A Doctor's Art

By moc.loa@iltxI

Published on Oct 25, 2005



This story is purely a creation of my imagination. As such, it belongs to me. Any resemblance to anyone living/dead/dying/unborn or to any inanimate objects is purely coincidental. Any erections / throbbing / pulsating / spontaneous joygasming or anything else of the sort you can blame on me. If you are too young to read this (legally) then please go away (like anyone ever follows that rule? Regardless, you have been warned and any breaking of the above rule is at your own risk (-..-)< ~doom~> ). If you are offended by the content of this story, then I don't know how you got to it without being previously scared away. I think that covers everything for the obligatory sarcastic and over attemptedly witty disclaimer... Onward and upward!

A Doctor's Art

I stepped into the examination room and sat in a soft leather chair, waiting for the doctor to enter. I was staring at the posters of anatomy that covered the walls when the door opened. Two young men stepped through, wearing white lab coats.

"Hi there, Phillipe," said the first to enter. He looked to be about twenty five, with glossy black hair cut short, tan skin, and what appeared to be a very nice body. "I'm Jason Om'all. I've taken over my fathers practice for him so he can take a vacation. This is Sean, my assistant." Sean was younger looking, lightly muscled with medium length red hair. He almost looked delicate, radiating a masculine femininity.

"Nice to meet you," I said politely extending my hand. I noticed that his hand was very warm as we shook, and very firm. Our eyes met, and I felt them hold my gaze for an eternity, though it must have only been a few moments. I reluctantly removed my hand from his, and he turned to Sean to retrieve my chart.

"It looks like it's been a while since you came in. Was there a specific reason you were visiting today?" He looked directly into my eyes as he asked me this, and I looked down as I felt my blush rising.

"No, not really. It had been a while since I had been in, and I figured with college starting soon I should get a check up to make sure everything is okay."

"You just graduated, am I right?" He looked cheerful as he asked me, and I felt myself becoming a bit more at ease.

"Yes, right at the end of May." It was strange how this man seemed so interested in me.

"Well, congratulations," he said cheerfully, "Let's begin your checkup." I sat on the soft leather examination table, and he began do do the usual things doctors do. He flashed a light in my ears, checked my blood pressure and heart rate. When he went to look in my throat, I held my tongue down so that he had no use for the wooden stick he had pulled from a jar. "Thats a handy trick," he commented.

"I got tired of having my gag reflex triggered during checkups," I told him. "I've had doctors nearly choke me shoving those sticks down my throat." He chuckled merrily at this, and continued his examination.

"Time for an eye test." He was grinning as he said this, and I had no idea why an eye test was so amusing. Sean turned off the lights as the doctor turned on a projector.

The eye test went much as usual, "E I K R." and soon I heard a click and the letters on the wall changed. "Um, Doc, I don't recognize any of these."

"Look closer," he said humorously. I tried, focusing all of my attention at the characters on the wall. They seemed to be coming in and out of focus slightly. My eyes became glued to them, and my mind was focusing on what they should mean. I vaguely noticed the doctor speaking to me, but I was too concerned with finding out what these letters meant to pay any attention. I kept staring at the characters, and the more I did, the better it seemed to feel. Soon my cock was completely hard, swollen purple with blood and tenting the front of my jeans. I felt myself starting to gush precum, but paid it little attention. The letters held my total attention. Suddenly the lights snapped back on, and my mind focused again. I blushed, realizing that I had an erection.

"Well, it's time for your prostate exam. If you could just remove your clothing, you can place it in that chair, we will get started." I started to take off my cloths, realizing that I still had the hard on from the eye exam. I took off my shirt first, while Dr. Om'all and Sean watched me. In an attempt to buy time, I took as much as possible when taking off my shoes. I thought about anything I could think of to quell my erection, but my cock continued to twitch inside my pants. I unlaced each shoe slowly and carefully, and then slowly rolled off each sock, thinking of ducks and monopoly. I ran out of time, however, and was still throbbing in my pants when the time came to remove them. Blushing, I pushed them down to the floor, revealing my tented underwear. I blushed further when I saw the wet spot on the front. Dr. Om'all and Sean just smiled at me and continued to watch. I was too embarrassed to remove my underwear. With all the precum, it was practically transparent around the head, but I just couldn't do it.

"Those will have to go as well, I'm afraid." the Doctor said to me, humor in his voice. I clenched my teeth and pushed them down, placing them on the chair. As I stood back up, my cock spasmed and a small gush of precum oozed out and dripped stringily to the floor. "You seem to be developing nicely," the doctor said to me, winking. Sean had been simply watching the whole time, occasionally making notes on the clipboard, but now I watched him put on latex gloves, and squirt some clear lube out of a small white tube onto a metal toped table where the doctors stethoscope and other tools rested.

"Phillipe, if you could get on your hands and knees on the exam table please. Sean will be doing this part of the exam." I complied and crouched on the table, my ass in the air as I rested on my knees and elbows. My cock jerked when I felt Sean begin to apply lube to my ass. I felt the hole quivering, not sure if it wanted to keep him out or pull him in. I could feel the precum leaking from my cock, dripping down onto the exam table.

"Ahh!" I cried out as his finger pushed inside. He kept it still for a moment, and then shifted it around some. He waited another minute, and then started to pull his finger out, dragging it across some magical unknown spot deep inside me. "Oh!" I moaned in pleasure as I heard a quiet splat as the cum was forced out of me. I moaned again as he pushed his finger back into me. He began to circle his finger around that magical spot. "Oh god! Unh!" I moaned. My cock was throbbing now, and I felt the muscles in my ass clenching his finger over and over, spasming with pleasure.

"Does that feel good?" the doctor asked me. Sean rubbed his finger gently over that spot, and I thrust back against his hand, moaning loudly. The doctor stepped around in front of me. I looked up into his eyes, at the smile on his face, and then down his chest, now exposed with his lab coat unzipped. My eyes finally rested on his crotch, tented with his obvious arousal. Again and again Sean hit the spot, now using more fingers, and I moaned like a bitch in heat keeping my eyes glued to the doctors crotch. I watched, fascinated through eyes of lust as he unbuckled his belt, unsnapped the waist, and then lowered his fly. His cock sprang forward, right in my face. I stared at it transfixed for a few moments, and then my body's desire won me over. I leaned forward, and took him into my mouth. I moaned around his cock, sliding deeper and deeper into my mouth, as Sean continued to thrust into me. He was no longer using his fingers, and it felt like a burning column of pleasure drilling into me, hitting the spot over and over again. I loved the taste of the doctors cock, and I was sucking frantically. Small gushes of his precum were escaping into me, and all I wanted was to taste his seed. The doctor was moaning loudly now, Sean was grunting behind me. Before I knew it, I felt a warmth spreading through my insides and dripping out around Sean's cock. I moaned at how good it felt, and the doctor moaned with me.

A pain ran across the back of my head, and I was pulled from the doctors cock. Sean pulled me back and forced me down on the table. I felt my legs lifted, and the doctor thrust hard into me. A guttural moan that I would not have believed myself capable of producing escaped my throat, and I watched the doctors face as he fucked me, drool running down the side of my mouth. Sean came up behind me and forced my head back, thrusting his cock down my throat as the doctor thrust back into my ass. Each thrust the doctor made made me feel incredible. My cock was spasming, and a pool of precum was on my stomach beneath it. Sean started to moan, and I felt him throb as he started to cum. I wouldn't have thought, after before, that he could've had much in him. He did. Gush after gush of sweet cum rushed into my mouth, and I swallowed it with a hunger. He pulled out, and shot the last few squirts across my chest. I rubbed over my nipples, as I looked back up to the doctor. He was fucking me frantically, and moaning loudly.

"Oh, yeah! I'm cumming!" he yelled. I closed my eyes, and as I felt his warm cum spreading through me my own cock exploded, despite its untouched nature. I thrashed, having one of the best orgasms I can ever remember having, and felt more cum splashing across my face. I opened my mouth, swallowing what I could catch. The orgasm was ending, but as the doctor gave me one final thrust I came again, gloriously splashing my face with renewed fury.

"Well, your prostate seems fine," the doctor said to me as he tucked his cock back into his pants, "But why don't we check again in a week just to make sure."

"Yes Master," I replied before putting my clothes back on and walking out of the building.

Where the fuck did that come from?

Let me know what you think! Ixtli@aol.com

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