A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Oct 11, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is sequel to the "Things that Go Bump" and "A Light in the Darkness" stories. You should probably read those first! Sorry for the long break but I've started a new and demanding job (third job, anyway)!

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spam and flames, so just let me know!

A Light in the Darkness, Book II, The Order

Chapter 01

"How's it going, guys? How was the rest of your vacation?" Chris asked as James and Sebastian tromped upstairs from the basement. After their two weeks at the island, everyone else had returned to their normal, or normalish, lives, while James and Sebastian tacked on another two weeks all alone.

"Nice!" James beamed. "A little more vamp, but what can you do?"

Sebastian rolled his eyes and grinned. "He means, we stayed out of the sun and got our strength back... As great as it is to spend some time in the sun and allow oneself to be weak, one doesn't live four thousand years by doing that too often."

"We went to the Louvre, and Notre Dame, and visited vineyards in Bordeaux," James began telling Chris, dragging the boy to a couch. Sebastian laughed and walked upstairs to put a few bags in their room. Then he went out to Richard's quarters.

Knocking on the door, he called, "Richard?"

He snickered as he heard fast footsteps hurrying round the room, and Richard opened the door wearing a pair of boxers. "Bad time?" Sebastian asked with a grin.

"No, no," Richard began, a little out of breath.

"Then why are you wearing Pete's boxers?" Sebastian asked, crossing his arms and smiling even more widely.

"What do you mean?" Richard started to ask, but rolled his eyes and looked down to see that in his hurry he had grabbed Pete's boxers with the big Superman S over the crotch.

"You're more of a white linen man, Richard," Sebastian said, putting his hand over his mouth as he began to laugh. The ancient vampire again rolled his eyes when Richard closed the door in his face, and he could hear the two men changing. He had seen Richard naked a hundred thousand times. It's funny what love will do to you, Sebastian thought to himself with a smile.

When Peter and Richard emerged, Sebastian almost gasped. "What?" Pete asked with a magnificent, boyish smile.

"It's just ... I was thinking about what you looked like a month ago. It seems like forever now... Happiness becomes you, my friend," Sebastian said softly, putting a hand on his cheek. "Now, how was the Council in my absence?" For his two weeks alone with James, Sebastian had gone "off the grid," turning over his reins to his new number two.

Richard shook his head and said, "Just minor things, bickering, turf, you know... Since you declared an end to your reign as high consul, everyone's been jockeying to see what their new place is..."

"How's Horatio faring in the politics?" Sebastian asked.

Richard grinned. "I gave him a little boost when a position on the governance committee came open, and he got the spot... He's shrewd in his own right, and he's a loyal friend. He'll do well."

"I would have appointed you," Sebastian said, not knowing what else to say.

Richard shook his head. "I couldn't be away from Pete that much, and I couldn't take him away from James and Chris... Besides, I like it here with you," the man almost blushed as he said it.

Sebastian hugged his friend and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, grasping his shoulders. "Thank you, Richard. That means a great deal to me..."

Richard and Sebastian went down to the office to handle some Council business that had backed up, while Pete joined James and Chris on the couch to catch up.

"Where's Marcus?" James asked Chris after he'd run through his trip highlights.

Chris laughed. "He's working out with Lt. Spencer in the yard... You can take the boy out of the military, but you can't take the military out of the boy..."

James corrected, "We didn't so much take them out of the military as get them reassigned to the gayest barracks this side of Camp Rainbow..."

"Don't forget about Fort Dicks," Peter said, laughing.

James shook his head. "That one is spelled D-I-X, and those guys would kick your ass," he said with a laugh.

"One night with us and it wouldn't be kicking they'd want to be doing!" Pete said with a grin.

"When did YOU get so gay?" Chris asked with a laugh. Soon the boys were giggling incoherently like a bunch of normal teenagers.

Marcus and Lt. Spencer came in from the back yard to find them like that, and the men just smiled at one another. Lt. Spencer ran upstairs to shower and change, while Marcus snuggled in next to Chris and put an arm across his shoulder.

"So when do you start your training?" James asked Chris as the fit subsided.

"Soon," Marcus said with a smile. "We know Chris is definitely not a born wizard; I've been able to discern that much, but we still have to test his capabilities. We'll go on a retreat into the wilderness and begin the first stages of training, as well as perform the standard tests..."

"Do you know where you'll go?" James asked.

"No, I was hoping Sebastian would have an idea," Marcus smiled.

"He does," Sebastian smiled as he and Richard returned. "But there are some people I need to talk to first... I know that you'd perhaps like to spend the time alone, but there's another boy I'd like to undergo the tests. I don't know yet if he's interested in training, but he has no guidance of yet... Perhaps you could work with both him and Chris, if he's interested?" Sebastian asked.

"Of course," Marcus nodded.

"Is it someone we know?" Chris asked and Sebastian smiled.

"As a matter of fact, it is... You remember Chase and William's friend Carl? His boyfriend is Edward?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh, right... He's a wizard?" Chris asked.

"Irish Druid by rite," Sebastian nodded. "I don't know if he's practiced in his gifts, but he is a born wizard, and druids sometimes possess special gifts of magick – premonition, telekinesis, and the like... It's my understanding his family has a cabin in the forest, so that would solve that problem..."

James and Sebastian went upstairs to unpack a few things and James said, "It's nice to be home..."

Sebastian wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and said, "It's good to be wherever you are..."

"Mmmm," James sighed at the feeling of the smaller vampire at his back.

"Let's go out tonight?" Sebastian suggested.

James turned in his arms and smiled down at him. "Yeah?"

"Making up for lost time," Sebastian said, resting his cheek on the boy's chest. "All that time we should have been dating wasted saving the world!"

James laughed and stepped back, quickly stripping and leading the way to the big shower, which they shared. When they were changed and ready, James asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking we might head down to Richmond for dinner and a movie," Sebastian said with a smile.

James shook his head with a smile. "We should bring Chris and Marcus with us then..."

Sebastian nodded and took his hand. They walked down to Chris's room and knocked. Chris opened the door casually, and James smiled to see Marcus propped up in the bed, fully clothed, reading.

"We're going to Richmond for a night out... We thought we'd visit some friends and figured you guys should come along, if you don't have other plans. Maybe we can track down Carl and Edward..."

Marcus put his book down and smiled, stepping up behind Chris and wrapping his arms comfortably around the boy. "Sounds fun," he said, and Chris nodded.

The four of them headed downstairs and called Sam, who opened his end of the inter-dimensional portal they had established.

When they stepped through, Sebastian hugged his old friend and introduced the man to Marcus and Chris. "I think I recall meeting Chris at Chase's birthday, but it's nice to meet you Marcus... Wasn't there another...?" Sam began to ask, but Chris nodded.

"I was dating a boy named Steve... We broke up after all the end-of-the-world stuff... Too much stress for him," Chris smiled, squeezing Marcus's hand.

Sam nodded thoughtfully. "So what brings you to our little city, gentlemen?"

"I thought we might check in with some of our new friends," Sebastian smiled.

"And that package I see you've brought wouldn't be for your little `nephew' would it?" Sam asked with a smile.

"Just a little something we picked up in Paris," James winked.

"Well, William and Chase and his parents are still staying with Xavier and Aiden until the first house is ready," Sam said. "Do you need a car?"

"I called for one to fetch us on the corner," Sebastian said, shaking Sam's hand. "Thank you... Everything else is okay?"

"No worries here," Sam said. "For now all remains quiet, except..." The man smiled as he fell silent. "I'll let Chase tell you about that..."

"You're a mean old man, Sam," Sebastian joked. "You know my curiosity is boundless!"

Sam nodded with a grin. "Come see ME sometime, Sebastian," the man said as he ushered the four young, or young-looking, men outside. Down on the corner a big limo waited for them. As they crawled into the back of the big car, Sebastian gave the man Aiden's address, and they set out.

As they pulled up to the gate, the driver pushed the button and asked, "Who should I say is calling?"

"Sebastian van der Meer..."

The man repeated the name into the box and the gate buzzed and began to open. By the time they pulled up in front of the house, Chase was on the front porch with Alex in his arms. He waved as they walked up.

"Hi, guys! What's up?" Chase called.

"We've just returned from Paris, and thought we'd come down to visit," Sebastian said with a smile as James reached for Alex and lifted him from Chase's arms.

"And we brought Alex a present," James added with a grin, passing Chase the heavy bag.

"Good Lord! What is this?" Chase asked with a laugh.

"Let's just say, he probably won't be able to use it for a while," James said.

"Come inside, guys," Chase said, leading them through the door. "William, Xavier! Company!"

William came downstairs and smiled when he saw the new arrivals. "Hey! What's going on?"

"We just came down to see if you guys could go out tonight," James said as he tickled Alex, causing the baby to giggle.

Xavier patted the boys on the shoulder, giving Sebastian a reserved look, and said, "You guys have some fun, I'll watch Alex..."

James handed the boy to Xavier and encouraged Chase to open the present he and Sebastian had brought. Chase dug into the bag and found a hand-made wooden train set from a famous Parisian toymaker. "It's wonderful," Chase exclaimed as he hugged them both. "Thank you!"

"Shall we?" Sebastian asked with a smile. "Where are Steve and Sarah?"

"They're on their own little vacation," Chase said. "Xavier's in charge!"

"Well, then, if you don't mind, we'll grab a bite and wander around town?" Sebastian asked the man, once his friend, once his enemy, now ... what?

"Be careful, and have fun," the man said to his boys, not breaking a smile for Sebastian.

Chase followed Sebastian and his group outside, but William hung back. "Sometime, I want to hear what you have against him," he said to his uncle.

"It's not important, William," Xavier responded firmly.

"If it's not important, why haven't you gotten over it?" William persisted.

"It's complicated... Now run along! Don't keep your friends waiting!"

William nodded but frowned and exited, hopping into the back of the limo. "Do you think Edward and Carl might join us?" Sebastian asked when they were all together. "There is something we need to discuss..."

William shrugged and pulled out his phone. He got no answer at Edward's, so he called Carl's cell and, as he expected, the boy's were together at Carl's house. "Hey, Carl... Sebastian and James are down and they're taking us out to dinner. Are you and Edward free?"

"Sure," the tall boy replied in his deep, rich voice. "Where should we meet you?"

"We've got a car! Let us pick you up at your place," William replied.

"No problem. See you in a few minutes..."

William lowered the privacy glass and gave the driver Carl's address. They could all see the car getting some stares as they pulled into Carl's decidedly middle class neighborhood. They were even more surprised when six casually dressed teenage boys climbed out.

Carl and Edward came out to meet them, and Carl did not invite them inside. When he saw the car, he laughed and said, "This is going to be the talk of the neighborhood!"

Sebastian laughed and motioned for everyone to get back in the car. While they rode to the restaurant he decided to get down to business.

"Carl, one of the reasons we came to visit is that Marcus is going to begin training Chris in the magickal arts, and I know your background. I thought, perhaps, if your parents aren't training you in the old ways..."

"My parents still freak out if they hear me speak a word of Irish," the boy laughed. "Everything I know I learned from my grandmother..."

"Well, Marcus is a world-class wizard warrior... If you'd like to learn, he can begin teaching you the basics and we can find someone to help you in your own tradition..."

"Wow," Carl said, not sure what to say. "I don't know... Do you mind if I think about it for a bit? I need to talk to Edward too," he added, and felt the boy squeeze his hand softly.

"Of course," Sebastian smiled. "In any case, do you think Marcus and Chris could use your family's cabin for their weeklong test and training retreat?"

"My family only goes out there in the summer, so it'll be empty... Sure! Just put everything back the way it was," Carl replied. "Assuming we're not there too," he added, smiling at Chris.

"If you decide you want to go, I could arrange it with your parents and school," Sebastian replied enticingly with a wink. "Free passes all around!"

When they got the restaurant, a place friendly to the Council, Sebastian's group was without comment shown to a nice corner table a little apart from the rest. Shortly the restaurant owner, an older gentlemen emerged and approached their table. "Consul van der Meer! What a pleasant surprise?"

"Thank you," Sebastian smiled. "We're just in town to visit friends..." The man nodded.

"Please let us know if you require anything special this evening," the man said, retreating as quickly as he'd come.

The waiter took their drink orders and left them with menus. After they ordered their food, Carl slipped away to the bathroom and soon Edward followed.

"So what do you want to do?" Edward asked Carl outside the bathroom before they returned to the others.

"I ... I'm not sure... That's a dangerous world. It killed my grandmother, and we've both seen it up close and personal... I don't want to put you in danger. But it's part of who – what – I am, too..."

"I think you should do it," Edward said, grabbing his hand. "I can tell you really want to, and I don't want to hold you back. I'm not afraid," he smiled, "I'll have you to protect me..." The tall boy leaned in to kiss Edward softly on one cheek, while softly stroking the other with his fingertips.

"Alright," Carl whispered with a smile. "And you'll come with me for the week?"

"Of course," Edward smiled.

When they returned to the table they dug into the appetizers that had just arrived. Edward smiled across the table at Sebastian and said, "We're in!"

Sebastian nodded with a happy smile. "Excellent! I'll give you a call when we've got the exact dates and whatnot figured out. We'll send people to `convince' your families and school..."

After that, they all mostly got caught up on the weeks that had passed since they had all been together on the island.

"We found a place," William said after a while. "Just outside of town, there's an old farmstead. It's got a big farmhouse and barn, and about forty acres of land... Once we close on it, we'll all move out to the farmhouse and start building a new, bigger place for mom, dad and the babies..."

"And get the barn fixed up for horses," Chase added, as William rolled his eyes lovingly.

"And that," William said with a sigh as they all laughed.

"How's your mom?" James asked. "Babies okay?"

"Yeah! Mom's started showing, but she still feels pretty good. The doctor says there is no way she'll go to full term, with her age and them being triplets and all, so they'll probably be born in July or maybe August if she's doing okay..."

"Will they be able to come home being born that early?" James asked.

"It's not that early," Chase replied. "They should be able to..."

"How's Matt?" James added.

"His parents got him a car, so he's doing better and we still see a lot of him... He's been in a funk the last couple of weeks because Amy is thinking of going on a summer program to Europe and he can't go..."

"So what are they going to do?" Sebastian asked. He'd gotten the impression over their week together that whereas Matt was fairly devoted, Amy really liked Matt but not to the same level.

"He wants to stick it out, but he doesn't know about her," Chase said sadly. Sebastian nodded, his feelings confirmed.

"And there's a new family on Matt's block. They have a boy a year older than us. Daniel..." William added, making Chase curl his nose a little to everyone's amusement. "Matt's been hanging out with him some... He brought him by Xavier's once."

"What's he like?" James asked, trying not to smile.

"He's cute," Edward said, goading Chase a little. "And he's pretty nice. A little weird. His family is pretty strict, so he never wears casual clothes or anything like that. And he's got some kind of exemption from P.E..."

Chase just added, "I don't see what's so great about him, but everybody seems to like him alright..."

"You're just jealous," William teased. "You've had Matt all to yourself for so long, you're worried that now that we're moving Matt'll get a new best friend..."

Chase sort of scowled and shrugged. "Maybe..." The whole group laughed again as he smiled a little.

After dinner, it was dark but they drove out to the farm to show everyone where they'd be moving if all went well before heading off to the mall to just walk around. Since it was a school night for Edward and Carl, they skipped the movie and headed home early.

When Sebastian, James, Chris and Marcus were alone, Sebastian asked Marcus, "What do you think about Carl?"

"I'm not sure... He doesn't `feel' like any wizard I've ever met, but Druids are different in so many ways, not unlike the Kabbalists... Sam would be a better judge of that..."

Sebastian nodded, and called the man, who met them at the synagogue to let them back through the portal. It would have been convenient if William's building was still accessible. When they met the man, Sebastian said, "Sam, I'm going to be back in the next day or two... I'd like you to meet with Carl, the young Druid who's friends with the boys. I'm thinking of having him trained."

"Of course... You know, with all the training you're arranging – James, William, Chase, now Chris and Carl – you ought to open a school," Sam said with a laugh. But then he saw by the look in the vampire's eye that he had put an idea in his head.

Chase and William found Aiden home at last, sitting on the couch with Xavier's head in his lap.

"You guys are home early," Aiden said, running his hand through Xavier's hair.

"Carl and Edward have school tomorrow," Chase said. "We called it an early night..."

"What did Sebastian want with those boys?" Xavier asked, sitting up.

"Chris, James's friend, is going to start training in magick, and it looks like Carl is too... You know, Carl is a Druid?" William asked.

"I didn't realize," Xavier said thoughtfully. "And his family isn't training him?"

"His grandmother was but she died when he was very young. His parents have turned their backs on their heritage," Chase said.

Xavier nodded. "Well, Alex is asleep, so you boys have a good night," he said as he lay back down. When the boys were upstairs, he said to Aiden, "William asked me today about me and Sebastian..."

"Did you tell him?" Aiden asked with a gentle smile.

"NO!" Xavier laughed. "But I'll have to eventually... Soon..."

"I know you don't agree, but it's not a big deal. I mean, yeah, you over-reacted and made a fool out of yourself, but..."

"Way to pull your punches, sweetheart," Xavier laughed.

"You were just an impetuous kid," Aiden laughed. "Sebastian doesn't hold a grudge. Why don't you just let it go and apologize?"

"I should apologize? What about him? He didn't have to..."

"Xavier, if he had done what the rest of us did, where would we be now? Sammael would have won and you know it... That was more important than making an impotent gesture to protest Avery's exile, especially when, you know what? He deserved what he got!" Xavier's eyes flashed open in shock at these words from one of Avery's closest pupils. "That's right, he deserved it. He should have come to the Council, or at least his friends. Or he should have stopped with the guilty parties. He had no right to do what he did! Not to say that I don't understand..."

"If you feel that way," Xavier began, his heat rising, "why did you leave in an impotent gesture? Why did Alex and Sam leave?"

Aiden gave him a hard look. "You know why! You know ... I would have done anything for you, even then... I know I loved you first, I just figured you knew... And Alex left because he loved you like a brother and your sister would never have forgiven him. And Sam left because of Alex... So, the answer to all of that? Not for Avery but because of you!" Xavier sat up, a shocked look on his face. He'd been such a self-absorbed child, he'd never realized. And in the years since, he'd never thought about it because he'd been so angry and felt so betrayed.

"Honestly, I had no idea that ... even then?" Xavier asked, his eyes misty.

"Xavier, when I told you it was love at first sight for me, I meant it... The first time I saw you, you were fourteen, and I was in college, and I knew then that, if you were like me, I'd wait for you, I'd do what I had to do to win you over... After that day, I can honestly say there was never anyone else..." Xavier's eyes were full of tears. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I'm kind of ashamed ... I don't even remember you until so much later..."

Aiden laughed. "I'm not surprised. I didn't dare spend time near you... You were so young, it could have gotten inappropriate. If I'd known about your prodigious nature, I would have stayed even further away..."

"What?" Xavier asked with a laugh. "I was sexually aware of myself..."

"And of every teacher and handsome man who ever spent more than a few days with you, it seemed," Aiden laughed.

"Not Sebastian," Xavier winked.

"Yeah, because he turned you away! I still think that's why you're so hard on him," Aiden half-joked.

Xavier shrugged and smiled, pulling Aiden into a kiss. "Well, since we DID finally get together, there's never been anyone else in my heart either," he whispered.

"I know," Aiden smiled gently, before lifting his partner in an impressive show of raw strength, and carried him off to their bed.

Chris and Marcus sat in the living room after James and Sebastian disappeared upstairs. Chris settled himself in Marcus's lap and they watched the end of a movie on the television. When Chris yawned, Marcus kissed him on the cheek and said, "You should go to bed. You've got school tomorrow, and you're no vampire..." James had returned to school at last, so he could watch over his friends and also finish up his studies. He could do that from home, but he missed seeing people every day.

"I guess..." Chris said, whispering, "I just wish you'd come to my room..."

"Chris," the young soldier whispered in return. "I don't know if I could restrain myself..."

"That's what I'm hoping," Chris smiled, slipping his hand inside the man's shirt.

Marcus smiled and sighed at feeling Chris's soft hand against his chest. "I'm an old fashioned kind of guy, Chris... You just got out of your first serious relationship, and I just don't want to..."

Chris cuddled up to him and laid his head on the man's shoulder. "It's alright... I can wait. For a while," he added with a little grin.

"Chris, I can't tell you how much I want to just go upstairs with you right now, but it...."

"It really is okay, Marcus," Chris laughed. "I understand. Well, I understand why you might feel that way, anyway," he added.

He stood and pulled Marcus to his feet. "Good night, Chris," the man said with a smile, retreating to the yard where a very small barracks was still set up, running on a skeleton crew. Marcus and Lt. Spencer each had a small room to themselves, while the rest of the soldier slept in a common dormitory.

Lt. Spencer stuck his head out and followed Marcus to his room. "You're still sleeping out here in a cot?" he asked with a laugh.

Marcus rolled his eyes at the other man and said, "I just had to fight Chris off inside, so you wanna give me a break?"

"Goodness!" Lt. Spencer exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "Whatever! I'm just saying... Chris is pretty cute..."

"Coming over to the dark side, Spencer?" Marcus joked.

The man replied, cryptically, "You never know... Someone that cute comes along, I doubt I'll be hanging out out here, that's all I'm saying," he added with a smile.

"Well, well, well," Marcus said thoughtfully, watching the man's face. "Tell me about it..."

"It's a long set of stories," Lt. Spencer smiled.

"I don't have any other action going on tonight, as you so kindly reminded me..."

"You want to go for a walk?" Spencer asked.

Marcus nodded and followed him outside. They let themselves out of the gate and walked up the dark street. "I never met my father," the lieutenant explained, "and my mother was a very busy woman... I spent a lot of time by myself – my nanny's knew better than to meddle... Anyway, my first few crushes were on girls, but my first MAJOR crush was on a boy... His father was a high-ranking wizard, and we were around each other a lot because of my mother's business. He was a couple of years older than me, and he had the most delicious muscles," Spencer laughed to remember it.

"Did you ever do anything?" Marcus asked.

"I wanted to," Spencer began hesitantly, "and I think he did too... But we didn't. In the end, though, I realized that I was comfortable with myself. Guy or girl, whatever would be would be... I was a lonely, bisexual kid, but I was okay with myself..."

Spencer paused and the two men walked on in silence for a while. "So what happened?" Marcus finally asked.

Spencer nodded. "I was fourteen, and my mom had this guy coming to our ... mansion to give me tennis lessons. I think he was just out of college, twenty-two maybe... He was tall, masculine, and one of the most beautiful men I'd ever seen. He had the most piercing eyes, and when he put a hand on my shoulder, it felt like lightning!" Then Spencer shivered in the warm air and shook his head. "I guess he was testing me out... The way I responded to little touches, little shows of affection. I got all touchy-feely with him. I was so starved for male affection..."

"Spencer, you don't have to," Marcus began, but Spencer put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

"About two months in, we were at the house alone. Alfred, our butler, was out with my mother, because the chauffer was on vacation, so I invited Carter – that was his name – in for a drink while I went upstairs to change into my tennis outfit. No sooner than I dropped my jeans, standing in my room in just my jock, he burst in behind me," Spencer said, his breathing becoming labored and his voice anxious. "His hands were all over me, and I struggled a little, but he overpowered me easy, pushing me face down on the bed. He was behind me...

"He whispered in my ear not to scream, not to yell, we were alone... It would be a lot easier for me if I cooperated. I was a sheltered kid, I had no idea what he was going to do, so I did struggle. I felt him struggling with his shorts with one hand, and then I felt him pressing against me, into me. God it hurt," he said, tears streaking his face.

Marcus looked stricken as he asked. "Was it just the once?"

"No... He did me twice that day... I don't know why I didn't tell my mom what happened, and he had no idea who we were, so he was stupid and cocky. He fucked me twice more before mom caught him. At first she almost slipped back out of my room, since I wasn't fighting it anymore and she was very liberal about such things. But I worked up the courage to whimper, `Mommy...' I don't remember what happened after that, but I woke up in the bath tub, soaking, my mother sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands. When she saw I was awake, she gave me some privacy... I never said anything, but I noticed all the razors were gone, and I guess the fact that I noticed means it was probably a good idea...

"I guess I thought he did what he did to me because he was gay, so I pumped a lot of negativity in that direction and totally repressed my own interest in guys. Which was okay for a while, because I do like girls. But I get the feeling that something's missing, something I want to explore, sometimes. But I'm afraid too..."

"When did you start to change that?" Marcus asked, suspecting he knew.

"Well, meeting James was the beginning, but really, it was when I saw him together with Sebastian the first time, what they feel for each other. I mean, guys can love each other, just like straight people ... its natural and normal. What happened to me shouldn't have happened but it wasn't because Carter was gay, or even liked young guys... It was because he was a rapist. And the terrible thing is that if he'd waited a while and really talked to me, I would have made love to him. He'd still be alive... It will be different for you and Chris, because Chris really wants you, you know... And you have real feelings for each other. Don't worry just because he's young..."

Marcus smiled and him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind... But did you say he'd still be alive?"

"His family came looking for him some time later, but no body was ever discovered," Spencer said with a grimace. "I suppose my mother just lost it when she realized what was happening. There wasn't anything left to find, other than some burn marks on the ceiling. But by that time that part of the ceiling had been expertly replaced..."

"So who is your mother? She sounds fierce," Marcus replied.

"I'm surprised no one's figured it out yet," Spencer said gravely. "My mother is Dora Spencer, Queen of the Witches..."

Marcus opened his mouth, then closed it again, and the two men walked back to the house in silence. When they got to their rooms, Marcus grabbed Spencer by the arm and said, "Thank you for sharing, Spencer... And, you know, guy or girl, you're going to make someone very lucky one day..." Spencer smiled sadly as he closed his door behind him.

Next: Chapter 17: A Light in the Darkness II 2

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