A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on May 13, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a companion story to "Things that Go Bump." The story lines are related and the characters will occasionally interact. The stories begin at roughly the same time. My sincerest thanks go out to Tarton who kindly edited this chapter. And thanks to everyone for writing such encouraging emails.

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spam and flames, so just let me know!

A Light in the Darkness, Chapter 10


Chase and William emerged into William's workspace, exhausted and scared. What had happened brought home yet again how real the situation was. William had lost his parents, and they'd all been targeted for death, but the mutilation, torture and abuse that was beginning to unfold.... They were about to leave for the house when William grabbed Chase's arm and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Chase, I'm sorry.... I love you...."

"Sorry?" Chase asked as he melted into the welcome embrace.

"I know I was ... under the influence ... but I should have listened to you. You shouldn't have been on your own in standing up to them...."

Chase squeezed him and shook his head. "I understand.... When I touched him, I SAW what he was in my mind's eye.... But I saw clearly.... I didn't see just what you guys saw, but I saw that too.... Mostly I saw what was on the inside.... It was terrible...."

"Are you okay with ... everything?" William asked quietly.

"You mean the Katrina thing?" Chase asked. "No, no I'm not," he said.

"I meant for you to talk to Sam, but it didn't work out with the crisis situation.... When we can, you should talk to him...."

Chase nodded and they walked up to the house hand-in-hand.

Steve and Sarah met them before they closed the door behind them, and the boys gave them a slightly edited version of what happened at the school, editing out Chase's magick. They didn't think they were ready for that yet. "We were so worried about you boys," Sarah said, putting an arm around each of them and drawing them in for a hug.

"We were fine, mom," Chase said. "Sebastian and James were looking out for us, and Sam Roth came up...."

"Well that doesn't mean we can't worry," Sarah said. "Now are you boys hungry?"

They both said no, but almost instantly changed their minds. They'd eaten very little actually. So Sarah started working on dinner while the boys changed into clean clothes and relaxed. Sarah called them down to dinner, and they were just sitting down when the bell rang. William went to the door and peered through the peephole before opening the door for his uncle Xavier and Aiden, who had not completed his move yet and was in town for a short visit with Xavier.

The men entered and Xavier pulled William into a big hug before kneeling by Chase and doing the same. "Thank God you're alright!"

"We're fine," William exclaimed with a wry smile at Sarah, who shrugged and got up to grab a couple of extra plates. "We were never in any danger.... Well no real danger...."

"The hell you weren't! Daemon is an upper-level demon," Xavier exclaimed impatiently. William just gave him a look and a little shake of the head to let him know they'd discuss this later, elsewhere. Sarah missed the exchange, but Steve caught it. William looked over at him, expecting him to object, but the man nodded quickly before Sarah returned, and William understood. Steve preferred that Sarah not be stressed out, what with the babies and all.

Chase and William repeated the sanitized version of the story they had already told while they ate, but before they got to the end, the doorbell rang again. William again went to the door and let Matt, who looked relieved to see him, inside. "Thank goodness," he said as he rushed in. "I'm glad you guys are okay.... I told Carl and Edward I'd call when you got home," he added as he walked to the phone and started dialing numbers. William shrugged this time and sat back down to finish dinner.

Soon, Matt had dragged Chase away and they were whispering together in the living room. In the meanwhile, William asked his uncles, "How's the move coming?"

Xavier smiled. "I closed on the building for my gallery, and I've got some crews coming in to start renovations next week. We'll start with the gallery space and get that ready as soon as possible before moving on to the offices upstairs."

"Where is this building?" Steve asked. William and Xavier told him about the building at its location. Steve nodded and said, "I was thinking, now that I'll have Dave working for me, it might do to have some offices and be a little more ... official...." Sarah snorted and William laughed.

"I'll give you a good rate," Xavier offered, "and you can design your own suite, as I'm redoing the whole building anyway...."

"Great," Steve said, "I'll bring Dave down one day while you're there.... We've got at least on full-time client with deep pockets," he added, smirking at William.

Xavier shook his head and said, "That's pretty much every day from here on out, so just let me know. You've got my cell...."

"What about you, Aiden?" William asked. "When are you going to be able to spend more time in town?"

"As soon as we're in our new house, I'll open a portal from my office to the basement.... What with you boys traipsing all over the interdimensional spaces, I've got no excuse to blame it on the air commute anymore. Mom's been giving me a hard time about leaving Xavier here so much, though she doesn't want me so far away," Aiden answered.

"Yeah, well, she knows your dad could conjure you up in his sleep.... And of course, I'm her favorite," Xavier added, poking his ribs.

"It's true," Aiden added with a shrug. "She always wanted a little girl!"

Xavier punched his arm not-so-gently and laughed with a cute smile that showed his relation to William. Their love scuffle was interrupted by a heavy knock at the front door. "Hell," William exclaimed as he pushed himself up one last time. He'd barely opened the door when Edward rushed in and embraced him tightly, while Carl stood by grinning.

"I told him you'd be alright," Carl said with a shy shrug.

Bringing them inside, William asked, "Uncle Xavier, Uncle Aiden, do you remember Edward from the party? He's the one who took a bullet for Chase?"

"Of course," Aiden said, rising to shake the boy's hand. Xavier gave him a big hug, making Edward blush.

"And this is Carl," William said to all the adults. "He was also at the party. He's on the basketball team, and he and Edward are sort of dating...."

"What are they putting in the water over there?" Steve asked, to general laughter, and everyone introduced themselves to Carl again. Then the boys all went to sit with Chase and Matt, leaving the adults to their own devices.

William, Edward and Carl found Chase and Matt talking about the magick "stuff," and Chase was smiling. He backed up a little and told them all about how William had collected the materials for their Bond, and what had happened in the ceremony. Carl, who had never gotten a good look at the rings, grabbed William's hand and was awed by the metal's swirling gold and black, and the intricate detail of its design.

Carl opened up about his background a little, to everyone's surprise, and it was easy to see even Edward look at him with new eyes. There was clearly more than a sweet jock lurking beneath his cool exterior, and he got misty remembering his grandmother, which was endearing.

At last, Matt asked, "SOOOO, Edward, are you like a druid warrior, or a samurai, or some other brand of secretly ass-kicking superman?"

"Nope, just English," Edward responded with a slight blush.

"Thank God," Matt exclaimed with a laugh. "What? I'm just glad I'm not the only puny mortal among my friends!" Everybody laughed at him and they talked a little more, mostly Matt talking about how he was trying to make everything up to Amy. With a cheeky grin, he said, "But I'm not worried.... There's this thing I do with my tongue that just drives her...."

"OKAY," Chase said, "Ew! And on that note, it is a school night!"

"Sheesh," Matt said, shaking his head and laughing. "I am glad all you guys are gay though.... I'm the only nice straight guy left," he concluded with a wink. "See you guys tomorrow!" On his way out, he waved at the adults, and Edward and Carl soon followed. Then Chase and William kissed their uncles and parents goodnight and headed upstairs to get some sleep. The adults talked a while longer, before they too broke up, happy to have their boys back and knowing that it wouldn't last. But they'd be happy while it did.

The next day Chase and William enjoyed a normal day at school, post incubus/succubus. Amy was clearly holding it over Matt and enjoying his groveling, but her wink to Maria, seen only by William, told him that Matt's punishment was soon to be over.

Amy looked at William and asked, "So are you guys going to the Valentine's Day Dance?"

William's eyes went wide and his mouth opened silently. After a moment, he said, "To be honest ... I hadn't ... uhm.... Chase?"

Chase laughed and blushed. "Everybody know about us, but I don't want to cause any trouble...."

"Come on, guys!" Edward exclaimed. "IF you go, MAYBE Carl will ask me," he said with a cheeky grin at the big boy who held his hand in his lap.

Chase leaned over and whispered in William's ear, "It would be nice to have some normal fun," his breath tickling the boy's ear sensually.

William shivered and smiled, and Edward said, "Yeah!" Matt just laughed and rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

Chase gave William a quick peck on the cheek, and William and Carl got up and went to get the tickets to the dance. It was still a while off, but they were committed now. "Do you think anybody'll make a stink?" Carl asked as they walked toward the girls selling tickets.

William shrugged, but then thought better of it. "Probably."

When they reached the table, the girls smiled and the one in the middle asked, "Are you coming to the dance?"

"Two please," William said. The girl handed him two tickets and took his money.

"Who's coming," she asked with a brittle smile.

"William Jennings and Chase Abernathy...."

"So that's two singles," she asked.

One of her cronies looked at her and said, "No, that's HIM! They're a couple...."

The girl gave him a strange and appraising look and nodded. "What about you, Carl?"

"Two.... I'm bringing Edward Boyle," he said with a bit of a challenging tone of voice.

"Hmmm," she said with a frown as she marked it in the book and handed him his tickets. As they walked away they heard a malicious giggle from the table behind them. "With friends like ours," William whispered to him as they walked back to the table, "it's easy to forget that ... there are people like them around...."

"True," Carl said, a grudging assent in his voice. As they returned to the table, everyone watched them expectantly, as their faces were not at all happy.

"Bitches," William explained, and Maria and Amy burst into giggles.

"Don't worry about them," Amy said. "You guys have a lot of friends, and all the worst bullies are terrified by you, William.... I'm guessing not many of them would be willing to tangle with Carl either...."

"We'll see," William said glumly. "It still pisses me off...."

"Get used to it baby," Chase said with a good natured laugh. "You can't beat sense into everyone who doesn't like it that we exist...."

William chuckled. "I sure would like to though...."

Matt, Chase and William got off the bus together that afternoon, and Matt said, "I'm gonna need something new to wear to this dance.... You guys help me pick something out this weekend?"

"Sure," Chase laughed. "Queer eye for the straight guy!"

William laughed and shook his head. "We can get matching suits too," he added.

"It's going to be fun, I promise," Chase said, grabbing his arm and bouncing lightly. "I've never been to a dance with anyone before! Well, anyone but Matt, and we didn't dance!"

"And why not?" William teased.

"I didn't think it would be good for my image," Chase replied with a grin, leaving Matt open-mouthed on the path to his own house.

Inside, they went upstairs and changed out of their uniforms, and William was ready to go meet James and Avery when Chase grabbed his arm. "Television," he said, gasping. "Turn on the news!"

William grabbed the remote and turned the television on. A CNN correspondent was reporting, "We have reports of a terrorist attack in progress in Delhi, Tom.... Scenes of carnage are visible all around the Lotus Temple complex.... We're still hearing small explosions from inside, and it seems that the terrorists are under counter-attack, though the government in New Delhi will not confirm that government forces have been dispatched.... At this moment all we can tell you is that hundreds are dead or injured outside the complex...."

Tom, the anchor, asked, "Is there any chance that this attack is related to events that occurred overnight in Europe?"

"We just don't know, Tom.... Czech officials are remaining tight-lipped about the cause of death at the youth hostel.... If it turns out to be terror related, we'll have to reevaluate...."

William turned the television off and called up Sebastian's manor, and a harried James answered the phone. "James? It's William.... I just saw the news...."

The young vampire responded, "They hit a Prague youth hostel overnight.... Avery and Sebastian have gone off to fight Resheph in Delhi.... I just ... it's so infuriating...."

"What can we do?" William asked.

"Nothing, now," James said, exasperated. "But Sebastian promised that you and I could get involved soon...."

"Hmph," William said. "You don't need us to come there?"

"No, but thanks.... I'll let you know if there's any news...."

"Call us when they get back.... Thanks," William said, hanging up. He filled Chase in on what he knew. "I'm going down to my lab to work out," he said tensely.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked.

"I just feel so ... helpless...."

"If Avery and Sebastian can't handle it, I just wonder what we can do?" Chase responded.

"We won't know `til we try.... And it won't do anyone any good if the world goes to hell while we wait.... We'll still be just as dead!"

William walked out with a heavy stomp and went out to his lab and into his inner sanctum, where he lifted weights hard and fast, burning off steam and anxiety, and making his muscles scream. After about an hour, he walked to the center of the room and crossed his legs, settling himself onto the floor. He cast a circle around himself and tried to center his mind. He thought back to Sam's advice to him that Sabbath evening service, and tried to capture the power and peace of the Sabbath. It wasn't the day, but if he could just touch it with his mind.

He knew from experience not to try to relax. He just let his mind flow. Any thought that came to him, he didn't dwell on it but let it slip away. Shortly, he felt himself like a sponge floating in a wide open sea. Spiritually, his worries again began to wash away. Though the "waters" weren't as pure as they had been and the effect wasn't as clarifying, he could again feel the energies all around him. Those he was seeking were the faintest, but some of the most powerful.

He allowed himself to rise to the mental surface of the great ocean, and projected his voice, "Mom? Dad?"

Those indistinct energies which surround his world began to coalesce into forms and gradually, and through a terrible expense of energy, they took the familiar shape and form of Alexander and Leah, his parents. His mother smiled at him sadly and knelt by him. "You shouldn't do this baby," she whispered. "It's very draining on you...."

William's heart felt like it was breaking as he burst into tears and felt the familiar, but ephemeral arms embrace him. "We're proud of you, son," Alex said, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Chase makes me so happy, and his parents and Uncle Xavier have been so good.... But I miss you.... I don't know if I can do this!"

Alex knelt by his son and took his other hand. "Son, you've already changed the world in ways you can't imagine. You know, every Bond unleashes a power the pierces through the cosmos and ripples through every reality. If you had not forged your bond with Chase, he would never have come into his full power, and without Chase, not only this world, but all worlds were in danger...." Alex looked at Leah and smiled softly. "You don't know this, but I once tried to assemble the materials for a bond, too.... I loved your mother more than my own life, but I wasn't strong enough to pass through the fire...." Alex kissed the boy's head and stood, holding a hand out to his wife, who also kissed William before standing.

Before they dissipated, permeating the atmosphere again, she said, "Lean on Chase. He is strong enough.... Rely on your friends. Trust yourself...." And then they were gone, and William knelt on the carpets blanketing the floor of his work space, tears in his eyes.

William wiped his eyes and started as he saw a shadow in the corner of his eye and turned to face a dark figure. "Gideon," he said with a sob. The angel walked to his side and sat down, something William had never seen him do.

"I am so sorry, William.... It isn't fair, it really isn't, but it's yours to carry...."

"I've got Chase," the boy said firmly.

"That's something," Gideon said, "and no small something.... To be around him.... I'm older than the world, and he almost makes me wish I was human...."

William smiled up at him and nodded. "But it is hard...."

"It will ... be so much harder.... I wish I could take it away but it is not in my power...."

"I'm scared," William said.

"You'd be stupid not to be.... But listen to your mother.... You can lean on Chase, and he will lean on you.... Chase is ... what you've seen so far, what you've seen him do, is like a drop of water in an infinite ocean compared to what he is capable of, William. He'll need you to rise to that, and you'll need him to do your part. Just, have faith.... In yourself. In Chase. In God." And Gideon was gone, like that, leaving William teary, and shaking his head in laughter.

"Angels," he muttered to himself, lifting himself to his feet, his muscles quite fatigued, and dragging himself up to the house, where he found Chase and Sam talking quietly in the living room.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked, voice full of concern when he saw William.

"I just ... lifted too hard," he said, and Sam frowned at him but said nothing of the tears on his face.

"Go take a cold shower," Chase suggested. "It'll help your muscles. And you stink!"

William laughed and did as he was told, leaving Sam and Chase talking about what had happened in the library.

"I'm just having a hard time coming to terms with what I had to do," Chase said. "Black magick is destructive and fueled by destruction of life.... How is what I did any different?"

"You didn't destroy a life, you destroyed a demon!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah, I destroyed a creature of God! I undid a portion of the creation! I unmade it Sam!"

"Chase," the old man said with a gentle voice, putting a hand on his shoulder, "you have been taught a great and mighty secret. No other human before you possessed Raziel's final secret. And I think I know why...."

"Why?" Chase asked, sounding miserable.

"Because you hate it! You alone! Chase, most men, even good men, wouldn't think twice about 'fixing' God's world by eliminating what they view as evil and good for nothing. Even the best of men would destroy hell without batting an eye. But you look at a demon who must be destroyed to save the whole world of beauty and life, and you cry tears of pain over destroying a destroyer of men. Chase ... you're so amazingly good hearted, it's almost painful to think...."

"Oh Sam!" he exclaimed, bursting into tears. "It's such a burden...."

"And you alone in all of creation, in all of time, are prepared to carry it. I'm sorry for that. But I feel better knowing it's you. I'm sorry." Chase hugged the man, and Sam returned it with feeling.

After a moment, Chase sat back and asked with a whisper, "Sam, one day, will you marry William and me?"

Sam smiled brightly and laughed, drawing the boy in again. "Nothing would please me more, my boy, nothing would please me more.... Normally, I can't perform intermarriage, but in this case...."

Chase leaned back and looked at him seriously. "It won't be intermarriage.... I'll convert...."

"Chase, you can't do that for William, only for yourself...."

Chase looked down at his ring and held it up to Sam's sight. Sam had seen it before, but again it transfixed him. "Would this ring be designed for anything but a Jew?"

Sam sat quiet for a minute and exhaled. "No, I suppose not...."

"It knows what I am; it knows where my heart is," the boy whispered, and Sam nodded. "You'll teach me?"

"Yes," the man responded. "We'll study while William and James train with Avery, except when they need us...."

"Thank you, Sam!"

The man nodded and rose. "I'll see you both Friday night, then," he said with a laugh. "I should get back. Tell William I said goodbye and that I love you boys...."

"We love you too, Sam," William said from the stairs, in a pair of sweatpants drying his hair with a towel.

"Bye," the man waved up at the boy with a smile on his way to the door.

William settled into the couch next to Chase and the boy smiled when his hand rested on a shirtless stomach, which he tickled playfully. "Did you two have a good talk?" William asked.

"Yep," the boy said with a smile as he cuddled into William. "And we're going to study some together while you guys play in the training room...."

"Oh, cool," William said, running his fingers through Chase's golden hair.

William and Chase called Xavier on speaker and told him some of the stuff they didn't want Sarah and Steve to worry over. Xavier surprised them by saying, "I know.... I talked to Sebastian last night...."

"Sebastian?" William asked, surprised.

"I know, I know.... I've been silly, and it's not been fair to Avery, or to Sebastian for that matter.... I'm working on it.... I'm back with the Council, part time at least, but I'm working under Christen Wheeler's authority...."

"I guess you're not making quick progress," William noted dryly.

"You're my nephew," Xavier snapped with humor, "you should know we are a passionate people.... We love hard and we hold on to things too much...."

"Too right," Chase laughed at them both. "Ooh, I'm making William take me to the Valentine's Dance, Uncle X.... Carl's taking Edward too!"

"I hope you boys can have a good time," the man chuckled. "You deserve it...."

"How are things at the house?" Chase asked.

"A mess! What would you think of getting your friends together and helping me arrange the furniture on Saturday?" Xavier asked. "Tell them there's some dough in it for them!"

Chase laughed. "Sounds good, but it'll have to be afternoon.... Saturday morning...."

"I know, I know," Xavier said, biting his tongue. "Around 2?"

"Sounds like a plan," William responded.

When they hung up, Chase lay down on William's lap and listened to the news, quickly dozing off. Sarah got home a few minutes later and called out to William but he put his finger to his lips and she walked over to see her son sleeping.

"Everything alright?" she asked.

"Just relaxing.... I pushed my work-out a little too hard today, and Chase is all worked up over the Valentine's Dance, so...."

"Oh, so you're going?" she asked with a strange tone.

"Yeah, why?"

"I got a call from school today asking me to come by tomorrow. Very cryptic, but I'm guessing...."

"Someone doesn't want us there," William finished. "Bitches!"


"I'm sorry, Sarah, but those girls who sold us the tickets.... I bet they called their parents...." William muttered under his voice. "Chase is going to be so disappointed...."

"What are you talking about," Sarah said. "You don't think we're just going to take that?"

"Private school's a business. I don't see how there's a lot we can do about it if they make a big stink of it," William said.

"We'll figure something out.... Don't you worry about it," Sarah said, patting him softly on the head.

But as William looked down at the boy sleeping in his lap, the knowledge of what would happen the next day was heartbreaking, and William vowed in advance to make it up to him. A deep anger swirled in his belly and mixed with ... something sad. William brushed the hair from his face and for some reason he chuckled. For a moment it crossed his mind that the peaceful face was angelic. But he had seen angels. Chase wasn't angelic; angels didn't hold a candle to the boy in his lap.

Sarah gave him a half-hour warning and William woke Chase with a kiss. "Sweetie, dinner's almost ready...."

Chase put a hand on William's chest and smiled, "As much as I like you like this, you should run up and put a shirt on for dinner, babe!"

William winked and slid off the couch, running upstairs to fetch a shirt. Over dinner, Sarah explained things to Chase, and the boy shrugged it off, saying, "Whatever.... It's no big deal." Only the slight fall in tone of voice and the brittle look of his smile gave away his sense of disappointment. And William hated it.

That night in bed, William curled up to his back and stroked his chest from behind. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Chase said, softly. "They aren't going to let us go, are they?"

"I don't think so," William sighed, running his hand down the boy's flat belly, tickling the soft blond fuzz on his lower abdomen

Chase shivered and moaned softly, melting back into William. "You're distracting me...."

William laughed. "There's nothing we can do about tomorrow, but wait and see.... We don't have to mope!"

Chase giggled. "I was enjoying moping!"

"You're enjoying this more," William whispered, nibbling his ear.

"Oh, yeah," Chase giggled, rolling over and wrapping his arms around William. "Why don't you roll over and let me give you a massage? You had a hard workout today...." William smiled and did as he was told.

The next day at school, Chase, William, Edward and Carl were called out of the last period before lunch and found their parents, and Xavier, waiting in the conference room in the office. Last to arrive was Felicity Strong, head mistress of the school.

"Thank you all for coming. Yesterday, your sons bought tickets for the Valentine's Dance.... News that they would be coming as couples ... spread quickly. I can't tell you how many phone calls I received from concerned parents yesterday afternoon...."

"Why don't you tell us?" Sarah asked, scowling. "I for one would be interested in knowing how many of my child's schoolmates have bigoted rednecks for parents...."

"Mrs. Abernathy," Felicity began, but she was cut off.

Xavier leaned in and said, "And what exactly is their CONCERN over how we're raising our children?"

Felicity ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. "They don't want their children ... exposed to ... public displays of immoral behavior.... I'm sorry, folks.... I don't know what to say...."

Edward's mother, in her light British accent, leaned forward and said, "SAY you aren't doing what you seem to be planning to do!"

Felicity spread her hands in apology and said, "It's out of my hands.... The board has already spoken on this matter. A majority of the members are opposed to allowing your boys to attend together."

Xavier sighed. "You realize that we're the wealthiest family in this school.... It sickens me to even mention it, but...."

Felicity shook her head and sighed. "I AM SORRY, folks!"

"So am I," William said quietly, looking up at her with dark eyes. "You disappoint me. You can tell your board that they can shove it up their asses...."

"There is no need for that kind of language, young man," the woman snapped.

"Yes, and there is no need for you to hide behind the anonymous phone calls and sniping.... There's no need for you to throw us to the wolves. But you did. It was easy," William sneered with contempt.

Chase put a hand on his forearm and squeezed. "You're right of course, but nothing you say will do any good.... She's on their side...."

Felicity's eyes darted to Chase and hardened almost imperceptibly. "In any case," she said, her voice hard, "the matter is decided." With that, the woman walked out and left them all silent.

When the bell rang no one moved, until Chase stood and made for the door. "Lunch time," he said.

"You boys don't have to go back to class if you don't want to.... We can go home," Sarah suggested.

"No, mom," Chase said, turning to hug her. "I'm not letting them run me off...."

The boys all laughed darkly and followed his lead, joining their friends at lunch. When they told everyone there was general rage. "We won't go, of course," Amy declared, and Maria shook her head in agreement.

"NO!" Chase exclaimed. "You can't miss a good time because...."

"How could we enjoy it without you guys?" Matt asked.

Suddenly, William smiled and looked around at them all with a clear thought. "What if we have our own dance? Same time, different place.... We can all have fun together, and leave these assholes with one lame dance!"

Chase smiled at him like a kid in a candy shop and threw his arms around William. "I love you," he whispered in William's ear, making the boy's eyes tear up.

"We're going to make it so awesome that nobody we like would even want to come to the school dance," Matt declared. When they all looked at him, he asked, "What? William's paying!" They all laughed at that and William shrugged. Everyone who knew why they looked so glum a few minutes earlier was now thoroughly confused. But soon, rumor would carry news of an alternative dance through the school, and the race was on.

Before lunch was over, William asked who could help his uncle move furniture around and get unpacked, and Matt, Carl, and Edward all volunteered, along with Charles, Maria's boyfriend.

That evening, Avery and James met William to train, while Sam and Chase studied the Siddur, the Jewish order of prayer up at the house. About an hour into the study session, however, Sam's cell-phone began to buzz with an alert from the Shadow Network. When he looked at the screen, he ushered Chase down to William's training space and they knocked on the inner door to gain admittance.

Inside, James and Avery had just received the same message, and it was not from Sebastian, or any of the consuls. It was from Sammael:

"To my friends in the Shadow Council, the hour has come. You have begun to see the fruits of my labors in the public eye, and this shall increase from day to day. I offer you this one chance. Join me, or perish in the fight. Any vampire or warlock who wishes to take up arms in my battle may make a show of their loyalty, at a location to be announced, in one week's time. Make no mistake: this is the last opportunity you will be given, and no mercy shall be shown again. Sincerely, Sammael"

Shortly, Sebastian entered from his portal, swearing. "Fucking bastard! He's going to divide us!"

They all let him cool down before Avery said, "He's going to give all the morally compromised an out to come work for him, knowing we'll be there too. Then he'll watch us destroy each other...."

"Exactly," Sebastian said.

"What if you don't give him what he wants?" William asked.

"Then he gets an intact army of Council expatriates to spread his terror," Sebastian responded gloomily. "The only thing we could do now is disable the Shadow Network, which would effectively cripple our ability to act with worldwide unity...."

"What if we lock him out of the system?" Chase asked.

Sebastian laughed softly and shook his head. "If we could figure out how he's accessing it, maybe...."

"So the age of secrecy is over," Avery said with certainty, and Sebastian nodded with heavy head. "Because we have to destroy the offenders and Sammael will make the meeting place very public...."

"I don't see any way around it," Sebastian said. "I'm going to have to go back to the mortal authorities.... Somehow I doubt they're going to like the end of the status quo...."

Sam, Avery, James and Sebastian returned to the manor to strategize, leaving William and Chase alone. "It's never boring, is it?" Chase asked.

William's laugh was dark as he shook his head and led the boy back to the house. They worked on homework mostly, though William placed a shadowy phone call.

"Hello, my name is William Jennings. I'd like to ask whether your ballroom is free on either the Friday or Saturday night of Valentine's Day Weekend?" After a pause, "I see.... What about the following weekend? Valentine's falls in the middle of the week, so.... Excellent! I'd like to rent the ballroom for a dance on Saturday night.... No, no, I'll pay for the whole day so that there will be time to decorate and for the caterers to set up.... Can you put the deposit on a credit card? Thank you," he said, pulling out the card and giving out the number as Chase listened intently.

When William hung up the phone, Chase turned toward him and walked over, easing himself into his lap. "So?"

"So what?" William asked, a laugh in his voice.

"SO WHERE IS THE DANCE GOING TO BE?" Chase asked, tickling him.

William wrapped his arms around Chase and asked, teasingly, "Where would you like it to be?"

"Somewhere nice," the boy smiled.

"Done," William declared. "I just booked a ballroom at the Jefferson...."

"Holy cow," Chase gasped, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Wow! That's going to be too cool!" Then he ran downstairs to find his mom, who had recently gotten home.

"He what?" a high woman's voice asked with obvious pleasure from downstairs, so William smiled and walked downstairs.

"We decided to have our own dance," William said as he bounded downstairs, "so I reserved a ballroom at the Jefferson...."

"So I heard," Sarah said with a smile, mouthing 'Thank you' to William silently. "Let me go get changed and we'll figure out what to do for dinner," she added, walking off shaking her head.

In the end, they called out for Chinese and had a quiet night at home, enjoying a moment of normal, domesticated life.

When Chase told their friends at lunch the next day where the dance was going to be, the girls actually squealed. Amy and Maria made plans to find dresses on Saturday while the boys were helping Xavier unpack and arrange furniture. After that, the two fairly popular girls circulated around the cafeteria, letting their friends know that there would be an alternative dance at the Jefferson hosted by William and Chase. More than a few indicated instantly that they would be there in support of the boys, and quite a few more wanted to come because the joint was swanky.

By the end of the day, a lot of kids had approached the boys asking for invitations, which were given liberally to anyone who asked nicely. It was clear that, in the coming weeks, they'd be able to have a nice crowd for their little soirée.

When they got home, Chase and William showered and dressed for services and Steve drove them to the synagogue. Sam welcomed them as always, and a few families that recognized them came up to them to say hello. Sam introduced them to a middle aged couple who invited them to come to their house for a traditional Shabbat dinner after the services, so afterward, accompanied by Sam, they walked home with Ron and Sylvia Stein.

The Steins' two children, Seth and Abigail, came downstairs when they arrived. Abigail, very outgoing and talkative, was about twelve, while Seth, quiet and withdrawn, was closer to fifteen. As they gathered around the table, Ron and Sylvia blessed their children, and Sam likewise blessed Chase and William. Then they said the blessings over the wine and challah, and sang some traditional songs before having a delicious dinner.

Over dinner, Sylvia asked, "How long have you boys been ... together?"

William noticed Seth's eyes widen in shock as Chase smiled and said, "A couple of months...." Then he told a cleaned-up version of how they met and how William came to live with his family, as well as some of the more exciting things that had happened since.

"I'm very sorry to hear about your parents," the woman said, "but I'm glad you found a good home...."

"Me too," William said, squeezing Chase's hand.

Out of nowhere, Seth, his voice sweet and smooth, asked quietly, "Is it hard for you at school? People know about you?"

"People know," Chase said. Then, blushing, he added, "To be honest, it would be hard for us to be together and hide it...."

William chuckled. "It has been rough in some ways, and easy in others.... Turns out a lot of people like and support us.... But others.... The school isn't letting us go to the Valentine's Dance together...."

"That's terrible," Sylvia exclaimed.

"It's okay," Chase smiled. "William is going to host a counter-dance at the Jefferson!"

"Thats ... expensive," Ron commented dryly. Then he laughed. "You've got style, boy!"

Then Chase added, "But you know, it's not been any worse that before people knew.... The people who would pick on me for being gay already picked on me for other things, or for suspicion of being gay.... On the whole, I think things have been better.... But that might be because the bully's are afraid of William.... And Carl...."

"Carl?" Seth asked.

"Carl's dating our friend Edward," Chase answered. "He plays basketball and he's basically a giant...."

Seth nodded and fell silent again, thinking about something as the conversation turned in other directions.

After dinner, William offered to help Sylvia clean up a bit, and Ron and Sam stepped into the living room to talk a bit about synagogue business, so Chase carefully felt his way to the stairs and went upstairs. He knocked on what he expected to be the right door and Abigail said, "Hi, Chase!"

"Sorry Abigail, I was looking for your brother.... Could you help me out?"

"Sure," the girls said, leading him down the hall to the door and leaving him alone.

He knocked and heard the door open, but nothing else. "Seth? Do you mind?"

"Sure, come on in," he said, and softly put a hand on Chase's elbow, leading him to the desk chair, while he sat on the bed.

"Is everything alright, Seth? Was there something else you wanted to ask?"

He could hear the boy hold his breath for a moment before exhaling in deep release. "I was just wondering what it was like for everybody to know...."

"I thought so.... Do your parents know?" Chase asked.

"No.... Well, probably.... That's probably one of the reasons they brought you over.... I just can't...."

"If your parents brought William and me over to show you that they're okay with it, what do you have to lose confiding in them?" Chase reasoned out loud.

"I don't even like to admit it to myself," Seth said quietly, averting his eyes.

"But you admitted it to me pretty easily," Chase responded.

"Yeah.... But I know about you, and you're ... different...."

Chase stood and walked tentatively to where the boy sat and sat down next to him. "I'm not so different.... I was afraid for too long, and it was only William who gave me the courage to admit who I was to those who love me.... You can trust your parents, I can tell.... And you can trust me and William and Sam...."

"You mean Rabbi Roth?" the boy asked with a incredulous laugh.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Chase asked. "Not even William knows...."

"Sure," the boy exclaimed quickly.

"I asked Rabbi Roth privately the other day if, one day, he would perform a Jewish wedding for William and me.... He didn't even blink before saying yes...."

Seth sat thoughtfully for a moment and nodded, and Chase put a friendly arm around him. "You're going to be okay," Chase whispered. "And why don't you come to our dance? I bet one or two cute guys will show up, and you never know...."

Seth giggled and shrugged. "Maybe...."

"Excellent," Chase said, and told the boy his phone number and email address. "Can you help me downstairs," he asked.

"Sure," Seth said, and took his arm, but Chase again draped his arm across the boy's shoulder as he led him to the stairs and helped him down, though Chase didn't really need it.

A few minutes later, Chase called his dad and told him where to pick them up. They weren't far from home, but walking alone at night didn't appeal to him, and they soon bid everyone a goodnight.

Once they were home and in their room, William asked, "Seth's okay?"

"Yeah," Chase smiled. "He's scared...."

"I know how he feels, but it's a waste of time. His family loves him...."

"I told him," Chase said. "I also invited him for Valentine's.... Maybe around different kinds of kids he can lighten up."

"You're good, Chase," William said with an appreciative hug.

The next morning, Chase and William arrived at the synagogue early and took their seats, and Sam came to sit with them for a minute. "I'm proud of what you did," Sam said to Chase quietly.

"Did he talk to you or his parents?" Chase asked.

"No," Sam said, but with a smile, added, "but he will now.... You'll see.... I haven't seen him as happy as he was last night before you left since he was a boy...."

"He's still a boy," William joked.

Sam smiled sadly and said, "Only a year younger than you two...."

"I forget sometimes," William said, darkening.

"Don't," Sam said, clapping him on the shoulder and giving him a squeeze. "Enjoy yourselves!"

"We do," Chase said with an impish grin.

The rabbi shook his head laughing as he walked away with a curmudgeonly and exaggeratedly old-world, "Oy v'voy.... Speaking to an old man like that! Vat is zis vorld coming to?"

The boys giggled and moments later he returned with a transliterated siddur so the boys could follow along with the prayers in Hebrew spelled out in English letters.

William was beginning to be familiar with a few of the tunes for the chant and they both followed along fairly well that morning. After lunch, they hurried home to change into work clothes and met their friends at Xavier's new house.

Charles (Maria's boyfriend), Matt, Carl and Edward were waiting for them. Chase mostly stayed out of the way and talked to them while they moved furniture around and unpacked the biggest household items, moved shelves and things like that, under Xavier's close watch. They rearranged the living room a few times before it was just right.

When they were all done, Xavier thanked them and said, "If it was the summer I'd invite you all to hop in the pool, but you can always come back." Then he handed the boys $50 each, and thanked them all. "Now comes the nitty-gritty.... Thanks for your help guys...."

The boys all headed to the mall to grab a bite to eat together and to catch a movie before heading home.

Sunday, early afternoon, Chase and William left in search of the perfect suits to wear in their capacity as hosts. To that end they drove out Huguenot Road to Beercroft and Bull, where they were met at the door by a finely dressed salesman who, at first, gave the boys a skeptical look. But William walked in like he owned the place.

"We'd like help picking a suit," William said.

"We have many fine ... and expensive choices, boys," the man said, unsure.

"Well then perhaps I should explain the occasion. On the weekend after Valentine's Day, I have reserved a ballroom at the Jefferson for a dance...."

"Ah, I see," the man smiled, his tone changing. "And you gentlemen are the co-hosts?"

"Yes," William nodded, "and whatever we wear needs to match...."

"Well, perhaps a tuxedo, since you're hosting?" the man asked.

"Too formal," Chase said. "What about a suit with a vest?"

"We have some very nice," the man began, but William cut him off.

"Let's do something custom.... Do you think your tailor could accommodate a rush order?"

"I think that could be arranged. Let me just get him for you," the man said and went to get the old gentleman.

"You aren't being very nice," Chase chided gently.

"And neither was he until he knew we had money. I don't like that...."

The salesman returned with the tailor and William described what he was thinking of with a few pointers from Chase. Then the man took measurements and asked them when they wanted their suits.

"By the week of Valentine's Day," William answered.

"Hmmm," the old man thought, "I can do it, but it will require overtime work.... I couldn't do it in that time for less than $7,000...."

Chase gasped, but William arched his eyebrows and asked, "Each?"

The man laughed. "You're funny! I like you!"

William put a down payment on his card and left his contact information for the final fitting.

Outside, Chase laughed, "We'd better look good for that price!"

"You always look good, babe," William smiled, squeezing his hand, "but I love how you look in a suit!"

Chase laughed and blushed as they got in the car and headed home. They had barely arrived when William's phone rang, and after a brief and cryptic phone call, William looked at Chase and said, "Looks like it's time for us to get into it.... We'd better tell your parents we're going to Sebastian's manor...."

The stench of sulfur was overwhelming here. Even demons avoided this place. That's how Pursan maintained his privacy. The "Pit" burned hotter, seethed with more vile filth than any other place in hell. One had to go through the "Pit" to get to the chains that had once held Sammael prisoner in his own domain. And to do that, one had to pass through the ancient library of Hell, its archive. Even then, one was unlikely to meet its archivist, for the simple reason that he rarely wished to be met.

At the moment, however, that was his wish, so when Daemon secretly entered his realm, Pursan was to be found pondering an ancient book that smoldered from Hell's intensity but wouldn't burn. Without turning to face the intruder, he said, "I knew someone would come, but I didn't expect it to be you...." Pursan turned and the yellow light in the eye sockets of his ravaged skull burned bright, though a smile stretched what skin still hung from his face.

"Why have I come, if you know so much?" Daemon challenged, his defensiveness showing on a face whose beauty was scarcely affected even by these surroundings.

"That is not a very interesting question, my little fiend.... The more interesting question is, why am I not going to lock you in that little room that held Sammael for two millenia...." Fear flickered in Daemon's eyes, and Pursan shook his head. "The answer to that question ... is more complicated.... Sit!"

And Daemon did, talking for hours to the most solitary of Hell's denizens and finding himself most intrigued.

Next: Chapter 11

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