Cal woke up with a throbbing headache. He was alone in a king-sized bed. What bothered him was that he was naked, and he had to pee desperately. He had peed a couple of times the night before, so he knew where the bathroom was. After he relieved himself, he heard noises coming from the kitchen, and he smelled the sweet aroma of brewing coffee. Still naked, he headed for the kitchen. Scott was taking something from the fridge, and he was as naked as Cal.

"Good morning, lover," Scott said. "How do you feel this morning?"

"I've got a terrible hangover. I woke up naked, and you just called me lover. How am I supposed to feel?"

"Don't you remember what we did last night?"

"No, I don't, and you'd better tell me for the sake of our friendship," Cal pleaded.

"You really don't remember?"


"Then sit down. This is going to come as a shock to you. I'll pour you a cup of black coffee, and I'll tell all."

Cal got comfortable at the table. Scott poured two cups of coffee, and looked at Cal with something akin to the look of fear.

"I know we had too much to drink last night, but I swear, Cal, I wasn't trying to get you drunk. I was ... we were ... having so much fun. You passed out, so I undressed you and put you to sleep in my bed. I don't know how I was able to do it, because I was as drunk as you were. You might have noticed that I only have one bedroom, and one bed. I got undressed and climbed into bed next to you."

"Cut to the chase, Scott. Did we, or didn't we?" Cal asked with a smile on his face, and Scott relaxed a little.

"We did, but I would never take advantage of a drunk man. The minute I got into bed, you were all over me. You kept slobbering me with kisses, and telling me how love-starved you were, and that you hadn't been intimate with anyone since your wife died. We had sex, Cal, and you didn't hang back. You did everything to me that I did to you. Not only that, you kept telling me how wonderful I made you feel, and ... and ..."

"Yes, go on," Cal begged.

"You told me that you loved me."

"Shit, shit, shit," Cal said.

"I'm sorry it happened," Scott said. "Please forgive me."

"I'm not sorry that we had sex. I'm sorry that I don't remember it. I had plenty of gay sex in high school and college until I met my wife. After she died, I vowed to come out, but I also decided to wait until Jamie was eighteen, so he could handle it better as an adult."

"You really don't remember any of it?" Scott asked in amazement.

"No, and after we have some breakfast, and I shower off the booze that's seeping out of all my pores, do you think we could make some new memories?"

Scott just smiled. He pulled their naked bodies against each other, and they both sighed.

They had sex that morning, and almost every evening, until Jamie came home.

After that, whenever he and Scott got together, Cal told his son that he was working late, and would be home as soon as he could. Now that Jamie was home, when he and Scott had sex, Cal kept looking at his watch. Scott was bugged by the clock watching ritual, and by mutual consent, they concluded that it would never work out between them. They agreed to stop seeing each other, for sex that is.


When Jamie was in his senior high school year, he and his father had their first disagreement, ever. Jamie wanted to pursue a career on the stage, and he wanted to go to a New York City university. Cal wanted him to major in business. He had no problem with Jamie going to school in New York. Cal worked in New York, and they could occasionally commute together, unless Jamie wanted to live on campus. That would be okay with his father also.

Cal knew how talented his son was. Jamie had first or second lead in every high school musical, while he was in attendance there. He also had the romantic lead in the senior play. In the end, Cal gave into his son's wishes. He loved him so much, and he always wanted him to be happy. Had he known that Jamie's birth parents were performing artists, he would have blessed Jamie's choice of career, a lot sooner.

Jamie was accepted as a drama student at Columbia University. He decided to live on campus. Not only could his father afford it, but he wanted the privacy to pursue his search for his birth parents. He went home often enough so that his father didn't bug him.

Before he engaged a detective agency, Jamie did a lot of research. One agency that he came across, specialized in finding missing persons. He made an appointment with one of the detectives, whose name was Jamie Carson. Jamie felt that it was a good omen that they had the same name.

The agency had posh offices on Fifth Avenue. It was nothing like the sleezy offices in a Sam Spade movie. One of the secretaries took Jamie Kurland to Jamie Carson's office. Jamie was surprised that the detective was an attractive young woman, but he shouldn't have been. He often received advertisements for feminine products in the mail. He had a friend in high school whose name was Ira. Ira assured him that he had the same problem. They laughed a lot when they admitted the ads were usually addressed to `Miss.'

Jamie found out that Detective Carson spelled her name, Jaime. He gave her a recap of who he was looking for and why. He also provided her with all the data he knew.

"Ordinarily, with this much information, the search would be a piece of cake," Miss Carson said, "but when it comes to adoptions, it becomes much harder. The records are sealed."

"I know that the agency was sponsored by Catholic Charities," Jamie said. "If I offered them a substantial donation, how substantial would it have to be?"

"I don't know. I'll have to feel them out and let you know."

As it turned out, the agency accepted a small contribution of $1000.00, even though they didn't expect anything. As the director explained to the detective, "Usually the parent, or parents, who are giving up the baby, insist that a non-reveal clause should be entered into the contract. In this case, the parents made no such demand. I am perfectly at liberty to release whatever information we have."

Miss Carson thanked the director and assured her that a contribution would arrive in the mail as soon as possible. With the names of both parents, Detective Carson went on a relatively easy search to find them.

Two weeks later, she called Jamie to her office. She smiled at him, shook his hand and presented him with a thin file.

"This is all we could learn," she said. "Your mother moved to California right after you were born. She must have come to some harm along the way, or perhaps she changed her name, because after the move, we couldn't find a trace of her, not even through social security. The only family she had in New York was a widowed mother, and she has passed away."

"What about my father?" Jamie asked.

"It's all here in the file; who he is, where he lives, his telephone numbers, where he works, what outside activities he participates in, etc. Now it becomes your choice whether you want to contact him or not. Please don't be disappointed if he doesn't want to meet you. That's often the case. One final word, he must be very handsome, because you're a knockout. If you find him, and he's single, set us up. If not, I'd have no problem settling for you."

Jamie's face reddened. He thanked Miss Carson, and handed her a check for her services, and a check made out to Catholic Charities to mail to them. He clutched the file, and ran to his dorm to read it. He waited until his roommate left for the evening, and he opened the file:

He by-passed the scanty information about his mother, and went right to the information about his father.

"Martin Novak, your birth father, is thirty-six years old. He is single and has never been married. He resides at 347 E. 83rd St., Apt. 2B, in the Borough of Manhattan. His home telephone number is 212-556-1234. His cell phone number is 212-323-4238. He performs often in small roles in Broadway plays and musicals, but he makes his living teaching voice and piano at The High School For The Performing Arts. He also gives private lessons to students in his apartment. He is currently the musical director of The Gay Men's Chorus of New York."

Jamie was overwhelmed. His father was only eighteen when he was born. His theory about unwed teenage love seemed to have been true. Martin was also gay. That didn't bother him, but he now knew the source of his burning desire to sing and act on Broadway. Martin might even be able to open a few doors for him. The big question was how to meet him. He could call him and identify himself, or he could call him and sign up for private lessons, or he could pretend to be gay, and audition for The Gay Men's Chorus. If anyone came on to him, he could claim that he was committed to a guy who attended UCLA.

He didn't want to identify himself to Martin until he was sure that he liked his birth father, so he decided to take singing lessons at Martin's home, pretend to be gay, and audition for the chorus. Martin would have to notice him if he did both.

What about his father? Cal would understand the voice lessons, but how could he explain singing with The Chorus. He'd have to hide that from his father. Or would he? What if he wanted his father to see him perform with them? His father had plenty of gay friends. Jamie could tell him that a gay friend of his urged him to pretend to be gay, and audition for the chorus. He could add spice to it all by telling Cal that he was having the time of his life. Cal would never object to his son's happiness.

Jamie had no idea that he was about to open Pandora's Box.

Jamie began voice lessons with Martin every Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The student had requested every Tuesday and Friday, but The Chorus rehearsed on Friday evenings. Before a performance they rehearsed several evenings a week, and Martin warned Jamie that they might have to cancel private lessons during that stressful time. This was a perfect opening for Jamie.

"Could I audition for The Chorus?" Jamie asked.

"You don't have to audition. I already know what a magnificent baritone voice you have. What I'm surprised about is that you're gay. I never suspected, and my gaydar is usually pretty good."

Jamie did not comment, but it disturbed him that he didn't seem to have fooled Martin, regarding his sexual identity.

"Where do you rehearse, and what time?" Jamie asked, without further commenting on Martin's suspicions.

"In the auditorium at The High School For The Performing Arts. We start at 6:30 in the evening, and usually wind up by 9:30. Sometimes we run a little over, and sometimes we run a little under. Is that good with you?" Martin asked.

"It's super good."

Jamie was extremely happy. He liked his birth father a lot. He thought that he was a great guy, and as the detective had said, "He must be very handsome." Certainly, he was all of that.

The Saturday morning after Jamie's first chorus rehearsal, he took the train to his home in Connecticut. His father picked him up at the train station, and he could tell immediately that his son was bursting with excitement.

"What's with you?" Cal asked Jamie.

"Lots of good news," Jamie answered. I'll tell you when we get home."

After Jamie recited all the wonderful things that he was experiencing, he got the expected reaction from Cal. "I approve the voice lessons, but what do you mean you're singing with The Gay Men's Chorus? You're not gay, are you? If you are it wouldn't make one bit of difference in how I love you."

"Relax, Dad," Jamie said. "I'm not gay, but being a drama major, I have many gay friends, and they urged me, no, they begged me to pretend to be gay, and to try out for The Chorus. Most of those guys are pretending to be straight in school and at work, so I figured I could be just as brave as they are, and pretend to be gay. In fact, I'll have to be braver than they."

"Wow, you're full of surprises today, aren't you?"

"Here's another one, Dad. The Chorus leader is my voice teacher. When I asked him about auditioning, he said I didn't have to, because he knew what a great voice I had. He said that he didn't think that I was gay, and I surprised him. I believe he knows I'm straight, but he won't say anything, because he wants me in The Chorus."

"I don't know about this," Cal said dubiously.

Jamie played his ace of trump. "I've never been happier in my life, Dad."

That's all Cal had to hear. "Okay then," he said, "I want you to be happy."

Not one word was revealed as to Martin's relationship to Jamie. Jamie wasn't ready to tell, so both fathers had no idea.

Martin put Jamie in the front row of the baritone section. At his third rehearsal, Jamie could clearly see a lone figure sitting in the last row of the auditorium. He was too far away, and it was too dark for Jamie to identify, but he looked an awful lot like his dad, Cal.

At the end of the rehearsal, the figure approached the stage. It was Cal indeed, and Jamie ran over to greet him.

"What are you doing here?" Jamie asked.

"I had to work late, so I decided to see what all the fuss is about. You guys are great."

Martin saw Jamie embrace the stranger. He knew immediately that the man was gay. Not only gay, but he was a hunk, and Martin's gay heart began to beat wildly. He wondered if he had been wrong about Jamie. Could he really be gay, and this man was a romantic interest.

He couldn't help himself, he approached the pair, and asked, "Aren't you going to introduce us, Jamie?"

"Of course, I'm sorry. This is my dad, Cal," he said to Martin, "and this is Mr. Novak, my voice teacher and leader of The Chorus," he told Cal.

"That's Martin, please," he said to Cal as the two men shook hands. When they clasped hands, Jamie could clearly see sparks flying between his father and his teacher. He was very confused. His father was straight and Martin was gay. He couldn't figure out what was going on. It seemed like forever until they released each other's hands.

To make matters worse, Cal said, "I knew I'd be working late today, so I drove into town, and I'm not a slave to train schedules. How'd you guys like me to take you out for a cup of coffee and a bite. Afterward I can drive you home, Martin, and I can drive Jamie to his dorm."

Jamie was flabbergasted, but Martin's eyes lit up like the lights on Broadway. "That'll be wonderful," Martin said. "I accept."

Jamie just had to go along with it.

As they were having their snack, Cal's eyes were sending messages to Martin, and Martin was receiving them loud and clear. He began to send a few silent messages back to Cal. When the two men exchanged business cards, Jamie was speechless.

Cal dropped Jamie off first at Columbia. "I'll talk to you, Dad," Jamie said as he waved goodbye.

Cal stopped in front of Martin's apartment building, but Martin did not jump out.

"I need to tell you a secret," Cal said.

"I think I know what you're going to say," Martin encouraged Cal.

Cal smiled. "I'm gay," he said. "I promised myself to come out to Jamie when he passed his eighteenth birthday, but I'm too chicken. I'm pretty sure he's straight."

"I'm pretty sure he's straight also. He's totally hot, and I always behave myself around him. After all, he's one of my students. Why are you telling me this, Cal?"

"Because, I'm seriously attracted to you, enough to want to pursue it."

"Why don't you park the car, and come up to my apartment. I can't show you my etchings, but I can show you my two pianos."

They both broke out laughing, and jumped out of the car. They made love that night. They both knew it was beyond lustful sex. When the love making was over, they fell asleep in each other's arms. They were both busy men, and getting together after that was a challenge, but they managed as best they could.

Cal began to come to rehearsals every Friday evening. The three men had a snack, and then Cal drove Jamie to the dorms. As soon as Jamie was out of the car, Cal and Martin ran to Martin's apartment. Jamie did not have an inkling that his two dads were having an affair. More than that, they were madly in love.

By the fourth Friday night, they were able to admit that they were in love. Cal even said that it was time to sell the house in Connecticut, and for him to move to New York.

"Jamie's hardly ever home anymore," Cal said. "He's busy with school, his voice lessons, The Chorus, and he's made lots of friends. He prefers to hang out with them on weekends. If I move to The City, it'll be easier for him, and a hell of a lot easier for us."

"That will be wonderful," Martin said, "but you'll have to come out to him."

"I know, and I know just what I'm going to do. Your spring concert is right around the corner. After the concert, Jamie's coming home for a few days. I'll tell him then."

"I hope he won't mind having two fathers," Martin said.

"He'll have to accept it, because I love you, and I want to be with you," Cal moaned.

"Well, good luck to all of us," Martin sighed.

Now, Jamie was no dummy. He saw the sparks flying between his two dads, and he didn't know what to make of it, but he did make a decision. He was going to reveal himself to Martin at his next lesson on Tuesday evening.

Martin put his hands on the piano to begin playing, but Jamie pulled his hands away, and lowered the cover on the keys.

"What?" Martin asked. He feared that Jamie was going to ask him what was going on between him and his father. But instead, he got the shock of his life.

"I've got something to tell you, and I hope you'll take it well."

"Jamie, you're scaring me. Out with it."

"Did you know that I was adopted?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, I did, so??"

"You're my birth father. I sought you out. I didn't want to tell you until I was sure how I felt about you. Now that I know you, I think you're the greatest guy in the world. I love you, Martin, and I want to have a relationship with you, and with my other dad."

Naturally, Martin was speechless. He sat numbly for a few seconds. Then he grabbed Jamie, and hugged him so hard, Jamie feared his ribs were breaking. Martin wasn't really crying. It sounded more like he was screeching. When he regained control, he asked, "Does Cal know?"

"No, but now that you know, I'll tell him. After the concert this weekend, I'm going home for a few days. I intend to tell him then."

Martin thought, "Jamie's going to tell Cal that I'm his birth father, and Cal is going to come out to Jamie. I'm glad I won't be there, but I would sure like to be the invisible man."

The two men were too excited to have a lesson, so Martin made them a cup of coffee, which he served with some donuts. They talked for hours. Martin told Jamie about his brief romance with his mother, and their decision to adopt him out.

To reassure Martin, Jamie told him what a great childhood he had. He thanked his father for making the right decision, and Martin was relieved.

There were no more lessons that week, The concert was to be held in Carnegie Hall on Saturday evening. The chorus was going to rehearse on Thursday and Friday evenings, and on Saturday morning.

Cal had started to come to all the rehearsals, and the three men would have a snack together afterward. He was there on Thursday evening, and he was beaming with joy. He hadn't been this happy since the day he adopted Jamie. After the rehearsal, he approached Martin, but Martin started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Cal asked. "Aren't we going out for coffee tonight?"

"No, not tonight or tomorrow night. I'm too tired and nervous. Maybe after the concert."

Poor Martin. He just couldn't face Cal right now. He wanted to be alone to figure out what he should do. He didn't know how to handle such a strange situation. How could he have a relationship with his son's adopted father? It was too weird. They both loved Jamie so much. Nevertheless, he firmly believed that it would be impossible for him and Cal to be lovers under the circumstances.

Cal was crushed. In less than two seconds, his face aged ten years. He grew unsteady on his feet, and he leaned against Jamie.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Jamie asked in alarm.

`Let's go for a snack. I have things to tell you. I was going to tell you this weekend, but I have to tell you now. I would never have let Martin walk away, if you knew the truth."

After they were served their coffee with a piece of banana cream pie, Cal took Jamie's hand. He tried to talk, but it was difficult for him to articulate what was on his mind.

"Please," Jamie begged. "Talk to me."

Cal took a deep breath. "When I was in high school and college," he began, "whatever little sex I had, was with other boys. I never gave a thought that I might be gay. After I met your mother, I fell so in love with her, that making love to her was like riding a magic carpet. After she died, I was celibate for many years. Remember the summer you went to sleep-away camp?"

Jamie nodded.

"I got drunk one night, partying with one of the models at the agency. We began an affair. It didn't last long. In fact, it was only a summer romance. When you came home, and he realized that we couldn't be together full time, he broke it off. I went back to being celibate, and then I met Martin. We fell head over heels in love with each other. The first Friday I came to rehearsal, after I dropped you off at your dorm, Martin invited me up to his apartment for a real drink. We've been making love ever since that evening."

Cal buried his head in his hands. "I don't know why he gave me the brush off tonight. He really hurt me. I love him so much. I know this is a lot for you to absorb, Son. Please don't condemn me for being gay."

"Of course not. I love you. I think Martin is a super guy, and I don't care that he's gay, but I think I know what the problem is, and what's going on in Martin's head. I was going to tell you this weekend also, but I have to tell you now."

Jamie took a deep sigh and began, "I didn't want you to think I didn't love you, so I searched for my birth parents without your knowledge. I just wanted to thank them for giving me the best life ever."

Cal sobbed.

"I'll get to the bottom line, Dad. Martin is my birth father. That's why I signed up for lessons with him, and joined The Chorus. I didn't tell him until two days ago. I think that the problem is that he doesn't know how to react to this situation. He never told me about your relationship with him. I just learned about it a minute ago. I've got to make both of you understand that I love you both. I want you to be happy. I think you're the best dad in the world. Imagine how great it would be for me to have two of you. I don't want this unusual situation to stand in the way of you two loving each other. Personally, I think it's really cool."

"What am I going to do?" Cal asked. His voice was plaintive and pathetic.

"We're going to drive over to Martin's apartment and we're both going to tell him how much I love both of you, and how much I want us to be a family."

"What if he kicks us out?"

"He won't, believe me." Jamie said.

A short time later, Jamie pounded on Martin's door. He opened it, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. His eyes were red and swollen.

"What's going on?" Martin asked.

Cal didn't answer. He grabbed Martin and began to devour him with kisses. Martin melted into his arms. When he realized that Jamie was witness to their passionate kisses, he tried to pull away, but Cal was holding him too tightly.

"Now you both know everything," Jamie said. "Let's swear to have no more secrets between us. I think you should spend the night here, Dad, and I'll go over to my girlfriend's apartment."

"Your girlfriend?" both fathers asked aghast.

"You never told me," Cal said.

"No more secrets, right?" Jamie smiled. "My girlfriend is a few years older than I am. She's the detective who found you, Martin. Her name is Jaime. The minute she saw me, she had the hots for me. After she found you, she called me one evening to find out if I had contacted you, and if I did, she wanted to know how it went. She invited me to dinner at her apartment. I knew what she wanted, and I accepted immediately. We know we can never be in a serious relationship, and we accept that we're just good friends and fuckbuddies."

"Be careful," Martin warned. "Don't make the same mistake I did."

"I promise to be careful, but I must say that your `mistake' has had wonderful, wonderful consequences."

Both his dads agreed.

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