A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Oct 4, 2001


A Few Good Men 12: Drifting

Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 11, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another story, Nailed Part 1, precedes the series. It's in Nifty's Athletic section. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the A Few Good Men series is largely true. Yah, so most of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the A Few Good Men series.

Needless to say that after Sergeant Contreras was transferred to Camp La Juene, I was beyond fucked up. For a few weeks we spoke at least once a day, but then it became every couple of days. I think the two of us saw where it was going. I tried everything to get transferred to be with Armando. My commanding officer didn't want to lose me, so a transfer was nearly impossible. I was beside myself with grief. It felt as if somebody had torn my heart out. Back then I was so young and into the whole macho Marine bullshit that I was going out of my mind with all the feelings that bounced around inside of me. I didn't know how to deal with it. I'm far more in touch with my emotions today. Kozinski was a good roommate, but of little help. What could I have realistically expected from him anyway? He'd worked himself into quite a thing with Gail, so they spent most of their time together. That was actually fine with me since the last thing I needed to be doing was moping around in front of a straight roommate. I was truly alone.

`Ski and Gail were seemingly on the happy track. For a long while they were seemingly inseparable. They spent most of their time at our place. He told me that they were finalizing plans to move in together. It seems like all they did was fuck. I lay awake on more than one night listening to the not-so-far-off sounds of him putting it to her. At first it didn't bother me. I really didn't give it much thought. Then it began to arouse me when I'd think of that huge schwanz of his gliding in and out of her slick slot. I confess that I became jealous of her. After a while though it started wearing a little thin. Finally I couldn't stand the sound of it. That the fucking bitch was getting more than her share of his hot het cock was a bit more than I could handle. Frankly, I began to resent her.

After a while something happened between `Ski and Gail though. I wasn't sure what had happened, but suddenly he was around alone a lot. It was obvious something was amiss. All I knew is that he was hurting. We were miserable company. Unlike me however, Kozinski didn't spend much time at home. He started going out all the time and coming home drunk. When I tried to help, he made it very clear that he didn't want to talk about it.

As hard as it may be to believe, despite the fact that I was 20 years old, I had no desire for sex. Hell, I didn't even jack off. That didn't last forever though. The physical needs of my body began to overtake me after several weeks. One night I dreamt that Armando and I were on a beach in the tropics. We were naked and in the throes of passion. He lifted my legs and slid his chorizo inside of me. We fucked for what seemed like hours until I had an explosive orgasm. When I woke up the sheets and I were soaked with cum. I'd had a fucking wet dream! Don't think I'd had one of those since I was about 14. That was depressing. Over the course of the next week, maybe longer, my body cried out to me for its need for sexual release. Finally the hornies got the best of me one Saturday.

As usual, I'd been working around the house all day. I'd taken a shower early in the evening. Anticipating the many sleepless hours ahead, I resisted the urgent need to get off in the shower though I'd carefully and methodically rinsed myself inside and out. Realizing I hadn't eaten all day, I wolfed down a tasteless meal and washed it down with a few beers. Despite my hornies though, I drifted off to sleep in front of the TV. I was awakened suddenly when `Ski came home. It was after 2:00---the time the bars close in California---and he seemed pretty wasted. He made no small talk and went to his room.

Moments later I slid naked between clean sheets. I was hard in a jiffy. Wrapping my hand around my meat, I stroked it for the first time in many, many weeks. As good as it felt my ass needed attention too. While continuing to work that super sensitive trigger ridge on the underside of my dick head, I reached into the nightstand drawer for the trusted friend I'd known so long. After lubing me and my big buddy up, I slid him slowly into my deprived depths. In no time, he was balls- deep and I was on the moon. I felt sensations inside of me that I hadn't for a long time. It sure as hell wasn't Armando, but it felt goddamned good to get some dick. All too soon I was locked and loaded. That's what happens when you haven't had it for a long time. Before I knew it, I was shooting ropes of cum across my chest and belly while my good buddy was bearing down on my love nut. It sure felt good to spew, but as soon as I did I felt empty. As good as it was it sure-as-hell couldn't take the place of giving it up to a man. After wiping up, I drifted off to a fitful sleep.

A couple of hours later I awoke with a roaring hardon and a renewed desire to be fucked. I slid my bud inside again and fucked myself furiously. No matter how fast, how hard or how deep I diddled my hole, it just didn't feel good to me. Finally I stopped and threw my friend aside in anger. My cock was rock hard, my butthole was gaping and I was ready to be bred. Damn, I'd have given just about anything to have a man at that moment. The fact that there wasn't a man in sight to fill my needs was depressing. No man around, I thought to myself. Except Kozinski. I allowed myself the fantasy of him. It made my dick harder thinking about that ultra fine specimen of manhood lying flaccid across the hall from me. While I stroked my cock, I fantasized that he was fucking me. Just the thought of that massive meat embedded in my butt nearly brought me off. While I was in the throes of that fantasy, I had a crazy thought. What if I could get `Ski to fuck me? He'd done it before, hadn't he? As preposterous as it sounds now, I actually entertained the thought then. I needed a man and I needed it bad. I was all dressed and nowhere to go, as it were. I was lying there with a raging hardon and a pair of swollen asslips opening into a gaping gash that needed to be filled.

I know it sounds crazy, but my extreme horniness propelled me toward Kozinski's room. His door was ajar so I pushed it open. The moonlight coming through the window illuminated the bed so I could see him clearly. The light glistened on the copper fur covering the front of him. He was sound-asleep on his back. Stepping into the room, I stood against the wall and took in the sight of him. The room smelled ripe of beer and man. The night was warm, so the sheet was only partially covering him. One of his legs, the one closest to the edge of the bed, was uncovered. I had this uncontrollable urge to see the man naked. I had no idea what his reaction was going to be if and when I woke him up. I was pretty sure he wouldn't freak if he knew it was me that was molesting him. I just wasn't sure what his Marine training would make him do if he awoke suddenly. From the foot of the bed, I pulled the sheet off of him very, very slowly. In doing so, I gradually uncovered his belly, his waist and then that awesome fucking mantool of his. Soft and sleeping, it was none-the-less impressive in size. Hanging on his right thigh, it was supported by the twin orbs in their sac between his legs.

I stole carefully over to the side of the bed where I could see him better. His breaths came slow and regular, signaling a deep sleep. Watching his face for any signs of stirring, I silently fell to my knees. My mouth salivated as I closed in on his manhood. The manscent coming from `Ski was strong. It smelled of sweat and balls and butt all steeped in testosterone. In the illuminated darkness I could see his penis clearly. It was a fucking beauty. About 5 inches long soft with the loose skin gathered below his circumcision scar. I couldn't help but think what this man's awesome cock would have looked like if his parents had left him the way God made him. Even cut it was gorgeous. Sticking my tongue out, I licked the underside of its head. My taste buds exploded with saltiness as his cock lurched at the touch.

Looking up quickly for any reaction, I hesitated for a moment. Kozinski continued in his deep slumber as if nothing was up. Wetting my tongue once again, I doused his cockhead well. `Ski might have been asleep, but it didn't take long for his manhood to react positively to the sensations it was feeling. Almost immediately the straight man's prick hardened. That's all the encouragement I needed. As it boned up, his heavy cock began crawling across his thigh until the head was in mid- air. Taking full advantage of that situation, I sucked his knob into my mouth and bathed it in spit. Even though I'd seen him fully hard more than once I was still awestruck by the immensity it was growing too. I continued licking and suckling on his spongy knob. As it stiffened, his impressive cock stood stiff away from his body yet the weight of it kept it at an angle that was very comfortable for me. Eventually it was stretching my mouth and I was struggling to get more of it in. Quick glances up confirmed that the strong man was still asleep. At least I thought so.

Suddenly Kozinski's body stiffened. "What the hell?" he asked sleepily, speaking for the first time. I kept sucking, expecting the worst. I just knew that at any moment I'd feel a fist smashing into my head. I was truly braced for it, but there was no way I was going to stop blowing him.


"Um hum" I answered with a mouthful of monster meat. I almost expected him to push me off of him. Instead, I felt a hand on my head encouraging me to take more of it in.

"Ummmmm" he moaned as more of him slid past my lips.

I took that encouragement for just what it was, a man enjoying having his cock sucked. Moving up on the side of the bed, I was able to position my head into a much more comfortable angle. `Ski's cock continued to grow in my mouth and hand as he continued to let me know just how much he liked what he was feeling. A few minutes went by as I jockeyed around for better positioning, all the while bathing is massive meat in saliva. Reaching down, I rubbed his drooping balls with my palm and gathered them into my hand.

"Goddamn, Sean!" he growled, "What a cocksucker!" I responded with a deep-throated groan as my mouth was full. He started humping my mouth while I picked up the tempo. "Fuck yah!" he spat, pushing my head down on his hardness. I gagged. He backed off. Over the next several minutes I let myself loose on that Grade A, prime specimen of manmeat. Using all of my known skills, I worked his pud for all it was worth until my jaws were so aching and sore I had to stop to rest.

Looking up at him, I said, "Sorry to intrude on you but I just had to have it"

"No problem, Sean. I know exactly what you mean"

"You don't mind?"

"Mind getting head like that?" he chuckled. "Hell no!"

"Good, `cause I'm just about out of my mind horny---as you can tell" I said as I motioned to his hard cock.

"Yah, I can tell" he laughed. "Pretty fuckin' ballsy to come in here and take advantage of me!"

"I couldn't help myself"

"No, I expect you couldn't. How long has it been?" he asked.

"Nine weeks"

"Nine weeks? You haven't had any for nine weeks?"

"No" I answered.

"You really miss him, don't you?" he whispered, running his hand over my head. I suddenly felt very sad again.

"More than you'll ever know, `Ski" I said meekly, dropping my head.

"Is it really that bad, Dude?"

I looked up at him from my on my knees position next to the bed. "Oh, fuck, `Ski! It's so fucked up. Every day I just wish it would stop hurting!" I blurted out.

"Hey, hey!" he blurted, "None of that shit, huh? C'mon up here" he ordered as he slid over. I crawled into bed next to him and lay my head on the pillow where he directed me. As if it was the most natural thing to do, he wrapped his furred body around me. His strong scent enveloped me as I sunk into him.

"I just had to have some man-to-man contact, `Ski" I explained, my voice cracking.

"Shhhhhh!" he soothed. "No problem, little man. What's up?"

"I haven't even been held by a man in so long, I've forgotten what it's like. Let alone getting laid"

"Hmmmmm. Tell me about it. That head is the first action Jackson has seen in weeks too"


"Yah. Feels pretty good too"

"Yah, you feel pretty good yourself"

"Ah---yah---well, I'm sure I don't smell completely clean," he said, lifting one of his arms and mocking a sniff of his pit. Actually he smelled just fine. His male musk was strong and driving me crazy.

"Smells awesome to me" I told him truthfully.

"Yah?" he asked. "You don't mind a little BO?"

"It's hot `Ski" I said, mashing myself harder against him.

"Yah? You like that shit, huh?"

"You smell like a man. You feel like a man. And a man is exactly what I need right now"

"And I fit the bill, huh?"

"Something like that. I was fooling around for the first time in weeks and nothing could satisfy me, so I came looking for a little action"

"Really? Whaddya mean `fooling around'?" he teased.

"Taking care of my needs, `Ski" I answered.

"Jacking off and stuff, huh?" he asked.

"And stuff" I shot back.

"Oh!" he said with a bit of surprise in his voice. "What might `stuff' be?"

"I think you can use your imagination"

"You been playing with your butt, Sean?" he asked, sliding his hand across my hard ass cheeks.


"Yah?" he asked, not waiting for an answer. Instead his fingers probed my crack where they slid around in the slick goo. "Oh, fuck, Sean!" he panted as he fingered my hole. "Got yourself all hornied up, so you come looking for Uncle `Ski to help you out. Is that it?"

"Yah, Poleski. I was hoping you'd put it to me" I said as he slid two fingers in to the knuckles. I was his.

"Goddamn, Stud! What have you been doing to that hole to make it so loose?" he queried as he played with my horny hole.

"I've got some toys" I replied. He kept mining my guts.

"Yah?" he asked breathlessly, "What kind of toys"

"A couple of man sized dildos"

"Anything this size?" he asked as he slid his hard cock across my ass.

"Nothing that big, `Ski"

"Think you can take this pup again?" he asked as he slapped it against my butt.

"Oh, fuck yah!"


"I need it `Ski!" I moaned.

"You want it?" he teased as he slid it up and down my slippery valley.

"I gotta have it, `Ski!" I replied, rubbing my butt up and down his shaft.

"You fuckin' slut, you" he chuckled. "You really think you can take it tonight?"

"If you're game, I'm gonna give it a good try" I said.

"You got me so fucking hot now, my dick's like a crowbar. I just gotta fuck something" he rasped. I couldn't believe my fucking luck!

"You okay with this, `Ski"

"Yah. A man's got needs you know" he said, pushing his knob at my hole.

"Tell me about it"

"How do you want it?" he asked. I moved away from him and got on my knees.

"Get on your back," I instructed. "I'm gonna have to sit on it." He quickly moved onto his back.

"Hold on a minute," I said. "I need to go get some lube"

"I got some right here" he informed, reaching for the nightstand. Holding his hard cock straight up, he poured slippery lube from the bottle. I straddled his legs and moved up towards him. Taking a hold of his cock, I was again amazed at how large it was. I hovered over him. He reached down and fingered my gash.

"Oh, fuck!" he moaned as his fingers danced in and around my loose hole. I lowered myself until I felt the knob of his dick touch my asslips. Pushing down, I felt his knob breach my sphincter. My butthole was really gaping so there was very little discomfort. Until I pushed down further that is. The straight man's cock was so huge, it quickly stretched my hole to the max. "That's it, man!" he purred as I sat further down on his pole. Slowly but surely I was able to take inch after inch of his manhood.

When I got about three-quarters of the way down I had to stop because I'd reached my threshold of discomfort. The blunt end of his cock was banging right up against that magic spot, clamped tightly shut deep inside of me. From that point I began slowly moving up and down on what felt like a billy club in my butt. Moving up and down and around on that big fucking cock felt awesome, if not a bit uncomfortable. But it hurt so good!

In just a few minutes I was really moving on the furred man's bone. It didn't take too long before I was pushing down harder and harder and relishing the "pain" of grinding that sweet spot against his knob. It was feeling better and better and I wanted to take all of the man so bad. He was looking and feeling so good to me at that moment. Up on his shaft I moved until the head of his prick was just inside of me. Then down I moved, the girth of him mashing my prostate, forcing precum to flow freely out of my growing hardness. Finally pushing down as far as I could go, my butthole flared open as I felt that inner sphincter giving way to the man's hardness. I've said it before, getting fucked is mostly mental. Especially with big fucking cocks. If I'm not into it, the fuck isn't good. I was sure as hell into Ski that night. At one point I couldn't stop myself from keeping constant pressure on that gate to my guts. I wanted it all. My heart soared and my entrails relaxed. In an instant I was aware that I was fully open to him. Slowly and deliberately, I impaled myself all the way down on him until I felt those copper colored wiries of his scratching against my gaping asslips.

Sitting completely down on the man's bone, I was frozen in place from the sensations. Extreme pleasure wracked my body at the same time my hole was warning me that the last gate of protection had been opened and that I was completely vulnerable to whatever moves this man made on me. THAT did it for me! My cock, previously only half hard from the impalement, roared to full erection. I wiggled around on Ski's bone like a butterfly on a pin. "Goddamn, Sean!" he whispered as guttural groans emanated from deep inside me as I worked my innermost guts around on his turgid tube. Ski began moving his hips up, penetrating just a fraction of an inch deeper each time. Pushing out from inside, I made my hole huge as my deepest flesh distended onto the big man's phallus. Pushing me up a bit with his hands, he began fucking up into my being, now completely centered in my butthole.

Seizing the moment, Ski took control. "Let's get you on your back, little man" he said. Pulling me fully onto his rod, he moved us around until he was on top of me. I groaned. "Whaddaya want, baby?" he asked.

"Pillow---under---me" I grunted. Ski quickly lifted me up, grabbed a pillow and slid it under my ass. I reached down and pulled my legs up, giving the hard man complete access to my guts. Leaning heavily on his arms at my sides, his hips went into motion, driving his mammoth meat in and out of me with amazing precision. It felt so fucking awesome that for the next several minutes I could only hold my breath and push out to let his length and girth work my mancunt. Ski sawed into me like nobody's business and I took every fucking inch he could pound into me. For about 10 minutes, I gave it up to him like I'd only done for lovers. I was the hole and he was the cock that each of us needed so badly at that moment. Sounds of flesh sliding into and against wet, slippery flesh filled the room. The wetness of my ass soaked his balls and dripped down onto my lower back.

Faster and faster Ski pleasured himself inside of me until I could tell he was getting close to nutting. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth, his breaths were coming shorter and shorter and I could no longer feel his balls banging against my butt. He was a man on a mission and the mission was just about over. The last few plunges he took into me were incredibly deep. As men do, he finally froze deep inside of me and unloaded his ball batter in me. For fear of cumming too soon I hadn't touched my dick, throbbing hard against my belly. The second I felt that spreading warmth of Ski's cum in me though I grabbed my cock. It only took a few strokes before I too was spewing. Seconds behind him in his orgasm, my butthole immediately clamped tight against his rocketing rod. I could feel his spasms as my own jetted jizz onto my belly. Ski ground his girth in deep as his nut subsided, increasing the pleasure of mine.

"Whew!" he finally said with a big smile on his face. Leaving his bone in me, he continued, "Fuck an A, Sean, you sure know how to put out! "

"Just what I needed, Ski!"

"You can sure take a dickin'"

"It's what I was born to do" I explained as I moved my legs down. "But right now I need that big fucking thing out of me"

"No problem" he said as he started to withdraw. I quickly grabbed him by the waist.

"Slowly!" I warned as I felt my guts being carried out by his knob.

"Ok!" he chuckled as he slowly withdrew all of his manhood from me. When his knob popped free of me, my hole fluttered for a while as it clamped shut. Ski rolled over to the side. I followed shortly by rolling off the pillow and tossing it on the floor next to the bed. I flopped down on the bed next to him.

"Jesus, I don't think I'm going to be able to walk for days, Ski!" I said, mostly out of nervous conversation.

"Oh, something tells me that you'll survive, you little slut!" he teased. Then there was an awkward silence. It made me uneasy. I figured that Ski would want to be alone since he'd gotten off.

"Well, I guess I better go clean up and get some shut eye" I announced as I made my way to the side of the bed.

"You don't have to go, you know" he announced.

Sitting up, I turned to look at him. "No?" I asked.

"Nope" he stated emphatically, motioning to the spot next to him. "You're welcome to stay"


"Absolutely, Dude"

I relaxed a bit and lay down beside him. With all the hot action, his male scent was understandably stronger than before, drawing me near to him. As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Ski spooned himself around me and held me close with his free arm.

"Goddamn, that was an awesome fuck!" he said pulling me closer to him. I responded silently by pushing my butt harder against him. I wasn't exactly sure why he hadn't kicked me out of his bed as soon as he got off. I'd had that experience with "straight" guys before. They're all hot and bothered while the action is going on. You can get a man with a hardon to do shit they wouldn't ever think of doing. Especially young military guys. But the minute they cum, it's all over. The whole guilt-for-what-they've-done scenario starts. All I knew was that it felt good to be in a man's arms again. Ski sure felt good. He was a big, strong, furred man just like I liked `em. Not the best looking man in the world, but a man none-the-less. I had to wonder how many times he'd actually experienced similar closeness. Who cared if he was straight. I had a buttful of his hetero hosings. If I hadn't just been thoroughly fucked, I would have had another hardon! I was really sleepy so it wasn't probably ten minutes later that I was sound asleep in his arms.

I dreamed about Armando and me. We'd just spent an awesome day out at the beach and had come back to the apartment. Nobody was there and we spontaneously started making love on the Living Room floor. He had me on my back and was fucking me like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly I looked up and Smythe and some of his buddies were standing just inside the front door. They were yelling at us. Kozinski came out from the bedroom area with a shocked looked on his face. Armando was telling him that he was supposed to keep a lookout for us. Ski was apologizing for not doing so. All the while Armando kept my legs in the air and he was hard but still inside of me. Ski took control of the situation and moved toward the group at the door to hustle them out of the apartment. Armando started fucking me again. Smythe stood there with this disgusted look on his face and kept calling us names while Ski was pushing him toward the door. One of his buddies though was very interested in what we were doing. He stood there watching. The next thing I knew, Armando was turning me over and pushing his cock into me. Smythe's buddy moved around so that he could get a good look at the action. Ski was just standing there, playing with his dick and saying, "It's hot, huh?" Armando kept pushing his cock at my butthole. It felt so big. It actually hurt.

That's when I woke up. The room was dark and strange to me. I was on my side and Armando was holding my right leg in the air and jabbing his big fucking cock into me. I wanted him inside of me but he was just too big. I was confused.

"Oh, man, take it easy!" I said, pushing back on him.

"Sorry," came the reply. It wasn't Armando's voice. Suddenly everything came back to me.

What had woken me was Ski's hard cock pressing insistently at my back door. No wonder it had hurt. He backed off a little but didn't let up. The man was determined to get some more ass. And I wanted to take his dick again, even if it was huge. I relaxed my hole, pushed back against his moves and his knob breached my butt. There was a little bit of pain, but it hurt so damned good. I was wet from our earlier mating and it didn't take long before those juices were making his entry a whole lot easier. A thousand things raced through my mind as he slowly entered me there on my side. The one thing that I felt the most was that I really wanted to be taken by him again. As I slowly moved onto my belly, Ski followed with about 3 or 4 inches of his manhood in me. Once I was prone, he moved up onto me and continued sinking his sausage into my depths. Oh, fuck it felt good! My butt muscles were so relaxed from our earlier fuck that he was able to spear deep into me with little problem. It was his tremendous girth that was uncomfortable.

"OH! Fuck, Ski!" I grimaced. "Back out a little buddy!" The man did just what he was told. In drawing some of his cock out, he brought some slick juice with him, making his reentry so much easier. We worked at it for a couple of minutes before I felt his heavy and drooping balls on my butt cheeks. The man's meat was a marvel in me. Starting off slowly, he pumped in and out of me, enjoying the slick friction our union provided. I pushed back against him, encouraging the man to have his way with me. At the time I didn't care if he split me wide open. I just had to have all he could deliver. The man had a mammoth slab of dick meat and I was determined to take it all.

"AW, GAWD!" I moaned as he penetrated into that awesome fucking pleasure pit deep within me. He was deep!

"Like that shit, man?" he cooed in my ear.

"OH, YAH!" I groaned loudly as I fucked my ass up onto his rooting rod.

"Goddamn, Sean! I'm in you to the balls already!"

"Fuckin' go for it!" I encouraged.

"You really want it, doncha?"

"Get me deep, Ski!" was all I needed to say. Laying full on my back, his hairy belly and chest against my back, the big man rooted in the deepest depths of my rectum all the while fucking the most amazing sounds out of me.

As you may know, getting dicked on my belly is not generally my favorite postion. However, if I move onto my belly voluntarily, my top is bound to have a great ride. At that moment I was craving cock in the worst way. I needed to be brutally boned and Ski was just the man for the job. He didn't disappoint either. Free to fuck as he wished, Poleski took the rare opportunity provided him and worked the hole he'd sunk his monster in every conceivable way he could to garner the most pleasure for himself. That early morning fuck in his bed was probably the most incredible of his young life. Without concern for me, he fucked hard and heavy for several minutes before he even hinted that he was getting close to giving it up.

"Oh, I could fuck you forever!" he rasped between heavy breaths.

"Like that mancunt?" I was able to say as he fucked the breath out of me. Cum and lube and butt slime from our earlier fuck soaked the two of us. The fuck sounded wet.

"Fuckin' awesome cunt" he panted. I was so wide open, the man could really move freely in me.

"Fuck that manhole!"

"Goddamn, it feels good!" he whined as he really poured it on.

"Get your gun, Dude!" I prodded.

"OH, FUCK YAH!" he said louder. The thought that he was going to jet in me obviously excited him.

"Gonna cum in me?"

"YAH!" he answered, fucking faster and harder.

"Gonna get off in this man?"

"Fuckin' gonna cream your guts, Gyrene!"

"Yah! You're gonna blow aren't you?"


"Yah? Wanna fuck this man?"


"Fuck his ass"

"Oh, I'm fuckin' his ass!"

"You're fuckin' a man in the ass, aren't you?"

"Yah! Fuckin' a man in the ass!"

"You're gettin' close, aren't you?"


"Give it to me, Stud!"

"OH, SO CLOSE------"

"Pump me full!"

"-------OH, NO!------"





"I CAN FEEL IT, MAN!" I screamed when I felt that first spurt jet into me.

"TAKE MY CUM! TAKE MY CUM! TAKE MY CUM!" he yelled. Holding me by the shoulders he pushed my body down onto him, moving his battering ram even deeper as he seeded me.

It took him several minutes to come down from the extremity of that cum. As he did, he was super-attentive to me. Lying on my back he ran his hands all over me and was planting kisses on the back of my neck. Not long after he'd stopped involuntarily jabbing into me, he reached under me and wrapped a slippery hand around my cock. I knew right then and there that we'd crossed a line. He'd fucked most of the hardon out of me but it didn't take long to bone up. At that moment the scents and sensations all ganged up on me. Almost instantly, I raced to within a few seconds of getting off. Ski squeezed my cock with his callused hand and got me off big time. I shot all over his hand and the sheets under us as his baseball bat filled my ass.

And that's the position we stayed in when it was all over. Both of us were sweaty, slippery, smelly and exhausted. And we couldn't have cared less. We fell asleep with him still inside of me and his hand wrapped around my dick. As I drifted off, there was no question in my mind that, as long as there wasn't a woman in his life, I could have Ski just about any time I wanted. And I did.

I'm always happy to hear thoughts on what you think about my stories. Contact me at billybob661@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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