By Rita Saxil

Published on Dec 3, 2002




I'm am old woman now, and the events described in these memoirs took place a long time ago, before two World Wars changed our complacent world forever. My mother and I lived a quite, placid life in the English countryside. My father had died when I was just a baby. He had been in ill health all his life, it seemed, and finally his ailments had broken through his last resistance. He had been quite well off and I was brought up in material comfort, the pampered centre of attention of my mother and a succession of nannies and, later, governesses. I had few friends of my own age, though, as our manor house was somewhat isolated, and separated from the nearest village by a forest. My mother undoubtedly spoiled me, and all the servants were afraid of me, and willing to act on my slightest whim. Unsurprisingly, when I had turned sixteen and the 1890'ies had just begun, I was a haughty and snotty young woman, who believed I should and could command everyone around me. And then, when spring was at it fullest, a new Governess arrived for me, a Miss Imogene Brown, and my life suddenly changed.

Chapter 1: In which the new Governess arrives and Miss Heather is in for a surprise

  • Miss Heather! I do not intend to tolerate such behaviour from you! I have strict orders from your mother not to be lenient. And this is the second time in two days you arrive late for your lessons! That simply will not do! I looked with surprise at my new Governess. This was not what I was used to from the endless succession of women, who had tried to educate me and to teach me the manners appropriate to my standing in society. I definitely was not used to being spoken to in the tone of voice my most recent Governess, Miss Brown, now adopted. - This is my house, you know! And I can get you fired, if I want! That was my usual threat, and seldom without effect. Miss Brown, however, only smiled coldly at me. - I think not, young lady! I'm used to spoiled brats like you, and I have been explicitly called in, in order to get some sense of discipline into that muddled head of yours! - But.. I'll talk to Mother about this! - Of course you will - but it will not help you! Now: Sit down! She barked the last order in such a commanding voice, that I rapidly complied and sat down at my desk. Miss Brown approached me, towered above me and looked me over for a long time, silently. - You'll have to pay for your transgression, you know. That the way I work with girls like you. Discipline entails punishment for every failure on you side to follow the rules I lay down. Is that understood? I could only nod mutely, stunned at the prospect of having to subjugate to this stern woman. - Very well then, come to my rooms at 7 o'clock this evening, and I shall deliver your punishment. Be precise! I had no response to that, and the rest of the lessons passed in blur, and afterwards I hurried to find my mother. She was in the winter garden, tending to her beloved plants. - Mother - that Miss Brown has got to go! She awful and does not recognize med as Mistress of this house! And she wants to see me in her rooms this evening - to punish me she says! And I was only the tiniest bit late for my lessons! My sweet, but vague, Mother looked up at me, pausing in her task of pruning an exotic perennial. - Ah, indeed. Yes, Dear, I meant to tell you this... Miss Brown you see is an old friend of mine. We were at school together. The Hartley Academy, you know. Very good reputation. I've given Mistress Imogene, .... Eh.. Miss Brown that is, free hands. You need some discipline, Heather, before you go out into the world. I've been too lenient with you. Quite. This was a long sentence for Mother. And very unexpected. I tried my usual pleading and cajoling, but to no avail. For once she was firm and unrelenting: Miss Brown was to have free hands in my education and upbringing, and if she felt punishment was appropriate, then that was it! Confused I left the winter garden and went off to my rooms to sulk.

Chapter 2: In which Miss Heather is disciplined but also rewarded

At 7 o'clock I timidly knocked on the door to Miss Brown's rooms. She opened the door, dressed in a black silk dress, richly decorated with lace. She obviously wore a corset, and she had a stunning figure, full bosomed and with curvaceous hips. My new governess ushered me inside and told me to stand still, hands behind my back, and always look her in the eye, when spoken to. Her domineering manner overwhelmed me. I wasn't used to people ordering me about, and I found that I had no real resistance to it. In fact, it felt very easy and natural to comply with the demands of Miss Brown. - Miss Heather, I'm going to punish you now, for being late on two consecutive days for your lessons. I'm not going to accept such behaviour from you in the future. Your punishment will be corporeal, that is, I'm going to deliver a spanking on your bare bottom. - Bu..but.. Miss .. I've never.. a spanking.. on my bare.... - No buts here, young lady! Yes, You are a wilful child and have behaved improperly. Hence you need to be taught the error of your ways in a manner so you'll not so easily forget in the future. And a well delivered spanking on the bare bottom of a girl, leaves an impression that lingers for a few days! I'll not be overly harsh with you, Heather, as this is your first experience with a proper spanking, but I will give you something to remember! - But.. My mother... - I'm sure she told you to behave yourself and do what I tell you, when you spoke to her this afternoon. I've known your mother for a long time, as I'm sure she told you, and she trusts my methods and me. Now - bend over that desk and stretch out your arms and spread your legs. What could I do? My mother seemed to condone this treatment, and I knew I was no match, physically, for Miss Brown. Not that I considered trying to escape. I seemed easiest to comply - and how painful could a spanking be? I was about to find out. As I bent over the desk, Miss Brown moved behind me and when my upper body was positioned to her satisfaction she pulled my legs apart as far as possible and then, to my chagrin, she lifted my dress and skirt, exposing my bloomers to her stern gaze. She bundled the dress and skirt round my waist, and her strong hands then gently kneaded my cotton-clad buttocks for a short while. I was very surprised at this, and uncomfortable with the intimacy, and managed to stutter an appeal for her to stop. My formidable governess just laughed and roughly pummelled my young flesh, causing disturbing warmth to seep into my nether cheeks. SMACK I cried out in terrified pain as a hard spank, delivered with determined force, hit my exposed rear. - Pleassse, Miss Brown.. I'll be a good girl.. please don't spank me... - Shut your mouth, silly girl! You need to be punished, and I'll show no leniency with your sloppy behaviour! SMACK - SMACK - SMACK Her hard blows soon numbed my resilient flesh and I stopped my crying and in stead steeled myself to bearing the rough treatment my governess was subjecting me to. As blood flowed to my abused bottom it started to heat up and I soon experienced additional discomfort due to an incessant tingling between my legs and in the abused flesh of my bottom cheeks. Adding to this embarrassing discomfort was Miss Brown's strange practice of once in a while briefly stopping her spanking and gently caress and knead my abused globes. Such indecent intimacies caused my abused behind to tingle strangely and moisture seemed to seep into my cotton-covered crotch. Was the spanking causing me to loose control of my bladder? No, this felt different, and something sparked a sensation of pleasure to grow between my legs. Down there, in my young slit. I tried to close my legs, to avoid discovery, but a few slaps on my thighs and a sharply barked order, made me resign. - So, young lady. How do you like your spanking? I had problems in finding my voice, which caused Miss Brown to give me several hard smacks on my violated posterior. - Answer me, girl! - I..I don't .. like .. to be.. to be.. spanked.., Miss...! It.. it.. hurts..! - Of course it does! And don't lie to me! I can see from your reactions that you enjoy having your derriere spanked! Why, it's all warm and tingly, isn't it? I had to speak the truth: This woman seemed to have detailed knowledge of my innermost feelings, and I dared not lie to her, lest she should punish me more severely. - Yeess.. Miss... My behind is.. warm... but.. I... Your hands, Miss.. they make me feel ... - Yes, I know! And as her knowing hands kept on kneading, pummelling and gently caressing my abused rear, she continued: - You see, my fine young Miss, I enjoy doing this! I love having a girl like you to spank... and to fondle a well-spanked girls rear and feel the warmth and I especially enjoy this...! Without warning she drew my bloomers down, exposing my naked bottom! I cried out in shame, but to no avail. A few well-placed slaps on my bared skin made me whimper, not with pain, but with the horrible degradation of having to lie with my bottom exposed and available for the indecent assault my governess was subjecting me to. - Ahh, yes... A young girls freshly spanked, naked posterior! What a lovely sight. The rosy cheeks, pulsing with the heat of punishment! I must... SLAP - SLAP - SLAP A rain of quick blows hit my exposed, quivering bottom-flesh and tears welled in my eyes with the indignity and degradation this woman was forcing me to experience. Then her hands resumed the devilish fondling and Miss Brown's nails raked my tender, throbbing behind a most disturbing manner. Her treatment was not very painful - but it resulted in an incurable warm itch in the flesh of my buttocks, and the itch seemed to spread, and spark a glow in the secret place between my legs. I could feel the moisture there, accumulating, and there was a musky odour assaulting my nostril, that seemed to have its origin from there. Miss Brown now roughly grasped the two globes of punished, naked girl-flesh and pulled them apart! The crease between them was fully exposed to her sight, as was my rose-hole! I protested, but was once again silenced by a few well-placed spanks and the scorn of my new governess. She was oblivious to my protestations and was intent to have her way with me. I sobbed, powerless to fight against her. Then Miss Brown positioned her right thumb on my lewdly displayed bottom-hole and started to gently caress my wrinkled opening with small circular movements! I was dumbfounded at such depraved treatment of this very secret part of my body, and tried to withdraw, but only received a few resounding and hard slaps delivered on my naked flesh with Miss Brown's left hand. I whimpered in terrified shame, but the ministrations of my debauched governess were in fact having a sinister effect on my poor, inexperienced body. The throbbing heat in by posterior, the disgraceful violation of my bodily privacy I was subjected to, and now the subtle attach on my rear was causing a most disturbing, highly pleasurable thrill to arise in my private parts and in my budding bosom, pressed flat against the top of the desk. On one hand I wanted Miss Brown to stop her violation of my derriere and finish the punishment she had imposed on me, on the other hand, in a dark corner of my mind, I had to admit that I wanted her to continue her perverse stimulation and perhaps even spank my throbbing behind a few times more, as the resulting rush of blood was feeding my unfocused, newly awakened desire. I had nothing to say in the matter, though. With my dear mothers blessing, my governess was free to subject me to whatever treatment she found fitting. I decided therefore to submit, and not fight against her, and I relaxed my body I felt a delirious frisson of ecstasy wash over me, and I could not suppress the resulting shudder. The experienced Miss Brown, undoubtedly, recognized the subtle signals from my body, and with increased vigour she continued her exploration of my most intimate parts. Her thumb was still in position over my rosebud, tickling and lovingly pressurizing the muscle guarding that dark opening. Her left hand, however, now started rubbing gently and even lightly slapping the moist and puffed area between my spread legs. Nobody had ever touched be there, on my privates. And Miss Brown knew how to make a girl forget herself in the lecherous fondling of another woman, and how to lace pain and punishment with dark and devilish pleasure! She had made me submit to her spanking, and now her feathery touches and the gentle slapping of my intimate flesh, seduced me to her libellous ways. - Yes, little Heather... I can feel moisture seeping from your slit, and I know you're very excited now. Aren't you, you sweet little slut? - I.. I.. Pleeease, Miss.... I feel sooo.. soo.. - You feel so what, girl? Gentle fingers tugged at puffy damp flesh and slithered in the wetness of my throbbing, aching slit. - Sooo... Ohhhh... Miss.. what are you.. Ohhh.. I'm. .. going to.. swoon... - No, you're not! She removed her teasing fingers and in stead roughly inserted her thumb into my bottom-hole, wriggling it around vigorously and at the same time using her free hand to deliver a series of smacks to my aching buttocks. - Answer me, girl! How do you feel! Are you not excited? Does your little body not long for more of my caresses? I finally got a slight grasp over my fervid thoughts and rebellious body. - Yees.. Miss.. My body.. I'm .. very.. excited... - Where is my thumb, Heather? What am I doing to your tight bum-hole...? - You're.. it's.. inside... She wriggled her thumb inside my elastic bottom-hole and then forcefully moved it inside and out again a few times. - Say it, Heather! Tell me my thumb is inside your bum-hole! - Your.. thumb is inside me.. in my bu.. my.. bum.. bum-hole! - Very good! You're learning... Indeed I was learning, and I realised that they way in which she was making me respond, was adding to the torrent of conflicting emotions raging through my poor body and mind. Saying those naughty words aloud... No, being forced to utter such words aloud.. was definitely adding to my confusion and excitement. It made me free, somehow, to be forced. I could submit to the intimate, lewd fondling of Miss Brown and give in to her demands that I speak out loud the debasing treatments she was subjecting me to, because I was forced to. I was just a 14-year-old girl being punished against her will by a domineering Governess, who for some reason, had the total acceptance of my mother. There was nothing I could do. Except perhaps enjoy it....! While she thus violated my virgin bottom-hole, Miss Brown now resumed her spanking of my wet and puffy sex. - And what am I doing now, little Miss Heather? - You.. you're slapping... me.. down there... - Where am I slapping you, Heather. Is it on your little hairless cunny? On that wet and dripping mussel between your thighs? Is it your sweet little womanhood, that I'm feeling up and slapping? Is it? - Yesss, Miss... you're .. it's my cunny ... Ohhhhhhhh.... There. It was out. Admitted. My Governess' hand was on that most vulnerable area of my young body: My cunny. And her manipulations and incessant slapping was making me ache with an undefined longing. Ever more. I did not want her to stop. I loved that hand, alternately delivering acid delirious pain and sweet, sweet pleasure. At the same time I felt my bottom automatically clench the evading digit, she was now relentlessly pumping in and out of my hole. I shook, uncontrollably and moaned. Wanting her. Wanting to.... Then she stopped. Withdrew from my backside a bit and her thumb left my insides. I was in a trance by then. And started mindless to gyrate my abused buttocks and whimper for her to continue her exquisite torment of my inexperienced flesh. - Do you want me to continue, Miss Heather? Her voice was soft and hoarse and filled with an indefinable sentiment. I returned from the spheres of joy and tried to respond: - Yes.., yes, please... - Ah. Well, there are conditions, you know.... Her nails gently raked my exposed bottom and dipped briefly into the crease separating the orbs. - Whaaat...? Was my almost incoherent reply. Softly stroking my trembling body, her deep voice did its magic on my befuddled mind. - You must promise, dear girl, to do as I order you to. You must submit to my will and my dominations, and then I'll promise you not only immediate release but also untold pleasure and wonderful experiences in the future. I'll fulfil you dreams beyond anything you can imagine right now.... Submission? Pleasure? I wasn't sure what she was talking about. But I wanted, desperately, to have her hands touch my body again, like she done before. I wanted to know that pleasure again... Her thumbs softly pressed against my anal opening again and I pressed back against it, but she took it away... - You must beg me, Heather. You must beg me to put my finger up your tight little hole... and I'll do it. But beg you must, and you must agree to be my personal little slut, my Sapphic lust-slave and body-servant... can you do that, dear? Beg me to molest your shivering body, sooo expectant.. so ready.. ready for me... your Mistress.. to lovingly abuse and give pleasure...! Your body want it.. I, know.. but your mind must agree... give in, Heather.. set yourself free.. let me show you the true love between a woman and a girl.... Love? Was this love? Between this formidable, mature woman and me? Give in? How could I give in, more than I already had? By admitting it... by verbalising, what I felt... that I actually enjoyed being at her mercy.. being punished by her... - I.., please.. Miss... I'm.. I feel strange... so hot... I..... please, Miss.. please touch me... I..I need it! It was out now, out in the open. I did need her. Need her touch on my body. I craved her deviant caresses of my prostate body. I did want to submit to her, to be a slut.... - Ohh, I'll touch you, dear! But you must be more specific than that! And first of all, you must agree to be my personal little love-slut... Can you do that? Her fingers flickered lightly over my puffed sex, drumming on sensitive nerves and causing me to involuntarily wriggle my behind. - You want this, Heather... don't you? She knew where she had me... and I could only respond. - Yesss, I.. I want it... Please, Miss Brown.. may.. may I... be your ... I almost couldn't get it out, then her devilish fingers dipped right into my ready slit, tickling and teasing my most intimate parts. Sparks showered in my delirious mind. - Your.. slut, Miss... Ohhhh.. please touch me there.. it's so wonderful... you do such naughty things to me... but the pleassssssure... yessss, your little slut... I want to be love... slave....! She bent down over me and her tongue bit gently into my earlobe and she whispered: - Ahh, very well. You do indeed beg nicely, you lewd little Sapphic slut. I'll agree to have you as my love-slave, to train and educate you and to guide you into the pleasures of submitting your sweet little body to me! Now - where should I touch you now...? Here, on you wet, succulent slit? Oh, yesss... tremble, my dear... feel my fingers playing with you... such a lovely, naked girly slit you have.. filled with sweet juice.. I long to taste you...Mmmmm... - Ohhhhh.. yessss, please Miss Brown.. play with my.. with my slit..... - And what about your delectable ass-hole? Do you want my thumb inside you? Like this... pushed right into you, into your warm, slick channel? Oh, yes, I see you like this... you wriggle that adorable, firm behind so nicely... well spanked it is.. all glowing and pink.. SLAP - SLAP Miss Brown made me yelp with a few hard spanks to my heated bottom. The she ordered: - Tell me, you like it, you naughty little girl! - Iiii... like it..... I like your... thumb... inside... Pleasssseee.... - Inside where? - In.. side... my hole, Misss....Unnnggghhhh.... In and out Miss Brown forced her intruding digit, driving me insane with the feel of her thumb pushing far into my bowels then being pulled out, all the way past the tight ring, only to be thrust inside again. Her other hand was busy on my vulva, caressing, fondling, pinching and slapping my naked flesh. Suddenly my mind turned blank, my body tensed and for an endless moment I was absolutely still. Time had stopped and I only sensed the needs of my teased, blood-filled flesh. Then a tightening began and a melting and I slipped and flowed into my first orgasm at the hands of this, Oh so competent woman. With unending rhythmic contractions I spend all my pent-up sensation in a long, majestic convulsion. Shuddering beneath my Mistress, I had never felt such delight. As stars exploded around me, I shouted my birth to the world and offered it as thanks to this incredible Governess, who had shown me this pleasure. - Ohhh.. th...thank.. you, Miss Brown.... Thank you...... Arrrgggghhhhh...... Her soft laughter followed me into oblivion.

Chapter 3: In which the new Governess is pleased

I woke up, sitting in her lap, and felt her hands gently caress my hair. She smelt wonderful, and I enjoyed the warmth and nearness of her, basking in the afterglow of the first orgasm of my short life. Then she whispered in my ear: - You must thank me now, Heather. For your punishment and your pleasure. So kneel down on the floor. I quickly did as she told me, and knelt before her, with my clothes still in disarray and my bottom still tingling from the spanking. Miss Brown slowly extended her hand. - Kiss it! I gladly put my lips to her flesh, rejoicing in being allowed to show my subservience to her. She now splayed her fingers, and ordered my to suck each one individually. I was surprised at this, but it was a pleasant enough task, sucking her long, well-manicured fingers into my velvety oral cavern. I had to take my time, as Miss Brown carefully pushed her fingers in and out of my mouth in a rhythmic motion, and I was overwhelmed at the degraded pleasure of it. Tasting my own sex and bottom-hole on her fingers, having to kneel before her, made me faint again, but I diligently continued the task, until the woman towering above me was at last satisfied. - Now kiss and lick my shoe! Her shoe? I was confused, but Miss Brown extended her right shoe and pointed to it with a stern look on her face, so I bent forward and gingerly put my pouted lips on the shiny black leather. To my surprise I did not at all find it offensive. The smell of leather and boot-polish, the nearness of the imposing woman towering above me. The degradation of performing such a task. All made my poor head spin, but also made a flutter of sweet excitement pass through my young body. - Stick your tongue out, girl! And lick my shoe. Shine it up and polish it with your tongue. Taste it good.... I do like this, you know. To have my shoes shined by a willing slave-girl. I might consider having you do this every day, if you behave yourself! Licking and kissing Miss Brown's shoes as a reward? As my eager, wet pink tongue travelled over every inch of leather enclosing her foot, I could well imagine doing it for the joy of pleasing my new Governess. - Now the other shoe! I diligently followed orders and soon both her high-heeled shoes were clean and shiny with spittle. Miss Brown then turned her back to me, put her hands on the desk, and spread her legs. The hem of the lacy, silk dress she was wearing was a few inches above her shoes, and her shapely legs were clad in black silk stockings. - Now crawl to me, Heather, my sweet Sapphic slut, and kiss your way up the stocking of my right leg! And don't use your hands - only caress me with your mouth! Quivering in anticipation I slowly made my way towards her. In some inexplicable way, having her call me a slut, and a Sapphic slut, made my body melt and tremble. I somehow desired this subservience. It made me feel fulfilled and desired and in my place. Slave-girl, slut, maid to the majestic apparition in front of me, this domineering Governess who had come into my world. It made moisture drip from my newly mauled slit, and I suddenly again longed for her to take me to the brink again and make my young body once again spend its pent-up excitement in a delirious convulsion of lust. Revelling in the fog of subservience covering my mind, I planted a careful kiss on the warm silk encasing the back of Miss Brown's right calf. She slowly and carefully then lifted her dress, baring her lower legs all the way up to the indents at the back of the knees! Then, keeping her dress bundled above me, she bent over the desk, so that her upper, corseted body rested on the flat surface. - Kiss you way up, slave-girl! Let your lips linger on my silken stockings. Worship me! And I did. I did worship her, and being offered the opportunity to savour the taste and smell of her legs was like being in Heaven. I kissed my adoring way up her right leg, up to the back of her knee, and then repeated the process on the left. The sensation of soft silk against my pouted lips, the nearness of her body, the musk emanating from somewhere above me, was causing thrills to rage through my prostate body, and only the occasional sharp order from my Governess kept me to my task and on the track. I had gladly rushed to hide my head beneath her heavy silken dress and bury my face between her muscular thighs and drown in her powerful aroma. But she wanted me to linger, to draw out my worshipful servicing of her body. Then, suddenly, she released her bundled up dress and with my head level with her knees, I was caught in the darkness, within the dress. A whiff of something pungent and arousing hit my nostrils, and her muffled voice ordered me to continue, upwards. In total darkness, captured beneath my Governess' silk dress, I let my mouth explore the back of her thigh, discovering a garter, and to my delight a patch of naked, warm female flesh. I covered every part of my Governess' succulent skin with reverent kisses and even tried a few slow, lingering licks in order to fully engorge myself on the captivating experience of being so intimate with a grown woman. Salt and an earth aroma assaulted my taste buds, made my head spin and caused an increased flow of moisture from my own throbbing sex. - Lie down on the floor - on your back! I barely heard the order, but managed to collect my wit and hesitantly laid down on the carpeted floor. I was loath to leave the haven beneath Miss Browns black dress, but to my delight she now stood with her feet on either side of my upturned face, and I looked adoringly up along her stockinged legs and up into the darkness at the confluence of her thighs. Then she slowly crouched down, darkness once again enveloped me, and then something slick, warm and damp rubbed against my face! Undoubtedly Miss Brown was rubbing her panty-covered crotch all over my face. A strong scent engulfed my senses as my nose was forcefully pressed against the damp fabric covering Miss Brown's most intimate parts. I opened my mouth against her crotch and mindlessly started sucking and licking on the drenched silk, tasting an explosion of unknown, but extremely vibrant and wonderful flavours. Her juices were salty and nutty, with a hint of dark forests and moist earth. Beneath her I was joyfully delirious and totally lost in this massive attack to my senses, and the only thing I knew, was the female sex, covered in silk, pressing and rubbing against my wet, sweaty face. Incoherent moans sounded from Miss Brown, and after some time she collapsed above me. When she had collected herself, she sent me back to my own rooms, with strict orders to obey her every wish in the future and a torrent of conflicting sentiments raging in my newly awakened body. That night, lying in my bed, I gingerly touched and explored my abused bottom and the intimate spots Miss Brown so cleverly had fondled and deviously stimulated. I managed to bring some wetness to my slit, but my fingers were clumsy and gave nowhere near the relief my Governess had brought me.

Chapter 4: In which rules are laid down, and Miss Heather feels the consequences

With some trepidation I entered the schoolroom next morning, finding Miss Brown already there. She had exchanged her silk gown from last night with a simpler, dark-blue dress, but as usual wore a corset. Her hair was pinned on her head in a tight bun. - Good morning, Miss Heather. Please lock the door. I locked the door to the schoolroom and turned to face her. She beckoned me closer, and when I stood right in front of her, she roughly embraced me and kissed me forcefully, sucking my poor tongue right into her mouth and titillating it with her own. Then she let me go, and ordered me to stand with my hands behind my back. - How is your bottom felling this morning? - It.. it is feeling very... warm.., Miss! Which was absolutely true. It did not hurt. In fact it felt rather sensitised after the treatment I had received yesterday, and a gentle throbbing was emanating from it. - Show it to me! - But.. but.., Please.. Miss.. - No buts here! Last night you promised to obey my every wish and to be my personal little love-slave! Isn't that correct? - Yeees..., Miss... - Very well. Your training starts right now. So take all you clothes off, and show me your bottom, and then we'll start! Slowly, cautiously, and feeling my cheeks become rosy with shame, I stripped all my clothes off in front of the imposing Governess. Then I was ordered to present my back to her and she stepped close to me and gently let he hands explore my rosy nether cheeks. - So. How did you like your punishment yesterday? Did you enjoy having your firm little bottom spanked? Hmm? - I.. Miss... SLAP - SLAP - SLAP She slapped my bottom hard a few times. - I asked you a question, slut! Did you enjoy having me spank you bottom yesterday! Answer me! What could I do? She knew all about me! - Yes, Miss... I.. I enjoyed my spanking last night... - Good... We should do it again soon, then. Because I most certainly enjoyed spanking this nice bottom of yours..! And I do know that you enjoyed it.. your little quim was very moist and juicy after I'd spanked you.... And you had better remember that you are my little love-toy, my own debased slave-slut! Because that's what you are, isn't it?? - Y..yes, Miss Brown.. I'm your... slave-slut, Miss..! - Now, put this on - it's what a slut like you should be wearing when in the presence of her Governess - and do call me Mistress from now on! - Yes, Mistress... I hurried to put on the clothes she had given me. There was a corset in bright red silk, which Miss Brown helped me put on and drew tight. To my chagrin it left my upper bosom, and the nipples fully exposed and on display. A tight, white silken shirt was next, and Mistress Brown did not allow me to button it all the way up, thus again leaving my breasts very exposed. A very short, pleated skirt was next. It was something I'd never wear. It's hem ended just above my knees! I was not allowed any panties or bloomers, as Mistress Brown wanted 'full access' at any time. Short socks and high-heeled leather shoes completed my scant outfit. Mistress Brown then ordered me to pose in various shameful positions, showing my young, trembling body to her in its debased and skimpy outfit. I had to bend down and her hands glided over the exposed, naked buttocks, her long nails raked my tender skin and an explorative finger even grazed my nether hole. I was mortified and my cheeks glowed with the disgrace she was subjecting me to, but I also felt the dark excitement of yesterday returning and the telltale wetness seep into my young quim. She was so masterful, this Mistress of mine, and played my inexperienced body with such competence that I could only succumb to her ministrations. - Now stand up, girl, and face your Mistress! Trembling I stood in front of her, with downcast eyes. - Look at me! Her stern, flashing eyes drew me in and I lost all my residual self in that encounter. I knew that I was, again, her to command and to own. - Play with your nipples. Make them stiff and ready for my touch! Eagerly I started to fondle and pinch the nubs of flesh adorning my girly bosom, while still looking at my Mistress. The silken shirt was pulled tight over my torso and as the corset did not cover the upper part of my bust, I was caressing my self through the fabric. It was exquisite! The liquid, cool feel of the silk against my hot and throbbing nipple-flesh was soothing and extremely exciting. I suddenly realised that this was the effect Miss Brown was aiming at. My nipples would, through the natural movements of my body, always be stimulated by being rubbed gently against the silk and as long as I was dressed as she ordered me to, I would be subjected to this. I envisioned myself having stiff and blood-engorged nipples at all times, when I was in the schoolroom with her! So, there I was, dressed as a slut, locked in the schoolroom with my governess, who was forcing me to fondle myself intimately while she looked on! And the humiliation and the submission she was subjecting me to was making my poor muddled head spin and causing delicious thrills to pass through my body. - So, Miss Heather... how does this make you feel? - I..I.. don't know... Miss.. Mistresss.. - You don't know, you silly little girl! Do you mean to tell me that you are unaware of the tingling pleasure in your hard little nipples, and that you did not feel anything when I fondled your firm bottom before? Her eyes bored into mine, and I almost couldn't bear it. But I managed not to look down, and to provide a stuttering attempt at an answer. - No, Miss Brown.... Mistress Brown, I mean.. I do feel .. pleasure, Ma'am. It's just.. It so.. I feel ashamed, Miss... naked.. and... - You can admit it, girl! You can tell me, that you enjoy being forced to be almost naked in front of me! That being forced to fondle you nipples makes your sweet little quim all wet and slippery with desire and longing! I'm a woman, Heather. I know about this. And I can see that you are very excited by the thought of being my slave-slut! Now: What do you feel? - I..I feel very excited, Mistress... I.. I'm .. Ohhh... please , Mistress Brown.. I want to be your slave....! There, it was out in the open. She almost whispered the next question. - Why? Why do you want to be my little darling slave-girl? - Because... because it.. makes me.. I.. Oh..., I don't know, Miss.. I'm so confused.. I.. Please Mistress,.. I love ... I love my spanking, Mistress...

and .. tasting you.. Being ordered around... I love you, Mistress. Please let me be yours! Gently she kissed me, and held me close and caressed my hair gently. - So you sweet thing. Of course I want you to be my very own darling slave-girl and lust-slut. My own Sapphic love-toy. You have such a talent for submission and begging, it makes me excited just to see you standing there in that lovely outfit and ask to be mine.... I felt pride swell in my bosom and snuggled close to this wonderful older woman. After an indeterminable time she asked: - Are you ready to adore me now? Mutely I nodded, and after she tied my hands behind my back with a silken cord I was ordered down on my knees behind her, and she slowly, teasingly lifted her skirt, and allowed me to kiss my way up her legs and then she dropped the skirt, and in the velvety darkness I revelled in her intimate smell, strong and musky, and was allowed a single, lingering lick along the dark crease betwixt her silken covered buttocks. The she presented me with her heavy, full bosom, and sitting on her lap, still with my hands so sweetly bound I serviced her by licking and sucking on her turgid, swollen nipples, until they were stiff and hard and threatened to burst. She moaned with pleasure as my inexperienced mouth engulfed her tit-flesh and I did what I could to show her my appreciation, all the while enjoying immensely being in her lap and feeling the fabric of her dress pressing on my naked, vulnerable crotch. My dominant governess then told me to stop, and she hugged me tightly to her and grabbed my nether cheeks as she forcefully kissed me deeply, exploring my yielding oral cavity with her limber tongue. By the time she had finished I was moaning incoherently and mindlessly rubbing my sopping quim against her while I tried to achieve release. Miss Brown, however, felt we needed a break, so she released my hands and made some tea for us, while I collected my wits. After we had finished our tea, I felt the need to empty my bladder, and asked permission to go. I was, however, not allowed to do so, as my Mistress explained my whole body was hers to command, and if I needed to empty my bladder, I had to do so in the school-room - right in front of her! She then fetched a chamber pot and ordered me to squat down over it, with my hands clasped behind my neck. I did so, after fighting for my balance a few moments. Mistress Brown now moved behind me, knelt down, and her hands slithered over my vulnerable body as she whispered lewd and perverted suggestions into my ear. - You're my personal property, Heather. My own slut to command and order about. And you love it, and crave it. I know you do. You need to have a strong woman in charge of you. To teach you about that delectable body of yours and all the naughty things that can be done with it. You want to submit, and there is nothing wrong about that. I'll be here for you. In charge. Your Mistress. Your owner and trainer. And I'll show you what pleasure is all about. Her competent hands explored my upper body, sliding soft silk over bared breasts and cruelly twisting my aching nipples. Her warm body behind me and the smell of her so close to me. The whispered perversity. The disgrace of my position. All added to my discomfort and also to my steadily growing subservience to Miss Brown. I did want her to be in charge. It felt good to relinquish control and let her dominate me. Telling me what to do, and controlling even my most intimate functions. It gave me a deep and warming thrill to be so vulnerable, crouching over a chamber pot while an older woman indecently fondled my budding bosom and told me when I was allowed to empty my bladder. - You must not let go yet, Heather. You must feel my control and only pee when I order you to do so. Yess. You're my little pee-slave, my Sapphic submissive. Keep you hands behind your neck.. feel my fingers pinch your nipples, making them stiff and hard. Yield against me, yes.. that's right.. enjoy my touch, my hands fondling your darling chest.. Answer me, now: It your quim moist and juicy? Does it long for my hands? - Ohh.. yess.. Mistress.. I'm.. moist.. down there... - Where are you moist, Heather? - My.. my quim is moist and wet.... - Your cunny, your pussy, your quim! Your wet little morsel. Sooo many names for such a darling spot! Nothing like a young girls virgin pussy, wet and waiting for her Mistress to touch it. Is your bladder full, girl? Do you want to let go, and pee now? - Yess.. please..I'm sooo full... I'd like to let go... - Say it girl! You like to pee, wouldn't you? - Yeeeess.. Mistress.. please let me.. let me peeee... - No, Heather.. not yet.. I want that pussy of yours all hot and stinging and bothered before you can be allowed to pee. While she seductively nibbled my earlobe and gently blew into my sensitive inner ear, causing an enraptured trembling to course through my young body, her hands moved down to my exposed, most intimate part. My pussy, as she had just named it. She gently probed in the slick moisture and then removed one hand, which she then used to caress my face. Heady whiffs of my own aroma assaulted my senses, and when my Mistress ordered me to suck the fingers that had recently so lewdly caressed my moist privates, I eagerly complied. The taste of my own secretions, licked of the finger of my Governess, caused me to shudder in an uncontrollable fit of perverse enjoyment. I was extremely degrading to sit there, crouched over a chamber pot, waiting to be allowed to empty my bladder, while I was tasting myself. My breasts ached with a dull heat, caused by Miss Brown's recent fondling and there was a pressure building up inside me that was not only caused by my increasing need to urinate. Then, with the flat of her hand, Miss Brown started to spank my naked and exposed vulva. She started out with very gentle spanks, nor really painful, and as a result I initially only felt an increased throbbing in my privates, caused by the blood flowing into the area. Mistress Brown then paused for a short while, while she pinched and pulled at my blood-filled labia and let her finger dance and flicker over my moist inner membranes. Small spasms made my inexperienced body shudder, but she told be to keep totally still. Hard spanks now rained over my inner thighs and on my vulva and my puffed labia. Miss Brown was relentless - but also very knowledgeable about what she was doing. Pain throbbed in my more and more abused privates, but not unbearable pain. My tortured flesh reddened rapidly, but as my domineering Governess continued slapping my intimate parts, a numbing set in and the pain receded, only to be replaced by a strange and increasing ache for release. In between spanking me, my Mistress once in while inserted her fingers into my sopping wet quim and smeared my juices on my naked vulva. This cooled my flesh somewhat, but did not alleviate the rhythmic pulsations of depraved pleasure that her actions was causing. Wave after wave of delirious thrills passed through me as the older woman abused my poor quim and caused a heady flow of viscous secretions from my hairless slit. All the while whispering her disgraceful plans for me into my responsive ears. Dark and devilish fantasies she wanted to share with me, and I was unable to suppress the thoughts and scenes her whispers created in my young mind. - You're a naughty little brat, Heather. You're enjoying this - you like having me slapping your naked wet pussy, and you feel excited because you are going to pee while I tickle and spank you private parts. Oh, girl! There are so much I can teach you - just relinquish control, let me take the lead. I'll show you the ultimate beauty of women, the softness of a breast, the pleasure hidden deep inside a moist quim. The wonders of a well-stretched ass-hole. How pain and delirious ecstasy can go together hand in hand. Like now. Your spanked pussy in numb now - but soon you will be taken to the highest peaks of sensual gratification by the combined action of pain and pleasure. Yes, that's it, dear. Let the body take over. Press that vulva towards my punishing hand. Ah - so wet and ready you are. A randy little Sapphic slut. Almost ready to burst. Such vistas this whispering opened in my mind! Shadowy figures touching each other in unspeakable perverted ways and exploring slick and moist orifices in order to obtain illicit and deviant pleasures. Girls and maids in lewd outfits subservient to stern Mistresses and dominant Governesses ordering them to present rounded behinds or naked vulvas for strict discipline. I lost myself in this world of feminine dominance as Miss Brown continued her punishment of my dripping cleft. Mindlessly I pushed my sweaty loins upwards, to meet her rhythmic slaps, and in a frenzy of conflicting emotions I felt a finger penetrate into my tight anal passage, relentlessly parting my sphincter. Then she stopped her devious ministrations and my whole body shuddered. Expectant. Aching. Yielding to her mastery over my senses and my muddled mind. Her harsh whisper slithered into my fuzzy consciousness. - Beg, you slutty little slave. Beg me for permission to relieve yourself. Beg to be allowed to pee, while I, your Mistress, watches. So I begged, and pleaded. Incoherently. And mainly with my body. Until I heard the sweet words and felt her clever finger open my quim and heard her permission. - Pee for your Mistress, Heather. Let it go now. Empty yourself. Let me see the flow... Come.. Come now.. - Yess..Oh...Yes.. Mistress... Ohhh.. And a stream of warm urine splashed into the pot below me, while Miss Brown gently tickled the throbbing spot at the top of my naked slit, causing a wave of release to wash over me. I moaned in supreme satisfaction as my dilated bladder was allowed to empty and also with the realisation that I was in the throes of the same convulsive paroxysm that had given such wonderful pleasure the night before, when Miss Brown had spanked my bared bottom and fondled with willing flesh. Thus I whimpered in surrender as my anal muscles clenched on Miss Brown's finger, still inserted in my bowels. My abused, newly spanked, privates melted in a liquid motion centred on that mysterious hard, throbbing spot at the top of my naked cleft. My body felt boneless and soft, and as the last drops of my urine dripped into the pot between my spread legs, I leant back into the muscular body of my Governess and for a little while left the conscious world. Drained and spent I was, but the heat of my flesh and the violence of my debased passion was something I was already becoming addicted to.

Chapter 5: A brief, poetic interlude

After I regained my wits somewhat, I was ordered to watch closely as Miss Brown relieved herself. I knelt in front of the chamber pot and watched avidly as my Governess removed her bloomers and hiked up her long skirt and squatted down. She was quite hairy between the legs, in fact her privates was covered in a dense growth of black hairs. She used one hand to spread her slit for me and gave me a short anatomy lesson. This was the first time I had ever seen a woman's private parts so close up, and I found the sight extremely arousing - not to mention the heady smell that emanated from the moist cleft. My Governess took care in showing me the urethra as well as the clitoris, and explained the concept of 'spending', thus enlightening me as to the spasms and convulsions I had recently experienced. She then let go of a copious stream of urine that splattered into the chamber pot and when she had finished I was ordered to clean her - with my tongue! I crawled forward and with the chamber pot beneath me I licked the golden drops from Miss Browns hairy genitalia and savoured the surprisingly arousing and tart flavour of her urine. When I had finalized my task of cleaning her, my Mistress then had me lie on the floor so she could sit on my face, smothering me with her firm thighs and slapping and pinching my vulnerable privates while she had me insert my tongue up into her anus! Overwhelmed with the smell and taste of this, her most private orifice, I found myself eagerly complying with her perverted wish and I was soon pushing my tongue in and out her sphincter, revelling in the degrading position I was in and in the earthy taste of the elastic anal passage my limber tongue was so intimately caressing. - Yess.. my sweet tongue-slut... push your tongue inside my arse-hole.. as far as it can go.. yessss... it's so good to a girl's tongue up my anus... You love this Heather... You love the smell and taste of your Mistress... I can tell... Mmmm... lick my sphincter now.. don't push it in.... just lave my tight anal ring.. Gooood... You're a natural slave-girl... I love riding your stiff tongue... yesss... keep it stiff now... push it inside... let me ride... keep still... still... well done... yessss... ohhhh.. yesss.... While she rode my stiff and sore tongue, clenching it with her anal muscles, she was using her fingers to titillate her stiff clitoris and lying beneath her, with her dress impairing my vision, and only knowing her, and the taste and smell of her, I was deliriously happy, satisfied and proud when she rocked on my slick and moist face in a violent spending. Especially when she allowed me to achieve satisfaction one more time through her manipulations of my tortured and abused privates. Afterwards, both glowing with the aftermath of our release, we concentrated on the Latin poets for a couple of hours.

Chapter 6: In which Miss Heather spies on her Governess and a maid

In the next few days my attitude to school work underwent a radical change. I was weak as putty in the hands of Miss Brown, and the submission she subjected me to always ended in me begging to be allowed to sped, and her reluctant permission followed by my insensate spasms and delirious pleasure. She had total control over me, mind and soul, and I was looking forward to every minute of my schooling, even though I came away with a sore bottom and aching nipples. Schoolwork was not neglected. After our lewd disciplinary sessions, we concentrated on the learning, and I surprised myself with actually taking an interest in the subject matter. My life thus revolved around pleasing the demands of my Mistress - and in turn being pleased by her and discovering myself as a young girl with a strong need for strict discipline by an older woman in order to fully reach my potential. Then one night, I made a discovery that challenged my newly found pride in being a slave-girl with a loving Mistress. I slept for a few hours, but woke up feeling thirsty and decided to go down to the kitchen for a drink. As I passed Mother's rooms I heard strange noises from within. Slapping sounds, punctuated with what seemed to be stifled screams and moans. I also heard muffled voices, and this made me hesitate. Mother did not usually entertain guests so late in the evening - but somebody was obviously with her now, and I did not want to intrude upon them. I was very curious, however, as to what was going on, and as it was a fine moonlit night, I decided to go outside and see if I could look through the windows. The grass was wet on my bare feet, but the night was warm and I hurried across the deserted lawn to where soft light spilled from my mother's rooms. An old oak was conveniently close to the balcony, and I rapidly made my way up there, eager to have my curiosity satisfied. The French doors were closed, but the curtains were not completely drawn, so I carefully crawled to where they parted and looked into my dear mother's bedroom. Candles flickered and light danced on the surprising scene within, and I stifled a gasp. My new Governess was in my mother's bedroom - and she was dressed, as if she was about to go riding, in jodhpurs and boots and even with a riding-crop in her hand. My mother, on the other hand, was dressed up as a maid. At least approximately so. Her skirt was much too short for any decent maid, and she was wearing shoes with very high heels and white silk stockings on her legs. I was petrified. My own, dear mother was obviously also under the spell of this woman, and in a submissive role. Miss Brown said something to my mother, who then obediently turned her back to the Governess and bent down, so her - totally naked - bottom was exposed to my view. I could not tear my eyes away from the scene. Watching my mother showing her bare arse to another woman was making my young body respond with a throbbing arousal. And my excitement did not diminish when I realised that my mother must have had her bottom spanked recently! Her full and quivering buttock were flushed a very obvious pink - and the sound I had heard in the corridor must have been the sounds of my Mama having her bottom severely disciplined! Mistress Brown now gently caressed my mother's bare flesh with the riding crop, and then let it slap down forcefully on the vulnerable bottom, so lewdly framed by the maid's skirt. My poor mother barely reacted, and even seemed to round her firm arse more, so as to better present it for further punishment! She was enjoying this! My mother was actually enjoying having her backside slapped with a riding crop. She was enjoying being subservient to another woman - a woman she undoubtedly called Mistress. My poor mind reeled with the realisation. My mother. A Sapphic slave-slut like myself? Miss Brown. Mistress to not just me? But also to my mother? The implications of the scene before me were staggering! These thoughts coupled with the sight of Miss Brown's stern treatment of my mothers arse, which was now a glowing, hot red, made me start fondling my aching, stiff nipples and begin gently to frig my throbbing, juicy quim. Mistress Brown now ordered Mother to stand up, and hold her hands behind her neck. She did this, and I watched as my Governess stripped my mother naked, and how she afterwards lewdly caressed her full bosom and the hairy mound between her legs. Miss Brown then spent some time kneading and slapping my Mothers breasts and pinching and twisting her prominent nipples. She then took the stiff nubbins in her mouth and sucked on them, while my mother closed her eyes in bliss. The dominant Governess then blindfolded Mother with a strip of black velvet and led her to the bed, where she proceeded to tie her down on her back, with her hands over her head, and her legs spread to fully reveal her privates! I watched in fascination, all the time using the fingers of my right hand to pinch and tickle the erect bud at the apex of my dripping young snatch. Mistress Brown now used the riding-crop to slap Mother's thighs and breasts, and even sometimes to abuse her exposed sex. Mother wriggled in her bonds. Laviciously, I thought. It was as if she craved the torturous touch of the crop on her flesh. I imagined for a moment it was I lying there, tied up and totally vulnerable to my Mistress' punishment. What would it feel like? To have leather slithering over my puffed vulva and caress my slit, only to have it slap relentlessly on my poor flesh? Would I enjoy the pain caused by the crop hitting my blood-filled, stimulated private parts? I knew I would! I remembered the repeated spanking of my privates my Mistress had subjected me to, and knew I would love to have her use a riding-crop on me! The cataclysmic, lust filled convulsions caused by her cleverly delivered measures of exquisite pain and debased pleasure would undeniably be pure bliss for such a naughty little slave-girl as me. In a delirious frenzy I roughly rubbed and tweaked my erect and hard clitoris while I frigged my wet slit with two busy fingers on the other hand, all the time watching my willing mother being violated by Mistress Brown. The tall Governess had now removed her boots and jodhpurs and was sitting on my mothers blindfolded face, rubbing her silk panties all over the eager upturned visage. How I longed to be in her place! Stimulating my darling Mistress with my own tongue, tasting her sweetness, feeling her riding my devoted face! While enjoying the biting snap of the crop between my spread thighs. Ohhh... to ride that piece of leather for my Mistress! Smothered by her... owned by her... In a violent spasm I orgasmed, riding my eager frigging hand and moaning my longing .... Moaning? Oh, Dear? Had they heard me?? I opened my eyes and stared directly into the stern eyes of Mistress Brown, but she just smile quizzically as she continued to ride my smothered mother's glistening face, and she held my eyes in hers as they both soon after achieved their peak - in the case of my mother purely through the harsh stimulation of the riding crop. Then, utterly spent and very frightened at the implications of being caught spying , I climbed down from the balcony and found my bed.

Chapter 7: In which Greek poetry fires the imagination of our heroine

I was very apprehensive the next morning, when I presented myself at the schoolroom. What would Miss Brown say to me? How would she react to my spying the night before, and to the fact that I was now privy to the sexual slavery she was subjecting my mother to? Initially she did not mention the matter at all, but started with a lesson in Greek poetry - in particular Sappho of Lesbos. Even when I glimpse you for a moment My tongue is stilled as speech deserts me While a delicate fire is beneath my skin - My eyes cannot see, then, When I hear only a whirling sound As I shivering, sweat Because all of me trembles; I become paler than drought-grass And nearer to death ... Once again, desire - That looser of limbs and bitterly sweet - Makes me to tremble You are irresistible....

Because you love me Stand with me face to face And unveil the softness in your eyes...

Reading and hearing about this woman, who so long ago on the island of Lesbos wrote of her love and lust for other women and their soft bodies, opened my eyes to the fact that I was not alone with my strange and frightening desires. Other women and girls had felt this longing for each other, had relished in sweet touches of burning flesh and found release in love solely among females. As Miss Brown in a sonorous voice read extracts from the English translation of Sappho's work, I closed my eyes and saw before me the supple bodies of dark Greek women, engaged in pleasing each other with their tongues and clever fingers. Sappho was there herself, an imposing figure in white robes, spanking trembling slave-girls into total submission and using their prostate bodies to satisfy her raging desires. I looked at her face, thrown back in the throes of an upcoming climax, and saw that she looked just like Miss Brown, so startled, I opened my eyes and stared up into the stern face of my dominant Governess. - What ever are you doing, you naughty little slave-girl? Sitting here in front of me, your Mistress, and fondling your privates! What made you do such a despicable act? Speak girl...! - I.. I don't know, Mistress... The poems.. Sappho.. I was.. - Dreaming weren't you? Thinking about ancient Greece and what those women on Lesbos were doing to each other. Weren't you? I nodded silently. This woman was not to be fooled. - And what exactly were these Greek women doing? I licked my dry lips, and dared not meet her flaming eyes. Then I managed to collect my wits somewhat and provide an attempt at an answer. - They were.. kissing.. and fondling... caressing each other.. the privates.. They were using their fingers to provide pleasure... and sucking on nipples... even using their tongues.. down there, Mistress... to bring on a climax... - Ahhh - you've been dreaming about how the ancient Lesbians frigged each other's sweet cunts with their fingers, and how they licked stiff nipples and throbbing clits and made each other spend in high ecstasy? Is that it, Heather? - Ye.. yess, Mistress... - And what about Sappho herself? What was the leader of these women doing in your dirty little dream? Was this woman psychic? How could she possibly know about the role of Sappho in my private fantasy? - She.. she was.... She was with some girls, Mistress... slave-girls.. And she was spanking them. On their bared bottoms.. and then she.. used them... - Used them how, Heather? What did she do to these slave-girls? - She.. sat on the face of one of them and forced her to use her tongue... - Where, Heather? You must be specific...! - This girl.. she had to.. lick Sappho's arse, Miss.. and another sucked on her stiff nipples. Then she had two girls servicing her, down there, one licking her... her.. her cunt, Mistress, while the other had to slither her long tongue in and out of her back orifice.. Then, she spend... Miss... - Hmm - an interesting little dream.. And who did you imagine you were? What was being done to your little firm body in this Sapphic dream of yours? - I... I was one of the.. slave-girls..., Mistress.... - Of course you were! Where else should a submissive slut like you be! But under the firm discipline of a knowledgeable Mistress. Such as myself.....! I only nodded. Humiliated by having to tell of my sordid fantasy, but also hot with the depraved excitement of the laviscious talk with my Governess. - Well, Heather - I think I an able to accommodate your cute little dream..! Come to my rooms at seven this evening, and I'll provide some stimulating entertainment for your mind... and body! A warm smile lighted up her face and gave it an ethereal beauty. How I loved her! She had already shown me such delights, totally overwhelming my young mind, and now she was promising more, undoubtedly extremely sensuous, entertainment! This evening, in her rooms! - Yes, please Mistress! Thank you. - You're welcome, my dear. But there are certain conditions....! You are not allowed to touch yourself, neither on your breasts nor on your delectable young pussy. I do not want any spending or frigging until you arrive in my rooms! - Nnnoo, Mistress - of course not! She looked me over, speculatively. - Hmm, perhaps I could do something to heighten your expectations....! Stand up, girl, and spread your legs and keep your hands behind your head! I did as ordered, and watched Miss Brown rummage through some drawers, to finally come up with what looked like a pair of round balls on a string. They were a few inches in diameter and seemed to be made from ivory. They rattled, when Miss Brown shook them, as if they encased something heavy. She stood before me, with a playful smile on her face, and held the two balls by the piece of string connecting them. - Do you know what these are? - No, Mistress Brown. - They are Chinese love balls! Made from ivory. They are hollow, and inside each is an iron ball. I will now insert these into your slit, and you will wear them for the rest of the day, until you come to see me this evening. They will provide you with a very stimulating sensation, as you walk or otherwise move. And as I well know how excitable a slut you are, I'll take care you have absolutely no possibility of removing them or bring yourself to a premature climax by manipulating that stiff and erect clitoris of yours! Now - give me your hands! I extended my arms in mute compliance and my Governess secured wide leather bands fitted with buckles around my wrists, and proceeded to immobilize my hands behind my back by using a short metal chain to connect the wristbands. I was then ordered to thoroughly lick the ivory balls, which she stuffed in my mouth while she knelt before me and gently spread my labia to inspect my sexual parts. - Why - you are sobbing wet, you naughty little slut! A good thing your hands are behind your back now! Much too tempting for you to fiddle around. Well, now. I think you are ready. More than ready! The Chinese love balls were then inserted into my vagina, with just a small bit of string hanging outside. I was then forced to walk around and even run and jump up and down. It felt strange, to have such an artefact inside me. They were big enough to stretch my virgin channel, but not uncomfortably so. And whenever I moved, even the slightest, the iron core of the balls caused a pleasant vibration that transferred immediately to my responsive flesh. I was thus to spend the whole day with the exquisite torture of having my inner membranes constantly stimulated, partly by they pressure of the balls against the flexible walls of my vagina, partly by the strumming vibrations caused by my movements! And I could not touch myself! How was I even supposed to relieve myself? Mistress Brown had a ready answer, naturally: I was simply to call upon her whenever my natural urges became unbearable...! As to my concern that servants would surely wonder, when they saw me with my hands secured behind my back, she simply laughed and told me stay in my rooms or go for a long walk. After we had finished school for the day, and Miss Brown had helped me relieve my full bladder and dress in a more sombre manner than what she allowed me in the schoolroom, I chose the latter course, as the day was balmy. I had not realised, however, the agony of being sexually aroused continually by the action of the love balls inside me, and not being able to do anything about it! Reading the poems of Sappho had also aroused my fervid, overheated imagination, and I utterly failed in my attempt to suppress the scenes of all-female orgies that passed through my mind as I tried to walk around the spacious grounds. Finally I had to stop, in a secluded place near a small lake, and succumbed to the spasms of delirious pleasure that ravaged my poor body. It bought me no relief, however, to lie by the water and try to concentrate on other thing than my pulsating, overexcited sex and my utter inability to provide the ultimate release. I fervently rubbed my thighs against each other, but this only made my predicament worse, as the love balls inserted inside me set in motion and resumed their vibrating stimulation of my juice-drenched inner membranes. As a last resort I tried to rub the front of my body against the bole of a nearby tree. I ended up with bits of bark all over my dress and aching, stiff nipples. So I finally laid down in the shade, on the soft grass, and let my overheated imagination take me away to ancient Greece and the games women played with each other on the lovely island of Lesbos under the watchful eye of the stern and majestic Sappho. I closed my eyes, and there Sappho appeared. Very like Miss Brown, she was. Tall and imposing, with the black hair collected in a tight bun. Dressed only in a loose, white robe she was seated on a throne, placed on a dais, and around her almost naked slave-girls knelt in submission. I pictured myself there, amongst the slaves, where I belonged, with only and small bit of leather covering my young sex, and my hands chained behind me. She beckons me to her, and rejoicing that this Goddess of my dreams wants me near her, I quickly move towards her, and kneel before her majestic visage, with downcast eyes. She orders me to stand and with deft and clever hands she binds my throbbing bosom at the base with strands of moist rawhide, so that my breasts stand proud for her enjoyment, capped with nipples stiff as glass. I dance then, for the pleasure of my beloved Mistress. Gyrating my supple hips and showing off my scanty clad lithe body. While the rawhide dries and increases the pressure on the base of my reddening breasts she watches me with languid eyes, as I cavort before her and long for her caresses. I turn my back to her then, and bend over with legs spread as wide as possible. With my chained hands I manage to gently slap my leather-clad orbs, hoping Sappho will recognize my longing. As of course she does, and with a small smile she moves to stand close behind me and then her strong hands grapple my itching flesh and then hard spanks heat my young flesh and I press closer to her, lusting for the depraved pleasure of pain and arousal that she so graciously offers. She peels of the leather and penetrates my vulnerable anus with an exploring forefinger. Inexorably she lets the digit glide into my clenching hole, and then she leans over my body and whispers into my ear, while her free hand starts mauling my rosy, bound mammaries. She slaps them hard, and lets her nails scorch my burning nipples, teasing them towards an inevitable explosion. Her voiced teasingly recited her verse, even as she so intimately caressed my young body, bringing my excitable mind to a boil

'Come to me now to end this consuming pain Bringing what my heart desires to be brought: Be yourself my ally in this fight'

She then removes her finger from my arse, and forces me to lick it clean, and with the bitter taste of my own excretions in my mouth, I submit to her indecent attacks on my chest. She milks and twist my turgid, blood-engorged nubbins until I almost faint with the sweet pain of it, then she calls over two other slave-girls, who are ordered to suck continuously on the tortured bits of flesh, while Sappho resumes her violent spanking of my bottom, this time with no leather to reduce the awesome force of her blows. I sob and cry as my bottom turns a glowing red and the heat from my sore breasts and unbelievably long and erectile nipples combines with the surging stings to bear me across the pain into a blissful state of strumming vibrations, searing my nerves into numbness and bearing forth a flooding rush of sheer inexorable delight. I scream and moan and wriggle my spanked derriere to spur my wonderful, loving Mistress to further heights, and rejoice as her forceful treatment of my lowly body brings me closer and closer to the final release, and then she laughs with joy as she stops her spanking and gently soothes my fires with a wet, wet mouth on my bloody globes of quivering bottom-flesh. And, then, Oh joy, a wetness slithers over my most private of parts, and a single quick kiss on my stiff clitoris, releases all my longing in a shuddering ecstasy and I spend all my pent-up sentiment in a long, a wonderfully long, convulsion. And there, back in my bound reality, the release is as real. I moan and whimper in the throes of a massive orgasmic spasm, brought about without any direct stimulation, but only by my fervid imagination and secret wishes for a Sapphic Mistress to totally dominate me and possess my young body. I drifted off into an untroubled sleep, and only awoke when the coolness of evening and a distended bladder reminded me that I had an appointment, in actual real life, with my Mistress, my new Governess.

Chapter 8: In which Miss Heather gives satisfaction and assists with a bath

I ran most of the way to Miss Brown's rooms, more and more frantic as the pressure on my bladder increased. And as I ran the love balls she had forced inside me, vibrated with such insistence that I occasionally had to stop, not because I was winded, but because the intimate caresses they exerted on my poor flesh was bringing me close to swooning. I thus appeared very dishevelled when I finally arrived, and I could not stand still, but stepped from one foot to the other in order to stem my urgent need to urinate. Miss Brown opened the door at my frantic knocking and I almost couldn't recognize her! She appeared as a Greek goddess - scantily clad in a white silken robe of classic design, and her hair curled in a manner I had seen on ancient Greek vases. Her feet were sandaled and she wore numerous heavy bangles on her wrists. Around her neck she had a necklace with a pendant in the form of a silver double axe. Her voluptuous body was clearly visible through the silk robe, and I felt a thrill at being so close to her. - Ahh, my eagerly awaited slave-girl approaches! But in what state... ! You look dirty and exhausted, girl - and badly in need to pee....! - Yes, Ma'am, I managed to get out. - Yes, Ma'am what...?, she barked at me. - Yes, Ma'am. I have a strong urge to relieve myself, Ma'am.... - So beg me - on your knees! Trembling I knelt before my Mistress and with downcast eyes I beg her to allow me to relieve myself. - Look your Mistress in the eyes, when you beg, slave-girl! I hurried to comply, withered before her fiery gaze, but managed to stutter my urgent plea. She graciously conceded and showed me to her sumptuous bathroom, where hot water was steaming in a large tub. I had never been inside the Governess bathroom before and was surprised at the luxury. The floor and walls were fitted with Oriental tiles and several large ornate mirrors in gilded frames decorated the walls. A spotless porcelain toilet was prominent as was a French bidet. Shelves were stacked with flasks of exotic perfumes, soaps and oils and large towels were laid out on a carved wooded bench. The was also room for what looked like an elevated, padded leather couch Miss Brown removed the chain connecting my wrists and also the leather bracelets. She then ordered me totally naked, and proceeded to fondle and inspect all parts of my body, especially my juice-soaked vagina and my puffed cuntal lips. She did not, however, remove the Chinese love balls, and as I sat on the toilet, with my legs spread wide, she carefully manipulated my urethra so my stream of yellow pee noisily splashed into the water in the bowl. I felt extremely humiliated, to be sitting thus. Exposed and naked, and with another woman carefully controlling my bodily functions. The situation was on the other hand extremely arousing, and I trembled with repressed desire and very much wanted this mature and clever woman to further fondle my privates and cause me to experience the total release that she had me craving and longing for every moment of my time with or without her. After the golden stream had ceased, she carefully wiped me, and had me stand before her. - You've had an orgasm, haven't you? Don't lie to me now, Heather! I'm an experienced disciplinarian and Governess, and I well know, when a girl has spent her juicy cream! How did it happen? You have not been free of your bondage, and thus cannot have fondled yourself...! Who did you manage to bring you release?? I stood revealed before her. She knew I had orgasmed and I could only, in a small and fearful voice, tell the story of how I had achieved this down by the little lake. Miss Brown looked me in the eyes during the whole of my account, and when I had finished, I knew she believed me. A small knowing smile was on her lips as she admonished me: - You are indeed a very hot little slut, Heather! To achieve orgasmic release without touching oneself, but by stimulation of the inner membranes and the nipples is a rare occurrence and indicates a warm-blooded and sensuous nature. You are, however, only allowed to spend at my order - and I did not order you to have release this afternoon. You are therefore to be punished for your uncontrollable, narcissistic passion down by the lake. Severely punished. But first of all, I have planned a bath, and you will attend to me, thus training to be my personal body slave. Remove my clothes! Trembling with trepidation at the punishment to come; yet also with unaccountable longing, I rushed to my Mistress' bidding. It was difficult for me to be so close to her. The distinct aroma of woman emanated from her majestic full-bodied frame, and I had trouble controlling my hands as I carefully removed her thin silken robe. More so, when I discovered that she was totally naked beneath it! As I knelt before her, in order to remove her sandals from the foot she graciously extended, I couldn't not help but notice the dark curls between her muscular thighs. Her mound was covered with this silken growth, but I could also make out the bisecting line of her slit. I let my eyes reluctantly travel upward, taking in the lovely curve of her hips, the flat stomach, with the diamond of her navel in its cave. Her breasts were large, but not overly so, and swelled proudly from her chest, tipped with large and fleshy nipples, standing to stiff attention. - Do you like what you Mistress' body, slave? - Yes, Mistress Brown. You have a very lovely body. She had indeed, and I longed to touch her and pay homage to the majesty of her womanhood. - Well, Heather, I'm certain you will get to know it much more intimately in the next few hours...! I plan to have you service me in several interesting ways....- and to show you some new aspects of your role as my slave. Now attend to my bath! She immersed herself in the hot water in the tub, and I had to fetch wine and serve it to her while kneeling on the hard tiles of the floor. Miss Brown took her time, luxuriating in the hot water and gently caressing her own body, massaging her ample bosom, gently pulling the stiff nipples, letting a hand fondle a firm, submerged thigh. She even had me recite some of Sappho's poetry:

I love delicate softness: For me, love has brought the brightness And the beauty of the sun .... May you sleep on the breasts Of your tender companion ....

Fires lurked beneath my skin as I waited on my Mistress as she languored in her bath, and they must have broken into open flame as she ordered me to wash her. I stood besides the tub, a lowly slave-girl in her rightful place, and covered my Queen and Mistress with white soapy lather. With a rough hempen glove I rubbed her sacred skin to a pinkish glowing sheen and with my fortunate naked hands was allowed to gently massage her swelling bosom and sweet, pulsating mound. Ahh, to be allowed this! To touch her most intimate places, and every inch of her radiance! I then washed her hair, wrapped a towel, turban-like, around it, and dried her body as she stepped out of the tub. I laid our towels on the strange padded couch, and Mistress Brown picked a bottle of oil from one of the shelves and told me to give her a through massage. So that's what the contraption was for - a massage table! I eagerly complied with the order, and my Governess laid down on her stomach leaving her naked backside for my fumbling ministrations. She gave instructions, though, and I listened carefully in order to provide her with the proper massage. I started out with her neck and shoulders, kneading the aromatic oil into the flesh. At first I stood beside the massage table, but the Miss brown ordered me up onto the table itself (it was rather wide), and I placed my knees on either side of her body, thus bringing my naked crotch in direct contact with her lower back. The bathing session had made my juices flow and I could not help but dribble viscous fluid on her naked skin. She did not comment on this, however, and I resumed my task of pleasing her and serving her needs. I worked my way downward, delirious with the closeness of her desirous body and slipped over her perfect buttocks, leaving a small trail of my excitement on her rosy flesh. I then lost myself in a through fondling, pummelling and gentle caressing of the exposed rump of my Mistress. She clenched and unclenched her muscles beneath my hands and I followed her rhythm covering her Queenly arse in slippery, aromatic oil. Her breathing quickened, as did mine, and she spread her legs, giving me access to her secretive crease. Using my thumbs I was told to part the buttocks, and looked adoringly at her wonderful nether hole, gently winking at me from its hideaway. - You're a good little body-slave, Heather. Although you seem overexcited now, and dribbling your excretions all over me.... - Ss..soo..sorry, Mistress, but I'm.. you.. make... - Yes, I know. You very excited at being allowed so close to me, and to touch me so intimately, and to be allowed to worship me. - Yes, Miss.. Mistress.. - Good, that's the way it should be. I'm not only your Governess and disciplinarian, I'm also your Queen and Goddess, and I should be worshipped...! You may thank me by licking my buttocks... Yes... all over... down into the crease now... use you whole tongue, girl!... Gooood... yesss.. well done. Now my arsehole... only on the outside... lick that sphincter.. wet it nicely.. now sniff it.. let your nose recognise the smell emanating from your Mistress' bottom... caress my bum hole with the tip of your nose... good... what a sweet slut you are.. Perfect... My nose tickled the tight muscle of the entrance to Mistress Brown's anal channel, and the aroma assaulting my nostrils was reminiscent of damp earth and leaves in the autumn. It made me wild with undefined passion and I wanted more of her. Wanted to please her, obey her; follow her slightest whim and order to the edge of the world and beyond. Then she allowed for me to extend my tongue and delicately savour the taste of her hole. - Push your tongue in, mmmm... yesss. Past my tight sphincter.. into the channel beyond... Yes, slave, in and out... inn.. and out.. faster... faster... use that talent, girl! Frantic with unfulfilled desire, and with a very real craving to please her, I plunged my stiffened tongue in and out of her spasmodically clenching arsehole and was rewarded with having her firm bottom pummelling my face as she rode my intruding organ. I loved being used by her, to feel her spasms teasing my tongue and hear her groan in pleasure as she fingered herself and convulsed in a climax that was so violent that my tongue was forcefully ejected from her nether tunnel. - Well done, Heather..., Mistress Brown said when her breath had returned. You have promise as a bottom-slave and arse-hole licker. Very limber tongue. That was quite a delightful climax I had there. I blushed at her praise and felt very proud. I had managed to please this statuesque woman by making my tongue available for her to ride on, and I was willing to it again any time she ordered me to. But she would have to order me. I was just a humble slave girl, a willing tool in the hands a strict disciplinarian. My role was to be told to do things, and to be used for the pleasure of those above me. It thrilled me to obey orders, to be punished for not doing things correctly, to be reminded painfully of transgressions. A bottom-slave and arse-hole licker I was indeed - and relished it. Mistress Brown then turned her body over and my eyes where irresistibly drawn to the swell of her proud bosom. Her breasts were full and firm and rose from her chest in a beautiful arch. Her aureoles were prominent and light brown and her thick nipples were long (perhaps an inch) and stiffly erect. I longed to be allowed to service those aroused nubbins, but initially I had to extend my tongue, so recently buried in the anal channel of my Governess, and Miss Brown pulled my face down to hers and sucked my stiff tongue into her mouth! Obviously savouring the taste of herself, she used her own tongue to sweetly titillate mine and then closed her lips around my protruding muscular organ and sucked strongly in a pulsating rhythm. Her hands were moving all over my body, her nails raked my back and her hands roughly pummelled the pliant flesh of my naked buttocks. She even invaded my nether hole with an exploratory forefinger, slithering the digit in and out of my clenching hole and causing me to urgently press my bottom against her hand. That earned me a few hard spanks, and a gentle admonition to concentrate on the pleasure of my Mistress, and repress my own licentious urges for the moment. Miss Brown then continued her sucking on my protruding tongue, leaving it tingling and throbbing before she ordered me to massage her upper body. I was placed straddling her lower body in such a manner that my bared genital area was tickled by the profusion of soft hair covering my Mistress' Mount Venus. I eagerly started on the pleasurable task of covering the supple mounds of flesh adorning Miss Brown's chest with aromatic oil. At first I was not allowed to touch her nipples, only to knead and stroke the firm flesh of her breasts. Marvelling at being so close to my adored Goddess, I explored the elastic tissue with probing fingers and used my palms in circular motions to knead the oil into the skin. The stiff nipples seemed to grow even stiffer and protrude even more after this treatment, and Miss Brown was watching me through half-closed eyes, once in a while giving me commands: - Somewhat softer there, Heather... Yes.. now use both hands on the right breast... Don't touch the nipple!... A bit more oil, girl... I was then, at last, commanded to engulf an erectile nipple in my mouth and suck on it. The warm nubbin seemed alive between my young lips, throbbing with a steady pulse. It expanded in the vacuum created by my sucking action and I loved having it in my mouth. It made me feel so secure and happy. Lying there, on top of my Governess, sucking on her tumescent teat and flicking my eager slaves tongue over it, I realised that this was where I belonged. Controlled. Ordered. A willing tool for my Mistress' slightest wishes. I was made to please her, and it filled my world to do my task. She moved slightly beneath me, and told me to shift my attention to the other nipple. For a long time, I teased her proud flesh, shifting my attention from one breast to the other upon Miss Browns biding. At last, when the nipples were rock-hard and glistening with my saliva, I was told to stop my sucking and instead use my slaves tongue to lick every square inch of her majestic bosom and stomach. Oh, such delightful tasks she gave me, my wonderful Mistress, my adorable Queen, my Goddess. To let my lowly tongue glide caressingly over her slick, unblemished skin. To savour the taste of her, the incredible flavour of her. I lost myself in crevice of her navel and in the folds beneath her breasts. I ached for the forest of her vulva - but was denied access for the moment. I paid humble homage to the body of this dominating woman, and providing for her intimate needs and foibles was all I wanted. Her wish was my command. As a tiny storm raged inside me and liquefied my organs, I continued my sensuous journey down the splendid body of my Governess. My tongue bathed her muscular thighs, and the heavy smell emanating from that dark forest covering her privates followed me as I devoutly kissed her knees and ended at her feet. - So, my little slave-slut! Do you enjoy pleasuring your Mistress? - Yes, Ma'am. You have a wonderful body... - Why, thank you, Heather! You'll get to know it most intimately, I'm sure... Now lick my feet carefully. Slowly.. also the soles... Mmmm.... Nice... I do enjoy having a foot-slave lick and kiss and caress my feet... The toes... suck on each on.. Start with the little toe... Mmmm... yesss.. right in you mouth... suck hard... Good... You train so well, Heather... I diligently sucked and serviced all her toes, and was pleasantly surprised to see how she reacted to my ministrations. Miss Brown most certainly found it extremely arousing to have her naked feet serviced by a subservient, naked slave-girl. She fondled and massaged her oiled bosom, tweaked the stiff nipples and urged me on. - Get as much of my foot as you can inside your mouth.. Yess.. that's so good... suck my foot, girl.. suck hard.. make it wet.. move your head up and down a bit... Mmmmm... such a willing slut you are... just waiting to be controlled.. to be told what to do... I know you love this... forced to suck your Mistress' feet... I know what you like.. Mmmmm... I'll train you and discipline you to do things you've never imagined, girl.. But trust me... You'll love every second of it... just like you love this.... Stop now... And sit at my feet... spread your legs... wide... more... hands behind your neck.. good... Let me use my foot... to caress your dripping little slit.. your wet and juicy girl-pussy... MMmmmm.. yess.. feel my toes on your intimate flesh, on your randy pussy... Where is my foot, slave?? - On.. it... you foot is on my.. on my.. my pussy, Mistress...! - Yes, on your randy, wet little naked pussy.... - On my randy... wet... naked... little.. pussy....Ohhh...Uuughhh.... - Yesss, that's where it is... playing with your slit... Ohhh... my big toe is inside you now.. I can feel the love balls... I'll wriggle my toe in there... do you feel that, Heather... do you like to have your pussy played with...., by my toes....? Do you.. - Y..Yess.. Ohh.. please Mistress... I..love to have my .. pussy... played with... Pleeeaaase... Let me... Pleeaaase don't stop.... - Oh, yes... I'll stop.. You're not allowed to spend now... you must be punished first... for having an unauthorized orgasm.. Now, slut! Clean my foot - it's all dirty with your cunt-slime! - Yes, Mistress Brown! I hurried to comply with her order, quickly quenching my approaching orgasm, and instead licked and sucked my pussy-juice from the naked foot. I enjoyed the task. It felt extremely erotic to taste myself and my undeniable excitement in such a debased manner. - Enough, Slave. Now you must orally satisfy your Mistress. Come here, between my legs. Start by kissing my Mount Venus. Only kissing mind you. No tongue for now. Good. Do you like the taste and smell of me? I see you nod. Good girl. You should like and love the taste of your Mistress. You must let it engulf you, dominate you. Let me spread my legs just a little bit more. There: now kiss your way down my slit. Still no tongue! Only small, careful kisses. Let me use my hand to spread the lips a bit. Ahhh... yes.. kiss the outer labia now... my juicy outer lips... puffed and excited... Put your nose inside now... all the way in... breathe my wonderful smell.. the aroma of your Mistress... stick your tongue out.. lick my cunt... fuck me with your stiff tongue... while my smell surrounds you... dominates you.. masters you.... You're a pussy-licking slave... a Sapphic cunt-sucker... you love to be forced to taste a dominant woman... like me... your Governess.... Suck my stiff clit now... tickle it with your tongue... Argggh.. I'm so hard.. .. stop now.... She ordered me to turn around, and position my legs on either side of her head. She could thus look directly at my gaping, puffed and very wet pussy, while I had access to her exposed cunt as she put her feet on the table and then forced her thighs together so my head was held fast between them. - Soixante-neuf we call this position. Sixty-nine. I will, however, not allow you to come while you service me. Instead I'll do this.... Smack - smack - smack - smack Hard slaps hit my naked buttocks, vulnerable and exposed. Then rough kneading. And again a rain of hard slaps abused my young flesh. But I was beyond pain by now. The whole day I had been held I a constant state of arousal by the actions of the love balls inserted in my vagina, and by my own lewd thoughts. The spend I had by the lake had only to a small degree relieved my erotic sentiments, and the heat creeping into my reddening buttocks did nothing to alleviate the matter. On the contrary, lying on top of Miss Brown, licking and sucking her wet privates and having her knowing hands spanking my backside, rapidly brought me to the edge again and I frantically rubbed my pussy against her naked flesh. - Stop that, slut! Lie still and concentrate on providing release for you Mistress! You are not allowed to come! And you punishment has barely started! Thwack- thwack-thwack. Heavy were her hands, as I passively let my bottom receive the well-deserved spanking. I nibbled on Miss Brown's erect clitoris and knew I had been a bad, bad girl. I had transgressed her rules, and had deserved to be disciplined. She was such a wonderful Mistress! I could pay her back by showing her; I could provide a good licking and bring her to a fantastic orgasm! So, forgetting my smarting arse and suppressing the sexual inflammation that had bothered me all day, I used my tongue, lips and mouth to orally stimulate my Governess. My whole face was soon covered in delicious juice as I delved into the velvety interior of Miss Brown's privates. Slick, soft surfaces throbbed against my exploring tongue and the erect flesh of her clit begged for attention from my lips. It swelled majestically when I squeezed it gently between my lips and then blew moist air on it. Mistress Brown kept me to my task by clamping her thighs on both sides of my face, and then she muttered incoherently, her whole lower body trembled against me, she pressed her spasming vulva against my face and manhandled by sore bum with rough fingers. Then she came, and I sucked gratefully on the upper part of her pussy, keeping her clit within the moist cavern of my mouth. She exploded, and copious amounts of viscous wetness made my senses reel. - Ooooohhhh..., yess.... Suck my pussy, you naughty slave-girl... you bad, bad girl... lick my juice..... Cunt-lapping hussy... I'm spending noooowwww ... yeeessss..... Uughhh.... With my face buried between her thighs, and my bottom red with her recent barehanded spanking, I was in Paradise...

Chapter 9: In which Miss Heather is immobilized

But relief and release was not to be mine yet. After Miss Brown had spent, I laid for an eternity with my face between her thighs and her hands gently caressed my inflamed bottom and I could feel her warm breath on my pussy, so exposed and close to her face. I wriggled my arse; unconsciously trying to bring my naked privates in more close contact with my Mistress, but a number of hard, punishing slaps to my already well-spanked buttocks reminded me of my place. No need for any spoken command. So I relaxed and kept still, and simply revelled in the intimate proximity of our bodies, until my Governess ordered me to stand up and help her dress. I reluctantly complied, unwilling to leave and not eager to find out what punishment Miss Brown had planned for me. First, however, I had to assist her dress. Not that she intended to be fully clothed for whatever was to follow! A tight pair of cream-coloured silk panties that fit snugly over her mound and accentuated the delightful curve of her arse was the starting point. She had not washed or cleaned the cunt, I had so recently licked, and surprised me by having me kiss her slit through the slick fabric and even lick a few times so the silk clung enticingly to the flesh of her moist privates, bathed in the dew of her recent orgasm. After the panties were fitted to her satisfaction, I knelt submissively on the floor and was allowed to roll silk stockings up her perfect legs. I took great care with the seam to ensure it was completely straight and the stockings were later fastened to a magnificent corset that matched Miss Brown's panties. A pair of black high-heeled leather shoes finalized her scant outfit, and I was told to lie down on the floor on my back. My Governess now walked around me, gently caressing and probing my bosom and privates with the tip of her shoes. I had to spread my legs as she inserted both the heel and tip into my sopping slit and then the shoe was presented for me to clean! I had to suck carefully on the long stiletto heel and to taste my own arousal mingled with the flavour of leather and boot-polish. Then the tip. Above me, my Mistress was obviously enjoying having her shoes licked. - Yes, Heather, kiss my shoe... lick all you naughty juices from it... it's just been inside you wet little slave-girl pussy... and now it is in your mouth... lick it good... and the heel... suck on it... suck it right down in you throat.. Good little girl... well done... my sweet shoe-slave.. My own little Sapphic boot-licker... Her words spurred me on, and I managed to get almost all 7 inches of stiletto down my throat, before she carefully withdrew it. And inserted it... withdrew... in.. out..in ..out.... Faster and faster she let me have it and I struggled to keep up with her rhythm. Then it stopped. And I was ordered onto the massage table. My time had come. My punishment waited for me. My discipline. Delivered by this strong and imposing vision of female domination. I was longing for it, wanting to subjugate myself, and yet I was fearful of what she had in mind. Pain, no doubt, and humiliating servitude. Shivering in fearful anticipation I climbed onto the leather-covered massage table and laid down on my back, as my Mistress had told me to. I was fitted with a blindfold made from black leather lined with soft velvet. It completely erased my sight, leaving me in uncomfortable darkness. - Open your mouth, Heather. Wider. Yes, that's it... I'm going to gag you now, with a pair of panties I've worn all day. Silken panties they are, black, and they have been impregnated with the juices I've secreted during the whole day, whenever I thought abut what I was going to subject you to. So they are ripe, my dear, and infused with the flavour of your Mistress... Enjoy...! And without further ado, she filled my mouth with her balled-up panties and secured that they stayed inside by tying a ribbon round my head. I was now unable to see anything, and my sense of taste, as well as smell, was overpowered by the delicious aroma of arousal emanating for the bundle of silk in my mouth. I could not respond in any vocal way, but I sucked gratefully on the panties, and was rewarded with a sensitising explosion of voluptuous womanhood. - Hands above you head! Leather cuffs were fitted on my wrists and secured by rattling chains to the legs of the table. I shivered and warm hands soothed me. My legs were now tightly bound together with a leather band and then hoisted up into the air using a rope. The result was that I was lying on my back the leather padded massage table with my arms firmly fastened above my head and my legs lifted in the air thus lewdly exposing my bottom, thighs and genitalia to my Governess. I could see nothing and the scent of her cuntal juices was dominating my taste and smell. I felt extremely vulnerable, and wriggled slightly to test my bondage. That caused a rain of unrelenting spanks to my bared thighs and lower buttocks and I was harshly told to lie completely still. This I did, and passively accepted the intimate fondlings I was now subjected to. Miss Brown raked my red and throbbing buttocks with her nails and her fingertips danced on my nether lips and tickled the crease between my bottom cheeks and even my crinkled hole. - I do love to have a girl secured in this position... It does so naughtily expose what is normally hidden.. and provides such an obvious possibility of spanking also... with a paddle for example... Slap - Slap - Slap - Slap The sound of leather against skin. A dull agony in my sensitive bottom, already inflamed. A pain seeping into my thighs, where she was now concentrating her attention, slapping the paddle against my tied-up legs. - Ahh, wonderful.. you are becoming quite red, Heather! Lovely colour for you! Naughty girls should have paddling often, to provide that colour! Teaches discipline it does. Self-control. Can't have slave-sluts masturbating all over the place! Touching their stiff little clits and rubbing them, putting naughty fingers up into their tight little pussies and ass-holes! Having illicit orgasms all over the place! Must keep such girls in order, teach them to be humble and obedient and have respect for their superiors. My bottom and thighs felt as they were on fire and I whimpered behind my tight gag. - Mmm, you are hot now, Heather. Sooo hot... let's cool you down.... Cold water dribbled on my sore and tender skin. Soft cloth, cold with moisture, soothed my reddened behind. I kept still, enjoying the attention paid to my body. - I've had your Mother like this, you know! Many times. It started back in school you see. Ahh, she was such a submissive slut, even then! And I was on the lookout for a perfect maid ... And there, in strict bondage on a table in the sumptuous bathroom of my Governess, I heard the tale of my Mothers seduction and conversion into a submissive Sapphic maid. Told by the woman who had planned and instigated the debasement!

Chapter 10: In which the Governess tells a tale

She was good-looking girl, Angela, when she came to the Academy. She had just turned sixteen, and was in full bloom. Your age, Heather. Ripe for the picking she was, glowing with sensuality but seemingly so prim and proper. Demure. And very naïve, which was just to my liking! I was her senior by a year, and we didn't share dormitory, but I took care to make friends with her. And I often managed to steer our talks towards matters of the body. Girl talk. Less about men than about us. Girls together. I hinted at certain acts I did at night in the privacy of my bed, about certain thoughts I had when looking at other girls' unclothed bodies. Raising her curiosity, making her see girls in a different light. Desirous. Voluptuous. Nothing direct. I introduced her to the poetry of Sappho, and we spent much time in the gardens of the Academy, reading to each other and discussing the meaning of Love. So naturally I was invited to her home for half term, and I knew she was ready for my move. We were put in the same room. Her parents had no idea what could take place between two young women in privacy, and nor did Angela, who was flauntingly innocent at the time. The first evening we were there I could barely contain myself. I wanted her so much. But I knew even then that patience bears its own reward. So even though I wanted to assault her, devour her, spank her lovely derriere until it glowed a dark enticing red, suck the creamy juice from the moist heaven between her darling thighs, force her to service me, I restrained myself. Instead, after we had readied ourselves for the night, I read some of Sappho's poems to her, and then kissed her chastely goodnight. I couldn't sleep though, my mind was full of images of the intimacies I wanted to subject her to, and I had to frig my cunt to an unsatisfying orgasm, listening to Angela's quiet breathing. I promised myself then, that I would not be so chaste towards her for the rest of my stay. The next day we went for a long walk in the spacious grounds, and I took care to touch Angela at the slightest chance. I held her hand. I let my arm encircle her waist as we promenaded the gravelled paths. I kissed her often in pretended gaiety. I had her lie with her head in my lap, and gently played with her long auburn curls as she talked. And that night, I had her sit leaning on me, as I sat in her bed and gently caressed her neck and cheeks while I recited love poems from memory. She relaxed against me and I surreptitiously let my hands explore the upper part of her bosom, hidden from my view by her cotton nightgown. She unconsciously snuggled closer and thrust her breasts slightly towards me, so I intensified my sneaking attack, and soon her nipples were stiffening as I tweaked and pinched them through the cloth. I whispered in her ear: - Does it feel nice, to have another girl caressing your bosom? She moved slightly against me and sighed. - Yeeess... it does feel nice... But it's wrong.. Girls shouldn't be touching each other so... intimately... - Something so pleasurable is not wrong! We are girls together. Friends. We should share our experience... Relax, Angela, trust me... Enjoy what I'm doing to you... feel my hands touching your firm breasts... playing gently with your stiff nipples.. like this... Ohhh... how they throb ... they are just begging for my attentions... my sweet caresses.... - Nooo... please don't touch me like that.. it makes me feel all funny inside... liquid.. You shouldn't do this... Ooooh.. my nipples... they... - Yesss, darling, they are sooo stiff and erect and responsive... lovely... But if you don't want me to I'll just stop..... I knew I had her by now. Angela was a born slut - and my gentle teasing of her globes had caused sentiments to rise in her that she could not ignore. So I stopped my ministrations and instead bent down to gently nibble at her ear. - Ohhh.... Disappointment. Surprise. She had definitely wanted me to go on. I slithered my tongue into her sensitive ear, tickling her. - You're a very naughty girl, Angela. Aren't you? You enjoyed my hands on your titties before. You wanted me to go on and continue to tweak and pinch your darling nipples, didn't you? You want me to caress your whole body don't you? I'd love to you know. I enjoy touching girls all over, making them hot and bothered. She just moaned incoherently, blown away by my seductive voice and talented tongue exploring the erogenous potential of her ear. I pulled back in feigned anger, slapped her breasts through the cotton night-gown and barked: - Answer me, you naughty girl! Is it not true that you want me to continue fondling your body? And aren't you a lewd little slut! - Ohhh.. please... please don't ... make me... - Oh, yes, I'll make you, I'll make you say it and admit it! Come on, Angela... I again slapped her heaving breasts. Not hard. Just enough to remind her who was in charge and to further stimulate them by a measured dose of pain to increase the blood-flow and further stimulate her sensitised flesh. She gave up her futile struggle and managed a stuttering confession. - Y..ye..yes! I..I did.. like.... It.. - What did you like? - When you .. touched.. me... - Touched you where, Angela? - On.. my... b..b..bo..bosom.. - Your tits, silly girl... You loved when I fondled your tits. - My...t..tit..tits... - Say it now.... - I..I. loved... when you fond..fondled my.. my t..tits! She was mine. I knew it beyond any doubt. I could start her training now and really break her in. - Good girl! I know what girls like you want! Sweet caresses and a firm hand so that prim and proper attitude disappears. Much more fun then. Now lie down on your back, Angela, and beg me to touch your tits. She readily complied. By now eager to have her reward for admitting she liked my caresses. - Look me in the eye, and beg! Angela looked wonderful, lying there so vulnerable with a cloud of brown hair framing her face. Limpid eyes, full lips, a well-matured bosom. I drew her into my gaze. - Please.. Imogene..., please touch me... touch my.. bos.. my tits.. please... I love it, when a girl begs to be touched and taken, and she was irresistible! - Yes, dear, I'll touch you. Not only on your darling tits, but I'll fondle your whole body and make you feel pleasure like you've never felt before. I train you, my sweet little slut, and make you my perfect love-toy. But first I'll kiss you... And I raped her young mouth with my lips and tongue. She had never French-kissed before, and was initially surprised at my invasion. She learnt fast, however, and we were both panting when I finally drew away from her, straddled her body and let my hands resume their interrupted caressing of Angela's proud chest. Her puffy nipples sprung to attention at a light touch. They had undoubtedly become extra sensitive due to the recent slapping. I tweaked them. Gently at first, then more roughly, pulling them towards me. Angela winced slightly, but I could see this handling excited her. She was a perfect submissive, getting off on a mix of pleasure and painful discipline. Well, I would give her liberal doses of that! I now carefully started bundling up her nightgown with one hand while I with the other continued to fondle her tit-flesh. Angela started to protest at being left naked - or rather only in her bloomers - but I stopped her complaints with a few rough kisses and I soon had her beneath me, with her torso bared and only clad in a pair of lacy bloomers. Those could wait! I wanted first to carefully stimulate her sensitive breasts until she was beyond protest, and only craved release. I got her to keep her arms stretched above her head, gripping the headboard of the bed, and the proceeded with my lecherous plan. I kneaded those pliant globes of girl-flesh until they were warm and glowed pink. All the while whispering endearments and orders to Angela to keep her still. Her blood-engorged nipples throbbed with a wild pulse and heat seemed to radiate from them. Now was to time to progress, so without hesitation I took one of her teats into my warm mouth and proceeded to suck strongly on it. She moved beneath me, startled, and her nipple was sweet between my lips. Thus I tormented her, using lips, tongue and clever fingers until both her breasts shone with my saliva and she moaned her unsatisfied desire with closed eyes. Now for the pain! I needed her immovable, so as she laid there on the bed, lost in her own rising pleasure, I quickly tied her hands above her head and head and her ankles to each nether bedpost, spread-eagling her. The ties I did with silken scarves I had hidden in the pockets of my dress before the night began. She resisted, of course, once she discovered her precarious situation of bondage, but I soothed her, and told her to trust me. I knew what naughty girls needed most, and I would take her to new peaks of insight. Peaks indeed! I could hardly wait to savour this delectable treasure of a girl, whose aroused aroma filled the room and mingled with my own. However, even though it was late at night, and most people in the house were asleep, I needed to be sure of privacy, so I wanted Angela quiet. I therefore took another of the silk scarves and tucked it inside my bloomers, where a telltale patch of wetness was starting to show. - I am going to gag you now, Angela. You see, in order for you to have the ultimate release I am going to take you through some... discipline. - D... dis.... Discipline...? Imogene, I.. What do you mean...? - Shush. You must trust me, Angela. I'll take you to such heights of Sapphic bliss tonight, that you'll never be the same... Disciplination is part of it as is punishment. You are a naughty little schoolgirl about to be transformed into my willing love-slave. Now open up! Mutely Angela opened her mouth, and was extremely pleased with this reaction. I was doing my subtle sexual magic, and wrapping her up into my cocoon of spells. I had read her correctly: she was excited by the very idea of being a naughty little girl, and receiving her just punishment. She wanted to be forced into doing degrading, but oh so arousing, acts. I was taking control, and leaving her without responsibility, and she craved exactly this freedom. And by opening her lovely, full lips she accepted whatever was to come after. I smiled down at her, let her see how I manipulated with the scarf ticked into my bloomers, and showed it to her when I took it out, inundated with the juice from my hot slit. Her eyes shone, and I knew she was looking forward to taste my intimate scent. I balled up the scarf and put it gently into her mouth. Then I tied another scarf round her head, so she couldn't spit it out. Two additional scarves I used to tie tightly round each of her breasts; stemming part of blood flow and making them rise majestically from her chest. She whimpered beneath her gag, but I noticed she sucked avidly on the scarf in her mouth, no doubt savouring my excretions. I looked down at her, lingering over my total victory. She was ready, and it was time for the pain! A hairbrush. What a wonderful implement for inflicting controlled pain and suffering on unsuspecting girls, who have been naughty! I really do enjoy a good hairbrush. Wooden, it should be, with carefully selected bristles. A handle with a good grip, rounded at the end to ease penetration into slick orifices. And I had seen that Angela possessed just such a brush, made from finely polished beech-wood and with bristles that were precisely of the stiffness I wanted. I initiated Angela's punishment session by gently tapping her bound body with the hairbrush, bristly side downwards. I paid much attention to her bound breasts, which were now starting to glow red and seemed to radiate heat. The rock-hard nipples I massaged carefully with the bristles, eliciting moans from Angela. Next I treated her cotton-covered crotch to a gentle spanking, again using the bristly side of the brush. In firm circular motions I then massaged her privates, and this caused the wet spot, already noticeable before I initiated my treatment, to spread. A few hard slaps with the brush caused a whimper and I then again shifted my attention to her bosom. I now used the wooden side of the hairbrush to thoroughly spank Angela's bound tits. I avoided the nipples for a while and concentrated on getting a vivid crimson colour in the abused flesh. Angela proved to be a perfect subject for this exquisite torture. Her tit-flesh rapidly took colour from my firm, but not overly hard, slaps, and the constriction of her young globes ensured that her nipples stayed stiff and blood-engorged and sent signals of pleasure to her confused mind. Pleasure mixed with pain. Humiliation and punishment. An older girl dealing in discipline and domination. The taste of womanly arousal in her gagged mouth. It was a heady cocktail for an inexperienced girl like Angela, but her body was showing the way. She twisted somewhat in her bonds, not struggling but in unrelieved desire, and her crotch was dripping with cuntal juices. I shifted my focus to her dripping snatch. I carefully drew her bloomers tight over the pudenda. The crotch was thoroughly drenched with the fluids of arousal, and the cotton cloth stuck and snuggled close to her almost hairless flesh. Thus the slit was clearly outlined and an extremely exciting smell emanated from it: The smell of a young virgin in the midst of her first truly sexual experience. I gripped the bloomers tightly, above and below the girls slit and tugged. Up and down, letting the soaked cloth slice into the sensitive flesh. Then I again grabbed the hairbrush and submitted Angela's pussy to a spanking where I aimed more for pleasure, than for pain. I wanted her to wildly excited by the time I was finished, and that was not difficult. The wet, resounding slaps of beech-wood hitting flesh covered in soaked cotton cloth was making us both wild. Angela's nether lips visibly swelled and tightened as blood flowed to her abused privates. Juices incessantly dribbled from her slit and beneath its cotton prison her clitoris was throbbing and stiffening, begging to be sucked, or touched, to be exploded. Unwittingly the bound girl pushed her abdomen upwards in a rhythm matching mine, meeting my devious slaps, and rubbing against the wood of the brush. I paused my spanking, and she didn't stop her abdominal twitchings. The bound beauty was sensuously presenting her most intimate parts, not only to my eyes, but also to my abusive hairbrush! She loved it! She loved lying there, bound and gagged and having her wet pussy spanked! I marvelled at my luck in seducing this girl, and then brutally ripped her lacy bloomers apart, exposing her naked vulva. Angela gasped but did not stop pressing her lightly haired mound up towards me. What a sight! Her young cunt was covered in a short brown fuzz and my spankings and her undeniable excitement had not only made copious amounts of juice lubricate her snatch, but had also caused her labia to puff up and obtain a deep red colour. Her virgin slit nested between these roughly stimulated, blood-filled walls of female flesh and at the very top her young excited clitoris thrust forward its hooded protuberance, begging for my lips and the manipulative skills of my fingers. But such delicacies would have to wait a little more. I straddled her bound body, with my back towards her face, and took care to wriggle my behind seductively and let her feel my slick wetness on her bare skin. I knew her eyes were glues to my well-formed buttocks as I bent down towards her most intimate treasure and let my warm breath caress her lewdly exposed flesh. Then I passed the bristly side of the hairbrush lightly over her vulva a few times, carefully letting the bristles prick and torture Angela's vulnerable labia. She protested behind her gag, and I let her know who was in charge by letting her taste the wooden side of the brush spanking her naked privates. That stopped her protests, and made the flow of secretions from her snatch increase. Angela was indeed a girl who enjoyed being submitted to the indignity of being bound and helpless and having her intimate spots stimulated by a knowing Mistress! I now wanted my captive girl to show her appreciation of the treatment I was subjecting her to, so I turned around, quickly removed my nightgown and started fondling and caressing my sopping slit through the drenched material of my bloomers. I carefully pulled the material tight so it outlined my slit and then bundled the cotton at the crotch of the bloomers and used it to bisect my cunt, passing it up and down my wet, slick snatch and letting Angela enjoy the sight of her Mistress' privates. She avidly watched my erotic antics, and her eyes followed me, as I briefly moved away to remove my bloomers and when I returned I knew she was ready. Without further ado, I removed her gag and the silken scarf drenched in my juice which she was sucking on, and resumed my straddling position over her upper body. - Now, Angela. Beg to service me... She found her voice, but was not coherent. - Mmphgl.. I.. , Please... - Come now, you naughty slut, ask to be allowed to taste my slit, your Mistress' wonderful pussy - Pl..Please... may.. I... She was delirious. Swept away by my knowing treatment of her body and mind. My womanly smell was making her senses reel, and the sight of my bared cunt, inches away from her mouth, stimulated her most secret fantasies. A few slaps on her hot cheeks brought her back into the world. - Beg, Angela, you want it... you want to taste my delicious juice... you want to please me, your Mistress' ... you have your duty as my Sapphics love-slut and slave-girl... Beg! - Please.. please... Imogene.. I slapped her roughly. - No Imogene now! Mistress' Imogene, or Ma'am! - Please.. Mis.. Mistress... Imogene... please.. let me.. let me taste your... - My delicious cunt juice.. - Please let me taste, your.. delicious... c...cu... cunt juice, Mistress.... - Well done, Angela. You're learning... And I grabbed her head and shoved her face into my dripping snatch, wild with desire for the sweet touch of her virgin tongue. I love having a new girl lap pussy! It's such a thrill to convert them to the smell, taste and touch of wet aroused girl-flesh! Ahhh, to feel a new slave-girl's tongue doing a first exploration of my pussy, having her tongue-fuck me and gently suck my erect clit! That is what I enjoy! And your Mother, dear Heather, is a born pussy licker. She took to it like a duck to water. Her virgin tongue was all over my drenched flesh, probing, experimenting, and savouring the treat of pleasing me orally. I repositioned myself, so I was facing her legs, and I got ready for the final attack on the sex of this luscious girl. With Angela happily slurping away between my thighs, I once again took my trusted hairbrush and lubricated the handle with some pussy cream. Without warning I then pushed the handle through Angela's tight anal sphincter, causing a short, heavily muffled exclamation from her. I ignored her protestations and she was soon enough enjoying this new sensation of having her bottom penetrated. She even started to move her butt, impaling herself on the wooden shaft. As I felt her suck strongly on my rock-hard clitoris, I decided to reciprocate and allowed myself the first real taste of Angela's young pussy. She was ready for me, her clit was throbbing and aching for release and she was rapidly approaching the crescendo. All I had to do was give her upper slit and the erect bit of erogenous flesh a few tentative licks. Then stop and grind my own sopping cunt in her face, speeding up my own release. And then it came. The flooding. The eruption and dissolution of sensate perception. A rocking and a shivering starting in my loins. I drummed my ankles on the sheets and air left my lungs in explosive gasps. I tightened my thighs round Angela's head and rode her face in a demented frenzy, and even as I melted and dripped all over her in a mighty orgasmic release, I sucked her tormented nubbin into my warm engulfing mouth and bit carefully and without much force. She screamed then, in wild abandon and her bound limbs fought against the bondage. Her distended arse-hole clenched convulsively around the wooden intruder I had inserted, and wave after wave of electric shakings passed over her young body. Then, finally, she spent all of her pent-up excitement and achieved her first real orgasm in a long delicious shuddering, muttering incoherently into my pussy, which was plastered to her sweaty face. - Ohhhh... Imogene...., Mistress... thank you... thank you...It's ohhh... wonderful... I then released her, knowing she was mine to own and command, and kissed her deeply, rejoicing in tasting my own intimate scent on her. She eagerly kissed me back, thankful and seduced by the explosive experience I had subjected her to. - And since then, Heather, you dear Mother has been my most loyal and devoted servant!

Chapter 11: Where our heroine receives her deserved punishment and finds release

It was beyond belief: I was lying there blindfolded, naked and bound, and my Governess was telling me a story of how she years ago seduced and enslaved my Mother into sexual servitude. And it tickled my imagination in an extremely disturbing manner! And while spinning her tale, Miss Brown occasionally caressed and fondled my exposed buttocks, twisted my nipples or kissed my eager lips. What help the most, though, to keep me in a permanent aroused state was her trick of once in a while lowering her voice and whispering her lewd story into my ear, licking and kissing my sensitive lobes and blowing gently into my inner ear. Thus, when she had finished her tale, I was close to spending, purely by this combination of the fervid imaginations of my mind and Miss Brown's careful orchestration of caresses and story telling. - Now, Heather. You've waited long enough! It's time for your discipline session. However, I want your legs spread more, so I'll connect them to a spreader bar. That ought to give me a much easier access to your naughty little girl pussy and your sweet arse-hole! Without further ado, Miss Brown proceeded to spread my legs to the fullest and attached them to a bar suspended form the ceiling. Warm breath caressed my lewdly exposed privates and I felt My Mistress' fingers gently spread my slick and puffed labia. Then a pricking sensation followed and I knew a hairbrush was being used to blissfully torture my most intimate parts. - Yesss - a hairbrush, dipping in the viscous fluids excreted from a virgin pussy. The bristles gently scraping exposed membranes, reddening that most private flesh. Ahhh... I do love using such an implement on a bound and naked, helpless girl. The rough caress. The hard resonant smack on sensitised skin glistening with warm girl-juice. And hard smacks danced invigorating on my vulva and buttocks. I yelped behind my soggy gag and the degrading treatment of my bound body was hazing my mind. I knew of nothing but my Governess in that hour, helpless on her table. She was my world and my very centre of being and I was there at her mercy and to please her. And her pleasure was to let a wooden hairbrush spank and teasingly agonize my vulnerable slave-girl's pussy. Something cold was suddenly smeared at the entrance to my bowels! - I'll penetrate your darling little rosebud soon - and a bit of lubrication is necessary... A finger passed, none too gently, my tight anal ring and did an exploratory massage of my innards. I found it extremely degrading to be violated in this manner, but the promise of more to come, and the ministrations of my Mistress, soon caused waves of involuntary pleasure to pass from that sensitive spot to the rest of my body. - Yes, Heather. You like to feel my finger up your tight naughty arse, don't you? What a luscious little slave-slut you are... Feel my finger inside you... in... and out... and in again... abusing your bottom... causing those delightful sensations of pure depraved pleasure you are feeling... lust... you're a wanton minx, Heather... a kitten to be enslaved by a Mistress... by me... ! In, out, in... Her finger roughly abused my clenching anal canal, but I soon learned to relax and follow her inciting rhythm. I tried, in fact, to thrust my sore behind up towards her finger, wanting it to fill me out totally, wanting it all inside my compliant arse. Seeking the seductive degradation my Governess was so cleverly subjecting me to. - Good, Heather! You will be a willing subject for some severe bottom discipline, I see! Moving that firm bum of yours up on my finger... and down... Yesss, let me feel you fuck my finger with your arse-hole... God... what a lewd slut you are... It will be a pleasure to train you... First I'm going to fill up this hole with something more substantial... She removed her finger with a soft plopping sound, and I bemoaned the loss. But I did not have long to wait. Miss browns finger was replaced with something cold, round and slippery. She inserted it gently, slowly pressing it past my constricting sphincter, which opened and let the object through, then closed again, but not completely. A knob was inside me, but another was waiting to be let in. - This is a knobbly staff, made from ivory, and perfectly fitted for anal training of such girls as you! I've had it made especially in Paris, and found it useful on many occasions. It simply consists of a series of rounded, well-polished spherical knobs with a diameter of about half an inch. So when the staff is inserted - or withdrawn - it creates first a distension of the rosebud and then a succeeding contraction. Such a succession of distension and contractions is perfectly suited to heighten the sensitivity of the anal ring and channel, and thus train young girls to be good little bum-sluts! The rounded knob inside me rotated gently and my anus was again forced open by another knob on its way towards my innards. Open... clench... open... clench... A seemingly endless succession of ivory knobs passed my elastic muscle and filled my anal passage. Filled me completely. There was nothing I could do. I was in her power. Absolutely. Immobilized, my virgin bum-hole filled with an unnatural intruder, blindfolded, gagged and sucking on my Mistress panties. Itching for her touch. Longing for dark unpromised release, my body sang its high-strung aria of seductive torment. And then a wooden hairbrush smacked relentlessly on my bared mound, already so resoundly spanked by Miss Brown. Tortured flesh protested and I gasped for air beneath my silken gag, surprised at this painful attack on my vulnerable privates. The spanks continued, though not so hard, and now the staff inside my arse was slowly withdrawn, thus lavisciously caressing my sensitised anus and anal passage. Mistress Brown did not wholly withdraw it - when just a few knobs remained inside me, she moved it inwards again, all the time keeping up her subtle smacking of my pussy, concentrating on my puffy labia. After a while numbness set in. I felt only my roaring blood and the rhythmic arse-fucking miss Brown was administering. Somewhere I passed a peak and rushed down into a valley of pure glacial pleasure. Caught between a rock and a hard place, I let go and my centre of being dissolved, into a muscular channel clenching a knobbly staff of pure ivory and an abused pussy where rushing blood throbbed in a steely erect clitoris. But, to my utmost disappointment, just before I reached the very brink, my world stopped and pleasure gradually subsided into a velvety background. My Mistress' voice dripped into my ear. - No, Heather, not yet... You may not have that desired release until I command you to... But what a wonderful receptive ass-hole and pussy you have! Labia dark red and swollen, and your stiff clitoris, wet with slick pussy-juice... You will surely be able to have an orgasm purely by having your pussy spanked and being bottom-fucked! But such luxury will have to wait... you are after all, here to be punished! She removed my blindfold, but left the gag in place and for a while she softly caressed my face and even kissed my cheeks and forehead, whispering endearments into my ears. I loved her, and I loved being her private slave-girl, I loved the attention she was lavishing on me, and the subtleness, which she used to deliver her measured doses of pain and pleasure. My eyes showed it, because she smiled and kissed my eyelids. - I know, dear Heather, I know... And believe me, I am very excited and pleased with your love and responsiveness to my training! You are a girl who definitely takes well to strict discipline! Was I? I knew only that this depraved and worldly woman had totally seduced me to her seditious ways. I was hers, with my entire body and soul, to command and dominate. Miss Brown started to caress and fondle my naked bosom. She also used her mouth to wet my nipples and sucked strongly on the nibs of flesh, causing them to swell and stand up proudly from my bosom. She then applied a strange contraption, which she told me was also made special for her in Paris. It consisted of two glass cylinders, about an inch and a half in diameter, fitted with a valve and connected to what looked like a bicycle pump with rubber hoses. Miss Brown applied a thin layer of Vaseline to the cylinders and then fitted them over my nipples. She then used the pump to create a vacuum inside the glasses. The effect was astounding! My erect nipples were sucked into the cylinders, along with some breast-flesh, which fitted tightly inside the glass. The sucking action weirdly titillated my girly bosom, more so when Miss Brown released the pressure only to renew the sucking action. My nipples seemed to grow to enormous proportions, and felt ready to explode. Blood suffused into the manipulated flesh, which turned a vivid red. The vacuum was then pumped to its maximum and the valves were closed. My Governess removed the rubber hosing, leaving only the two glass cylinders closely fitted on my breasts, keeping my nipples in perverse imprisonment. The continuous action of the vacuum caused pinpricks in my sensitive nipple-flesh and a further swelling. A deep, throbbing pleasure started to grow within my chest and spread to all parts of my body. My bottom was plugged, my breasts in a vacuumised prison, my young body in bondage. What more was I to be subjected to? Pinching, pulling and fondlings of my pulsating pussy-lips it seemed. Miss Brown turned her attention to my young, lubricating sex and used her fingers to explore my virgin channel and to rub my outer labia. I writhered in my strict confinement. My anal muscles clenched spasmodically on the intruder filling my bowels, and my nipples were vibrating in sympathetic waves. Then a sharp, punishing stab of searing pain hit my vulnerable flesh as my labia were pinched relentlessly, continuously. First one poor flap was tortured thus, then he other. I would have screamed if I could. Instead I convulsed. - Shush, Heather! Lie still, girl. Soon you will feel nothing but a small numbness. These are clamps. Steel clamps fitted with India rubber. They bite for a bit and then the pain recedes. I want them here because they provide such wonderful access to your sweet, virgin hole. And my Mistress was right, of course. Soon the pain subsided and only a dull ache remained. My agonized body calmed and I heard a rattle from chains. Miss Brown had fitted the clamps to metal chains and now she pulled my poor pussy open and fastened the chains to the bar above me. My swollen labia were stretched inexorably up and outwards, lewdly exposing my very innards to the eyes of my Governess. Her breath cooled my wetness and soothed my abused privates. Fingers gently tap-danced on my taught membranes and delved in honeyed juices. A pause. Then she towered above me in all her majesty. I drank her with my eyes and shivered. Chains rattled gently. Her eyes found mine. Solemn. Promising. Loving. - I'm going to take you now, dear Heather. You will belong to me, body and soul. I'll take your virginity, fill your sweet body and make you mine. And you will love it. You will love loosing your precious virginity to a caring Mistress, an accomplished Dominant, and your slave-girl body will experience such a shattering orgasm, of an intensity you have never been touched before. I'll fuck your delicious little body now, fuck your sweet little clamped pussy. Are you ready for me? My eyes surely provided the answer, and she smiled gently and then disappeared from my sight. When she reappeared she had an astounding contraption fitted between her voluptuous thighs. She had taken off her panties and from the hairy triangle fully visible below the hem of her corset jutted what looked liked a long, thick male member! Miss Brown moved close to my head, fingering the obscene protuberance and watching my reaction. - This, my dear Heather, is my olisbos, my godemiche. With this tool I will penetrate your hymen and make a perfect slave-girl out of you. This tool, made from the finest crafted leather, will penetrate far into your virgin pussy, and fill you in a manner, which you have never experienced before. At the same time it will provide for my pleasure! You notice how the shaft is actually embedded in my own sex. This is a double godemiche, for the satisfaction of the Mistress as well as the slave-girl! While I treat your bound body to the exquisite pleasure of being forcefully raped by a dominant woman, I will ride the other end of the shaft, thrusting and counter-thrusting, connected with you through the olisbos filling us both. Without further ado, my Governess then removed the artificial male member from her wet innards and caressed my face with the slick, juice dripping leather! The smell was overpowering. The intoxicating scent of a lewd and lusty woman mingled with the aroma of leather. Drops of Miss Brown's cuntal excretions dribbled onto my flushing cheeks. They seemed to burn me. My Mistress then removed my gag, but before I could utter a sound, she filled my mouth with the bulbous head of the instrument so recently buried inside her. I gagged on the leather, but she relentlessly slid it in and out of my mouth. The taste of her suffused me, overpowered me and I was soon avidly sucking on the lewd object. - Ahh, I thought you'd like that, Heather! Cleaning my member with your mouth, savouring the taste of your Mistress! And now, sweet slave, you must beg to be fucked by me. You must plead, with feeling, for me to make you a real woman. Otherwise I might just be inclined to leave you here, bound and helpless. Beg, Heather, beg me to fill your virgin cunt with my godemiche. Somewhere among the stars my voice was lost, and it took its time returning. Meanwhile Miss Brown gently inserted the leather penis into her nether opening, so again it protruded proudly from her loins. I knew my plight and my duty. I was a helpless slave-girl, in severe bondage, getting my deserved punishment and promised dark pleasure. My whole being craved it. As a sacrificial virgin, I offered myself to this imposing High Priestess of forbidden love. - Miss Brown... Mistress.. I.. Will you please.. please make me a real.. woman.... - And how should I do that? - By.. please, Mistress... please fuck ... me .. Mistressss..... There, it was out in the open. My shame and degradation. My wants and desires. My lust. I wanted to be thoroughly fucked by this magic and magnificent creature of my sordid dreams, towering above me, stroking her leather protuberance. - Why, yes, my lewd little tart! Of course I will fuck you, and take your precious virginity. I adore fucking young sluts like you, and making them beg for it! Beg some more, Heather! Ask to have your pussy filled and stretched with my olisbos! So I begged, and whimpered, and wanted her, ohhh so fiercely wanted her, to stick that fearsome organ up into my innards and provide me the promised release, which was all I cared for at that moment. My Governess obliged by moving, so she stood between by spread legs. She playfully slapped my torrid buttocks, causing me to move involuntarily and hence further painfully stretch my clamped nether lips. Then the bulbous head of the fake male member teased the slick entrance to my love-channel, and almost forgotten sensations started in my clenching bottom as my Mistress now relentlessly plugged my anus with the knobbed rod. In and out it went and my tortured flesh pulsed around it. My pussy widened to accommodate the godemiche. Suddenly heat erupted in my right breast, then the left. Miss Brown had removed the glass cylinders crowning my bosom and warm blood rushed to my erect, tingling nipples. Then the bristles from the hairbrush roughly scraped over the sensitive buds and they hardened still further. My arse was still being raped and now my Mistress relentlessly forced her way into my drenched pussy. She filled me completely I hardly noticed the tiny rupture, when the hymen broke. A short sharp pain. Then she was through and continued her strong forward motion until she was embedded inside me. The sensitive walls of my opened pussy vibrated around her shaft. The abuse of my poor bottom continued, but all tracks of even the slightest pain had gone. I rode her knobbed staff, pushing towards it. Begging her to increase her speed. Wanting her inside me. All my muscles tensed. I was a lowly slave girl being taken by her Mistress. She owed me. Forever. Inside me she was. Every part of me filled with her. My sphincter alternating relaxation with stretching. In and out. In and out. And now also my clamped pussy. Filled to the brim. Overflowing with girly juice, as she picked up speed. In and out. In and out. Hard fingers tweaked my nipples, and then a warm mouth engulfed my bosom. She moved above me. Oh, wonderful. Please.. I want you to... please.. ohhh its soo good... I... I lose myself, and become simply this: A bound slave girl at her Mistress' mercy. Loving it. Wanting it. Clamps are removed. Red, hot, burning blood floods my sensitive flesh. Tumescent. Throbbing. Unknown muscles clench the twin shafts buried inside me. She picks up her rhythm. Riding me. Subjugating me. Then, for an eternity, she hovers immobile above me. Whispering for me to keep completely still. Unmoving beneath my Mistress I am lost in Limbo and tears cloud my vision. Ohh... I want this so much... My poor, tantalized, tortured, teased body begs for the ultimate release. My eyes, my tears beg. I want her to take me beyond the brim, and let the delights of the void fill me. My flower twitches against her stiff intruding shaft. My openings are stuffed with her. The erectile, stiffened flesh of my pleasure bud wails in frustration. And still she is quiet above me. Drinking in my complete surrender and reading my wants in my young eyes. So wise and clever, this devilish woman! Playing me like a fine-tuned instrument and then stopping just as the crescendo is about to break out. Her hypnotic whisper enters my sluggish mind and becomes my only point of focus. - Now, Heather, I fill you and you are mine. My little Sapphic love slave. My own little pleasure girl. You may not spend without my explicit permission. You are mine to command and live only to serve me and my wants. I know you are right on the brink, ready to explode. But you may not, not until I give the word. I'm close myself, very close, and when I'm ready, I'll tell you to come. And come you will! Your ass-hole will come, twisting around that knobbly staff I've inserted. Your bosom will explode and come, your stiff nipples pulsing with orgasmic bliss. Your spanked bottom will heat unbearably and tingle with hot blood. Your sweet, juicy pussy will clench my olisbos, and your stiff clitty will provide that final relief you crave so much. But I need to stay your spending for a short while, so thus.... SLAP! SLAP! The hairbrush danced on my bosom, and on my already fiery buttocks, and the rough bristles caressed my wet, penetrated sex and even dragged over the nubbin, so steely erect at the top of my slit. No pain was there. I was beyond pain and had gone into the land of lust, where pleasure and pain are indistinguishable and intermingle freely, but my need for release abated slightly. Then, relentlessly, keeping my eyes in her own, she fucked me. Roughly, with much force, driving her shaft like a piston inside me. Riding her own embedded shaft, squelching in juice. And her face stiffened, and then relaxed as a long moaning sound escaped her perfect lips. Sweat was on her brow as she finally gave the magic words and shuddered convulsively over me. - Ohhh... Heather, you naughty sweet slut... You want it... so beg me... beg me to come... And from somewhere inside me, I heard a young woman find a voice and beg her beloved Mistress for release: - Yesss, Ohhhh... you're so good... to me.... Mistresssss... I can't ... Please let me... pleeeeease may I come, Ohh.. beloved Mistress... Governess... Miss ... let me... cooooommmme..... - Yeeeeesssss.... Yes... slave... Heather... Come for your Mistress... as I come... together... come... spend my dear, ohhhh... spend... So I, subjugated, seduced into sexual slavery, finally achieved the desired peak under the competent treatment of Miss Brown. Who herself through her fucking of me reached orgasm. And as she had promised me, my whole body reacted. I melted on her twin shafts, and then rose again convulsively to clasp them inside me. My poor abused bottom wriggled in incontrollable spasms and my bosom seemed to sparkle in an electric ejaculation. Juice moisturized my sensitive innards and my naked body twitched in its bonds. Time and time again I mindlessly thrust my hips upwards, impaling myself in the deep throes of my orgasm, on the olisbos of my Mistress. Muscles clenched the intruding tool and an echoing sensation came from my penetrated bottom. Blood pulsed freely in my recently unclamped pussy-lips and they throbbed with increased sensation. My raw clitoral nubbin was stiffer than ever before and it became my centre and my world, as it led the final orgiastic spasming of my bound body. Years afterwards, but still in strict bondage in Miss Brown's rooms, I came to myself, still impaled on her twin shafts, and met her loving laughter with a tentative smile. - You're good, my girl. Believe me, you're good! I'll have so much to teach you....! And her kisses were hot and delightful on my wet face.

  1. In which our heroine is introduced to the art of the enema by a competent German maid and achieves an explosive release.

In the following weeks, our quiet life at the Manor changed pace. Miss Brown exerted her influence over my mother, and gradually all the staff was replaced. With women, of course. Women who wore very low-cut and daring uniforms, and who were definitely not subservient to me and mother! They in fact only answered to my Governess and took many liberties with me, as I was quickly to realise. One of the first servants to go was my personal maid, who was replaced by a formidable woman of German origin. Her name was Gretchen, and she must have been close to 6 feet tall. She was blond, wore her hair in twin braids, and processed the most formidable bosom I'd ever seen. She dressed provocatively in short, pleated skirts of black satin and tight, white shirts over a snug corset the further enhanced her ample breasts. High heeled boots and silken stockings finalized her attire. She made my position very clear the first morning: - I know that you are Mistress Brown's little slut, Heather. And you must realise that whatever I do is under strict orders from her. You must obey me, as you do your Governess, otherwise you'll be punished severely. Is that clear? What could I answer? Miss Brown had found and nourished my inherent need to be dominated by a strong decisive Mistress, and she had woken my suppressed submissive sexuality into full bloom. It was therefore with a certain tingling in my young body that I demurely responded: - Yes, that is clear A strong arm flew out and hit my behind with unabated force, taking me completely by surprise. - I'm Mistress Gretchen to you, tart, and I trust you'll give me proper respect in the future! On your knees! I hurried to comply, knelt before this strange woman, and tried to remedy my mistake. - Yes, Mistress Gretchen, I understand. I'll be certain to show respect in future. - Fine! Now lick my boots to show you understand. I tasted the fine leather of her handmade boots and was even allowed to kiss my way up to the hem of her black skirt. It excited me, to have this foreign maid dominate me, who should be her Mistress. Miss Brown had achieved her goal in a very short time. I longed to be under discipline and yearned with all my body for the debased sexual release this could provide for me, if allowed. - She has you well trained, bitch! What a little Sapphic slut you are. Licking my boots and most certainly longing to lick other parts of my clothing.. eh? - Yes, Mistress Gretchen. - So... where would you like to have your slaves tongue licking me.. huh? - I.. I would like to lick.. your .. panties..., Mistress... There, I said it out in the open. I wanted to lick this woman's panties and taste her crotch. I was indeed a slut, a trained Sapphic slut. - Well, I have been told that you have a talented tongue. That you are good at providing pleasure for a Mistress... We'll see about that.. I might later allow you a taste of me. But first I have been told to give you an enema... - An... enema.., Mistress? - Yes, an enema.. You know what that is, don't you? I did indeed, though I had not been treated to many and remembered them with dread. I shuddered, and the German maid noticed. - Ach, mein liebling. Do not be scared. Gretchen knows how to give a nice enema to a girl like you! Come, let's get ready. She took me to the spacious bathroom, where I was surprised to see a leather-covered massage-table had been put, along with a contraption on wheels on which was hung a rubber bag connected to rubber hoses. Beyond doubt, this must be meant for the enema. I shuddered in terror at the unknown indignities to come, and prayed for this woman to be lenient with me. Her first order, was for me to undress completely, and kneel on the table. I complied, somewhat reluctantly as I was still unsure of her, and felt vulnerable being naked in front of her. Her blue eyes seemed to glue to the most intimate parts of my young body as I stood before her, without my flimsy nightgown and the silken panties I had slept in. She motioned towards the table, and I climbed onto it, and she gently positioned me on my elbows and knees and with my thighs spread. My behind was thus lewdly exposed to her frank stare and I tried to move my knees together, as inconspicuously as possible. Mistress Gretchen noticed, of course, slapped my bared bottom and forced them open again. - Naughty girl, Heather! You must do as I tell you - or I will punish you. I, too, have my orders, you know! Now - a warming up seems to be called for....! Her hands gently caressed my vulnerable flesh and I clenched my butt-cheeks. Then slaps started raining on my ass. Not hard, just persistent and insisting. I yelped and again pulled my knees together. She shook her head and clucked. - Ach so. You want to be gagged and immobilised. You are that kind of girl, I take it. A girl who likes to be in bondage and feel the ropes and chains while she is punished. Yes, a slut like you wants it like that, neh? Her hands softly caressed my back, gliding through my hair, stroking my face. - I like that! I adore girls like you. Young frillies who love the strict punishment, but who must be forced to admit it... Ahh, such games, we can play, mein kleiner Sklavin! Look at me! She stood in front of me, spread her ample thighs and lustily caressed her pussy through the black silken panties. Her slit was soon wet and as her self-induced excitement grew, her copious secretions moisturized the fabric. Then she bundled the slick panties into her slit, drenching it in her female dew. Slowly, ever so slowly, right in front of my eyes, she then took the panties of, carefully bared the moist crotch and licked it! I watched, captivated, and the smell of her female arousal wafted to my nostrils, causing a dormant excitement to awaken in my young body. - You like this, Heather! I can see it in your eyes. You like the smell of a woman, eh? Well, my little slave-girl, you shall have it! And with those words, she bundled the panties into a ball, and stuffed them into my mouth. I gagged on the fragrant silk, but she was right: I did like it! Miss Brown had taught me well, and my sexual arousal was fine-tuned to react to domination and to the lewd words and sexual fragrance of a grown woman. My own girly pussy was starting to get wet, my nipples were stiffening and my so recently slapped bottom was warm and tingling, adding to my sweet arousal. And now, gagged with this unknown woman's sexual scented underwear, Mistress Gretchen's taste enveloped me. It was strong, sharper and more ripe than Miss Brown's. The pungent aromas overwhelmed me, and I eagerly sucked on my gag. Gretchen laughed softly, then proceeded to secure my wrists and ankles to the table with leather cuffs connected with metal chains. My upper arms were also cuffed and tightly chained, so I was soon effectively immobilised, bottom up, head down, legs spread to the utmost. Wet with anticipation and slurping on the scent of the German maid. - I'll warm you now, Heather. Make your firm little arse nice and rosy. And hot. I'm going to paddle you, you see. With my favourite paddle. She showed me the implement, that was to be used for my upcoming discipline. It was made from supple, well-used leather and she slapped it hard into her palm a few times, where it gave a sharp sound at impact. I wondered how it was going to feel on my vulnerable behind, and shuddered. I didn't know this woman at all, and now I was totally at her mercy. Bound, gagged and about to be thoroughly spanked with a leather paddle that had seen much use. On many girls, just like me, I strongly suspected. This German maid seemed proficient in the art of providing strict discipline and humiliation to young girls. Excitement grew inside me. Anticipation. Waiting for the heat, the kiss of leather. The pain. I longed for it. I really did. I had gone beyond all decency and respectful behaviour. I had become a lowly, naked, lustful slave-slut craving the debauched sexual discipline that only a dominant woman could subject me to. And it was about to begin. Another chapter in my spiralling descent into volouptous slavery. The paddle hit me. Not very hard. But hard enough to send my right buttock into a hot quiver. Then the left. - Ach, such spankable buttocks you have, Liebchen! Firm and very resilient. A pleasure to use my paddle on! And she did. In a rapid series of increasing hardness she proceeded to heat my quivering flesh with the paddle. It stung, and it was at times even painful, but she was not hard on me, and once in a while, every 5 spanks or so, she would stop. And then her hot breath and soft tongue would play over my heated bottom, soothing the fires of the spanking, but causing others to arise. A few times her fingers even caressed my sex, oh so lightly. Just gently tapping, sliding over my exposed nakedness. And for one exquisite moment I had her tongue just over my anal opening, almost licking that dark, forbidden rimmed muscle. She now prepared me for the enema by lubricating a nozzle connected to a filled rubber bag with a whitish cream. She also carefully, using her forefinger only, spread the cream over my tightly clenched anal opening and even penetrated my reluctant arse with her stiff digit. I shuddered and moaned behind my silken gag, fearful of the ordeal yet to come. Gretchens invading forefinger slid in and out of my young bottom, gently lubricating my inner membranes and even softly caressing my insides. Providing pleasure, but also reminding me of my situation. I was helpless. Exposed to the utmost. My little hole back there, nested between my reddened buttocks, was hers to play with and titillate. I was just a naughty slut, about to be punished for not following the orders of this formidable German maid. And a heat wave spread out into my naked body. Waiting, expectant, I knew I wanted her to violate me and own me and feed the fires in my shivering flesh. Then the nozzle entered my dark anal passage, pressing its way deep into my bowels. To my surprise I wanted it there, wanted the degrading penetration, and I pressed my heated bottom towards Gretchen, who chuckled in delight and playfully slapped me a few times. - So. Ready or not, Heather - here it comes! Luke warm liquid flowed into me, filling me up and distending my innards. It was not unpleasant, to be filled thus. Only very depraved to be doing it as part of a punishment routine of explicit sexual nature. I was forced to take another 1/2 gallon, and the pressure became almost unbearable. As Gretchen removed the nozzle and replaced it with a rubber plug, I sweated profusely and had difficulty in not expelling the liquid. But I knew I wasn't allowed to and managed to quiet down. - Ahh, wonderful! Such a pretty sigh you are! All spread and ready and with filled bowels. Go with I, Heather. Feel how it distends you bowels, how it presses on your innards. Enjoy! And she kneaded my painfully extended belly, almost making me expel the plug. - Now for the real torment....! The German maid proceeded to spank my already sore behind with her devilish leather paddle. Every time the implement hit my seared flesh, the liquid inside me would move, as I pressed down with the hard slap of the leather on my buttocks. I wanted to get rid of it. It seemed to burn I my bowels, red hot embers inside me. But a some stage, between two merciless slaps, I transcended onto a different plane, and my inflamed body throbbed with a dull persistent hum. A melody of dark and buried desires emerging and breaking into the searing light behind my closed eyes. I bit into the pungent panties in my mouth and the hum devoured me, strumming my nerves into a single fiber of want. Then it stopped, the paddling, though by now I wanted it to go on for ever. And roughly the panties were removed and in stead my face was buried between the ample thighs of Gretchen. I hummed and slurped in viscous juice and delved into her aromatic womanhood with a stiffened tongue. She soon exploded around me in rhythmic twitchings and still humming, with a burning need I was released and led to the toilet. She stood before me, an apparition from my buried dreams, and my eyes were lost in hers. - Now spread you legs... yes, gut... and take hold of the plug.. Look at me! You are going to come when you are ordered to take out the plug... Hnn.. understand? I could barely nod, my whole body vibrating, my need beyond me, drowning in her hoarse, throaty whisper. She moved so close, I had to look up in order to maintain eye contact. Then her hands started slapping my girly breasts, pinching stiff nipples and kneading the softness roughly. Then she grabbed my erect nubbins between thumb and forefinger and pulled both my breasts out from my chest. A dreaming smile crossed her face. - Now, little girl. Now, Heather. You may take the plug out of your tight bottom and you will come, when you do it. Now! She played me so forcefully and so well, this German maid! With fumbling hands I found the plug and as I removed it and my bowels in rhythmic spurts expelled the brownish liquid into the porcelain bowl beneath me, the vibrations reached a powerful crescendo. With tortured nipples pulled by my Mistress, and with spanked bottom red hot burning, I came. Without touching that most intimate spot between my legs, I came. All the time looking into the laughing blue eyes of my maid. Violins screamed and flutes agonized. I came. Cellos murmured and horns blew. I came, endlessly, flowing I came... In the aftermath tubas died and oboes softly lost consciousness. I came to myself in Mistress Gretchen's arms. - Ach, Du kleiner Schlampe... Such a little enema slut you are, Heather! Ganz toll! Did you have a nice orgasm as you expelled you punishment enema? I managed a nod, but she knew how explosive my release had been and she had so deviously orchestrated it herself. After a quick bath I was dressed in a tight fitting pink corset and matching pink ballerina skirt. No panties, but high heeled shoes and white stockings completed the bizarre outfit. To remind me of my status as slave girl, a leather collar was fitted around my neck and a leash clipped to it. Mistress Gretchen then led me downstairs, and over to the stables, to meet Miss Brown.

  1. Our heroine goes for an exciting ride.

Mistress Brown was dressed in tight, black jodhpurs, white shirt and a black jacket. She had on polished riding boots and was carrying a mean looking riding crop in her white-gloved hand. Her hair was collected in a tight bun and her eyes sparkled with that severe glint that I had come to recognize as a sign of her need to discipline. I knelt before her and was allowed to kiss her crop and briefly touch my dry lips to the soft leather of her boots. A sedate mare was pulled over by one of the new grooms, a petite French girl, dressed in a manner similar to Miss Browns. She was introduced as Marie, and I was ordered to kiss her hand, tasting the strong smell of sweaty horse on her skin. Miss Brown now inquired about my morning and Mistress Gretchen gave, much to my chagrin, a detailed account of the punishment I had received. I was ordered to expose my naked rear, and it was inspected closely by my Governess, who even inserted a gloved finger up my cleansed anal passage. Marie watched with a bemused smile, and then went to retrieve a strange-looking saddle. It seemed to have a tooled fitting in the middle, and Marie had a bag with what appeared to be godemiches of different sizes and shapes. These simulated male organs could be screwed into the fitting, and whoever was riding using the saddle would have to be impaled by the device! I knew instinctively what was in store for me, and was filled with dread at the prospect! I was to ride, in my ballerina skirt and corset, with the godemiche buried deep inside me and the movements of the horse causing the implement to relentlessly drill my poor female parts! Ahh - how was I to know the twisted minds of my strict Governess and her perverted consorts! Mistress Brown rummaged in the bag Marie had brought and came up with a tapered plug that appeared to be made from Indian rubber. I then had to bend over, grabbing my ankles, while she lubricated my anus prior to slowly inserting the plug into my anal orifice. Initially it was not painful. My Governess was easy on me and gently teased my nether hole with the greased tip of the device. She would insert it just a bit into my bowels, then withdraw it, only to once again insert it a fraction of an inch more than the time before. Thus she excited my ring muscle, softening it and making it more pliable and ready to accept a bit more of the plug. She took her time, talking to me in a soft voice and a few times caressing my red buttocks and even softly slapping my backside and upper thighs. - So, my little ballerina. You sweet little ass it going to be opened up and stretched by this plug. You enjoyed your enema, I hear. It was to cleanse you thoroughly before this experience. With her rectum stretched a naughty little girl like you is much more easy to control. And you love this. You love having a woman indecently spreading you buttocks and fondling your little rosebud and putting things up into your anus. Don't you, dearie? I wasn't quick enough, so hard slaps rained down on my already fiery bottom. The plug was relentlessly pushed another quarter inch inside me. I gasped, and just barely managed a response. - Y..yes.., Mistress... I.. I like to have my ... bottom... played with.. by you... I like... - You like your little bottom thoroughly fucked, Heather! That's what you like..! SLAP... SLAP... The plug was pushed further in, then out. In. Out. I even pushed against it. Wanting it. Lusting for it inside me. Filling me. Stretching my nice clean ass hole. The enema had made it so sensitive, so deliciously longing to be caressed, filled. Fucked. But then a pain started in my expanding anus. The plug was opening my tight sphincter more than I believed possible and I felt I couldn't accommodate it. I whimpered, and then begged. - Pl.. please Mistress... It's so huge.. inside me.. I.. I can't take more.. pleeeaase.. SLAP.. SLAP.. SLAP.. - Hush, slut! You'll love having your ass stretched.. just have patience and trust me.. I know what hussies like you deserve.. So she withdrew the plug just a tiny bit, then forcefully pushed it forwards, penetrating deep into my secret parts, violating my poor ass, but also providing a sudden, comfortable pressure. The pain eased as the plugs largest diameter tapered off, and it was all inside me now, hurting but slightly. Filling me. Stretching me. She moved the plug inside me. Back and forwards. Fucking my ass ever so slightly, while her hands fondled my buttocks and evens strayed to my pussy. My suddenly dripping, wet, juicy pussy. The degrading treatment had made me hot and wanton, and I lewdly, without conscious thought, wriggled my newly plugged ass. Above me the three women laughed. - Ahh, I knew it, Heather. Like the sweet, slavish slut you are you soon get over the pain and enjoy the feeling of being dominated and having your tight rectum penetrated. Don't you worry. I'll take such good care of you! Every orifice you have I'll take good care off. I know what you will like, and how to make you spend like you've never spent before. You'll learn, my sweet plaything, you'll learn... Then and there, with these women above me, in utmost degradation, showing my naked, inflamed arse, red from recent spanking, plugged and dressed in revealing clothes, I wanted desperately to learn. Mistress Brown now proceeded to pull and push at the plug buried inside my rectum, forcefully fucking that most secret part of my anatomy. She pulled the plug out, again causing momentary pain in my stretched anal ring, and then pushed it in until it was fully buried all the way to the flat end plate. The pain lessened. My rosebud was learning its lesson, and soon I couldn't wait, but expectantly pushed against the delicious plug as it penetrated deep inside me. Soft slaps rained on my exposed pussy, and I felt an orgasm approaching as I rode the intruder more and more obliviously. Then she stopped, patted my sweaty backside and ordered my to kneel before her. I collected my scattered wits, and did as she ordered. I was allowed to kiss her gloved hand in gratitude, catching a whiff of my own scent on the supple kid leather. - Now Mm. Marie will ready you for you ride, Heather. The petite French girl fitted me with leather bracelets on my wrists and ankles and connected metal chains to the bracelets. She then saddled the mare and fitted a knobbed, but not overly large, olisbos into place. I felt queasy. Marie now helped me mount the horse, and under her close scrutiny I let myself glide slowly downwards on the stiff shaft that protruded so lewdly from the saddle. My pussy was slick with my juice and it was relatively easy to take the shaft into my vaginal passage. I filled me, though, and the double penetration I suffered was stretching my innards to a degree I'd never thought possible. Marie then deftly secured my ankle chains to eyelets set in the leather of the saddle and I was ordered to lie prostate, close to the mares neck, where my wrist-cuffs were secured. Thus I was to ride: Impaled relentlessly on two shafts, one buried to the hilt in my young pussy and connected to the saddle, the other deep inside my ass. Legs spread and fastened so only limited movement was possible. Arms stretched and secured round the mare's neck. There was no way I could escape being penetrated by the double impaling. I could only hope the mare would move carefully! My Governess was soon mounted besides me, as was Marie. It seemed Mistress Gretchen was to stay behind. To my relief Miss Brown and the French girl each grabbed a rein, thus carefully leading the mare I was bound in place on. Strong muscles moved beneath me and the shaft in my dripping snatch echoed the movements. - Heather, Mistress Brown said, You are not to come until I tell you to. I know the olisbos will have a certain effect on you. You are after all a very excitable slave girl. But if you come without permission, you'll be most severely punished. We'll just take a short stroll today, to break you in so to speak. This is a favourite training method of mine. Having a horse beneath you is so exciting, don't just think? Her deep laughter exacerbated the tickling in my spread loins. We rode slowly out into the meadows south of the manor. It was a lovely day, only a few clouds on the blue sky and an early summer freshness in the air. However, I could only concentrate on the implement being forced inside me whenever the mare moved. In all truth I was being treated to a magnificent deep and forceful fucking. The strong smell of horse, the predicament of my position, my total helplessness and the debased position I was in; all this acted to reinforce my sexual excitement and stoke my burning inner fires. I was soon lost in a whirlpool of accelerating lust, riding the sweet shaft, pressing down on the leather saddle to feel it more deeply inside me, relishing the sensation of having my arse plugged so thoroughly as well. Then burning pain whipped across my bared buttocks. I came to my senses as another hard hit from Mistress Brown's riding crop hit me. She was not at all lenient. Undoubtedly she recognized my increased sexual lust and was providing pain in order for me to avoid having an orgasm there and then. I tried to keep still, close to the mare's comforting warmth, but my Governess had a severe cropping in mind, and before she stopped, my bottom was a mass of reddened welts and I was openly crying into the mares mane. But I had not orgasmed! - Thank your Mistress, slut! - T.. Th.. Thank you, Mis.. Mistress..., I blubbered - Thank me for what? - T.. Thank.. you for .. punishing me.. so.. so I did... did.. not.. have an... orgasm...! - Very well. You are welcome, Heather. But that was a close call - you were almost spending your girly juices all over the saddle! Luckily I saw how close you were...! Now: French verbs! So, while we slowly rode around the meadow, I was forced to recite my French verbs, with an imitated male organ buried deep in my wet cunt, a butt plug up inside my tight asshole and a searing pain in my bottom from a rough spanking with a riding crop! Every time I was wrong, Marie was allowed to punish me - and she did not use pain! Instead she pulled out the tapering plug from my backside and inserted it again, sometimes even gently treating me to an anal fucking. My brain at last refused to think in French with any degree of clarity, and my strict Governess gave up on her little game, and instead rode her stallion very close to my mare and let her clever hands caress my blood infused buttocks, titillating the bloodied flesh with her sharp nails and soothing the aching burns. - So, my little girl. Are you my slave and my Sapphic slut? - Yes, Mistress, I rapidly replied. And with fervour. - Good -and do you love me? Again I answered I the affirmative. Truthfully. I could not love anybody more than I loved this formidable female apparition who had appeared in my innocent life and had shown me the depths of decadent depraved, wonderful pleasure! Fingers gently caressed my puffy pussy lips. The shaft I rode on pressed inside me. Miss Brown gripped the end plate of the anal plug and treated my stretched ass hole to a thorough butt-fucking. No pain anymore. My stretched sphincter easily accommodated the plug even at its widest. I loved her possessive treatment of my bound body, moaning into the mane, riding the plug. Riding the shaft in my pussy. Feeling her grip over me. Her force and power. Setting me free. To enjoy, to submit. To love. Then: Release! - You may come, Heather! - Ohh... thank you, Mistress.. you are so good.. to me... Yessss... I'm.. ohhhh... Arghhhh.... Frantic, in a violent rhythm, I rode the horse, the shaft, Mistress Brown's manipulating finger. Screaming. Voicing my need. Pressing down on the mares comforting back. Drowning in the horsey smell, the sweat of my tortured body mingling with my dripping female scent. A slap on the mare's flank let it go its own way, and it cantered away from the other two, with me fastened to its back. Muscles spasmed. Nerves spasmed. My brain blew off, and finally release was possible. Round the meadow the mare ran, with me clinging to it's back. Jabbering incoherently in the throes of a multiple orgasm, as I revelled in the dark desires triggered by the twin shafts in my holes.

Later, much later, I was naked on a blanket spread in the grass, with my tongue buried inside Marie's elastic butt, while she was eagerly lapping the cunt of Mistress Brown. My bottom was cooled by the evening wind and I smelled of horse, and sex and sweet, sharp pain. As Marie's trained anal channel clenched my intruding tongue convulsively, and she came, I used my fingers to bring myself to the brink. But only to - not over. That was the privilege of my Mistress, now and forever, to command my body in all aspects. And I was going to be a good girl and train well. I wanted to be a perfect Sapphic slave to this woman more than anything. And I would be. She knew what I was doing, of course, and she caught my eye and as she herself spent her juices on Marie's clever tongue, she gave me a small, almost imperceptible nod. I stopped touching myself, and simply by watching her face while she came, I, in loving resonance, also came.

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