A Hogwarts Shorty

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Jul 9, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

I know Harry Potter stories are many and some of them are very good too. I suppose I got going on this one owing to watching the first HP film on the goggle box this afternoon. It made a nice change to have an old English film repeated rather than The Battle of Midway or The Great Escape for the hundredth time.



G. Cutter

'Wow, what is that?' Harry looked down from the staircase to where Ron Weasley stood by the Common Room tree surrounded by presents.

'What's what then?' Ron spluttered through a mouthful of mice pie

'That jumper... it's, er, nice.'

'Oh, this?' Ron plucked at the dark red super sized garment with it's large embroidered R very visible front and centre. 'A present,' he grinned. 'My mum did it, she's probably done you one as well.

I bloody well hope not, Harry thought coming down level with Ron gazing around at the presents and at Ron as he now bent over and was raking around in the heap. Ron was wearing his old khakis and his gently rounded bottom stirred Harry's blood. God, the ginger haired muppet was so gorgeous he was almost eatable. No, Harry decided, delete the 'almost', he was eatable and one day... one day.

'Here's one for you and a card,' Ron handed over the two items with a grin. 'You've got fans.'

'Natch,' Harry laughed and took the package and the card. The Christmas wrapped parcel was soft and could well be the promised jumper from Ron's mother but didn't seem big enough. He ripped open the envelope and opened the card, all it that was on it was a short message saying: This is yours. Use it well. 'Mmmm...' he looked at Ron who was all eyes and tore open the package to find a transluscent but slightly silvery mass of material which when fully opened out seemed to be some sort of a cloak.

'Weird, man,' Ron goggled. 'Try it on, Harry.'

Harry did so and gave Ron a twirl. He looked at Ron for some appreciation and all he saw was his ginger friend standing there totally dumbstruck. 'You're just a head,' Ron spluttered. 'Your body's gone...'

Harry looked down and was amazed to see that Ron was telling the truth. He had no damned body, glancing in a mirror he was gobsmacked to see only his head was visible seemingly floating without support around five foot from the floor. 'It's an Invisibility Cloak,' he spluttered.

'Knew you were smart,' Ron laughed. 'Fantastic, you can do all sorts of stunts. Think, you can...'

'Hold it, Ron. Better if we kept this to ourselves.' He ducked his head and drew the voluminous cloak over and looked into the mirror through the material which from the inside was transparent. The mirror was totally empty other than Ron standing there with a big silly grin on his face.

'Bloody 'ell, you've gone,' Ron looked around. Where are you?'

Harry had moved swiftly, he'd scurried across the short space nearly tripping over the huge cloak and was standing right behind Ron, he reached out and his arm became visible. He grabbed a handful of Ron's well muscled bottom through the thin material of the combat trousers Ron favoured.

'You bastard, Potter,' Ron leapt about a foot and turned with a huge grin on his face. 'Brilliant...' He looked at Harry as Harry folded the cloak and held it tightly. This was one present he didn't want to lose. Luckily the Common Room was empty, as it was the penultimate night of the term, the chances were that their fellow students were visiting pals or even in their various bedrooms just chilling and talking over the term's events.

Harry wandered over to the big leaded window and looked out, it was getting dark and would soon be time for their late night cocoa and buns, it was also the time of the evening that Ron, for one, usually went missing. You've no doubt heard of the witching hour but in a school with a large boy population there was a wanking hour and it was about now for some, others did it at their bathtime and still others did it in bed. Ron was an evening perambulator as Harry dubbed them and Ron was very high on Harry's lust list. The term was nearly over and he sensed that this was his golden opportunity, the chance may never come again.

'Come here, Ron,' he croaked and Ron came over with a big grin on his cheeky face. Harry drapped the cloak over them both and it fitted so well as if it was designed for two boys.

'Warm in here,' Ron whispered and giggled as he pressed against his friend. He giggled again and then fell silent as Neville Longbottom and another boy came in, they had a quick look at the presents had a brief chat and then left the room.

'You could use this for all sorts,' Harry whispered aware of Ron's nearness and he could almost feel Ron's body heat, he could certainly smell Ron's breath, a mixture of toffee and cake. The boy must have a sweet tooth and worms the amount of food he put away.

Such as?' Ron croaked.

'Such as this,' Harry shuffled up tightly behind Ron and made his decision. He pressed against his friend and placed both hands on Ron's soft crotch feeling his friends mass inside the trousers.

'Don't, Harry,' Ron spoke but his voice wasn't firm, he was pleading and not very convincingly. He made no expressions of shock or horror and made no effort to pull away.

'Just relax,' Harry whispered breathing on Ron's neck and almost shouting aloud in triumph as he felt a thickening in Ron's trousers.

'Please don't, Harry,' Ron pleaded but this time he pushed back and Harry felt his pal's soft bottom press against his own arousal and Ron groaned as he felt himself getting harder. It was that time of night and he was in the arms of his hero and his hero had feet of clay.

'I want to give you something nice for Christmas, Ron. Something special, something private.'

'Yeah?' Ron's voice broke.

'Turn and face me,' Harry spoke ever so quietly and as Ron turned he reached down again this time delighted to feel Ron was almost fully hard. He'd seen his friend naked in the showers but never hard not even with a lazy lob on. He'd wanted Ron for some time and now he was going to give Ron the gift of love and that's the love that dare not speak it's name. He dropped to his knees and felt Ron's hands on his shoulders. Great, Ron was accepting the gift, Ron had surrendered all too eaily but Harry didn't care. He unzipped his pal's fly and reached in feeling the warmth and hardness within.

'Harry...' Ron pleaded for the last time and then relaxed, he knew what was coming and they were invisible after all. Harry fumbled the stiff boy cock out and smelt the funk and the heat from the rigid meat. Unclipping Ron's waistband he allowed the khaki's to droop and fall, Ron's totally rigid staff now poked through his baggy boxers but Harry kneeling tugged them down as well finally holding Ron's slightly fuzzed legs and allowing his cheek to rub against Ron's stiff member. Ron now made his move, he held Harry's head ruffling and stroking his idol's black hair. 'Harry...' he sighed and this time it wasn't in protest.

Harry grinned from his kneeling position and took the boy's hot meat into his mouth feeling the silken softness of the skin and the steel hard inner core. Ron's glans was bulging and in the extremely poor light Harry could see the smear of cum oozing from the gaping pee slit. He swallowed the oozing boy cock and after giving Ron's smooth scrotum a fondle he reached around clasping Ron's tighly bottom. So smooth, so soft and yet so muscular but Ron was slowly moving to and fro his stiffness gliding in and out of Harry's mouth.

'Go on, Harry,' Ron hissed as he face fucked his hero kneeling in front, he ruffled Harry's hair and groaned again with the exquisite pleasure of a boy's hot mouth around his cock for the first time ever. He was going to cum and he had the feeling that was exactly Harry wanted. Perhaps it was some sort of a weird spell, Ron didn't think so but then again he didn't really care. He'd had the hots for Harry Potter since their first meeting at the railway station at the beginning of term and often thought about him when having his solo jerk offs, this was abso-bloody-lutely incredible. He groaned and fucked faster as he felt Harry prise his buttocks apart and probe inside. 'I'm gonna...'

Harry didn't care, even when he felt Ron's buttocks clench tightly, even when he felt Ron's penis swell and get even harder and he didn't even care when the first jet of juicy boy spunk splattered into the back of his throat. He just gobbled and swallowed the almost creamy fluid as it filled his mouth and smeared his lips. One good gulp, then another and it was over. Ron sagged against the window sill and Harry squeezed the slippery boy muscle extracting every last drop. He stood and with his arms around Ron and his hands on the boy's smooth bum kissed the side of Ron's neck.

'Mmmm...' Ron purred like a well satisfied cat. 'That's got to be better than a hand job,' he giggled. 'Let's seal the deal.'

'What do you mean, Ron?'

'Don't be a dummy, Potter,' Ron gave Harry a swift kiss tasting his own spunk and assumed Harry's previous position. He was now kneeling before Harry and handling the hard lump in the boy wizard's dark trousers.

'You don't have to do this, Ron.'

'I want to,' Ron chuckled and slowly and sensually started to undo Harry and bare his middle. He'd dreamt of this months and now it was happening, he could even feel his relaxing cock hardening up again as he drew Harry's thick cock out into the open. It was bigger than his own and had that peculiar boyish musty smell, a mix of sweat and hormones with even a hint of stale urine but without a though he took the swollen and slippery end into his mouth. Harry had done him and he wanted to do Harry. he wanted his boyfriend to try something else but that would come later, they did have all night ahead of them after all.

'Oh, my Gawd,' Harry quivered and sighed as he felt Ron's mouth sink over his hardness and he felt the boy's thick ginger hair in his hands. He'd never intended this but he couldn't say no to Ron. Ron was now the boyfriend and boyfriends did things for each other, it was as easy as that.

Harry gently moved to and fro as Ron sucked and at the same time caressed his bottom. He fondled Ron's shaggy hair, his ears and his neck, he was a Ron freak, the dark ginger mop and pale skin scattered with freckles turned him on big time and he was so hard it was incredible. He was harder than when he'd tried the major erection spell that they'd all had a go at one time or the other.

'Mmmm...' Ron looked up Harry's belly running his hands up the smooth and gently rounded bulge and then down into the crisp but sparse bush of black pubics. 'Nice?'

'Get on with it, Weasley.' Harry looked down with a mock snarl and Ron grinningly ducked his head onto the slippery six inches of boy cock in front of his eyes. 'Ron...' Harry sighed and resumed his slow pumping actions. Ron knew it wouldn't last long he could feel Harry's scrotum uptight and his friend's balls almost joined together in their tight sac.

He grasped Harry's solid bottom tightly and sucked like a boy in love does, long slippery moves that took Harry's bulging and now copiously weeping glans right into the back of his throat. He could taste the sour and sweet flavour of his bestest ever pal and then a slight dribble and a blast of thick creamy cum deep into his throat. He gagged and withdrew a little as a second and third blast gushed into his swallowing maw. He swallowed the precious fluid again and then munched and savoured the final trickles and excess. With his mouth half full of Harry's cum he suddenly rose and glued his lips to those of his lover. 'Oooh, Harry.' They bonded together tightly and Harry looked into Ron's eyes as he felt and tasted his own cum as his tongue slipped into his boy lover's mouth.

'Come to my bed later, Ron.'

'Yeah,' Ron croaked his reply. He knew he wanted more and he was bloody sure that Harry did as well. This was going to be a night to remember. Titanic in a way... that was a boy wizard type pun by the way.

'I want to go all the way, naked and... er, you know.'

'I know,' Ron grinned. 'You wanna shag?'

'In a nutshell or better still in a bed,' Harry smiled fondly. 'Get sorted out, we're going for exposure in two minutes and counting.'

'Bold cow,' Ron camped and made sure his clothing was as it should be. He was getting hard again but thought of the cocoa and buns. Priorities were priorities after all.

By the time they had themselves sorted out and even visited the washroom for a rinse the Common Room was beginning to fill up for the final event of the evening and that was the late night cocoa, after that they were expected to go to their rooms and turn in. Anyone reluctant to do so would be chivvied by a prefect or even put on report if too tardy. Ron glanced at Harry and saw his ginger friend chatting with a vacant smirk on his face, Ron was clearly thinking of adventures with the cloak as was Harry. Whether the two boys were thinking of the same escapades was something that was open to discussion. Funnily enough they were both thinking Colin Creevey but although they were young wizards in training they weren't mind readers and young Master Creevey was safe in his ignorance for the time being.

The general tone of their final get together of the day was quiet, end of term tests were due the following day and most had a case of nerves even our two heroes but the evening passed and eventually the boys and girls drifted off to their various dormitories and sleeping quarters. Hogwarts was never all that strict regarding a final lights out always depending more on the pupils good sense and the prefects and monitors amiable control.

'Around midnight?' Ron whispered to Harry as he stood by his friend and watched their room mates bedding down.

'Be careful,' Harry said and clambered onto his four poster and drew the curtains. He lay on his back fully clothed and thought about Ron Weasley. He always thought of ginger haired people as something alien, they were a rarity in the main, they were normally quite pale and even pasty from what he had seen of them. Ron was different, the family Wesley were different, these were one hundred percent normals and Ron was gorgeous. OK, so he was pale and didn't like the sun too much but from what he'd seen in the showers... gosh. Pure alabaster even transluscent and flawless was how Harry would describe Ron and his dangly four inches of solid boy meat which he now knew hardened up to a respectable five inches and was the peak of perfection. Harry swallowed, he was dribbling saliva thinking of Ron's pure white bottom, that indescribably beautiful pair of marblelike orbs like a Greek youth's statue and tonight they were his and he was going to take Ron's boy cock into his belly until his lover splurted and squirted his all. He was going to pleasure Ron until the ginger haired waif begged him to stop.

He slowly undressed and lay naked on his bed, a couple of waves of his wand and the chill night air was expelled leaving a cosiness and ambience made for love. His illumination was by candlelight although the candles came courtesy of a spell he'd come across the other day. The final spell 'securite' would be placed once Ron was inside and settled in. The bed would then be inviolable to outside interference should there be any.

He looked at his clock and then he heard his curtains whisper and Ron stepped up onto the bed with a sheepish grin making sure to pull the curtains closed.

'Securite.' Harry spoke aloud and there was the vaguest clink as if padlocks were clicking shut.

'Wow, Ron whispered. 'That's a new one.'

'Good for privacy,' Harry took Ron's hand and drew the boy down alongside and faced him. They closed their eyes and their lips met in a sweet kiss the first of many that night. 'Love that jumper... not.' Harry smiled.

'OK,' Ron laughed and sitting up tugged the offending garment over his head this left him sitting there in just his long pyjama bottoms and Harry was on him in a second.

'Ooh, Ron,' he dived onto his friend's belly his mouth glued onto Ron's navel and his tongue started to flicker, one hand reached out and gently rolled one pink nipple nub and the other snaked into the front of the pyjama trousers clasping the firm flesh within.

'Get undressed, Harry,' Ron spluttered feeling as if he was under attack from an octopus and Harry's suction and tongue on his navel was driving him mad, he attempted to move Harry's head but it was already moving south. Harry had tugged the pyjama cord and the baggy trousers were going down. Ron gave up when he felt the brush of lips on his penis and then his scrotum was lapped and each fleshy gonad was swallowed and treated to a little suck. 'Harreee...' Ron moaned, he was lost and barely felt it when his trousers were removed and he lay naked in his pale glory under the simulated candlelight in Harry's private little boudoir.

'Ron,' Harry smiled and knelt up admiring his friend's slender form pale golden in the candlelight splayed out naked under his very eyes. He's wanted this for so long and now his young lover was laying there naked in all his beauty with his pale skinned cock jutting up his belly with it's dark red bloody gorged glans fully exposed and gleaming in the soft candlelight. There was one last thing to do Harry thought and he was going to do it right now. He was keenly aware of Ron's eyes on him as he shed his clothing and finally naked he knelt astride Ron's body.

Ron lay flat and idly watched as his hero knelt above him with his meaty six incher jutting with the signs of precum already visible, he gulped. he knew perfectly well what came next. Harry took his hips and gently turned him over, as Ron grabbed a pillow Harry parted his parner's legs gazing at the beautiful buttocks for the last time before his head dropped.

'Harreee...' Ron moaned again as he felt hot breath on his crack and then the slippery wetness as a tongue lapped at his crack and his cheeks were forced apart. 'Harry,' he wriggled and then felt the point of Harry's tongue at his hole and then the tongue seemed to get bigger and harder, the last he heard as it began were Harry's last words. 'So tasty.'

Ron squirmed and knew magic was at work, Harry had cheated. The slippery wetness of his tongue poked and probed at Ron's dark pink hole and finally it gave a little push and slid through Ron's saliva slicked ring. Ron wriggled but it was no good, it felt like an eel was moving in and out of his hole as Harry tongue fucked him and Ron knew that it was only the precursor for something bigger and meatier. He bit the pillow and opened his legs even wider pushing his bottom up onto the slippery invader which now felt as if it was in really deep and moving in and out stretching and lubricating his back passage.

'Do it properly, Harry,' he begged trying to crane his head around but suddenly he felt the slippery length ooze free leaving him empty and wanting. 'And no cheating, you're big enough already.'

'OK,' Harry leant over and kissed his ear and then Ron felt the massive or what seemed massive pressure as Harry's fully hard penis ran up and down his crack and then settled pressing lightly against his slime coated sphincter. 'Ready?'

'Do it, do it,' Ron begged and shoved his sweet, soft and well spread buttocks upwards the same that Harry pushed down. Ron gasped nearly yelling out as he felt the lump press against him and then the stretch and the yielding as his pucker was forced open and he felt the warm slippery mass enter his body. Then it started, the rocking and the ongoing pressure as Harry slowly and gently fucked his way into his bosom buddy stretching and opening up where no cock had been before. Ron was being deflowered like many a wizard apprentice in the past but by a friend and contrary to expectation he loved the feel of Harry in him and the thick meaty erection filling him slowly with it's heat and hardness. 'Yessss...' he hissed into the pillow and felt another inch or so sink into him, there was more to come but he relaxed and felt Hary fucking his way in and his gut being completely bloated by the hard chunky cock slowly being buried in his snowy white bottom. As last Harry lay on him and Ron could now feel the complete six inch length nestle in his belly and the crispness of Harry's tight pubic bush on his bottom. Harry groaned and dug deeper really bottoming out and Ron pushed up, he'd been scared he'd bottle out but he had the man sized cock deep in his body and he was glad. He assumed the first time would be the hardest but that was over now, now came the fucking and after that many more if he had anything to do with it.

Harry started slowly at first but he soon dragged Ron up into a crouch and shagged him long and hard like a dog on heat, both were grateful that the spell of silence held as their panting and the sound of sweaty flesh on smooth buttock echoed in the candle lit bed space.

'Oooh, Harry, Harry...' Ron moaned as he felt the solid spike almost leave him and then tear back in again and again. Harry held onto Ron's hips pulling the pale skinned boy back onto himself as he rutted deep and hard but in the end they fell on their sides and Harry slid free in a gush of sweat, Ron's internal fluids and his own precum. 'Jesus, Harry,' Ron gasped. 'Is that it... I didn't feel anything, no squirts, no nothing.'

'Not quite, Ron,' Harry knelt upright with sweat dripping down his well developed dark skinned chest. He flipped his partner over and got between Ron's legs. Ron looked up at him and smiled wearily.

'What now?'

'I want to look in your eyes when I shag you silly, I wanna watch you as I pump my spunk into your gut and flood you with my juice...'

'I love it when you talk dirty,' Ron giggled and lifted his knees to his chest as if he'd been at it all his life. 'Come on, Big H.'

Harry bent over slipping his tongue between Ron's teeth and as their writhing tongues met he placed his oozing and straining erection at Ron's gaping hole and pushed in hard and deep. Ron spasmed but he was trapped by Harry's sweaty torso crushing him and then he wrapped his own legs around Harry's sweat sheened body and they were off but this time it was the end game. Harry fucked hard and deep and Ron egged him on until right at the end with faces inches apart Harry gave one mighty thrust and sweatily and messily thwacked into Ron's bruised and battered arse hole.

'Aaaaaaah,' Ron clenched his ring around Harry's swollen and slippery member as it pumped and jetted squirt after squirt of his boiling hot spunk deep into his gut. Ron's eyes glazed as he felt the meaty prong in his belly pump and throb until the last little squirt trained off to a messy trickle.

'God, I love you so much Ronald Weasley, for ever and ever.' Harry lay on Ron and felt his limpening cock slip free on a gush of stale semen.

'Really,' Ron smirked. 'Enough to be my bitch?'

'Happily,' Harry giggled and slipping free lay on his belly. 'Do your worst.'

'I need time,' the ginger haired boy stretched and sighed. His bum felt like it was on fire and his belly felt full of slippery liquid, in one short phrase he felt like he'd been well and truly fucked but now it was his turn. He was going to pleasure the slender dark skinned Potterbrat, the Headmaster's pet was going to his pet very shortly once he gained a bit of strength, he looked as Harry produced his wand.

'Just to liven you up,' Harry murmured. 'Not cheating at all... really.'

Harry positioned his wand above Ron's carrot top and slowly drew it the full length of his friend's body and clear of his feet, he mumbled a phrase and reversed the process. Ron gasped as he felt a tingling warmth spread through his body, his weariness disappeared, his slight aches and pains went and he began to feel revitalised and refreshed as Harry smilingly completed the spell. 'That'll keep you going for a bit, Weasley my love,' Harry whispered and bent down to kiss Ron on his full red lips.

'I feel like a new boy...' Ron sat up happily and grabbed Harry's neck. 'And it's you,' he wrestled the giggling Harry onto his belly and forced his legs apartr. Ron was going to do exactly what Harry had, a bit of a rear attack and then a loving frontal and from the way Harry was wriggling and pushing his bum up he was happy with that.

Ron didn't go for the tongue bit, he forced Happy's buns apart and holding his ragingly hard penis in place he thrust in deep and hard sliding into Harry's slick hole in one almighty thrust. OK, so he was smaller than Harry in the cock department but Harry yelled out and bucked wildly as he felt the pale skinned rod pentrate him and then he lay there contented as Ron began his shag.

This was Ron's first time and he was going to enjoy it, he slid in and out of Harry's virgin bottom gasping and groaning as Harry started to clamp on every thrust and shove up into the fuck. Ginger haired Ron Weasley was repeating the other's moves of half an hour earlier and he was determined to to pleasure his partner. They clamberer up into the doggy position and Ron thrust and rutted away only with one slight difference, he reached under Harry and was delighted to feel that Harry had filled out again so he had the double pleasure of rumping Harry's sweet bottom and wanking the boy wizard's re-energised cock.

'It's time,' Ron finally panted.

Harry remained silent but slipped free and falling on his stomach immediately rolled onto his back and opened his legs. With his face fixed in a do or die grin Ron knelt between Harry's legs and pressed the darker boy's knees back to his chest and once again thrust in deep and hard. Harry cried out again and grabbed Ron's sweaty body fiercely as the ginger boy began again. Harry smiled, Ron was a machine, his machine and the boyfriend he'd selected as his very own was ace. He pressed his legs onto Ron's back as he felt his lover working his way to his climax. He grabbed his cock but Ron's hand slapped him away and then grasped the hot and still slippery hardness and started to wank as he shagged.

'Aaaah...' Ron fell on Harry and his frantic shag ended. With two or three lazy motions his red raw cock pumped and jerked a massive load of his sticky slime deep into Harry's belly. Harry clamped hard and as Ron's hand continued to jerk away he shot two blasts of thick creamy semen right up his chest to his throat.. Harry closed his eyes. Ron's last squirt shot all over Harry's taut belly as he had quickly slipped free, his pearly juice mingled with Ron's own spunk and then grinning with delight they both smeared their joint cuns over Harry's smooth belly and sealed the deal by joining body to body kissing and wriggling together in their mess and passion now all spent.

The passion was gone but not the boy love that bound them together. Harry did an almost casual cleanup spell and just as carelessly disarmed the security spell and the enclosed bed reverted to normal. He held Ron's now fresh and sweet smelling body tightly and kissed his new boyfriend once more.

'That's it, Ron,' Harry was aware that anyone who was awake would know there were two in one bed and he didn't care. 'We're ready to receive guests.'

'You wish,' Ron laughed trying to muffle the sound.

Harry produced his wand and waved it above them both, Ron watched in the gloom fascinated. What now?

'Colin come to me, Colin come to me,' Harry whispered and the wand glowed and Ron giggled.

'Not right now,' Ron whispered. 'Just you and I for tonight.'

'Creevey sometime tomorrow. Maybe a little magic, turn him into a little Lolita.'

'He is a little bloody Lolita,' Ron whispered. 'Yeah, tomorrow,' he faced Harry and they both smiled.

The End

Ah well, it seemed a good idea at the time. GCutter@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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