A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Jan 1, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is sequel to the "Things that Go Bump" and "A Light in the Darkness" stories. You should probably read those first! Sorry for the long break but I've started a new and demanding job (third job, anyway)!

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spam and flames, so just let me know!

Chapter 06

James and Sebastian were laughing and talking over dinner with Pete and Richard when they heard the door to the yard open and Spencer step inside. "Come join us for dinner," Sebastian called, and the man nodded, sliding into a seat and helping himself.

"How's it going, Spence?" Pete asked, happily oblivious. "Haven't seen much of you lately!"

The man blushed and said, "I've been busy."

"Oh!" Pete exclaimed, wagging his eyebrows. "Sounds hot!" Spencer turned red with embarrassment, and Pete shrugged and asked, "What?"

"You don't have to talk about it, Spencer. We're just happy for you, that you've found something outside our little world," Sebastian said with a soothing voice.

There was a quiet at the table, and without looking up, Spencer said, "I AM interested in someone."

"Good for you!" Pete said. "Where'd you meet her?"

"Uhm, I went out for a drink and the bartender," he began, and Pete jumped in.

"Cool! Think she can hook us up?"

"I don't think Dean would be interested in having to deal with the law on that one, Pete," Spencer said in passing. Everyone looked at him in surprise except for Sebastian, who merely smiled knowingly. "What, you have a problem with a couple of guys?" Spencer asked wryly.

"Have you told your ... family?" Sebastian asked in passing.

"Ahm, no," the man said, unsure.

"It would be a shame for them to find out you're dating from someone besides yourself," Sebastian added.

"You're right," Spencer said.

"How would they find out?" Pete wondered out loud.

"Spencer's family is closely related to the Council. And have little doubt we ARE all watched," Sebastian answered vaguely, letting Spencer maintain his privacy as long as he like, and Sebastian could see the gratitude in the young man's face.

"I'll tell my mother when I'm sure there's something to tell," Spencer said with a nod. "Changing subjects," he laughed, clearing his throat, "I'd planned on being away tomorrow..."

"Big date?" Pete asked with a laugh.

"No," Spencer replied. "I have some business I promised I'd attend to out of town, and I'd like to get it over with," he finished, meeting Sebastian's eyes.

"Of course," Sebastian nodded. "Now tell us a bit about this Dean!" the ancient vampire demanded encouragingly.

Spencer told his friends about the guy he was interested in, leaving out the little misunderstanding they had had. The men talked for a long time, and laughed together late into the evening. Dean was closing the bar that night, and Spencer would be busy in the morning, so the man had nowhere to go.

"Who'd have thought?" Peter asked as he stripped out of his clothes.

"You really never wondered?" Richard laughed as he watched, naked under the covers, propped up on one arm.

"No, not really! He's so ... masculine," Peter said, leaving Richard in stitches. "WHAT?" the boy asked.

"Look in the mirror lover-boy! Look at yourself! Look at James, and William, and Avery!"

"I guess," Peter said, his face a little red with embarrassment. "And there's you..."

"And it makes me look a lot more butch when I've got you begging for it," Richard joked. As Peter slipped in next to him, he added, "I mean, sure, Sebastian is pretty, but he has a hard edge you can't miss, and then there's Chase..."

"Yeah," Peter said, smiling. "Him you want to just hold."

"Something I should know?" Richard kidded. "I know what you mean," he added after a pause. "And he could take us all out if he took the notion! Looks are deceiving!"

Peter's face darkened notably, and he mumbled, "I, of all people, know that."

Richard pulled him in tight and whispered, "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to..."

Peter shook his head and rubbed his eyes, taking a moment. "It's okay. I ... you know I love you, most, best, always. But sometimes in my memory I see his face and my gut just clenches. Not just from disgust. He was so beautiful, Richard."

"Peter," Richard said softly, "he seduced nations, destroyed civilizations. And at the end of the day, you were able to turn away."

"I did terrible things for him. I was going to do worse," Peter said.

Richard held him tight and kissed his muscular shoulder softly. "It's over, Peter," he whispered, and felt the boy shiver in his arms.

"It'll NEVER be over," Peter whispered back, pressing back into the man, trying to make as much contact as possible along the length of their bodies.

Early in the morning, Spencer showered and walked to his closet and tried to decide what to wear. He had some nice civilian clothes, but thought it would be deceptive to travel in them when he was on business. His military uniforms seemed like a good alternative, but there was too much that would need to be explained. So he reached in and grabbed a uniform he hadn't worn in a long time.

He pulled on the black pants and white shirt, before the crimson thigh-length tunic which buttoned up to his neck. He hung the royal cross around his neck and pinned on some distinctions that had been accorded him over the years. After he pulled on his shiny boots and formal hat, he looked in the mirror and a prince stared back at him.

Then, he walked out of the barracks and up to the house. He opened the back door and stepped inside.

"Holy shit!" Peter said, dropping his spoon as he sat eating cereal. "WHAT IS THAT?"

James just sat there with his jaw hanging open at the sight of his friend in full-dress uniform. He would have been gorgeous in anything, but this outfit was HIM. "Gentlemen," Sebastian said, leaning back, "I present to you his Royal Highness, Percival Spencer, Prince of the Great Sea, heir to the throne of the witches."

"Guys," Spencer said, "I am just me, okay?"

James nodded, but Peter smiled wickedly and said, "Yeah?" Spencer nodded, confused, until Peter laughed and said, "Then zip your pants, your highness!" Everyone laughed as Spencer's face got as red as his tunic and corrected the issue.

"You're off to see our friends, then?" Sebastian asked. The young man nodded. "I expect, but do not require, a report of your activities."

Spencer nodded. "Of course. I have no problem with that!"

"Thank you," Sebastian said kindly. "We'll see you for dinner?"

"I'll try to get back, but I'll let you know," Spencer said.

Sebastian grabbed the phone and dialed Sam. "Sam?"

"Sebastian, what can I do for you?" the man asked.

"I need you to open the portal, someone from my division is coming through for the day."

"And who would that be?" Sam asked making his way down the hall to the location of the portal.

"The crown prince of the witches," Sebastian said with a smile.

"Percy? How is he?"

"Ask him yourself," Sebastian said. "He'll be there momentarily... Thanks, Sam."

Moments later, the portal flickered and Spencer was standing there in his uniform. "Thanks, Rabbi Roth!"

"My boy, my boy! How have you been?" Sam said, putting a hand on his shoulder, though he had to reach up to do it.

"Very well, since my transfer. I'm making close friends with the guys there, and I'm getting out into the world more."

"It's one thing they often forget when `handling' you young ones," Sam said sadly. "You have to learn to be your own person in order to rule people."

They were walking down the hall and Spencer stopped. "Before I go ... do you have a minute?"

"For you, anytime," Sam said, motioning him into his office, past a very confused-looking Irma. "What's on your mind?"

"How did Sebastian and my mother get to know one another so well?"

Sam leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. "Sebastian has had close relations with your ancestors for many generations, but he was especially close with your grandmother. Your grandfather didn't like him all that much, though. I don't know what you know about Sebastian's role in WWII, but he was desperately injured. Shortly after the war, Sebastian visited the UK for a couple of years, and during that time he was in constant contact with your grandmother."

"I've never heard any of this..."

"I' m not surprised," Sam sighed. "No one likes to talk about those dark days. Sebastian had made our victory possible, but there were so many dark forces arrayed against us still. Dark wizards who had gone underground after the war, the Communists trying to harness the forces... In any case, your grandmother was taken while she was pregnant with your mother."

"Taken?" Spencer asked.

"Kidnapped by a cartel of wizards bent on punishing the queen for supporting the Council. They were going to make a message out of her."

"What happened?"

Sam smiled weakly. "What do you think happened? You're here, they aren't! Sebastian tracked them down in a couple of days, contacted them and agreed to meet them on him on his own. He took some nasty hits, but he killed them all. Brutally. He's your mother's godfather, you know? Even your grandfather couldn't begrudge him that."

"So that's why, when she called him, he came to help?" Spencer mused mostly to himself.

Sam surprised him by asking, "Have you ever asked your mother about that afternoon, Spencer?" He shook his head no and Sam added, "I thought not." After a long pause, he said, "Your mother did not call Sebastian. She called me."

Spencer sat back and had no idea what to say, so he waited for the man to continue. "I was a very prominent member of the wizarding community, but my loyalty was to the Council, so I betrayed your mother's trust and called Sebastian, who came to her aid and helped her cover up the death of the young man."

"Why didn't she call him directly?"

"She didn't know whether she could trust the Council and she was trying to protect you," Sam said.

"Well, I was traumatized, but why was she worried about protecting me? I was the victim!" Sam sat in his chair perfectly silent for far too long, and Spencer stood up and demanded, "WHAT!?" And after another pause, "SAM!"

Sam shook his head. "Tell me what you remember..."

Spencer sat down heavily and said, "We were having our lesson, and he followed me to my room like he had been for a few weeks. I wasn't resisting any more, I just let him do what ... whatever he wanted. Then mom came home and found us and ... I always figured she heard me crying and realized."

"But?" Sam asked, encouraging the thought.

"But I wasn't resisting anymore. Not whimpering or crying out. I just laid there. And when I saw her... I was so ashamed, and then there was a flash and it all went dark."

Sam reached out and grabbed his hand. "You were just a boy, Percy! It was a spontaneous lashing out by your soul. You couldn't have stopped yourself. To see you go on trial, even if it was open and shut! Killing a mortal... It was all too much. I couldn't help, but Sebastian, he had the connections, the power, the will."

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Spencer asked, his world spinning ever so slightly off kilter. He was a killer.

"Would it have helped? Does it help to know now?" Sam asked. The young man just shook his head, and put his head in his hands. "You need to go home, Spencer. You're in no shape for business right now..."

"I don't ... I can't face them," he said with the broken voice of a younger boy.

Just then the intercom buzzed and Irma's voice called out, "Rabbi, your 11 o'clock is here. Should I tell him to wait?"

Sam opened the door and said, "Can you give us a minute, Chase?"

"Chase is here?" Spencer asked and the boy heard his voice.

"Spencer?" the melodic, boyish reply came, and Chase slipped past Rabbi Roth. As he approached, he could see the man had tears in his eyes and knelt at his feet. "What's wrong?" Rabbi Roth began to speak but Chase held up a hand and the Rabbi smiled to himself and slipped out. "What's wrong?" he asked again, peering deep into the young prince's crystal eyes.

"Chase," he whispered, almost a plea, and though his eyes were closed he felt warm fingers stroke his cheek and jaw. "I'm not ... what I thought I was. I did something terrible. And they knew, but they never told me."

Chase smiled and said, "I have no idea what any of that means, but I can see that you are who you always have been, Spencer. You're just as handsome and brave and honest as you always were, and I believe in you."

On hearing those words, a dam of tears unleashed from deep within his soul, and Spencer collapsed forward to cry on the slight shoulder of the slim figure before him. When he was mostly cried out, he whispered, "When I was younger than you, I killed a man."

Without flinching, and without the slightest hint of judgment, Chase asked, "What did he do to you?"

"He hurt me ... terribly," Spencer allowed.

"And did you plan to kill him?"

"It was an accident," Spencer said, "but..."

"But nothing. Let's go back to my place. William told me you wanted to talk, and you need to relax."

"I should go back," Spencer said, trying, but not really trying, to pull away.

"Nope. You're coming home with me. That's it." He held the young soldier's hand and urged him up out of the seat and led him into the outer office, never letting go. "Sam, we're going back to my place to rest and relax. You want to come by for dinner this evening?"

"Of course," the man said, nodding with a grandfatherly expression. "You have this under control young man?"

In a low voice Irma couldn't hear, Chase said in a mischievous voice with a twinkle in his eye, "Is that any way to speak to your superior officer, general?"

Sam rolled his eyes and smiled. "See you this evening, then, gentlemen." When Spencer followed Chase out, Sam went into his office and picked up the phone.


"Sam? Everything alright?"

"He remembered everything, Sebastian..."

"High time," the vampire replied. "How's the boy?"

"Not our call," Sam answered. "But it happened. Chase is looking after him. He just happened to be here."

"Of course he did," Sebastian said with a smile.

"Should we call Dora?" Sam asked.

"Let Spencer decide to do that in his own time. Let me know if anything else happens. God forbid."

"Will do. I'm joining them for dinner this evening, so I'll call you after."

"Thanks, Sam. Goodbye."

As they walked down the sidewalk to the waiting car he had borrowed, Chase asked, "What's with the outfit?"

"It's my uniform – crown prince of the witches," Spencer said with a sigh.

"You are full of surprises, aren't you?" Chase said with a smile. "Reminds me I'm supposed to get fitted for my uniform before this Congress thingie. That is what we're supposed to be talking about, right?"

"Your uniform? I think we have people for that," Spencer joked.

"Funny! Feeling better?" Chase asked as he turned on the car.

"A little, yeah!"

"Take it from me, Spencer, and I would know – when things get too heavy, you just have to keep going. If you stop and dwell, things get sticky. You can get lost."

"I guess you would know," Spencer replied and they rode back to the house in silence.

When they arrived home, Chase heard Xavier call, "I wasn't expecting you back so fast," but he trailed off as he emerged holding the baby and saw Spencer in his uniform. He stood there, his mouth open, staring.

Spencer said, "I've been getting that reaction today." Holding out his hand, he added, "Percival Spencer. I prefer Spencer..."

"Of course," the man mumbled. "Your Highness."

"Give it a rest Xavier! Spencer's had a hard day," he said, taking the baby from his uncle and passing it directly to Spencer. "We'll be upstairs." Xavier nodded and just stood there. As they were walking up to William and Chase's room, Chase added, "That was William's uncle Xavier!"

"Is he that impressed by the uniform?"

"Not the uniform, I think," Chase winked, "as much as the man beneath the uniform. But he's taken!"

Spencer laughed, but asked, "What makes you think I'd care?"

Chase just raised his eyebrows knowingly and, after a long pause, shrugged. "I guess in some ways it made what happened even harder, huh?" Chase asked. "I mean, being interested in guys, and having a guy you kind of like take advantage of you?"

Spencer smiled again and relaxed. "Yeah. It made it hard. Impossible, really."

"So you just threw yourself into study, into your military career, and ignored your feelings?" Spencer laughed and nodded, before shaking his head. "What?" Chase asked, innocently.

"I didn't know you could read minds too!"

Chase looked surprised, and laughed. "I can't!" Then after a pause he added, "Or I don't, anyway. Never tried. Never wanted to." They sat silently for a while and Alex inspected this new man. "So, you're in uniform because you wanted to talk. Feel like talking?"

"Not really, but let's get it over with..."

Chase took Alex and went downstairs to find Xavier on the phone talking to Aiden. "We've got some things to talk about. I'll be away for a bit. Do you mind?"

Xavier took the baby and asked, "Can he stay for dinner?"

"I'll insist on it," Chase smiled and winked. As he walked upstairs he heard Xavier demand, "Be home by six; he'll stay!" And after the answer came, "Of course he'll stay, Chase is asking!"

In his room, he said, "Give me your hand?"

Spencer hesitated briefly before taking the smaller, soft hand in his own. He felt a gentle squeeze, just before Chase said, "Hold on!" And Spencer stumbled a little as he realized they were no longer in the boy's room.

"Where are we?" the man asked.

"You've never been here?" Chase wondered. "Of course not! This is my place... I wanted us to have some privacy and I wanted to let you know a little bit about me." Chase said. "This is the Temple of Solomon, or rather the metaphysical reality to which it connects."

"Why are we HERE?" Spencer asked.

"Can I trust you?" the boy asked. The man nodded thoughtfully.

"Because, and you might have heard rumors, I am the keeper of this place, the high priest of this Temple," the boy said in his far-away melodic tone. "I come here to be more in tune, to think. Nobody really knows how often I sneak away to come here, and it's not really safe for anyone but me."

"Not safe?" the man asked.

"The Presence of the Divine dwells here," the boy said, walking up to the altar with the man just behind him. "Can you feel it?"

"Behind the curtain," Spencer said.

"Yes... The longer you are here, the more you'll feel the desire to join it. That would be a fatal mistake, tearing your reality apart. For me, it's different..."

"Your power is different from ours," Spencer mused to himself.

"Yes," Chase answered simply, taking the man's hand again, softly, gently, a gesture of intimate friendship. As he squeezed, he said, "What do you want to ask me?"

"My mother asked me to come. The World Congress is a gathering of wizards and witches, many loyal to us but many belonging to splinter groups. My mother is concerned that a darkness is rising and will attempt to gather followers at this meeting. She'd hoped you would support some of her initiatives and defeat these attempts."

Chase turned to face him and said, "Insofar as your mother is seeking the good, we are on the same side. Insofar as she is seeking to consolidate her power, I'll follow my own reason and conscience. No promises. Why don't you tell me some specifics?" he asked, waving his hand and transporting a seat into the space so they could sit and talk.

Spencer filled him in on as much as he could, and Chase nodded while he listened. "Our interests seem to be in the same place," he said when the man finished. "You can tell your mother what we talked about, though I'd prefer the where stayed between us?" Spencer nodded, and Chase added, "Before we leave, there is one last thing I'd like to do?"


"It's complicated," Chase said with a sigh. But Spencer looked down and saw he was in a very simple white cotton robe. Chase smiled at his surprised look and said, "You'll find your uniform in your closet at Sebastian's, highness!"

Still holding the man's hand, Chase led him to the altar, and they stood shoulder-to-shoulder. "Most high God," the boy intoned with the powerful voice of an elder sage, "look upon your servant with favor. Shine your countenance upon the downtrodden, show your forgiveness to the oppressed. Embrace with love your little child." Then he turned to face the man and put his hands on his shoulders. First, Spencer felt a warmth spreading through his body, and then he saw the golden light emanating from beneath Chase's hands. The last thing he remembered was the boy's cherry red lips pressing against his cheek and a whisper he could not hear. And all was black.

After a long morning of working with electrical energy and a quick lunch, Carl and Edward were taking a little nap. Marcus was outside getting things ready for later, and Chris was just finishing the dishes. After he dried his hands, Chris stepped onto the porch and saw the man working at the edge of the woods. As Chris approached, Marcus looked up and smiled widely at him.

Chris walked up to the man and wrapped his arms around him, laying his head on the man's broad chest. "When you're done, you want to lie down with me for a nap?" Marcus smiled and winked at him and he said, "NO TRICKS! I promise. I just want to rest, and I prefer to rest with you."

Marcus raised his hand to the back of Chris's head and pulled the boy in for a passionate kiss. "I'll be in in a few minutes," he whispered.

Chris smiled and said, "I'll wait."

So when Marcus was through, Chris took his hand and they walked together to their room, where they stripped down to their underwear and crawled into bed. Chris was so tired, he didn't even push Marcus's buttons, and both of them fell promptly to sleep.

"Where is he?" Xavier asked as Chase took the baby.

"I left him in bed upstairs," Chase answered with a cheeky grin. "He's tired out." Seeing the look on Xavier's face made him laugh and add, "He's had a rough time, Xavier, and he's working through some things he may not have been entirely ready to face."

"I don't suppose I should ask?" Xavier said gravely.

"No, I don't think so," Chase said evenly.

Just then, a deep voice asked from the stairs, "Why is there a naked man in our bed?"

Chase smiled at William and said, "He isn't naked. He has shorts on, for crying out loud." Chase explained to William about Spencer's true identity and that he had talked with Spencer about business, followed by some intense personal matters that had exhausted the young man. "I needed to do a healing ritual with him, then I brought him home to rest. How's Avery?"

"He's being a little childish about having to work with Sebastian, but he's getting over it."

In the evening, Marcus sat down with Chris and Carl. "We'll continue to work on basic training in the morning, but I'd like to begin exploring with each of you the heritage of your traditions. Carl, in your case, this is easy; we know you are a Druid. But Chris," he hesitated, "though you clearly have magickal power, we know nothing of your background."

"There isn't much I can tell you. My parents aren't religious. They don't have any real beliefs that I know of," Chris said.

"I know," Marcus said, "that's why I brought this." In his hand was a crystal. "I'm no expert with this but it should be enough to give us the insight we need. Chris, you grab the point and clear your mind," Marcus said. "It might take a few," he stopped abruptly because as soon as the boy touched the crystal his mind was flooded with a familiar image. Chase in priestly robes standing on the steps of the Temple. "Problem solved!"

"Really?" Chris asked, incredulous.

"The image was immediate and absolutely clear," Marcus said.

Chris complained impatiently to a smiling Marcus, "AND?"

"YOU are a kabbalist by birth, the Jewish mystical sect to which Rabbi Roth and Chase belong," Marcus revealed.

"No way," the boy said, suddenly quite sure it was true.

Marcus reached into his bag and pulled out a book on the Druidic tradition of magick and handed it to Carl; a moment later, he had a volume on Kabbalistic magick for Chris. "Gentlemen, study these works this evening and tomorrow morning, we'll pick a few exercises for each of you to practice."

"We're not learning anything new tonight?" Carl asked, sounding disappointed.

Marcus smiled and said, "You're learning how to learn. Practice some of the safer things on your own, and come to me if you need some help, or if you get in to trouble." With that, he smiled and went inside, leaving the boys looking at each other uncertainly.

"I think," Chris began, "only one of us should practice anything at a time."

"Why?" Carl asked?

"So that the other is free to run get Marcus! What if one of us accidentally stuns himself?"

"True," Carl said, as the weight of possibility hit him.

They read together for hours, occasionally stopping each other to try some technique or spell without any difficulty.

William was changing out of his workout clothes a little later when he heard Spencer yawn in bed. "Welcome back to the world of the living," he said, pulling up his jeans and giving the man a nice long look at his ass.

"Pleasant welcome, that," Spencer joked. "What am I doing here and where are my clothes?" he asked, lifting the covers to find he was wearing a fairly tight, fairly skimpy pair of shorts.

"You'll have to ask my man about that," William said. "I'd loan you some of mine, but you're bigger than me." He walked to the door and yelled, "Babe! The prince needs some clothes!"

Chase hurried upstairs and smiled at the man laying in bed. "Sorry! How are these?" he asked, reaching as if into the air and pulling out some nice casual clothes.

William shook his head and said to Spencer, "I think he just does this stuff to show off!"

"DO NOT! I'm just always learning," Chase pretended to pout, winking at Spencer. "How do you feel?"

"Better," the man said, suddenly remembering what had happened between them just before he had passed out. "Thank you."

"Of course! Now get dressed and come downstairs!" Chase said, leaning against the door frame.

Spencer looked back and forth between Chase and William, and finally asked, "PRIVACY?"

"You're no fun!" Chase said with a grin as he and William ran downstairs. A few minutes later, the man followed, looking gorgeous in his everyday clothes. "Spencer, you met Xavier earlier. This is his partner, Aiden," Chase finished introductions about the same time Sam Roth knocked on the door.

Aiden answered and welcomed the man in with a hug. "Good to see you," he added. "Come on in! Spencer's still here!"

"Good evening, gentlemen!" the rabbi said as he entered the living room. "And there is little Alex!" He slipped a hand beneath Xavier's and lifted the baby from the man's arms, teasing Alex and making him laugh.

The men chatted casually over dinner and kept the environment low-key for their guest. They were almost finished when the phone rang and Aiden answered. "It's for you," he said mysteriously, handing the phone to Rabbi Roth.

"Hello?" After listening, he continued, "REALLY? You're quite sure?" And after a little more explanation, "Fantastic. I'll meet with him as soon as you return. Goodbye!"

Seeing all eyes were on him, Sam explained, "That was Marcus. He has determined Chris's magickal lineage, and he's one of us, Chase. He is of our blood."

Chase nodded with a smile. "I thought he might be."

"You knew?" William asked.

"Not for sure, but there was a feeling I couldn't quite place. Something familiar."

"Well, when he returns from training, I'm going to have him visit me and begin a formal program with him. Perhaps you'll join us some, Chase?"

"Sounds fun," Chase said. "That'll give me something to do while William is off with Avery!"

Shortly, Sam returned to the synagogue with the young prince, who promised to visit soon.

Back at Sebastian's, Spencer found an uncomfortable silence.

"HELLO?" he called as he emerged from the portal. He walked to Sebastian's office and knocked but the door was locked and the security system activated.

"HELLO?" he called again as he walked upstairs and out onto the first floor. He knocked on Richard's door and again got no answer. On the refrigerator, he found a note letting him know the guys had all gone out to dinner and wouldn't return until late. Three of the four would be having a more substantive snack after dinner.

And yet Spencer's feeling of disquiet never faded. In fact, it increased. He walked around the house but found nothing out of order, so he walked the perimeter and again found nothing.

At last, he called the security team arrayed around the outer walls. "Team Alpha, report!"

"No activity, sir," came the immediate response.

"Team Delta, report!"

"No signs of life, sir," came his answer.

"Gamma Team?"

"Sir, half an hour ago, an unarmed civilian delivered a package to the front gate mailbox!"

"Secure the package. I'll meet you at the gate in five!" Spencer responded, and grabbed his Kevlar vest. He quickly jogged around the house and said, "Scan the package for magick!"

A skilled veteran of the previous war performed an incantation that revealed magick. However, only traces were present on the fingerprints.

"Explosives?" Spencer asked.

"Nothing. For sure!" a younger man replied.

Spencer grabbed the package and went to open it, when a private asked, "Sir! Are you sure you should?" but Spencer silenced him with a glare.

Inside the big envelope were two 8"X10" photographs. The first was of a busy street, the second was of a college cafeteria. They only had one thing in common. Each picture was centered on an extraordinary young man in his twenties, circled in red marker. The resemblance was uncanny; if James were ever to grow up, this would be what he would look like in four or five years.

Spencer flashed the photos in front of the private and asked, "WHAT does this look like to you, private?"

The young man froze, but at last answered, "A threat, sir!"

"That's right," Spencer said, as he turned to walk back inside. "Secure the perimeter. Any more unscheduled deliveries, detain the deliveryman! Good night, gentlemen!"

Spencer walked back to the manor house and logged on to an access hub for the Council Subnet, which was secured at a lower level than Sebastian's. But when he logged on, he got a security warning that the system was upgrading its encryption. Apparently, he was outed to the Council.

He looked around to see who was online and found one person he knew he could trust. He typed out a quick message and soon a figure appeared on his screen. "How are you enjoying the Far East, Horatio?"

"More like the Wild West these days," Horatio laughed. "I'm afraid Roman doesn't care for it, so he occasionally goes on little vacations, either into the countryside, or through the portals back to Italy."

"What's it like to be the youngest consul?" Spencer smiled.

"It's like coming into a very complex game right in the middle, but no one else speaks English so you learn the rules by playing. But not quite that bad, because I've been getting advice and assists from Richard and Americ..."

"Not Sebastian?"

"He tries to stay above such things," Horatio smiled. "But what CAN I do for YOU, your majesty?"

"Highness will do, I'm not king yet," the young man responded with a sarcastic laugh. "I have a problem and everyone else is out." Holding up the photos, he continued, "These were delivered by hand this evening to the manor."

Horatio leaned in and pressed a zoom button until he gasped. "IS that who I think it is?"

"I think so."

"This is going to get nasty," Horatio said glumly.

"Can you get someone to work on finding this guy? I think he's been out of touch."

"Will do! I'll get back to you ASAP!" Horatio said, logging off and getting busy.

"WHAT is going on?" Spencer wondered aloud to himself as he began doing research himself, seeing if he could use probate records to follow a money trail back to the man, but it turned out he never collected his estate, limited though it was.

He was still on the computer when the guys got home, and they all stopped in their tracks when he turned to face them. "What's wrong?" Sebastian asked, concerned.

"I'm not sure," Spencer began with a sigh. "But I think James's brother is in trouble."

"Josh? Did something happen?" James asked, almost panicked. Even though his brother didn't come to see him when he was nearly killed, or after the funeral, James felt a real attachment to his brother. They'd been so close when they were kids.

"NO! But ... these were delivered this afternoon. I got here too late and security let the courier go..." As he handed the pictures to James and Sebastian, he could feel the ancient vampire's energy coming in waves. They all could.

James grabbed Sebastian's hand and said, "Calm down, baby! We just need to find him and protect him."

Sebastian nodded. "I'll get my men on it," he said.

Spencer replied, "I'm already on it. I asked Horatio to begin a search for him a couple of hours ago."

"Good man," Sebastian nodded. "When we hear from him, we need to go see your brother," Sebastian said to James. "He'll need more protection than we can offer him in the open, at least until we figure out what this means."

"I don't think he'll want to see me," James said sadly.

"He won't have much choice now that someone is using him to scare us," Sebastian said firmly.

William put the phone down and looked at Chase. They put the baby in the crib and stepped quietly outside and went downstairs to talk to Avery and Xavier.

"That was Sebastian," the boy announced. "It seems they got a threat at his house tonight!"

"He's a big boy," Xavier laughed. "He can handle it. I'm surprised he didn't eat the messenger."

"The message was a picture of James's human brother. He was circled in red ink!" William explained.

"How terrible!" Chase said. "What's this all about?"

"No clue," William said. "But I think we should all watch our back for a while."

"Agreed!" Aiden declared.

Early in the morning, Sebastian's phone rang and James grabbed it. "Van der Meer residence."

"James, is that you?" an Englishman's voice asked. "It's Horatio!"

"What do you have?" James asked abruptly.

"Good to talk to you, as well, old chap," Horatio laughed. "But I understand. Your brother is currently living in Albany, NY." He gave James the address. "And he's working at an accounting firm, Johnson and Masters, which is probably where you'll find him today."

"Thank you, Horatio. Talk to you soon!" James said, and sat the phone in its base. Sebastian was in his office downstairs; James made his way to the first floor but slipped outside into the yard. With his wand, he opened a door to an alleyway near his brother's apartment. It was still early enough that his brother would be home. James took a last look over his shoulder at the house before stepping through the portal alone.

Next: Chapter 22: A Light in the Darkness II 7

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