A Kiss in the Dark

By Ryan White

Published on Apr 1, 2023



High school section is one of my most favourite sections of the Nifty archive so I thought I'd try my hand at some teenage tales for a change! Hope you enjoy what I had managed to write down xx

As always, if y'all wanna get in touch for a chat or something, feel free to do so at liciousryan@gmail.com because it means the WORLD to us wannabe writers knowing our stories are being read and appreciated xx

You guys stay safe! Ryan



At the speed of lightening, Jordan Ridgeway turned towards his twin brother inside approximately, the middle of the room that they had been sharing for the last fifteen odd years, before he frowned, together with his eyebrows lifting up just a tad at the vicious, shrill screeching sound of his father's incessant voice.

"Dude...what the fuck did you do now?" he breathed silently, before Justin Ridgeway, so typical of his proud queer nature, rolled his eyes and slumped his shoulders forward, in the most dramatic style possible. That was just like Justin...that his was twin brother...always had been and probably always would be. It was like the guy was physically incapable of being just a normal teenage boy...everything he always did ALWAYS had to be so...flamboyant and accelerant...whereas himself, Jordan...was way more reserved in his own nature.

Justin had also come out as gay the previous year to his twin brother, their older brother who was away now at college, as well as to his parents and to make a long story short, neither his parents wanted to celebrate that particular fact of their son's life, but there wasn't actually anything they could do about it either. Jordan for one, never could understand what one boy could ever romantically, possibly see in another boy, or a man into another man, but there you were. He loved his brother, don't get me wrong, they had literally known and been around each other all their lives, so there was no way that he would just...abandon him or something crazy bat ass shit like that.

Jordan sighed, as he placed his hand on his back of his brother's neck, before he gently nudged the boy younger than him by a mere six and a half minutes, towards the bedroom door, in a hurry to get the hell out of there before their father would be hollering even more monstrosities at both of them.

Both of their parents were situated inside the living room as they entered, but Jordan could see at once that something wasn't right. At fucking all. His mother was sitting on the couch with both his hands covering her face and their father seemed like he was suddenly capable of spitting fire at any given moment. Jordan looked to his side and saw that Justin was just as nervous as he was, if not more, the latter boy's Adam's apple slowly moving up and down as he tried to swallow what had to be some pent-up saliva.

Jesus, Justy...what the hell did you do?

Their father came to a sudden standstill when he saw both of his sons...Justin in particular, before he came over towards both of them in a shocking fit of rage, and placed both of his hands on Justin's shoulders, nearly pushing Jordan to the ground in the process, as was his anger that now seemed to have reached boiling point.

"Dad, what the hell..."

"JORDAN! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! QUIET!" their father screamed at the top of his voice, and with a quick ass look towards their mother, Jordan knew that something must have been way wrong, and out of the ordinary at that. Poor Justin stumbled backwards and nearly bumped his shoulder onto the hard cement wall behind him, as he tried his best to get the hell away from their father, but it was to no avail, he was way too strong.

"I suppose you know what has gotten me this fed up, don't you? You and your sick tendencies! I should have thrown you out of this house the VERY MOMENT that you told us what and who you really were!"

Jordan turned as beet red as his twin brother...in a matter of sheer seconds. He always hated when his father got like this, which seemed to have doubled over the past year...sometimes he really thought...it really FELT like his parents and their older brother Jake, was finally getting used to what Justin had told them...that he was in fact gay, and that they had accepted it. Jake did, there was nothing that he wouldn't do for his kid brothers...but his parents was a whole other story.

They struggled beyond belief that one of their offspring was homosexual...That he was different to other boys...that he wasn't and would never be what Jordan and Jake was. Because he couldn't be.

And then there were times like this where he wished...fucking prayed to whoever Up there who was listening, why...why...WHY Justin just couldn't have been as straight and as NORMAL as all the other boys that they knew.

Their father snorted as he turned around, finally breaking his death stare glance towards Justin and pointed towards the landline telephone that was situated in the corner of the living room...the handle still half and half off from the receiver, as if it had been placed there in a fit of supreme and utter rage...

"What? Cat got your tongue? I just had a very interesting conversation with your principal! I know you know what I'm talking about!"

Justin closed his eyes...as if he was guilty as sin of whatever his father was accusing him of and it was THEN...at the sight of the pain and sorrow on his twin brother's face that Jordan thought he ought to at the very least, try and come up for him, in some way or form.

"Dad...would you just calm the heck down, for God's sake...just look at Justin! He's terrified! Can you at least cool it with the gay insults?"

Their father turned towards his middle child, and shook his head.

"Wait until you hear what this...this demon child has done! I get the call from your Headmaster...I'm in the middle of a meeting at work...but since it's about my kids, I figure I can at least hear the man out. And guess what he tells me...your brother...THAT...THAT person standing over there...has been caught having sexual relations with another BOY in the locker-room! They were caught RED HANDED!"

This time it was Jordan's turn to close his eyes in complete and utter embarrassment. It was already difficult enough to have Justin at the same school as him, knowing what Justin was...he swore, the sheer number of gay jokes and insults that he had to endure on behalf of his brother each and every day was getting too much. It wasn't even HE who was gay...but since they were twins and the one looked exactly like the other...it kinda came with the terrotory that Jordan would also get some of the gay bullying thrown his way.

"Dad...it totally wasn't like that! Whoever told you anything about "sexual relations" were wrong as hell! What the hell does that even mean...We never had sex!" Justin said as loud as he could, his eyes white as Winter snow and in total and utter shock at the same time.

"So, what did you do then? Mr Hargraves wouldn't fucking lie!" Jordan blasted towards his brother in his own matter of rage.

Jesus! This was just great! This was fucking fabulous!

Think of all the stories and gossip that was now probably doing the rounds throughout the school and on social media...just perfect! Just tickedy boo! For fuck sake, Justin!

"But Justy is right though...if they weren't having sex, they were possibly just blowing each other..."

"JAKE! WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" their mother finally seemed to find her voice back, as she snapped towards their eldest son, and the older brother of the twins, the first-born Ridgeway son...seven years older than the two of them, and already in his final year of college, studying to be a teacher.

Jake just smiled and shook his head, whilst he walked over quietly towards Justin and placed an arm around his quivering little kid brother.

"Come on Dad...it obviously wasn't so bad as the principal or whoever had ratted Justin out is making it, otherwise he would have been suspended immediately, wouldn't he? Give the guy a break, give BOTH of them a break! They are fifteen years old; I mean...at that age, fucking breathing gives you a hardon!"

"I WILL NOT HAVE THAT LANGUAGE IN MY HOUSE!" their father thundered over them, before he picked up a photo frame from the edge of the TV cabinet and proceeded to TOSS it viciously onto the solid tiled floor, where it cracked and splintered into what seemed like a million little pieces. It contained a family photo of the twins as Jake, taken about five or so years ago.

Jake rolled his eyes and his hold on Justin seemed to tighten, just a tad. Jordan sat down on the couch next to his mother, his hand running miserably through his thick brown hair.

Why...WHY couldn't they just be a regular, NORMAL FUCKING family for one God damn day? Come to think of it...why did one of his siblings had to be GAY? Why not one of the boys back at school? NO...it just HAD to be THEM! Why couldn't whatever God there was Up there make all of them straight, like normal people...like all the fucking guys at school who was chasing girls at every recess?

If it was wasn't for Justin...he felt like a dick just thinking it and he was truly sorry, he loved his brother dearly...I mean, they had grown up together, he literally couldn't remember a time that Justin hadn't been in his life...

...and still...sometimes he wished that Justin would just...I dunno...just be struck my lightening or something...anything just so that he could be normal...straight...into girls like all boys should be...

...when they were smaller and still full of childish mischief, he could still remember several of the old church ladies now and then saying the twins would probably one day drive all the girls wild...JESUS!

And then Justin just had to end up gay!

Their father blew out some much-needed air, before he sighed and shook his head once more. He suddenly looked hella tired...more like defeated, if that was a word to could describe. He took their mother's hand inside his very own, and appeared to squeeze it for some support, before he looked straight into Justin's eyes.

"You know Boy...I have tried, and I have tried, and I have tried even more, to get to grips with what you are. But I don't think I ever really can. I really don't. It simply already goes against everything that I had been taught as a child myself just to keep you in this house AND that was only because your mother had BEGGED me to!"

He stood up, and both Jake as well as Jordan stood by Justin's side just in case their father was in a downright hurting mood.

Turns out they didn't have to worry. He looked far from being capable of doing anyone any harm at that point. Even his voice sounded weird when he spoke his peace out yet again...

"It's Jordan I feel sorry for. It's him who is going to have to go to school tomorrow and hear and see all these derogatory comments that people are gonna give and make about you. You never think of the fact that you're identical twins, do you, Justin? You realise just how hard you are making things for him? Shame on you. I'm even appalled to call you, my son!"

Justin just...seemed to stand there...his arms and hands silently swaying at his sides. His eyes were ghostly, if anything. It was like he had heard everything, every single fucking word that his father had just said, and still, he hadn't taking anything in, whatsoever. It was Jake, in the end, who after a few morbid seconds had passed, who signalled towards Jordan to help him and take Justin back to their room.

Their mother just...continued to sit on her coach...her eyes swimming in morbid number of tears. It was as if she too...couldn't comprehend just why...WHY the Good Lord had to create one of HER kids as being homosexual...why HE couldn't have been normal, just as her son Jordan has done numerous times before.


"You okay, Justin?"

The boy nodded and sat down gingerly on his bed, his chest heaving as he did so. He blew out some pent-up breath, before he looked over towards where Jordan was standing, looking out of the window of the bedroom that they had been sharing since they were mere infants, his arms crossed together for good measure. He was clearly, clearly pissed as hell.

"Jordy...?" he whispered, using the name that he had always called Jordan by when they were growing up, in the severe hope that his brother would...somehow understand and forgive him.

He knew the shit that Jordan had gone through at school since he, Justin, had dared to come out. He knew all the comments and laughs that was not only directed at him, but at Jordan too...just because they were twins, the idiots at school used to taunt Jordan saying that he would be turning into a fucking homo as well.

Jordan pulled a face before he too turned around and actually faced his twin brother for the first time since the truth came out. Jake hovered between the two, before sitting down at the end of the bed, knowing that whatever needed to be said, had to come from both his brothers and not him.

Jordan closed his eyes, sighed heavily, before he bawled both of his hands into solid fists.

"Dude...I...I'm actually fucking speechless. No, really, because I don't know what the fuck is gonna be waiting for me when we get to school tomorrow! Oh, I'm sorry...I completely forgot...yeah, I'm gonna have to face the shit YOU created alone because you got your fucking ass suspended! Jesus, Justin! You realise what you're doing to me? You're fucking ruining my life!"

Justin rolled his own eyes before he grabbed his phone, and quickly checked if he had any messages on WhatsApp, before he laid back down, his back stilted against the wall of the bedroom in support.

"Wow...I thought you said you were fucking speechless..."

Jake giggled slightly before he was quiet as a mouse as he saw Jordan throwing daggers at him, before the latter frantically hit both of his knees with his already balled up fists in complete and utter anger and infuriation.

"Dude, I don't get you! Seriously, Dad is right! The whole entire family is normal except you! I'm straight, Dad is straight...I would fucking hope Mom is straight...Jake, are you fucking gay?"

Jake wasn't giggling any more. He looked more and more like he wanted to get the hell out of there, but he slowly shook his head, to answer his brother.

"See? YOU SEE? Bro...I love you and all, but you gotta stop! If you choose to be gay and shit..."

Suddenly Justin stood up, at the sounds of his brother's last words, and squared up face to face with Jordan. He looked his twin brother straight in the eye, and his chest rose just a little. His eyes were burning flames into those of the one person in the entire world who resembled him like one hundred percent. Daggers were thrown between the two, as Justin's face said it all...he had enough and now he too was pissed as hell.

"Look here...you fucking shut UP over that shit! No one fucking CHOOSES to be gay, you idiot! Do you think, for one fucking second, that I would have gone through all of this crap from you, from Dad, from literally EVERYONE at school, if I could have chosen...just chosen to be into girls, rather than guys? Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! Really, Jordan? REALLY?"

Jordan didn't back down even an inch. He smirked and rolled his eyes, before he slightly pushed Justin away from him. The latter rolled up his own fists, before Jake stood up and upended himself bold as brass, between the twins.

"Okay, you kids, time fucking out here, before you say shit to each other that you're gonna fucking regret tomorrow morning. Jordan...you gotta except this, somehow, okay? Because I have known you two idiots since I was seven years old...you were always so close! Y'all use to gang up on ME, and now I don't know what the fuck is going on! What hell happened?"

"He turned gay, that's what happened!" Jordan shrieked at the top of his voice, his eyes firmly on Justin.

"I might be gay, but you're a fucking jerk, motherfucker!" Justin yelled back, giving as good as he got.

Jake literally had enough by this time. He pushed Jordan slightly away from Justin before turning his attention towards his kid brother.

"Jordan, no one just fucking TURNS gay!? Do you even hear yourself? Jesus! Don't you guys remember your twelfth birthday party?"

Jordan seethed through his lips at Justin before he shook his head, and turned his attentions to Jake.

"Dude...God no. Why would I and why are you bringing that up now?"

Justin remained quiet, seemingly still wanting to murder his twin brother simply by looking at him.

Jake smiled and placed his hands on both of the twins' shoulders.

"You don't remember it, but I do. You forget that was there too, and that was the first time that I saw that Justin was actually looking at another boy, in the way that other boys and you for that matter, would totally be looking at girls. That's when I knew. There's nothing wrong about it, it's just the way he's wired, bro!"

Jordan turned around and walked away from his brothers before he stopped and placed both his hands on his hips.

"WHY HIM? Why him, Jake? And why did I have to look just like Justin, then? Because you don't wanna know what crap that I have to hear at school and when we have swimming practise about him! EVERY FUCKING DAY! And people say because we're twins, that I'm gonna turn out gay as well! That's fucked up shit, man! I can't handle it anymore! And then he goes and blows his boyfriend for all the world so see..."

Justin's eyes softened, before he walked over towards his brother, and slowly, gently, as if not to fucking hurt him, he placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. He immediately felt Jordan tense up at the sudden touch, but he bravely kept his hand where it was.

He knew Jordan too well... if he really wanted a fight...he knew that he was quicker than his brother, and that would obviously not be a good idea. He might be gay, but he wasn't a fucking sissy either, as their dad had taught them and Jake how to fucking fight since they were just seven years old.

Justin took a deep breath, before he spoke...

"Bro...I can't help who I am, okay? And I swear, if Tanya would have come on to you in the locker-room like Kyle did to me...you would also have been tempted. Yeah, I gave Kyle a blowjob..."


"...whatever. I can't help that I'm gay, Jordy. You can't help that you're straight..."

"...the fucking problem is, I am supposed to be straight! You ain't supposed to be gay!"

Justin sighed once more, before he withdrew his hand from Jordan's shoulder and looked helplessly over at Jake.

"I can't talk to him. I just can't. He can't and he doesn't wanna understand. Fuck this shit, I REALLY don't need this. If Mom and Dad want to know where I fucking am, tell them I went to see my boyfriend. Dad will fucking LOVE that."

Justin grabbed his jacket as well as his cell phone, before he marched past Jordan without giving him as much as a second glance in passing. Jordan's eyes narrowed as he saw Jake look at him with a sheer mixture of sorrow and "I told you so" feelings running through him.

"Really Jordan? He tries to make peace and you come in here, with that?"

Jordan looked down at the floor of their room, before he blushed and pursed his lips directly at his older brother.

"Always the fucking bad guy, me. Right? No matter how I feel about all of this, right? Fuck you, Jake! And fuck Justin as well! Fucking faggot, he better leave me the hell alone from now on and if I hear ONE fucking thing tomorrow at school, I swear to God..."

Jake held up both of his hands as he smirked sarcastically as he could, before he took finally left the room, leaving Jordan as alone and as lonely as he had ever been.

Damn you, Justin. DAMN YOU!


"Are you coming to the school dance tomorrow?"

Jordan smiled sneakily at his best friend Tanner as he loaded up on the free Mountain Dew drinks in the middle of the local Burger King joint with both himself and his bud having ordering the Extra Long Chilli Cheese Burger complete with cheese fries as they always did. Tanner fist bumped Jordan's shoulder as they were walking towards an empty booth and sat down, with the latter immediately stuffing three fries into his hungry ass mouth.

"Fuck yeah, dude! I'm so there! Tanner...I promise you dude...she's literally been begging for it! You know...THAT!"

Tanner took a sip of his Pepsi Max Free before he swallowed and smiled back at his friend.

"Same with Jasmine, my dude...well, she hasn't begged for it like Tanya does to be fair. You're lucky as hell, Jordy."

Jordan rolled his eyes as he fished out his wallet, before getting a smirk back on his handsome teenage face.

"Fuck about, dude, don't go and calling me THAT, it's bad enough Justin calls me that. Anyway...look at this..."

Jordan's heart started to race violently as he took out the sole condom that he had been stashing away in his wallet for a while now, in sheer anticipation of what he hoped to GOD would happen tomorrow night after the dance, and secretly handed it over towards Tanner, so that he too could have a look.

Tanner's eyes bulged as he took one look at the condom and then again, quickly up towards Jordan.

"Is that what I think it is?" he whispered in sheer awe before he quickly handed the condom back to Jordan, who looked around at the people around them frantically, scared as shit anyone would realise what, and WHO he was gonna be doing the following evening, before quickly stuffing it back into his wallet, before taking a huge bite out of his burger.

"Yeah, sure is. Bro, you don't understand...I have literally dreamt of fucking a girl...any bloody girl for ages now. And finally, it's gonna happen! I'm getting chills, dude! Look!" Jordan said, shoving both his arms across the table even, to apparently prove his statement.

Tanner was way more infested in his cheese fries than looking at his best friend's limbs, though, and the conversation gradually turned back towards their everyday life.

They were almost finished with their food, when Jordan casually looked over at the entrance, and actually proceeded to groan out loud. Tanner, still finishing his Pepsi, frowned and swallowed the last of the black goodness, before he too turned around to see what Jordan was looking at.

"Dude, what the...oh...I see..."

Tanner turned back towards Jordan, as Justin as well as his boyfriend Kyle Summers, came walking right towards them. Probably thought they would share a booth, since there wasn't any left that afternoon that was completely empty, and Jordan closed his eyes and prayed for patience. He still hadn't forgiven his brother for what had happened.

"Hey guys! Jordy...think we can chill back here with you two? Everywhere else is full."

Jordan so badly wanted to say no, but his name and reputation was already mud in school, what, with the story about Justin and Kyle giving each other blowies in the locker-room having finally gotten out, he didn't wanna cause anotehr secne here by any means.

He sighed...Justin should fucking see the looks that he was getting the whole day back at school. He never actually hated the fact that he had a brother who looked just like him, but Justin coming out as gay completely changed that whole entire fucking narrative and NOT for the greater good.

"Sure, do what you want, you do that anyway..." Jordan murmured, before Tanner looked up at both Justin and Kyle, and nodded, as if to translate what Jordan had said somehow. Justin then softly caressed Kyle's neck and shoulder, making Jordan almost vomit out everything that he had been eating.

"You go sit down so long; I'll go order for us. I know what you like by now..."

"You sure do..." Kyle responded, winking at Justin as he walked away.

Jordan shook his head, but he stopped himself from actually saying anything, but unfortunately, that didn't fool Kyle for one second. He saw the nauseating glare from his boyfriend's twin, the moment that Justin's hands touched his next a few seconds earlier. Fuck that shit. This was 2023, not the fucking Dark Ages.

"You got something to say, dude?" Kyle proceeded asked, his eyes as well as his voice, as cold as ice.

Jordan looked Kyle dead in the eyes. To be fair towards Justin, he actually tried for the moment at least, to give his twin brother and his boy toy a fighting chance...okay...now what would Justin even start to see in this guy...

...well, he supposed that Kyle had looks going for him, he had heard from Tanya that in her click at least, there was a few girls that was heavily depressed that someone as good looking as Kyle was not into girls.

Okay, he'll give him that.

The guy was probably even handsome and all that shit, even Jordan could see that, he wasn't fucking blind.

Kyle was also on the same swimming team that Jordan was on. Justin and him had learned to swim at a very early age, and took that brotherly competitiveness right towards the first team back at school, however, for obvious reasons, the abuse that Justin had received from said swimming team once he had come out...he had no choice but to quit.

All in all, Kyle was a chilled enough guy, Jordan supposed, but he certainly never found the idea of sticking his tongue down the dude's throat all that appealing to say the very least. He couldn't...he just COULD NOT understand why boys would ever wanna kiss and cuddle with other boys, like he did with Tanya! He just...URGH.

"I asked...have you got something to say? Feel free, I can take it," Kyle continued, as he clearly took Jordan's silence for something else than it actually was.

Jordan cleared his throat and sat up straight, finishing the last of his fries, before shaking his head.

"I ain't got no problem with you, my dude. It's what you and my brother are doing, that I have total shit with. You do know the crap that I am getting because I look just like him, don't you?"

Poor Tanner looked nervously from his best friend to Kyle, as if he wanted the two of them to jump up and break each other's bones just to get this over with, before he looked over to where Justin was.

He was done with the actual ordering of their meal, and was now waiting in line for it. He better get here and fast...if looks could kill, then both Jordan and Kyle would have been six feet under by now.

Kyle laughed slightly, and once again Jordan frowned...he could understand Justin being gay but Kyle? The dude looked as straight and as normal as any other kid their age! How was a dude who was this "manly" even batting for the other team to even begin with?

Kyle leaned over towards Jordan, who by instinct, leaned back in return.

"You think YOU have it bad? How's about Justin, your fucking own twin brother getting wedgies from idiots every time he goes to the toilet at school? How's about the rude comments they make every time we change classes? How's about no one but me wanting to have anything to do with him, because he's the town faggot...their words?"

Jordan swallowed, slowly. Very slowly. He caught Tanner's eyes before standing up. He wasn't going to listen to the shit this guy was telling him for one second longer.

"You might be sucking my brother's dick and all, but you don't know shit about Justin! If all of this was happening to him, he would have fucking TOLD me! We're brothers!" Jordan hissed towards Kyle, as to not make one heck of a scene, like he desperately wanted to.

Oh, for God's sake, there was nothing that he wanted to do more right now than to fucking bash his brother's boyfriend's face in, but he had to look at the bigger picture.

School...swimming career...scholarships...his relationship with Justin...

Jordan took a massive breath, before he turned around and walked out of the restaurant with Tanner at his side.

"Yoh guys...where you going now?" he heard Justin calling out after him, just as he was receiving his and Kyle's food order from the cashier behind the desk. He turned around and blinked a few times, before smiling faintly at his brother.

"Home. Yeah...if we wanna stay cool here, then I can't be around that total douchebag that you call a boyfriend. I'll see you later."



Jordan smiled as he read the words on his phone's screen, before he giggled softly and hastily typed a reply to Tanner.


Putting the phone down post haste, he looked at himself in the mirror.

He was wearing a black buttoned shirt, which was showing off his lanky and skinny swimmer's body quite perfectly, combined with his blue ripped jeans and his silver chain with a cross at the end, hanging around his neck. Both himself and Justin had received one just like that from their now, deceased grandmother, when they had turned thirteen years old, and they almost never took it off, as it was all that they still had of her.

Smiling at himself in the mirror, and after giving his reflection a slight wink, he quickly checked if he still had the beforementioned condom tucked away neatly inside his wallet, and sure as Sam...there it was. Ready and able and more than willing to be opened and used, later that night.

Jordan smiled as he felt his boner starting to slightly swell inside his jeans. Jesus. He literally couldn't wait to get into Tanya's pussy...with both his tongue as well as his dick...FUCK! Tonight, was gonna be ace!

Walking out of his bedroom, he saw that Justin was already in the living room, watching what looked like some or other drag show...and once more Jordan sighed with complete contempt. Why...why would ANYONE wanna watch a bunch of gay men dressed as women? He just could NOT understand it! They might have looked exactly alike, but they were so different in nearly every other department, that it was actually scary.

As he got close to Justin, his eyes widened just a tad...it was literally like looking into the same fucking reflection as he did inside their bedroom a few minutes earlier.

How the fuck did they dress so...similar...he would never know. They said that twins sometimes had this...intuition of what the other was busy doing, but he hardly doubted whether this was the case here. He knew Justin and he knew his twin brother well...and what he had on, he himself would have chosen for him, it was literally the best clothes his brother owned. They looked even more identical than they usually did, even their hair wasn't styled much different from the other.

"What up, man?" Justin said, as he smiled upwards as Jordan, before the latter sat down, careful not to get his clothes messed up before the big night that hopefully laid ahead.

"Nothing much. Say...is Kyle gonna come and pick you up here or...?"

Justin rolled his eyes and angrily turned the TV off. He looked at his brother like he was sick and tired of even hearing his voice, never mind having to be in the same room as him.

"Bro...do I look like some girl who needs to be fucking picked up by her boyfriend?"

Jordan giggled slightly, but once he saw that Justin was being deadly serious, that was quickly swallowed in existence.

"Come on, Justy! Don't be so fucking dramatic!" he teased his brother even further, his eyes lighting up as much as he was enjoying himself.

There was literally nothing that Justin could say or do to get him angry right now...not when he knew what was about to happen later on. There was just no way that his good mood would be buzz killed by his twin and his boyfriend. No way, no how.

Justin stood up as he heard a car turn into the driveway, and as he signalled at Jordan that it was their parents returning home, before he grabbed his phone and his own wallet and placed them both inside the pockets of his own ripped jeans.

"That's my que...seriously not in the mood with dealing with Dad right now..." he murmured, at which Jordan simply nodded...because what else was there to do?

"See you at school, yeah?" he called after Justin, who simply waved at him without stopping or turning around.

"Jordy! Jordy!"

Jordan turned around and saw that Jake was standing in the middle of the kitchen, his older brother frantically waving with his hands that Jordan should make like a tree, and leave towards himself.

Jordan frowned, but he did as he was told, before Jake pulled him quickly into the kitchen, where they were far away from both their parents, who was still unloading the car, in front of the house.

"I haven't got much time, bro...here, I got this for you!" Jake said enthusiastically, as he placed a condom inside Jordan's hand, and the smile on his face was more than evident.

"I know that you and Tanya have been seeing each other on and off and she's literally all you've been talking about for weeks now, so there. If you're gonna have sex, at least just do it responsibly and safely. God knows, I don't think either myself or Justin wanna be uncles, not yet!"

Jordan snickered at his brother, before handing the condom back to his brother. He opened his wallet and showed Jake the one that he had already stashed inside, the intense smile on Jake's face getting wider by the minute, if that was at all fucking possible.

"Dude! Up top!" he whispered, before he high fived his younger bro.

"You sure you're gonna know what to do, though? What goes where?"

"JAKE! Jesus!"

Jake pulled Jordan into a bro-hug before he ruffled his hair, earning even more daggers from his younger brother.

"Come and tell me all about it tomorrow when I come by for my laundry, okay? I want ALL the deets!"

Jordan nodded, and was already half way out of the kitchen and running towards the family car, before he heard his name being called, and when he turned around, Jake had actually followed him.

"What? I'm so gonna be late and we still have to pick up Tanya!" he hissed towards Jake, who innocently held up his hands in mock protest.

"Jordy, chill out, will ya? I just wanna ask you...dude, please...would you just look after Justy tonight? I know he's a big boy and he can take care of himself...but come on, dude...you're twins! If there's any crap from any of those homophobic boys at the dance...I know you're gonna do the right thing and protect him...at least I hope so?"

Jordan looked down at his shirt and jeans...the shoes that he was wearing...he saw Justin in his mind's eye. His brother...the one person who had been with him literally all his life. He loved him, he knew he did. They had ALWAYS been together, no matter the odds.

Justin being gay, really threw him for a loop, and there was a time where he was really, honestly afraid that he was going to develop the same feelings for boys that Justin had. Thank God he didn't...but if he was honest...he didn't know how to talk to his brother any more. Him being gay...was against EVERYTHING their family stood for. What they had been taught and brought up to believe in.

Still...no one knew Justy better than him. No one knew Jordan, better than Justin.

He finally looked up, sighed, and looked Jake straight in the eye.

"I promise, okay? Can I go now?"

Jake giggled.

"Make sure you actually wear that thing tonight!" he whispered, before earning a solid middle finger from his kid brother, in response.


It was later that same night. The party seemed to ebb and flow to its natural conclusion, but for every single teenager at said party...they all knew, that this dance was just like the starter in a restaurant menu. With the main course, or on current terms, the all night after party, still to fucking come.

Since alcohol wasn't allowed at the party, and all their bags and shit having been searched by several of the teachers upon arrival, things were mellow at best, with most couples still enjoying the music on the dance floor, others having sneaked out ages ago to go and have fun on their own.

Jordan wiped his sweaty forehead with the palm of his hand. The lights and everything were getting him more than hot, and the fact that in the hours that was going to take place after this shindig, that he wasn't going to be a virgin anymore, at the tender age of just fifteen years.

Sure, he had been pretty cocky and pretty much fired up for the event before now...but as the dance was coming to an end and the deed was getting closer and closer to getting done, so was his nerves.

He was only a teenage boy after all. Suddenly ridiculous worries such as, if he was going to do things the right way, started to worry him, if she was going to get off on him sticking his six-inch dick inside her pussy or not. If he was going to be any good at fucking his first girl.


The fact that Justin had been spat on and ridiculed ever since both himself and Kyle had gotten onto the dancefloor for the first fucking dance of the evening, just was the cherry on the cake.

He had no idea where his brother was, and his cell phone was currently off, to top everything off. He could have sworn he saw him head out of the gymnasium, where the dance was being held earlier, but then again, he had other things on his mind, and he wasn't, couldn't be sure.

He felt a pull on his elbow and he turned around to face a smiling Tanya...my God, she literally looked good enough to actually eat...which he was planning on doing in a certain form, in just a few minutes time. She licked her lips, and her eyes were sparkling just as much as his was at that moment.

"Look babe, is it gonna be alright if we leave in about twenty minutes? I still wanna line dance with my girls over there, and my cousin said we can borrow her apartment for like an hour and a half after that, so we gotta be quick before my dad comes to fetch me. He thinks she's gonna be there with me...he's gonna KILL me if he figures out what we're doing!"

Jordon leaned down and gave his girlfriend a slight kiss, before he looked up again, and guilt started to thrash through him. He still had time...he at least wanted to make sure that Justin was okay, before they left for Tanya's cousin's apartment.

"Okay, I'll meet you by the school gate in twenty minutes then, don't keep me waiting!" he whispered, before giving his girlfriend another kiss, before he sighed as he saw her walking over to her army of skanks...oh, he meant friends. Yeah, that was the right word.

Walking outside, he took a quick sniff of his underarms, but they still smelled okay. He smiled once more. Fucking hell. He was gonna fuck a girl...he was gonna totally fuck a girl for real! Jesus!

Okay Jordan...calm the fuck down. There was still enough time to find Justy and make things right with him before they left. He would just feel a lot better if he could at least see Justy in person and knew that he was okay. He made that promise to Jake as well, and he was determined to see it through.

He breathed in some fresh air, as he walked across the school yard, his eyes just about everywhere, his ears listening as best he could so see if he could find Justin. He was getting a little worried to be fair...it totally wasn't like Justy to just up and leave and especially not without his boyfriend.

There were fewer lights shining underneath the entrance of the school gates as he slowly made his way over there in the meanwhile. He checked and double checked, but he didn't see any sign of Justin at all. Man...where the hell could he be? You just don't vanish into thin air, do you?

It was nearly completely dark around him now. Only the moonlight shining down on him gave him any sort of indication where he was going.

Jordan took out his phone and gave Justin another phone call, but once more, it went straight to voice mail. That nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach got even worse. He couldn't stop worrying that with all the hatred that Justin had endured since he came out...he couldn't stop thinking that something terrible had happened. All it twin-intuition.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming his way thick and fucking fast. He turned towards and faced whoever was coming, but before he could do, or react in any sort of way, he felt...he was...

...EMBRACED by an equally young male body like he never was before!

"Thank God you're okay...thank goodness I fucking found you...me and Jordan had been looking everywhere..."

It was Kyle! Only...what the fuck?


All that Jordan saw, before he could correct him...was Kyle's mouth and his lips coming closer...closer...closer...

Until the two sets of lips smashed on top of the other like they had never felt anything as powerful, as real, as PASSIONATE happen to them, ever before.

Jordan closed his eyes, as if on instinct, as he felt himself being kissed by another boy for the first time in his life. Kyle clearly thought that he was Justin...they were dressed nearly the same, and of course they looked EXACTLY identical...he had no idea of knowing that he was totally kissing the wrong brother!

Lord only knows why Jordan didn't pull away.

When he would think about it later on, he would have no answer.

Kyle knew what he was doing when it came to kissing. His arms reached upwards and was placed solemnly around Jordan's neck, deepening the kiss to a level where Jordan had no more will to actually say no.

The sheer amount of newly experienced feelings that was ripping through his body was voiding him from any emotion or any brain activity that he still had. Kyle thought he was Justin...he could actually FEEL the love that the boy had for his brother sooth through him like a hot knife through butter.

He was fucking ashamed to admit this...and although she told him she loved him on a regular basis...Tanya had NEVER, EVER, managed to kiss him with a need such as THIS.

Finally, the kiss was broken, their lips smacking off the other, as Kyle proceeded to lean his forehead onto that of Jordan, before he kissed said forehead and hugged the boy close to him.

"Don't you ever do that to me again...I love you so much...if anything had to happen to you..."

Before Jordan would manage to regain control over his vocal chords to set the record straight, they heard a massive commotion from behind both of them. It sounded like someone running around the dark, from one side of the school yard to the other, calling out random names at will.

As the voice and footsteps drew closer, Kyle suddenly released Jordan, before he took his hand as he lead both of them out from the darkness of the school gates.

"KYLE? KYLE, you there?"

Jordan froze.

As did Kyle.

That...that voice he would recognise anywhere. Any fucking where.

Simply because...

...his voice sounded exactly identical to the person calling out.


Jordan immediately felt Kyle tense up.

He swallowed nervously as he saw the boy turn back to look him straight in the eye. Kyle's face was distorted, as he had ever seen it, confusion and disgust pouring from the core of his very soul.

"Jordan?" he whispered, his face a mixture of shock and total and utter disbelief.

What could Jordan do or say in his defence really...his twin brother was literally just ahead of them. There was no way he could get way from this scott free. He slowly nodded...before his temper once more seemed to FLARE up...

"You didn't even give me a chance! You just ran the fuck up here and kissed me!" he hissed towards Kyle; his face as red as red could be.

Kyle sighed, and reached upwards, as if to touch his lips...before once more looking at Jordan, before turning around...


Kyle cleared his throat before he grabbed Jordan viciously by his shirt, angry as he had ever been in his entire short life.

"If you tell anyone...anyone about this...why the hell didn't you say anything? What the bloody hell are you playing at?" he whispered towards Jordan, before letting him go in an instant, with Jordan stumbling to find his feet as he finally saw his brother arriving to be with them.

"Dude! I looked for you everywhere...I'm sorry, baby...something must have fucked up my stomach, I have been throwing up in the toilets for the last half hour...you mind if we go home now? Hey Jordy...sorry you guys had to come all this way down here to look for me. My phone's battery is dead as well to make everything worse. You ready to go, babe?"

Jordan's eyes flickered over towards Kyle...the boy was trembling and if it wasn't the sheer darkness surrounding them, Justin would be able to easily see it. Jesus. Jesus Christ.

Kyle somehow managed to smile grinningly over towards Justin, before he nodded and turned away from Jordan. He hugged his boyfriend to him, to his person, before he gave Jordan another death shot over his shoulder.

"With all the idiots that gave us such crap all night, I really thought..." he started to say, but Jordan's eyes widened as he saw how Justin reached up and softly placed the palm of his right hand on Kyle's left cheek.

"Babe...I can take care of myself, you know that! You okay, Jordy? You're quiet as hell."

Jordan looked up, right into the eyes of his twin brother. God. He felt...he felt so...he didn't quite even know what he was feeling right now...whatever it was, didn't have a name. At that moment, he wasn't totally sure if he was even capable of speaking.


"He's fine, babe, you're right, can we just get the hell out of here?" Kyle demanded, before he placed his arm around Justin, as the two of them started their walk upwards and back to the school itself.

"Message me when you're home!" he could still hear Justy yell back to him before the two of them were completely out of sight.

Jordan walked out of the shadows where he had been standing all this time, and when he was sure the coast was clear. He slowly, still very much in thought, took out his phone. The twenty minutes that Tanya wanted was almost done...she'd be here any minute, just like they had agreed.

He reached upwards and touched his lips...very much as Kyle had done.

Holy shit.

The way that Kyle had kissed him...he thought he was Justin...but still...he had never...he didn't wanna admit it...but there was no way that Tanya had EVER kissed him the way that Kyle did a few moments ago.

Such passion...such relief that he had seemingly found his boyfriend...such...such emotion and desire for the boy that he loved.

Jordan sighed. The cold air making his breath freeze out in front of him and hang there like cotton candy.

Kyle was right.

Oh God...he was right.

Why didn't he stop him?

It would have been so God damn easy...just pull away and say...hey dude, you got the wrong brother!

He didn't do that.

If anything, he fucking kissed Kyle back.

Goosebumps spread across the entirety of his arms.

He reached up and wiped his eyes.

Why didn't he just stop him?




Oh boy...the straight Jordan now has a dilemma...and how will Kyle explain to Justin just what had happened in the dark between them before he arrived??

Want more? I'll give you more haha! Just send me an email saying you enjoyed it, and I'll get onto things ASAP xx


Next: Chapter 2

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