A Knight in Shining Armor

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 21, 2019



A Knight in Shining Armor

Neil O'Grady sold auto parts. His job as a salesman required lots of travel, but he didn't mind at all. He was a loner, and had very few friends. One day his travels took him to a city he had never been in before. He settled into his hotel in the late afternoon. His first appointment was at 9 AM the next morning, so he had all evening to himself. He took out his laptop and searched the gay yellow pages for a nearby gay bar. Given his solitary nature, he gave no thought to any kind of hook-up. He just wanted to enjoy a drink or two on his 27th birthday.

The moment he put one step into the bar, he knew he had made a mistake. The patrons were all wearing leather garments, but more frightening than that, they were all hairy, heavy bears. In contrast, Neil was a slender young man, who was often described as a "pretty boy. "He almost looked like a woman in drag.

He turned around to leave only to find the doorway blocked by two leather-clad brutes. Each one took him by an arm and dragged him to a dark alley adjacent to the bar. Unseen by anyone in this blackened space, they pulled down his pants.They then exposed themselves and forced him to give them head. They refrained from cumming, and then they told him that they were going to fuck him. Just as the first one was about to enter him, without lubrication and unprotected, Neil was certain that he heard one of them say, "You're going to love this."

Neil was truly frightened. He had been raped before and it was not a loving event. He was a junior in high school. He lived close enough to the school to walk back and forth. About halfway home one day, a car with two boys in it drove up beside him. The passenger called him faggot, and yelled out to him to stop. Neil recognized him immediately. He and the driver were well known school bullies.

They pulled him into the car and drove to one of their homes. The bully, who lived there, had no siblings and both his parents were at work. Once inside, they brutally raped him several times. Not caring one iota that Neil was bleeding from the rectum, they threw him in the back of the car and dumped him in an empty lot. Fortunately a passerby saw his limp body. Thinking it was a corpse, the man called 911. Neil spent two weeks in the hospital recovering from surgery to close up his ripped colon. Fearing further (and maybe worse) abuse, he told the police that he didn't know who the rapists were.

Remembering his prior rape, and in abject fear, Neil started to fight the two leather bears. He was no match for them and they quickly subdued him. During the hassle, one of them knocked Neil's head against a brick wall and he passed right out. When he awoke the next morning, he found himself naked, in a clean bed, in a strange bedroom. It was obvious to him that he had not been raped, but even so he was confused and disoriented.

While he was debating with himself whether to get out of bed or stay in it, a stranger came into the room. He was as naked as Neil. Of course, Neil gave first attention to the man's cock. It was flaccid, uncut, and about five inches long. It was quite heavy around as well. Neil's mouth began to water, but he forced himself to examine the rest of the man whom he believed to be his benefactor.

If Neil had to describe this man, he would have said, "He's a God of myth; Greek or Roman. "Although he did not appear to be any older than Neil, his hair was silver. He was very tall, well over six feet. He smiled at Neil, and his teeth sparkled in the sunlight entering the room. His eyes seemed to be translucent, and Neil could not really make out the color. He was still stunned, by what happened to him, and now, the beauty of this man overwhelmed him.

The naked stranger climbed into bed with Neil, and hunkered up to him. This gave Neil the courage to ask, "Where am I? What happened to those two goons who were going to rape me?"

"You are in a safe place," the stranger answered, and Neil was mesmerized by the tone of his voice. "They will never harm you again. In fact, they will never harm anyone again."

Neil's blood ran cold. It sounded like this beautiful man may have murdered his two assailants. He didn't have much time to dwell on his fears. The stranger began to fondle him, and to make love to him... He was slow, sensual and very loving. He completely aroused Neil. Nevertheless, the fear did not leave him. He continued to believe that the stranger might have murdered the two bullies, and he could not shake off his fear.

"Please," Neil begged, "I have a business meeting this morning. I need to get back to my hotel to shower and dress for work."

"I have always respected a man who places work before pleasure," the god-like man said. "I'll take you back to your hotel, but I'll pick you up after work this evening.We'll have dinner together, and I would be pleased if you spent the night with me."

Neil didn't mean it when he said, "Of course," but he just wanted to get out of there, no matter how attracted he was to this man.

"Before I leave you," Neil asked, "might I know the name of my benefactor?"

The man's face clouded over. It appeared that he was choosing his words carefully. "You must never ask me my name. If you do I will not be able to protect you ever again, and worse, I will be forced to leave you."

Neil became more fearful than ever.

At his business meeting, Neil could not get his nameless benefactor out of his mind. Neither could he get rid of the fear within him, but on the other hand, his lust (maybe his love) for the stranger was growing rapidly. Unfortunately, his fear was trumping his love.

When he left the meeting and exited the building, the beautiful man was waiting for him. One look at him and Neil was overwhelmed by love. He refused to accept his fears when he realized how much he loved this man. He surrendered to the sure realization that he was going to spend the evening and the night with him.

The man had his own little fear. He was concerned that Neil would want to leave him after they made love. Or worse, he feared that Neil would ask his name and he would be forced to leave Neil. He vowed to shower so much love on Neil that he would never want to leave him.

They went to a fine gourmet restaurant, and had a wonderful meal. After eating, they returned to the room where Neil had awakened from his ordeal. They showered together, and in the shower they nearly brought each other to climax, but they held back. Once they were dry, they got into bed. The stranger began a trip around the world that was to last for more than an hour. Neil could do nothing but moan, twist his body, try to catch his breath, and cry out, "Oh, God." There was no doubt in Neil's mind now that he was destined to spend his life with this man. He was even willing to quit his job and move to this city.

Finally, the man took Neil's adequate seven inch cut cock into his mouth, and Neil had an orgasm like no other he had ever had before.He cried out in ecstasy, "I love you. I want us to stay together forever, but if we do, I must ask you to tell me your name."

The man gave out one long moan. "I begged you not to ask my name," he said. "You could have called me anything you wanted to. Now, I must part from you. My name is Lawrence, and I am your guardian angel, or I was. Now, nobody will look after your safety."

It was Neil's turn to moan and curse his own curiosity. It killed the cat and now it was killing him. He began to cry bitter tears as Lawrence put him to sleep.

He didn't sleep very long. Upon awakening, Neil realized that he was in the same room where he first met Lawrence, but he now knew that he was in his own hotel room. He sobbed bitter tears, and called for Lawrence to forgive him. Eventually, he fell asleep again, and he slept all night.

The next morning when Neil woke up, he thought to himself about what a wonderful dream he had just had. Suddenly, clear as a bell, he heard Lawrence's voice. "Do not be sad my love. You will forget me soon enough and begin to doubt that our encounter was real. I assure you, it won't be long before you will meet your one true love."

Now Neil was convinced that it was no dream. He could not have dreamed the sound of Lawrence's voice while he was wide awake.

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