A life less than ordinary

By Gavin Hurst

Published on Nov 13, 2023


Chapter 145

Walking down stairs after saying goodbye to Pierre I felt like a naughty school kid, especially after being caught by Michelle and Chris.

"Ah, you've decided to join us" Michelle said. "I hope you slept well last night" she added with a smirk a mile wide as my face blushed redder than a new Ferrari.

"I did thank you, just a quiet one for me" I replied trying desperately to change the subject, to avail as Chris piped in.

"I hear there are some amazing French things to eat here"

I had no comeback as I was trying to retain my composure in front of the team.

"I plan on trying some tonight." I left it at that.

Chris excused himself before he completely lost it, leaving me hysterical on the inside, but straight faced on the outside.

"Right team, today is one of our biggest. If we can get Singapore as both a destination and a hub, we are well on our way to patching our way to Europe. We need be on our A game and we need excitement and motivation. I assume you are all across your brief, and where we need to be."

A collective agreement went around the table, with a much more visible sign of enthusiasm apparent than yesterday.

Colin, the VP of Marketing spoke up. "Grant, how do you do it. What push's you every day. How did you become so across the airline industry so quick. Watching you sell the business has left us all lost for words"

"I have loved planes since I was a boy. I have followed the industry my whole life. This is an extension of my childhood dream, but, since I have become who I am today, I have people's life's and livelihoods resting on my shoulders, so for me, there is no option than success. I have the opportunity to change lives for the better. And that is what I will do until I die."

"I have never heard a wealthy person speak like that before. I commend you"

"Any person in my position should do the same. It's not rocket science" I added as they sat back drinking there coffee.

"Michelle, any final changes or notes from Sam?"

"Yes, tomorrow we have to fly to Bangkok then after that we have a meeting in Delhi before moving across to the US where he has set up 17 meetings across various states and hubs."

"Lets get moving guys" I said as my phone rang.

"Hey dad, I just wanted to say I missed you" Michaels voice came down the phone.

"Hey my boy. How you doing?"

"Good. Just a little lonely today and wanted to say hi. No you, No Chris, No Karl."

"What about Sam & James? What are they up to?"

"Not sure, I guess I could find out."

His voice was upsetting me. Not to the point that I was sad, but more so because he was alone in the big house with his main contacts miles away.

"Tomorrow is Friday. How about, you ask Sam where we are starting off in the US next week and have him fly you over to meet us"

"Seriously? I didn't ring for that, I promise"

"I know, but I miss you too."

"Ok dad. See you then"

It was strange, since leaving Sydney I hadn't really thought about Michael except when I slept alone the first night. But after hearing his voice, I did miss him, a lot, which concerned me. It was butterfly in my stomach territory. Then I had guilt over last night with Pierre. It was wonderful, but I knew the emotional connection wasn't there, it was just sex.

"Fuck Grant, what is happening here" I thought to myself before I heard a voice.

"Mr Von Garbner, your car is waiting" The bell hop said as I stood and made my way out.

"You ok boss, you were a million miles away" Chris asked as we walked to the car

"Yeah, we will talk about it later, and by we, I mean you and I" I responded

"Michelle, could you please have the hotel call Pierre and cancel tonight's dinner. Just think of any excuse. I am not sure I really should be having dinner with him"

"Certainly. Anything else?"

"No, let's just go"

As we took off with a van following us carrying the team, Michelle was looking at me giving me side eye.

"What?" I asked looking away from my documents

"Wanna spill" she asked

"Chris, can you hear us?"

"Yes, what's up"

"Alright, I am having a dilemma, I am not over Jackson. Far from it, and may never be. Michael just rang me to say hello, and I got the worst case of butterflies in my stomach. I miss him so much, but I just don't know if it's loneliness, an attraction, a rebound, and I would never want to hurt him, and I don't want to forget what Jackson meant to me"

They sat silent and it was Chris who spoke out first "Um, I guess you're fucked then right"

"Gee, thanks for the help" I chuckled

"I mean, I have known both you, and Jackson, had a major thing for Michael. You always treated him different from day one. Not that I was jealous, but you just did. What I know about Michael is, that he both loves you, and worships the ground you walk on. All I will add is he is my best friend and I just don't want to see him hurt."

"So do I slowly advance things with him? Or is the age difference to much? What will people and the media think if I "date" my former bodyguard?"

Michelle was quick to add in here "Age is nothing, who gives a shit, The media, ha, fuck them, and the only people who need to know are the girls and you two."

I was pensive for the rest of the trip and as we pulled up out the front of the airport offices in Changi I looked at Michelle with a smile and said "You're right, by the way, he's joining us in the US for the rest of the trip"

"You old dog" she smiled "Get out and sell your airline to the world."

And just like that I had my spring back in my step joining my team on our biggest meeting since we left.

Sitting the very formal board room with 12 executives form Changi Airport, I was feeling a little outnumbered and inexperienced as our team put in an amazing effort to sell our flights, a lot of nodding, silent whispers, pointing and writing was taking place, but I was still feeling confident. Our goal was to have 25 weekly flights in to Singapore for 2 years, increasing to 50 in 5 yrs. It was a big ask, as we wanted to use the world famous Changi as our hub through to Europe, with 5th freedom rights to sell tickets from Singapore onwards.

After just over 2hrs of presenting, we broke for a stretch and a breather. We grabbed a coffee downstairs and waited our fate to be decided. After an hour of nervous pacing, we were called back in to the board room.

Sitting we were nervously listening to the CEO speak to us in broken English as best he could. We were granted 20 flights a week for one year, before a review, we were not permitted to use it as a hub, and our 5thfreedom request was denied. It was a win, but, not as big as we hoped for. I would put it in the win column for now and work on consolidating our relationship further. There was one other meeting I had on today, and that was next door in the offices of Singapore Airlines, I was trying to secure a partnership agreement and code share so we would be their partner in Australia, and ours there's in Singapore.

Jane had done the hard work on this, I was just having a "casual" chairman to chairman meeting to forge a stronger relationship.

I dismissed the team with some high 5's and back slaps before heading to the SIA office. I was buoyant and floating on air as I arrived, and whilst we took photos, had lunch, drank tea, I was feeling very relaxed.

That night I was asked to be left alone, after promising that I would not be having any more Grindr meets.

"Come join us for dinner at least" Michelle said.

"Actually, I am going to order room service and make a few phone calls. I have been thinking about what you said today"

"Oh, ok. Rest well. We are here if you need us"

With that I closed my door and picked up the phone and ordered a light dinner and a bottle of wine. I took up place on the comfy sofa and pulled out my phone before making a call.

"Hey big bear, how you doing" I said as Ross answered the phone.

"Good thanks poppa bear" He said using the names we had called each other for years. "You got a minute for a confused mate" I asked.

"Sure, always for my favourite billionaire, what's on ya mind"

He let me waffle on for about 10 mins making the necessary noises to let me know he was listening in. Occasionally asking to detail a comment I had made. I spoke about my love and memory of Jackson, the hook up I had, Michael, my feelings for him, I was not sure I was making sense.

"OK, you can stop now. Let me guess this straight. Jacksons dead, you loved him. We all did. You had a cheap fuck in a hotel that was good but not what you wanted. There's a guy that you and Jackson had a major thing for who is now single, and you want to take things slow with him, but not be disrespectful to the memory of J. Have I got you so far?"

"That's about it."

"Oh FFS Grant. Seriously, I love you, but you are dumb. My thoughts, yes, I am concerned it may be a little bit of a rebound if it were someone else. For the last 2 yrs both you and Jackson could not make a comment without referencing Michael. You both loved him whether you liked it or not. Delete Grindr, have a wine and a wank and go to bed, then fly to bloody India or Arabia or where ever it is your going and then get to America and make passionate love with the hottest beast on legs, because if you don't I will" He laughed.

He clarified my thoughts better than anyone else. I felt comfortable. I was happy.

"Hey, you want to join us in NYC for week?" It would be great to kick back.

"When you thinking?"


"Fuck me, some of us have real jobs. I cant."

"So why aren't you working for me?"

"You've never asked."

"I am asking now. I need a new head of Marketing at the airline. Quit. Come work for me. I will triple your pay, and you can be your own boss. VP Marketing."

"Really? It wouldn't be weird?"

"It is how we met. We worked well together. Just say yes"

"Let me just say, I will think seriously about it"

"OK. Hey, by the way, I love you, big bear"

"Ditto kiddo."

This left me ready to make an even bigger call. Grabbing my laptop out, I hit the facetime button on the bottom of the screen. Hopefully I could kill two birds with one stone.

Pushing in Jules and Maggie I was hoping they would answer before one told the other. After 3 rings Jules answered right before Maggie did.

"Hey Kidlets. How are my favourite humans going."

"Dad, is everything ok" Maggie asked in response

"What I cant call my daughters"

"You can, you just never call us at the same time"

"Well. I am, because I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Here we go, what's wrong"

I laughed at Maggie as she stared in to her camera on her phone from the back of the car.

"I wanted your permission on something. It's important to me, and I don't want things to be odd when I tell you."

"Seriously dad, just spit it out, are you banging Michael?"

"MAGGIE" Jules said down the line as I spat out my wine.

"Well, we all know how hot he is, and dads single, and Michael follows him like a puppy"

"Yeah Jules, Michael has a daddy fetish, ooohhhh Daddy"

I cringed as Jules said that, thinking how best to overcome that. I was not sure my next steps as I could feel my face burn.

"Hang one sec, my room service arrived" as I stepped away for the meal to be delivered. Pouring myself another, larger wine, this was going to take courage.

"Well, I just wanted to check in on you both, see how you're doing. You don't mention Dada much, and I wanted to see how you are"

Jules took lead here "Dad, Maggie and I talk about him every day. The twins have pics of him in their room so they never forget him. Just talking to you about it is hard, because we knew it broke you, so please, don't think we don't talk or think about him. He was our Dada. He raised us, he was just as much our life as yours. Every day is sad without him and we love you for asking"

I was relieved to hear that, and it made me feel better knowing they had not forgotten their father and he lived on strong in their hearts. It made me next step a little easier.

"Well, good. Because you know I miss him every day, he is in my thoughts every minute, but I can't live like this forever. Yes, I want to start seeing someone, just VERY slowly, and seeing where it leads to. I am not looking for another husband, but I need companionship. You have both left the nest and are doing your own thing. The thought of being alone is not appealing to me."

"It's Michael isn't it. Just spit it out dad, its Michael. Please say it is because Jules owe's me $20 if you say it is"

"What? What are you talking about $20"

"I bet Jules $20 that you would end up with Michael one day."

"When? Why"

"When you were in Caymans two months. Seriously, I know you were grieving, but two months on an island with him, seriously dad, you have pulse."

"MAGGIE" It was my turn to raise my voice to my youngest daughter

"Dad, Chill. Its cool. We love Michael, even if he is a few years older than us. Besides, I'll graduate college before him"

"Smooth Mags, smooth" Jules said

I laughed at the banter, I had missed it so much and if Jackson were here, he'd be stirring up just as much. Our family dynamics were on track.

Jules being the more mature stepped in "Dad, we want you to be happy. Michael loves you, we've all seen it. Chase your heart, follow your feelings. We support you 100%"

"I haven't really had much of a conversation with him yet, but if it happens, and for some reason a tabloid gets a hold of it, I don't want you to be surprised."

"Billionaire's toy boy bangs boss on the boat"

"Maggie" Jules and I yelled in unison before laughing.

"Just promise you will not get a fake tan or hair plugs" Maggie added for shit and giggles.

Chapter 146

Leaving Singapore it was a short hop to Bangkok. Arriving at the airport, we had to make our way downtown as our meetings here were with the Thai Government who controlled all airports. Our strategy was different. We were focusing on 3 Airports, not one, and trying to get Hub approval and 5th Freedom flights. So far this was our biggest play in size, maybe not as important in positioning.

"......So, Minister, we propose the following. 20 flights weekly to Phuket, 10 Weekly to Chiang Mai, 40 weekly to Bangkok, the right of 5th Freedom and the right to onwards travel."

"Our governments love for Australia is well known both here and abroad. Your willingness to invest here in Thailand is also appreciated. But we do have conditions of which you appreciate. Firstly, we ask you not to fly to Myanmar or Malaysia. You fund additional Airport upgrades in Krabi and you can fly there with a minimum 10 flights weekly. We are also looking for a 30% equity partner in our own national Airline. Should you agree to all these terms, we are willing to give you open title to our gates with the usual applicable fees which I am sure our Lawyers can work through."

I was a little stunned as the Thai Government had just granted us unconditional access plus equity in their Airline, albeit struggling, which would cost us around $3B USD plus some infrastructure upgrades in Krabi.

Shaking his hand, I agreed in principal to his terms. This gave us direct access to Europe from Australia are a refuel in Thailand. This was better than I hoped for. Our whole strategy changed now and I needed to get to Europe. Leaving the office with Michelle in toe, I was excited as my brain worked overtime. Obviously our first stop would need to be Munich where our name alone held massive gravatas and I needed to use that.

"Phone Sam. I need meetings in Europe. Postpone the US. Have him fly Michael to here. We will leave tomorrow night. Put him on a Thai flight out of Sydney tonight, he will be here in the morning, but first up, book us in to a hotel tonight"


"Chris, walk with me. I need to think. When you know what Hotel Michelle, phone us, we will meet you there"

Walking the streets of the Bangkok business district, as crowded as it was, was actually therapeutic to me and my thoughts. I had just been thrown a massive life line and I needed to be strategic how we played it. I did not see this coming. I thought we'd get some concessions, but now we had the opportunity to be the biggest international airline to fly in to Thailand. In the back of our mind, I was thinking why us. But pushing those thoughts aside, it was a case that no one else asked. All the majors didn't want a stake in an airline that would drain cash flows. But having two seats on the board would make it easier for us to push change. Jane didn't realise it yet, but today she became a director of Thai Airways International! The first woman to hold a position on their board. Ironically the second board member I was nominating had very little corporate board experience, and she too was about to get an education.

Arriving at our hotel, I took the time to hit the bar and celebrate with the team. I was also taught to celebrate the wins and mourn the losses. This was a win, and it was cocktails all round. We drank and ate, and a few of us swam in the pool that was like an oasis in a hot humid city. It was dark by the time we retreated to our rooms, and for me, my room was spectacular with views up and down the river, a private terrace with spa, and a bottle of Bollinger on ice.

Popping the cork, I slid in the luke warm spa and relaxed taking the sights and smell of the city. Jasmine wafted through the air, and as dinner played out below in the streets and in the markets, various spices filled my senses. I knew I was a luck\y person who had been blessed to have the opportunities I had been presented later in life. It was a good feeling. The whole Michael scenario played out in my mind. Was it too soon, was it right, or as my mother would say, "What would the neighbours think". The age difference was a couple of decades, but that to me was irrelevant in some ways, and in others it played out. He was not much older than the girls, and whilst I knew they were ok, I was worried how my much public life would be played out in the media.

Love, I thought, it's a bloody strange thing.

Half tanked I hopped out dried off and put my naked arse in to bed. I needed sleep and within minutes I was out cold. The next thing I remember was someone's arm being draping over me and pulling me in close. I knew the smell, and I knew the touch. I rolled over and looked him in the eye.

"Michael, you're here!"

"I just arrived, now I am tired, lets sleep for an hour, its only 6am"

Pushing my head in to the crook of his shoulder, I knew it was going to be ok, but not before we had a bit of talk. I felt safe, and I felt loved.

7:30 came and Chris entered the room to make sure we were moving.

"Eww Bro, I don't need to see your hairy arse first thing in the morning!" He stated as Michael had thrown back the sheet.

"Well fuck off then" he laughed.

"Get your sorry arses out of bed, me move in an hour, wheels up at 10."

"Ugh, ok, can you please organise coffee and some toast. And maybe some Tylenol." I asked politely

"You, shower now" I said to Michael.

Joining him in the shower, I needed to get things off my chest. I needed to let him know what I was thinking, and I wanted to do it now. From the start, not in a few days time.

"Bubba, I asked you to join me for a reason, and I need you to hear me out."

"Ok, am in trouble?"

"No silly, the opposite. I have been doing some thinking, and it has not been easy. Something needs to change."

"I am in trouble aren't I"

"No silly. Just shut up and listen. Its really hard for me to put this in words. Michael, I am falling in love with you, if I haven't already done so. I want you in my life forever, but we need to take things slow."

He looked at me as if he was lost. Reading his expression in the shower wasn't easy.

"Really. Mmmm" was all he said.

"So, how do you feel about it?" I probed.

"I don't know. I love you too, but I am scared. Scared I will get hurt when you find someone else"

"What makes you think I will find someone else?"

"I am too young or not smart enough, or sophisticated enough, or worldly. I am just pretty dumb"

"Of darling boy. You are none of those things. You just haven't had as many experiences." I reassured him

"Really? You think?" "Yeah I do. I want you to be a part of me. I want to work towards an us. But I may struggle at times. You have to know from the start that I am not looking for someone to replace Jackson, I'm looking for someone to be themself. Someone I can tell me deepest thoughts to, someone who can ground me when I need grounding, someone like you."

I could tell his eyes were becoming glassed over, despite the water in the shower. I always managed to bring his softness out, and it was a quality in him I loved

He reached down and ever so tenderly cupped my face and kissed me. For me it was like the first time. There was a sense of connection more than passion. It was the two of us saying what we already knew. It was the beginning of something good I hoped.

"I love you, and I have since the day I met you. I loved Jackson too, but I promise to never try and replace him."

"Let's get moving bub. We have a lot on today." I said as I kissed his neck

Chapter 147

Leaving Bangkok mostly on time, I called a meeting with the team to get their thoughts and feedback on potential blockers we would face in Europe. We discussed major hubs and some secondary hubs. We discussed current gate prices and how we would need to balance it out with transit fees we would still have to pay in Thailand. A lot of this was new to me, but the brains behind it were all in front of me, giving the facts and figures.

I dialled Jane in to the call, who was more than pleased with the trip so far, excusing myself from the group to speak privately with her I paced the hallway with my Satellite phone.

"Hey, whilst I have you, I have a few things for just you and I. First up, I know I have only just placed you on our trustee's board, but how do you feel about being one of the first woman to join Thai Airways board as well? I need you there, every second month as my ears and voice."

"I'd be honoured, what's the other thing, I want you to train my daughter Jules as I'd like to have her sit with you on the board. No special treatment, no favours. If you say she's not up to it, she goes"

"Well, I met her in Munich and visited her Foundation she heads up and to be honest, woman like her are rare. She is going to have big shoes to fill one day, and I would love to mentor her."

"Wonderful. Thank you, as a dad it is nice to hear. Now if it was my daughter Maggie, you'd probably kill her in the first day" I laughed.

I returned in to board room and told them to rest. We had 12hrs left to fly and I wanted them fresh. "Eat, sleep, watch a movie, you should be used to this second home now."

I walked around the main salon looking for Michael. I saw Chris with his headphones on watching a movie and Michelle grabbing a tea. "You doing OK. Getting enough rest?" I asked concerned.

"Not you too, I have that one at me all the time. I am fine" she said pointing at Chris.

"OK, OK, but please let me know if there is anything you need." I said as I walked off

Entering the main suite all the window shades were down, the lamp was on soft and Michael laid on the bed with his shirt off. He really was a stunning looking man. His outer beauty was no comparison to his inner beauty which attracted me so much to him. There were times when I look in the mirror at myself and try to understand what he saw in me.

"Hey daddy, come snuggle in to me" he said softly as I removed my shirt.

As laid with my back to him I felt his strength cover me and a safety I needed to feel.

"Can we talk a bit more" I asked, not wanting to kill the mood

"Sure, what you thinking"

"If this to work, you need to understand that there will be times when I need to travel alone and you can't always be with me. There will also be times when you want to do something with say Chris, and that's ok. I just need you to understand that. Open and compromising is what this is about."

"And what happens when you are lying in my arms and I have a big problem in my pants that needs to get out" He said as he pulled me closer to feel his hardness between us

"Well that's when I turn around and slowly unzip you and let it free"

As I did such, I was met with the hardest cock I had felt in ages. Taking him in my mouth tasted so good. Wanting him in my mouth and trying to please him were so important at this time.

"You taste so good bub, face fuck me, give it to me"

Standing from the bed, his cock was now at eye level as I laid eyeing his monster. As he grabbed the back of my head he pumped his shaft in to me making me gag on occasions. I couldn't get enough and as he continued I felt his balls tighten up making me work harder to bring my boy to climax. Just as he was about to shoot, passing the point of no return, Chris entered our room and as I turned to look, Michael shot his hot load all over my face, spraying me from eyes to chin.

"Fuck bro, what you doing"

"I, I, I damn, sorry, fuck. Sorry" Chris trembled as he quickly shut the door and walked out.

Michael was mortified and I was slight bemused by it. Trying to stifle some laughter, I excused myself to the shower. "I think I need a wash" as I assessed the damage in the mirror. It looked like I had attended a bukkake party and not just one horny guys load on my face.

Hoping in the shower, I knew I wouldn't be disturbed as space was tight. I did hear Michael exit our cabin.

"Bro, WTF" Michael said to Chris who was in the main salon eating.

"I thought you were napping, lunch was served and wanted to make sure you ate. I didn't realise the boss was having protein shakes for lunch"

"Fuck you" Michael said with a smile on his face. Knowing how embarrassed he gets about talking about sex, I was gathering I was glad I was not there.

Entering the main salon, I was greeted by a sheepish Chris. "I am really sorry boss. Not use knocking on the door. Best I get back in the habit of it"

"All good mate, these things happen. I think I coped better than Michael, and I was the one wearing the load"

"Yeah, I am trying to forget already"

I laughed as I sat down to a lunch of barramundi fillet with a coconut & lime glave that was delightful.

After lunch we sat and talked with Chris & Michelle, and the boys told us stories of their days in the military. Listening to them I realised how close they were, and the support and bond that had grown over the years. Michelle was looking tired and I suggested she go and take our bed and get some proper sleep.

"I'm fine. The seats lie flat"

"Bullshit, just go and stretch out and get some decent rest, I think I have pushed you to much"

I wasn't having another word said about it. And dismissed her further protests with my hand.

She excused herself and made her way to the forward cabin.

"Chris, is she ok? Really? Do I need my doctor in Munich to make sure"

"Really, just tired, but I will let you know."

"Well, I won't need her in Munich so she can have a few days rest. In fact I won't need her till I get to London, so she can chill, head to the spa, just charge it back to me"

"Thanks, she's complaining about not being able to see her toes anymore"

I laughed and turned my attention to the TV which was broadcasting something mundane which I tucked my feet up and watched as I placed my head on Michael's lap. This was what I missed. It just felt right as he slowly stroked his fingers through my hair.

Chapter 148

Munich, Oslo, Paris and London all sign sealed and delivered under generous EU trade deals of which the Banking business was a part of, and which was the parent company of the Airline. It made for a much easier sway through where we wanted to be and was giving us the true global network we wanted to be a player in. Sure, it cost money and sure, we were going bigger than our only Australian competitor and I am sure the Australian Competition Commission would be seeking answers on our return, but I was confident we could be a global brand and be recognised as such. My dream was becoming a reality and it saddened me that Jackson wasn't here to watch it become a reality.

Jetting out of Gatwick heading across to New York, it would be nice to catch up with my youngest, and Steven and some other friendships I had formed. I want to walk through Central Park with Michael as my lover, not my protection, to dine out and talk, to find out what his real aspirations were and how together we could achieve them. I wasn't silly enough to ignore the age gap. There be times when he and Chris would want to go to a game, drink beer and get drunk, and that was fine. My days of Bromances and Beer had passed and I was happy to let him have those moments, but bedtime was our time. A time we could make love for hours and talk and cuddle. It was the one time I never noticed a difference in our ages. We were equal and, in some ways, or actually many ways, he became the dominant. The powerful lover that was trying to please me in anyway he could. Making sure I was satisfied above his needs. He was a generous lover as was Jackson. In many ways I think that's what apart of the attraction was. They were so alike in many ways, but different in equal amounts.

New York shone bright as we taxied across the tarmac to General Aviation at LaGuardia. We had slept almost the whole way across in a spooning effect with some one's massive erection pushing into my back. Whilst Jackson was more than ample in the cock size, measuring just shy of 9", Michael's girth was something I was still getting used to. People call fat cocks beer can cocks, Michael took that to a whole new level, and whilst not as long as Jackson, be could push me to multiple orgasms just by stretching my hole open with his girth, and it was still a new experience I was looking forward to.

The car ride to the townhouse was met with morning peak traffic and detours and road blocks. And one stage I wanted to get out and walk, but Chris soon crushed that idea. Arriving for the first time since Jacksons death, I was overwhelmed with the memory of his sense of style. As I looked around the foyer I could see that everything had his personal touch. From the vases, the art, the occasional furniture. It had his name all over it. It would be these reminders that kept him close to me for years to come. The other thing that I noticed which was a huge void, was Karl's absence. Always first to the door and always smiling. I decided not to share this second thought with Michael, although I was pretty sure he was waiting for him to appear out of thin air.

"How about we grab a shower, change and head on down to the deli for food. I am starved."

"Sounds good." Michael said

"Hey you guys had a bed, what about poor tired me" Chris joked.

"True, you go shower and sleep. I will take your number 2 with us"

"Thanks Boss. I feel like I have been hit by a truck"

"Plus I am making an appointment for Michelle to see a doctor whilst we are here and I will have no excuses"

"Fine. I will let her know"

"You can use Michaels old suite on the 3rd floor. No need for you guys to be in staff quarters. I want Michelle comfortable"

"Thanks Boss"

As Michael and I made our way up to my suite of rooms on the second floor, I felt nervous. I felt like I was sharing something with him for the first time. It was a feeling that surprised me as we entered the bedroom. Without speaking we undressed and made our way in the bedroom and as I turned on the jets his hulking figure placed his arms around me and nuzzled my neck with his blond stubble. Entering the steamed enclosure I just wanted to be held and touched. I wanted to be one to please for a change, not be pleased.

Sitting on the bench, I took his half hard erection in to my mouth and started to work his cock as I gently caressed his balls, bringing him to a fully hard size, of which I struggled to get my mount around for periods of time.

"That's it dad, nice and slow" he encouraged me as I sucked and licked his shaft in a motion I knew drove him wild. I did not want to stop but has he lifted me up to kiss me I could taste him in a way I hadn't before. Our sex was becoming more intimate and less primal and I was enjoying the change in this. The Michael I had first had sex with in the bedroom only meters from here was quick, unsatisfying and filled with guilt. His, not mine. Now we were finding out new things about each other, and exploring what made us tick, what bought us to the edge, and what drove is totally insane.

Michael took up the bench now and had me bent over exposing my hole to him. As he started to lick my pucker, the stubble that was on his face gave me extra pleasure and satisfaction. I was too sacred to touch my own cock in fear of nutting when I knew I wanted more. As he grabbed the hand lotion in the shower, he lathered his fingers up before sliding them into me one at a time, making sure I was comfortable before he'd insert number 2, 3, 4 as the intensity rose. As he had 4 fingers in my hole, I knew what was next. But thinking he was just about done, he pulled me closer and made me squat on his fingers as finger banged my now open hole with force.

"Dad like that ha" he whispered in my ear

"Aha" was all I could get out as continued to use brute force to give me the pleasure I was seeking.

"Take it dad, I wanna see you cum" he said as he continued his assault on my hole.

Without a word being said, as we looked in to each other eyes, I could see the passion being projected by him, which was enough for me cum without touching my cock. Using his other hand Michael caught every drop and used it as lube to stroke his now swollen cock to climax, showering me with squirt after squirt of cum across my face, in my mouth, my torso and beyond. I don't think I had seen someone shoot that violently before, but damn it was amazing to see so close and in such an intimate setting.

Finally removing his fingers from me, I decided to sit on the shower floor for a few minutes to catch my breath.

"You OK, I didn't hurt you did I? Sorry dad, do you need something?"

"No, I am more than fine. I am actually n heaven, just catching my breath."

He moved to help me up and put me on the bench, where we spent the next 20 mins washing ourselves, only to be interrupted by several kisses and erotic touching.

Next: Chapter 42: A Life Less Than Ordinary 149 150

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