A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Mar 3, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is sequel to the "Things that Go Bump" and "A Light in the Darkness" stories.

The most up-to-date chapters of my stories, as well as a chat space and some links to people's favorites stories on the web, are now available at JAYGORDONSTORIES.COM. Registration is free, and open! And as always you can reach me at jaygordon_1981@hotmail.com.

Chapter 08

Xavier was holding Alex when the doorbell rang. He opened the door to find Sebastian and James with two handsome young men behind them.

Sebastian looked at the man's handsome, smooth torso and smiled. "I'm sorry, I know it's early Xavier..."

Flustered, he blushed and said, "Please come in... I don't normally have guests before 9a.m.," he added, to explain why he was wearing only pajama bottoms to his guests. He quickly handed Alex to James and said, "You'll excuse me for a moment and I'll change!"

"Why spoil the view?" Sebastian asked with a smirk and made Josh sort of giggle. Xavier was really extraordinary – fit like a man-sized William, but with flawless pale skin and piercing aqua eyes.

Xavier frowned and retreated to his bedroom, returning wearing a robe over his pajama bottoms. Looking over his guests, his eyes lighted on Josh and he smiled. "YOU must be James's brother," he said with a smile. "Pardon your host's manners, but I am Xavier Montrose. My partner Aiden is in the capital today, and the boys stayed over at Matt's last night, so I'm alone with my grand-nephew, Alex."

"Hey, I'm Josh, and this is my partner Billy Thompkins!"

"Wait a second," Billy said, his eyes cutting to the baby in James's arms. "You only have the one nephew, right?"

"William, yes!" Xavier said.

"But if this is your grand-nephew, that means this is William's son?" Billy asked. "But I thought William was gay and with another boy."

"Chase, that's right," Xavier said.

"Well, how do teenage gay boys end up with a child," Billy asked with a laugh, surprised the question wasn't obvious.

Xavier looked at Sebastian and James, who shook his head slightly. "That's a long story, guys, and not really mine to tell."

"Fair enough," Billy smiled. Changing topics, he said, "Sebastian has convinced us to relocate here, after the threat."

Xavier nodded. "I think that's a good idea. If you need help finding a place, I'd be happy to help. Aiden and I only recently moved here to be closer to William and Chase..."

"That would be great," Billy said, and the two of them were off chatting soon.

Sebastian smiled at Josh and said, "You guys will love Aiden too! He's great!"

Just then, the front door opened and Chase and William entered, holding hands and laughing. Chase dropped his hand and ran over to Sebastian, giving the ancient vampire his accustomed warm embrace. "SEBASTIAN!"

"How is it you're never less happy to see us?" Sebastian asked as he kissed the boy on the cheek.

"I LOVE you guys!" Chase said, turning to give James a hug as well.

"What about me?" Josh asked, jokingly and was surprised when the boy turned and gave him a big hug as well.

"Wait a second," Chase said as he looked up at Josh, "who are you?"

"I'm Josh," he laughed. "The pleasure is all mine!"

"I'm sure," Chase grinned stepping back. "You MUST be James's big brother!"

"Yep," the man grinned. William stepped forward and introduced himself, and Josh introduced Billy.

"I'm glad you fellows made it," Sebastian said. "My plan for relocating these guys depends on you! Chase, when do your parents get home?"

"Day after tomorrow," the boy replied. "Why?"

"I want to convince your dad to hire these guys so we can get them closer, where we can protect them," Sebastian said.

"Are you good?" Chase asked, looking over at Billy and Josh.

Josh nodded and Billy shrugged. "Don't be modest," Josh scolded. "Billy is an excellent lawyer!"

Chase motioned for Sebastian to follow him upstairs and into his bedroom. He picked up a phone and sent a quick text message: `Dad, Sebastian needs to talk to you.' He looked up at Sebastian and said, "Dad and I worked this out so I could get in touch if I needed. It was a way to keep mom from phoning in 5 times a day."

A few minutes passed, and the phone rang. "Is everything alright, Chase?" Steve asked immediately.

"I'm fine dad, but Sebastian needs your help."

"I don't see how I could, but put him on," Steve said, mystified.

Handing the phone to Sebastian, he said, "I'll give you some time!"

"Please, stay," Sebastian said. "Hello Steve!"

"Sebastian, what can I do for you?"

"Well, I have a need, and a prospect for you." Sebastian quickly explained the situation and his plan for moving the men to town, as well as his guarantee to send enough business their way to more than cover both men's hefty salaries. "So what do you think?"

"I'll need to meet them, but it sounds fine. Why don't you take them down to our new offices in Xavier's building, so they can meet Dave. Place is a wreck of construction, but they can see where they'll be working, if everything works out."

"It will, Steve," Sebastian said with a smile. "They're both extraordinary young men who were cut off by their parents in high school. They stayed together, helped each other through school, and everything."

"Sebastian, no touching my soft spots," Steve chuckled. "I'll see them on Friday afternoon..."

"Enjoy your last full day of vacation, then," Sebastian smiled and handed the phone to Chase.

"Please, dad! They are nice guys, and James's brother and Billy are SOOO cute together!" Chase said, drawing a new smile to Sebastian's lips.

"See you Friday morning, son. Love you," Steve said, hanging up the phone.

"Well, I think he's done for," Chase said.

"I'd say so... He wanted me to take the guys to meet Dave. Want to come along?"

"Sure," Chase said. "We can follow you over. I want to see how things are going at Xavier's gallery. He has his grand opening a week from Friday," Chase said.

"We've already gotten our invitations," Sebastian said, following him back downstairs to expectant faces.

"You guys can come back over here Friday afternoon and meet my dad," Chases said, "but it's pretty much a done deal. We're all going to go over to the office so you can meet Dave!"

"So, who is this Dave?" Josh asked, and Chase told them how William basically hired the guy off the street.

Josh's eyes flashed with recognition. "So WILLIAM is the big account!" Chase nodded. "You guys are something else," he added with a laugh.

"Xavier, would you like to come along? Chase and I would be interested in a tour of your gallery," Sebastian prodded.

"Sure, if you can wait for me to change," he said.

"We're in no hurry at all," Sebastian said.

When Xavier returned, he rode with William, Chase, and Alex, and Sebastian's car followed. When they arrived, he said, "This is my building. My gallery is the ground floor, and the upper levels are office space. Steve has one floor."

"Well, he has plenty of space if it's just the two of them," Josh said.

"Yeah, but it's still under construction, so beware," Xavier announced as he led them upstairs.

William knocked on the door and a surprised Dave opened the door. "Hey, guys! How's it going?"

"Great," William answered. "You busy?"

"Just working on one of my last papers!" he answered. "What can I do for you guys?"

"Well," Chase said, "we wanted to introduce you to some friends, and some new associates! You remember Sebastian and James?" he asked.

"Sure! I think we met at Xavier's one evening?" Dave said, shaking their hands.

"Well, these two fellows are Josh and Billy," Chase answered, nodding. "Josh is James's big brother, and Sebastian wants my dad to hire them."

Dave shook hands with both men and said, "Dave Swanson, nice to meet you!"

"Josh is an accountant and Billy is a lawyer," Chase said, before turning to the guys and saying, "and Dave is about to graduate college and start law school, and he's getting married this summer." Dave smiled and pointed to a picture on the desk.

Josh laughed and said, "Congratulations! I was starting to feel like I had fallen into a gay alternate universe!"

Dave laughed and said, "You've met their friends, then?" Josh shook his head and Dave laughed. "OH!"

"Dave, I'm going to show the guys around downstairs, but why don't you plan on talking to them afterwards? Maybe run them through some of what you and Steve have been working on, so they'll be prepared," Xavier suggested.

"Sure thing," he smiled. "Just let me know when you're through downstairs."

Xavier gave them a tour of the rapidly filling gallery. Dorian's art was placed among the more established artists' pieces, but they drew everyone's eyes. "Extraordinary," Sebastian said as he stood before one piece in particular. "What's it called?"

"Inferno," Chase said. Seeing the surprised looks, Chase said, "It's the one he brought over to Xavier's house! What?"

William, rolling his eyes, explained for their guests' sake, "Dorian is a hottie!"

"He's cute, but don't exaggerate," Chase said, blushing.

"No, really," Xavier said, "he's one of the finest men I've ever seen! Ever!"

"So are we invited to the show?" Josh asked with a laugh, earning a love tap from Billy.

"Of course! It's a week from Friday, so get your tuxes dry-cleaned," he said with a wink. "Or make Sebastian buy you a matching set!"

"We'll add that to our to-do list, Xavier," Sebastian smiled and shook his head.

"You don't have to," Josh began, but Sebastian put up his hand with a sense of finality.

"You'll meet some extraordinary people; it'll help you make new connections. Besides, your brother and I will be here!" Sebastian said, and the two men nodded.

William went upstairs with the men to talk with Dave – it was his money they were playing with, after all – while the rest stayed downstairs to talk.

"When or how are you going to break it to them?" Xavier asked. "I mean we can protect them, but they're going to find out eventually if anything happens. Or when you and James never get any older," Xavier counseled quietly.

"The longer this goes on without them knowing, the more they're going to feel betrayed," Chase added.

James and Sebastian thought silently for a moment, before James said, "You're right of course, but we've just turned their lives completely upside down... That would be a little much, don't you think?"

"The sooner the better," Chase said. They discussed how to break the news to the men for the better part of an hour, but their discussion was interrupted by the return of the men.

"Did we interrupt something?" William joked, seeing the looks on their faces.

Chase shrugged and said, "Josh, Billy, do you consider yourselves open-minded kid of guys?"

"Sure," Josh answered, hesitantly, feeling like there must be a punch-line.

"Like about religion and the supernatural and stuff?" Chase continued.

"Yeah," Billy replied.

"Why, are you like Mormon or something," Josh added with an uncomfortable laugh.

"Not exactly. We're Jewish, but that isn't the point," Chase said. He went up to the men and took their hands. He being Chase, they let him.

"There is something you need to know about us," he said. "None of us are normal."

"Duh!" Josh laughed.

Chase shook his head. "This is serious. What I'm about to tell you puts us all in danger..." Josh nodded. "Do you believe in magick?"

Josh's smile returned. "I mean, there's some weird stuff in the world, but you aren't... You are serious?" Chase nodded. Releasing their hands, he extended his palm toward a pen on the counter and it flew into his grasp. "Neat trick, but..." Josh fell silent as Chase turned his palm up and the pen levitated in front of Josh. Then its cap was removed, and the pen wrote in the air, "No tricks," in light blue flame that hung in the air like sky-writing.

William stepped up next to Chase and put his arm around the boy. "We are normal kids in a lot of ways... Well not a lot," he smiled. "We're gay, out, in a relationship, and we're magickal beings."

Josh was silent and stunned, but Billy's eyes softened. "You said none of you are normal," he said softly.

"I am a trained battle wizard," Xavier declared. "I serve under Sebastian, whose title is..."

"Consul," Billy interrupted. Sebastian smiled and nodded. "It's what the man at the club called him," Billy explained. "So what does that mean?"

"It means that every supernatural entity in North America east of the Mississippi answers to him," Chase said. "Unless they're bad, of course."

"Of course," Billy nodded.

"That just leaves you," Josh said softly, looking at his brother.

"I've learned a lot of magick," James said, looking away, "but I'm different in another way." James's eyes misted over. "Dad shot me, and I was on my death bed. There was no way to save me, you have to understand? Sebastian is a vampire..."

"You are a vampire," Josh said, his eyes still watching his brother like a hawk. Then he stormed toward the door.

"JOSH!" Billy called, but his partner did not turn back, but burst onto the street.

James followed him and yelled, "SO you are just going to abandon me AGAIN?"

"What am I supposed to do?" Josh turned and yelled. "You just told me you are a monster! That your boyfriend is a monster and your friends are FREAKS!"

Pulling his punch mightily, James hit his brother, knocking him to the ground. "I AM NOT A MONSTER!" he yelled, and then started crying. "Sebastian is not a monster, and my friends are the best people in the world!" James turned to walk away, before spinning and saying, "You know, he kicked you out because he thought you were a freak too! He turned his back on his kid because he thought he was a weirdo, and now you are about to turn your back on your brother, the little brother who adored you, because you think he's a freak! I guess you really are HIS son!" Josh sat stunned on the sidewalk and watched as his brother walked back into the shop.

Josh finally stood up and started to keep walking, but at last, quietly, he walked back toward the store and peaked in the window. James sat on a stool, tears in his eyes, while Sebastian knelt whispering to him, and all his friends were crowded around trying to comfort him. Even Billy had a hand on his shoulder, a hand James was holding on to for dear life. Now Josh really wanted to run away, but he swallowed that and stepped to the door, and entered with a cough.

"So," he began shakily, "you kill people?"

James's tears increased and Sebastian's eyes darkened visibly. "He doesn't, but I have," Sebastian growled.

But Chase put his hand on the vampires shoulder and said, "He's afraid, Sebastian. Remember what we are!"

"I helped build a government that protects humans from our kind. Now we get our blood from humans who we let live, and who we heal afterwards. Some feed on social deviants to punish them, others have human lovers, or harems of lovers, while others just pay people to let them drink. Then there are the humans who are addicted to the rush," Sebastian explained, trying to remain calm.

"How would you pick out a bad guy to eat?" Josh asked, uncertain.

"Many of us can peer into minds. Not so much reading thoughts as seeing images, feeling feelings. You know a bad guy from a mile away, which is the main reason I haven't gotten a little testier with you," Sebastian explained, adding a little grumpiness at the end.

I ... I did kill one person," James said, his tears increasing, and he felt his brother's eyes on him. "I was just turned and Sebastian brought this guy home. He'd picked out somebody who deserved the `punishment' but he didn't know... He didn't know! And I couldn't just let the guy leave!"

Before anyone realized what was happening, Josh had pushed through the crowd and taken his brother in his arms, pulling his head to his chest. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "So sorry!"

Sebastian motioned for everyone to give them some space, his face softening instantly. Billy came up to him and pulled him aside, and whispered, "Josh isn't a bad guy, Sebastian... This is a lot – I mean it's a lot for me. But – and we're all messed up, Josh and me, and James too I think – Josh is, he still has a hard time. Still has nightmares. Still needs medicine to sleep." Sebastian nodded, and Billy bit his lip before asking, "The man James killed was a child molester?"

"He was raping his son almost nightly," Sebastian whispered, causing Billy to shiver.

"What happened, have you talked about it?" Billy asked.

"Not yet."

"Give it time," Billy said. "Josh and I talked about it a long time ago, but only after we'd been living together scraping along for a year or two. And we had a lot of background before that..."

"How could he leave James there to keep suffering? He should have said something!" Sebastian said, trying not to be judgmental but failing.

"It was worse for Josh," Billy said, closing his eyes. "It isn't mine to tell, but it was worse for Josh. You can tell I'm telling the truth," he added.

"I can tell you believe what you're saying," Sebastian nodded. "And thank you for being so understanding."

After a while, things calmed down and Sebastian suggested, "James, why don't you take your brother and Billy around town, grab a few housing magazines and get fitted for those tuxes, then meet back at Xavier's to go over the housing situation?"

"What about you?" James asked.

"I should go home for a while and make sure everything is alright, check on Spencer, and the like," he said crisply, opening a portal and disappearing into thin air.

"Wow," Billy said simply.

"He hates me now," Josh said, pouting.

James grabbed him for a hug and said, "He doesn't hate you, but he IS very protective of me."

"Good," Josh said softly. "I'm sorry for screwing everything up," he added.

"Stop being so sorry and let's start making up for lost time," James said with a smile. "See you guys later?"

"We'll hold dinner for you," Xavier said with a smile.

After they were gone, William said, "Sebastian was pissed, huh?"

"OH YEAH," Xavier said. "That one will take a while!"

Marcus smiled to himself as he heard Chris and Carl laughing as they practiced together in the yard. He was reading in the living room, when he heard someone enter the room. "Hello, Edward!"

"Hi," the boy said with a smile.

"Bored," Marcus asked knowingly.

"A little," Edward admitted.

Marcus stood up and motioned for Edward to follow him. "You did extraordinarily well with potions, and I've got a nice introductory book that you might be interested in reading... Plus, I've got plenty of supplies..."

"Really?" Edward asked.

"You don't have to be a wizard to be a potions master. It's a little bit like being a chemist; you just have to understand energy reactions and follow direction well. At least until you get to that level when you invent your own," Marcus added. "Let's go out back and I'll show you a few things."

Marcus took Edward out to a quiet place and showed him how to make the three most common base potions. With these basic potions, one can create a wide variety of quick, easy-to-use makeshift potions with the addition of some key ingredients. Marcus had some extra jars, and he allowed Edward to bottle up his successful potions for later work, and helped him compile a travel kit.

When they returned to the cabin, Carl and Chris were sitting on the couch laughing and talking. "Where have you guys been?" Chris asked.

"Marcus has been helping me learn about potions," Edward declared, tossing himself into Carl's lap and open arms.

Carl leaned in and kissed him. "Have fun, my sweet boy?" he asked in that Irish accent that drove Edward crazy.

Edward giggled a little, and said, "I had a brilliant time!"

"Sebastian?" Spencer asked.

"Hmm?" Sebastian asked, looking up from his desk.

"Everything alright? I haven't seen you guys around the last couple of days..."

"Yeah, we found James's brother and we're getting him and his partner moved to Virginia so we can supervise their security better," Sebastian replied.

"So, what are YOU doing HERE?" Spencer asked, sitting down across from Sebastian.

Sebastian smiled and sat down a stack of papers. He explained the scene in Xavier's shop and said, "I just need some time to cool down, or I'll say something I'll regret. And when you're in my condition, regret is a terrible thing. It has an infinite shelf-life."

"Too true," Spencer laughed.

"So what have you been up to in our absence?" Sebastian asked.

"I hung out with Pete some, yesterday, actually," Spencer smiled. "He's a really nice guy. Not at all the jock he might seem."

"Oh, he's all jock," Sebastian corrected, "but he is a DEEP pool..."

"Aren't we all?" Spencer mused. Sebastian nodded. "And then I went over to Dean's place last night."

"Oh?" Sebastian asked, leaning in.

"We're taking it very slow, but he's been very sweet," Spencer said. "Last night we cooked together."

"Very nice," Sebastian smiled.

"And tonight, he's off, so we're going to dinner and the movies," Spencer added.

"Well, that sounds wonderfully normal!" Sebastian laughed.

"It is a nice diversion," Spencer acknowledged. "Oh, by the way, Avery called about you and William missing their lesson..."

"Thanks, Spencer. I'd better call him," Sebastian said. "And could you ask Richard to come down in a little bit?"

Picking up the phone, Sebastian dialed Avery's private line. "Avery Salazar," the man answered.

"Avery, it's Sebastian," he replied. "I'm sorry about today, but things have been so busy, happening so fast!" He quickly brought Avery up to speed on the situation and James's brother.

"Is there anything I can do?" Avery asked immediately, putting aside his childish anger immediately upon the smell of a threat.

"Not immediately," Sebastian responded, "but keep your eyes and ears open for any kind of threatening behavior against our little cohort, if you will? And be ready to send backup at a moment's notice."

"You're really worried?" Avery said somberly.

"Someone dug deep into James's background and without a second thought sent me a message. This person is either stupid, or crazy. But I doubt it's the former."

"Agreed," Avery said. "Sebastian?"


"I AM sorry," the man replied before hanging up. Sebastian smiled and shook his head. A few minutes later, he was briefing Richard on the situation, so that he could warn their close associates of a possible threat and ask them to keep alert.

Carl and Edward left the cabin holding hands. "We'll be back," Carl said with a wave at Marcus. "Going for a walk!"

Marcus smiled and waved, and finished his work before heading inside. He found Chris reading at the table, but the boy smiled up at him. "Hey! How's everything at home?"

"Nothing we need to talk about," Marcus said with a frown. "We don't need to be distracted.

"Like THAT isn't a distracting comment," Chris replied drily.

"James's brother," Marcus said. "James's brother is moving to Richmond."

"Why?" Chris asked.

"Sebastian got a photograph of him in the mail, with his face circled in red ink. So they're moving him and his partner to Richmond. Easier to protect him," Marcus said.

"Hmmm," Chris thought out loud. "Any idea who was behind it?"

"None," Marcus answered.

"Oh, well," Chris said, getting up, "nothing to be done about it, then, I guess. Except maybe," he said, running a hand up the front of Marcus's shirt, "try to take out minds off of things?"

Marcus smiled and shook his head, but leaned in to kiss Chris softly on the lips. "Meet you in our room in ten minutes," he laughed, before heading for the bathroom to freshen up. He quickly rinsed off in the shower and brushed his teeth.

In their bedroom, he found Chris stripped naked and nestled beneath the covers. Marcus finished drying off, giving the boy a nice show, before joining him. "SO what's your plan?" Marcus asked.

"Well, if I can't convince you to give me what I want," he began, pausing to let the question hang in the air, "I thought we could make out and maybe jack each other off this time..."

Marcus smiled and swept the hair from the boy's face, before rolling over on top of him and pinning him down. Kissing the boy's neck, he smiled to hear Chris groan, as he worked his way down to the boy's chest, flicking at his nipples with his tongue. The feeling of Chris trying to squirm beneath him drove Marcus crazy, and Chris could feel them man's steely hardness against his thigh.

Chris grasped at the man's muscular back, drawing him back up for an intense session of kissing. Then Chris asked, "Give me a massage?"

Marcus nodded and let Chris roll over. As he leaned forward to knead the boy's shoulders, his cock nestled between the firm orbs of Chris's ass. As Marcus's full length slipped back and forth along the boy's crack, Chris's breathing increased as he became excited and began humping back into the man. Marcus was careful not to let the boy impale himself like he was clearly trying to do, and grabbed Chris by the hips, altering Chris's timing. After a few more moments, Marcus felt his cock pulse as he shot up Chris's back, the last shots trickling into his crack.

Chris moved to clean himself, but Marcus pinned him down and lowered his face to Chris's ass, licking his own dripping cum from the boy's back. At last, he cleaned Chris's ass with his tongue, paying unnecessary attention to the tight pucker and causing Chris to buck wildly. And then he stopped and collapsed by the boy's side.

"TEASE!" Chris growled.

"At least I didn't trick you," Marcus smiled.

Chris shrugged and reached out to grab Marcus's hand. Gently, he placed the man's hand on his own penis, before pulling Marcus in for a deep kiss, tasting the man's cum from his own mouth. He felt Marcus's fingers close around his length and begin to move slowly, but surely. While they made out in a fiery session, Marcus edged him ever closer to bliss.

At the last minute, Chris rolled over on top of Marcus and grabbed himself, pumping three more times and coming up the man's muscular chest. Then he made an obscene show of cleaning the man, just as the man had cleaned him.

Then, Chris curled up next to him and put his head on his shoulders. "In every way that matters, I'm all grown up," he whispered. "I could tell you stories about the things Steve and I..."

Marcus put a finger on his lips and said, "Please, don't... I don't want to think about you doing anything with anybody else. I know you have, but I don't want to hear about it."

"I'm sorry," Chris said. "I was just teasing!"

"Please don't tease about that," Marcus said, softly.

Chris kissed him on the jaw and whispered, "I promise not to." Then he yawned, kissed the man again, and began to drift off. Marcus looked at the young man in his arms and smiled. Chris was like a dream to him, and he was still just afraid of waking up.

James sat across from his brother and brother-in-law in the back of the car and things were pretty quiet. "So, you were dating Sebastian before ... he changed you?" Josh asked at last.

"Dating would be an understatement. I was already madly, madly in love with him. And he was with me... He just couldn't let me go, Josh," James explained.

"I guess I understand THAT," Josh said as Billy squeezed his hand. "And all these other people?"

"Last year, a situation arose that nearly destroyed the world," James said.

Josh and Billy looked at each other, but Billy asked, "When all the weird stuff was happening in the winter and spring?"

James nodded. "Sebastian was elected high consul – head of the entire council, the whole world – during that period. We met these people in Richmond in the course of that war... William and Chase are very special people, as are all the people around them."

Josh nodded and asked, "Chase isn't the same as all the rest of you, is he?"

James laughed and said, "NO! It doesn't take a freak to figure that out, does it?"

"James, I'm sorry about before," Josh said. "You're not a freak!"

"I kinda am," James said, shaking his head. Then he added with a wink, "Especially where it matters."

When they stopped laughing, Billy asked, "What is he?"

"I can't explain," James said, "but when you think that Sebastian is the scariest, most powerful thing you'll ever meet, just remember that there is Chase."

"Really," Josh said. "Because he's so cute and little..."

"He is," James nodded, "but I've seen demons tremble before him."

"Demons too?" Josh asked throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"As a general rule, Josh," James explained, "if more than a few people are afraid of it, it probably has some basis in reality. Werewolves, trolls, demons, incubi and succubae, dragons, leprechauns, dwarves, trolls, wizards, witches and warlocks. Hell, in the last year, there are only a handful of those I haven't met. Last year we even had an outbreak of zombies."

"God almighty," Josh exhaled.

"And Sebastian and his people stand between that world and ours. They let people pretend that none of it's real and sleep at night."

"So I guess Sebastian has gotten so rich because he's been around so long," Josh observed. "How old is he?"

"I don't know if it's my place to tell you," James said, before falling silent to ask permission to speak for Sebastian.

Of course,' came the silent reply. He's your brother. I love you.'

`I love you too,' James replied, smiling, before returning to his conversation. "He says it's alright..."

"So do you hear each other's thoughts all the time?" Billy asked, surprised.

"No, we don't. We can't hear each other's thoughts. Think of it like mental radio," James explained.

"Can all of you do that?" Billy asked.

"I suppose most vampires could develop the skill, but Sebastian and I have a special connection," James answered, not explaining. "Anyway, Sebastian is over four thousand years old."

"WHAT?" Josh coughed. "He looks sixteen, tops, and probably only that old if you know how powerful he is!"

"And he'll look the same in another four millennia," James said calmly. "He and I have been through hell and back. I've met some of his oldest friends, and they all say the same. Sebastian was lost without me," he said, placing his hand over his heart. "And the way he changed me, without drinking from me, just to save me out of love, made me different too..."

"But he's so old!" Josh said.

Billy put a hand on his knee and snickered, "I'm betting he could still rock our worlds too! We're living in a different world than the one we woke up in this morning, sweetheart, so cut the old-fashioned thinking!"

James smiled a thank you at the young man he was growing to like very much. "Watch him next time I kiss him, if you're still uncomfortable," James winked. "Now let's go get you guys some tuxes for you introduction to Richmond-D.C. society!"

"D.C.?" Billy asked.

"Oh, yeah! Xavier used to have a gallery in D.C., and Aiden, his partner, works there still for his family firm. He's going to be working from home more, now, but... Anyway, a lot of their friends will be coming, and they're important people!"

Billy shook his head. "Aiden's family firm isn't Phillips and Phillips?"

James nodded with a wink as he stepped out of the opening doors. "What are you getting us into, little brother?" Josh asked with a smirk as they dashed for the door of the clothier.

Xavier opened the door and asked, "How did the shopping go?"

"Well, the tuxes will be ready by next Thursday, they promised," James smiled, "so we're all set on that. And I think we've got every real estate magazine printed in the city, so good on that count too!"

Xavier pointed to the dining room and said, "Let me get my material from when we were looking and see what we can figure out. Let's spread out on the table!" William and Chase got up from the couch and wondered in, curious.

Though Xavier was definitely the less butch in his relationship, he was ever the soldier, so he returned with his map of the city and its surroundings to make a "battle plan." Chase and William peered over the men's shoulders, and James sort of smirked at his brother as he noticed Josh eyeing Chase, with a mix of the expected appreciation for the boy's unfettered beauty and the unusual wariness of one who knows an animal is dangerous but doesn't know it's trained. Indeed, the closer Chase got to his shoulder, the more intense Josh's lean towards Billy.

"Don't be a freak," Billy said to him with a laugh. "Personal space?"

"Do I stink?" Chase asked, smelling himself theatrically with a giggle. "Oooh, kinda! Sorry!"

Everybody laughed and Josh was fine until Chase put a hand on his shoulder, and Josh went stiff and excused himself to the restroom.

Chase left the room shortly and was waiting in the living room when Josh emerged from the bathroom. "Thanks for the ego boost," Chase grinned.

"What?" Josh asked.

"Well I know some guys find me cute and all but it's not every day a single touch is enough to send a grown man into spasms and off to the bathroom to clean up..."

"What? I ... uhm, oh, no!"

"Chill, Josh! I'm kidding. Let me guess: the guys were explaining who we all are, and you got the `Oh, Chase, he's got the big mojo, he's the one to watch,' speech?"

Josh blushed, but nodded. "Actually, the `if you think Sebastian is the big news around here, think twice,' speech."

"That would be James, then, trying to ease your nerves about lover-boy," Chase laughed. "Two things you should know – one is that Sebastian is really protective of all of us, but especially your brother and me, so you stepped on his big toe, but TWO, you are James's brother, so he'd move heaven and earth to make you happy. Just give him some time."

"Thanks," Josh nodded. Then he stopped and asked, "But you didn't say whether James was telling the truth."

"Because that goes without saying, doesn't it?" the boy smiled and put an arm around the man. "Welcome to the family!" Then he led Josh back to the dining room.

"All settled?" William asked with a cute, smirky grin.

Chase winked and said, "You want a piece now?"

Josh got a funny look and Xavier shook his head, "Josh, you'd best get used to it. They only LOOK like angelic teens!"

Chase smiled sweetly and shrugged to general laughter. Just then the doorbell rang, and Xavier ushered Sebastian in, bringing a much more somber mood with him until Chase approached him and gave him a hug, whispering, "Be nice!"

Sebastian smiled and leaned back from him. "Of course!"

Then James walked over and wrapped his arms around the smaller vampire, kissing him softly on the lips, after a wink at Josh. Even though it was a light kiss on the lips, the man could see fireworks in the ancient vampire's face, and for a moment Sebastian was lost to this world.

Josh felt Billy squeeze his hand, and he nodded. When James broke his kiss, Sebastian smiled and said, "It must be MY lucky day."

"But you can get that any time you want," James grinned.

"Then I must be a very lucky guy," Sebastian smiled, drawing him close again, squeezing him tightly. William and Chase laughed and made gagging noises.

"Get a room," William taunted playfully.

"That IS rich, coming from YOU," Xavier said. "Now let's get to work! The way I see it, there are a couple of neighborhoods that will be of interest to you. One is downtown, near your offices. A lot of nice things within walking distance, in the middle of everything. Expensive to rent or buy."

"That sounds nice, if we make enough," Josh said, and Sebastian nodded.

"The second option is something in this neighborhood. Just a few minute's drive from downtown and your offices, quiet residential neighborhood. It'll give you room to expand if you want to have kids," Xavier said. "Great schools, too."

"This neighborhood seems REALLY expensive," Billy said.

"And in case you haven't noticed, neither one of us has a child-bearing figure," Josh added.

"It is expensive," Xavier said, "but the property values are pretty stable. And you never know about kids. After a while, you might change your mind..."

Billy frowned and said, "It isn't about changing our mind. Josh and I have been together for nearly eight years, and sometimes we have dreamed. But no one wants to let us adopt and a surrogate seems really risky, and the child would only legally be one of ours..."

"You're in a new world now," Sebastian said. "Look at these two unwed teen mothers," he laughed, indicating Chase and William.

"You mean the baby is?" Josh asked.

"Ours. Both of ours," William nodded. "It's hard and expensive, but in our world, two men can have a baby, carried by a surrogate of course, but she'd have no claim on it, and she'd be too well compensated to try."

"But you guys haven't known each other that long, have you?" Billy asked, earning some appreciative but careful stares.

"No." William said. "Alex is not the product of magickally assisted natural birth."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have," Billy began.

"Don't be silly," Sebastian said. "Alex is a special child, one of a kind in all the history of the world, to the best of our knowledge... But then, every child is one of a kind, I suppose," he added with a smile.

"Maybe we SHOULD consider this neighborhood, then?" Billy said, hesitantly looking to Josh. Josh squeezed his hand and nodded.

"Excellent," Sebastian said. "I'll make sure you get very favorable interest rates..."

"Is there anything you can't manage?" Billy kidded.

"YES!" Sebastian laughed. "But I DO own a couple of banks..."

Xavier opened a few of the books to the small section of openings in their neighborhood, and they mapped out a series of houses to visit the next day, and then Aiden got home with some takeout, so everyone ate dinner.

After some lighter chatting, though, Sebastian said, "I suppose since you know all about us, there is no need to keep up pretenses and stay at the Jefferson. Why don't you stay at our house tonight?"

"You have a house in Richmond?" Josh asked, confused.

"No, Massachusetts," Sebastian laughed.

"But," Josh started to protest.

Sebastian shook his head and said, "We'll be there in a moment..." Everyone watched as Sebastian opened the door home and intently observed Josh's hesitance. Chase stepped forward and gave the man a little shove, and Billy followed him through with a laugh. James and Sebastian followed, shortly.

When they were gone, Xavier looked at Chase and said, "You do good work, boy!"

Chase smiled and shook his head.

After showing the men around the house, James showed them to Chris's room, where there things were waiting for them. "Are you guys tired? Feel free to use the game room, or watch television downstairs, or whatever. Make yourselves at home," James smiled and went to his room to change into pajamas. It had been a long couple of days.

James decided to step into the shower, and he turned the water heat way up. He lost himself as the water trickled over his large, muscular form, and so he jumped when he felt a small cool hand on his shoulder. "You can still sneak up on me," he said with a smile.

"How did you know it was me?" Sebastian asked with a grin, as he pressed his body into the boy's back.

"I can't imagine anyone else could touch me like that," James said, relaxing himself completely. He turned and pressed Sebastian against the far wall of the shower with a forceful kiss that the ancient vampire surrendered himself to absolutely. With a sudden need, the two of them made frantic love in the shower until they challenged even Sebastian's hot water supply.

As they dried off, James smiled and said, "I've missed that," with a wink. "We're WAY too busy, if we're skipping out on that good time."

"If you ever feel neglected, just unzip and I'll make time," Sebastian grinned. "But it's been too long for something else, too..."

James nodded and said, "Going out, or delivery?"

"Check on your brother and Billy, and then we'll decide..."

James walked down the hall and found their room empty, so he checked the game room. "Hey guys," he said, causing Josh to look up from the pool table and blush. Billy laughed. "WHAT guys?"

"You and Sebastian," Billy laughed. "You're really ... intense!"

"You ... heard us?" James asked, blushing.

"I'd be surprised if the neighbors didn't hear you," Josh said, looking up trying not to smile.

"Well, I ... no one ever said anything before," James said.

"It IS your house," Billy reassured him. "And given the residents, I'd say no one would complain..."

James blushed fiercely, and said, "Would you guys like to go out to dinner, or call for delivery?"

"Anything's fine with us?" Josh said, nodding at Sebastian who had just walked in.

"Why don't we go grab something terrible at the mall? Then we can kill two birds with one stone," Sebastian suggested.

"You guys have some shopping to do," Josh asked, but stopped seeing Sebastian's expression.

"After a manner of speaking," Sebastian nodded, with a glance at James.

"You're going to hunt? In the mall?" Josh asked.

"Where did you think we did our `hunting,'" James asked with a laugh, "in the woods?"

"Well, I ... I don't know. It's so public!"

"We don't chase them down like animals. You're more than welcome to observe," Sebastian said. "It may be the only way to lay your questions to rest."

Josh looked uncomfortable but nodded his agreement. So they all got ready and took a drive down to the local mall. After they had all eaten, Sebastian waited a moment and then tried to explain as he had to James at first.

"People put on a good front, they're excellent at deception..." He glanced around and picked out a man. "Tell me what you see when you look at him."

"He's a young father, looks happy," Billy said, making James smile.

"Twice a month, when he's supposed to be going to the Men's League, he checks into a hotel for a couple of hours and dresses up in his wife's underwear and does random guys," James nearly choked.

"But at least he wears protection," Sebastian added. "He really does care about his wife, and he loves his children."

"So we're all weirdoes," Josh said drily.

"The POINT is," Sebastian paused for emphasis, "YOU never know who is who in this world. It is an unfortunate side effect of our condition that we do know... This place is full of weirdoes, as you put it, but think about it, Josh. Teens congregate here. Young women come here alone and in groups. People's guard is down. Peoples' weirdness is endearing sometimes, but the cruelty, the darkness, that lurks in the shadows hunting these people isn't us. WE hunt the predators..."

"Or give a thrill to people who want it," James interjected.

"There is that," Sebastian smiled. But then his smile faded. "See the guy leaning against the wall by the bathrooms?" They nodded. "He's waiting for someone to head to the men's room, someone weak enough to overpower, and then he's going to rob them. He's willing to hurt them if necessary. IN fact, he has a very sharp knife in his pocket..."

"You can read his mind that clearly?" Billy asked.

"No, his mind is very unclear, but the feelings of greed and loathing he's putting off makes sense of the few thoughts I pick up. And I can see the outline of his knife in his pants," he added with a smile. Seeing Josh cross his legs, Sebastian's smile widened as he winked and nodded at the man. "Heightened perception can also be pleasant!"

James slapped Sebastian on the arm as Josh's blush deepened, as Sebastian got up and walked to the bathroom, paying no attention to the man. They watched as a second later, the man followed Sebastian inside.

"Should we do something?" Josh asked.

James laughed and said, "You don't get to be as old as Sebastian by taking chances. He'll be fine..." And indeed, Sebastian returned about ten minutes later looking like a healthy teenager, color flushing his cheeks.

"You didn't ... kill him?" Josh asked.

Sebastian laughed. "Good Lord, no! In a mall bathroom! He'll be along in a minute..." The man emerged looking worse for wear, but with a wet spot in his pants. "As you can see, even the ones who feel pain get pleasure from it..."

"For those we like," James explained, we can control the pain levels so they are overwhelmed by the pleasure one gets from being fed upon. But even when the pain is extreme, there is a bit of pleasure we simply can't repress..."

"So he ... got off on it?" Billy asked.

"Oh yeah," Sebastian laughed. "But that'll mess with his head next time he's with his girlfriend..."

"Do they remember being fed upon?" Josh asked.

"He won't," Sebastian answered. "James?"

James looked around and said, "Do you want to see what it's like?" he asked his brother and brother-in-law. They looked shocked for a minute, so he continued, "Maybe you would be able to look at us in a different light if you realized..."

James saw a guy from school he knew, nice enough but not close friends, and waved. They guy came over and said, "Hey, James! Where you been?"

James looked him intently in the eye and said, "Around. I got something I want to show you," he said slowly and the boy nodded. James led him toward the bathrooms but slipped into a storage bay accessible via that hall, the boy hot on his tail. A minute later, Josh and Billy slipped in too.

James looked over the boy, who was fit but no jock, and said, "Unbutton your shirt?"

"Sure," the boy answered in a faraway voice, and began unbuttoning his shirt until James stepped in and removed it.

"Hey, take off your pants. I always wondered... Are you gay?" James asked as he stepped in close to the boy who dropped his pants.

"No, why?"

"Perfect," James said as he leaned in, his breath tickling the boy's smooth shoulder just before he pierced the boy's light brown skin. He smiled as he felt the boy grab at him and moan softly in pleasure. As he began to suckle gently, he could feel the boy harden against him and begin to hump his thigh, so he grabbed the boy's cock and bit hard again, and almost instantly the boy stiffened in his arms and sighed from deep within as he unloaded in James's hand.

James raised his hand to the boy's mouth and said, "Go ahead, it's okay." Slowly, the boy licked James's hand clean.

"No shit," Josh said, as the boy began to dress, still in a daze. "And he won't remember anything?"

"Nope. He'll probably walk around with a little pep in his step for a bit, but otherwise, no. He could if I wanted him too, and we let anyone who wants to `give blood' remember, but it doesn't hurt him," James said.

"But he wouldn't do it if you asked," Billy said. "At least if you asked without the weird mind-jumble."

"Maybe not," James nodded. "But it is what it is. We can't always find willing subjects, so normally we go after the bad guys. But a cutie like him, every now and then..."

"Well, at least you aren't hurting anybody, particularly," Josh said, sounding relieved. "That definitely looked hot, too."

"It was kind of ... steamy," Billy admitted. "I can't imagine what it must have been like for you and Sebastian."

"Totally amazing," James smiled. "Luckily, we can still do that to each other; vampires get as much pleasure from the bite as humans."

Next: Chapter 24: A Light in the Darkness II 9

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