A Different Kind of Whore

By Otis McCoy

Published on Apr 15, 2017


Jay: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/110409183657

Sabien: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/155051175157

Chaz: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/110311891947

Dev: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/141236521605

Sweat poured down my face, soaking the ripped grey undershirt that stuck to my chest, cooling my flushed skin but betraying me at the same time. I had slowed my pace to a jog, I didn't have the stamina for this constant sprinting, and I think I had lost my pursuer at the last fence I jumped. Dogs aren't very good climbers.

Still, I couldn't stop moving. I had about an hour left on the clock.

As I passed a woman on the sidewalk, I noticed her turn her head to follow me. Glancing back, I was met with a glare of concern, and I could understand why. Here I was, dressed in traditional jogging attire (if a bit tight), obviously very out of breath and extremely sweaty at 11 at night. Not to mention the slightly panicked look in my eyes, which kept shifting to every dark corner of the dimly lit street.

I decided to give myself a second to rest, get myself composed so innocent concerned citizens wouldn't call the cops on me. When you're in my profession, cops are always bad news. I ducked into an alleyway, jogging down a couple yards and stopping behind a dumpster. I bent over, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

I ran a hand through my buzzed hair; it was slick with sweat when I pulled it away. I checked to make sure my ear piercings hadn't fallen out, and mentally prepared myself to look like a normal nighttime jogger. Once I was ready, I stood tall again, taking a couple steps out before I heard the low growl.


I should've sprinted for the mouth of the alley then, but I was frozen for a second with fear. During that split moment, a large shape turned the corner, stalking closer to me. I backed up, keeping the large, grey dog in my sights at all times. I hadn't checked, and I couldn't now, because I knew as soon as I broke eye contact the beast would pounce, but I was praying for this alley to not be a dead end.

Then my back hit a brick wall. Shit.

The animal was in no hurry, it knew I was out of options, out of time. It's jaws gaped partially open, foamy saliva dripped onto the grimy alley floor, but I kept my eyes locked with its. Dark brown locked with primal yellow. Man and wolf, staring eachother down. When it was only a few feet away, I spoke.

"Ready to fuck?"

"And you've talked to your landlord about this?" my boss, Zachary, asked me as I sat in his office, two months prior.

"Of course, sir, but he's being stubborn. Says that if I don't have the money, he'll kick me out at the end of the month. Which isn't fair,"

"Since he raised the rent, of course," Zachary finished, contemplatively. "This town has been becoming more and more expensive these last few years,," he went on. "Gentrification, and all that. It isn't something we thought would happen, you know, back when I first started my business here. But there's always some new problem..." He didn't seem like he was talking to me.

"Sir?" I asked, hesitantly. I had come into his office to ask for more hours, because I really needed the cash, but we both knew the ones he offered wouldn't be enough to make up for the rent hikes.

"Oh, of course, Jay. I'll talk to your landlord about it first thing tomorrow. But if he's as stubborn as he seems, I'd recommend finding another job, something part time, just to make ends meet."

"I've been looking sir, but I don't think anything I find will get me enough money by the end of the month."

Zachary looked at me critically. Handsome for a man in his mid-thirties, my heart always sped up when his dark green eyes pierced into mine. Maybe I just have a weakness for gingers.

"I can help," he started. "Not with more hours here at the club, but with a more... adventurous occupational opportunity. But it all depends on what you're willing to do. Or, more accurately, whom you're willing to do."

Part of me knew the conversation was going to come here, one way or another, even though I knew Zachary wasn't a pimp. He could make good money selling his dancers to certain men, and a lot of us wondered why he didn't.

"I have a friend, he and I go way back, who recently moved here. He caters to a very specific audience, if that's something you're willing to do."

"Anything if it pays enough," I replied, though in my mind, "anything" was a lot more limited than what the world had in store for me.

Zachary's friend met with me in his surprisingly posh studio apartment early the next morning. Despite being on the ground floor, the interior was resplendent in shades of scarlet and ivory, with deep umber wood furniture and a dark red carpet.

He shook my hand and introduced himself as Sabien. Dressed in a black, velvet bathrobe, he gestured me to sit down at a quaint coffee table, on top of which stood two goblets of wine. Another gesture compelled me to drink, and I did so deeply, to steady my nerves. Part of me couldn't believe I was taking this next step, part of me accepted it as inevitable. I got fucked onstage for the pleasure of a crowd of men weekly, the only difference now was that I was providing that pleasure on a more personal level.

Sabien sipped his wine as he eyed me. It was hard to gauge his age, partially because he was bald, though I guessed he was in his mid thirties, since he was friends with Zachary. His eyes were piercing, like my boss', but in a different way. Whereas with Zachary I felt electrified by his emerald eyes, Sabien's lured me in, made me feel hypnotized, like I was both safe and completely naked. I have a tough time saying no to men (a weakness of mine, to be sure), and I knew that if Sabien told me to do something, I would jump to it.

But for the first few minutes, all he did was stare. And then he began asking questions. What's your name? Jay. Where do you live? On the corner of Creed and Bretting. Are you in a relationship? No, work has kept me too busy. Do you understand what this job is asking of you? "Yessir. I'm gonna be a whore," I said frankly. His eyes narrowed.

"No. I do not sell.... whores," he said. "That is a common misconception amongst the fresh meat. I provide, to men who are willing to pay, an experience that may be difficult for them to come upon under more natural circumstances. And to some, I provide an outlet where they can express who they truly are. Do you understand?"

Sabien was talking like he was born in the 18th century. This is 2017, if a guy wants to fuck another guy, all he has to do is open up grindr. And we lived in a particularly liberal city. Pride lasted two weeks here, and people were more than free to express who they truly were all year round. Still, if he primarily dealt in closet case trade, I could deal with that.

"Of course sir, I know exactly what you mean," I said.

He smiled, ivory teeth splitting his pale face into a wide grin. "I truly doubt that," he replied.

Before I could contemplate what he meant, there was a knock on the door.

"Ah, your first client," Sabien said, getting up and leaving me at the table. "This soon?" I started to ask, but Sabien had already reentered, a man following behind. He looked about my age, maybe even younger, and I was frankly surprised why someone my age would need to hire a prostitute. Especially, once I got a better look at him, someone so handsome.

"Jay, this is Chaz. Chaz, Jay. Chaz, if you wouldn't mind waiting in the lounge for just a moment, I'd like to have a word with my boy." Chaz winked at me before departing, leaving me and my employer alone in the kitchenette. Even though he had left, I could still smell him, his aftershave leaving an intoxicating afterimage in the room.

"Before you ask, you'll be receiving $300 upon completing this job, provided you are satisfactory. If the customer has any complaints, I do not expect to see you again. He is tested and clean, as all my clients are, and since you work for Zachary I know you are as well. And before you go out," he said, grabbing my shoulder, "keep in mind that it is of the utmost rudeness to comment on a client's physical appearance to him, no matter how surprised you may be." His eyes bored into mine, and I could feel his final message etching itself into my brain, though I didn't think it was really that important. Of course I wasn't going to insult a client, especially not one who looked like Chaz.

Hand still on my shoulder, Sabien guided me into the lounge, though, after a small pat on my ass, he continued onwards towards an office. When the door clicked shut, Chaz spoke up from his spot on the couch.

"Sabien said it was your first time," he started. His voice was reedy yet bro-y, giving me a bit of a surfer and stoner vibe. He had on baggy jeans, but a tight tank top out of which peeked a patch of chest hair. He still had his sneakers on, and I hoped his feet size were an indication of other parts on him.

"Yeah, it is," I replied, mentally kicking myself for the pathetic lack of small talk. I was supposed to be giving this man a good time, not standing awkwardly. I really didn't expect someone my age.

"That's hot," he said, shifting his snapback over his curls uncomfortably. Doing so exposed one of his pits, and I realized the smell that I thought was aftershave was just his natural scent. It was a heady musk, and my cock started stirring in my jeans. "And I hear you're a dancer too," he went on, noticing my hardness.

"Yeah. Want me to put on a show for you?"

"That's what my dad is paying you for, isn't it? Though really, I'd rather fuck you." My cock twitched. Hell, I would fuck this guy even without the monetary incentive. I started giving him the standard affair, stripping off a piece of clothing at a time, making sure to lock eyes with him and lick my lips seductively. I was on solid ground here, this was my forte. Once I was naked, he gestured me closer. "Now do me," he said.

I could see a significantly large bulge pushing up the denim of his jeans, and I decided to save that for last. I knelt over him, my bare knees on either side of his hips, my fingers playing with the tight material of his tank. I started lifting it, letting my thumbs trail up his thick happy trail as I went. Letting out a content sigh, Chaz lifted his arms over his head, and I was awash his his scent again. Suddenly, I couldn't wait until I could get a taste.

I ripped his shirt off, knocking his hat off in the progress, and immediately dove into one of his furry pits. Usually arm pits aren't my kink, but there was something about Chaz that was making me lose control. As he repositioned his snapback back on his head with one hand, the other went to my head, pushing my face further into his pit.

Overcome with lust, I was ready to go down on him. I began licking down his chest, to his furry abs, until I was nibbling at the button of his jeans. His musk was particularly strong down here as well, and I was taking in deep breaths through my nose to experience as much of it as I could.

My brain felt fuzzy as I strained to get at his cock, and my hands fumbled with the zipper. Eventually, I got it pulled down, and I started tugging at his jeans to get them off. His cock, a true monster, lay in wait for me, and it was already drooling precum into his thick pubes. It was obvious he trimmed, since they weren't too long, but he was definitely covered with hair from the waist down. His musk was strong down next to the source, and I started bobbing my mouth up and down on his cock before he pulled it from my grasp. I whimpered, and he slapped my cheeks with it a couple times, splashing my lips with precum.

"Finish undressing me," he growled. Loathe to move so far away from his cock, but knowing that if I followed his order I'd be allowed to take it in my mouth again, I started pulling off his jeans once more. His legs were covered in a thick layer of hair, which kind of surprised me since on his arms it was relatively sparse.

The hooves came as a further surprise.

I had just finished pulling his pants down to his ankles, and I pulled his shoes off with his jeans, and instead of toed feet, I was greeted by two cloven hooves. In my musk-induced stupor, I almost forgot Sabien's warning to me, but fortunately I caught my tongue before I passed comment. I suddenly understood why Chaz had to pay to have sex. I wonder how many people saw his physical abnormality and left the room on the spot, despite the fact that he was handsome has fuck from the ankles up.

Still, you don't stay in this business for long if you have hangups over something as minor as foot shape. Tossing his pants and shoes aside, I began crawling back up his body, until my lips were positioned above Chaz's cock once more, slurping up the delicious precum it produced. I restarted my ministrations, bobbing my head up and down like I had done to so many guys' cocks, doing my best to deepthroat the sizable meat.

I've been with many the hung guy, but this penis had them all beat, somehow. Chaz must've sold his soul to the devil to get a cock like this, and I desperately tried to shove as much as I could in my mouth. I needed to do this, partially because it was my job to impress, partially because his scent was putting such an insatiable drive in me, partially to assuage my own pride.

Despite my frantic efforts, I couldn't get more than two thirds down my throat at once, though Chaz didn't seem to care. A constant high pitched whimper was the result of my efforts, and I was glad he was enjoying himself so much.

"Fuck stud," he kept on bleating, "fuck I need you to ride me. Fuck I need it bad." Always willing to comply with a request like that, I scooted my body up until his turgid head was positioned right under my hole.

I had expected to be fucked today, so my hole was already cleaned and prepped. When Zachary said that Sabien was going to interview me, I figured a practical test would be issued as well, though I didn't expect it to be my first job.

Still, I wasn't quite as lubed as I thought I would need to be to take a cock of this size. While I had slobbered over his knob like a champ, I didn't think my spit and Chaz's precum would be enough, and I didn't see a bottle of lube anywhere nearby. I was willing to try it dry, but as we tested the waters, as his cock head knocked at my door, I knew it wasn't happening. His large mushroom head just wasn't slipping in.

That is until he pulled me in for a kiss. Once our lips touched, I could feel myself loosening up a bit, just enough that his head stared breaching my hole. Sensing my body giving way, Chaz began pressing his hips upward slowly, until I backed off with a low whimper. Damn taking him was going to be hard.

Not to be deterred, Chaz grabbed me by the back of my head , pulling me in for a deeper kiss, before shoving my face once more into his armpit. Again, I was awash with his heady musk, lost in the otherworldly scent. I barely even noticed my anus relaxing around the foreign invader, easily letting the huge club of meet begin sliding in.

I lapped at the sweat that was beading on his underarm hair as he slowly slid his manhood inside of me. I've regularly bottomed for some big guys, but nothing like this. I was frankly proud of myself for taking it all, though obviously Chaz's pheromones shared the credit.

Once he bottomed out, my hole felt more full than ever. This felt like my first fuck, like I was a deflowered virgin again, instead of a dancer at a sex club who goes home with a different guy every week. I could feel his veritable carpet of virility on my ass cheeks, and I loved how it barely tickled the sensitive flesh. It felt like his scent was enhancing every touch on my skin, and I was so lost I didn't hear him until the second time say "Ride me, bitch."

Even then, I didn't immediately obey. I was too busy eating out his pits like so many guys had eaten out my ass. It wasn't until he lifted my head up that I managed to break free from the scent's intoxication and realize what was going on. Not making him ask a third time, I began riding him.

I bucked my hips forward and back, up and down, trying to give him the ride of his life. My hardon wasn't important right now, all that mattered was serving the client. I squeezed my hole and clenched the whole passage as I pulled up and off him, before letting gravity sink me all the way back to the base. He was moaning, grabbing my hips and meeting my thrusts when I became too lost in the pleasure to continue, the two of us merging together in seamless sex.

Eventually, his thrusts became more frantic, more jarring. I took over then, pounding my ass down onto him, letting my pillowy cheeks smack his hairy pelvis. It didn't take much of this before Chaz was breeding my ass, each pump of cum shooting deeper inside me than any other guy ever had managed.

His orgasm lasted a solid thirty seconds, and I slowed my bucking when I sensed him coming down from it. I was still hard, and I began to jerk my cock over his sweaty happy trail, before Sabien opened the door to his study.

"Jay, if you wouldn't mind joining me in my office for a minute while we give Chaz a chance to recuperate," he said, nonchalant at my sweaty, freshly fucked form.

"Uh, sure thing, boss," I replied, gingerly pulling myself off Chaz, his cock pulling out of me with a wet plop. As I waddled into Sabien's study, I reached back and felt for the damage. Chaz had really done a number on me, that was for sure. I could easily slip two fingers into my hole, which offered no resistance.

Sabien closed the door behind me. "Kneel," he ordered. I knelt. "I'm sure you have questions, Jay."

"No, I think I get it," I said, before he finished. He paused, his brow furrowed.

"...really..." said Sabien.

"Yeah. You cater to people with physical disabilities or abnormalities who might have a tougher time getting laid from more, well, judgmental people. I get that."

Sabien chuckled. "Well, you're only half wrong." He snapped his fingers and pointed at his cock, which I had only just realized was hanging half hard outside of his bathrobe. "Suck," he commanded. Unquestioning, I took it into my mouth. As I nursed it to hardness, he continued.

"The people I provide services for live on the fringes of modern society. While there used to be a time when their ancestors could walk the world, technology and advances have pushed them into the shadows, into the wild places." He was fully hard at this point, and I bobbed my head dutifully on his pale cock.

"The man you were just bred by is a satyr, a race of people from Greece with the feet and horns of goats, and the horniness of Ancient Greek homoeroticism. I congratulate you on not commenting on the hooves, that must have taken some will power." Sabien's dick was steel hard at this point, hard enough that it was difficult forcing it down my throat all the way, though Sabien didn't seem to mind when I eased off and focused on the head.

"Chaz's father runs a ski lift out on Mt. Arcas, though Chaz prefers to live in the city. I know he frequents certain gloryholes, places where he can pass for human, but if there's something you can understand as a gay man, it's that having to pass for something you're not all the time is tiring. It feels so much better to be yourself. And that's where I come in." A drop of precum hit my tongue. He did not leak nearly as much as Chaz, and his precum was less salty, almost cool to the taste.

"I cater to the supernatural. I cater to those who would be run out of town if people knew what they were, and I've been doing this for quite some time. Around a hundred and fifty years, in fact." I gagged. Not just at the surprise at what he was saying, but also because my throat was getting a little sore. I pulled off his cock and started licking his balls.

"I don't think I need to tell you what I am," he drawled, flashing me a white smile. This time, my eyes were drawn to how sharp his teeth looked, how hypnotic his eyes were, how pale his skin was. "But don't worry about it. Zachary wouldn't let me in his town if I were a threat. I'm here as a business man, and as a care provider. And I think you, Jay, will fit right in here."

I feel like I should have been more shocked by this revelation. But I kept right on licking his package, fondling his balls, sucking his cock as he chatted about the supernatural nightlife in town. Apparently, a lot of supernatural beings were seeing it as a form of sanctuary from a rapidly changing world. And it looked like I was going to be a part of it now, providing service for them when they needed me to.

"Just remember, Jay," Sabian concluded, his voice finally starting to show signs of impending orgasm. "The world is much bigger than you can imagine, or ever know. You're privileged to be a part of it, and I trust you won't go spilling any secrets." He was panting now, one hand rubbing his sweaty scalp, the other running over mine. "Ah, you have such a pretty face Jay. You, ah fuck, you're lucky you met me. Take this gift, so that you may look young forever," he said, right as he orgasmed. Gotta admit, one of the weirder things a guy has said to me while cumming.

I almost spat out his cum too, it tasted so bitter. But Sabian grabbed me by the back of the head, pulling me all the way down on his rock hard inches, bending my neck at an almost uncomfortable angle to do so. Once the shock faded, I dutifully swallowed, falling back onto my heels once Sabian released my head.

Sabian was composed once more as he sauntered to sit behind his desk. Wiping my mouth, I reached out to grab the goblet of read fluid on his desk, before stopping in my tracks. Noticing, Sabian raised an eyebrow.

"It's wine, Jay," he said, his voice dripping with mock disdain. "Feel free to take a sip. I know my semen can be displeasing to the taste." I downed the goblet. Sabian's second eyebrow joined the first.

"What did you mean about a gift?" I asked, but Sabian wasn't listening to me. His head was tilted to the side, and when he looked at me, all he said was

"I believe Chaz is ready for round two. Go get em, Jay."

The next day, I handed my landlord an envelope with my rent money (most of it fairly sweaty and/or cum stained) in it. He crinkled his nose when I gave it to him, and I thought there was no way he could actually smell the bills. But hey, he knows I work at a strip club, he probably just assumed.

"You know, if you're trying to save money by saving water, there are other ways to do it besides not taking showers," he said, petulantly. What an asshole, I thought, as I walked back to my apartment. I had definitely showered since getting fucked by Chaz, even though I slightly regretted washing his musk off my skin. But as I flopped into bed, pulling up Netflix on my computer, I coulda sworn I got a whiff of him.

Whether I was imagining it or not, it had the same effect on my cock, which went from flaccid to straining against my waistband in two seconds flat. Not planning on jerking off, since I had work that evening, I just ignored it, putting on some Archer to take my mind off it. But again, I got a whiff of Chaz's smell, and again my cock restiffened in my pants. Thinking maybe it was from the clothes I wore the day before, I walked to the hamper. Lifting out the shirt I had worn, I gave it a deep sniff. It smelled mostly like me, but there was a trace of...

Sniffing again, I could smell it. It was definitely Chaz. But the smell wasn't coming from the shirt... it was coming from me. Smelling the shirt had exposed my pit to the air, and as I gave it a sniff I realized I my body odor had changed to Chaz's delectable musk. My cock was hard once more, and I knew this time I wouldn't be able to distract myself with Archer. I opened a new tab and started browsing porn, but thirty minutes later, when I blew my load, I didn't have my eyes glued to the screen. Instead, my nose was glued to my pit.

When I got to work that evening, I knew the other guys could smell it too. A few, Dev and Alex, breathed deeply as they talked to me, though neither commented or mentioned anything unpleasant. However, the bartender, Jake, was blunt as always.

"What smells like a gym locker room?" he asked me, as I took a plate of drinks from him later that night.

"I mean, I was just on the dance floor, so" I said, trying to get back to my job, but Jake stopped me.

"No man, I smell sweaty dancers all night and this is something else. You smell like you just got gangbanged by a college football team. Like you fell asleep in a construction worker's armpit. Like you got a deodorant that female dogs wear when they're in heat. Like you--"

I left him waxing poetically to get serving the drinks, and got more than a few heavy pats on the way to the booths. Frustrating as that is, it's the life of the gogo dancer, though I wasn't expecting for a man to block my path. Tall, old, and bald, this guy looked mean, and he placed a hand on my shoulder, stopping all movement.

"Excuse me sir," I asked politely, but this guy wasn't budging. He was obviously very drunk.

"Wanna take you home and fuck you," he slurred. "I know you'd take dick great. You smell like a little bottom bitch." I was not having any of this, but when a guy is eight inches taller than you, all you can do is smile and signal the bouncers to help. Dev showed up first, always the pal, and began escorting the man out of the club. Or at least he tried, but the drunk was getting nasty. Another bouncer showed up to help, but the drunk starting getting louder. I was really hating that I was causing this scene.

I heard a gently voice in my ear. "People are waiting on those drinks, Jay." Zachary sashayed around me, giving me a slight nudge in the direction of the tables. As I went back to serving, I saw his lithe fingers stroke the drunk's chest, and with a few whispered words in the man's ear, Zachary gestured him out of the club. How embarrassing that a problem I caused had to be solved by the big boss.

Once the night ended, I was still feeling a little ashamed. I should have been able to handle myself, though Dev and Alex tried to reassure me that everything was alright.

"Dude, it is totally not your fault," Alex said, as we both changed back into street clothes. "Tbh, the bouncer shoulda seen that one coming. Gabe really hasn't been doing his job recently."

"Hey Jay," Dev cut in, "Before you put on your jeans, did you wanna use the showers here?"

I had had enough. "Do I really smell that bad that everyone thinks I need to shower?" I snapped. "Can y'all give me a break I just finished dancing so hundred horny guys could have spank bank material for tonight, and it's been a long day. I know I smell bad, I don't need every single fucking person telling me that!"

Dev looked cowed. "Actually," he said, "I was trying to get you to shower so I could catch you alone and fuck you, since it's been so long. Only reason I didn't say that is because I knew Alex would want to join in, and the bitch has a psych test tomorrow he needs his rest for. Besides, I think you smell fantastic."

"Whoa whoa whoa you were trying to cut me out of a potentially sweet threesome?" Alex chimed in.

"No, it's a twosome," Dev said with a smile, pushing Alex towards the door. "You've been complaining about this exam all week, you don't wanna bomb it." "Might be worth it for some bomb ass pussy," Alex said, grinning at me. "Dev is right, you do smell amazing. Like if you spent the night getting fucked by gladiators, and you're still ready for more."

"More like gladi-see-you-later," Dev said, more or less tossing Alex out the door. "Go home and sleep, you horned up fool." As Alex said his goodbyes, Dev turned to me. "Damn Jay, you even got the other bottoms thirsting for your hole. I don't know what deodorant you're using, but fuck if it doesn't do its job." As he spoke, he moved closer and closer to me, until he was murmuring right into my face. "How about we skip the shower and just fuck right here?" he asked, an exploratory finger finding my still-loose hole. "Damn girl!" he softly exclaimed, "This pussy is loose! Someone's been fucking you well on the side, hasn't he?"

Falling into his strong arms, I nodded meekly. "Anyone I should be jealous of?" Dev asked.

Making eye contact, I smirked. "He's bigger than you, Dev."

"Oh yeah? Good thing then, that he got you nice and loose. Means I can just go that much harder, that much faster. Get ready to squeal, bitch."

And squeal I did. Fifteen minutes later, I was bent over the bench, my whole body rocking as Dev shoved his cock deeper and deeper into me. While he wasn't reaching the same depth as Chaz, he was definitely fucking with more ferocity, more passion. He grabbed my neck, pulling my head back and forcing me to arch my back, before giving me a slap on my jiggling ass cheeks.

"Ready to get bred, whore?" Dev stated, not really asking a question.

Lifting one hand above my head to grip the arm that gripped my neck, exposing my pit to the air, letting Chaz's scent fill the room, I quipped back. "I'm not a whore. I'm an experience." Clenching my ring as I spoke, I was almost cut off by Dev's sudden roar. I swear I could feel his cum burst into me, filling me up and warming my insides, setting off my own, untouched orgasm, the first I had in a while. Dev gripped me tightly as we were both lost in the throes of our own orgasms,

"If you boys are done," a voice drily came from the doorway back to the club, "I'd like to lock up for the night." Zachary switched off the main lights, leaving only the light from the open door to illuminate our abashed grins. "Jay, meet me in my office. Nothing bad, I just want to talk. And take a towel to the bench, Dev. Don't leave the janitor with your mess."

As I followed Zachary, I told myself not to be nervous. It's hard to be calm when the boss wants to talk to you in private, but it's not like I've done anything wrong. As he gestured for me to sit down, I felt very small in the chair.

"So, how did you like Sabien?" Zachary asked, casually. It didn't hit me until then, so I blurted out,

"You're friends with a vampire?!"

Zachary smiled. "I have a lot of friends in this town, but yes, I am friends with a vampire."

"Does he... kill people?" I asked, pretty sure he wouldn't hurt his employee but not entirely certain.

"Only those who deserve it. He's a doctor who arranges his escort services on the side, he has plenty of access to blood when he needs it. Though I wouldn't go asking about that side of his life to his face. After a few centuries, the same questions get old. Suffice it to say, I trust Sabien, and it's better to have a vampire as an ally than an enemy. Besides, he provides a noble service to those in our fair city who live an alternate lifestyle." "Oh, yeah, I, uh, well I, um, I got fucked by a satyr yesterday," I said, slightly abashed.

"Yes, that explains the smell." Zachary was unsurprised. "Many times when satyrs enter an especially strong rut, their own pheromones will `stick' to their mate. It's a way of signaling to other satyrs that you're up for a good time. Of course, sometimes even humans can detect the scent, hence the little bit of trouble that occurred tonight." "Sorry about that, boss," I began, but Zachary waved it off.

"It wasn't your fault. You can't help how you smell now. Usually the smell will fade away after a week or so, though if you were bred multiple times by him, it has more a chance of being permanent."

I gulped, imagining the three loads he had deposited deep inside me, some of which probably hadn't even come out yet. "Do I smell... bad?" I asked, uncertain. "Because to me, I smell like Chaz, and it's been making me kinda horny." "The pheromones have a different effect depending on who smells them," Zachary explained. "To you, you smell like the satyr who bred you, as a way of reminding you who marked his territory in you, and as a way of keeping you constantly horny so you'll always be raring to go. To a satyr, you smell delectable, and if there were any more than two in this town, I'm sure they'd be clip-clopping from miles to get a piece of you. The effect on humans is much less pronounced though. To any heterosexual, you smell... well, you may smell a bit bad. Not awful, but like a mix of someone who just worked out and a wet dog. Shower often and you'll be fine. To a gay or bisexual man, you smell available. Humans aren't a very olfactory focused species, so it's hard to explain or understand, but your scent is like a label subconsciously telling other gay or bi men that you're a slut who wants to be fucked. While this gives no excuse for a man trying to force himself on you as happened tonight, while you're at the club I'll make sure security keeps a watchful eye on you."

"Thank you sir. And when I'm at home?"

"Well, it depends. If there's anyone you particularly want to get fucked by, go to the gym, skip the shower, and see how they react. But if a man is making particular aggressive actions toward you, don't be afraid to call for assistance. Your pheromones may induce feelings of protectiveness in other men, persuading them to come to your aid."

I was silent for a moment. I knew I wanted to say something, but I wasn't sure how to phrase it. "Is this... well is this kind of change something that happens often with, uh, with magic?" I was thinking not just of the pheromones, but also of the gift of youth that Sabien had bestowed.

Zachary looked serious. "It can be. Magic in essence *is *change. Is that something you can handle?" I imagined Dev fucking me with such fervor in the locker room. I thought of how many tips I had received tonight. I even pictured guys fighting over who gets to fuck me.

"Yeah, I think I can."

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Next: Chapter 2

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