A life less than ordinary

By Gavin Hurst

Published on Jun 14, 2023


Enjoy folks. I am really enjoying writing it for you!

Chapter 36

It was 3 days before Jackson opened his eyes. For me, 3 days of talking to him, in a comatose state of our shared life experiences together. It was therapeutic for me knowing he could potentially hear me, and everything we had accomplished together and what we would accomplish into the future.

Holding his hand as those beautiful eyelashes flickered then opened, for me, was just the most amazing gift I had seen. Whilst he couldn't talk due to the tubes I n his throat, I squeezed his hand and told him to hush, now was not the time to try. The doctors came rushing in and started to take vitals and other measures to check on his wellbeing.

He appeared in good health, or better than where he had been.

It was a few hours before the tubes were removed from his throat, and before he could actually speak, but when he could, the hear his voice, as raspy as it were, was a gift in itself. He was feeling tired. Minimal pain and not much feeling at all. I wanted the girls to see him, so I facetimed Maggie who ran to her sisters side so they could both see and talk with their much loved Dada.

"Hey my wonder girls" were Jacksons first words, as tears filled all of their eyes.

"Dada" Maggie cried out. "I miss you so much"

"I miss you too monkey bum" Using the nickname he had used on her all the time.

Jules yelled out, "Get home and keep me company! I'm bored!"

To which Jackson replied, "As soon as they let me come home I will be there."

"I'll be home soon too" I added to my family's banter.

"Gee dad, did you have to threaten us, you're the fun police!" Maggie shot back in a quick retort.

We all laughed and it was good to see my family starting to heal, and repair, after what had been a terrible period for us.

A week passed before the hospital considered letting Jackson home, and only under strict rules and medical supervision. Whilst I had a nurse looking after Jules, I needed a nurse who understood the care needs of Jackson for the short to medium term.

It was at this exact moment I had an idea. Michelle who was the nurse on duty post Jackson's surgery, made note she was only doing short term work, as she travelled around Europe. Perhaps I could convince her to be his nurse for the interim until Jackson was back on his feet.

Later that afternoon as searched the halls of the hospital, I came across her in the café having her break.

"Hi Michelle" I said from a distance with a friendly wave. "I've been looking for you."

"Haha, of all the men looking for me, the gay one finds me. Just my luck" she responded with a touch of sarcasm.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. You mentioned the other night you were only doing casual work to continue your travels. How about if you came and worked for me for a little period, and I would pay you enough to travel for the next year or so?"

Her eyes lit up with the thought.

"What could I possibly be doing for you?" She asked with curiosity.

"I want to take Jackson home to our Villa outside Munich. But, he needs a specialist nurse that can look after him 24/7 until such time rehab can be undertaken and he is back on his feet. 6-8 weeks they are suggesting. I can offer full board, accommodation, the works. What do you say?"

"Well, I'd say, I best resign from this place ASAP."

With that taken care of, I spent the next few days organising transport from Frankfurt back to our villa. We chartered a helicopter that was equipped to handle medical transfers and that could land in the grounds of the Villa. Michelle was packed and ready to go, and I was looking forward to getting home, and getting back to work. Whilst Steven was doing a great job, I needed the routine that my work offered me.

Touching down at the Villa was such a sweet moment. The staff were out in full to welcome us back. I handed Paul a folder with Jacksons needs that needed to be met, introduced him to Michelle, and then walked close to Jackson as he was carried in to the make shift hospital room we had put together, next to Jules, who was still in heavy traction.

Bending down to give Jules a kiss and hug, felt so good, until my little stormtrooper Maggie came barging in.

"Hey old man, where's my hug and kiss." She bellowed.

"Shhh, Dada needs rest." I said as she ran in to my arms.

"Oh shit, sorry." I forgot.

As the medical team and Michelle settled Jackson in, I left them to it as I went for a walk around the grounds with Maggie.

"Dad, I wanted to talk to you." She said in a soft childlike tone.

"What's up sweetheart"

"Well everyday James and I have been walking the grounds to get out of the house. It's been really good. He spoke with me about various things, and I told him how scared I was, and some other things. It has really helped me. I think I am going to be ok."

I just grabbed her in close and squeezed her tight. My baby girl was doing ok. The debt I owed James would be unpayable, and I had no idea where to start.

"So, if it is ok with you, I would like to start Uni next week when the semester starts so I don't miss anything."

Whilst I knew this was a possibility, and as much as I wanted to keep us all together, there came a time when the chicken leaves the hen's side and moves on.

"Only if you think you are upto it. There will be some extra rules in place, and you must agree to follow them at all times."

"Oh, I know, I have already met Sally, my new security detail. She seems pretty cool actually."

"Really, that's the first I heard of it. Haha"

"I interviewed her with James. He narrowed it down, and she seemed like the one I related to the most. She is so cool. She used to be in the Marines and she used to protect Adele on tour. She is amazing."

"Well, I will talk to James, and I will meet Sally, and then we can discuss further. That's the best I can offer."

Whist slightly disappointed, she knew I was being a parent first and friend second. I trusted James judgement and had no reason to on this decision.

Chapter 37

The following weekend, I was planning on returning to New York as I had allowed Maggie to start college. My trip was with double meaning. The first was to make sure Magie settled in, and the second was to plan the launch of the Central American projects and our retail banking arm, which I had postponed in light of recent events. Steven flew over with us, and it was announced that I would be back in control.

"Hey Karl, it is so good to see you again" I said as he opened the door.

"Welcome home Grant, it is good to see you and Maggie again, hopefully under better circumstances this time."

We laughed uncomfortably at the later comment, but I knew what he meant.

"I have taken the opportunity to have some minor repair works done to the main reception room, following the trashing it took by the FBI are they left. I have employed a cook, and 2 house maids, and maintenance man will call on us weekly for any odd jobs that need attending to. I have completed the requests you have requested for Sally, and she will have a suite on the 5th floor, rather than over the carriage house. Everything is in order. I will let you settle in, and then perhaps we can catch up and chat about the launch party update."

"Thank you, Karl. Perfect. You have done a great job."

Realistically, Karl was amazing. Paul had cloned him so well, and he was adapting to running the house like he'd been doing it for years. I had insisted that Sally live in the main house, as I didn't want any distance between her and Maggie. I was wrapping my baby in cotton wool for the time being.

As I was sitting in my office catching up on e-mails, a you lady walked in with a tray of tea. "Karl thought you would like a pot of tea, sir." She said meekly as she placed it on the side table next to the sofa.

"How very thoughtful. But please, call me Grant. And what is your name?"

"Maria. And thank you for the job."

"My pleasure. Could you please send Karl in for me if he is free." I said, as she backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Karl came in the room, loaded with folders that he had. He had made a dossier up for the launch and had everything ready for me to go over and sign off on. We had planned the date for three weeks on Saturday, and whilst I knew Jackson wouldn't be able to attend, I knew he would be next to me in spirit. It took a good hour or so to finalise things with Karl, and before we knew it dinner was ready. I had asked Sally and Michael to join Maggie and I for Dinner, as well as Karl, as I just wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page as eah other regarding Maggie living in the house `Alone' when I wasn't here.

Whist we ate some of the best food I had tasted in years, I told Karl that is selection of cook, was truly outstanding. He had convinced the cook at his last job to jump ship and join him working for us. He was classically trained, had a unique twist on French foods, and loved to cook. He was everything I wanted, but I had to watch the calories, other wise I wouldn't fit in my pants!

We talked, discussed, and the occasional argument between Maggie & I, but eventually we were all in agreement. My daughter was as stubborn as me, and I had no one to blame but myself, I chided myself later. Sally, as per James & Maggie's advice, seemed a natural fit for Maggie, and I was pleased she would join us. Whilst a little overwhelmed by the opulence of her `living quarters' she was pleased to be close to her protectee at all times. As was I. After dinner was finished, I excused myself as I was beat. I needed a good sleep.

Rising, I made my way to our bedroom, and as I walked in to the Shower, the steam started to rise. I remembered back to the last time I was in there I had made love with Jackson. I had not had sex, or pleasured myself since. I started to lather up and wash myself, but now wasn't the time for a quick wank in the shower, I would do myself in bed shortly, as it would help me unwind and sleep better. I exited the bathroom, and Michael was standing in my bedroom.

"WTF, do you always know when I am hard and naked." I asked with a smirk on my face.

"I actually came up to grab a rundown of tomorrows plans, as I normally do. I didn't know you were going to walk out with a hot rod ready to go." He laughed.

I grabbed my cock and balls in my hand and waved it around. "This old thing, I am surprised it still works, its been that long."

Michael looked at me in a way he had never before.

"Boss, I may be your primary security agent, but I would be happy to offer you some release" he said, as he moved across the room.

He slowly pushed me down on the bed, as he wrapped his warm hand firmly around my now rock hard cock. As I closed my eyes, I could feel my foreskin gliding over the tip as I released precum that my cock slick and wet. Feeling the touch of another man on my cock was a feeling I had gone with out for so long and I needed it.

Upon opening my eyes, I could see that Michael had unzipped his trousers and was working his cock with his free hand. The look of a beautiful cut 7" so close to my face, had me reaching out to take him in.

Whilst Jackson and I had an open relationship, it was rarely acted upon, but, in my mind, I knew he would be ok with this, as I was needing sexual release urgently.

As I sucked on Michaels thick meat, his strokes became faster and firmer on my tool. I knew I could not keep this up much longer with out explosion. As Michael bucked in my mouth, I knew he was in the same position, and as I tasted his sweet nectar glide down my throat I let out a massive load which covered my torso and Michael's hand.

As he zipped up, a grin appeared on his face. "I hope that helped Boss."

"Thanks big guy. Yeah, I needed it, but I think until I mention it to Jackson, it stays between us, and we really shouldn't make a habit of it."

He was ok, there was no awkwardness as I gave him my plans for tomorrow. After washing up, he said goodnight, and I drifted off to sleep peacefully.

Chapter 38

Monday arrived and it was go time. After saying goodbye to Maggie, I finished dressing and made my way downtown to the office. It was good to see Klaus, who had become my quiet achiever in the background. He had successfully transitioned our brand in to a truly digital ready bank, and was making some great plans for the branch roll out in America. Steven could only sing his praises as could I, and also Steven's stewardship during my absence. I caught up with several divisional heads, and held some video calls with their German counterparts. It was important we all remained on the same page going forward.

My absence from the office had left so many decisions I needed to make. The Building in Munich was now nearing completion, I needed to sign off on final designs for the new plane. I had to sign off on new branch locations in America, authorise payments, work on head counts for new employee's and sign off on marketing strategies, which was where my strengths laid.

The week flew by, and by Friday night, as I sat down with Maggie for dinner, I felt as if we were passing ships in the dark, not father daughter. She filled me in on her first week, and the excitement she carried was infectious. I was so happy that she was enjoying her new adventure, and happy that was there to share it with her.

"So I was planning to head to Munich in the morning to see Jules and Dada" I asked casually over dinner. "Did you want to come with me?"

"Nah, I'd rather not, but I speak with them everyday on facetime, and I do miss them, so don't think I don't care."

"Why would I think that sweetheart. I know it's been hard, and you are using some distance to repair yourself." I replied.

"I guess so, but I also told one of the girls at Uni that she could hang here and go over our semester guides so we could plan,"

"Ok. No wild parties, and Sally and Karl are in charge." I added just for good measure.

The next morning I jumped on the jet at 5am and shot over to Munich. Arriving in the Villa just before dinner local time.

Heading in to the "Hospital room" as I called it, I saw Jackson sitting up slightly drinking through a straw.

"Howdy husband, looking damn sexy in your designer headwear." I said in reference to his still bandaged head.

"Hey honey, how you doing." He responded, still with a slight slur to his speech as a result of the surgery.

"Better now for seeing you. I see you have the room to yourself now?" Yeah except for nurse Hatchett here being the drill Sargent.

"Hey leave me out of this, or I will drug you up and knock you out again so I get some peace." Michelle laughed back at him.

I could see that my decision to bring Michelle on board was a positive step and that Jackson was pleased with her care. I knew him better than most, and if he had a problem, everyone would have heard about it by now. This was not the case.

I asked Michelle if she could give us a few minutes alone, and as she exited the room, I bent down to kiss Jackson on the lips.

"Heya you." I said in a whisper. "I have missed you so much this week."

"I know, but being a billionaire has its drawbacks" he laughed.

"I wanted to tell you something, so you hear from me first, ok"

Whilst a little panic crossed Jackson's eyes I was quick to reassure him it was nothing big.

"I wanted to let you know that the other night, I was horny, and Michael walked in as I was hard and naked, and he offer to give me a hand job, and I accepted, and I blew him."

"Oh, ok. Was it hot." He asked back.

"yeah, I needed it. I needed the release and the touch."

"I get that babe. I understand. We all have needs and in our position as we found out in Oslo, discretion is key. Was Michael ok after."

"Yeah, fine. No issues. He was good."

"Hahaha, I have to ask, because I am curious, what was his cock like. His body looks amazing."

"Nice. 7", cut, bloody thick." I responded, in a semi embarrassed way.

"Well maybe when I am back on my feet, we should organise a threesome with him."


"Yeah, it could be hot."

I was relaxed after this conversation as I didn't want Jackson thinking I had gone behind his back. As always, our openness and honesty played a key part to our relationship, and this was nothing different.

I spent the next hour chatting with him about my week and seeing how he was doing with his recovery.

"bored, bored, bored. I want to take a piss in a toilet, rather than a bag, I want to get out of this bed." He said. I could see his frustration and reminded him of why he was there, and that the only reason he was allowed to be back in the Villa was because of the assurances we had undertaken in relation to his care.

I had dinner with Jules, and as we sat at the table off the kitchen, we chatted about how she was doing.

"Dad, I just want to get back to the charity. I feel like I have abandoned it, and with Jo's death and Dada laid up, no one is leading the ship." Whilst she was right to a degree, we had a management team that was looking after things, but Jules needed to feel active and a part of something.

"Ok, how about we look at you doing a gradual return to work, and you promise not to over do it. Maybe every second day you can go in to the office, and then work from home on the other. But, like Maggie, there are strict conditions about your protection detail that are non-negotiable."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Daddy. Love you so much."

Dealing with Jules is so much easier than Maggie. Whilst there are many similarities, Maggie is head strong, and has a `don't back down' attitude. Jules, once explained, goes with the flow.

Marcus, Jules primary guard, and I had a talk with James about tightening the reign on Jules, at least in the interim. Marcus was a good guy. Very professional, very tight on procedure, but also feeling a lot of guilt over the accident which left Jules in hospital.

"Marcus, it was a co-ordinated attack. None of us saw it coming. Don't blame yourself." I reminded him. And I meant those words, as it was something I believed.

"Thank you sir. It means a lot, but I need to even protect her more so, and I promise not to let you down."

"I know, just don't beat yourself up any more. Promise?"


It was one of those conversations that needed to be had. And I was glad that I did. Marcus' care and commitment made me realise that Jules was in good hands, and it was all I could ask for.

After this I went and spent the evening with Jackson watching really bad German reality TV. Whilst we were becoming proficient in the language, some of the stuff we just laughed at because we didn't understand, lightening both our moods. I sat in the chair, just holding his hand, and offering him his cup on occasions so he could keep hydrated. Whilst I was with him, I let Michelle go and eat and have a break for a few hours. She was near or with Jackson and needed a break, and I was aware of this. Plus it was good to have Jackson alone.

"Hey" I said as we sat there. "I wanted to run something by you."

"What bub" came his reply.

"I wanted to do something for the family in Estonia that spotted you. They have been through hell with Media and the like. They are just a simple older couple who had just been going about their lives when this unfolded."

"What are you thinking?"

"Well, honestly, I wanted you to make that decision. It was your life they saved, and Maggies. Whilst my name is on the door, we are a team 100% and what ever you want to do, I will agree with. How about you have a think about it?"

"I don't need to think about it. You are to give them $5m, buy them a house near their son, and allow them to retire and peace and quiet with their grandkids. It's a no brainer really."

"Ok, if that is what you want, I shall make it happen, but, I would rather a third party like James handled it for us, as I really want to put distance behind us."

"Perfect, now, Big Brother in German or Dutch" Jackson said as he picked up the remote and started flicking channels. It was his way of avoiding the topic, and I was grateful for it.

The weekend went to fast and before I knew it I was leaving the Villa. Whilst I hated leaving Jackson behind, "Stranded" as he so eloquently put it, I needed to head back to the states to put the finishing touches on a major expansion that was time sensitive.

We took off at 8am Monday morning, right on time. I had managed to even drop Jules at the office and give her a kiss goodbye before leaving. Our arrival time in New York would be around 8am local time, and a perfect time to head straight to the office.

The jet lag was my biggest enemy, but I was learning more to sleep on the small bed to keep functioning around the clock. I was looking forward to getting our bigger plane, and hoped that it would be done in 3-4months, in time for Jacksons birthday. That was the plan.

Arriving in the office, I was surprised that Sam greeted me with my coffee. I had completely forgotten that he had flown over yesterday to be here for the next few weeks. I needed his skills to keep me on track and organised otherwise I would like derail and loose track of where I was at.

Sam was the consummate professional. He was everything I could possibly want in an EA. I hadn't realised how much he held our family together with everything he did in the background. Not a day went by where Sam was not saving my skin on something. Whilst I hated taking him away from James, I promised him that either James could fly over and work from here, or he could shoot home on the Jet on weekends. That made him happier about his separation from his partner, who was now a real part of his life, not just something casual.

Chapter 39

Karl called past the office to drop off the final plans for the launch. He and Sam went through the final details, and Sam signed off on everything to make sure we'd given enough time. Invitations were being sent out today to those powerful and connected types in New York. "No bloody influencers" I yelled out. They do my head in, as I made reference to the craze of Social Media influencers trying to get a ticket to anything in town to promote themselves, rather than decent causes.

"I know boss!" Sam yelled back. "Just let me and Karl do our jobs and you worry about saving the world and go make more money."

"I can't believe the way you talk to Grant." Karl said quietly to Sam.

"Haha, it's our relationship. It has been like that since day one. Always respectful, but with banter thrown in for good measure."

"I really enjoy working for him. It amazes me how human he is. My last family treated all of their employees like shit. This job I am paid more, and I am included in decisions, and my opinion is valued." Karl commented.

"All Grant wants is trust, commitment, and you know your job. He will never question you otherwise. I know you haven't spent much time with Jackson, but he is the one that really calls the shots, but never let Grant hear that. Hahaha. Grant is a massive softy when it comes to Jackson and the girls, and he'd blow his entire fortune if they told him too."

"Wow, I see why you love your job."

"It's only been a short period, but I really do love the challenges I have thrown at me daily. I was plucked out of Business School and given the role, days after Grant took over. I had no idea at first that I would be his executive Assistant. I thought I was joining the banks graduate program."

"Ah, similar, I just went to the agency I had previously used and said, find me a job, and the next thing I am sitting in a room with Grant and Paul was hired on the spot."

"Excellent, and I see Grant has great taste."

As Sam and Karl worked away in a conference room, I was slowly getting on top of everything. I knew the end was in sight, and things would start to get easier once I pushed through the back log of work I had. I ducked downstairs to see how the fit out crew were doing on finishing off our first branch, and was overall loving the vibe that it had become. It modern, but has still retained some of the more traditional aspects of our branches in Germany. Our offer was simple, and whilst we weren't necessarily chasing the corporate funds & clients, we were willing to meet their needs. Our target market was the mum & dad type people, younger demographics, and people looking for fresher outlook on banking. We were offering zero fee's on all accounts, credit facilities at a much lower rate, and services in branches that were slowly diminishing globally. Also, I had confidence in what our new digital platform was delivering in our European markets, and was confident it would be echoed her in the USA.

In the corner of my eye, Michael was watching me intently as I made comment on certain aspects, on certain areas. I could tell he wanted to talk to me, so I singled to him to come to take a seat.

"Penny for your thoughts, big boy" I asked candidly.

"Oh, nothing major, it can wait" was the reply.

"No games, buddy, somethings eating you, and I need to know."

"Well, kinda, well, yeah, but I feel awkward discussing it here."

"How about we head next door and grab a coffee and a chat."

`Great, my shout" he added in.

After ordering our coffee and a late lunch, I started to probe Michael on what was pulling at him.

" Well, I am not really sure how to start, but I think I need to resign from my job."

"WTF! Why? What's going on?

"Well you know how you and I kinda fooled around?"

"Kinda? Really? I'd say we got each other off, but go on"

"Well I feel I have breached our trust and relationship and I might have acted inappropriate, and in my line of work, it is all about trust, protect & accountability. I feel I have broken that."

"Ah, so because you got the boss off, with his permission, and with the acknowledgement of his husband, and the said employee got his rocks off, and there was no issue at the time, the said employee is stressing that he broke my trust?"

"Yeah, that about sums it up. So I have been thinking about how to resign with respect."

"Ok, so resigning is out of the question. If this is the way you feel, we never have to mention it again, and definitely never have to `fool around' again. Count it as a one off. I will let you in on a secret. When James was shot, I was devastated that I lost him as my primary, hence why he is doing the role now that he is. Secondly, when I was assigned you, I was petrified of you. I thought you cold, isolated, fearful. But, in saying that, I carry the utmost respect for you these days in everything that you do and have done. I am not replacing you! End of story. You're stuck with me and I am stuck with you."

"Hmmm if that's the way you feel, I guess I will just have to suck it up then." I finally managed to get a smirk out of him, and as always, his cheeky dimples appeared. One day you are going to make an excellent husband, I thought to myself, whoever lands him.

Michael I returned back upstairs, just as Karl was leaving. After a quick good bye, I noticed Michael turn back to look at Karl. Hmmm I thought, I will have to keep an eye on this.

"Checking the goods out?" I said as we walked back to my office.

"What, I can't look?" Michael threw back.

"I just see what I see." I chuckled to no one in particular, but Michael knew I was on to him.

"Look I am the last one to criticise anyone on anything when it comes to matters of the heart, but, just remember, you are first and foremost my senior guard. I do not want you hurt, I do not want Karl hurt, and I do not want this distracting you from your primary role. I know Sam and James have been discrete and professional, and it appears to be working out. But, if you go down that path, I don't want to have to pick up the pieces if it doesn't work out and lose one, if not two of my best people. In saying that, if you do decide to pursue Karl, I need to know so I am in the loop. Working and living together can have it's pro's and con's, especially when I never sit still for long."

"Thanks boss. I have one other question for you." He said with a touch of sadness in his voice.

"My work has never allowed me to have a relationship. Sure, I've had heaps of sex, I have had girlfriends at High School and whilst in the military, but I have never had a relationship, but everytime I see Karl, I get confused, I don't know what to say, I get major butterflies and I feel like a fool. The other morning I couldn't even muster up the courage to ask for the milk, so I had black coffee."

"Seems like you got it bad, boy." I said.

Walking into my office, I sat behind my desk, motioning Michael to take a seat opposite me as I worked.

"What you need to understand is that relationships take time to develop. You don't just fuck then get married. It takes time. You need to find out if you are compatible, common interests, dating, activities. What makes you both tick, and if you are there for the long haul. Take Jackson and I. I refused to date the smug prick. He was always right, always, so much so that him saying hello to me in a group setting, I just wanted to slap him. Then we were set up on a blind date. I wanted to walk out, but, he insisted I stay and we talked for hours. We dated for 3 weeks before we even contemplated sex, but by that stage, I had fallen in love with him. All of our common interests, he wanted to genuinely know how my day was, and me his. We'd go cycling on weekends, sit by the beach and talk, and it just happened. And well, here we are today, 2 kids, 18,000km from home, running a now global organisation. It happened for a reason, and I wouldn't change a thing."

"Ok, so what you are saying is, don't fuck and run."

"You're such a smartarse" I said back. "I think you get the whole idea. Let it happen, don't force it, and whatever happens, happens."

As the day wound to a close, I gathered my bag and started to head out the door. I was pooped. I needed a meal, a wine & shower. As we pulled up in front of the Townhouse, Karl met me at the door with a cool glass of pinot gris and took my bag off me. I noticed that Michael actually said hello to Karl, which was far from the norm when we arrived home.

I had decided we would eat dinner in the kitchen, which the cook was still coming to terms with, and how we were a casual household. Whilst eating, Michael spoke up.

"Hey Karl, after dinner I am going to do some weight training in the Carriage house if you don't have anything on, did you want to spot?"

I raised my head and looked at Maggie who had a massive grin on her face. Was I the only person who had not seen this coming?

"Um, yeah, if that is alright with you Grant?"

"Don't bring me in to this. You're both adults. I am going to kick back and watch TV with my daughter."

"Count me out dad, I have study." She responded.

As dinner finished, Michael came in and asked about plans for tomorrow so he could prepare anything I needed. After letting him know what we had installed, he nodded and left.

"Hey big boy, well done." I said as he walked out. Michael just kept walking.

My phone rang as I was settling in to the couch and it was Jackson. It was so good to hear his voice. He was just calling to say high, and fill me in on everything from Munich. James was miserable because Sam was here, Jules was loving being back at work, but struggling taking direction from our General Manager, Paul fired a maid....all the usual things that came to represent our new life. I was encouraged by the tone in his voice, and noticed that his words had almost stopped slurring. I had a smile from ear to ear, whilst I was on the phone, Sam rang and I said good night to Jackson, and took Sam's call.

"Remind me whilst you are not staying here." Is the way I answered my phone.

"Because if I was I would not stop working. Plus, we both need our space. I just wanted to remind you that we have the early meeting with the national property company that is securing locations. 7am in the board room."

"Oh shit, I had forgot, best I let Michael know. Night Sam." As I ended the call.

Sam was staying at the Plaza still, as he was right, we needed to separate at times. I was only a call away if needed. In my idle daze, I decided to pop out to the carriage house and let Michael know the change of plans. As I approached the pain glass door, I could see him and Karl working out. But as Karl was doing weights, Michael was looking on as a love sick puppy. I decided to send him a text instead, as they needed their own time as well.

Chapter 40

As I awoke, I headed down stairs to grab coffee. It was strange that Kitchen was in darkness and the house seemed asleep. The coffee machine was a new technical thing and I couldn't figure it out. It was odd that Karl was not up, and I was concerned as I went down to his quarters, and gently knocked on his door. No answer. I quietly opened the door, and saw that his bed was empty. Not only empty, but it had not been slept in. Hmmm I thought. Making my way back up to the kitchen, the rear door to the garden opened, and in walked Karl, in his gym clothes, looking totally embarrassed.

"You know when I was your age, we used to call it the walk of shame. Good night I assume?"

"Of sir, I am so sorry, I promise this will never happen again. How can I ever apologise."

"Well you can make me my coffee, make yourself one, and we can have a chat."

As he started up the coffee machine, I started to tell him the same things I told Michael. And whilst I had respect for both of them, I just wanted them to be aware of the dangers, and the fall out if things don't work. Karl was receptive to everything I was saying and thanked me for the advice. It was moments later that a fully dressed Michael walked in as if nothing had happened.

"Morning Boss, you're up early. Sorry, I just saw your text, I must have slept through it last night. I was tired."

Karl turned to him bright faced "Michael, he knows, he was up already when I walked in."

"Um, well, um, you see, we didn't have sex, we just got talking, well I was asking Karl everything about him, and what he liked to do and stuff, and well, we fell asleep on my bed. All innocent."

"Boys, it's ok. I am not here to chastise either of you. You are both grown men." I said which helped them calm a little, as Maggie walked in to the kitchen.

"what's going on gents" She casually asked the three of us as we had finished talking.

" Oh nothing, Michael & Karl did the nasty last night, and Karl did the walk of the shme as I was sitting here."

Maggie burst out laughing. "You are such an arsehole Dad! Don't listen to him boys." She said as she sided up next to Karl and gave him a squeeze on the shoulder.

"I have lived for 19 years with his shit. All talk no action. When we were young he had `Santa Claus' stored in his iPhone contacts, and if we were naughty, he'd pull out his phone and threaten to report us in."

This caused laughter all round, whilst I just sat there and smiled. Maggie then spent the next 20 mins giving away state secrets of my parenting techniques that had us all laughing, and both Michael and Karl at ease.

"Karl, before I forget, Friday night, I have invited over a few people for dinner. 8 including me, semi formal, main dining room, 5 courses, wine etc. Can I leave it with you?"

" Damn, you do realise it is Friday today don't you?"

"Oh shit, sorry, I over looked it. Will it be a problem?

"No no, cook may collapse with anxiety, but I sure I can Russell up some cheese toasties" he said as I walked away.

Hoping into the car, Michael I enjoyed our second coffee as he turned to me.

"Boss, it was really good. Yes, we were naked, after we showered, but we just laid and talked. Well I talked most, asking him everything I could think of. It was really nice. I was going to ask him out for dinner tonight, but you stuffed those plans hahaha."

I laughed at this, but then had an idea. Corey was watching over Sam and Sam and I were going to Munich tomorrow morning. So I turned to Michael.

"How would you like a few days off? I mean, I am flying to Munich tomorrow, Corey will be with Sam and I, and will be flying back on Monday morning with us. That way, you can chill out at home, without me, and maybe you and Karl could enjoy a peaceful weekend? How does that sound"

"It sounds great, but I am sorry sir, my first responsibility is to you, and I knew this when I signed up for the gig. I will be flying with you to Munich."

"OK, Let me put this another way. How about you pull your head out of your arse and let me tell you what to do. When was the last time you had a full weekend off? And before you answer, I will. You have never whilst you work for me. When was the last time you had feelings like this? Never. So shut up, do as you told, and I will tell James what I have decided." He looked at me with out saying a word. "Good I am glad this is settle, so pull out your phone, Romeo, and see if your Juliet has plans.....I'm guessing he doesn't."

Next: Chapter 12: A Life Less Than Ordinary 41 46

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