A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Nov 25, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is sequel to the "Things that Go Bump" and "A Light in the Darkness" stories. You should probably read those first! Sorry for the long break but I've started a new and demanding job (third job, anyway)!

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spam and flames, so just let me know!

Chapter 03

"What's up?" James asked, peeking into Sebastian's office wearing only a pair of silk boxers. "You never came up when you got home..."

Sebastian looked over at him with an apology in his eyes. "Sorry, but Avery's dragged William into a mission to wipe out a swarm of cryptovamps..." Sebastian quickly explained the long and the short of it.

"So what are you doing?" James asked.

"I'm monitoring the village via a satellite we hijacked," Sebastian said with a smile.

"What are those two red dots?" James asked, awed by the technology.

"That is the heat signature of living humans. Those two are Avery and William... Those clustered are the villagers... And the light blue ones are cryptovamps..."

"Shit!" James exclaimed. "They're all over the place..."

"Damn it!" Sebastian exclaimed in response. "WHAT ARE THEY DOING?"

The two red dots were moving fast toward the village and the swarm. Then, suddenly, the display lit up with heat and nothing was clear anymore.

Sebastian hit the desk and looked up at James, who nodded. "Get changed and be ready in three minutes," Sebastian responded. "And get Marcus and Spencer!"

In more like five minutes, James returned with the two men pulling on the last of their gear. "We're going into a Central American village swarming with cryptovamps..."

Lt. Spencer asked, business-like, "Is the consul aware we're entering his territory?"

"Damn fool is there ... with William Jennings on a `training' mission!" Sebastian responded.

The men nodded and grabbed their wands. The portal Sebastian had opened led them into the jungle about a quarter mile from the action. As soon as they were through, the quiet calm of Sebastian's home was replaced by the sounds of a very upset jungle. At first the sounds of scared, fleeing animals was overwhelming, until the high screams emanating from the distant village penetrated. They began moving toward that direction and soon began to see blue and red light glowing up out of the village. Those would be spells slung by Avery and William.

"James, you and Spencer flank right... Marcus, you're with me and we'll flank left. And be careful of William..."

"And Avery," James added with a cheeky smile. Sebastian nodded and they were off into the jungle gloom. *** William and Avery were standing on the edge of town, back to back, casting spells as quickly as they could in almost every direction. The steaming remains of twenty cryptovamps surrounded them at various distances. "We can't keep this up, William," Avery yelled, sounding fatigued. William responded, "I know... We need to get inside that little temple... It's a stone structure, and we can defend it... If we can lure one inside, we can capture it..."

"ALRIGHT! Let's move!"

William and Avery moved toward the structure without separating, William covering their retreat and walking backwards. Inside, they cornered two of the creatures feeding on a priest, his face smeared with white paint and red blood. Avery dispatched the two beasts, while William covered the door. Then they tossed the bloody body in front of the door, hoping its smell would serve as bait.

Both of them leaned wearily against the back wall, taking turns killing the creatures as they arrived. "Think we can make it `til dawn?" William asked.

"If not, we can open a portal out of here," Avery sighed.

Suddenly, in a rush, a bunch of the creatures entered the room, and William and Avery were quickly to their feet. More were pouring in as they fought the ones who had slipped in first. Soon, the influx threatened to overwhelm them, and there was no time to open a door to anywhere.

Suddenly, a light from the door so bright it seemed as if the sun had come up distracted all the creatures. Outside, a vortex of fire incinerated the creatures trying to break through. While the cryptovamps were paralyzed in fear, Avery casted a binding spell on one of the creatures, and he and William quickly killed the rest.

Both wizards slumped to the floor as the sounds of fighting outside increased to a fever pitch, and they had a moment to rest. "WHO IS THAT?" William wondered aloud.

Avery smiled wearily and said, "I only know one person who likes to open with an infernal vortex... Sebastian... Your lover must have called him..."

"Chase? Why?"

"He called me to tell me he didn't want you in any unnecessary danger..."

William looked angry for a moment, before he laughed. "I guess this counts..."

"Yeah," Avery said, laughing, "he's going to kick my ass..."

"Sebastian?" William asked.

"Chase," Avery said seriously.

Soon, the noise outside died down as the last cryptovamps fled into the woods for their lair. After a few moments, the first villagers stuck their heads out, and, finding the four men dressed as soldiers, a cheer went up.

Sebastian smiled and shushed the people gently, as the women began crowding around them, patting them on the arms and shoulders, while the men let out loud cries. "WILLIAM? AVERY?" he called. Unsteadily, the two emerged from the temple, leaving their captive restrained inside. "Thank God," Sebastian muttered.

"Well, how many do you think we got?" Avery asked.

"I'd say 80%, all told," Sebastian responded with a steely gaze. "Two men, Avery? Honestly? You brought a relative novice along on THIS mission?"

"I figured we could get out quick if things got hairy," Avery said defensively.

"AND COULD YOU?" Sebastian asked, almost yelling.

After a long pause, the man finally admitted, "No..."

"Avery," Sebastian began, and Avery could hear a lecture coming.

"Look, like I explained to Chase, my JOB is to train William. I trained his father and this task falls to me!"

"Not anymore," Sebastian declared. "Not until you demonstrate that you'll show some fucking restraint, some fucking JUDGMENT! You may see it as your duty to your friend to train his boy, but my duty is to see to it that he's safe, or at least as safe as can be reasonably arranged... For the immediate future, William will train in my jurisdiction, under my supervision..."

Avery started to speak, but at last William blurted out, "Is anyone interested in hearing from ME about this?"

Sebastian nodded. "Go ahead."

"Sure, this was a bad idea, but Avery's plan was much better... I convinced him to come into the town, because I couldn't bear to listen to people dying `til morning..."

"That may be, William, but part of a teacher's responsibility is to judge the situation, regardless of the noble intent of the student, and discern whether it is appropriate. The end was noble, but the means could have been catastrophic. Think of Alex! You've got a son, for God's sake. Imagine never having known your father!" William was struck dumb. "You are young, too young for all the responsibility that has been and will be thrust upon you. Please let the rest of us look out for you as best we still can..."

William nodded. "I still want Avery to teach me..."

Sebastian looked from William, to the smiling man at his shoulder. "Very well... You'll meet at my house for training sessions until ... otherwise announced..."

"Sebastian," Avery began to protest, but Sebastian cut him off with a steely gaze.

"It's my way, or no way," Sebastian said dryly.

"You aren't High Consul anymore, Sebastian," Avery replied, testily.

"Maybe not, but I can cast spells from morning to noon so that no inter-dimensional travel between my region and yours is possible..."

"Enough..." William said, exhausted. "Please! Just do it, Avery?"

Then man nodded, but didn't look happy about it.

"It's time to go," Sebastian said.

"NO!" William protested. "We can get them all, now... We have one captive in the temple... Please, let's finish this? Free these people?"

Sebastian looked at him and shook his head. "Alright! When the sun is almost up, we'll put a tracker on him and let him go... He'll make tracks for their lair. Then we'll burn them out!"

Avery and William rested in the temple as Sebastian guarded the prisoner. When the sky began to lighten, Sebastian cast a tracking spell on the creature and they released him at the edge of the village. He ran so fast he almost couldn't be seen, even by the vampires. By the time the team arrived at the cave, the sun was well up. There was a drowsy sentry at the cave mouth, but Sebastian silenced it with a single, stealthy spell. Then, every one of them raised their wands and simultaneously conjured their most powerful fire spell and unleashed it into the caves until there were no more screams to be heard. Then James and Sebastian went inside to kill any stragglers, who were no danger to them since they had already turned. ***

It was early in the morning, and Chase jerked awake. "What is it?" Matt asked, groggily. He had his arm draped over Chase, so the movement had roused him from a deep slumber.

"I thought I heard the baby," Chase laughed.

"Go back to sleep!" Matt said, shaking his head.

"Nah, I'm awake now," Chase said, stretching. "I'm going back to Xavier's to see Alex..." He gave Matt a quick hug and the boy rolled over to go back to sleep as Chase pulled on his clothes and slipped out the door.

Back at the house, he found Xavier holding Alex while drinking his morning coffee. "Mommy's home," the man exclaimed with a good-natured smirk at Chase. "William just called. He said he'd be home after lunch..."

"I guess it wasn't so bad then," Chase said with a smile.

"No, it was bad... Sebastian saved their asses..." Xavier frowned as he handed the baby to Chase. "And it sounds like none too soon."

"I guess we'll have a talk when he gets home..."

"Take it easy on him, okay? It sounds like Sebastian's already put his foot down big time..." Chase raised his eyebrows, so Xavier explained, "William will be training with Avery under Sebastian's supervision from here on out..." Chase nodded, and grabbed a bottle to warm for Alex. Xavier changed the subject. "How's Matt?"

"Same old Matt! Daniel was over last night too..."

"How was that?" Xavier asked with a smile.

"Okay, he's not too bad, I guess..."

"That's magnanimous of you," Xavier laughed.

"Alright, alright! He's nice. He's a little weird, but nice. I wish ... Matt was still next door..."

"You guys would have had to get used to being apart sometime... Even if you went to college together, you probably won't end up in the same town..."

"I know," Chase said. "I just hoped it would be later rather than sooner."

Xavier smiled and put his hand on the boy's shoulder, squeezing. "I know... Nothing about anything that's happened in the last year fits into anyone's plans... BUT you've got William and Alex, and a whole bunch of friends to show for it... You can see..."

"But I'm crippled," Chase reminded.

Xavier laughed. "You've got a limp and a pain in your hip..."

"You're right... Life is good," Chase nodded.

He laid Alex on a play mat in the floor and watched the boy play with the little mobile for a while, before the baby rolled onto his side and started whining a little. Chase smiled and picked him up, grabbing a book while he was up. Within a few minutes Alex was napping and Chase sat reading. But the warmth radiating off the little bundle soon lulled Chase to sleep as well.

When William arrived home, he found them like that on the couch. He sat down softly next to them and gave Alex a kiss on the forehead and laid his head on Chase's shoulder. "Mmmm, you're home," Chase sighed.

"I didn't mean to wake you," William whispered.

"No, I'm glad you did... I'm glad you're home," Chase said. He got up gently and took the sleeping baby to the crib and returned. "I hear it got a little hairy..."

"Yeah, well, I guess it's a good thing you told on us," William said, with grudging thanks and a bit of sulkiness.

"Well, you're damn lucky Sebastian showed up in time," Chase said, getting a little angry.

"Why didn't you trust me?" William asked angrily.

"What are you talking about? I trust you... But you almost got yourself killed! I've got to know you aren't going to leave me alone," Chase closed with a tone of desperation in his voice.

William's reply caught in his throat at the look on Chase's face as the boy went upstairs to their bedroom and locked the door behind him.

"You are my nephew," Xavier said from behind him, startling him again.

"I'm not in the mood for..."

"Shut up, you damn fool boy, and listen to me... You wanted to know what I had against Sebastian? I was a kid, a little younger than James, and Sebastian was my teacher. I tried to seduce him, but he sent me away to study with Avery... I was angry and spurned, and Avery wasn't such a stickler for the rules. But it wasn't good for me, for either Avery or for me, and Sebastian intervened again. He saved me, really, and it was only because of what he did that I ever got together with Aiden..."

"What does that have to do with anything?" William asked, venting his anger again, now toward his uncle.

"Chase DID set Avery straight, but when I found out what he was doing and how dangerous it was, I called Sam and asked him to let Sebastian know. Just liked he saved me from Avery's irresponsibility; I knew he would do the same for you..."

"So Chase didn't..."

"Chase always believed you'd be alright... Oh, he felt a lot better knowing that Sebastian had your back, to be sure," Xavier smiled, putting his hand on his nephew's shoulder.

"Avery figured, since Chase had called him..."

"William, Avery knows a great deal about magick and mysteries of the universe, and I had hoped the one great love he shared would teach him something about people. But in many ways he's the same selfish little boy who learned to bend time to his will because he was afraid to die... You know he found a vampire to turn his brother when he couldn't keep him with him any other way..."

"Chase," William said, looking up at the locked door.

"He loves you... You should have asked him rather than accusing him, William. "And never trust Avery for relationship stuff..." Xavier gave him a big hug, before leaving him alone.

He knew what he ought to do, but somehow walking up the stairs and knocking on that door seemed suddenly very scary. But at last he took the first step. When he made it upstairs he leaned on the door and knocked very softly. "Chase," he said softly, "I don't want to wake Alex..."

"He's up," Chase replied his voice flat.

"Chase, please?" When the boy didn't open the door he continued, "Chase, I'm sorry! It wasn't you who called Sebastian, was it?"


"Chase! Please, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."

"You shouldn't have jumped on my case for not trusting you? When it was you who wasn't trusting me?" Chase asked, angry.

"Exactly," William said with a sigh. "I should have listened to you, rather than Avery's ... guesses..."

"Darn right," Chase said, trying not to curse around the baby. He unlocked the door, but didn't open it. A minute later, William came in, his head hanging. Chase handed Alex to him, and the boy giggled, forcing a smile to both their faces. "I'm going out with Xavier," Chase said. "Play with Alex and think about how you're going to make this up to me," he added, trying to repress the smile he was wearing.

William nodded somberly before kissing Chase on the cheek and turning his attention to his son. "Xavier," Chase called as he tromped downstairs.

"All better?" the man asked.

Chase ignored him and asked, "When are you going to meet that artist?"

Xavier smiled. "I'm about to leave. You still coming?" Chase nodded. "You weren't too hard on him were you?"

Chase smiled. "I let him in and let him talk, but I told him he needed to think about how he was going to make it up to me..." Xavier raised his eyebrows and Chase smiled wider. "Anyway..."

When the two of them were in the car, Chase looked at Xavier and asked, "You told him you called Sam, didn't you?"

Xavier sighed. "Yes... What's it like to be so perceptive?"

"It sucks," Chase said.

"Chase, for everything you've been through, you're both still just teenage boys... You're very sensitive, and aware, but William is ... well, he's a typical boy in a lot of ways. He's very responsible and loving, but he's brash and impulsive, and sometimes he doesn't think things through. But he isn't just thinking of himself, and that's something." Chase nodded, and they drove off in silence.

Soon they pulled out in front of a building not far from Xavier's gallery, and old brick warehouse that had been converted into trendy lofts. Xavier pushed the button and a silky-soft masculine voice replied, "Yes?"

"Xavier Montrose and my nephew Chase," he answered.

"Oh, very good," the voice replied, and the door buzzed open. They took a big lift up to the sixth floor, and both were surprised when it opened not into a hallway but a huge open room. A tall young man, perhaps twenty-two, in a painter's apron approached them with a brilliant, dimpled smile and held out his hand. "Dorian Brandt!"

For a moment both Chase and Xavier were embarrassingly silent before Xavier took the man's hand. Dorian was shirtless beneath his smock and his smooth, dark skin and rolling muscles cut a captivating image, particularly smeared, as he was, with various colors of paint. "Excuse me," the man laughed. "It's just cheaper than burning through smocks and shirts, plus there's less laundry..."

Chase nodded and at last took his hand. "I'm Chase..."

"Indeed," the man said appreciatively. "Well, thanks for coming. It's always nice when a professional takes an interest in your work..."

Xavier looked around and said, "You seem to be doing well for yourself..."

Dorian laughed, seemingly unembarrassed and said, "Thank my father... He owns this building. When I moved to Richmond for college, he bought it as an investment, rather than paying rent to `Maintain me in my accustomed lifestyle...'"

Chase's face wrinkled up, and Dorian unselfconsciously put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't think badly of my father... He's a good man, he just ... doesn't get me. But he does his best to be supportive," the man added, indicating the huge apartment. There was one large open work- and living-space, a closed off kitchen and a big bedroom suite. Overall, the open room must have been over 1,500 square feet.

Changing the subject and brushing between Chase and the young painter toward a group of paintings sitting around in the corner, Xavier said, "I'm having a grand opening gala in a few weeks and I wanted to have something fresh to add. I saw a painting of yours at the university's art department when I was meeting with the department chairwoman, and I was intrigued. I believe it was called..."

"Sacrifice," Dorian said, leaving Chase behind and following Xavier.

"Yes," Xavier said. "I'd like to take ten of your paintings on consignment. Of course, if we can work that out, I'd like you to come on Friday and Saturday night to meet the patrons..."

"Of course... Well, let's see if we can find ten that you think are worthwhile..."

It took about an hour for Xavier to find the ten that he thought would be perfect for his show. Chase just stood by, examining the paintings and observing. Dorian was an extraordinary artist, though his painting was a bit dark for Chase's taste, and the man was incredibly handsome. There was no doubt about it. But there was something else.

As they were leaving, Dorian shook Xavier's hand, then Chase's, and he held on a little longer than he should have. Xavier put his hand on Chase's shoulder and gave the boy a little shake. As they stepped into the elevator, Xavier said, "I'll send some men by to pick up the paintings in a few days. I'll call to work out a time..."

"Thanks again, and very nice to meet you," Dorian smiled, and the door closed. As it did, both Xavier and Chase sort of let out a breath they'd been holding subconsciously.

"Wow," Xavier said with a laugh.

Chase laughed too and said, "YEAH!"

Xavier laughed again, and as they stepped outside, Xavier said, "Dorian was seriously in to you, Chase..."

"Nah... He was just being nice to me to get on your good side," Chase laughed.

"You have an effect on people, Chase, especially guys," Xavier laughed. "Just watch out when he's around you. You don't want to get in an awkward situation..."

"Well, I won't be around him that much..."

"There's the opening," Xavier replied. "And I imagine he'll find a reason to come around, now," the man added, knowingly.

When they arrived at the gallery, Chase was surprised at all the activity. Crews were carefully putting the finishing touches on the store space, while others where tromping up and down the stairs working on the offices. "Well, it sure is busy around here!"

"In a few more days, all the workmen will clear out of here and we can start setting everything up." Xavier showed Chase around, indicating the store-room, the updated office and the little staging kitchen for events.

"It's very impressive..."

"Yeah, it's much nicer than my space in D.C., and it'll pay for itself. Most of my business is still with established clients via internet and shipping, but maybe I'll develop a new clientele here..."

"Will some of your friends from Washington come down for the opening?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, a few will. It'll be nice to see everyone..."

"Thanks for moving," Chase said seriously. "I don't know what I would have done..."

"You're welcome... But I wouldn't have made William move, not after everything that happened. The move was more for me than anything else, and I'm just thankful Aiden agreed to it... He knows what makes me happy..."

"You're lucky," Chase said with a smile.

"We're lucky," the man answered. Xavier took Chase back to the store room and showed him some of the pieces that had arrived from D.C. and told him more about his plans for the show. After about an hour, they returned home. Aiden was in the living room with Alex and William.

"Shorts and a t-shirt," Chase asked with a laugh. The man was rarely out of his work clothes, or at least dress casual.

"I decided to call it an early weekend and spend some time with my guys!" the man exclaimed, bouncing Alex on his knee. He shot a strange look at Xavier and smiled brightly.

After dinner that evening, Xavier was holding Alex and William dragged Chase out onto the porch. He pulled him into a bear hug and whispered in Chase's ear, "I love you..."

"I love you too, silly," Chase said with a sigh as he melted into the boy's arms.

"Chase, I just don't know what I can ever do to... I'm so sorry..."

"I know," Chase answered. "I was mostly joking about the whole finding a way to make it up to me. I just wanted you to think... But if you wanted to move the crib into the guest room for tonight, I can think of some things you might do to get started," Chase said, arching his eyebrows and making William laugh.

"Yeah?" William asked with a big smile.

"OH YEAH!" Chase laughed.

Meanwhile, Aiden sat across from Xavier on the couch and watched the man with his grand-nephew. "The whole world's going baby crazy," Aiden declared with a gentle, deep laugh.

"Don't you start," Xavier chided with a smile. "I saw you with him earlier!"

"I wasn't making fun," Aiden said more softly. "I was thinking..."

"Yeah?" Xavier asked expectantly.

"Well, I know we talked before, and we both decided the time wasn't right, but..." Xavier reached out and grabbed his hand. "I think we SHOULD talk about it again... Tonight, maybe..."

"Maybe in the morning," Aiden winked. ***

"So Avery was angry," James asked as he lay in bed with Sebastian that evening.

"He'll get over it," Sebastian said, stroking James's chest. "We've been through this before... Almost invariably, when he's working with a student, he oversteps some boundary... With Xavier, it was sexual, with William it was foolhardiness. I could tell you stories about saving his ass!"

"Has he ever lost a student?" James asked, sounding concerned.

"Yes, but not like you mean... In the 1930's, when the Nazi's were preparing for war, they were scouring the earth for weapons, including supernatural powers... One of Avery's students got jealous of the affection Avery had for a new young recruit, so when he was approached by the Nazis, he went over to the other side. Because of his association with Avery, the Nazis got access to ... too much. The council was forced to enter the war on the side of the Allies... We very nearly didn't succeed, because the Reich was devoting so much energy to magickal research and to breeding vampire squads. That's when I went to consult the Oracle... She gave me the information we needed, but she injured me severely – the most nearly fatal attack I've ever suffered. It took me nearly three years to recover, during which time I was relieved of my command. I spent my time convalescing with friends – Americ and Pedro, especially... Musa always wanted me to come stay with him, but I dared not return to Egypt ... for obvious reasons."

"What happened to Avery's student?" James asked, stroking his partner's hair.

"His name was Balthazar Schilling. He caught up to me in 1944 as they were moving me to Pedro's compound in Central America... He killed all the men with me but one..."


"Yes... You remember I told you once that Richard had killed precious few and those he did kill deserved it... Balthazar was a formidable sorcerer, and I was still VERY weak. He had me, and he had dealt Richard what he thought was a fatal blow. But he made a mistake and turned his back on a dying man to kill his friend. With his last burst of energy, Richard launched himself at Balthazar and tore out his throat before the man realized what was happening... And in a poetic turn, his blood was enough to sustain Richard until Pedro's men could come to our aid..."

"Were Avery and Balthazar...?" James began.

"Lovers? Oh, yes, and so much more. Balthazar was Avery's – how to say this without sounding grotesque – legacy. The most gifted young wizard I'd met since Avery, but such a dark heart. He preyed on Avery's every weakness like any natural predator would."


"Yeah, until her, Avery's love life was a series of terrible mistakes, with the occasional pleasant interlude," Sebastian added with a smile.

"A lot of those interludes were ... with you?" James asked.

Sebastian smiled softly and patted his chest. "Yes... A lot of them were with me. Things were always simple between us..."

James sighed, and said, "I know you've been ... with a lot of men, and boys, and for the most part, that doesn't bother me... You've lived a long time... But Avery's different..."

"No, James," Sebastian said with a smile, rolling on top of James, "You are different... Avery is my best friend, my misguided, childish, brash best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him. But I could... It's hard for me to say that. But James, I love you. Every time we make love, it's special to me, it really is... And I couldn't do without you..."

"Well, then, I'm going to give you a very special evening," James said with a big smile, wiping a tear from his eye quickly.

Next: Chapter 19: A Light in the Darkness II 4

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