A Different Kind of Whore

By Otis McCoy

Published on Apr 25, 2017


Jay: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/110409183657

Kazuki: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/155049482308

Dev: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/141236521605

Kaito: http://ganymedesjockstrap.tumblr.com/post/130184521233

"This next assignment is a little bit different that previous ones," Sabien said, as we sat together sipping coffee at his dining table. "You've performed admirably so far with adapting to this alternate lifestyle, but sucking off dryads and deepthroating naiads is relatively tame compared to what you're going to have to do next." "I'm sure I can handle it," I replied, cockily.

Sabien chuckled. "You say that now. So, Jay, how're you at running?"

"I did a little bit of baseball in high school," I lied, but Sabien saw right through. "Ok, I played for a couple weeks before dropping it for dance," I admitted.

"Well I hope you have the endurance for your next client, because he's offering to pay an extra $20 for every fifteen minutes you last against him." "Last against him? Does he want to fight or something? Because I don't think it'd be good to wreck the money maker," I said, gesturing to my face.

"Please, Jay, your ass is your money maker, and you couldn't wreck it with a goliath's fist. But no, your client doesn't want to fight. He wants to hunt."

Only three days after getting fucked by Chaz, Sabien called me in for another job. I showed up a few minutes early at his door step, knocked, but no one answered. I had been instructed to dress slutty, and I felt out of place standing in this gilded hallway in nothing but sneakers, booty shorts, and a tank top. As I squatted next to the door, I received a funny look from a woman hurrying past to her own apartment. At precisely 3:50pm, Sabien opened the door.

"In the future, when I request your presence at a certain time, I expect you to show up at that time," Sabien said sharply as led me into the lounge. "You performed well with Chaz, so well that his father may be wanting to rent you as well, for an entire weekend at his cabin on Mt. Arcas. But today's assignment is rather simple. In ten minutes, your next client will arrive. As per usual, make no comment on any physical abnormalities he may have. You're not being paid to pass judgment here." "Can I get some warning about what he is?" I asked. Sabien froze, turning slowly to glare at me. His eyes were cold and imposing, and I could feel myself shrinking under his gaze.

"This is not a question of `what' he is," Sabien said, each syllable distinct and crisp. "He is a person who wishes to have certain needs of his filled. You are to be the receptacle of that need. Do you understand." I nodded meekly. I was filled with the urge to kneel before him, grovel at his pale feet, but he had already turned to head to his office. "Open the door for him when he arrives," Sabien said. "He requests nothing more than a blowjob. Don't scare him." And then the heavy door to his room was shut, and I was left alone.

I sat on one of the couches, rubbing my cock through my pants, trying to get a little hard before the client arrived, but I couldn't help but still feel ashamed over what I had said. Still, some part of me was curious about who was going to answer the door, and what he would look like.

My questions were answered just a few minutes later by a soft, polite knock. I was at the door in a heartbeat, eager to get this job done. On the doorstep stood a man, looking barely of legal age, his nervous hands deep in his pockets. Putting on my best suave voice, I invited him in.

It was obviously his first time doing this, so I made some light conversation as we got settled on a love seat together. He introduced himself as Kazuki, and said that he was a first year at the local university. I told him a little bit about myself, how I was a dancer, a few of my interests, and he said that would love to come see me perform, but obviously wouldn't be able to get through the door.

"Don't worry about that," I said with a smile. "I can sneak you in the back, through the employee locker room. You can get a behind the scenes look." He smiled, shyly, and the conversation paused. Deciding I was going to have to make the first move, I pulled his face close to mine, and our lips touched.

Kazuki was hesitant at first, but really started warming up to it as time passed. Fully clothed, we kissed side by side on the love seat, his lips barely parting, forcing me to stay slow and gentle. Despite this, he was a good kisser, and I almost lost myself in his soft lips as we patiently made out. I've been with a lot of dudes, but it had been a long time since I had kissed someone who seemed to really enjoy kissing for the sake of kissing, not just as an activity to pass the time until our dicks were out.

After ten or so minutes though, my neck was getting a cramp. Using a trick that dozens of tops had used on me, I pulled him onto my lap so he was straddling my thighs, and we resumed kissing. He kind of melted into me when I did this, his supple back arching and his groin pressing into my abs. I felt his cock through our t-shirts, and while it didn't seem particularly big (in fact, it was a little on the small side), I didn't really mind. I wanted to give this guy a fun time.

As we kissed, I felt a dampnes on my belly, and I realized that precum was soaking through both of our clothing. This kid must be a real leaker. Deciding it was time to give Kazuki what he was paying for, I began undressing the both of us. His chest was just as smooth as mine, and I gave his small nipples a couple quick lips, perking them up. Our pants came off next, revealing some grey briefs that had the largest pool of precum in them that I had ever seen.

He looked slightly embarassed, but I swiped a finger over the damp cotton and licked it to show I was turned on. Picking up the slight figured man, I flipped him so he was now sitting on the couch, as I knelt between his legs. Before pulling down the briefs, I began sucking the precum through the fabric, and was surprised by how sweet it was. This was delectable, like if he had spilled fruit juice on his briefs.

Deciding that I needed it straight from the source now, I pulled down his briefs, letting his cock flop out and revealing why Kazuki needed to come to Sabien to get laid. While his cock was normal, if on the smaller side, it was nestled in a bed of greenery. Instead of pubes, Kazuki had little sprouting vines surrounding his cock and traveling down his taint. I didn't stare too long, trying not to be rude, but they were bright, spring green, with little leaves budding off at certain points.

Even if I was curious, my job and my attention were to suck Kazuki off, so I hopped on his dick. It was quite easy to take due to his size, and as soon as I went down I was rewarded with a glob of his sweet, sweet precum. I couldn't quite determine the flavor, but it was definitely fruity, and quite addicting.

I started bobbing my head quickly, easily fitting it in my mouth and resting my nose in his plant pubes. They smelled fresh, like a garden after a rain, and I deepthroated him, pulsing my throat muscles, earning more of his precum which slid right off the back of my tongue. Not wanting to miss anymore, I started focusing on the head, so I could taste each spurt of precum as it came out.

I swear, this boy leaked precum like a broken faucet. Every two seconds, another pulse of sugary sweetness would emit, and I would redouble my efforts to earn the next one. He was loving it, his arms kind of thrashing around as I sucked him off. He didn't know what to do with them, at one moment rubbing my hair, the next moment rubbing his, sometimes tweaking his nipples or rubbing his chest or just raising his arms over his head with stimulation. I noticed he had two bushes of dark vines underneath his arms as well.

I used my tongue to flick under the tip of his head, earning another moan of appreciation from him. My hands gripped his thighs hard, and he let out a small whimper.

"I, I'm going, I'm," he never finished. As I dove down to take his cock to the root again, he tensed up, starting to shoot his load straight down my throat. After a moment, I backed off, so I could taste his cum, and lo and behold it was even sweeter than his precum. I slurped it down, loving the taste, and holding it in my mouth as his orgasm ended. I savored it before swallowing the last bit. I wanted more.

But Kazuki looked tired. His dick was starting to deflate and he leaned back on the couch, eyes half closed, dazed and sweaty. I licked his dick head and he helped from sensitivity. Still, there are other ways of getting a guy to go a second round. Following the trail of clovers, I started nuzzling his taint, before lifting his legs and giving a tentative lick to his rosebud.

He smelled and tasted clean, so I dove in, licking around the rim before plunging my tongue into him. Kazuki let out a long, pleased sigh as I went to town on his ass. I may be a bottom, but I've eaten Dev's ass on stage often enough to know how it's done.

His ass crack smelled peculiar, but not in a bad way. More like that crisp smell of autumn, which I guess is rotting leaves, but I dunno. Either way, it was exotic and only more of a cause for me to dive in deeper and deeper. Every so often, I would check with a finger to see what his cock was doing, and it was stiffening back to hardness, but wasn't yet producing precum.

Trying to drive him crazy with need, I began fondling his balls with one hand as the other focused on fingering his tight hole. My tongue licked around the rim as my finger crooked inside him, pressing on his prostate. I smelt sweetness in the air, and surfaced from his ass to find his cock leaking precum once more.

Keeping that finger inside him, I began lightly licking his cock head, testing the waters. He could take it, but I kept the sucking to a minimum, focusing more on massaging his prostate and licking the precum off the head. Kazuki was moaning again, though the moans this time were sharper, higher pitched, and ragged. His eyes had rolled back in his head, and I noticed the veins I could see were tinged with green. Hoping that was a plant-thing and not a sick-thing, I pressed on.

With the copious amounts of sugary pre leaking out, I decided to just keep my mouth planted on his cock head. I wasn't sucking, just letting it rest there as I provided light tongue stimulation and fingered him, and it seemed to be working. He was squealing a little bit, short staccato high-pitched whines now. His body was tensed, his fists were clenched, and I could tell he was almost ready to shoot. Which was good, because I yearned for his cum.

He screamed when he came the second time, nearly startling me off his dick. But I couldn't let a single drop of his delicious cum go to waste, and I kept my mouth secured to his dick as he bucked his hips uncontrollably, depositing his seed inside my mouth. I savored what I could, swallowing it when it became too much, but not letting even a single drop leak out.

When he was done, I sat back on my haunches, admiring my handiwork. Kazuki was only semi-conscious, muttering something under his break as he sank back into the cushions. His body would occasionally tremble, and his face looked totally slack. He was drenched with sweat, and even his pubes looked a little wilted, like I had sucked their vitality out.

I didn't hear Sabien come up behind me, but there he was. "Good work, Jay. You did well on him. I'll let Kazuki rest here as long as he needs, then collect the cash. You can come by tomorrow to pick it up, at 5:20 pm sharp. I'll see you then."

Laying in bed after work with my cock wrapped tightly in my hand, I contemplated my session with Kazuki. Honestly, I felt kinda bad charging for the blowjob. The guy was cute, I would totally have gone for him independently of getting paid for it, and it wasn't hit fault he had a literal garden of pubes.

Zachary had called him a dryad, a forest spirit found all over the world, and explained that a lot of them shaved their bush to avoid questions during hookups, or just stayed in committed relationships with a non-questioning partner.

"That boy probably came from a more conservative family, where shaving is considered unnatural. Or he's in the middle of a fertile period..."

"He seemed pretty fertile," I chimed in. "Going twice in like ten minutes."

Zachary raised an eyebrow. "That is... ah... interesting. Is it safe to assume you swallowed two loads of his cum?" I nodded. "Well, it shouldn't matter too much. He was young, it was probably only his first fertile period, and you only went two rounds, I doubt you have much to worry about." I wanted to ask more, but Jake the bartender interrupted, requesting more help serving on the dance floor.

Now as I jerked off, I wondered if there was anything to worry about. Kazuki seemed like a pretty nice guy, I doubt he would put me in any kinda danger. And I really wanted to suck him again, get a taste of that sweet, sugary cum...

I exploded onto my chest, coating it in my own load. After basking in the glow for a couple seconds, I reached for the toilet paper next to my bed, but my hand paused. I could barely smell the faintest fruity odor of Kazuki's cum. Curiously, and half-hoping this was a similar situation to how Chaz marked his territory, I scooped up a finger of my load and stuck it in my mouth.

Expecting the normally acrid taste of someone who uses protein shakes daily and drinks at work, I was pleasantly surprised to taste the same sugary sweetness that I had consumed earlier that day. Well, I say it was the same, but really it was only about half as good as when I got it straight from Kazuki's tap root.

Still, if Kazuki's cum was nicotine, my own had become a nicotine patch, and I hastily slathered the rest on my fingers and lapped it up. After a moment of sadness when I realized there was none left, a contentedness washed over me, and I decided to save the shower for morning, drifting off into a pleasant sleep.

I dreamed of lazy glens and sunlight filtering green through floppy leaves, bathing my body in a gently light as I lay in the grass, watching as Kazuki approached me out of the trees, his cock almost triple the length it had been when we fucked, dangling down almost to his knees, an almost constant stream of precum connecting his meat to the forest floor, which was becoming moist with all the sweet, addicting cum...

I woke, wrapped in my sweat dampened sheets, the morning sunlight filtering through my blinds onto my face. I felt hungover, which is weird because I had only had one drink the night before, and my body was sticky all over. I realized I smelled funky as all hell, a mixture of last night's load, my own sweat from dancing, the other dancer's sweat, the patron's sweat, and of course Chaz's ever present musk.

I groaned, rolling over to get out of bed and head to the shower, but I was stopped by an almost painful erection. Shit, I was going to have to take care of this. Still, better do it now, seeing as I can't get any dirtier, and I was going to shower right afterwards anyway.

I rolled back onto my back, bending my legs to gain easy access to my hole, and then began playing with both my genitalia. Raphael had fucked me on stage last light, and I realized his cum was still deep inside me. My hole wasn't as sloppy as it was the night before, but Raph has a way of fucking that makes it evident to anyone else using your hole that you were fucked by a master recently.

So it was easy to stick a couple fingers into my hole as I began jerking my cock quickly, hoping for a speedy orgasm. I didn't need to shatter my mind with bliss here, I just wanted to be able to get out of bed and function. My foreskin glided quickly over my cockhead, and it was only a matter of minutes before my load was splattered over my abs.

Sighing with relief, I suddenly remembered how great my cum had tasted last night. Praying that it wasn't just a temporary thing, I picked up the biggest glob and let it dangle into my mouth. Met with the fruity delectableness of before, I quickly finished the rest of my load, resting a hand on my abs contentedly as I appreciated the taste. Still, it was hardly a big load. A five minute jerk doesn't produce a whole lot of cum, and I felt cheated out of a nutritious breakfast.

Wondering if I could go again, I began lightly patting my cock, flopping it up and down. I've got a pretty nice penis, a fact that infuriated plenty of other bottoms, and if I were a top I would totally fuck myself. With that thought in mind, my dick started stiffening, and I began prodding my hole as well.

With that, my cock was well on its way to full mast, but this time I jerked off slower, trying to milk a bigger load out of my junk. I closed my eyes and imagined myself on my knees in front of Kazuki, but this time the dream version with the foot and a half long penis. In my fantasy I could take it all the way down my throat, and it felt like he was pouring his sweet essence straight into my stomach.

I choked and gagged on his monster cock, but kept my nose firmly planted in his jungle of pubes. I glanced upward, and saw that he had a small patch of green on his chest and abs as well. I was imagining him older, maybe in another twenty years, a late-30s stud whose bark colored skin shone with a layer of sweat.

A familiar scent added a second player to my fantasy. Suddenly, Chaz was there as well, clopping up from behind on his cloven hooves. As I daydreamed, I crooked my neck so my nose was as close to my left pit as possible, breathing in the scent Chaz had marked me with.

In my daydream, he wasted no time in shoving his monster cock deep into my ass, splitting me open like Raph had done last night. He sawed in and out at a regular pace, rocking my whole body, pushing me deeper onto Kazuki's cock.

I felt as though I was nothing more than a hole for these two nature spirits, imagining their cocks meeting halfway inside me, bumping eachother and spraying their loads at my midpoint. I groaned as, in real life, three of my fingers pistoned in and out of my hole and my hand swiftly jacked my cock. I was getting so close...

And a dam broke. My load, almost triple the size of the first one and much more liquidy, shot all over my body, from my clavicle to my belly button. The force was so strong that I sat there in a daze for a second, forgetting my purpose for jerking off initially. But then I smelt the barest whiff of sugar, and I remembered, hastily rubbing my fingers over my chest to get all of it into my mouth.

As before, it didn't come close to tasting like Kazuki's. And this time, I could taste the salty undertones of all the different men's sweat I was also rubbing off my body. Gross, but not gross enough to make me stop.

That second load really took it out of me, and I decided to check my phone in bed for a little bit before getting up. No messages from Sabien. I wish I had gotten Kazuki's number after we fucked, but that probably would've been unprofessional. Not that I would really know, I'd only been a part of the oldest profession for less than a week.

As I scrolled through instagram, I started looking for any hot new men to follow. Looking through the basic tags, I found a video some twink had posted of himself deepthroating a lollipop ( http://www.pictaram.com/media/1459597257686659588_3545221062). He got a lot down his throat, though I was confident I could do more. Either way, it reminded me of my fantasy about Kazuki, with that long, rigid, sweet-tasting pole penetrating my throat. My cock, starting to stiffen a bit, somehow found a hand wrapped around it, and I started lightly playing with my foreskin...

Three loads and five hours later, and I still hadn't gotten out of bed. Each time I came, I was just too wiped too get up, and by the time I found the energy I was craving the taste of my cum again. I had skipped lunch, but I didn't really feel all that hungry from all the fruity cum I had been consuming.

I was starting to think about calling in sick for work, before there was a knock at my front door. I heard a key in the lock and I groaned, not wanting to confront my landlord in this state, I sloppily covered myself with my gross sheets, but it wasn't my landlord who walked into my bedroom, but Dev. He must've let himself in with the spare key under the mat.

"Hey man, it's almost time for work. Thought I'd give you a ride," he began, before crinkling his nose. "Fuck, Jay, it smells like a bathhouse in here. And not the nice one across from that all female gym." He cracked open my window, letting in a breeze, as I rolled on one side to stare at him.

"I was feeling kinda sick, thought I'd call it in to work today. Wassup Dev?" I asked, hiding my boner under a sweat-soaked duvet. Dev was having none of that though.

"This is what wassup," he said, whipping the sheet across the room and revealing my cock. I was just about to start round 6 before he had showed up, and my cock, looking a bit pink and chafed, was ready to go. "You don't look too sick to me, bitch."

Dev got into bed with me, kneeling over my body and peeling his shirt off his beefy body. Looking down, he said, "Man, Jay, you've been acting really weird these last few days. Normally you'd be all over me if I did this to you. What's been going on in your life dude?" He was right. Normally I'd love to get Dev's thick cock in my ass at any opportunity, but I was still pining over Kazuki. Still, when Dev opened the fly of his sweatpants and hauled out his cock, I figured I could still have a little fun with it.

He slapped it on my bare chest, asking the question with his eyes, and I reached for his meat. As soon as I grabbed it, he knocked my hand away, gripping my thighs in a firm grasp and holding them over my head.

"I came here for one thing, Jay, and it wasn't a handjob." Placing my legs on his shoulders, he found my hole with his cock head, gently pressing in before recoiling. "Dude! Is that cum from last night still in your hole?" "Yeah," I said, blushing. "Raph's. C'mon man, you've fucked me with more than just Raph's load in my pussy before," I said, seductively licking my lips and pressing my chest upward.

"Yeah, but that's not when it was a day old. I'm grabbing a rubber," he said, reaching into my bedside table. As he rolled it onto his meat, he said, "Jay, you a sexy ho, but you nasty," before pushing into me.

My back instinctively arched as Dev long dicked me. He must have figured I was still loose from last night, because he bottomed out immediately, taking no prisoners, and I was glad I had been fingering myself all morning. Dev, kneeling between my legs, began thrusting fast at a pace that most tops wouldn't be able to maintain, but I knew he could.

"Smells like you were getting raw dogged by an entire football team in here all night long," he shit talked as he thrusted. "I knew you were a slut, Jay, but that is a whole different kind of whore." "Fuck yeah I'm a slut," I moaned as he power thrusted me. "I'd love to get fucked by a whole football team of guys like you." Each thrust of Dev's long cock, powered by his meaty legs, was driving thoughts of Kazuki out of my mind, replacing them with a new hero to worship. Dev's pecs bounced as he thrust, and I arched my back even more trying to get more of his body inside mine.

"You really need this, dontcha bitch," he grunted. "You're such a dirty ass whore. You need a real man's cock inside you, don't you?"

"Yeah, you're the man I need Dev," I moaned uncontrollably, "I need your cock inside me every day. Fuck it, I need your cock every second."

"Mmm if you were planning on jerking off all day, you should've invited me over, Jay. I could've made this day a lot better for you, bitch." He grinned, catching my eye. "Besides, slut, I know how to cook. I coulda made a real meal for you, instead of whatever you've been eating all day."

He flicked my cock knowingly, whisking up some precum and popping it in my mouth. He licked his lips before redoubling his thrusting efforts, making me throw my head back in pleasure.

Dev knew my tells, he knew when I was going to cum, and so he must've known that despite being fucked for a good half an hour, I wasn't all too close. But despite being a veritable sex demigod, Dev was still just a man, and thrusting into my hole for half an hour could make any guy cum. With a lurch, he gripped my pecs with his hands, filling up the condom inside of me.

"Fuck, that was good Dev," I said, as he slowly withdrew from my tingling hole. "We gonna head to work now?" "Not yet," he grunted. "I need to make you cum."

I laughed. "I've cum five times today, I don't think I'm going again."

"I'm up for the challenge." He sauntered over to my closet, finding the shoebox where I kept a couple toys. "How bout this one?" he said, pulling out a thick black butt plug that rivaled even his girth. "Looks kinda like mine, huh?"

With me still lying on the bed, he walked over, dangling his condom-wrapped package in my face. I leaned forward to lick it, but he slapped my face away.

"Jay, you haven't washed your ass all day, I'm not letting you get sick cuz you're horny." Still teasing, he slowly peeled off the condom, dropping it in the trashcan next to my bed, disposing of the majority of his load. But still some was slathered on his cock, which he began bumping on my lips. I opened my mouth to receive it, and got a taste of his jizz.

It was repulsive compared to mine or Kazuki's, and I almost gagged, but I was overcome by the sensation of him pressing the dildo into my ass. I gasped, my mouth opening on its own accord, and Dev started feeding his snake down my throat.

Despite swallowing more of Dev's loads than any other guy's, the taste was alien and unfamiliar to me. But as Dev performed his ministrations on my needy hole, I warmed up to his more natural cum taste. Eventually, we settled into a nice rhythm of him pressing the dildo into my hole and then slowly withdrawing it, stretching my hole tortuously around the thick part before letting it slide the rest of the way out.

Meanwhile, I gave his junk a tongue bath, licking the cum off his cock head and shaft, before moving down to the source, cleaning his sweaty balls and traveling to his taint. My hand was stroking my own cock as the other massaged my stretched ring. I was getting pretty close, servicing Dev with one hole while he pleasured my other hole, but it wasn't quite enough.

Until he started fingering my hole as well. With the thickest part of the plug inside me, he also started working in a finger or two. While it felt almost uncomfortable, I felt amazed at how stretched I was. As I came, a thin watery load that barely made it up to my belly button, it wasn't from the physical sensation, but from the mental stimulation of being stretched so completely by Dev.

As I weakly lay in bed, a reached a hand to wipe up the load, but Dev beat me to it. With one long lick, he drank up my whole load. Licking his lips, he said, "Tastes fruity, Jay. Whatever you've been eating, keep eating it," before hauling me into his arms and carrying me to the bathroom. But as he cradled my grimy, sweaty body in his large arms, depositing me in the shower, I was determined to change my diet. Dryad cum tastes great, but eating too much was dangerously addicting.

Sabien did not look happy as he drove his black corvette down a secluded sea side street with fancy houses on either side. Maybe it was the fact that I had joked he should be driving a hearse, maybe it was the fact that we were headed to the beach together, but his knuckles were gripped tight on the steering wheel, even paler than usual, and the tension in the car was palpable. The light undertones of classical music didn't do much to break the ice.

Sabien had said that we were headed to the beach for my next client, so he could fuck me in his natural environment. My first thought was mermaid, but Sabien was quick to correct me.

"He's a Naiad, completely different. I wouldn't let you have sex with a mermaid, too many cross-species diseases you could catch. Believe me when I say you don't want scale rot to enter the human population."

"What's the difference then?" I asked, hoping to get some kind of clue as what to expect.

"Fins mostly. He'll have fins on his arms and legs, gills on his neck. Nothing that can't be hidden with jeans and a turtleneck, though I hear many disguise their gills as an intricate neck tattoo. Regardless, many Naiads can hide the fins easily when not exposed to water, but your client wishes to have a more natural experience.

"He's told me that he's heard stories about how naiads used to do it in the old days... Things were much more barbaric back then. Sirens would pull sailors to the depth of the ocean, engaging in wonderful coitus before leaving them to drown.

"And that's what he wants to do with you. He wants to experience underwater sex, like his ancestors did. Obviously, you won't be swimming deep enough for you to be in serious danger, and I shall accompany you to make sure he doesn't get carried away. Provided you stay close to shore, I should be able to hear your heartbeat to know if you're in trouble."

It unnerved me a little bit that he could hear my heartbeat, and even more so that there was a risk to my life with this next job. He must've heard the anxiety speeding up my heart, because he said, "Don't worry. You'll be at no risk while I'm there. I don't want my workers dying, especially when they've received such high praise. Now get in my car, we're going to the beach." This was the first I had heard of any compliments, and it made me feel better about what I was about to do.

When we arrived, we were on a rocky, secluded shore at the end of a ten minute hike down a cliff side. There was a man surfing a little ways down, and Sabien identified him as Kaito, the naiad.

"Kaito identifies as straight, but he's willing to have sex with a man in order to have this fantasy of his fulfilled. So try your best to keep the moans high pitched, and pump up your pecs as much as possible. Refer to your hole as a pussy and your pecs as tits. Try and be as feminized as possible." This wasn't too difficult, I had played with plenty of guys who were into the same thing.

When we got to the pebbly sand, Kaito waved at us from out in the surf, but made no attempts to come in. Sabien, who was miserably dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and a wide brimmed hat, unpacked the umbrella he had hauled down and pulled out a book, making himself comfortable on a very expensive looking towel. He gave me an irritable gesture toward Kaito, and I trotted towards the water, stripping off excess clothes along the way.

Bare ass naked, I plopped down in a sandier spot, wiggling my cheeks around to get comfortable. Kaito was still catching waves, and I watched him from a distance. He was tall and lean, bronze skinned from obviously a lot of outdoor activity. I couldn't see the arm and leg fins at this distance, but I didn't imagine they would pose much of an issue. I'd been fucked by men in odder costumes on Halloween at Club Lux, so I doubted fins would be too much of a turn off.

Kaito caught a large wave into shore, riding the whitewash until the water was only knee deep, at which point he jumped off the board. He sauntered over to me, dripping salt water from his tanned skin and (as I could now see) from the dark blue ridges on his forearms and shins.

"So you're the bitch I paid for?" he called out jovially when he was a few yards away. "Sucks that vamp doesn't have any girl whores, but at least you're not some manly man. Damn dude you got less hair that I am, and naiads are famously smooth."

I stood up to shake his hand, but Kaito ignored it, grabbing my elbow instead to pull me close, then placing a hand on the back of my head to shove me to my knees. "Suck, bitch," he said nonchalantly, and I was faced with his bright turquoise speedo. It had a blue, glittering fish scale pattern on it, and my first thought was this was some kind of natural pouch that naiads had, before he began lowering it.

My second thought was that there was no way a guy who was totally straight would wear a speedo that gay, but it was interrupted when he pulled out his meat.

He was a modest size, a bit thin, with testicles on the smaller side. He whacked me on the temple with it a couple times, shaking off droplets of brine, before tilting my head up and shoving it in my mouth. I almost didn't have time to cover my teeth with my tongue, he was so eager.

I began performing ministrations dutifully, going into autopilot as I sucked his salty dick. The first few moments were marred with the taste of the sea, but as I washed that off with my mouth it was quickly replaced with a more natural dick taste. I was half surprised he didn't taste like fish, but very glad that he didn't.

As I sucked, I noticed there was more and more dick for me to blow. Kaito must've been a grower, not a shower. Eventually, his cock was knocking at the back of my throat, and I relaxed the muscles to let him in. I proudly eliminated my gag reflex some hundred-odd blow jobs ago, so I could swallow his slender cock with ease.

Well, it would have been with ease were he not thrusting so intensely. Kaito was fucking my throat with a vengeance, probably compensating for being straight by taking out his most primal urges. Both of his hands were firmly planted on my shaved scalp, and he was doing most of the work, ramming me down on his pole before bucking his hips to knock me back up the shaft. All I had to do was keep my teeth out of the way and provide a warm, wet hole for him to thrust in.

At one point he let up a little bit, relaxing his grip on the down stroke, and I raised my eyes upward to see him closing his, a look of concentration on his face. Taking initiative, I slowly began easing off his cock, letting about an inch emerge from my mouth every second. After about eight seconds, I realized he still had his cock down my throat. I had no idea his cock had grown this long, and I marveled that there was still more to go. Finally, the head popped out of my mouth, and I fell back onto my haunches, looking up in awe at the lengthy cock before me.

It was still on the slender side, but it was definitely the longest I had ever seen, beating out even Chaz's by at least an inch. I'm a talented cocksucker, but I still could hardly believe that whole thing was in my throat. He must've been tickling my stomach with that.

"I'm not paying you to sit around," Kaito growled, stepping over my body and grabbing the back of my head, pushing me down once more onto his cock. My heart leapt as I realized I had to fit all of this back inside me, but with Kaito's steady pushing it slid in easily, like a sword being sheathed.

Inexorably, the naiad's cock snaked down my neck, until once more my nose was buried in his sparse, salty pubes. I tried to swallow a couple times, my throat spasming around his meat, and I was surprised that there was no gag at all. While Kaito's left hand was still pushing my face into his groin, his right was massaging my throat up and down, slowly feeling it bulge.

"I love training throats like yours, whore. Most girls start out gagging before I grow, but by the time I'm through with them they can take cock like the sluttiest bitch." He had been holding me down for at least thirty seconds now, still rubbing my throat, and slowly fucking the last inch in and out of my face. I needed to come up for air, and hoped that Sabien would come pull Kaito off me if he suffocated me with his cock. Just when I was about to punch him or something to let me off, he released me, stepping back to withdraw his long pipe from my throat.

"Forty four seconds, slut. You can do better than that," he said, as I gasped to regain my breath. He only gave me ten seconds to breathe before moving back in, slapping my face with his cock, leaving a trail of my own thick, back-throat saliva from my cheek to his cock head. I took a deep breath before hesitantly returning to the blowjob, though he was having none of that. With the same speed he had withdrawn it, he impaled me again on his long dong. Once more, I was impressed I didn't gag, though at this point I was wondering if that was more to do with some special property of his unnatural cock than my own fellatio prowess.

He held me down by the nape of my neck this time, wary for any sudden withdrawals. He only let the first inch or so out before shoving it back in, and he was rougher this time, thrusting at a more moderate pace. I wished I could've shown him what I was really capable of with my mouth, which unfortunately wasn't being used for anything right now but a receptacle for the last few inches of his cock.

When I thought I was about to choke again, he pulled off, but slower this time, prolonging the lack of air, making me feel every inch of his long, slender dick. As soon as it wasn't blocking my throat anymore, I took long, deep breaths through my nose, my nostrils desperately flaring to reoxygenate my body. He laughed as he saw this, and didn't remove his cock head from my mouth, giving me free reign to please him with my tongue.

I gave him my utmost enthusiasm, hoping to convince him that my mouth could service him better than my throat, that focusing on the head was more pleasurable than this tortuous deep throating. But it was only a minute before he slowly began pushing me down again.

"You got to a minute twenty-one last time," he said, maybe proud. "You're going to break two minutes now, one way or another." My chin rested on his balls. "You're not as hot as a girl, but you're taking to the training better. Or maybe it's just that I don't care if I'm rough with you in the process." He shrugged, though I couldn't see it, only feel the ripple of movement. "You're a dude. Dudes are pussies when it comes to pain, compared to chicks, but the difference is I care about chicks. Don't really give a fuck about other dudes."

I had been mentally counting this time, and I had reached a minute forty in my head.

"Plus you're a whore. `Nuff said right there." He stroked my cheek gently, smearing some of the mucousy spit smeared there, before giving me a sharp slap. I had to fight off the reflex to bite down as he laughed again. I reached two minutes in my head, but he still held me down. Was I counting too fast, hoping to get done with this?

"I was really hoping that Sabien dude would have girls to fuck, but I guess you gotta do. Hope your pussy is as tight as a girl's, cuz that's how I'm going to fuck it." I was starting to genuinely wonder if this guy was dirty talking for the shit of it, or if he really was just a monumental asshole. "Wish you had longer hair though," Kaito said. "That way I could really get a grip to ram my cock down your throat pussy."

My chest started heaving, trying to draw in more air, but Kaito didn't relent. "C'mon bitch you can go longer than that." My eyes were wide, watery snot was dribbling down my nose onto the base of his cock, which he was still ramming into my mouth. My vision was starting to go dark when Kaito relented, tossing me to the ground at his feet and releasing me from his dangling cock.

"Four minutes, twenty two seconds," he said. "Bout what an Olympic swimmer can do. You should be proud of yourself slut, that ain't a record but it's pretty good for some dumb gym bunny who hasn't done cardio in years." I didn't need that read, and I couldn't help but glare at him. "Don't be angry cuz I'm right bitch! But I trained you good didn't I? Really loosened up that throat, turned it into a real pussy. You should be paying me gratuity on all the customers you get who like nice, long deepthroating blow jobs.

"Now get in the water, bitch." I was glad I had this newfound ability to hold my breath for minutes at a time now, especially now that I was recalling what Kaito wanted to do with me. He wanted to fuck me underwater, like his forebears did. Hopefully he wouldn't drown me as well.

Despite his suddenly more serious tone, he became almost more gentlemanly, offering me a hand up and brushing the sand off my back. He gave me a sharp swat on the ass and gestured towards the waves, keeping a firm hand on my butt as he accompanied me in. As the surf hit our thighs, I shivered at the sudden cold, though Kaito obviously didn't mind.

"Shrinkage is a problem that only happens to other guys," Kaito said, pointing at my dick, which wasn't doing too well in the water.

"I don't think you mind too much," I replied, to which he said,

"Fuck no. I don't give a shit about your dick. Wish it was a clit so I could do something with it."

"Aw, you do care," I sassed, my voice catching and coming out as barely more than a rasp. I coughed as he chuckled.

"Shut up whore. You're a couple holes to put my dick into, and a chance to try something most girls wouldn't dream of doing."

When the water got to our chests, he reached over, taking one of my meaty pecs in a hand and squeezing it, gently at first, then harder. "Nice tits," he murmured. A typical straight guy reflex. "How well can you swim?" he asked, probably a bit late considering the circumstances. Before I could answer, his hand had found mine underwater, and he was pulling me deeper, until my feet couldn't touch the bottom.

Kaito was obviously an extremely talented swimmer, and he more than made up for my own clumsy strokes. He drew me out a few dozen yards, and I wondered what the limits on Sabien's hearing was. "The drop off is right here," he said, treading water next to me. He was excited now, the aloof surfer asshole replaced by a glimmer of adventure in his eyes. I knew he didn't think much of me still, but I think the sadism was replaced by curiosity and apprehension. "You ready, whore?" I nodded, and without warning he drew me into a kiss, hugging our bodies close, pinning my arms to my sides with his own lean, tanned arms.

I was totally expecting him to be the kinda stupid straight guy who thought that a hole was a hole but kissing a man was the gayest thing you could do, and the kiss was a surprise. Unsurprisingly though, it was dominant and commandeering, his tongue forcing my lips open and taking possession of my mouth.

I could feel his hot breath on the back of my throat, the throat that he had really fucked into, as he put it, a trained pussy, and I was so into this sudden display of affection that I almost didn't notice us sinking. He was pulling us under the surface of the water, which I only noticed when the brine began stinging my eyes. I tightly shut them as I entered the aquatic world.

It was hard to estimate how deep we sank, since I had no reference points, but my ears popped a couple times. Throughout all of this, his mouth stayed locked on mine, and I realized he must've been breathing water through his gills, and somehow pushing air into my lungs. Eventually, we reached a depth where we stabilized, and Kaito began feeling me up.

His hands were focusing on my pecs and my hole, as I figured they would. He was give my tits a squeeze, twisting a nipple hard before gently lowering his mouth to it, licking it and blowing bubbles over it. When he returned to my mouth to give me air, his hands groped my ass, a couple fingers finding my hole and toying with it.

Now that my arms were free, I loosely wrapped them around his shoulders, pulling me into his body, partially so he could get better access to my ass, partially so I'd be a little closer to my source of air. But when he felt my flaccid dick against his thigh, he recoiled, pulling away for a second.

Then he was gone, releasing my body in the murky depths, and I panicked for a moment. The panic increased for a moment before giving rise to relief when I felt a body spoon me from the back. Somehow he had swam in a circle around me without me noticing.

Tilting my head backwards, he gave me a deep kiss, filling my lungs with his breath as his hands drew themselves up my thighs, ending at the nipple on each pec. His cock was poking at my hole, just brushing against it, homing in between my ass cheeks. I realized he must've been swimming at an angle to me, because if he was parallel that cock head would have been half way up my back.

Despite being underwater with no lube, his cock was slicked up with something, and his head easily prodded its way inside me. I've taken much thicker cocks than his, and the initial penetration wasn't too much of an issue. He slid into my ass with the same ease that he slipped into my throat, and I'm sure he was thinking to himself what a tight pussy he had scored.

He was only halfway in when he hit my inner sphincter. Giving my nipples a sharp twist and exhaling his breath into my lungs, he kept on pushing past. Once more, I was glad he wasn't particularly thick, and glad that getting fucked by guys like Dev on the regular taught me tricks to loosen up that inner clench.

Still, just as before, his dick kept on coming. I wondered if all naiads were hung like him, if they were all growers to his degree, or if Kaito was special for his people. It took a pretty long time for him to bottom out, and when he did I felt an odd tightness in my abs. Kaito took one of my hands in his, making me rub my own chest before gliding it down my body. When it reached my own abs, I was shook to feel a bump right above my belly button. Kaito pulled out an inch and thrusted back in, and I felt the bump move.

I let out my breath in shock, the bubbles floating away whimsically, and Kaito pulled my chin back to refill me. When he breathed into my mouth again, I could feel some of the tightness in my gut fade, and I realized that breathing in his essence like this was having an equatable effect to poppers. Since the only other time I had taken poppers was when I had been double fucked by Raphael and Dev onstage, I figured this was also an appropriate time.

Kaito really liked those short, abrupt thrusts, pulling out an inch pretty fast and then ramming it back in. I kept a hand on my abs, feeling the bulge of his cock head under my skin grow and shrink, and lowkey marveled at what my life had become. I was a whore being pimped out by a vampire to a straight dude who was fucking me underwater with a dick so long that it poked the inside of my abs.

As time went on, Kaito got rougher, pulling out a few more inches and shoving back in just as rapidly. One of his hands had a constant grip on a pec, squeezing it so hard I was sure there were going to be finger sized bruises, while the other had migrated to my neck. Kaito controlled my air at this point, pulling me back when I ran out of bubbles, forcing his tongue into my mouth and breathing in, before pushing my head away again.

He was going longer between breaths, and I think he was so focused on his pleasure he was starting to forget I needed to breathe. I was starting to put my newfound breathholding ability to good use as he began spacing the kisses out by a minute or so at a time. He wanted to fuck, not interrupt his pacing to kiss a whore.

My cock, not that it mattered to Kaito, was still barely semi hard from the coldness of the water, as much as I was turned on by this brutal fuck Kaito was serving me. I didn't think it would turn me on so much to feel his cock distorting my abs, but I was loving the fact that I could feel how hard this fuck was from outside my body.

His thrusts were getting faster and wilder. He was pulling what felt like six inches of his cock out of my body at a time before shoving it back in. The breaths he was supplying me with were ragged and interspersed. I knew Kaito was about to cum.

Right before he did, he removed his hand from my pec, reaching down past my cock between my legs to finger my hole. He slipped two fingers alongside his pistoning cock, the extra girth forcing a moan from my lips. The stream of bubbles joined his as he yelled in pleasure, the water both muffling and carrying the sound, and I pressed my hand tighter to my abs as his pulsing cock bottomed out inside me for the last time.

I swear from the outside I could feel the shots of cum blasting out of his enormous dick, so deep inside me I honestly wondered if they would ever come out. Maybe he was shooting deep enough inside me that they'd reach my stomach and get digested, incorporating Kaito's seed into my body.

The thought would have entertained me further if I weren't running out of air. The moan had been a costly error, and Kaito wasn't being much help. He was floating slack in the water, overcome by the powerful orgasm. We were still connected by his cock, and I started swimming upwards, letting it trail out of me in the water as I began a desperate flee to the surface.

An iron grip fastened itself on my wrist, and I panicked. Sabien better be on his way, because now that Kaito had fucked me he was planning on ending this role play the traditional way.

But as the lack of oxygen almost overtook my brain for the umpteenth time that day, Kaito pulled me lower into a kiss. Tender, almost romantic, we floated up to the surface slowly, letting the waves wash us closer to shore, as we made out. Without warning, I could feel the mud under my butt, and I stood up, the water shallowed than I realized. Kaito was next to me, the normal cocky smile on his face, his cock already flaccid and shrunk down to a modest size.

He didn't offer me a hand this time as I clambered to my feet. I followed behind Kaito like a puppy as he approached Sabien, who was standing grumpily at the edge of the water.

"You got him close there, Kaito," he said sternly.

"The dumb bitch tried surfacing too fast," Kaito replied nonchalantly. "Would've given herself the bends."

Sabien nodded, understanding (though he would have to explain later what that meant).

Kaito continued. "You go dry off now, slut. The men need to talk business."

As I toweled off, I watched the two of them chat in the sand. My eyes were drawn to Kaito's fins, and I realized how little I noticed them once sex was underway. Amazing how fast magical details like that become commonplace when a douchebag is giving you impromptu deepthroat training.

I packed up Sabien's bags and he met me by the car. Kaito was back on his board, paddling out past the whitewash.

"You performed well today, Jay," Kaito said. He was still stern, but I thought I could detect that he was impressed as well. "Kaito had quite the tip for you," he continued, pulling out an envelope with money. I reached for it, but he pulled it back. "You really did perform admirably in this situation, Jay. There are more roleplaying situations like this that I could arrange for you, all with men who would tip admirably, if you'd be so inclined. These can get a bit... extreme, but--"

"I'll do them," I said, grabbing the envelope from Sabien's hand and jumping in the car.

Sabien got in drivers seat and, turning to me, flashed me a white, pointy grin. "Just what I wanted to hear."

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Next: Chapter 3

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