A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Aug 8, 2000


A Few Good Men 5: Sergeant Armando Contreras: Introduction

Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 4, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another story, Nailed Part 1, precedes the series. It's in Nifty's Athletic section. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the A Few Good Men series is largely true. Yah, so most of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the A Few Good Men series.

After Primer had moved to the east we attempted to continue our relationship long distance. We spoke on the phone almost daily at first, but even that tapered off after a few weeks. With he in a new job and I in the Corps, it became painfully obvious that we wouldn't see each other for a long time. Even though we had spoken about weekend visits, neither one of us were in a financial position to be making weekend plane trips across the continent. He was very aware of all of that. It was I that lived in a fantasy world. When that reality set in, it became almost painful to talk on the phone because I missed him so much. That's when our contact began to get really sparse. I became pretty depressed. For several months I didn't venture out much. I pretty much stayed to myself. Heading out to gay bars just wasn't an option for me and after Primer the pursuit of casual sex just didn't appeal to me.

Primer had been gone for 6 months. I hadn't gone out or even had sex with a man the entire time. At 20 years old that was quite a feat. I'd thrown myself into my job and had seen the results of that. Still and all, I had begun to ache for the love of a man. My earlier and wilder days were pretty much behind me. I'd broken a lot of hearts in the short time I'd been in the Corps and I wasn't proud of it. I'd never given it much thought before, but now that I was still smarting from a broken heart of sorts, I was a little embarrassed at how careless I'd been with some of the men I'd known.

Because of my mechanical skills, I had been assigned to a motor pool on base at CamPen. That's where I pretty much spent most of my time. It was pretty awesome in fact. I had complete control over the repair bays and spent countless hours cleaning and organizing them to my liking. It took a while, but I finally had the place whipped into shape and looking like my old man's garage that I'd worked in for so many years. The Sergeant in charge was a real task-master. He had extensive knowledge of all aspects of cars in general but military vehicles specifically. He was a tough old guy and kind of a hard ass. But he taught me a lot and I respected him for that. I'll never forget the day he announced he was retiring and leaving the Corps. I felt a tinge of regret. I realized that I looked up to him like the Dad that mine never was to me. We threw a hell of a going away party for that Sergeant.

I'd learned early on that the best policy for me was to remain closeted in the Corps. Remember this was the early 80s. A long, long way away from the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" days. When I was on base I didn't allow myself to have thoughts for or lust after other guys. It just wasn't safe. Not only could you get your ass booted from the Corps, but you could also get your ass kicked but-good if any one of a number of men even suspected that you were gay. And at 5'9" and 160 pounds, I wasn't exactly the biggest guy around so I avoided any kind of confrontation. I never went looking for attention on base, but I sure as hell never discouraged it either.

My blond hair and good looks had turned more than a few heads in my young life. It was no different on base. The piercing ice blue eyes God gave me didn't hurt either. Although I really never worked out heavily, the body I'd sculpted with very little effort was an eye catcher as well. Especially my butt, if I must say so myself. Being my best asset, I never shied away from showing it off. High and tight against my 31 inch waist, it was the perfect bubble. From the time I was a young boy my butt was muscle. With very little effort it's still hard today. I always knew my efforts were paying off because I got comments on my butt. Even from straight guys. Of course, they said different things than the guys that were trying to get into my pants, but the message was still there. From the time I'd been taught the pleasures of buttfucking until Primer had left several months earlier, I never shied away from putting out to hot men either. I just wasn't doing it then.

Not that guys didn't try. Like I said before, when I was about 13 or so I became aware of the effect I had on girls. But it was during the summer before I turned 16 that I learned of the effect I had on men. My cleanshaven baby face attracted them. And it hasn't changed to this day. On the other hand, I have always lusted after the dark haired, swarthy and hairy chested men. For years I felt inadequate that my body was nearly hairless. It wasn't until I was a little older that I finally understood that, generally, opposites attract.

I kept my nose to the grindstone and never even hinted that I was gay. That's how I got along so well with the guys that I worked and lived with. Sure, some of them were hot, but I couldn't let myself think about them in anyway other than as fellow soldiers. When the occasional aggressive man would let his interest be known, I respectfully declined. Mostly because in the wake of Primer moving I just wasn't feeling sexual. Go figure that, huh? In one or two cases it was difficult, but I knew that if I did anything with them it would be just casual sex and I wasn't looking for that at the time. I just wasn't looking for man to man action.

All of that changed in an instant when I reported for duty the Monday morning after we'd seen our Sergeant off. Sergeant Armando Contreras was introduced to us as the new man in charge of the motor pool. He was absolutely fucking beautiful! I remember him standing in front of us talking, but I didn't hear a word he said. All I saw was that light brown skin and full lips parting around brilliant white teeth as he spoke. My heart raced. My stomach churned with butterflies. For the first time in many months, my cock stirred at just the sight of a man. He had incredibly thick eyebrows. His big brown, almost black, eyes were accentuated by very long eyelashes, giving him a seductive, almost sleepy, look. The nostrils of his flawless nose flared, belying the Spanish blood of his Puerto Rican roots. A square jaw, high cheekbones and those luscious lips completed the picture perfect face.

He was such a fucking Stud! Every move he made just oozed natural masculinity. His mannerisms, his posture and his gestures all screamed male. Heavily furred forearms blended into awesome biceps. Those and his defined pecs stretched his tee to no end. What a fucking hunk this Sergeant was! For the next several days I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I watched him from across the repair bay as he leaned under a hood. He stood about 6'1" and I guessed he was a little over 200 pounds. His face was a fucking masterpiece. He looked to be in his late 20s. The dark hair on his head was so thick that even with his high and tight haircut you couldn't see his scalp on the top. His hairline grew down onto his forehead, accentuating his sexiness.

His muscled shoulders tapered down to a 32 inch waist and a pair of hard ass mounds that seemed to be fighting to escape his cammies. The way they molded to his butt was sinful. The camouflaged fabric almost seemed to lift and separate each one of his ass cheeks. All of that combined made him a wet dream come true for me. I just wanted to fall to my knees behind him and feast on his ass.

All of that didn't hold a candle to what I could see he was packing in his pants. Yah, we all like to talk about a guy's basket. But how often do you really see one. I mean really see a man's dick. Oh, sure there are guys that show a bulge here and there. But you almost never see a cock in a man's pants. Sergeant Contreras was an exception to that. Sliding down the right side of his pants was a clearly defined tube of flesh. It flopped around against his thigh as he walked. Damn it looked big! It seemed to be about half-hard all the time. Stealing glances at it, I couldn't detect the rim of a cockhead so I assumed he was uncut. That did it for me! For the first time in months, I thought about all the nasty things I could do to a man. He really got the better of me. Little did he know that he had become my main jack-off fantasy.

As any good commander would do, Contreras started the week working with each one of us on a one-to-one basis. I knew it was in an effort to show us he knew what he was doing, but when he worked with me I quickly caught on that the Sergeant was in a little over his head. I don't know how this Rican god got his post, but everyday I thanked my lucky stars that somebody had seen to it that he was sent to me. I couldn't care less how experienced the Sergeant was under a hood. All I cared about was that he was as close to me as physically possible.

When we worked together in various positions, I noticed other things about him. Like the thick hair growing up and over the top of his tee shirt. And at different times when his tee shirt hiked up I saw the patch that grew above the waistline on his back and his heavily furred stomach. The hypnotic manscent that emanated from his body drove me nuts. Seemingly unaware, the man set me into a heightened state of arousal just by being near me. It excited and scared me all at the same time. I knew I'd have to be especially careful around this man.

Needless to say, I was hooked on Sergeant Armando Contreras. Big time hooked. He occupied the greatest amount of my waking thinking time. I volunteered my services for every project he proposed. Because he was lacking somewhat in his mechanical skills, I could tell he was grateful I did. I made him look smart and experienced. It turned me on to do so and it made him happy at the same time. We soon fast became on-duty buds.

I didn't know much about Contreras. But I was dying to find out as much as I could without being obvious. I learned that he had transferred from another part of CamPen but that he'd only been in California for a few months. Each day like clockwork a buddy of his would roll in and pick him up after we closed up. I learned that the buddy was one of two guys that Contreras roomed with off base. I was jealous of those guys!

One Monday morning about 3 weeks after he reported for duty, Contreras showed up to work driving a beat up Chevy Luv mini truck. Remember those? Some jarhead that was shipping out had sold it to him over the weekend. We razzed him about it all day and he took the ribbing with humor. Toward the end of the day he asked me to take a look at it. After duty, I pulled it into my bay and popped the hood. It took about an hour of tinkering before I was able to give him a rundown on the truck's needs. Geez, the thing seemed to need everything! I could see the news drain away his good humor. Needless to say, us grunts in the Corps don't make a helluva lot of money and the prospect of dumping most of it into a car isn't exactly appealing. I offered to help him out. He was elated that I'd be willing to do so. I was elated that I'd get the chance to be with him more often.

So, for the next couple of weeks, Contreras and I worked on his truck after duty. With nobody else around, we got the opportunity to get to know each other better. I learned that he'd grown up in Florida and was one of 6 boys in his family. The thought of 5 other men who looked like Sergeant Contreras running around the world merely added a new dimension to my jack-off fantasies. In turn, I clued him into my upbringing and how I wished my relationship with my Dad had been better. Of course I skipped the part of getting caught fucking with Kevin (A Few Good Men 1) and being forced to enlist in the Corps.

It really wasn't that cool to work on personal vehicles at the shop. Even after duty. So after doing most of the hard work on base for several days, we moved over to Contreras' apartment. He was so much more relaxed there. Besides, we could have a beer or two whenever we wanted to. I met his two roommates. Smythe was a Lance Corporal like me, with about a year until discharge. He was a white-blond haired guy from Indiana or someplace. Reasonably good looking, he was a confirmed pussy hound with a big mouth. Luckily he was never around the apartment much. The best kind of roommate to have I guess. Kozinski was also a Lance Corporal. He was a stocky and sturdy guy of Polish descent with copper colored hair, built like a brick shithouse, but not the best looking guy around. Although he and Smythe went out looking for pussy a lot, Kozinski was more of a homebody. Though he was around more, he was a friendly guy and pleasant to have around.

One day, Contreras and I had been working on the truck for hours. Smythe and Kozinski had invited us to head out on the prowl with them but Contreras had declined because he said he had a date. Though I wasn't thrilled at the thought that he was heading off to some woman's bed, I was just as happy that I wouldn't have to hang out with the other two and pretend to look for pussy. It's just not something I would do. We were on about our 4th beer when I felt the call of nature. I dropped my wrench and headed for the house.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothin'. I gotta take a leak" I answered, opening the screen door.

"Those guys are getting ready to go out, both heads are probably in use" he announced. Even though the other guys shared the Master Bedroom and its bath, they apparently used the hall bath as well.

"I'll manage" I waved, heading down the hall.

Sure enough, both baths were full. Normally I would have just whipped it out and pissed outside. But it was kind of hard to do that in an apartment complex. I rapped on the door.

"Yo!" came the answer from inside. I opened the door.

"Mind if I take a leak?"

"Not at all, come on in" the voice answered from the shower. It was Kozinski.

Stepping into the bathroom, I unzipped and did my business. While I was standing there I looked around and saw his clothes piled on the floor. Amongst his shorts and shirt, were his boxers. I always liked the sight of a man's underwear. Kozinski had a nice ass and it turned me on a little to see the boxers that he'd been wearing just laying there. I turned toward the shower and could kind of see him through the shower curtain. It was a clear one with a Budweiser label design on it. I really couldn't see anything but an outline of a man in the buff. My dick started surging. Whew! I thought. This beer's really getting to you!

When I returned outside, I suddenly remembered a phone call I needed to make. "Hey, Sarge, can I use the phone?"

"Sure" he said, "Use the one in my room. It's the one on the left." I hurried down the hall again.

Reaching the door, I turned right into the inner world of the man I'd been lusting after for weeks. The phone was on the nightstand so I sat on the bed and dialed. When I was finished with the call I stood and quickly scanned the room. It was neat and sparsely furnished. Just a King size bed, a nightstand and a small dresser. The scent of the man lingered in the air. I spotted some clothes thrown haphazardly into a pile over by the closet. I saw that a pair of his boxers rested atop some shorts and a tee shirt. Instantly, I had a half hardon. In the distance I could hear Contreras pounding on something under the hood of the car. Water was running in the other bathroom and it sounded like someone was on the phone in the bedroom across the hall. All residents accounted for.

Without thinking I crossed the room quickly, stopping at the pile of clothes. There, before me, were clothes that Contreras had worn. Knowing I'd have to hurry, I instinctively reached for the boxers. Without even thinking I grabbed them and held them up to my face. Breathing in, I smelled the strong scent of the man I'd come to crave. My nostrils exploded with smells of his sweat, his dick and his butt. The front smelled like piss and precum and balls. The back seam released that ever-so-sweet smell of a man's ass that I had craved since adolescence. Fuck! How many times have I done this? I thought. How many men's shorts have I sniffed? I thought back on that one day that I'd been caught by my friend Leo doing the very same. (Described in detail in "Nailed" in Nifty's Athletic section). The thought of Contreras or one of his roommates catching me flashed through my brain. A sudden chill of fear rushed through me, causing me to drop the shorts. In a hurry I bolted out of the bedroom and outside. Grabbing my beer, I guzzled its remains before setting the empty bottle down.

"Damn, son! Slow down there!" Contreras said with a grin. "What's up with you? You're all flushed"

I felt hot in the face and realized that I must be beet-red. I get that way anytime I'm excited or embarrassed. It's my fair skin. "Must be the beer," I said, wiping my mouth.

"Shit, yah!" he laughed. "Especially if you're drinking it that way"

We finished up the job on the truck and I packed up my tools. While I was doing so, Contreras slipped off into the shower to get ready for his date. The other two had already left so it was just the two of us there. I was so horny from the beer and being around Contreras all day. Hearing the shower water running, I slipped into his bedroom. I quickly moved over to the closet and scooped up that funky pair of boxers I'd sniffed earlier. Balling them up into my fist I walked out into the hall.

"Hey, Sarge! I'm gonna take off now. Have a good time tonight!" I called out to him.

"Yah, thanks for the help on the truck"

"No problem. I'll see you Monday"

"Ok, buddy"

I hopped in my car and tore ass to my quarters on base, making only one stop. That was at a bookstore in Oceanside. I'd been there a time or two before. I scanned the crowd for any familiar faces that may bust me and, after seeing none, I grabbed a copy of Honcho I think with a drop-dead handsome Latino on the cover. Go figure that, huh? I paid for and left with it as soon as I could. It was a big risk taking it on base, but I was awful horny. When I got back to my quarters, the place was deserted. Being Saturday night that wasn't surprising. The guy I shared a room with was gone for the weekend. All the better for me.

I shucked my clothes and hopped in the shower I shared with the next room. Taking my time, I rinsed myself inside and out in anticipation of what was to come that night. It had been a long time since I'd pleasured myself like I planned. After drying off I dug into the bag I'd retrieved from the trunk of my car. In it was the flesh colored dildo that I'd bought some time before at the same bookstore in Oceanside. Needless to say, it was well hidden inside of something.

Propping pillows up at the head of the bed, I slid naked onto the cool sheets. Thumbing through the photo spread of the centerfold, I stroked myself into 7 steel hard inches. Yah, I know what you former military guys are thinking. Sure, there was the danger of my roommate coming home early. But I was pretty confident he'd stay gone the whole weekend like he said. No doubt that being super horny contributed to the chances I was taking. It also meant that I was too hot, too soon. I had to be careful not to lose control and shoot my load too soon. The centerfold's body was awesome. Huge fucking uncut cock with massive balls and a hard ass all covered with fur. Just like I like `em. From the centerfold I moved onto a hot stroke fiction story about a street tough that corners and fucks a young Stud in an alley. By the time I finished that, I was hotter than a two-peckered Billy goat. Turning the light off, I slid a pillow under my ass and continued to stroke my hardness while I teased my butt with the dildo, which was slick with plenty of lube.

After a couple of minutes of that my asslips were gaping and my hole was begging to be filled. Pulling my legs up to my chest exposed my hole to the warm air in my room. Pushing against my sphincter, I slid the bulbous knob of the toy just inside, where I let it stay while my ass got accustomed to the girth. Not so slowly, I pushed the entire length of the fleshy surrogate inside of me. I was so horny for cock that I didn't care if it hurt a little. I needed dick! Finally the ball shaped base rested against my gaping lips. It had been a long, long time since I'd been breached and when I felt the familiar feel of fullness inside of me I instantly regretted not getting dicked more often. Suddenly I was the old young-dumb-and-full-of-cum me that couldn't get enough cock.

While working the entire length of the tool in and out of my hungry depths, I fisted my rock hardness slowly. Faster then slower, deeper then shallow, I worked the entire length of my super sensitive insides. I worked that tool hard. Ever the experienced hole, my butt took the workout well. God, it felt great to be fucked again. If only it was Contreras, I thought. Contreras! What a hot fucking man. And his boxers were just within reach of my free hand. As I worked my prostate over with the knob of my latex friend, I reached down, grabbed the boxers and brought them to my face. Over the next couple of minutes I sniffed every fucking manscent I could out of those shorts while I stroked myself furiously toward a mind-blowing climax. As I rammed the 8 inches of pliable latex deep inside of me I fantasized that it was Contreras that was breeding me.

As the battering ram made friction against the slick walls of my sloppy mancunt I inhaled the heady scent of the man's crotch and butt. Sounds of wet flesh being worked over mixed with the soft murmurs only a man on the receiving end of another man's prick can make echoed in the room. My balls were snapped up so tight against my hard shaft that they had nearly disappeared inside of me. That and the intense burning in the joy button I was working hard signaled that I was just seconds away from spewing. I wanted it to last longer, yet knew that I needed the release. With one last blast of energy I worked the tool deep inside of me with powerful thrusts as I inhaled fully one last time through the man's boxer shorts. The unique manscent of his hole traveled through my nose, exploding in my nostrils and filled my lungs. With the full length of the tool buried inside of me I got two different yet equally awesome sensations. While the knob was working on the pain and pleasure of that second sphincter, the shaft pressed against my prostate which had suddenly swelled hard. Like a rocket I was off. The first spurt just grazed my clean-shaven face on its way to the wall behind my head. The second spewed across my cheek and forehead, just missing my eye. The third spurt landed on my neck. After that I lost count. Long ropes of Jarhead jizz jetted out of my closely clipped cock, bathing my hairless torso in its warmth. The entire episode was over far faster than I would have liked but I instinctively knew there was more to come.

I lay there coming down off my sex high. I must have been some sight. Flat on my back, my legs partially up with a pillow under my hard bubble butt which was stuffed full of one of the finest male surrogates available! My belly and chest were coated with my spew. Coming down after a hot session, with or without a partner, is one of my favorite times. I lay there in the overheated room thinking just how hot and stale the air was. The dildo eventually slipped out of my butt, leaving me empty. Butt juices and lube flowed easily from my freshly fucked hole.

I got up and opened the door, allowing ventilation to flow both ways through the window in my room and the one at the end of the inside corridor. Seeing as though my roommate was out of town for the weekend and our room was at the end of the corridor, it wasn't likely that anybody would be peeking in the room. Besides, the sub-floor of the building was wood, which allowed you to hear every footstep in the building. I cleaned up a bit and returned to bed, exhausted from the day, the beer and the heavy workout I'd just put myself through. Knowing that I'd be horny for yet another session or two with my latex friend, I kept my set up intact and pulled a sheet over myself. Content for the moment, I drifted off to sleep with my friend close at hand.

Some time later I awoke from the noise of somebody returning to his quarters down the hall. I couldn't tell who it was, but the noises told me it was coming from the general quarters which were very close to mine. I heard the familiar sounds of a man undressing then walking to the head and pissing. Based on the splashing sounds, he seemed to be a little unsteady on his feet. I guessed that, like a hundred times before, these were the sounds of a man who'd been out drinking and hadn't gotten any pussy. I envisioned a horny Gyrene pissing through a hardon. Finally I saw the light in the head click off and then heard the man diving into his rack. Except for a couple coughs and some breathing, the building went silent once again.

Not five minutes later, I heard the very faint but distinct telltale noises of a man working his meat. Soft moans of a man being pleasured drifted through the air. Somebody was having a solo jack-off session and I had an audio ringside seat. I wanted to know really bad who the guy was, but knew that if I got out of my rack he'd hear me walking. Even barefooted and careful I'd be sure to make the floor squeak. The longer I heard the sounds, the more it aroused me. In no time I had another aching hardon in need of release. My sloppy hole was itching for some action as well.

Carefully, I stripped off the sheet covering me. In a flash I had my hardness lubed up and was stroking it in what I imagined was unison with the mystery wanker. As I worked the super sensitive trigger ridge under the head, my hole alternately gaped and tightened. It and all that surrounded it was still soaked with the lube and butt juice that had been leaking out of me since my last action. Reaching down, I quickly found my hard friend and guided him to my manhole. Without even a trace of resistance, I was able to slide him deep inside of me in short order. God, it felt good. I had to stop stroking my cock for a minute to keep from shooting my wad. That's how good it felt. It was the second fuck of the evening, my favorite. Always has been and always will be. I'm loose and I'm way wet and I'm big time relaxed for whatever action a man can give me. I live for second or third fucks.

While my buddy down the corridor filled the air with soft yet masculine moans, I added the sound of a hot and wet hole being worked over hard. That sound of a long and hard cock sliding in and out of slippery flesh. Listening intently to my fellow jacker, I closed my eyes and lost myself in the moment. At that moment I renewed my conviction that I was born to be bred by hot men. While the Stud down the hall did what men have been doing since time began, I pleasured myself in a way only confirmed bottoms can know. The pleasures on his prick and the alcohol combined on the mystery man. He was so wrapped up in the action that he got louder, which was just fine with me.

After several minutes the action I was stirring in my own guts was getting the better of me as well. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. And from the sound of the man down the hall, neither was he. Finally I spread Contreras' shorts over my face once again and inhaled his ultra masculine scents. Once again, that did it for me. Inside of a minute or so of that I was getting really close to cumming. So was the mystery man. My mancunt was swollen and distended. As they do when I'm taking dick, a couple inches of my entrails were wrapped around the shaft of my intruder, allowing him greater access to my most sensitive depths. Rapid strokes in and out sent the bulbous knob of my latex lover into and out of the pleasure pit on the other side of my second sphincter and over my swollen joy button. I myself started moaning involuntarily with pleasure.

All of a sudden I heard the Stud down the hall get his nut. I imagined a hard-bodied Marine writhing in ecstasy on his rack as he shot his Jarhead jizz onto his belly. That vision set me off. Burying my lover deep into my depths, I shot another heavy load of cocksnot all over my chest and belly. The powerful orgasm overtook me and I later realized that I hadn't been quiet about it either. When I came out of the post unloading fog, I saw the faint illumination of the light down the hall. I figured the mystery man was cleaning up. Shit, I thought, why don't I just go and clean it up for him? I was too damned horny still.

I cleaned myself up after awhile. Normally I would have cleaned up and stowed my latex lover right away, in fear of being discovered. But that night I was so horny that I took my buddy to bed with me in hopes of yet another hot session before the dawn. It was very hot in the building still as there was no air conditioning. I fell asleep on my belly stark ass naked with the covers off. I think that I subconsciously was hoping that some hot stud would come discover and breed me.

I awoke hours later, after dawn, with a throbbing morning hardon. Slipping out of bed, I shut my door and proceeded to take dick for the next 45 minutes or so before I spewed yet another huge load that only a 20 year old can. Damn, I needed to get laid, I thought.

Seeing Contreras over the next week was sheer torture for me. I now knew the scent of his most secret spots and it was driving me crazy. On Wednesday afternoon he came to me and told me that he'd bought a second hand camper shell for his truck and wanted to know if I'd help him install it. Of course, I jumped at the chance. That afternoon, after duty, we set out. After picking up the shell we headed to his apartment where we had a couple of beers before starting the job. We moved out into the driveway with what was probably our third beer to get to it. In no time we had the shell set in place. I quickly had the holes drilled and started in on the bolts to fasten it. Contreras went inside the house to get another beer. I was in the bed of the truck on all fours with my ass in the air when I heard him come through the screen door.

"Whewie, Lance Corporal" he whistled. "You got some backside on you there! I'm so horny even that's lookin' good"

"You should be so lucky" I shot back. Crazy thing to say to a straight man, I know. But my beer muscles were kicking up. I guess I was secretly wishing he'd walk up behind me and fuck me on the spot.

"Yah, shit! The lucky one is the one who takes this big pup" he announced. Seems Contreras's beer muscles were kicking up as well. I looked up slightly across the bed to see him cupping a handful of his cock and balls. His face was hidden by the shell, so I could stare with impunity. Clearly outlined in his hand was an awesome package of flesh. My cock surged and burped a heavy bead of precum.

"Aw, shucks, Sergeant!" I shot back in my best Southern accent. "I didn't know you cared." We both laughed.

"Sheeeeeeeit! I had just enough beer and it's been too damn long since I've been laid" he continued.

I didn't really know what to make of that comment. I know what I was hoping for, but was convinced that my lust for him was reading much more into it than was intended. That night the two of us hung out at the apartment and drank a few more beers. We ordered pizza in and watched TV. Smythe and Kozinski came home in surly moods after being unsuccessful out on the prowl. That's when I decided to leave. I'd spent half the night stealing glances at Contreras's body and had worked myself up something powerful.

The next day Contreras announced that he and his roommates were heading off to Hollywood for the weekend and invited me to come along. I jumped at the chance to be with him for the weekend even if it meant I'd have to hang out with the other two pussy hounds to do it. That Friday after duty, I took off to my quarters to get ready. The place was barren, as everybody had split for the weekend already. I quickly undressed and headed for the shower where I cleaned myself inside and out. Just in case I told myself.

Contreras had told me that he'd pick me up at 18:00. I was ready for him but it wasn't until a couple of hours later that he roared up to the building. I heard the horn and ran outside immediately. "Sorry I'm late, McLellan, I had no way to call you" he said. I made a mental note to make sure he had the phone number to my barracks even though he'd never asked for it.

"Yah, I was wondering what happened to you" I asserted. "What happened?"

"Well, I had to run an errand and had a flat on the way. I had to stop to make sure we had a spare for the weekend"

"Good thinking, Sergeant" I shot back good-naturedly. Shit, he could have come at midnight and I would have still been there waiting for him! I threw my bag in the back of the truck, noticing a mattress in there.

"What's up with the mattress?" I asked as we took off to what I hoped would be an awesome weekend..

"A friend gave it to me"


"You never know when you're gonna need it!" he laughed.

"I was sorta hoping that we'd stay in a motel, Sir" I teased.

"Oh, don't you worry, Country Boy," he said, slapping my knee playfully, "we'll get you set up in luxury!"

"Make it so, Sarge!" I chuckled.

"Smythe and Kozinski took off hours ago. We'll meet up with them at the Motel" he informed as he sped down the road.

Once we got to I-5 things settled down. We were speeding off toward Hollywood, a new experience for this Texas country boy. Contreras couldn't have been dressed sexier for me. A semi-tight body shirt clung to his awesome pecs, leaving his big arms in full view. To top that off, the slight scent of a man was wafting from his underarms. I had a hardon in no time. Afraid he might see it I tried to push it down my leg without him seeing. It continued to throb and ache and I guess I paid a little to much attention to it.

"Damn, Son! Relax there, would yah?" he laughed, pointing to my crotch. "We're gonna get that thing fed this weekend, don't you worry!" Shit! He'd seen me. I turned about 80 shades of red.


"Shit! You're embarrassed aren't you, Country Boy?" he said, pushing my shoulder.

"Not really" I lied.

"Bullshit! You're all red!" he laughed. "Hey, it's no big deal. We all got em and we all need to feed em" he said, happy with himself for rhyming.

I laughed. "Yah, I guess when you put it that way it makes sense." Then I thought about what he'd said. I slugged his shoulder and said, "And whaddya mean it's no big deal" as I gripped onto my aching rod.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't go waving that weapon around in here! It might go off" he joked.

"That's no shit!"

"Been awhile, huh?"

"You've got no idea, Sarge"

"Oh, I've got an idea. Never seen you do anything about it, so I assume you're overdue" he said with a sly grin.

I broke out in a broad smile. "That's an understatement"

He nodded knowingly. "And knock the `Sergeant' shit off, would yah?"

"No can do" I reported.

"That's an order, Lance Corporal"

"Sir, no Sir!" I shot back, smiling. If he only knew how much I appreciated the fact that he was my Sergeant.

"Yah, well now I've got you for subordination"

"Yes, Sir!"

He ran his knuckles over my head roughly. I grabbed his arm but was overpowered by it. Damn, he was strong. "So anyway, Stud. What's up with not getting laid. Good lookin' Gyrene like you oughta be beating `em off" he said, probingly. Shit, more like beating myself off, I thought.

"Yah, whatever" is all that I replied, blushing once again with a sheepish grin on my face. He just stared at me for a minute.

"Damn, if you aren't the fucking killer with that `aw shucks' attitude and smile" he said, watching for my reaction.

"Whatever" I said, hanging my head a little. He intimidated me and it embarrassed me.

"Whaddya mean `whatever'?" he demanded. "What's that shit?"

"I don't know what to say" I replied truthfully, my head still bowed.

He reached over and pulled my chin up and looked at me. "I didn't realize you were as shy as you are, little man. This is a side of you I haven't seen before"

"Yah, well, I am," I admitted. Little did he know why.

"Well, I'm sure we'll get you out of that mode once we get to Hollywood!" he informed me. For the next hour we traveled north into Orange County toward Hollywood. I was both excited and anxious at the same time.

Suddenly there was a loud thump under the hood but the engine kept running. "What the hell was that?" Contreras asked. I quickly scanned the dash and noticed the alternator light on.

"I think we just threw a belt," I replied, feeling stupid for not replacing it earlier when I'd done the plugs and filters. I felt even more stupid for not throwing my toolbox in the truck.

"Fuck!" he spat. "Where the hell are we gonna get another one?"

"Pull off the freeway to the next station and I'll take care of it"

We found a station open but manned only by a teenaged kid pumping gas. >From him I found out that there was an auto parts store open down the street. He agreed to let us use the tools in the repair bay to put a new belt on. We ran down and picked a belt up and were back at the station in a few minutes. I popped the hood and went to work. It was a lot harder than I had anticipated. The alternator needed to be moved a bit to get the belt around the pulley. Only it was really rusted into place. I'm no slouch in the strength department, but bent over the fender like I was, I couldn't get the leverage to pry it loose alone. I asked Contreras to help. Putting a torque extension on the wrench, I told him to get behind me and help me push. Doing as I asked, he wrapped his body around and super close to mine. Spreading my legs for traction I ended up with my ass pressed firmly against the front of him. How convenient, huh? The two of us tried several times to break the rust loose, but it was damned difficult.

The harder we tried the more it exerted us. I could feel the hard muscles in his body as he pushed against mine. I could also feel the bulk of his manhood in his pants against my backside. On top of that, the manscent emanating from his body was like an aphrodisiac to me. I couldn't help myself. In our struggle I purposely pushed my hard butt against him. For several minutes we struggled with the bolt, me getting hot and bothered but him seemingly unconcerned with the close body contact. After a while though I could swear it felt like there was more meat pressed up against me. I just didn't know if it was wishful thinking. Finally, the bolt popped loose and I was able to finish the job in no time. I was totally on autopilot as I usually am under the hood of a car. It's a good thing too, because all I could think about was the hot body contact we'd had.

In no time we were back on the freeway heading toward Hollywood. For the first several minutes we rode in silence. My dick had belched a healthy bead of precum in my pants so the head of my dick was swimming in it. It was a good thing I was wearing briefs.

"It's awful late," Contreras stated. "I'm not sure we'll find Kozinski and Smythe"

As you can imagine, I was heartbroken at that news. Not! I began hoping that those guys would be gone when we got to the motel. "Well, as long as you know where to go, Sergeant, then I think we'll be ok"

"I'm not sure you're ready for Hollywood, Country Boy" he teased.

"Yah? Why's that?"

"It's a little racy for a shy boy like you!"

"Oh, I'm not so shy when I get a couple of beers in me" I announced.

"Yah, I've seen a little of that shit, haven't I?" he prodded.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet, Sergeant"

"I'll bet you're a wild man when you let your hair down, aren't yah?"

"I haven't had any complaints" I stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh, yah? Well we'll just have to see about that" he challenged.

When we arrived at the Motel, there was a `No Vacancy' sign out front. "I'm gonna go see if they're still here." He hopped out of the truck and went into the office. I watched him pick up the phone to call the guys' room. After awhile he hung up. He was a little agitated when he returned to the truck.

"They're gone and they didn't leave a message. Just our fucking luck, huh?" he said with disgust. I wasn't the least bit upset.

"No big deal, Sarge. This isn't exactly the Ritz anyway. I'm sure there's another Motel nearby" I answered calmly. Shit yah. And as far away from those two Grunts as possible, I thought! I began to get concerned though because as we drove down Hollywood Boulevard all of the Motels had `No Vacancy' signs out. It was weird. Like the town was full. Still and all, I was certain we'd find a place. Sure enough, just down the street was another cheap-ass Motel whose sign said they had a vacancy. "Let's check this place out," I said.

"Ok, you run across the street and get us some beer and I'll check us in" he ordered. I didn't say anything at the time, but I wasn't old enough to buy beer! I was a little concerned if the ID I had just been given by some Jarhead would work. We'd been told several times that we looked alike, so he offered to give me his California Driver's License when he shipped out.

"Yes, Sir!" I answered enthusiastically. I crossed the street and picked up a couple of six packs without a problem. Heading back I noticed Contreras was unloading the truck. The `No Vacancy' sign had gone on at the Motel.

"Shit, Man. We got the last room here!" he said. We really had found a place in the nick of time.

On the way to the room we found the ice machine where we stopped. After loading it up with beer and ice Contreras hoisted it up, his biceps flexing like mad. I grabbed his bag. Heading up the stairs and down the outside corridor, we found the room. The heat from inside of the room was oppressive when I opened the door. I dropped the bags and quickly found the air conditioner. It roared to life and pretty soon it was spewing cold air. Standing in front of it, I turned around to take stock of the room. Scanning the room I noticed 60s-type cheap furniture. The chair next to the bed and the one across the room were those molded plastic jobs with pointy legs. The bed! I hadn't even noticed until then that there was only one bed. It was King size, but still the only bed in the room. I didn't even know what to think about that. The clock on the nightstand read 11:27.

"There's only one bed" I announced.

"Oh, yah. I forgot to tell you," he said trying to act casually. Still, there was an edge to his voice.

"That's ok, Sarge. My ass is kicked. I don't care where I sleep"

"You don't snore or anything, do you?" he inquired.

"Like I said before, Sarge, I haven't had any complaints!"

"Hmmmmmm. I'll just bet you haven't," he said with a sly grin.

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"For tonight?" he clarified. I nodded. "Well whaddya say we relax for a bit, have a couple of beers and then decide"

"Sounds good to me" I said on my way to the head.

Standing there pissing, I heard him say, "Hot damn, Country Boy, there's porn here!"

"What?" I asked, not believing what I heard.

"Porn. On the TV!" he shot back.

When I walked back into the room, he was propped up on the bed without his shirt on. His fucking chest was an explosion of manhair. Some skanky girl was sucking on some ugly guy's cock on the TV. "Now this is more like it!" he said with a grin. "Welcome to Hollywood, Country Boy!"

I crossed the room, shucked my shirt and sat in the plastic chair. I just didn't feel comfortable hopping on the bed with the half-undressed hunk while we watched porn. Both of us watched in silence as the scene changed from sucking to cunt eating to fucking. The first beer lead to another and then another. I began to feel the suds. All in all, it was pretty fun. Contreras was absolutely entranced with the action. After about 15 minutes he slipped his shorts off and lay there with his boxers on. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of his hard dick in his shorts. He was reaching through the fly and rubbing it. The scene was getting very interesting. I drained my beer and got up for more.

"I'll have another," he said huskily. I grabbed two and handed him one. I was a little nervous because I too had a hardon. I felt the need to relieve myself once again. I slipped into the head and did my business through a hard dick while the sounds of the fucking on the TV filtered through the room. When I returned, Contreras was buck ass naked on the bed.

"I hope this doesn't freak you out, but this is just too hot," he said, looking around me to the TV. He was obviously feeling the effects of the beer.

"No problem, Sarge. I'm gonna have to let my pup loose soon enough myself " I answered nervously as I crossed the room. As I did so, I caught a good glimpse of the Latin hunk lying on the bed. It came as no surprise to me that the thick black hair on his legs, belly and chest ran uninterrupted across his groin. He was sitting with pillows propping him up against the headboard. His feet were flat on the bed but his knees were up, exposing his crotch. As I cleared the end of the bed I got an awesome shot of his hairy fucking crotch and balls. It was solid fur. So dark, I really couldn't distinguish balls and butt when I glanced quickly. His hand was full of hard meat. Jesus! The guy was hung. Easily a 9 incher. And fat too. Typical Puerto Rican Stud. My heart started beating faster. My fantasy man was fucking naked and hard in front of me!

Reaching the chair I unsnapped my shorts and in one quick movement pushed they and my briefs to the floor. Stepping out of them, I turned back around, my hard cock throbbing at the screen. Contreras turned and looked me up and down momentarily with sleepy, sex filled eyes. A groan in the action on the TV captured his attention again. The man was lost in a sex dream world. Even though the air conditioner had been going full blast for an hour, the air in the room was still heavy and hot. My sweaty and hairless flesh stuck to the plastic chair and I sat down. That made an odd noise, capturing the attention of my Latin Stud who looked over again.

"Hey, you don't have to sit over there" he said. Patting the bed next to him he continued, "Come on over here. I don't bite." Oh, fuck! I thought. How am I gonna keep under control laying naked next to him? I laughed inside when I realized that I already had a hardon, so it wasn't like I'd be giving myself away or anything. I slid onto the bed and arranged the pillows against the headboard. Contreras never looked up from the TV. The two of us lay there jacking our cocks like two teenagers at a circle jerk. After a while I let my eyes wander over his gorgeous fucking body. The fur never stopped from his ankles to his neck. Hair even grew up the side of his groin area right to the waist. There was no question he had a hairy ass. The sound his foreskin made as it covered and uncovered his swollen knob was awesome. Precum had covered the head and was shining in the light from the TV. I was mesmerized and the size and strength of his manhood. My butt flared and my cock belched precum.

"Like what you see, Country Boy?" he asked, breaking the silence. It surprised me. Immediately, I looked into his eyes. Catching my composure, I answered.

"Never seen one of them anteater dicks up close, Sergeant," I said, lying.

"Yah, I see you've got yourself a helmet head there Lance Corporal" he stated, referring to my closely cut dick.

"Not by choice" I said truthfully. "I didn't have any say in that"

"Yah, most guys don't"

Talking about cocks got me even more excited. Talking specifically about his made my dick surge. "What's it like having a natural dick, Sarge?"

"I don't know. It's all I've ever known, Country Boy" he answered, stroking his hardness.

"I mean what's it like to have skin covering the head?"

"Go take a look, Son" he prodded, aiming his cock at me. I was a little skeptical when he said that. Like maybe he'd wait until I reached for it and then beat the shit out of me or something. The fact that he was laying there naked and hard with me kind of precluded that however. Something was going on but I just wasn't sure what. None- the-less, that fact made my next move easier.

"Really?" I asked innocently. Little did he know that I'd handled more than my share of cocks, cut and uncut, by that time in my young and sorted life.

"Yah. Go on. Check it out" he encouraged. I scooted down on the bed where I could get a closer look. I was looking it up and down when he moved it toward me. I smelled the familiar scent of uncut cock. "Go ahead and jack it, Man. See what it feels like to have extra skin." I did exactly what I was told. The soft skin slid easily over the hard meat and bulging veins underneath.

"Oh, wow, Sarge! That's so cool the way the skin folds over the head"

"Yah, it feels real good. Keep it up, man"

"Aw, shit! I can't imagine what it feels like to have skin over my knob"

"Hey, I've got an idea" he said getting up on his knees. "C'mon over here" he commanded, pulling me closer. He positioned us facing one another on our knees. I still had a good grip on his bone. Nothing was said between us until I felt his hand wrap around my steel hardness. Now I was really sure things were progressing where I wanted them to.

"Oh, fuck, Sarge!" I hissed as my hips pushed my cock into his hand.

"Easy now, Country Boy! Don't get all excited and make a mess now!" he chided.

"Oh, I'm a long way from making a mess. But this just feels to fucking good" I informed as we continued to jack each other.

"Wanna try something?" he asked with an evil grin on his face.


"Wanna feel what it's like to have a foreskin?"

"Sure!" I eagerly agreed.

"Here" he said, moving us a little further apart. As he did so, he pulled my hardness down perpendicular to my body. He did this with great difficulty, as I was so hard that my 7 inches was standing straight up along my belly. I actually had to bend a little at the waist, which of course brought my head closer to his shoulder. At the same time he moved my cock, he took his own cock in his hand and aimed his head at mine. Looking down between us, I watched in amazement as he pushed our cock heads end to end. His bulbous knob seemed to dwarf my own pointed one. He had me easily by a couple of inches and his girth was half again as big around as my own. I shuddered when his slippery knob rubbed against mine.

"Oh, fuck, that feels good!" I rasped.

"You haven't felt anything yet" he hissed back. I watched as he slid his foreskin along the length of himself. In amazement I saw it slide up over the knob, engulf it and continue on until I felt the heated and slippery skin slide over my own knob. The feeling was like none I'd ever felt in my life! It was hot and wet and slick all at the same time. I nearly came on the spot as the skin slid over the super sensitive trigger ridge under my dick head. My legs grew week. I leaned on the bigger and stronger man for support.

"Yah, that's it. Lean on me," he cooed, wrapping his arm around me.

"Oh, Sarge! What the fuck are you doing to me?" I asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing you shouldn't have had done to you years ago, Stud!" he whispered. His free hand closed around the back of my head and pulled me close. He whispered in my ear, "You ok with all of this?"

"Like you wouldn't believe" I whispered back. He pulled me even closer.

"I'm gonna make you cum like you've never cum before, Country Boy" he promised in a hush.

"It feels so fucking good!" I spat. "I don't know how long I can last"

"Let it go, Stud" he hoarsed, "Let it go"

"That skin over my knob is just too fucking much" I said as my hips bucked from the sensation.

"Yah, it's pretty cool, huh?"

"Oh, fuck, Sergeant! How do you stand it?" I asked, pulling against his hard body.

"I love the intense sensation and every time it feels just as awesome as what you're feeling" he told me. He began to pick up the pace as he slid his foreskin over our two cocks. At the same time his hand was roaming all over my back and butt. I shuttered when I felt his callused hands on my hairless ass cheeks.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" I purred.

"Like that shit, huh?" he asked as his fingers swirled over the hard surface of my butt.


Those magic and exploring fingers of his rubbed up and down the crack of my ass. In no time the tips of them were dancing lightly over my pucker. My hips were bucking and I was fucking the man's hand like a wild man. I pushed my butt against his probing fingers. He ran the length of them along my sweaty crack and over my horny hole.

"Oh, baby, you're just too fucking hot!" he hissed as he jacked us faster and faster. The sensations of his hands on my cock and butt combined with the heavy scent of a sweaty man in heat were getting the best of me. The super wet slickness of his foreskin made the millions of nerve endings on the head of my cock scream. I was rapidly approaching a climax and, as much as I wanted it to last, I knew there was no way I could hold on for much longer. That's when his lips brushed up against my neck. While his hand played magic on my raging rod the fingers of his free hand danced lightly across my pucker. The day's growth on his face scratched my smooth one while his lips softly worked my neck. I raced toward an orgasm.

"Let go, baby! Give in to it. Let me get you off" he soothed as my hips bucked involuntarily. Holding myself close to his hard body, I let the sensations take control of me.

"Ahhhhhhh! I'm never gonna last" I panted.

"That's ok, baby. Give it to me. Give me that hole" he breathed in my ear as he pushed against the tight ring of muscle. That did it. All of a sudden I felt the familiar tingling in my prostate as it hardened in preparation for firing. My legs started to shake and weaken. I gripped harder on that hard, muscled and hairy body as he worked me toward blast off.

"OH! FUCK!" I spat, out of breath. "I'M GONNA SHOOT!"

"Oh, yah! Fuck that fist! Get your gun, Dude! Shoot that skin sock full of your jizz!" he encouraged. My breaths started coming faster and faster as I felt my balls snap up tight against my body. He continued to diddle my hole.

"Uhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as I felt my prostate snap.

"That's it, Stud! Give your jizz to your Marine Daddy!" That finished me off when he said it. In a flash I was lost in a fog as I started pumping several days load of Jarhead jizz. Like a fucking pro, Contreras backed off on the heavy jacking action when I started cumming. My cockhead was screaming from the sensation of the skin wrapped around it and any more action would have been overload.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH! FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!" I screamed as jet after jet of scalding scum shot into the man's skin that covered our cocks. Gripping onto him for dear life, I let myself go to the awesome feelings only a man in orgasm can know. A new and unfamiliar feeling of hot cum surrounding my cockhead added to the pleasure. After I'd fired about 6 or 7 squirts he suddenly started working our cocks again. It felt great but it was almost too much.


Suddenly the thought of him shooting his load into that skin wrapped around my cockhead was more than I could have dreamed for. "OH, MOTHER FUCKER! CREAM WITH ME, SARGE!" I begged.

An instant later I felt a warm blast of spooge jetting against my cockhead. Suddenly his skin sock exploded like a cum laden balloon. Torrents of cock snot blasted from our unison all over my cock, balls and pubes. While I was just starting to come down he was in the throes of a powerful man-orgasm. Gripping me tightly, he fingered my butthole while he shot his seed all over me. The man had a vise-grip on me and there was no indication that he was going to let up. Damn, but he was strong! I just held on hard while he bucked and jerked as he came down off of his cum high. I wondered how he'd react when it was all over.

I couldn't help but think that what had happened was a one-time thing caused by the beer, the porn and his anticipation of getting laid that weekend. It took a couple of minutes for him to come down off that awesome post-orgasm high, but when he did I needn't have worried. There was no guilt, no change of attitude or anything. In fact it was quite the opposite. Staring me in the eyes, Contreras continued to jack our softening cocks together while he ran his hands over my body.

"You're so hairless," he half whispered "I like that"

"You do, huh?" was all I could say. I think I was still a little shocked over what had happened between us. I mean I absolutely wanted it to, but I just didn't think that he was gay.

"Oh, yah! I love the feel of smooth skin stretched over hard muscles" he answered as he squeezed my pecs. "You've got a hot fucking body, McLellan"

"I've sorta had an eye out for yours, Sarge" I confessed.

"Really?" he asked, crinkling his nose up.

"Sir, yes Sir!" I chirped as I rubbed my hands over his hairy chest. "I just love the feel of this fur, Sir"

"Can't understand why. Guess we just all want something we can't have, huh?" he asked as he pulled away from me and stepped off the bed. He turned and walked toward the bathroom. The conversation continued while he pissed.

"That must be it"

"You surprised me, you know" he called from the head.

"Oh? How?"

"I would have never figured that you'd be into man-to-man action" he stated while he pissed. Boy did he peg me wrong!

"You wouldn't?" I asked with surprise. From the way I'd striven to be around him, I just assumed he had figured it out.

"No way. You carry yourself very well"

"That goes both ways, you know"

"You never figured it out?" he queried.

"No way" I replied truthfully. "Not in a hundred years"

"Well, I guess I did too good of a job covering it up. It's kinda new to me anyway"


"Yah. Haven't been with too many guys. You?"

"Let's just say I've had my share of partners" I answered honestly. "I've fucked around with men since I've been 16"

"With your looks and body I can understand that. You've probably been hit on since you've been a kid, huh?"


"The brass been after you?" he quizzed, referring to officers.

"Oh, yah. Plenty of that" I said with a hint of `whatever' in my voice. Titles and positions had never really influenced whether I had the hots for a man. He got the picture. Still, he continued.

"Probably not too interested in a lowly Sergeant then, huh?"

"Oh, I don't know, Sarge. I'm thinking you can have this Country Boy just about any time you want" I shot back brazenly. He turned and smiled.

"I just might take you up on that, you know"

"I'm counting on it" I continued, lying down on the bed.

"Kozinkski and Smythe know nothing about this, you know" he stated needlessly.

"They'd never hear about it from me"

"Good. Not sure how Kozinski would react but Smythe is way homophobe"

"Aw, he's just a cunt hound is all. I know a thousand guys like him back home"


"Yah. He'll never change"

Bringing back a towel, he said nothing but just stared into my eyes. He leaned over and wiped off the front of me before doing the same for him. Crossing the room to the cooler he called out, "Another beer?"

"Yah, thanks" I answered while enjoying the view of his backside. The thick black fur started at his ankles and didn't stop until it cleared his waist. It was the hard and hairy butt of a god.

As he swaggered across the room toward the bed, his softened cock bounced back and forth across his thighs. The knob of his manhood was clearly visible under his long foreskin. Handing me a beer, he lay back on the bed and fluffed up the pillows behind him. "C'mere" he said softly as he lifted his arm. I moved in next to him, laying my head on his chest. When I'd snuggled up to him his free hand caressed my back and shoulders. The air conditioner was still loudly pumping cool air into the room and the TV was blaring away. The action had changed to two guys and a girl.

"Lookit that, would yah? Two guys naked in a bed together. Imagine that" he smirked as he hugged me close.

"Yah, who woulda thought it possible"

"Oh, it's possible all right. Damned possible" he continued as he fondled me.

"I like the way you're making me feel, Sarge. You've got a man's touch"

"You ain't felt nothing yet. And, really! Please stop the Sarge shit, wouldja? It seems so weird after we just unloaded all over each other!"

"No problem. Can I still call you Sir?" I pleaded.

"Fuck an A, Country Boy. You can call me Sir anytime," he answered with a grin.



We lay there and relaxed while sipping our beers and gawkin at the action on the screen. Not ten minutes later I felt a stir in my balls and noticed that Contreras had a half hardon himself. The guys in the flick were blowing each other while the woman looked on.

"That's hot" Contreras proclaimed.

"You like that, huh?"

"I like anything with you, Stud"

"For real?"

"For real. I've waited a long time to get into your pants"

"Did you plan things this way?"

"Shit, if only!" he chuckled. "The only thing I was sure of was that we'd share a room. Beyond that I had no idea. I was just hoping I'd get a glimpse at you naked or something"

"And now that you have?"

"Like I said before. You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

I reached down and wrapped my hand around his man tool. No sooner than I started playing with it than it got hard. As I played with him, I sucked his nipples. That got an immediate and favorable reaction. I was pleased that I'd found one of his erogenous zones. By the time he was fully hard, my own boner was rubbing against his leg. Moving down his torso, I brought my face closer to his hot meat. The scent of uncut cock and sweaty man-crotch surrounded my senses. I was enthralled by the sight of his foreskin alternately covering then exposing the head of his cock.

"God, that looks hot" I rasped.

"Get in there and take a closer look" he husked. I moved in to where my face was just inches from that Rican rod. I spent the next few minutes sliding the skin over the head only to pull it down and expose the angry knob over and over again. He was bucking his hips, an indication that he liked the action. Pressure increased on the back of my head as he pushed me towards his bone.

"Yah, baby. Get down there and make some magic on my meat!"

"You'd like that?" I teased.

"I fuckin' need it, Stud!" he intoned.

"Hot fuckin' rod, Sir!" I said truthfully.

"It's all yours. Get down there" he said as he pushed my head. "Go ahead, it's not gonna bite yah!" he hoarsed as he wrapped his own hand around mine.

"Won't bite, huh?" I asked.

"No, and don't you either" he chuckled as he aimed his cock and my mouth. Damn! That scent was driving me crazy.

"Not on your life, Sergeant!" I stated.

"My life is in your hands"

Just before licking his hard shaft, I said "Or in my mouth"

"Oh, fuck, baby!" he hissed through clenched teeth.

Looking up at him I could see that he was watching me intently. Our eyes locked. Without speaking he moved his hand to my head and rubbed my high and tight. With a mouth full of cock, I smiled sheepishly. Like the obedient subordinate that I was, I licked and sucked his boner for the first time all the while staring him in the eyes. Flicking my tongue over the covered head, I mined for the slick goo built up at the tip of the skin.

"Oh, fuck!" he whispered. His eyes closed. With that encouragement, I shucked his knob naked and slurped my tongue all around it. It tasted even better than it smelled so I lapped away the remains of his last load that had accumulated there.

"Ahhhhhhh!" the man rasped. "That feels so fucking good!"

"Like that, Sir?" I whispered.

"Damn, straight McLellan. Go down on me, buddy" he encouraged with a push to my head. For the next several minutes I sucked the cock I'd dreamed about so many times. And I did it with gusto. I'm no slouch in the cocksucking department, but that night I was a deep throat and swirling tongue pro. I did everything I could to make him think I didn't have a tooth in my head.

The man's cock was big and I tried several positions to take it easier. While I was moving around, the larger and stronger man moved us into a 69 position. All at once I felt the hot and wet mouth of that Latin hunk encasing my bulging boner. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. While I worked magic on his meat, he showed me that he was no stranger to a man's hardon.

For the next however-many minutes the two of us, and our cocks, were the only ones on the earth. Doing my best, I deep throated him then swirled my tongue over his cock head and sucked out the sweet dick honey that was flowing freely out of him. Rolling over on his back, Contreras pulled me on top of him and buried the head of my cock in his throat. I plunged my mouth down as far as I could, stopping when the sheer size of him gagged me. It didn't take very long however to relax my throat muscles enough to swallow him whole. That feat had everything to do with the fact that I genuinely wanted to do it. In fact, I wanted the man to face fuck me really hard.

I'd like to say that I was so busy concentrating on giving him expert head that I barely noticed his hot mouth wrapped around my fuck stick. But that's not even remotely true. He kept pulling at my ass checks, burying my rod in him. Before too long I was humping away at his throat all the while taking him in mine up to the short hairs. I must have been doing a bang up job, because his balls pulled up so tight against his shaft that they almost disappeared inside of him. His breathing had changed to deep and fast breaths and he was clawing at me while he sucked like no tomorrow. Deep moans and groans around my cock emanated from deep inside of him. I knew he was going to spew any second.

Sure enough, I wasn't disappointed. While I was plunging my throat down onto his rock hard Rican rod, he fired away. The first shot went straight down my throat, making me swallow against his hardness. I pulled up just in time to feel the second salvo fire right across my tongue. Savoring the taste of my Sergeant's nut butter, I swallowed every drop of every subsequent shot that he fired. Just the thought that I was eating my fantasy man's cum set me off. The moans and groans of his orgasm reverberated all around my lance, bringing me to within seconds of getting my nut.

From my position on top of him, I skull fucked him deep and hard. I remember feeling his spit-coated lips sucking against my balls that were snapped tight against my bone as I gave him the full force of my ejaculation. I shot so hard that it almost hurt. All the while I jetted my jizz into his mouth and throat the man was going crazy. Gripping at my ass, he was pulling my sword deep into his throat. The millions of nerve endings in my enflamed and engorged knob were on fire, as I gave in to that awesome rush a man feels when he's planting his seed. In an effort to prolong the ecstasy, I fucked in and out at the same time I savored the unmistakable flavor of his mancream dancing across my tongue. The man took my brutal moves like the Stud that he is. When I finally came down of my nut high I rolled off of him totally exhausted. We laid head to feet for a minute until my Sergeant pulled me on up next to him.

"Good fuckin' cum, Stud!" he pronounced while wrapping himself around me.

"Fuck an A, Sir!" I panted, "I'm fuckin' kicked"

"No doubt, little man. You fuck a mean face!"

"Sorry `bout that" I apologized.

"Sorry `bout what?" he chuckled. "You're an A class cocksucker and you know just how to get your nut at the same time"

"Hope that's ok, Sir"

"More than ok, Country Boy. Whewie, but you sure are some fun!" he laughed, kissing my neck.

"Oh, wow! Keep that up Sir and you can have anything you want"

"I'm counting on that, baby!" he whispered as he pressed his hard body against my backside.

"Oh, Sir! You've got a million years to knock that shit off." I moaned. The man was working my neck and pressing his semi-woody up against my ass. The only thing better would have been if he'd worked his bone inside of me.

"I intend to take liberties with you, you know" he confessed as he humped against me. There was no question as to what he meant.

"Permission granted, Sir" I cooed. We were definitely on the same page. Looking over at the clock I saw that we'd been at it for over two and a half hours. I remember thinking that here I was with this Puerto Rican Stud that I'd lusted after for so damned long. Spent and sated. Lying naked in each other's arms in a world of our own. For the first time in months I felt contented.

I guess I drifted off to sleep because the next thing I remember was waking with a man wrapped securely around my backside. Woken from a very deep sleep, I was dazed. Confused as to where I was, I looked around the room. We were lying on the bedspread. The TV was on and the air conditioner was still blasting away noisily. The room had finally cooled down. I scooted out from the man's grip and moved across the room to turn the TV off. When I turned around I saw that the man was Sergeant Contreras. That's when it all came back to me. His seduction of me, the fact that we'd jacked off together and especially our hot 69 session. I smiled uncontrollably. He was pulling the covers down and crawling between the sheets where I joined him.

"'Night, Stud" he whispered sleepily as he wrapped himself around my backside.

"'Night, Sir" I replied as I pushed myself against the luxuriant feel of a furred man. No other words need to be spoken. The only sounds were those of two satisfied men settling down for the night and the whir of the air conditioning unit trying to cool down the air we'd heated up so much.

Next: Chapter 6

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