A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Oct 4, 2001


A Few Good Men 11: Sergeant Armando Contreras: Separation

Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 10, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another story, Nailed Part 1, precedes the series. It's in Nifty's Athletic section. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the A Few Good Men series is largely true. Yah, so most of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the A Few Good Men series.

I'd be lying to you if I said I hadn't a little more than curious as to what had made Armando go off-duty early. He'd rushed off before I could really talk with him, so I didn't have a clue was to what he was up to. When I'd arrived home and saw how upset he was I immediately thought that there had been a death or accident in his family. Never in a million years did I expect that one of us would be transferred out of CamPen. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

"You're shipping out?" The disbelief was apparent in my voice. He just nodded. I felt a little sick at that moment. "You're shipping out?" I repeated needlessly. He nodded. "When?"

"Soon" was all he said. Immediately I started to withdraw. Before I even began to bolt out of the room, Armando sensed it and gripped tighter on me. Ignoring the gesture, I tried to wrestle from his grip. "Don't" he pleaded. He held on to me until I stopped fighting him. I then stood motionless in defeat. When he relaxed his grip, I again started to bolt but he was too quick. It was clear he wasn't going to let me get away. We stood in silence for a little while.

"How soon?" I asked dejectedly.

"30 days" he deadpanned.

"Where you going?" I asked numbly.

"La Juene" he answered, referring to Camp La Juene, North Carolina.

"Fuckin' La Juene?" I repeated, raising my voice. "Jesus, Mando, that's clear across the fucking country!"

"I know, Mijo" he soothed.

"Oh, man! This is too fucked up!" I belted. Visions of Primer and me splitting up not too long before started racing through my mind. That's all it took for me to set me off. "I can't handle this again" I muttered, jumping out of his grip and away from him.

"Handle what?" Armando was puzzled.

"I can't handle another fucking Jarhead leaving me" I stated as I walked out of the room. He was right on my heels.

"I'm not leaving you!" he called after me, raising his voice.

Spinning around I faced him and spat angrily, "Then what the fuck do you call it?" My youth was showing.

"It's a transfer"

"Whatever. You're still leaving" I replied, turning away from him once again. He grabbed me and I struggled with him to get away. The tension was high.

"Don't walk away from me," he said quietly as he strong-armed me into an embrace. I fought him off but he was stronger than I was. He held on tightly until I again gave up what really wasn't a fight. I really didn't want to get away from him.

"Why not?" I asked icily. "You're walking away from me"

"Goddamn it, Sean," he begged in a shaken voice, "don't do this!"

"No, you don't do this!"

"It's not what I want, Mijo. It's not what I want" he repeated with resignation. I knew full well that he didn't want to go. If there was one thing I was sure of at that time in my young life, it was that Sergeant Armando Contreras was all mine.

"What the fuck are we going to do?"

"I dunno, little Man," he answered. "But whatever we do, we're gonna do together"

There really were very few options given the situation. When you're in Uncle Sam's service you do what Uncle Sam wants. It was highly unlikely that I could just march in a request a transfer to La Juene as well. Not only was it unlikely that such a request would be granted, it could draw attention to both of us. Though it wouldn't make two shits to me today, in that day and age, neither of us wanted that. So, like good fucking Gyrenes, we bucked up under the pain and dealt with it. We had about 30 days before Armando was to ship out, so we decided to make the most of it. And make the most of it we did. Every second that we weren't at work we were together. It seems we did everything we'd ever talked about doing. We went to San Diego for the weekend and stayed with Jeff and John. We went to Hollywood for the weekend and stayed with our friends there. And we made love day and night. Even though we initially agreed not to make long term plans beyond his transfer, we spoke of our future together after the Corps. I was in for 2 more years and he for a little longer. Those last 30 days were wonderful but they went by in a fucking nanosecond. Before we knew it his departure was imminent.

I awoke at 05:00 hours that last morning with Armando spooned into my backside. As in so many other nights, the man I loved had molded his body into mine and was holding me tight. It was if we were one body. Geez, even our breathing was in sync. All of the lovemaking over the past several hours came rushing back into my memory. I could feel that my hole was wonderfully swollen and relaxed. It made me want to give myself to him all over again. I pushed back into him and when I did I discovered that I had an overwhelming need to piss. I lay there for just a minute before I attempted to slide out of his grip. Attempted is the operative word. When he felt me move, his grip intensified.

"Don't go, Mijo" he whispered.

"I'll be right back, `Mando" I answered, using a little force to slide out of his grip. He let me go. I took a long leak before making my way back to bed. My butt was soaked with the slick of our fucks just a couple of hours before. The wetness made my hard buns slide together when I walked. It felt good.

"Stop right there, Stud" he commanded from the bed when I was halfway to the bed.

"Huh?" I questioned, stopping in my tracks.

"Do you have any idea just how beautiful you are to me?" he asked in a hoarse whisper. It made me smile. "Yah! Like that! Oh fuck, Sean! Just stand there and stay like that. I want to remember you just like that"

With those words I was reminded of the impending doom that lie before us in just a few hours. I stood there staring at the man I'd shared my life with and bared my entire soul to for nearly a year. Lying there wrapped in those plaid sheets, he was a vision of all that is good and decent. He saw the look in my eyes and opened his arms to me. Without thinking, I stepped closer and we melded together once again.

My Sergeant enveloped me. Our mouths met, instantly involving us in an intense and erotic open-mouthed kiss. His hands were everywhere at once as mine were on him. The calluses on his palms ignited passion in me as they abraded the surface of my skin. Clawing at one another, we wrestled around the bed even as we kissed passionately. With the covers thrown off, the sheet-covered mattress became our mat. With increasing force, we pushed and prodded one another, always stopping to suck on that exposed armpit, lick that straining neck or bite that aroused nipple. Being the larger and stronger of the two of us, my Sergeant made sure that several times we were face to face where our hardened manhoods dueled slickly against one another. Once he had me on my back, he used his upper body strength to hold my hands to the mattress above my head.

Though I tried to free myself, he had the advantage with his position. The more I fought to free my hands and arms the harder he held them tight. At the same time he swooped down and chewed on my hardened tits, driving me out of my mind. All the while he continued to kick my legs further and further apart until I had to lift them to avoid pain. With force he pushed and pushed against me until my knees were lying close to my chest. My fuckhole was completely exposed to his moves.

"C'mon, Mijo," he cooed as he slid his shaft along the slippery valley of my asscrack, "Give it up to me." My hole flared at the thought of him mounting me once more.

"Oh, Mando" I hissed as his cocksnout sniffed out the center of my being. In an instant he was at my backdoor.

"Yah, baby? You wanna give it up to me?"

"Oh, gawd, Mando!"

"What, Mijo?"

"I want you!"

"You want me what?"

"I want you inside of me!"

"Oh, fuck yah!" he chortled as his spear jabbed at my gaping gash. "Fuckin' open that hole, Stud!" he said just before he pounced on my open mouth with his own. I can't ever remember wanting Armando more than I did at that very moment. Instinctively, I relaxed my sphincter and his knob immediately fell into place. He pulled his head back and looked me in the eye. Then the man pushed his hips forward, guiding his manpole into me. The spongy knob slid easily past the outer sphincter allowing him to move just inside of me. Both of our eyes widened with the sensation and anticipation of what was to come. He pushed in a little bit more.

"Let me in, baby!" he commanded as he withdrew slightly. "Make it wet for me!" I pushed with my butt muscles, opening my guts to his moves. I felt a slick of cum and lube and butt juice ooze out of me, soaking his shaft and sliding down across my asscheeks. "That's it, Mijo! Oh, fuck, you're so fucking wet!" With that the entire length of him sank inside of me.

Slowly but surely, he started pumping his chorizo in and out of me. The gurgling, wet sounds that filled the room as his bone worked my sloppy hole were music to my ears. I reached down and held my legs up and open as I pushed down on his cock with my internal muscles. Several inches of my fucktunnel distended onto the sweetest, most awesome mantool I'd ever taken.

"Oh, buddy!" he groaned. "I gotta crawl into this" was all he said. With that, he pulled my left leg down while pushing on my right. In a moment I was on my belly and he was balls deep into the beginning of the most intense fuck of our relationship.

Not much was said between us. Not much needed to be. My Sergeant kicked my legs far apart and pushed his lance as deep inside of me as he could. As he chewed on my neck, my hole opened huge while I bucked my butt back onto him in an erotic act of submission. I was so open that I could feel his balls sliding against my swollen and distended asslips. With my asshole gaping obscenely, his pubic hair was soaked with our fuck. Their roughness scratched against my very sensitive inner flesh. Time and time again, Armando dove into my depths with the force of a man on a mission. Wrapping his arms around me he held me tight as he used and abused my entrails as his own.

I gave myself completely to my Sergeant that fateful morning. Time stood still for the two of us as intertwined as one being. I'd been full of cock so many times in the hours before that, that I'd long before given up muscle control of my hole. Thus, Mando fucked deeper than he'd ever done before and touched me in places that he and I had never been. It was a balls ballet. We glided effortlessly from one mind blowing position to the other. On my belly, he sank his teeth in my neck as he pounded into me. On my side he held one leg up as he sawed his log into me. Hovering over him on my haunches, he diddled me deep. We fucked for so long that I began to grow weary. Realizing this, Armando pulled a pillow onto the mattress and guided me on my back on top of it.

Pushing my legs to my chest once again, he speared into me like a pro. The pillow brought me up to just the right height for maximum penetration at an angle I can only describe at nirvana. For the next several minutes I lay breathless as my man pounded his pud into me at lightening speed. At that angle, his prick slid past rather than mashed my prostate, causing me to bone up very, very hard. We'd fucked for so long that the room was beginning to lighten with the dawn. Never had Sergeant Armando Contreras looked so unbelievably attractive to me as he did that morning as he rammed me full of manbone, 9 glorious inches at a time. At first he'd been on his knees, with his hips driving his donkey dick in and out of me. After many minutes of that, he'd too grown weary. I clawed at his hairy butt, driving his cock deeper inside of me.

"You're really ready for me now, huh?" he asked. I could only answer by gurgling from my throat. I wanted to be impaled by him. I wanted his already substantial cock to grow enormous and gore me in the guts.

Pushing himself into a push-up position he pistoned into my hole like a maniac. Ramming me deep and hard he'd jam his jizzbone in to the balls, taking time periodically to wrench it back and forth to maximize that precious friction he so desired. The sensation was unbelievable to me. There wasn't a single pang of pain as my man brutally bred me. Every single moment of our loud fuck was sheer fucking bliss to me. Reaching up, I held his face in my hands as our mouths slammed together in a desperate and sloppy kiss. His sweat and saliva poured freely from his body and I received it. Our union that morning was unlike any we'd ever experienced. We knew that it might be the very last time we made love and therefore we each gave our all to one another. I gave my soul to Sergeant Armando Contreras that morning. And took from him his own.

The pace of our fuck heightened to a point where it felt so good, so complete and so natural that it was nearly unbearable. It was magic. It was surreal. It was tantric. And it was so much about us. Staring into the big, brown eyes of that Puerto Rican god I'd come to love so much, I allowed myself to surrender so totally and completely to him that I nearly passed out from hyperventilation. Every movement inside of me felt so complete ecstatic that my hardon flopped around on my belly like a fish out of water. I can't explain the sensations gliding through my body. Like a millions volts of electricity zapping through me, Armando was arousing me like never before. My cock felt as if it was being jacked off from the inside. And that's exactly what was happening. The longer my Sergeant fucked into me, the closer he brought me to the brink of orgasm. I didn't dare touch my cock, nor did I really want to. It felt that good. My body started shaking as I began to give into the incredible orgasm my man was obviously bringing me to.

"UNNNNHHHH! UNNNNHHHHHH!" I groaned as I felt strange sensations shooting up the backs of my legs from my knees to my hole. Then it started in my chest. It was as if my entire body was sparking from all over to the very center of my hole. Armando slowed the furious pace of his fuck, realizing something was definitely happening to me. The slower yet regular penetrations into me only served to heighten the sensations. I had no idea what was overtaking me, yet I was powerless to stop whatever my Mando had started. My arms and legs started to shake. Clinging to my man, I felt my entire hole start to spasm. Sparks were flying around my body, igniting my hole, which had now started to contract. From deep inside of me, my mancunt began gripping and releasing the hard bone embedded within.

"O-H M-Y G-O-D!" I wailed, "W-H-A-T-`S H-A-P-P-E-N-I-N-G T-O M-E ? ? ?" I wailed as incredible sensations from very strong contractions in my butt-guts began to over take me. Armando stopped pumping, leaving himself buried to the balls.

"I'm here, Mijo!" he called out as I clawed his back and butt like a madman.

"M-A-N-D-O ! !" I called out to him. "I-T-S T-O-O G-O-O-D ! !"

"Let it go, baby! Let it go!" he cheered.

"AHHHHHHHHH! UNNNNNHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled as the entire length of my fuck channel spasmed into the most incredible contractions I'd ever experienced. All of my senses were centered in and around my ass. Each rapid contraction in succession was an amazing array of sensations. My super sensitive asslips were sucking the shaft and balls of my Sergeant. The super wet walls of my fleshy mancunt alternately gripped and released his hard and throbbing shaft. My second sphincter lay gaping open and its inner sanctum undulated around his bulbous knob. The contractions continued beyond that into the deepest depths of my being. For me the sensations were unlike any I'd ever known. I was frozen in place and hoping that they'd both stop/never stop at the same time. Armando, on the other hand was frozen balls deep into what was surely the most amazing sucking organ he'd ever sunk his stick into.

I couldn't help but think that it was all like a hundred orgasms all rolled into one. Except it was different. It wasn't at all about my dick. What I experienced at dawn that day was a tremendous ass orgasm that few men will ever know. I have no idea how long it lasted, for I was powerless to move as it overtook me. All I is that the sounds it forced out of me were not of this world. When it was finally over, I was absolutely exhausted yet unbelievably horny to get my dick off.

The entire episode had brought Armando very close to cumming. Once the contractions slowed, he instinctively drove his dagger in and out of me with absolute precision. In an instant he brought me with seconds of spewing. The man's eyes glazed over as he put it to me. Fucking hard and deep he drove himself towards a sensational orgasm. I felt his balls snap tight against his shaft. He fucked furiously for those last few seconds before he inevitably unloaded. As he did, the most amazing thing happened. Suddenly and unexpectedly, he brought me off. Without even touching myself, I reached a dick climax.

"OH, FUCK, SIR! "I'M CUMMING!" I yelled as my balls rocketed volley after volley of thick batter out between us. Armando had displayed his amazing stamina for an incredible amount of time. My outburst set him off. When he felt the heat of my jizz on his belly, he collapsed on top of me and hosed me full of his leche. It wasn't the first orgasm of the night for either of us, but it was absolutely the most intense. I felt that familiar heat inside of my gut that told me that my lover had once again seeded me. For the next few minutes we lay in one another's arms, breathing as if we'd just sprinted 400 meters. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.

"Hey, guys! We don't have much time!" Kozinski cautioned. I looked at the clock. 06:15 hours! Shit! We had to leave shortly if we were going to get Armando to Norton AFB in time. It was at least a 2 hour drive there and his plane was due to leave at 09:00.

Without even thinking about it, the two of us sprang out of bed and got into action. I hit the shower while Armando loaded up the last of his gear he hadn't put in the truck the night before. He hurried into the shower when I got out while I made some coffee. In a blur we rushed about the place while Kozinski sat calmly---and wisely---out of our way on the sofa. Before we knew it the three of us were on the road in Armando's truck, which he was leaving behind for me to use.

Armando sped down the freeway that gray mid-summer morning toward what we'd dreaded since getting the bad news of his transfer. None of us said a word for nearly the entire ride. As we neared Norton, Armando nervously held my hand. He shifted nervously in his seat.

"You know I'm gonna call you," he said needlessly.

"Yah, sure. I know," I responded stupidly.

When we reached the parking lot, Armando found a parking spot pretty close to the terminal building. "Give us a minute alone, ok `Ski?" Armando asked.

Kozinski jumped out of the truck right away. "You don't have much time," he noted, looking at his watch. He was right. There wasn't too much time before the plane was scheduled to take off. This was a good thing actually, because we wouldn't have too much time to hang around the terminal. We both looked at one another but neither of us knew what to say, so we hugged before exiting the truck. Again silently, we all carried Armando's stuff into the building. He checked in while `Ski and I found a place to sit.

The place was full of Gyrenes and other military personnel all getting ready to go somewhere. There were families and wives and girlfriends everywhere saying goodbye to their servicemen. I watched Armando standing in line to check in. He shifted from one foot to another. I could tell he was nervous because I knew him well. While I watched him from across the room, I reflected on the awesome times he and I had had. It had been nearly a year since I first laid eyes on Sergeant Armando Contreras, USMC and a lot had happened between us. I couldn't remember ever loving anybody more than I did Armando. I remember thinking how angry I was at Uncle Sam for taking him away from me. This was about a hundred times worse than when Primer moved away. Sergeant Contreras was going to be 3,000 miles and 3 time zones from me on a completely different coast. And he was taking my fucking heart with him. I sat there wondering if we'd be able to handle the separation.

Armando sat down with Ski and I until his flight was called. Stiffly, he stood and gathered his carryon. "Well, Ski, this is it, bud!" he said cheerfully, offering his hand.

"It's been great, Contreras" `Ski replied, shaking Armando's hand. Very briefly the two of them came together and hugged for a quick second like close straight guys do. Quickly, Kozinski turned away leaving Armando and I alone. Once again, he shifted from one foot to another. All around us were people saying goodbye. Some of them were crying. I'd been doing pretty good bucking up against the tide of emotion raging within me. When Armando turned toward me however, and I saw his eyes full of tears I fucking lost it. There was no pretense of a handshake between us. We'd traveled too far to do that. Instinctively, we moved toward one another and hugged.

"I'm gonna miss you, Mijo" he whispered, his voice cracking. I tried to answer but I found that I couldn't speak. I just squeezed him harder. As hard as I tried I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I felt like such a fucking wuss. The two of us stood there with a grip on one another that wouldn't quit. Neither of us wanted to be the one to break it off. When I heard him choke up, I'm afraid I started sobbing a bit. "It's gonna be ok. You'll see"

"Um, guys!" Kozinski broke in quietly, signaling that we'd long exceeded the acceptable length of time a hug should happen between two men. I think he was embarrassed.

We embraced for another few seconds before Armando whispered, "I love you, Sean" in my ear. With that, we separated. He looked me in the eye and smiled. My Sergeant looked so goddamned handsome standing there.

"I---love---you, Mando" I eeked out. Armando closed his eyes, squeezing tears out which ran down his cheeks. Like the man he was, he quickly wiped them off before turning and walking away without a word. He strode confidently toward the gate, never looking back. I know it was his way of dealing with the situation, but the vision of the backside of him walking away from me is still etched in my mind today.

Without saying a word, I walked past Kozinski and toward the parking lot. As hard as I tried, I was losing the battle of the emotions. I got angry with myself as the tears flowed freely. It pissed me off that I was unable to control myself. I'm over it now, but way back then I was all caught up in that whole "men don't cry" bullshit. Once I reached the truck, I quickly climbed in the passenger side and closed the door. `Ski was right on my heels and crawled in behind the wheel.

"Look, Sean----"

"---Just drive `Ski, ok?" I asked tersely. He fired up the engine and we drove off. I never looked back at the building where I'd left my Armando. For a big and tough U.S. fucking Marine, I broke down and had a damned good cry as we headed back home. Kozinski never said a word but he did reach across and grip my shoulder a couple times in a show of support.

"I had no idea," he said softly about 30 minutes into the drive, referring to how strong the bond between Armando and I was.

"Whaddya mean you had no idea?" I barked back.

"I just didn't know that-----um-----" he stammered, "----well, that two guys----um------"

"What?" I asked incredulously. "That two fags could actually love one another?"

He chuckled nervously and blushed. "Well, yah" he replied, looking straight ahead at the road.

"What did you think was going on between us over the past several months, `Ski?"

"I dunno. Let's just forget about it" he said embarrassed. "Forget I said anything"

"No, I don't think so, `Ski," I continued, a bit angry at him, "I think you need a little lesson here"

"Aw, c'mon Sean!" he shot back with exasperation. He was shifting in his seat nervously. "I think I've been real cool about you guys. I just don't know all that goes on between you"

"You think that just because we're gay that it's just sex, right?"

"Aw, man! That's exactly why I don't wanna talk about this. Let's just forget it, huh?"

"No way" I plowed on. "You think that just because we're two guys that we can't fall in love?"

"I dunno, man. I just never thought about it"

"Well, let me tell you something `Ski" I continued, getting a little more upset, "This is real shit here. Armando and I are both fucked up in love and we're both hurtin' big time. This whole transfer is fucked!"

"I can see that, Sean," he said, reaching across to grip my shoulder again. "I can see that. It just never dawned on me that you guys were really in love," he said earnestly, looking me in the eye.

"Haven't you ever been in love?" I asked. He merely shook his head. "Aw, c'mon, `Ski! You've never been in love before?"

"No!" he said flatly. I could see that it wasn't his favorite subject. So much so that I decided not to pursue it further. My guess was that things weren't as hot and heavy between he and Gail as we had thought. That was a shame, because she was a nice girl. I gained some insight into my buddy Kozinski at that moment. I realized that not only had he never had the opportunity to love but that no woman had probably ever loved him. As I said before, the guy wasn't the best looking man in the world. But once you got to know him, he had a great sense of humor. For a straight guy that is. He had an amazing body too. In fact, the guy was built like a brick shithouse. And that fucking cock of his! The guy was hung like a goddamned mule. Any guy blessed with a body and a cock like him should be strutting around like a proud peacock no matter what his face looked like. Not Kozinski though. He carried himself very sheepishly. I realized that he'd lived his entire life scarred from the "Poleski" reputation he'd gotten when he was a kid in school.

Not much was said the rest of the way back to our apartment. I was doing a lot of soul searching and I was certain that Kozinski had a lot on his mind as well. When we got back home we both went our separate ways. All I wanted to do was sleep, so I hit the sack and took a nap. When I woke up later, I heard Kozinski puttering about. It felt weird to be in the apartment knowing that he was my only roommate now. I remember thinking how odd that was. We really didn't even know one another. While Armando was around and our common link, I don't think I ever thought about it. However, with Armando gone it just struck me as very odd that we were now roommates.

When I got up I had to piss like a race horse so I headed for the bathroom. As I was relieving myself I spotted a pair of Armando's boxers lying on the floor next to the shower. Instantly, I was flooded with a whole bunch of different feelings. First and foremost, it turned me on that a pair of my man's funky drawers were left behind. He hadn't put anything on under a pair of shorts after his shower the night before so I knew these were the boxers he'd worn the day before. We'd sweated up a storm all day working around the house so I knew they'd be full of Armando's essence. Just the thought of that made my dick start to swell, even as I was pissing. Next I grinned at the memory of that first time I'd been in his room and seen the pair of his worn boxers on top of a heap of dirty clothes. Not only did I sniff `em on the spot, but I'd actually stolen them and taken them home with me. I'd taken full advantage of the situation and sniffed every bit of the manscent out of them. How fucking kinky, huh? I scooped up the drawers and stashed them for another time when I was more in the mood for all the possibilities they beheld.

Even though we spoke on the phone every morning and night, I was absolutely fucking miserable for days after Armando left. Kozinski made himself scarce at Gail's house and that was just as well because I was a real pain in the ass to be around. Days turned into over a week and I hadn't seen hide nor hair of Kozinski except to maybe cross paths in the hall once or twice. As weird as those times were, something good actually did come out of it. Kozinski and Gail seemed to be developing into a long- term thing. Apparently, the roommate she shared her one- bedroom apartment with had come home from working out of town. Therefore Ski and Gail began spending a decent amount of time at our place. I got to know her a little better actually enjoyed her company. It was kind of nice to see Kozinski involved with a woman that wasn't a whore. I couldn't help but think good thoughts for them, though I thought frequently about how much she might be enjoying that huge cock of his. I could hear them fucking and just knew that he was doing her right. The lucky bitch!

Throughout all of that, Ski remained a pretty tried and true buddy to me. The man was pretty easy to read and when they started hanging out at the apartment more I could tell something was up. Sure enough, he told me that they were talking about moving in together. I began to realize that I was either going to have to move back into quarters on base or find some roommates. Neither of those two options appealed to me. I just didn't know what my future held. Like anybody does, huh? I know that now but you couldn't have told me that way back then. Jesus, I was such a kid.

I'm always happy to hear thoughts on what you think about my stories. Contact me at billybob661@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 12

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