A License to Hunt

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 8, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"I'll keep the camp." I said when my father started pushing me to join him on the hunt. "You know I don't really care to hunt."

Dad just shook his head. "I don't understand you." he said. "You can eat the meat, but you can't hunt it."

"I can hunt." I pointed out. "I just don't think it's any fun."

Dad grunted, I had proved my lack of hunting wasn't due to any fear of rifles or of killing animals for meat on a rabbit hunt a few years before, but that hadn't stopped him trying to get me to shoulder a rifle and go out with him on the annual deer hunt. "Can we at least get you to ask for a hunting license, then?" He said. "Just in case one of us gets lucky more than once."

"Sure, Dad." I said. "We can pick one up for me tomorrow on the way."

Dad shook his head. "We'll go pick one up for you now." he amended. "There's a limit on how many they'll sell, you know."

"All right." I said, standing up. "Let's go get me a license to kill."

Dad just laughed.

Seeing how I was a college man home for a week after Thanksgiving break, you might wonder what the hell I was doing in a situation like this. Hunting and fishing was the backbone of my own family's social life, if I cut them out on that, I'd be speaking to my father only on the infrequent occasions he was home from work and not out hunting and fishing. I didn't object to my family hunting and fishing, they weren't sports hunters, the animals they killed were always kept and butchered for the dinner table, all edible parts of the animal were eaten and the rest disposed of in the wild (where scavengers would eat it).

But like I said, my objection was that I just didn't like to hunt. You have to get up way to hell early, dress up and tramp-tramp-tramp through the woods until you're exhausted, then to try to plug some animal in a way that will drop it down and not just wound it, if you only wound it, you're honor-bound to keep chasing it until you can finish it off. And missing the shot entirely (easy enough to do) gets you snickered at for days on end among this crowd! All in all, it was right up there to me alongside playing tennis, I don't knock it for those who love it, just don't ask me to play!

But to be with my Dad for a change, I'd "keep the camp," that is, I'd stay behind and keep the fire going and wash the dishes and cook the meals and run into town for the stuff we'd need. I'd only miss out on his company about four-five hours at a time that way, and the rest of the time, we'd be sitting around the camp together, playing cards or dominoes and having a pretty good, father-son time.

So, way too early the next morning, we were on our way. I'd keep my own hunting license and the first hunter to bag two deer (the limit was one) would turn one of them over to me to claim as my own kill. Not exactly honest, but again, we ate what we killed, we didn't just cut a haunch from the deer and leave the rest to rot in the woods like some hunters did. Those are the people we reserved our greatest scorn for, a real hunter ate what he killed!

We got to our campsite at the ripe old time of four-thirty a.m. (I said we'd left way too early) and were the first to arrive, but by the time we'd started a fire and pitched our tent, the rest of the hunters were there. A fair-sized camp, we had some twelve or fourteen people here by five-thirty a.m., and by six a.m., they were all out hunting for themselves and I was alone in the camp. The morning was prime time for hunting, they'd all be back by ten or eleven o'clock. Meanwhile, I had some unpacking to do, I'd agreed to set up everyone's cots and lay out the cooking equipment, three Coleman stoves for cooking and a pot for over the campfire, I also had to lay in a supply of wood for the fire. Plenty to keep me busy, and doing a good job on this would keep the snide comments about me not hunting to a minimum, hard to sneer at the guy who cooked your meal and unpacked your bags for you. That immunity would fade by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, but at least I could get one day in relative peace.

So about an hour later, I was walking into the third tent I was setting up for its owners and stopped dead in my tracks. One of the cots was set up and occupied! "Whoops!" I called out.

The guy in the cot had been lying face down, he raised up on his elbows and looked around. Damn, he was cute! Blond haired, blue eyed, and perfectly flawless skin the color of peach ice cream and looking just as lickably luscious! "Huh? Who are you?"

"Kyle. Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my tent?"

"I'm sorry, I promised everyone I'd set up their tents while they were out hunting. I didn't think anyone else was still in camp. I'm Nate." I stuck out my hand.

His right hand was on the far side but he reached it underneath his body and out the left side for me and I bent down and took it, shook it. "You couldn't get a license either?"

"Huh? No, I have one, it's just I don't care much for hunting. I'm just here to visit with my Dad, so I'm keeping the camp."

"Oh." I dropped a couple of notches in his eyes, I could tell.

I decided to redeem it. "You can have my license." I offered. "I wasn't going to use it, my Dad just wanted it in case someone needed it."

"I need it." he rose up further, and I saw his body clear to his waist and a bit beyond, God, I don't think he wasn't wearing anything under that blanket! "Thanks, man!"

"No problem." I told him. "Not like I'm going to use it. I'm just here to hang with my Dad."

"What time is it?" he asked me.

I looked at my watch. "Nearly eight-thirty."

"Shit." he grunted. "Too late to try today. I'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"That's okay." I said. "I could use some company until they get back."

"I could use some coffee." he said. "We were driving half the fucking night to get here."

"There's a pot on the stove." I said. "Made it a half hour ago."

"Great." And to my delight, he rolled the covers off himself and sat up on the edge of the cot. "I could really go for a hot cup of coffee right now."

He was naked. In a camp of nothing but men, it wasn't that big a deal, but...God! He had a sausage between his legs that I wanted to slap between a pair of those hot dog buns I'd unpacked a while ago, slather with some mustard and go to town on!

Okay, so I wasn't subtle about the way I stared and slavered at him. He saw me looking and I saw him seeing me looking and he grinned and I flushed, I could feel the redness flare up in my face.

His own response wasn't any more oblique than my own, he grinned, and laid himself back, exposing his body to my full view. And that sausage was getting meatier by the moment. "Get yourself a real good look, Nate."

I stared. Of course I stared. I mumbled out, to be saying something instead of nothing, "I can bring you a cup of coffee if you'd like."

"I could really go for one." Kyle said. And before I could take that as an excuse to leave with at least a shred of my dignity intact. "But there's something else I could really go for, too."

Okay, now I sure didn't want to leave! "There's something I could really go for, too." I said instead.

"So what are you waiting for?" Kyle asked me.

But I was already kneeling between those legs of his and that cock was at full mast by the time my hand caught hold of it and my mouth was diving right after it. He was a solid eight inches of manhood, uncut, clean and pink and the glans soaked up my saliva when my tongue touched it like a sponge, to be a slicked ball when I pushed it over the tongue and down my throat. I got him nearly all the way down on my first approach and that doesn't happen that often, even with practice and eagerness, both of which I had.

"Aw, yeah!" Kyle groaned when I hit my bottom and began to draw my lips up that firm shaft. "Yeah, man, yeah! Eat it for me, eat it!"

There was a hint of saltiness on my tongue as the glans drew across it when I reached the top again, salty and sweet and tasting like a man ought to taste, rich and clear and strong!

When I slid back down again, his hand was on top of my head, urging me to go deeper, deeper! I looked up to see him raising his head back, his grin about to spread all the way across his face, and a hissing moan slid between his teeth as I hit the base and my nose was tickled by his blond pubic bush. Blond as the hair on his head, that's rarer than you'd think, it marks a pure-bred blond, no mismatched genes involved. "Ohhhh, yeah, man, that's it, take it all, man, take it all."

I began to move quicker and his moans picked up the pace right in tune with my movements. "Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, that's it, yeah, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, shit, hah, hah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

I felt his cock heat up and I braced myself just in time.

"Oh, oh, ah, ah, I'm coming, ah-ah-ah-AH-AH-AH-AH, HAHHHGAHHHH!"

A hot flood of jizz spewed into my mouth, the thick flavor of pure man, and I held on tight and gulped it down fast as Kyle could jet it out. Kyle was moaning, grunting and thrusting his hips up at me, and I drank a huge load of his spunk until he finished, slumped back on his cot, head and shoulders resting against the tent's side, and panting hard, his chest rising and falling and still looking sexy as hell even in his lassitude.

"Ah, shit, Nate, you suck cock damned good!" he breathed. "That really went down damned well!"

"Glad you liked it." I said as I rose, wiping my lips dry with the back of my sleeve.

"How about you fetch me that cup of coffee now." he said. "Then I'll get dressed and you can make me breakfast."

I was halfway back to the campfire before I realized I'd just been treated like his personal servant! I decided I'd take him the cup of coffee, but he could make his own damned breakfast!

Kyle came out of his tent, dressed, at a time when I was feeding more branches onto the fire. His eyes rose as he saw I hadn't made him his breakfast but he moved over to the food supplies, pulled together a bologna sandwich, just a slice of the meat between two pieces of bread, and chomped on that. I was vaguely disappointed, because I'd spent the last ten minutes working on what I was going to say when he asked me where his breakfast was.

But something else was on his mind. He finished his sandwich, then he cleared his throat and said, "Say, Nate?"


"You said you had that license you were going to give me?"

So I could use my lines after all. "Yeah, about that."


"I changed my mind."

"Oh." Kyle was quiet for a time. "Any way I can change it back?"

"You could start by apologizing for treating me like a piss-hole back there in your tent."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I kinda thought you'd like that sort of thing."

"I didn't."

"I said I'm sorry! What can I do to make it up to you?"

"I'll think it over and let you know." I said and I bent over to pick up some more firewood. These branches I'd gathered here-and-there, using the small hand-ax we'd brought, was a real pain to get into a neat pile, but if I didn't, there was a good chance someone would trip over them sooner or later, I wanted to avoid that and....

I felt Kyle's hands grab me from behind. The rough kind of grab that a man uses to try to attain dominance over another. "I'll make it up to you." he growled behind me.

"Hey, man, the others could come back any minute...." I protested.

"Fuck them." Kyle said as he tugged at my sweatpants. They slid down my legs easy enough, you don't tie sweatpants tight, hell, you don't wear them at times you think someone or something's going to yank them off you! "I'm going to convince you to let me have that license."

"That's going to take one hell of a good fuck." I said as he got my sweatpants and briefs off in one motion, a happy coincidence on his part, I don't think he was aiming to pull both down at once, but his hands hooked them both. He got me naked from the waist down in that yank, and hell, I felt his pud kiss my butt right after, he must have started undoing his pants the second I turned away from him!

"I can give you a hell of a good fuck."

"You got to lube that thing up before you ram it up my ass." I said as I felt the hot shaft throbbing on my butt. "I can't take this thing raw, and I sure as hell wouldn't enjoy it if I did."

"I got the cooking oil here."

I had to laugh at that. "Damn, you're a fucking Boy Scout, always prepared."

"Damned straight." I felt the oil, he must be just pouring it out of the bottle over his prick, he got quite a bit of it onto my ass as well. It was flowing into my butt crack and down my inner legs. I was going to need a fucking bath after this and....

"Gah!" I gasped as Kyle's cock hit my butthole. This guy was a fucking marksman in more ways than one. So many guys fumble and futter and try to find your sphincter by sheer luck and jab; Kyle had my asshole targeted right from the get-go. His glans hit it, he shoved and it was going into me. That cooking oil made the invasion slippery and the hard dong made the insertion smooth.

Kyle didn't stop shoving until he had the full length buried in me. Hell, was he planning to fuck my ass like this, the two of us standing up, me leaning over a not-very-high pile of cut branches?

He was. His hips began to thrust at me, driving his pud in and out of me and I just had to raise my head up and moan! Shit, that felt good!

"Yeah, take it, man, take it all!" Kyle grunted at me as he fucked me. "Take my fucking pud, feel that hard rod ramming into you, feel it, can you feel it?"

"Yeah, uh, uh, uh, yeah!" I choked out as the force of his motions rocked me back and forth.

"You like the feel of my cock in your ass, don't you?"

"Yeah, uh, yeah!"

"Like it enough to give me that hunting license, don't you?"

A sense of puckishness rose up inside me before I could blab out "yeah" again. "No-o-o-oh!" I said instead.


"No-o-ot enou-ou-ou-ough!" I grunted.

"This isn't enough?" Kyle was outraged. "Well, how about this?"

And he began to really ram my ass. Trying to bend me to his will by raw force. His hips were slapping my ass with a wet sound as he fucked me.

"How do you like this fucking, Nate?" Kyle said after a while, his voice heavy with his effort. "Is this enough to satisfy you, man?

I took a breath I could say it clearly. "No." Another breath. "Not enough."

"God damn it!" Kyle guttered, he must be close to his orgasm. "What's it going to take?"

"You got to." Pause to breathe. "Fuck me all." Pause. "Season long."

"All season?" Kyle gasped out. Deer season only lasted four days, from the day after Thanksgiving Day until the following Monday, and this was Friday morning. Day one of the four.

"Yeah." Pause. "All season long." Pause. "Three, four times a day." Pause. "Then I'll give it to you."

"Shit." Kyle moaned. "I don't want the license on the last fucking day! The deer will all be spooked into the backwoods." He'd recovered, I must be retarding his ejaculation by this dilemma.

I was breathing easier too. "That's the deal. I get cock three or four times a day or you don't get the license."

"Shit." Kyle actually stopped for a while, his cock buried inside me. Then he suddenly began to ram me again. "I got it!"

"Got what?" Shit, this cock was beginning to have an effect on me, that pause had done something to my brain, it was urging me to get off while the getting was good.

"How to give you cock three or four times a day. Ah, ah, shit, I'm close!"


"I got, friends here." Kyle panted. "Came here with, five guys. I'll get, them all, to fuck you, too! How about that?"

"All of them?"

"Yeah, they're all, like me, young and hot!" Kyle cajoled me. "We'll fuck you in relays, take turns. Deal?"

I thought about six studs coming for me in rotation over the next four days. "Yeah! Deal! Now, fuck me good, I need to come!"

"You got it, man! First load of a dozen or more. You're going to be dripping come out your ass non-stop and, ah, ah, AH, SHIT!"

Kyle's body convulsed, he rammed his cock in hard and I felt the shaft pulse as he blasted his wads into me.

First load of many. Six hot men lined up to fuck me. Yeah, man, yeah! "Oh, oh, ah, ah, AH-GAH-AH-HAH!" My climax assaulted me as stealthily as Kyle's had hit him, he was still moaning and jetting wads of jizz into my ass and I groaned and sprayed come all over the branches in front of me. "Oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah!" I moaned as my orgasm mauled me and threw me aside like a used piece of waste paper, yeah, that was it, that was it.

Kyle finished unloading in me and he let go of me and gave me a shove that nearly knocked me off my feet. I steadied myself with a tremendous effort and caught my breath, then pulled my sweatpants and briefs back up. I was sweaty and could smell myself, but a bath was going to have to wait until I had a chance at a good source of water to wash in. We hadn't parked next to a stream far as I knew.

I was sitting at the table about a half-hour later, Kyle across from me, the two of us playing a game of gin rummy when I heard the undeniable sounds of booted feet thrashing through the thick blanket of fallen leaves in the woods nearby.

Three guys came out, I didn't know any of them, save that they were part of the camp. Kyle said, "Hey, guys!"

They waved and walked on by as Kyle looked at me. "What did you think of them?" he asked me.

"What about them?" The three guys were now at the fire a short distance away.

"They're part of the group that's going to keep your ass plugged." Kyle finished.

"Oh." I looked them over. Three studs just as hunky as Kyle all right. "Yeah, they'll do fine."

"Good." Kyle dropped his hand of cards in mid-game and walked off after them. I watched them all go into Kyle's tent, the place had been fixed up for only four, two cots and two sleeping bags. Waited, wondering.

A bit later, Kyle poked his head out and gestured for me to come over. I did and entered the tent. "Here he is, guys." Kyle said. "I promised him that you'd all give him a good butt-fucking for the next four days. Which one of you wants to do him first? I promised him three or four dicks a day." I was busy in that tent the rest of the day, as you can guess!

Kyle was as good as his word, those three guys and two more who arrived that evening were at my beck and call the rest of that four-day camp-out. At least one would stay with me in camp every morning and I'd get called away during the afternoon and evening from the games of cards to find myself impaled on another dong. I turned my license over to Kyle that first afternoon, and never had cause after to regret it.

When Dad and I were driving home Monday afternoon, he said to me, "Well, Son, I hope you're happy. Four days in a hunting camp without going hunting. I'd think you'd feel it was a big waste of time. I figured if you had a license to hunt, you'd want to use it. Instead, you just gave it away."

"I guess I did." is what I said. I didn't tell Dad that I'd actually made pretty good use of that license to hunt after all!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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