A life less than ordinary

By Gavin Hurst

Published on Jul 12, 2023


Chapter 111

As Jackson & Michael made their way upstairs to our suite, they headed out to the deck and hopped naked in to the Hot tub.

It was there I found them in a passionate embrace kissing and getting to know each other better. I stood back and watched a moment before they realised I was there holding my growing cock in my hand. Seeing these two hot men making out, was enough to get me turned on.

As I joined them in the warm water, I reached in and started kissing with them, as I moved my hand across Michael's hard nips to tease him more and get him turned on. I knew tonight would be good, but I was yet to discover just how good it would be.

Nic, was next to join us. His slim athletic frame was hit with the moonlight that hightlighted his perfect hairless torso, that lead down to that beautiful cut cock I had seen days before. I reached out a hand to him, to make sure he felt welcome, and wanted.

"Hey stud, welcome" I said as he step in with us. It was now starting to heat up as he sat on Jacksons lap and and the two of them started to kiss.

Karl, not to be left out dropped his robe as he too joined us in the now crowded hot tub. Sitting on the edge of the tun, I glided over taking his throbbing member in my my mouth. The pre cum that he was leaking tasted so good and it was just enough to have me work my cock in my hand. There was so much on offer I didn't know where to move to next.

As we played around in the hot tub, I suggested we move in side to the bed, where it would less restrictive and give us some more space.

No one needed any encouragement, as the five of us hopped out, dried off and moved inside. I need to be fucked, and I needed it tonight repeatedly. My sudden freedom had left me wanting a human connection like never before, and I made that know to the group assembled.

As I was eating Nic's beautiful hole, I held a large hand on my arse, and whilst not caring who it was, I could tell it wasn't Jackson. As he pushed a slicked finger inside me, the pleasure shot through me, and Nic nearly lost his load as I tongue fucked him harder than ever before.

I then realised as the girth pushing on my hole was Michael. I could tell by the resistance I felt at first, as I slowly felt my aching hole accept him whole. Pushing Nic aside, I buried my head down and took the assault that was happening with such vigour, I knew that Michael would hold on for long. It was only then out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nic drilling's Karl arse next to be.

Reaching over as best I could, I started to kiss with Karl, before Jackson knelt down in front of us, placing his 9" of uncut beauty before our faces, making us both work him over with our mouths.

"Yeah baby" He said, "You liking that"

"Loving it, I want more" I said as tried to catch my breath and speak at the same time.

"The best is yet to come" he said as he rose, and moved in behind me.

As I laid there on all fours, I felt the most intense sensation on my arse, as the Jackson worked his cock in my hole as well. My eyes had rolled back in my head, and once he was in, my cock went into over drive as it shot load after load of hot white cum, without me even having the need to touch myself. I could stop. Their cocks continued to work me over as Michael grunted and let out a torrent of cum deep inside me.

Karl was in a similar position as Nic pumped him full, at which time he collapsed next to me on the bed. I now had Jackson working me over, in a way that only he knew how. His cock slick from Michaels cum, and his force in pumping me, sending me over the edge for a second time. I was a proud bottom pig on this night, and I was having no regrets what so ever.

As Jackson withdrew, I saw that as a time to take a few minutes and catch my breath.

"You, here, on my cock" He directed Nic, who was by this stage stroking his growing member in his hand.

"I have never taken anything that big before"

"Well you're about to learn."

As Jackson laid him down, and licked his arse wet, he positioned Nic in the best way possible, straddling Jacksons cock.

As Jackson entered him Michael, Karl and I laid back and watched the young twink take Jackson like a champ. It was something incredibly hot to watch. The three of us started to make out again, and as Michael hardened up, He slid himself into a willing Karl, who just laid on his side with the only signs of enjoyment being the constant moans of pleasure escaping his lips.

For my part, I was happy to lay back and stroke myself as I watched these two incredible scenes unfold in front of me. As a voyeur, I was more than happy to turn this into a spectator sport, watching these hot men fuck as hard as they could, for as long as they could.

As Jackson scooted up the bed a little, he grabbed my cock and stroked me whilst fucking Nic's perfect arse. It didn't take long for me to shoot my third load for the evening. As Jackson licked his fingers clean of my seed, making him groan and grunt and force his balls to arch up and unleash a stream so full, and so forceful that Nic blew across Jacksons torso and onto his face. The arched back beauty of Nic shooting was also enough for Michael to unload into Karl.

This 45mins of hard fucking left us all spent. Suggesting we hop in the Hot tub, Karl went and grabbed some champagne to help us chill a little bit longer. We have definitely worked up a thirst.

As we unwound in the hot tub, each of us laid back with our own thoughts. Some touching and kissing was had, but it was nice to have these guys enjoying the company of other men in an intimate way. It was something Jackson and I had often done, when we were alone. It never lessened our attraction to one another, but, it gave us time to live out some fantasy's we had. I loved watch Jackson in action with other guys, just as much as he loved watching me get fucked.

"I guess the next three weeks or so could be a lot of fun." I said to some laughter around me.

"Well, I certainly hope so, I had a blast, and I want Michael in me. I need to be a better bottom" Nic said with a grin that was huge.

"Trust me, you did well tonight" Jackson said.

Karl and Michael left soon after and headed down to their cabin. Nic remained, not sure if he should leave or stay.

"Well, I should go now too" Nic said eventually

"Why, do you have somewhere else you need to be?" Jackson asked him.

"No, I was just giving you two some privacy"

"How about you come inside and sleep between us, I am sure there is enough space"

"Only if you are sure. I don't want to wear out my welcome"

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't"

As the three of us moved inside, Nic dropped his towel to reveal his hard cock.

"Bloody young guys, they never go soft" I laughed at myself

We slid in to bed as I rolled on my side. Nic slipped his cock in my and slowly started to find a rhythm that he was comfortable with. Jackson then returned the favour as he slid deep inside Nic. We continued like this until Nic dozed off to sleep, followed by the two of us. Three men, embracing their sexuality and not caring who would see us.

The night was successful, and enjoyable. It was a sign of things to come.

Chapter 112

Waking in the morning, Karl walked in with coffee. "I should have bought three" he said with a smile.

"Oh shit, I need to get down stairs, I have shift in 10 mins." Said Nic as he flew out of bed grabbing his clothes as he left.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night" I asked Karl as he drew back our curtains and let the sunlight in?

"I had a blast. Thanks guys. The big boy is tired so I left him sleeping."

"you know, you don't have to bring us coffee"

"I know, but I wasn't sure what or who was in here, so I decided to pull rank and do it myself"

"Good idea" I said as thought about one of the girls walking in and finding Nic between us.

"Any idea where we are?"

"yeah somewhere in the Indian ocean making good time for Sri Lanka this afternoon. Smooth sailing all the way, but rain is expected tonight, and the captain wants to stay in port, as it could be pretty rough otherwise"

"Thanks Karl"

As I reached for my phone, I dialled Sam, just to check in.

"Howdy mate" I said as he answered. "Everything ok"

"Sure is, I have emailed a few documents you need to sign for the legal team, if you could do that, that would be a big help, and I am interviewing for an assistant for me today"

"OK, just make sure that you are happy. Grab Cath or James to sit in with you if you like, that way you can have someone to support your decision. Ultimately it is yours to make, but a sounding board is always good"

"Good thought"

"You know why I am doing it don't you? It isn't if I don't trust you, but Sam, you are swamped, and a lot of that is because of the work I pile on you."

"Yeah I know, and I really appreciate it. Do you mind if I head to New York next week. Jules has asked me to help with her wedding planning, and she is freaking out a bit"

"Just do what you need to. I trust you, you don't need my permission. You're in the role because of your capabilities, I pay you to make those decisions"

"Thanks Boss. James was going to come too. He wants to meet some potential security team over there."

"OK, check in to the Plaza. Make it a little luxurious for yourself. Enjoy a break whilst you are there"

"Thanks. We might just do that"

Chapter 112

Arriving in the Island of Spice for the first time, we felt a touch of the exotic. It was late afternoon and it had been a few days since we had touched land. It felt good to be back on terra firma, although, we had no idea where to go. We caught a taxi in to the city, and found a little restaurant that looked good. Jackson, Karl and Michael and I sat people watched as hundreds hurried back and forth. It was nice to not be known, and to have a sense of anonymity to a degree. I felt safe in a way. Not because of where I was, but because of the people I was with. We weren't staying long, and as we prepared to leave the tropical front that Karl mentioned earlier set in. It was huge. From the thunder and lightening to the torrential rain and winds that came with it, our visability was greatly reduced. Our next biggest issue was we couldn't find a taxi, as Jackson and Michael tried in vain to flag one down. Eventually we got one, who returned us to the port. Wet from head to toe, we changed and sat in the upper salon as there was nothing we could do.

"Evening Grant" Tom said as he appeared. "I think we will be here 2-3 days. I can't get out of here whilst this storm is lashing the port. Unfortunately the way the wind is hitting, it could push us back and cause more damage than us trying to get out."

"I understand Tom. Just do what you need"

"Will do. I have negotiated a cheaper rate for the dock, due to it being a bit longer than thought"

"Thanks Tom. I appreciate it. Join us for a drink won't you, if you have nothing else to do but sit"

"Thanks I will." As Tom rounded behind the bar, he grabbed himself a whiskey and sat with the four of us. I liked Tom, and he seemed like a really genuine guy. For no other reason than he is always busy, we'd not had the chance to get to know him. At 6'5" he was another giant amongst men. As we got talking, we discovered he was recently single, and enjoying it. At 45, he was happy to "play the field". His shirt was tight, which revealed his body was taut and muscular. There were many people who would look atom, men and woman, and swoon at the way his chest hair poked out above his shirt.

Michael and Karl excused themselves to head down stairs, leaving Tom with Jackson and I. I was enjoying chatting with Tom and hearing about his global travels both as Charter Captain and also a Naval Officer in the British Navy. There were many a tale to be had.

"Why did you leave the Navy?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Honestly, I was experimenting"

"Experimenting? How so? Drugs?" I asked, with a touch of concern.

"No, men" he laughed.

"Oh, I thought you were married to a woman. My mistake."

"I was, but as I got older, I don't know, I just enjoyed fooling around with guys as well, and sometimes guys and girls at the same time"

"That's fair enough, we don't judge. By why did you get kicked out of the Navy then?"

"Back then being caught balls deep in a Sergeants arse wasn't an acceptable thing to do"

"Oops, that's pretty shit" I said feeling some compassion for him.

"After I left the Navy I was 1st officer on a 85m private charter yacht and I kept training to get more tickets for bigger vessels, ultimately I wanted to be captain of a cruise liner. Then, I applied for this role, and well, I love it. This is my baby now. Everything about this yacht is my dream. From my wheelhouse to my private suite. I am so at home with her"

"Good, because we like you. You're not going anywhere" I reaffirmed our commitment to him.

"Just remember though, you have a team. Make sure you take some you time. In fact, when we get Thailand, I insist you join us at a little restaurant we know. Beautiful place on the beach, in Panwa Village."

"Well, it so happens that we are docking in Panwa. We will need to refuel there. Fuel prices here are astronomical so I am not filling her tanks here. Just a little top up"

"Fantastic. I love Thailand. You never know you may meet your man, or woman of your dreams there, or maybe a lady boy" I joked.

"Oh. I have my eye on someone, but, I'm not sure he thinks I exist. But who knows. We will play it by ear."

"Care to tell?" I asked now my curiosity had been spiked.

"Well, totally inappropriate, but it is one of the crew. And as I forbid inter crew relationships it would be a little hypocritical for me to act on it."

"That's fair, young, blond, 25-26, maybe South African, the type of butt that you could bounce a coin off, a smile that melts you" Jackson added to the conversation with a smile."

"Well, now that you have mentioned it, perhaps you may be heading in the right direction" Tom said as he blushed.

"well, if I over rode your direction, and you were discrete, I am sure no harm could be done if perhaps you explored that a little further"

"I am going to have to do something soon. My balls are about to explode, and my wrist is getting RSI" he joked as he spoke.

"We've all been there" Jackson said with a sly smile

"How about I invite him to dinner in Phuket when we are there. There is only the 4 of us, 6 would be great. Plus you could get to know him off the ship, rather than just on it"

"I think I could approve that" Tom said. "The life of a captain is not all it is cracked up to be"

"I know, you work bloody long hours, and face a great many challenges" as I gestured outside to the storm that was pushing up against the dock.

We talked and got more familiar with each other as the night wore on. Tom was an extremely intelligent and knowledgeable man, and it was refreshing to speak with a man of his experience.

"Well, I need to get back on deck and check on the 1st officer. It's never fun in a storm like this keeping an eye on the lines and following weather patterns."

"Can I join you up there for a bit. I'm curious as to how it all works"

"Sure, Grant, would you like to come too"

"No, I'm good. I'm gonna crash. Sleep has got the better of me"

As Jackson and Tom left the salon, I wandered around a bit before heading upstairs to our suite. The bed was turned down, and it was so inviting. I slid in between the sheets and was out before I knew it. Jacksons arrival and kiss didn't even make me turn. I was beat.

Waking in the morning, I could hear the engines in full throttle, and as I opened the curtains I could see land in the distance disappearing.

Leaving Jackson in bed I walked up to the wheelhouse to see Tom behind the controls.

"Morning Tom, we set off?" I asked puzzeled.

" Yeah, I pushed out at 4am. We had a good break in the weather and thought I would capitalise on it. Otherwise, we may have been stuck there for days, and the authorities aren't the biggest fan of a 190m superyacht. Sea's may be a little rough, but nothing she can't handle"

"So in other words, hang on" I said laughing.

"Yeah, and we've had to empty the pool too. The water would of splashed over in some of the seas we are expecting. It's time you really got your sea legs boss"

"I'll be fine, but I have a husband who may not cope" I laughed.

It was at this very moment we were hit side on my a massive wave.

"Fuck me, is that normal" I said as the yacht lurched from the force.

"Unfortunately yes. They sound worse than they are. We just need to ride it out, probably another hour or so"

I left the wheelhouse to grab some coffee. I seemed to be the only one up, and I walked in to the gallery to see the cook strapping everything down.

"Morning mate"

"Fuck me, she's a wild one this morning. Please don't ask me to cook eggs" He smiled.

Jesse was an English guy that was trained in some of the best restaurants in Europe. He was gifted with so money things, and I could see he was struggling to secure everything he needed.

"Need a hand at all"

"Yeah, just lock all the doors on the cupboards on that side. I'm struggling to get this side done"

"No problem" I said as I started the task. "Apparently another hour or so and it will be fine.

"I fucking hope so, this is the worst part of my job. I got caught in a storm cell off Norway a few years back. Two days of this. I thought after day one we were goners, but then it passed and it was so calm"

"Well this is my first one."

"once I am done I could do you some toast if you like."

"no, I am fine, just do what you need to, as long as I can have coffee I will survive"

"Well you know where the machine is" He joked.

"I sure do, I will catch you later"

"Thanks for the help Mr Von Garbner"

"Grant, and no problem"

I made Jackson and I coffee and headed back to our suite, balancing the coffee the best I could to minimise spilling. As I opened the door, the repugnant smell of vomit filled my nose.

"Bub, where are you" I yelled out not seeing him.

"In the fucking bathroom. Dying"

As I walked in the poor bugger was sitting on the floor, head in the bowl. He wasn't coping with the swell we were experiencing and his stomach was yelling at him loud and clear.

"Are you ok, do you need anything"

"Yes, this boat to stop fucking rocking. Who's fucking idea was it to drive in to this washing machine. So help me god I will fire the bastard"

I laughed at his terminology and bent down to rub his back.

"Have you finished throwing up?" I asked.

"I think so, well let's get you back in to bed. In your side table there are a pack of ginger tablets. Take two and it should settle you down. Drink some water too please."

Settling him down I went to check on Karl and Michael. It was strange not to see them up and about this early. Gently knocking on their door, I opened it to find Karl over the toilet and Michael on the shower floor both repeating the actions of Jackson.

"Oh, this is a pleasant welcome gentleman"

"Boss, I love you, but get the fuck out of here. No one deserves to witness this" Michael yelled as I stood at the open bathroom door.

"Right, Michael, rinse off in there, get out here, Karl, get in the shower, ignore the mess." I instructed the two.

Once Michael was out, I dried him off and let him back to bed. Grabbing the same ginger tablets, I shoved two in his mouth, gave him some water and went to get Karl.

Placing Karl in bed next too Michael and giving same, I told them to grab some sleep and that it would be over soon. There was nothing any of us could do except ride it out.

Fixing a couple of coffee's I made my way up to the Bridge and gave Tom a cup. Here, thought you could use this.

"I sure could, thanks" he replied taking a sip.

"Can I ask why we don't have a big wheel in here anymore." I was curious as to not seeing one.

"We use joysticks now. They are all the rage" He joked. "I have two sets in here, and a set on each side of the dock when mooring. It is so much easier and precise than the old wheels."

I had never really spent much time with Tom until last night, so I was pleased this trip was planned, as he was such a good guy.

As 2 hours passed, the rain eased off, but we still had a good swell around us. Less than an hour ago, but still enough to throw us around a bit.

"How much longer do you think" I asked, as even I was starting to tire out of balancing on two feet.

"Look at that screen there, see all that red, that's behind us, the yellow, that's where we are now, the green is where we should be shortly, and once we hit the blue, happy days"

Having it explained like that made life so much better. I could see it wouldn't be long. This leg was one of out longest sea legs, with two days between landfall. I was hoping for the others sake, that this would be as rough as it got. I was eager for it to be gone.

Heading in to check on Jackson, he was propped up watching Netflix. "how you feeling" I asked.

"Let me just say I hate you" He said jokingly. "How do you not get sick. That was the worst experience I have ever had"

I Laughed and reminded him that he had been kidnapped at gun point, bludgeoned with a rifle, attacked by pirates, but seasickness was the worst.

"Well maybe not the worst, but damn, that was rough."

"I was up with Tom; it was fascinating watching it unravel in front of us. Tom had everything under control"

"Well thank fucking Christ for that, I would hate to see him loose control" He joked.

"Bub, you stink, go have a shower, I will get one of the stewards to change the bed linen. It stinks of vomit." I said as I stood up heading down to check on the other two.

"Get up bitches"

"Fuck off Boss, I am trained to break you and I will" Michael said with a death stare in his eyes.

"You really don't mean that now, do you Romeo"

"Ugh, Romeo I am not. My breath is like the bottom of a bird cage. My head is pounding. That wasn't in the tourist brochure we signed up for"

"Go have another shower, both of you, and I will make us some tea to settle you a bit. I also need the stewards to come in here and strip your room. Let daddy take care of you" I joked as I pulled back the sheets to two perfect naked bodies.

"MMMM Pity you're not feeling well. I could go a bit of that, tugging on Michael's limp, but full cock."

"Once I am better, I will take out my frustrations on you, don't you worry about that" He said as he hopped up and headed to the bathroom.

"Oh. My. God. Who fucking died in here. I cannot even walk in there without trying not to hurl again. I am finding another shower" He said as he moved his bulk naked frame out the door, heading to the suite next door to them.

As we sat up in the salon, the three of them looking much worse for wear, I knew today would be a wasted day.

"Hey, why don't we go chill in the cinema and watch a movie. Seems like the day for it, and we've never used it."

"I'm in" Said Michael who I must admit was like a sick little child, needing a hug and reassurance that his tummy would get better. I often wondered about the overall relationship he'd had with his family. One day I would ask, but not today. Today was about drinking ginger ale and lazing about.

Moving in to the cinema, the vote was to watch the Bourne series of Movies. With Michael trying to convince us he was better than character, which bought laughter from the three of us listening.

Nic bought in some sandwiches and chips to munch on as we just lounged about comfortable in our own skins with each other. I couldn't remember the last time I did this. And to be honest, I missed it. Mind you, I was doing it on board a $800m Super Yacht charting its way across the ocean, but still, I hadn't had the opportunity to just relax with not a care in the world.

Getting up to stretch my legs during movies, I noticed that the sun was finally out, and the crew were cleaning down the decks and working on tidying up the ship. Sun loungers had been tossed around, Water was everywhere, and in general, just untidy. It was pretty good to have a team work to get it back in order.

"Hey gents, lets go sit outside a while. It is beautiful outside. Bloody humid though."

We made our way outside where I took off my shirt and laid on the lounge, as a crew member bought me a vodka Lime. "Anyone else want one?" I asked the motley crew who looked more hung over than anything.

"I think we will pass" Jackson said. "Please, remind again why I love you" He asked as he stripped off naked lying face down on the lounge next to me.

Michael noticed Jackson had stripped off and decided to join him doing the same. I was glad they could be themselves now. We weren't in the prying eyes of media, our crew were discrete, and our Captain was excellent. It was its own haven within itself.

There was definitely a strong sexual synergy between the 4 of us. It was almost like we could read each other when we were looking at one another, and knew our wants and needs. Karl was sitting back looking at Jackson lying there, and I could tell his thoughts were improper by the bulge growing in his pants.

"What's on your mind" I asked with a smile.

"Just thinking about hot the other night was. I have never been in a position like that, and it was so good. I was relaxed. I used to be shy about sex, but you guys are opening my mind to a lot of things. And the best part is, Michael is so into it as well, and when we are alone, our own sexlife has increased. He constantly wants to either fuck me, or slowly I am starting to fuck him"

"Really now. His meaty arse is pretty hot" I said trying to take a mental picture of Michael on his back taking cock. I would love to see Jackson fuck him. These two beefy bastards would push me right over the edge.

The afternoon was spent being very lazy, as I had expected after the morning. Jackson, Michael and Karl were happy to do nothing, so I went into my office to check on emails, and do a bit of work. Although I had stepped aside, I still had some obligations to meet, and people were still counting on my input on many things.

One of the many emails from Sam were renderings and plans for the conversion of the third floor of the villa for Jules and Marcus to move into. Whilst I had agreed to it, it appeared to me much bigger than I had thought it would be. 3 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, a master suite that matched ours for size, with a nursery off the side, small private kitchen and office.

I was happy to approve it, as the space was being wasted, and if it meant that Jules would be close by, I could live with that. The only thing I overrode was the addition of an extra set of external stairs which detracted to the overall appearance of the villa, and keeping it in its original style, I didn't want that disturbed.

The agreed time frame would be 6 months, if they started now. Although it was after the twins were due, it would still be ready in time for when they need the space.

Emailing my approval with notifications back to Sam, I instructed to start ASAP, with no delays. Other emails were mainly about updates on different projects which the senior team liked to keep me abreast of, and a few documents that needed my digital signatures on. As a private entity, my signature was needed a bit, as I was the sole shareholder. It was the way things were done.

I was enjoying my new role, and life, but I still wanted to be kept abreast and included to make me have a sense of belonging, but also it kept my brain active daily.

Jackson walked in and looked at me. "You miss it don't you" he said looking at me in front of my computer.

"Actually no. I don't. I do like keeping a check on things, but the biggest thing I have done today is sign off on is the renovations to the 3rd floor apartment for the kids. So in answer to your question, ask me again in a month. We will see how I am then. Right now, my place is here with you, and I am loving it"

"Good, I don't want you to think I have forced your hand"

"I know that bub" I said as he walked around to my side of the desk and rubbed his semi hard cock which was now contained in his shorts.

"Oh, what is this" I said rubbing him up to bring him to full attention.

"I need to unload, and I thought of someone who loves it in them" he said as he lowered his shorts revealing his pubic bush.

As I pushed my face into his groin, I could taste his masculinity and it was good. I wanted more. No matter how many times I had found myself in this poition, the man still turned me on more than anyone I knew.

Pulling out his cock I found myself drawn to my knees as I worked him over with my mouth. I was in heaven and he knew that anything he wanted right now he could have.

Lifting to me to my feet and spinning me around, he dropped my pants before face planting him self in my arse. As he licked and spat at my hole, I knew it wouldn't be long before he was filling me with his meat. I could feel my hole twitching with anticipation.

As the knob of his long cock entered me, I let out a moan that could be heard across the ocean. It was so primal yet urging him to go harder and deeper, and he knew that it was a sound for him to plough his best.

As he was fucking me, I lifted my head to see Tom standing in the doorway, jaw wide opened as he witnessed Jackson thrash about behind me.

"Fuck, Tom, sorry, I didn't hear you come in." I said as was both stunned and embarrassed.

Jackson pulled out and for once he was speechless. He stood there with his manhood, hard as a rock on display for all to see.

"So sorry, I thought someone had been injured when I heard the noise. I am so so sorry, please, forgive me"

Who was more embarrassed at this stage, I wasn't sure, but it sure as hell killed my boner.

"No, sorry, don't apologise" I said in an uncomfortable laughter.

"We were just, just, you know"

"Fucking" Said Jackson trying to lighten the mood.

"I can see, and what a sight to behold."

I could see through his white pants that he was not disappointed in what he saw. But I wasn't about to say or do anything.

Pulling my pants up, I sat back in my chair, with an awkward silence lingering in the room.

"Please, carry on, I will catch you later" he said as he went to turn and leave.

"Or you could stay and watch" Jackson said. I wasn't sure how I felt about this, but as Tom stood rooted in his place, Jackson lifted me out of my seat, dropped my pants and whilst looking at Tom, he planted his cock back in my arse.

Tom, who had shut the door by this stage, had unzipped his trousers, and was stroking his cock. It was a decent size, maybe 8", but had these amazing erotic veins on display as he pumped himself whilst watching Jackson fill my hole.

Being watched by Tom was turning me on, and as he walked behind my desk and fondled my balls as Jackson fucked me, I knew my load was going to come sooner rather than later. It was at this moment I felt Tom unload a load of spunk across my back, and squeeze my balls as a result of his build up. This caused me to cum, as my hole clenched shut on Jacksons cock, making his explosion more intense than usual.

As we righted ourselves up, Jackson let out his post coital laugh, that broke any tension there was. I felt a sense of relief that there was no awkwardness in the room.

"You are both very sexy men, and that was hot. Thanks for letting me watch"

"Pleasure. You should join us one night. It could be fun"

"Well, if the invite is there, maybe I should"

As Tom left I looked at Jackson. "Well, I certainly didn't see that coming"

"Actually no, you didn't because he was standing behind you when he did"

I Laughed at his comment. But right now, I need a shower and to freshen up before dinner.

Chapter 113

We had a quiet night, before settling in for sleep. We hopped in to our nice clean sheets, and like many times before Jackson switched on some late night news. We were being profiled over the bombing, and the subsequent arrests and the media was running some background story on who we were. Still shots of our old home in Sydney, pictures of us in New York at a gala, pictures of the building I worked in before all this happened. "Who is Grant Von Garbner"

"None of your fucking business" I yelled at the TV which was all the that Jackson needed to switch channels.

"You know bub, this is how it is going to be. Why not face it. Rather than all this mis-information come out, why not do a sit down in Australia when we get there. We really have nothing to hide. Our friends know who we are. Those close to us know. And lets face it, we don't really have any family. Let's rip the band aid off, dispel any myths, and just get on with life"

"one condition, you sit there with me"

"Cool, I look fabbbbbbbulous on the screen" He said doing his best Zsa Zsa Gabor impersonation.

"Ok, I will have Sam make some enquiries." I laid back against him and looked at the screen.

"Well, pick up the phone, ring him" Jackson said.

"What now? It's the middle of the night there."

"Oh, ok, I will let you off with a warning then, but in the morning, you ring" he said as he put his arm around my neck pulling me in to kiss my head.

One of the stewards came up tour room with a pot of tea. `Captain thought you might like this before bed. Help settle your stomach after a rough day" she said thoughtfully

"Thanks Sarah, please tell him we appreciate it"

As She poured us both a cup, it was nice to lay back and just be me. The feeling was almost euphoric after the past 14 months. Alone in bed with Jackson drinking tea on a Thursday night, was the very thing we used to do. I had missed all of this.

I was awoken to large blasts of the ships horn, which at first had me in a panic. Jumping out of bed, I realised it wasn't us, but the ship next us departing from the docks on Phuket Island.

"Jackson, get up, we are here!" I screamed like an excited 3yo

"Yeah I know. We've been here for the past two hours. Customs have cleared us and everything. Its 9am, I just let you sleep in for a change. You looked so peaceful so I hopped back in for a cuddle"

"Oh, shit, that's a long sleep for me." It was rare for me to sleep past 7, but 9am was unheard of.

"Oh, and before you chickened out, I already spoke to Sam, he is making some calls and will get back to me later." He said sounding rather boastful.

"Calling you back" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah, my idea, my plan, I am capable of doing somethings" he said, before grabbing my arm and dragging me back on the bed as he kissed me all over.

"What's got in to you lately" I asked.

"I have my bubba back. The one that swept me off my feet. You don't realise how much I have missed you. In 5 days, you're back. And I am madly in love with you. Now go get showered, get dressed, I want to hit the markets, I have a list of things I want to buy. I will go make sure the boys are ready to come with us"

"OK, what about breakfast. Coffee"

"We will grab some pandan pancakes and coffee at a street vendor. Bub, we know this place. But, no scooters this trip, apparently, we aren't allowed because of your insurance so Tom has arranged a van, and he's been here half hour waiting."

"OK, let me get scrambling, go get the boys, and I will meet you on the deck ASAP"

Jumping through the shower, I could smell the faint waft of jasmine filling the boat as we were docked in a beautiful port. Dressing quickly in shorts and shirt, I was up on deck in just over 10mins.

"Sorry to keep you, let's go enjoy our day"

Hopping in to the air-conditioned van, it was a treat to feel the cool air, as opposed to the humidity that Thailand brings. I instructed the driver to take us to the markets I wanted and like most Thai drivers took off at 100mph.

As always when we arrived, the place was packed with tourists and locals alike. My first stop was a food stand where I got some mango and sweet sticky rice which was so familiar I could taste it before the first fork full hit my mouth.

"Ahhh, this is so good" I said as Michael and Karl looked at me strange.

"Boss, I have never seen you like this."

"That's because you have never seen me relaxed" I added for good measure. "It's a new me. One that is going to enjoy life, and not worry anymore, and as long as your by my side, I know I am safe"

"That's good to know, but, we have a small problem. We have a pap taking pics to the right of us. Give me a moment" He said as he walked away.

As Michael approached the happy snapper, I could tell that I would rather not be the photographer in that conversation. It was definitely a one way chat.

As Michael returned, I looked at him with concern. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah, I showed him my piece and told I have used it before" was all he had to say to know I understood what he was saying.

"You allowed to carry that here" I asked, hopping he wouldn't get arrested.

"The moment I knew where we were going I registered a permit with the embassy's. As long as I declare it, there is no issue. The Thai government welcomes you to Thailand" He said with a smile.

Once that little issue was over, I went browsing stall after stall. When we had visited before with the girls, we had bought just about every cheap fake handbag and runners we could find. Whilst we didn't have to do this anymore, it was still fun to browse, and I did manage to purchase some local made jewellery to take back to the girls. It was fun.

Grabbing an iced coffee, we loaded back in to the waiting van. "Take us to Tiger Kingdom" I instructed the driver.

"What is Tiger Kingdom" Michael asked as he strapped in.

"trust me, it is way cool"

As we arrived some 20mins later at the tourist hot spot, the line to get in was a mile long. But as our driver walked up to the front of the counter he spoke in Thai to the person at one of the stalls.

Upon his return we were escorted in and given the full tour of the place. Seeing all the different tigers, mostly caged, we were welcomed into the pen, two at a time, to pat the wild beasts. I grabbed Michael by the arm, who was showing some reluctance, and told him I'd hold his hand if need be.

That didn't go over to well, and as I edged him towards the gate, I can almost smell the fear he was projecting.

"Calm down big boy, I am pretty sure they are partly drugged. They don't bite that much" was the last thing I said before pushing him in. As we walked over to the big cats, I convinced Michael he needed to pat them, eventually he did, and became a lot more relaxed. Jackson and Karl soon joined us, and we had some photo's taken whilst we were there. Moving into a pen full of kittens, Michael by this stage was a big kid as he play wrestled with them all and at one stage had all 6 kittens climbing over him. As he laughed and carried on, I knew that this was the medicine he still needed to heal some old wounds.

After that we headed to Central Plaza, where some much needed high end retail therapy was had in LV, Chanel, Gucci and the like, including a pair of Gucci loafers for Jackson and Karl, a fanny pack for Michael, and some other bits and pieces. By this stage we were slowly tiring out, and I knew we were leaving in the morning, and the one place I wanted to visit was the giant budda. It's significance to Jackson and I was important. It was where we had married many years ago, before gay marriage was legal in Australia. It was not only symbolic to our relationship, it is where we cemented out relationship 20 years ago, and I couldn't think of a better time to visit.

Driving up the hill, Jackson reached across and squeezes my hand. He knew the importance of our relationship and the meaning of the statue. As we arrived its white exterior filled to entire mountain top. The spectacular vistas to the ocean and mountains were simply breathtaking, and as we climbed the stairs to the top, he reached across and kissed me, not caring who was watching. It was truly a meaning of love and happiness, and reminder of how far we had come.

As we headed down stairs, we entered the temple and lit a candle, each of us silent in our thoughts, and whilst neither Jackson or I are religious, we both sat before a monk to receive a blessing. Something that we did every time we returned to the island. The place was our special place. It was a place we reflected on who we were.

After this we made a quick detour through some of the tourist areas, before arriving back at the yacht just on 5pm.

As we were greeted by Tom, I reminded him we were leaving for dinner in an hour, and to get ready.

"Look, I really don't want to intrude." He said

"You are not intruding. Or is it a case of you being nervous?" I asked looking him in the eye.

"Well, yeah, there's that too"

"How long since you have had a chat with a guy, or even dated a guy?" I asked him

"I've never dated a guy. Don't get me wrong, I have had sex with guys, but never date, plus, he's 16 years younger than me, surely a hot guy like that would not be in to someone my age" dropping another excuse in to the mix.

"Trust me, he likes older" Jackson said as he walked past.

"Just be ready and here in an hour. And that's me giving the orders"

"OK, you win. You may not play fair, but you win" he said with his trademark smile returning.

Chapter 114

Dinner was in a beautiful waterfront place we had dined at many times before. Nothing I would call flash, but the food was hard to beat, and the service was brilliant. It was set amongst a village that had a very low tourist count, and we loved being amongst the locals, and the area was where we normally stayed.

Upon arrival, the host recognised Jackson and I from previous visits.

"Sawadee krap"she said in here greeting.

"Sawadee krap" I replied using the traditional Thai greeting, followed by a kiss on her cheek and a hug.

"Mr Grant, Mr Jack so good to see you."

"Chaem Choi, you look stunning as always. And these are our friends, Tom, Michael, Karl and Nic"

They all said a polite hello.

"Where are your beautiful girls." She asked

"They have sprouted wings. Maggie is in University in New York, and Jules is in Germany with her fiancé and is expecting her own babies soon"

"We are so happy for you. Sit, sit, let me feed you" she said as she showed us to our table without menu's

"Boss, what are we eating." Michael asked.

"Who knows, but it will be good. Very rarely do we get a menu. Her husband and mother run the kitchen and they will just bring us food until we can't move."

"I'm guessing you have been here more than once then"

"We've been to Thailand about a dozen times over the years and this is where we normally eat dinner. See that villa up there on the hillside" I said as they all turned their gaze towards where I was pointing.

"That is where we have stayed just about every time. I told you; Thailand is a special place for us"

"This is way cool" added Nic as he took in his surrounds.

"It doesn't take being a billionaire to be treated nice. You just treat people the way you like to be treated." I finished in reflection of this amazing place we were in.

We started to talk as the wine started flowing and I could see that Tom was a little uncomfortable as he kept taking sideways glances at Nic. It was cute in a way, but I was also aware that this was not easy for him.

As Nic excused himself to go to the toilet, I asked him to hold up, I would come with.

"Hey buddy. I am not sure if you are aware, playing the game, or completely oblivious, but there is a guy at our table who is single who has a major crush on you. Throw him a bone if you're interested"

"You mean captain Tom."

"Very good!"

"You're shitting me. He is so fucking hot, and so fucking sweet I nearly cream by jeans every time I have to take him coffee"

"Well, he is very nervous. So maybe play it cool, perhaps brush his thigh under the table, I don't know, something to let him know you acknowledge his presence" I suggested.

`Seriously, you better not be kidding me. If I get fired, I will kill you. I love this job"

"Haha, I know the boss, you'll be safe" I joked back as we returned to the table who were in full laughter enjoying the evening.

As we sat down, Tom gave me a curious glance, he knew what I had done, and whether he was grateful or not, that was yet to be seen.

As the food started to sprawl across the table. I noticed that both Nic & Tom only had one hand each above the table. I was curious as to why, but instinct told me otherwise. Whilst I loved fooling around with Nic, if we lost him to Tom, I was ok with that. Tom was a gentleman and deserved his own happiness.

After course after course was laid out it was Michael who announced he couldn't fit another thing in. The people of Thailand had done something many others could never do. Over feed Michael.

"Boss, seriously, get me back to the yacht, I need to get out of my pants" he joked.

"not yet, we have to do the traditional walk along the waterfront first. Poke our heads in the night markets, and if you are extra good, there is an ice cream stall at the end." I smiled as we rose.

Leaving the restaurant Chaem Choi refused to take any money. Whilst I knew this would happen, I had a plan hatched already. As Jackson leant in to hug her, I stuffed 20,000THB in her reservations book, a little over $500USD as a thank you. I knew she would get angry, but it was the same game we played every time, and I assumed the bill, with all the alcohol would have been way under this amount, I was leaving a generous tip, simply because we could.

I hugged her good bye with the promise to return sooner rather than later.

As the gang of six strolled the waterfront, I noticed that Tom was holding Nic's hand, and I was pleased of the progress being made. Sometimes a little nudge in the right direction is all that is needed I thought to myself.

As Jackson and I ruminated on past visits, we pointed out a lot of the crazy things some of the vendors carried in their stalls. At the end it was agreed that none of us could eat ice cream and as Michael rang our driver, he was with us in minutes to return us to the Lady Lucia.

Seeing her sitting dockside, her lights shining across the calm waters, it actually started to feel like home. Saying good night to each other, Tom spoke up and thanked us for a great evening, and not just for dinner, but the company was great too. As we were all going our separate ways, I heard in the distance, "Nic, could you come up to my cabin for a moment, I need to go over tomorrows schedule"

Jackson had heard it as well as he looked at me with a smile. "Schedule, my arse. Dirty bastard." He laughed.

Next: Chapter 30: A Life Less Than Ordinary 115 118

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