A Girl's Story

By Cindy Manning

Published on Aug 29, 2023


A Girl's Story Chapter 2

Our heroine is settling into college life, and making some new friends in the process. I remember going to my first gay students meeting; it was an amazing thing to meet new girls who knew way more about sex than I did.


Part 2: Now I'm a Real College Girl

It was the night before classes started and I was a tangle of emotions; not unlike when I stepped out on stage in Our Town, or when I was waiting in the Assistant Principal's office preparing for her to attack me for being a lesbian yet again, or when I asked if I could kiss Lisa the first time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh, cry, barf, or soil myself (or possibly all of them at one). I lay there in my bed, unable to sleep, when there was a quiet knock on the door. I pulled up the sheet quickly because if it was Sam I was pretty sure she wasn't ready to see that I sleep naked a lot of the time.

The door opened a little, "You awake Cindy?" It was Lauren, so I sat up, she had seen me naked a lot of times. Lauren came in wearing a long t-shirt which she pulled off as soon as she shut the door. She got in bed with me, laying her head on my boobs.

"Are you scared Cindy?"

"A little; how about you?"

"I'm fucking terrified. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this."

I pull her face toward mine and kissed her with lots of tongue, "I'm not sure either, but you know what? We are pirate queens and there is nothing that this world can throw at us that we can't handle as long as we stick together. Now spread those legs wench, I'm starving for some pussy."

Lauren rolled on her back and I spread her nice thick legs wide to expose her pussy, tucked back in her brown bush. I was really missing Lisa now, so I began eating Lauren's pussy with considerable vigor, pushing two fingers inside her while my tongue flicked and teased her clit. I could tell she had been fingering herself because it didn't take long for her legs to squeeze together, almost squishing my head. From the muffled sounds she was making I realized she was screaming into my pillow, hopefully she wouldn't get it too wet or bite a hole in it.

Lauren had me get on my hand and knees so that she could lick my pussy from behind and lick my butthole too. She even rubbed her delightfully hard nipple on my clit, our friend Rita had introduced all of us to the joys of dovefucking but, sadly, none of the rest of our group had big enough tits to really be good at it. Lauren knew me well enough to know that when I began to orgasm to get out of the way of my feet and legs, she had seen me kick Lisa out of her own bed more than once while I was in the throes of passion.

We spent a long while with Lauren on top of me, her wonderfully firm breasts pressed against mine as we gently rubbed our bushes together for another, this time more peaceful, orgasm.

"I'm certainly going to enjoy having a fuck-buddy close by, but I hope someday I can meet someone who I can love as much as you and Lisa love each other, guy or girl (Lauren was far more bisexual than me)."

"You will, I'm sure of it. I kissed her good and proper and held her tight, drifting in and out of sleep. Lauren pulled her t-shirt back on and went back to her room, we both felt Sam was not ready for the knowledge that I was pretty much a common gutterslut where other girls were concerned and that I had pulled Lisa into my depravity with me. I just hoped we had not been so loud as to wake Sam up.

After eating breakfast with Sam and Lauren and after giving Lauren a quick hug I was on my bike to my first day of classes. Unsurprisingly there were few other girls in my Tech classes, I was going to have to try to make friends with the other girls in those classes, so I could have someone I could work with. Calculus was going to be a challenge, and that made me glad I Lauren living with me. She had been vital in getting me through pre-calculus in high school and I was pretty sure I was going to need her help again. Psychology looked to be much easier as did my intro English class. I was pleasantly surprised most of my classes only met on Mondays and Wednesdays or on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Friday would be an easy day for me so hopefully I would have more time with Lisa. With my dorm (and thus lunch) on the edge of campus I was going to be riding my bike a lot, so I had some hope my ass would not get any fatter than it already was.

Stopping in the student union I looked over the bulletin boards where various student organizations were advertising meetings. I was glad Mom had encouraged me to get a planning calendar (this was years before smartphones), so that I could try to manage my time better. I saw that there was a Science Fiction and Fantasy club meeting that night and the Queer Students group was meeting the next night. I wrote those down, it would be good to find other students with similar interests; I hoped Lisa was finding similar groups. I called her after I ate dinner to see if she wanted to come with me to the SciFi group, but she was going to the IWU Gay Student Alliance meeting. I told her to get home at a reasonable hour since every girl there would want to fuck her. True to form Amber had been very coy about it when asked if she wanted to go.

I asked Lauren and Sam if they wanted to come with me. Lauren wasn't interested but Sam was wavering.

"Sam, you named you horse after a flower that grows in Lothlórien, I think you will fit right in."

"You've read The Lord of the Rings?"

"Yeah, but Lisa told me the significance of elanor."

Now Sam looked really intrigued. "She's a Tolkien fan?"

I went and got my photo album and showed Sam the photo of Lisa in her Galadriel costume at the first Halloween dance we went to. I refrained from asking Sam not to drool on the photo."

"Wow, she looked amazing."

"You don't have to tell me that twice sweetie." I grabbed Sam's hand and pulled her up out of her beanbag chair. That wasn't easy, she was a very solid girl. "Come on, we're going." I did feel quite tingly when Sam did not let go of my hand right away.

We walked across campus toward the student union; I had told Sam I would help her shop for a bike, but I got the feeling she didn't know how to ride one. We talked about our classes and other chit-chat sort of things, but I finally summoned up the courage to address the big issue.

"Let's sit down for a minute." We sat down on a bench. "O.K., I'm going to come right out and say it; Lisa and I both think you are really attractive, and we are both attracted to you."

Sam blushed almost epically as I did sometime.

I went on. "I know you said you are fine with us being a couple, but I want you to know, and I hope this doesn't make things weird between us, that we both like threesomes and we would be happy for you to join us. I'm just going to put that out there and I'm not going to bring it up again. We're going to live together for a year and I don't want to make you uncomfortable around us."

Sam was quiet for a bit, clearly gathering her thoughts, "I've never thought about girls like that. I mean, I went to some school dances with guys, and yeah, sometimes we fooled around a little, but we never went all the way and I kissed a few girls playing Truth or Dare at slumber parties but nothing further than that. Honestly, you're the first person, apart from my parents, to tell me I'm pretty. I've never thought of myself like that, I grew up with 3 older brothers, so I was pretty much treated like a boy; I'd never consider myself to be in the same league as you or Lauren and definitely not with Lisa."

"Lisa is the Queen of the Noldor to me, always will be; I constantly marvel that she loves a tomboy like me. So are you O.K. with me leaving the door open for you and not bringing up the sex thing again?"

"This is a lot to think about, I come from a pretty sheltered background and in my family, we only talked about sex where the horses and the pigs were concerned. I'm good with the situation as it stands."

As much as I wanted to kiss her I instead patted her on the knee. "Cool. Now, let's go meet some of our fellow nerds."

The group in the meeting was mostly your stereotypical nerd-lord guys but I took heart that there were a few girls there as well (some of them were quite cute). Sam and I introduced ourselves and were quizzed extensively over what books we read and what TV and movies we watched. It seemed like a mostly friendly group and we were given all matter of advice on what to watch and read. There was considerable talk about going to a "Con", one of the girls (Janelle, nice looking redhead) told me that was shorthand for "Science Fiction Convention, that would be coming up in November in Champaign. I immediately began planning on going and taking Lisa with me as well.

Sam and I walked back to our dorm, feeling good about meeting people who liked things that we did. From the descriptions I was given by some of the other girls I was ready to start reading Anne McCaffery's Pern books and an ongoing series by Robert Jordan called The Wheel of Time. Both had strong female characters, something all of agreed that The Lord of the Rings, as wonderful a set of books as it was, definitely did not. I wasn't sure if the university library would have those books, so I decided that getting a city library card would be on my list of things to do.

There was no knock on my door that night, so I lulled myself to sleep with my Magic Wand and my photos of Lisa laying around naked in Michigan. I was proud of those photos, she was completely nude but not actually showing anything.

The next day it was up for breakfast and then off to class again. It was a lot like high school, just with my classes further apart and no commentary from Mom or Janet about what I was wearing and fewer classes to go to per day. I talked to Lisa when I got home, asking her about her night. She had been astounded that there were about 50 people at the meeting and that she had been the center of attention when she walked in. No surprise there, when a tall beauty with pure white hair enters the room she really makes a dramatic entrance. Everyone wanted to know about her and, much to her surprise, that story of Lisa the Lesbian Homecoming Queen was known to some of them. She said she blushed a lot and, as I predicted, more than a few of the girls there made it clear it was their great desire to charm her pants off and drive her to China. Amber was still sending up conflicting signals and we agreed that we would let her initiate the next step (whatever that step might be), much like we would do with Sam. She did tell me that Amber had gone to tryouts for the women's soccer team and she got a spot on the team. She had played in high school and, while she would not be a starter, she might get some playing time. We agreed to try to go to some games to cheer for her and see her cute butt in nice, tight shorts.

After dinner Lauren and I went to the Queer Students Alliance meeting. Lauren agreed with me that she was a 5, or maybe even a 4, on the Kinsey scale in that she liked guys and girls but with a tilt toward girls; I was still a firm 6 (girls only). Lauren had been the one who contacted the QSA about a Pride flag for our homecoming and a few ISU students had made the trek down from Normal to see our float. When Lauren introduced herself she drew some cheers from the girls who had met her at the parade and more than a few of them remembered me from the bridge of our ship. I was excited that QSA would be marching in the Homecoming parade, Lauren and I both signed up to be part of the parade group and I planned on bringing Lisa with me.

I was surrounded by quite a few girls who had been regaled with stories of the Lesbian Dread Pirate Roberts and her sex-goddess girlfriend, The Lesbian Homecoming Queen. I hardly recognized my own description in some stories, in some tales my boobs had grown a lot and my butt was much smaller (How I wished that were true!). I promised to bring Lisa to a meeting in the future and to bring both my photo albums.

I was pleased to see a girl there who I had also seen at the SF Society meeting, her name was Dawn. She was a serious hottie, though I soon became fully aware that she was a slightly shorter version of Janet; Lisa would be very interested in this development.

"Hey, I saw you last night, didn't I?"

"Yeah. You talked to me about the Pern books."

"We should get together sometime; I have an apartment off campus."

"I can bring Lisa?"

"Of course! I want to see the Queen in the flesh." Her eyes were very bright with obvious lust (Lisa has that effect on people, guys and girls).

Dawn walked with us as we checked out all the signs and posters on the bulletin boards. One poster, for the campus movie theater, caught my eye; this week's movie was going to be Local Hero. I had watched with Lee once and I really liked it; truthfully what I liked most was Mark Knopfler's music in the soundtrack. Turning to my two friends (one being a very new friend), "Looks like I'm going on a date this Friday. You girls want to come too?"

Lauren laughed, "I'll let you and Snow White have some time together, will you be bringing her back to the room?"

I smiled my best wicked smile, "You bet I am."

Dawn said she would think about it and so we both gave her a quick kiss goodnight before heading back to our dorm. As we walked I was formulating a plan, "I think it's time to cook for Lisa and her new friends. You want to join us for spaghetti on Sunday night?"

"Now that I won't pass up. You want to invite Sam too?"

"I will, she told me she likes to eat too; we have that in common."

I told Sam of the upcoming plans and while she really didn't know what to say about Lisa spending the weekend with me she was, as predicted, eager to try my cooking. I called Lisa and let her know; she said she would invite the girls on her floor that she knew. She also let me know that we might have to re-arrange the furniture in my room to accommodate some wrestling; I was a happy girl.

When I picked Lisa up (getting at my car was easier than getting to hers) Amber was still sending those frustratingly mixed signals. She was wearing her soccer shorts and a cropped t-shirt and no bra, you could see the bottoms of her boobs; she smiled slyly at us.

"You two planning a fun weekend?"

I wasn't sure how to answer but Lisa had gotten to know her well enough to reply, "Yeah. We're going to a movie tonight and then back to Cindy's room for wrestling and fucking. Hopefully we won't keep Lauren and Sam up all night."

I think Amber was a little taken aback by Lisa's candor, but she recovered quickly, "So when's dinner on Sunday night?"

Now I could speak coherently. "We have to get some stuff at the store, but I'll get started around 3:30, the sauce has to simmer for quite a while. Tell everyone to be in the kitchen around 5:30."

"O.K., please don't fuck my roommate to death, I really like her."

"I'll do my best."

It was wonderful to sit in a pretty classic theater and watch the movie while holding Lisa's hand. I had the CD with me to play on my stereo and I planned on putting it in when we finally crawled into bed. Back in my suite Lauren was excited to see Lisa again, I knew that if Sam went home some weekend we would definitely being have an energetic threesome. Sam seemed take a little aback by how long Lauren and Lisa kissed and by my approving reaction. Lisa gave Sam a quick hug, trying really hard to not totally freak the poor girls out with too much overt lesbianism. Lisa and I saved our heavy stuff for once I closed my door behind us.

It was nice to undress each other slowly. I had been less than a week for us and I was dripping wet before she even got my panties off. We decided to start on the floor on our knees, we'd make less noise that way, and besides the floor was too hard to be throwing each other around too much. We were both totally aroused as we struggled with each other; had anyone opened the door they would have been totally overcome by the smell of wet pussy. Lisa was twisting my nipples pretty hard, but I was grabbing her wet, white bush and pulling on it. I was able to get her between my legs before she could do the same to me and we were both pretty slippery by now. Lisa tapped out and I triumphantly lowered myself down to her face, her tongue already out and ready to taste me.

I moaned as I felt her tongue slide up inside me, her hands reaching up to squeeze my tits. I knew it wouldn't take long for me to climax and neither did she since she rolled us on our sides so that she could get out of range of my twitching body and wildly kicking legs as I orgasmed on my floor. I spread out her legs and went to work on her pussy, pumping two fingers in and out with my tongue flicking wildly on her clit. I pulled my hand out as she began her high-pitched squealing as her orgasm overtook her, pressing my mouth to her cunt to attempt to swallow all her juices as her girlcum shot out of her pussy. Exhausted, we climbed into my bed, holding each other tight. One thing that had not changed from fucking in my bedroom at home was the twin bed, which made for very tight accommodations.

"I really miss that big hotel bed we had when we went to see Phantom of the Opera," I said, also biting at Lisa's neck

"Or the nice big one in the hotel after prom," Lisa was also happily sucking on my nipples

"Oooh. That one was nice too."

Officially Lisa should have paid for her breakfast since she wasn't an ISU student but the bored person at the door waved us through. There was French toast, which Lisa said was not nearly as good as mine and really not even as good as my mom's but still made for a good breakfast.

IWU had its first women's soccer game that afternoon so we went in hopes of seeing Amber get to play. We saw her come out with the team and cheered wildly for her as she did. Lisa had been right, she had an amazing ass and her soccer shorts showed it off nicely. She didn't get any playing time, and they got beat 4-0 by Augustana, but it was still a fun time. I was excited to learn Lisa had already put her name in to be one of the people to sing the national anthem before the games. She explained that while there was a big list for football and men's basketball, very few people signed up for the women's sports and she decided that was a good way for her to get exposure and I agreed with her.

At least on campus we could be pretty out and proud. It felt so good to walk to the theater holding Lisa's on a perfect August evening. I know I liked Local Hero better than she did, but she did love the movie's music and we had put the Scottish Highlands on our list of places we wanted to go someday. I kept the list in a little notebook, it also included places like San Francisco, the Canadian Rockies, Broadway, New Orleans, and Nova Scotia. We had lots of dreams and we were going to live them. Back at my suite Sam and Lauren were out somewhere so we spent some quality topless time kissing on the couch, ready to pull our tops on if someone was unlocking the door. Later we were in a tight 69 in my bed (it had to be tight in such a small bed) slurping on each other's pussy and getting in some nice butthole licking as well. Just these few weeks had lit a fire in us to get our own place as soon as we could, and we did talk about putting out feelers to older girls who had off campus places to see about using a spare room, if there were any out there.

The nice thing about having a suite was that we had our own bathroom and shower. It was pretty institutional, but it beat having to walk down the hall and the shower was big enough for too. That morning in the shower we enjoyed peeing on each other's tits and fingering each other. Sam was up watching baseball highlights on TV when we came out of my room, dressed and ready.

"Where you girls going?"

"Lisa's taking me to church."

Sam was quite surprised, "You? Church?"

"It's important to her so it's important to me."

Lisa smiled her friendly, but still no-nonsense smile, (she could be very touchy about people judging her, or me) "I like being part of a faith community and this is a church that accepts gay people, and besides, I'm in the choir."

"Well then some Sunday I may come with you. I've heard so much about your singing I'd like to experience it live." That brought the warmth to Lisa's smile.

Sam and I had been talking one night, me sprawled on the couch, her on her beanbag, listening to the Cardinals on the local radio affiliate. It turned out she had been drug to the same sort of narrow-minded church that I had, except her parents expected her to keep going with them even though she was an adult now. She seemed genuinely interested in knowing about a church where it wasn't all screaming about gay, witches, demons, secret messages in records, and girls needing to maintain their purity while constantly being accused of being whores.

Much like her old church at home I was welcomed in like a long lost relative. She introduced me to the choir (they weren't singing this week) and we were told many, many times what an adorable couple we were. I earned some respect when I told of my plan for the evening of making spaghetti for some of the girls on Lisa's dorm floor; I even told the tale of Mrs. Fontenot dubbing me The Little Lost Cajun Girl. We were informed that we would be welcome at all the potlucks, whether we brought food or not. Lisa told me later that if we went we would certainly be the youngest people there.

The grocery stores here were bigger than then one we had at home. I had brought some of my Penzey's spices with me in an old leather briefcase that I bought at a flea market in Danville. We got what I needed for spaghetti and drove over to Lisa's dorm to start cooking. As always I wore my "The Spice Must Flow" apron that Lisa had given me and I had Lisa as my ever-sexy sous chef. I put in my cassette of Love Over Gold and got to work. There must not have been much going on out on campus because I had several girls sitting around watching me. Some of them clearly knew their way around a kitchen because they asked me serious questions about what I was doing; many of the other girls were just ready to eat. Once the sauce was simmering in the crockpot, I had surreptitiously added some red wine to the sauce, I sat down to talk to the other girls on Lisa's floor.

I followed Lisa's cues and soon realized that Amber was the only one who knew we were a couple and even she certainly had backed off her usually shameless flirting. Lisa and I told our stories of traveling with Jehovah's Favorite Choir over the summer and the people we had met. My work with Habitat for Humanity intrigued some of the girls too. We talked a lot about music and my dreams of working backstage. I had brought my "safe" photo album, I got a lot of compliments on my photos and I think a few of the girls were starting to suspect my relationship with Lisa was more than met the eye.

A benefit of feeding the girls was having a nice crew to do the cleanup, I got to sit back, and Lisa directed their work. One of the girls, Emily, was from the Chicago area and had high praise for my red sauce, comparing it to her Italian mom's "gravy".

"What part of Chicago are you from? My granddad lives in Aurora."

"My family lives on the south side, a suburb called Calumet City."

"Really! Have you heard of a restaurant called The Port Royal Café?"

"Yeah, they have really spicy food but it's really good. My family has gone on vacation to Jamaica and Miss Zipporah's food reminds us of the yummy food we had there."

"Zipporah's granddaughter is a good friend of mine. She has helped me out several times and she's a kick-ass lawyer."

"Katherine? The tall black woman?"

"Yeah. She's a wonderful woman but she can be kind of scary."

"I can see that."

I kissed Lisa good-night, once we had some privacy, and drove back home. It had been a marvelous weekend.

I was lucky that my roommates in college were O.K. with me being gay, some people have to hide who they are from someone who lives 6 feet away from them; having a suite with individual bedrooms made it easier. I love hearing from my readers (cattingcindy@yahoo.com) and please consider a donation to Nifty (https://donate.nifty.org).

Next: Chapter 3

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