A Group Off

By Tag Michaels (Tague Michaels)

Published on Aug 15, 2013



This story is based on dream I had last night. It was ongoing in that I woke up, went back to sleep and the dream continued. It was so powerful that I got up at a quarter to 4 and started writing it. I cannot promise that there will be another chapter but be aware that for anything other than jacking off to take place, such a chapter would have to go under the gay adult/youth category. Feedback is always welcome. Please put the story title in the subject line.

Hugs, Tag_m

It was perhaps the single strangest thing I had ever witnessed in my 19 years of life. Not that I'd witnessed a lot you understand but still. Being a gay male, when I look back on it, my dick gets hard as a rock and of course my brain started the "what if" fantasizing and more often than not, I jack off thinking about one of the boys' cocks in my mouth or my cock in one of their asses or vice versa. And the thing was, there were dozens of boys that fueled those fantasies. Anyway. I was a staff member at a campground-slash-retreat for young adolescent boys. I had been an attendee at the retreat from the age of 13 and at age 16 was given a job so became a staff member. My primary duties had been to teach swimming and diving and eventually lifeguarding was added to my list of duties. As a mid-teen I was the only minor on the all adult and all male staff and was the youngest staff member until I left at age 23. The retreat was generally for boys that were in the juvenile justice system for minor offenses. Typically a boy with an extensive criminal record, especially one that contained felonies, sex or violent crimes, was not allowed. Any known gang bangers were not allowed. The purpose of the retreat was to provide some positive role modeling as well as expose the boys to various hobbies and skills that might be helpful to them to turn their lives around and even give them some ideas about what they might want to do with their lives as adults. It was there that I learned to swim and learned basic lifeguarding, which lead to my employment. It exposed them to other skills as well such as team work, healthy competition, social skills and the like. The retreat was 17 days long and don't ask me where or why that number had any significance to anything. Generally 3 retreats were held each summer; one in each in the summer months. It was located on a thousand acre compound that had a large lake as well as a river and various small creeks. The compound was bordered on one side by a national park and two other sides by federal government owned land. In other words, it was quite private. Typically there were 45-50 boys aged 12 through 15 and typically a variety of races were in attendance. When a specific retreat was put together a great deal of time went into making sure than no single race or culture was over represented or more dominant. For anyone who has worked with groups, particularly boys, you know that each group has its own personality which means that rules and expectations have to have some flexibility. Sometimes, as a group, they wouldn't like or want to attend to a specific task or class, or they had a sort of collective behavior. It was an extremely interesting experience each and every time. Fighting, discrimination of any kind, and criminal activity were not allowed and typically the threat of having to leave, of being kicked out, was often the only threat needed to keep the boys in line. The retreat had gotten a great deal of word of mouth press from boys and so each summer there were an abundance of applicants for each session. The boys all slept in one large dormitory, which was where I slept. The reason was to avoid clique's and thus competition between clique's. There was one large shower area that could hold 20 boys at a time. Showers were mandatory and there was an hour set aside each morning and night for that activity and while a boy could shower both times if he chose, only 1 shower a day was required. It was understood by all staff that there would be some sex play among the boys. They were boys after all and being in the throes of puberty with hormones raging constantly, sexual interaction was all but impossible to stop. On the other hand sexual exploration with another boy provided an opportunity to learn and I say that with all honesty and not tongue in cheek. What was not tolerated was coercion, forced sex, bondage or any of that sort of thing. That being said, after lights out in the dorm, soft moans and a rustling of sheets was not uncommon. Boys getting hard in the shower was not an uncommon experience. Catching a boy jacking off in the shower was not uncommon although generally it wasn't an overt thing. In other words, boys didn't generally start jacking off when surrounded by a dozen other boys. But, boys being boys, the need to relieve oneself often just came upon a boy and having a private moment was allowed, although frequent private moments would require being addressed by one of the staff counselors. That boys would have interactive sex was a given so when a staff heard about 2 boys trading blow jobs in the woods for instance, they didn't go ballistic, freak out, or call the boys in for a lecture or counseling session. However, typically we knew the names of the participants so those two were monitored to make sure that it was indeed a fully consensual situation and not coerced, not one sided as it were. So, that being said, the episode that I'm writing about just happened as things sometimes do. Flash mobs in later years are an example although those typically would have some semblance of planning. This particular episode had no planning that I or any staff member was aware of. It was about 1 week into the retreat for this group. The day had been hot, the boys had been busy and had gotten dirty and sweaty, as boys can and will do. They had a free hour to do as they wanted and so the group conscious was to get in the lake to clean up. Nobody wanted to hike back to the dorm to get or to change into swim trunks which would take time away from their free hour so it was to be skinny dipping. Every group of boys goes skinny dipping at least once, that's a given, and an expected activity. Since they had seen each other naked on a daily basis no one appeared to be self-conscious about his body or worried about others seeing them naked. It was no different than any PE class or other activity where boys had to spend some portion of time together naked. Some groups of boys skinny dipped on an almost daily basis, others less so. There is a large grassy area at the edge of the lake for picnics and the like and was an obvious place to go to lie in the sun and dry off, naked or otherwise. So, there I had 48 boys, stripping their clothes off and dropping them on the grass, then running fully naked to leap into the water, cocks a flying and balls a bouncing every which way. There was plenty of laughter and splashing about and an impromptu game of horse took place with 7 sets of participants. I think it a testament to their adaptability as boys to allow a naked boy to sit on their shoulders, or be a naked boy sitting on a pair of shoulder with cock and balls pressed against a neck or the back of a head. Maybe it was that physical closeness that started it. As boys came out of the water they went up onto the soft grass, dropped down to just lay in the hot afternoon sun and what boy doesn't love lying naked in the outdoors. Commonly, a boy will get hard but will either do nothing about it and just hope the thing will go away or go off into the woods for a private moment. No one made a comment one way or another when that happened. Neither of those things happened that day. Someone got a boner and for whatever reason he started to jack off. Nobody said hey look at Justin, he's beatin off. Nobody laughed or said a word. First one boy was stroking his cock, then another boy was stoking his and cupping his balls. Then 5 boys were jacking off, cupping their balls, rubbing a nipple or their belly. Then 10 boys were doing it, then 20. As I wandered among them, my cock was fucking rock hard and wanting to be let loose to join the fun, I didn't see a boy who wasn't hard and not loving himself. It was possibly the most interesting, erotic, and fun experience I'd ever had. The boys were often nestled close enough that legs or shoulders or arms were against the boy next to him. Nobody cared. I watched for a moment as an adorably cute 12 years old worked his small dick with a thumb and index finger, his face a mask of concentration. Off to the side an Asian kid about 14 was stroking his uncut cock, sliding his foreskin to and fro over his swollen cock head, his smooth balls rising and falling between hairless thighs with each stroke. Nobody was in a hurry; to a boy they were taking their time. Once in a while a boy would look to his neighbor for whatever reason but not a word was spoken. I saw a black boy using a reverse grip on his raging black cock, his eyes closed as intense feelings shot through his adolescent body. I watched a white boy with an amazingly huge cock, holding his boyhood pride and joy with both hands as he thrust his hips up and down, fucking his fake pussy, or asshole. I watched another boy roll onto his belly, cup his clothes under his face, begin grinding his cock against the ground, working his tender little butt as if he were fucking. There were all kinds of hand positions, all sizes of cocks and balls, all manner of pubic nests and of course all colors. I watched one kid who was stroking his cock open his eyes to see me watching him. The boy gave me a lazy smile and nodded toward his 6 inch dick clearly inviting me to enjoy it along with him. The boys' balls hung so low they practically touched the ground. Although nick names weren't generally condoned, I heard that some of the boys called him "hangers". More than 1 boy had a hand down under his balls working a finger in his asshole. I watched another boy sit up and bend down to suck his own cock, dragging his boner up in order to get his tongue and lips on it. It didn't take long for the sounds to be heard. There was a lot of moaning and heaving breathing. I heard plenty of "Oh yes" and "Oh god" or just plain "yeah" over and over again. I watched a dark skinned boy with an uncut cock wipe his precum up and lick his finger. In fact I watched a number of boys do that. I watched another Asian kid stick his finger inside his foreskin then work the skin up over his index finger until it reached his second knuckle. God I would have loved to dock with that boy. I saw a chubby boy with a fat cock slowly loving himself with tears running down his face. I squatted next to him and whispered, "Are you okay Sammy?" The boy nodded his head and whispered back to me, "Yeah, it just feels so fucking good." I grinned at him and moved on. As if on cue the sperming started. "Oh fuck," a really cute 13 year old blonde kid muttered. I watched as the boy tugged on his smooth hairless sac, and the boys around him watched as a stream of sperm shot up onto his chest. It was followed by another jet of cum that landed just below the first one. "Fuck, me too," one of the older boys said and the eyes closest to him watched as a jet of cum flew up over his shoulder followed by one that hit his chin, both of them raining down droplets of sperm all along their trajectory. Another boy shot and his sperm twirled out like a bolo-we've all seen that happen- and landed on the leg of the boy next to him. All around were the sounds of boys shooting sperm and when you have that many boys cumming at the same time there is a fair amount of noise. We could hear the sound of beating off, of hands moving quickly up and down a hard cock. There were plenty of moans and groans and like the initial sounds plenty of oh god, oh shit, oh fuck along with I'm cumming, oh fuck I'm cumming, oh goddamn fuck yes, and any number of other epithets. It was incredibly awesome believe you me. When they were finally done, when the last boy squirted, they all just lay there, lazy in the sun, gently stroking their still hard boners, playing with their balls, rubbing their fingers in their freshly shot sperm and in some cases licking it up. Some boys rubbed their bellies, some let their hand rest in the grass next to them. Still, no one said a word and like it had begun; one of them got up to get back in the water to clean up, then two more got up, then 5 and so on. There were a few stragglers and one of them, an adorable 13 year old with long black hair said, "Why didn't you join us Tam, it's easy to see that you have a boner?" My name is Tamlin but most people call me Tam. "I'm not sure it would be appropriate Adam." Of course he said it would be, after all I see them naked and sometimes hard every day since I'm also their dorm monitor. They have seen me naked as well for I use their bathroom and showers too. "Fuck appropriate," he said with a grin, "we all think you're the coolest and there isn't a boy here who wouldn't want to jack off with you." I thanked him for the compliment then swatted his bare butt as he headed off to join the rest of the boys in the lake. I watched them frolic for another few minutes and again, slowly migrate to the grassy area where they formed a loose circle. "Can we process what just happened," a cute young thing by the name of Jericho asked. He was responded to by a large amount of "yeah's". "Does everybody agree that was hot," someone asked and got loud cheers and whistles. "Any negative bullshit?" Again a chorus of no's except for one kid. "I do," he said and when everybody was quiet he said, "I wished Tam had joined us." The cheers and cat calls were even louder. To me he said, "It was hot for me to have you watch us Tam but I think everybody here agrees that it would have been even more fun if you had jacked off with us. I know I'd love to see you shoot your sperm out of your big cock." Since everyone had seen me naked they knew I was well enough endowed although certainly not the largest cock in the group. That belonged to a kid named Michael. Still, we got another round of cheers and cat calls. I thanked them for their confidence but explained that it just wasn't appropriate and of course I got the same response that I'd gotten from Adam except that it was considerably louder and in 40 part harmony. "Does anybody wanna do it again?" The cheers were even louder. "Can we Tam?" I said that as far as I was concerned it wasn't a problem. Then 3 or 4 boys said they really wanted me to join them, assuring me that they would never tell a soul and that got a hell of a lot of responses too. All I could say was "We'll see?" And that got an even louder response. Any reported or witnessed or suspected sexual activity must be reported at evening staffing while the boys are otherwise occupied. I shared with the team what had happened and how it had happened. "Did you want to join them Tamlin," Dr. Eric, the head man and a psychologist as well as medical doctor asked. The entire staff knew I was gay, had known since my first retreat. They also trusted me implicitly so I was safe in voicing my feelings. "A part of me did, yes." When asked what I meant I explained it, which didn't have anything to do with the fact that they were boys but mostly the male bonding experience. "Honestly Tam, I think you would have been safe to participate," Dr Eric said and got head nods from many of the other staff. "You are close enough to their age that they feel safe with you and most of them have enough ego to deal with it." A discussion took place about this group of boys, how they all seemed to bond very quickly and that there was more of a sexual undertone with them than most of the groups we dealt with. It was agreed that there didn't appear to be any predators in the group either so that wasn't it. They were just a group of boys who were more hormonally driven than most and willing to express it. I had told them what the boys said about doing it again and after everyone had gone Dr. Eric said that if I wanted to participate with the group that it was my decision and from a clinical perspective he didn't see that any harm would come of it. "You serve a purpose Tam in that you're a positive role first and foremost and a positive gay role model secondarily. We all know that boys often seek out males older themselves for initial homoerotic experiences and they do so for a variety of reasons but safety is a huge one. I don't need to tell you about being careful but do be aware." I left Dr. Eric and headed toward the dorm where the boys should have been engaged in studying. Dr. Eric had basically given me permission to engage in activities beyond masturbation. The question was, would I even consider jacking off with the group, let alone going to the next level with an of the boys.

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