A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Apr 15, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Chapter 10

*************************************** I am now posting my stories to my new website, jaygordonstories.com. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. Currently, A Light in the Darkness II Chapters 11-14 are available there, (the latest for registered users only!), as well as two stories not available on Nifty, so check it out if you like the story! ***************************************

Sam arrived at the cabin around 1:30 and knocked on the door. He wasn't surprised that no one was awake, since they'd all had a trying night. So he put on a kettle for tea, the hissing of the kettle rousing Marcus, who quickly dressed and joined him.

"Care for a cup, my boy," the man asked.

"Sure, thanks," Marcus said. "Should I wake the others?"

"Let's have a chat and drink our tea first." The man poured hot water into two cups, dropping a tea bag into each. "Now, you seem oddly refreshed for a man who's only had a couple of hours sleep," Sam noticed.

"Rabbi," Marcus said, shifting uncomfortably.

"Oh, pooh," the older man said. "I'm your superior officer, and a man to boot. I take it your young companion has worn you down?"

"Does everyone know about that?" Marcus laughed, reddening.

"Just about," Sam laughed. "But it is high time if you ask me. Man wasn't meant to be alone, and young men especially..."

"What about you, sir?" Marcus asked.

"I'm not a young man," Roth parried his question.

"But you were once," Marcus insisted.

Roth spread his hands and said, "Things weren't always as they are now... And in my line of work, it wasn't feasible to ... well, I couldn't be both, you see. Both what I was called to be, and with whom I wanted to be, I mean."

Marcus nodded but said nothing, and the old man continued, "When I was training with the battle wizards, I had a few little flings, you know, just passing things. But I was young, too young then... You know I was orphaned and sent to the Academy at 12."

"I thought fourteen was as young as you could be when you started," Marcus asked.

"My circumstances were peculiar," Sam said with a nod. "So I was younger than the other boys, and so it never got serious. Then when I went off to study Kabbalah with the mystics and got diverted to the rabbinate, I was made to understand that partnered gay rabbis were not a reality that could be accepted in those days... I'm glad things have changed..."

"When you were in the field, on missions, undercover, did you ever, you know?" Marcus asked, blushing a little to be talking about this with the older man.

"Man has needs," Roth smiled. "But it was too hard to fill them, knowing I couldn't have what I wanted most – someone who would be there every morning. Sleeping in a man's arms after making love, knowing that when the mission ended, my lot was an empty bed. That or finding a wife I could tolerate, but that wouldn't be fair to her..."

"I'm sorry to bring it up," Marcus said.

"Quite alright, my boy," the rabbi smiled. "But hold on to that young man," the Sam added with a wink.

"I will, and I think he plans on holding on pretty tight himself," Marcus laughed.

"You got that right," Chris said, entering the room rubbing his eyes, wearing thin shorts and a t-shirt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to listen in..."

"No secrets here," Sam said, motioning the boy over. "Would you like some tea?"

Chris nodded and sat down and the man poured him a cup of water as well. "So where is this cat of yours?" Sam asked about the time the big animal tromped into the room and tried for Chris's lap, which wasn't big enough to support him comfortably. So he settled for the empty seat by the boy. "My, my! That is a healthy beast of a creature," Sam laughed.

"Smart, too," Chris smiled, petting the animal. "He led us back to the place in the woods on a verbal command!"

If they didn't know better, they would have said the animal looked amused at the attention before it wandered off to stretch out more comfortably on the couch.

"So what did Carl find?" Sam asked.

Chris and Marcus looked at one another and Marcus said, "I'd rather you see it first."

"Just don't point a wand at it," Chris snickered, earning a look from Marcus.

"Yes, it seems more than willing to defend itself against magick, even just a probing spell."

"It must have knocked this big lug about twenty feet onto his back," Chris added.

Sam raised his eyebrows and said, "Perhaps it IS time to wake those boys..."

Marcus nodded and knocked on their door. Getting no answer, he cracked the door and said, "GUYS! Time to get up. We need to go check out the site and get you guys home!"

"Do we have to?" Edward called in his soft sweet voice.

"YES!" Marcus answered with a laugh. The boys got up and hurriedly dressed and joined the others. As they walked out onto the porch, Carl tapped Marcus on the shoulder and said with a wink, "Good show, old man!"

Marcus blushed and Carl ran ahead to grab Edward's arm, smirking over his shoulder. The cat did join them and led them directly back to the clearing that he refused to enter.

"What's wrong, kitty?" Chris asked and the cat, never taking its eyes off the stone, hissed angrily. "OKAY!" Chris said, holding up his hands.

Sam had watched that interchange carefully and was in full defensive mode as he entered the clearing alone, motioning for the others to stay back. He raised his hand and projected some of his own energy toward the stone, which did not respond angrily to his more mystical magick.

"It's an altar," he called to the others, confirming their suspicions, "and you're quite right. It does NOT belong here!"

"What is it?" Marcus called out.

"It's old, and it's powerful. More than that will require a great deal of research," he said, motioning for them to join him. He approached the stone and put his hand on one of the carvings. Immediately, he cried out, "Oh!" and took a quick step back.

"What?" Marcus asked.

"Carl," Sam said. "Put your hand on the stone."

The boy hesitated but did as he was told. "Now what?"

"Clear your mind," Sam said, "and tell me what you feel."

The boy did and a couple of minutes later, the boy said, "I feel ... like I do when I've been cooped up for too long, like I'm hopping with energy to burn! Like too much caffeine or something!"

"Carl, you've learned to create fire?" Seeing the boy nod, Sam instructed him, "Make a fire in the middle of the stone."

"But there is nothing there to burn," the boy replied.

"It doesn't matter," Sam said.

Carl tried but nothing happened, and just when Sam was going to give up, Edward caught the boy's eye and nodded, expressing confidence in Carl. Suddenly a spark ignited in the air just above the altar and a pillar of flame descended from the sky, as if it was being poured out from a heavenly vessel.

"God almighty," Marcus whispered, earning a nod from Sam.

"Any time now, my boy," Sam said, putting a hand on Carl's shoulder, and the liquid fire stopped falling.

"What was that?" Carl asked, trembling.

Sam smiled and said, "I can't explain right now, but I've got a good idea where to start my research." Looking all around, he said, "Tell NO ONE of this outside of our little circle. Not even Avery or one of the consuls, or even Spencer," he added the last looking at Marcus. Everyone agreed, and they returned to the cabin to pack, leaving Sam to make drawings of the symbols to assist his research.

"Marcus," Carl began as they arrived at the cabin, "can you tell me anything?"

Marcus sighed and said, "That fire you called down was only magick in the loosest since of the word. It seemed like you channeled a latent power in the stone itself; this is more of a priestly power than wizardry per se. Looks like you'll be joining Chris and Chase for a little training..."

"But I'm not a kabbalist," the boy said.

"Never mind that," Marcus said. "Priestly powers are more alike to each other than they are to any particular magickal system. You seem to be a bit Druid wizard, a lot Druid priest..."

The group set about packing up and cleaning, and they were ready to go when Sam returned. "Alright, gentlemen, I'll be in touch," the man said as he disappeared through his own portal.

Marcus looked at Edward and Carl and said, "Boys, stay in touch. You'll hear from me soon. Oh, and Edward?"


"Be careful when practicing your potions. You don't want to have an accident at home!"

Edward nodded and said, "I'll be very careful!"

"I know you will," Marcus said, opening a portal for them to Edward's back yard. Then he looked at Chris and said, "Ready to go?"

Chris looked and him and grabbed his hand. "I'm ready," he said. "When we get home," the boy began and fell silent.

"What is it, Chris?" Marcus asked, turning to face the boy.

"Things won't ... go back to the way they were?" Chris asked, unsure.

Marcus smiled, showing his dimples, and laughed, pulling the boy in for a kiss. "Chris! There is NO turning back," he whispered, reaching around with his big hand to smack the boy on his tight ass.

Chris jumped and laughed, and then said, "Do we have to leave RIGHT NOW?"

"Did you have something else in mind?" the man asked.

"Remember that clearing where we sucked each other off the other afternoon?" Chris asked mischievously. Marcus nodded, and Chris continued, "I thought we could take a blanket out there and do it out in the open."

"You ARE a naughty boy, aren't you?" Marcus laughed, already reaching into his bag for a blanket.

"There's something about the sun on your body," Chris said, taking the man's hand and leading him right back to the spot. The cat just glanced at them as they left and stretched out for a nap.

"Are you okay, Chase?" William asked as they walked toward where the concert would begin.

"NO!" the boy said, still fuming from his earlier encounter. "I AM NOT OKAY!" After a moment, he added, "Sorry, that wasn't for you," with a cute, apologetic smile.

"I know, sweet thang," William teased. "What are you going to do? Are you going to tell him?"

"I sure as hell have to, if she's dragging his plain ass all over town, rubbing it in everyone's faces. I don't want him to get blindsided!"

"You want to head over there now?" William asked, nudging him.

"Yes! But I want to see this too!" Chase said.

"Let's grab a flier for their group and go to one of the meetings sometime? Good compromises?" William asked. Chase smiled and William ran up to one of the young people handing out fliers and asked for one.

The boy handed him a flier and started up a conversation. Who wouldn't be interested, Chase laughed to himself, and walked over and grabbed William's arm. "Hey, I'm Chase," he said, holding out a hand to the boy.

"Carter," the boy replied and smiled with a little nod. "You must be his boyfriend?"

"Sorry," Chase said with a laugh.

"Anyway, hopefully we'll see you guys around," Carter said and waved before they left.

"He seemed nice," Chase said as they walked away. "He thought you were pretty hot!"

"Chase!" William said. "This is payback for Dorian, huh?"

"A little bit," the boy giggled and started listing off Carter's more fetching characteristics.

"There are a couple of the places we want to visit again tomorrow," Billy said to Sebastian, "but my favorite is a nice place a few blocks over from Xavier. It's a lot smaller of course, but nice and it's a good neighborhood."

"Well, I must say that pleases me, because the closer you are to our friends, the easier it is to protect everyone. And of course, there is the fact that that neighborhood now houses some of the most powerful wizards in the world."

"Fringe benefit," the man smiled. "And a bunch of nice young guys."

Suddenly they both heard footsteps hurrying upstairs and Sebastian said, "MARCUS! CHRIS! How are you?"

"Great," Chris said. "Great week!" Then he grabbed Marcus's hand and said, "Who's this?"

Billy stood and held out his hand. "Billy Tompkins!"

"I'm Chris Price, and this is my boyfriend, Marcus Donaldson... We're both regulars around here."

Sebastian smiled. "Billy's just learning about all this, so don't worry about saying anything inappropriate. A lot has happened since you've been away. Billy is James's brother's husband."

"James has a brother?" Marcus asked.

"James's brother is gay?" Chris asked simultaneously.

Billy laughed. "Josh is both!"

"And it seems someone tracked them down and threatened them to get at us," Sebastian added, "which had a positive outcome. It seems that there was a misunderstanding between the boys that needed to be cleared up." Billy helped fill in the whole story as Chris and Marcus sat down, Chris leaning in to Marcus comfortably.

"Oh, and Spencer has finally come out of the closet as crown prince of the witches," James added as he and Josh came in from the yard, trailing Spencer, who had joined them for a workout.

"What?" Marcus asked in shock. "I've been sharing a barracks with you for how long and I never knew!"

"I just want people to like me for me," Spencer said, blushing.

"Damn right," Marcus said, "but you could have told me."

Josh and James excused themselves to their respective showers to wash off after their workouts, while Marcus and Spencer had an animated but amicable conversation about wizarding stuff.

"So," Chris said, sitting next to Billy, "how are you taking all this? I mean you're sitting a couch away from royal wizards on the one hand and Abraham's cousin on the other!"

"Abraham who?" Billy asked, making Chris laugh.

"Sebastian. You realize he's like four thousand years old, right?"

"I do forget that, but yes, I did," the man trailed off in a moment of realization. "THE ABRAHAM?"

"I knew him well when we were boys," Sebastian said. "He was," Sebastian paused, almost subconsciously raising a hand to his heart, "for most of that time the person I loved most in my long life." For a moment there was total silence in the room as eyes fell on him in curiosity. "Hmm, oh, I thought it went without saying! James, of course, and, in a very different way, Chase..."

Billy nodded, thinking about the boy he'd only just met, and in a way he couldn't express, he understood Sebastian's sentiment. Breaking the awkward silence, Billy turned to Chris and said, "It has been somewhat strange, but I've always believed there were more things out there than I knew about. I'm just glad I didn't know how many," he added with a laugh.

The conversations around the room continued for a while, with Spencer excusing himself to go get ready to go see Dean.

"Chase! I'm glad we're seeing more of you lately," Matt's mom said as she greeted the boys at the door. "You too, of course, William!"

"I just wish we brought good news," Chase said, frowning.

"What's wrong, dear?" the woman asked, looking concerned.

"It's Matt," Chase said, biting his lip. "He's not going to like what we have to say!"

"You're not leaving town?" the woman asked gravely.

"No!" Chase laughed. "It's Amy."

At the girl's name, the woman frowned. "What a b ... bad girl," the woman shook her head, making the boys laugh at her mid-sentence course correction. "What's she done now?"

"It seems that she didn't break up with Matt because she's leaving town for the summer," Chase hesitantly announced. Matt's mother was a fierce proponent of her boy. "She'd been seeing another boy on the side for a while ... intimately."

"She screwed around on my son?" the woman asked, whispering furiously. Chase nodded.

William nodded and added, "He's slime, by the way. Chase hit him."

"You what?" the woman asked, curling her lips in to bite off a laugh.

"Well, first he slapped him when he said something rude against Matt, then I hit him when he tried to go after Chase, then Chase knocked his ass down when he came at us again," William said. "Which was something to see, because the guy's on the basketball team!"

"You boys shouldn't fight," the woman said, with no heart in her words as she kissed each boy on the cheek. "Matt's upstairs playing video games," she began.

Chase smiled and finished her sentence, "Let me guess, with Daniel!"

She smiled and shrugged, and the boys headed upstairs for what would surely be another fun evening. Chase knocked on the door.

"Yeah, mom?" Matt asked.

Chase held up his hand to William and, imitating Matt's mother, called, "I'm just putting the whites in the wash. Do you have any dirty undies?"

"MOM! Do you have to," he began but Chase cut him off.

"I thought I saw a pair on your floor the other day that needed a good bleaching, so hand them out to me," he said.

Matt jumped up and ran to the door, ready to complain to his mom, but he found Chase and William in stitches. "Asshole!" he yelled, putting Chase in a headlock and dragging him inside, wrestling him to the bed. "I forgot how good your imitation of my mom is. I can't wait for you to hit puberty," Matt teased.

William observed Daniel watching their physical play with barely concealed longing and his heart again went out to the boy whose feelings would probably remain unexpressed and unrequited.

"What are you guys doing here?" Matt asked as they separated.

Chase looked at William and said, "William took me down to the riverfront today, just to have some fun, and we were walking around and saw Amy coming out of a store..."

"Yeah, so? Did she ask about me or something?"

"Uhm, no," Chase said, shutting his eyes and thinking. "Matt..."

"GUYS!" Matt said. "WHAT?"

"Amy was with a guy ... from the basketball team," William said. "They were holding hands."

"I, well," Matt said. "Bitch! She's seeing someone else already?"

"See, that's the thing, Matt," William said. "Your little buddy here saw them and stormed over there and made a big stink, and it turns out they've been ... intimate ... since just after we all got back from the islands."

Matt looked blank, and then his eyes teared up. "No," he said, shaking his head, his lips pursed tight. "No! I would have known."

Chase's face was sad as he put his hand on Matt's arm, but the boy jerked it away and stood up, walking to his window. "Just leave me alone! I want to be alone!"

"NO YOU DON'T," Chase pleaded with him, but Matt shook his head and remained silent as he stared out the window into the distance. Chase put a hand on his shoulder but he pulled to the side and out of his grip.

William took Chase's arm and nodded to the door. Daniel sighed and followed them out. Downstairs, they let Matt's mom know what was happening, and promised to come by soon. Daniel also said he'd keep an eye on Matt at school.

Spencer knocked on Dean's door and the man answered in a pair of black dress pants, his torso bare and his hair still wet. With a winning smile on his face, Dean said, "You're early!" and moved to let Spencer in.

"Sorry about that," Spencer said, his eyes raking over the man's smooth chest and abdomen.

"I'm glad," Dean smiled, leaning in to kiss Spencer. He grabbed Spencer's hand and put it on his chest, dragging it down the same path the man's eyes had taken. "That's what you wanted to do, isn't it?" he asked with intensity.

"Yes," Spencer whispered. "NOW, get dressed! We've got reservations!"

Dean laughed and said, "One day..." Spencer smiled and grabbed a drink from the man's refrigerator while he waited. "Where are you taking me?" Dean called from the bathroom.

"We're driving over to Elliot's," Spencer replied, standing in the doorway.

"I've never been," the man said.

"Me either," Spencer laughed. "But I suspect you knew that?"

"Well, this is my stomping ground!" Dean answered. "Place is a little pricey for me."

"You don't mind me taking you there," Spencer asked genuinely. "I just wanted to take you somewhere nice..."

"If you want to do it, I'm glad to let you," Dean said, looking over his shoulder, "but next time I'm cooking for you here, and we get to make out all evening!"

"Deal," Spencer laughed.

Sunday, Billy and Josh visited some of the houses a second time as realtors jockeyed for their interest. Clearly it was a buyer's market and they began their negotiations in earnest. James accompanied them everywhere, while Sebastian remained at the manor and began to communicate with his Council allies the world over, as well as a network of shadier contacts maintained for just such a time as this.

As he kept his records of the conversations, something rapidly became clear: the world was full of nutty religious groups. The Order of Gorgias, the Order of the Talon, and the Order of Constantine were his three favorites at the moment, though he had a list of over twenty groups he felt could be involved.

"Richard," he called into the intercom.


"I'm going out. Keep an eye on things?" Sebastian asked.

"Sure," Richard responded. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just got some information on the lunatic from the airport. He was renting a room down at that armpit hotel, the Francis Arms in Richmond. I'm going to check it out. $10 says the police haven't gotten off their asses yet."

"You want someone to come with you?"

"No, I'll be fine," Sebastian said. "Keep your ears to the ground. There's a list of `orders' on my desk; can you call Horatio up and run through that and see which ones you guys think are most promising?"

"Will do," the man replied.

Sebastian walked downstairs and opened a portal to a parking structure where he stashed a car. He hopped in his BMW and drove down to the seedy hotel. After a moments consideration, he said as spell to deflect attention from his car. No need to get it stolen or vandalized.

He walked inside and saw the slovenly man at the desk raise his eyes then lower them disinterestedly. He probably assumed Sebastian was a rent boy or drug runner for one of his tenants.

Sebastian made his way to the third floor, and to the end of the hall. The man's room was the last on the left. What Sebastian found surprised him. He had been expecting a cluttered room, rotting food in the sink, the walls papered with newspaper clippings and scribbling, like the crazy priest's room in the Omen. Instead, the room was tidy, well kept – no doubt by the man's own industry because it was unlikely the Francis Arms had an efficient housekeeping staff.

On the table, he found a mug that had last been used to make tea, and an array of books. There was a Bible, opened to the book of Isaiah, as well as a handful of works on messianic prophecy, and a notebook.

Sebastian opened the notebook and found the man's handwriting, as well as his thought, like his room, unexpectedly neat and orderly:

`Since arriving in Richmond, I've been watching the order agents closely. They're concentrated in urban residential neighborhoods. Why? And why so many? After all the centuries, can they have found the one they seek? No. No, not in this day. Something else... Perhaps they're tired of waiting for the signs, ready to MAKE IT HAPPEN?'

A few pages later:

`Their modus operandi has always been to observe from the outside. Why are they blending in now? Why are their families living in neighborhoods, their children attending schools? Why would they risk exposure? They can't expect to find HIM here, Richmond Virginia? INSANE! And yet they risk everything! One child goes to a counselor at school and the thing collapses. Unless they have adults in schools too. Maybe I'm paranoid?'

"You think," Sebastian said out loud, snorting, but the smile fell away as the pages unfolded:

`The Order families are clustered in neighborhoods around Oak Grove Academy, which is where their children are attending. I've been following various ones of them, and they seem really interested in a few boys in particular. One is a baseball player, I think his name is Matt – and then there are his friends, the blond and the brunette who don't seem to be in school. They're watching them, and others too, but they seem to be switching off and watching these three really closely. These boys are in real danger if the Order is interested in them...'

This last entry was written just a week before the man was assassinated in the airport. His journal read like the ravings of a paranoid madman, and yet how did it sound if you KNEW there was an Order, and that the man who wrote these words was killed on the day he tried to warn Chase and William.

As Sebastian wondered about that, he heard a little crash and looked up to see that the window was broken. A moment later he noticed, in the floor nearby, as small, metal sphere beginning to spew gas into the room. Sebastian got up, but he began to feel weak, but he forced himself forward toward the door. Two men in masks burst into the room, the first striking him on sight with a telescoping metal rod.

Normally, it would have irritated him and little more, but he was confused as the blow dropped him to his knees. "Surprised?" his assailant asked. "The abomination is speechless!" Leaning over, he explained, "The gas is our own design – extracts of garlic, silver, holy water, and other goodies you guys are sensitive to! Now, tell us, which one of the boys is it? Which one of them defeated Sammael?"

"Wwwwhat are you talking about?" Sebastian gasped. `James! I'm in trouble. Francis Arms Hotel, Richmond... There's gas..."

"The wizards said a boy in Richmond was key to ending the crisis in spring... Which one?" the masked figure said, reaching into his coat for a gun. It was silenced and he fired a single silver bullet into Sebastian's knee.

"Agggggggg," Sebastian screamed. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Which one?" the man asked. Not getting an immediate answer, he fired a shot into Sebastian's other knee.

"I was once tortured by the NAZI's, assholes. You're amateurs," Sebastian spat.

"We got us an old on!" the man said, turning to his associate.

So they don't know much about our kind, Sebastian thought. "Alright, alright," Sebastian said as the man raised his gun, trying to buy some time. "How do I know when I tell you you'll let me go?"

The man looked at him coldly, his eyes icy, and said, "We aren't, but we'll put you out of your misery..."

Sebastian sneered back, and said, "Good luck with that," nodding over the man's shoulder.

"I'm not falling for," he began, but stopped as his partner fell to his knees and then onto his face, his neck twisted at a funny angle. Sebastian stood up and said, "Your gas is starting to thin out."

"You ... shouldn't be up," the man said. "We tested..."

"YOU'VE BEEN TESTING THIS POISON ON VAMPIRES?" James asked in a rage, grabbing the man and lifting him off the ground. Then he noticed the bullet holes in Sebastian's pants legs and brought back a fist to hit the man.

But Sebastian grabbed his hand and said, "You'll kill him!"


"We NEED answers," Sebastian said, but as he looked up at the man, he saw the man had already begun to convulse.

"I didn't," James began, but Sebastian shook his head and sighed.

"Cyanide tablet, in case he was captured... FUCK!"

James looked at Sebastian with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, the knees will be fine in a few days," he answered.

"Days?" James asked shocked. He was so used to the speed healing that it surprised him.

"Silver bullets, and the poison in the air," Sebastian answered. "Get back to your brother, just in case. Who else is on the way?"

"I'm already here," Avery said. "What happened?" Sebastian filled him in as James reluctantly returned to his brother, leaving Sebastian under Avery's watch.

"Order henchmen?" Avery asked, pulling off their masks. Both men were young.

"Yes, and they know about Sammael. They know a boy in Richmond defeated him," Sebastian said. "And if this monk, or whatever he was, is right, I think I know what they want."


"They want Chase. They just aren't sure of that yet. But they're watching all of our boys now."

"What do they want with him?" Avery asked. When Sebastian told him, the man exclaimed, "GOD-FUCKING-DAMNED RELIGIOUS FANATICS, MAN!"

"We need to get out of here," Sebastian said, hobbled, gathering up the man's books. Then, thinking better of it, he grabbed some of the broken glass and got fingerprints off the dead men, as well as taking photos with his cell.

Then Avery helped him through the portal back to his house. Downstairs, Avery burst into action. "Richard, bandages!'

"What happened?" the man asked as he burst out of the office.

"Silver bullets," Avery replied.

"What's going on?" Horatio asked from the computer screen.

"Give us a minute, here," Avery hollered at the computer. As Avery cut Sebastian's pants off, he grinned and said, "We've done this in better days!"

Sebastian laughed and grimaced. "You always were impatient!" Richard returned with the bandages and wrapped Sebastian up tightly and then helped him into the office.

"I went to check out the monk from the airport. He had a room in the Francis Arms Hotel. I was reading his journal when I was attacked... They had a gas grenade filled with a special toxin... The Order agent was able to knock me down and then he shot me with silver bullets to try to figure out which boy defeated Sammael. There is a wizard who's leaking information to them. He said a wizard told them `a boy' had done it and he wanted to know which. The danger here is greater than we imagined. They have agents everywhere."

"What can we do?" Horatio asked.

"We need to step up our research and try to identify and neutralize Order agents in Richmond. They've got KIDS in the school with our boys," Sebastian said. "And Horatio, more quietly, we need to find the leak and find out how much the Order knows."

"Is it possibly unintentional?" Horatio asked.

"Possibly, but we can't depend on that," Sebastian said.

"Alright," Horatio asked.

"And tell everyone to be careful. That gas is potent. I only recovered so quickly because of my age and power," he said. "Even so, if James hadn't arrived, they might have staked me."

That thought chilled them all to the core. Before signing off, Sebastian added, "I'm sending some fingerprints your way, Horatio."

"I'll run them down," the man answered. Sebastian stood and grimaced, and Avery slipped him off his feet and carried him up two flights of stairs to his room. "Show off," Sebastian complained.

"If you didn't weigh less than a 15-year-old girl, it might be more trouble," the man teased. "REST! I'm going to check on James and get those guys secure and back here!"

As the man turned to go, Sebastian called, "Avery?" When the man faced him, he continued, "THANK YOU!" Avery nodded and was gone.

Sebastian picked up the phone and called Sam and Xavier on conference and when he got them on he said, "We've got a code red in Richmond..." Then he explained what had just happened, and each man's anxiety grew massively.

During the next week, things began to happen behind the scenes. A new influx into Richmond began as Council operatives from all over the world began to filter in to infiltrate the school and the surrounding neighborhoods. Less secret, new security teams would cover each of the boys, as well as their families, and anyone close to Chase and William, including people like Charlotte and Dave. Further afield, people like Dean, were also placed under careful protective watch. Upper level Council agents, such as Sam and Xavier, were instructed not to travel alone except when necessary to avoid ambush.

Suddenly, the feelings of anxiety that typified the Sammael period returned. Sarah was particularly affected, what with the babies and all. Her nerves were shattered, and Sebastian put extra security on her, more visible, as a deterrent.

Xavier's gallery opening was his immediate concern, as it would bring many possible targets together under one roof – Chase and William, and their family and some friends, James and Sebastian, Josh and Billy, and so many others. For this event, Spencer and Dean would attend, but Spencer would be secretly heading up a squad of wizards inside. Several consuls were also providing some of their personal security staff for the event as well. All they could do was hope.

By Tuesday, Josh and Billy had decided on a house a few blocks from Xavier and made an offer, which was accepted almost immediately, since the men had all the financing prearranged through Sebastian's banking contacts, so they spent the day with lawyers getting paperwork in order and the like. Things wouldn't be final for a few weeks yet, but they could now have their belongings packed and ready to deliver.

Daniel and Chase both visited Matt almost daily, but the boy was angry and subdued, and didn't pay either of them much attention on their visits. But still they persisted day after day. Matt tolerated their presence, though he wouldn't talk much.

Xavier was away most of the time that week, preparing for his gala opening, and in the evening, he and Aiden spent their waking hours with the men from the Council putting wards on the building.

Sebastian and James accompanied Josh and Billy to town on Thursday to pick up their tuxes and sign some papers with their real estate agent, as well as to deliver a check. Chase and William, and Sarah drove out to meet them for lunch, and then brought Billy and Josh back to Xavier's while James and Sebastian drove to the gallery to inspect the security.

"Consul," one of the guards nodded as he walked up the sidewalk.

"Major Kyle," Sebastian nodded. "Everything on the up and up?"

"No squirrels today, sir," the man answered with a smile.

"Very good," Sebastian returned his smile. Inside, Xavier was following workmen around, directing them to paint a smudge on the wall, or move a sculpture over there.

"It looks great," James assured, making the man jump.

"Make some noise when you come into a place," the man complained. "But thanks! Now it's just finishing touches."

Sebastian looked around and said, "How are the security measures holding up?"

"Aiden and I practiced last night. If I really tried, I could knock him over, but I feel pretty good about it," Xavier said.

"Mind if I give it a go?" Sebastian asked with a smile Xavier looked around and said, "Now? ON ME?"

"Your nephew and his son will be here, so if you're that sure," Sebastian said, staring into his face hard.

"Alright, guys! Take a couple of hours for lunch," Xavier huffed, and they waited around for the room to clear. Then Xavier went outside and cast a cloaking spell over the windows so no one could see in.

When he returned, Sebastian drew his wand and asked, "Are you ready?"

Xavier nodded, grimacing, as his teacher raised the wand and flicked it in his direction. Xavier felt the impact knock him to the floor but opened his eyes, a little surprised it wasn't worse. "NOT BAD," Sebastian smiled. "Not bad at all..."

"Thank you," the man replied. "Any new information about this `Order'?"

"We've ruled out a lot of candidates," he said. "Both of the men who attacked me served long prison sentences before being released for good behavior after religious conversion, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it. We're tracking down the chaplain who worked with them, a man named Seymour Hoffman."

"Let me know if you need anything from us," Xavier said.

"Just be careful. Richmond is crawling with these wackadoos," James said, earning an amused nod from Sebastian.

"And given how they deal with their enemies, if this thing ever breaks out into the open, we'll have a war in this town," Sebastian mused. War was something they'd all had their share of recently.

"I'd hoped we were over that," Xavier said.

"I always do, too," Sebastian smiled sadly.

Thursday night, Spencer sat in Dean's living room with a glass of wine. After a clattering in the kitchen, Dean settled in next to him. "Everything's cooking now," the man said. "Should be ready soon!"

He took the glass from the man's hand and turned him so they were facing. Spencer leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his lips, and heard the man moan. Dean tilted his head and parted his lips so Spencer kissed him more vigorously. Dean flipped around so he was straddling Spencer's lap and put hands on either side of the man's face, gently stroking as they continued to kiss. He felt Spencer's hand grasp his waist, but then begin to roam up and down his sides and back.

Dean, who had seen a demonstration of the man's strength, was surprised when he felt Spencer lift him and lay him on the couch. Spencer lowered himself on top of the handsome bartender and resumed kissing him, though now humping him through their clothes. Spencer whispered, "You want to turn dinner down to warm and take this to the bedroom?"

"Are you sure?" Dean asked. When Spencer nodded with a grin, the man bolted to the kitchen like it was on fire, returning moments later to drag the young prince to his bed.

Spencer grabbed the bottom of Dean's t-shirt and dragged it over the man's head, and then Dean returned the favor. But after Spencer had dropped Dean's pants, Dean's hands were shaking too much and Spencer had to undo his own button to help the man.

"Nervous?" Spencer asked.

"Too fuckin' excited," the man responded with a grin. Spencer grabbed him for another kiss, their mostly naked bodies rubbing together with a graceful desire. Spencer slipped his hand down the back of Dean's shorts and gave his tight ass a sharp smack before dragging the underwear to the floor.

Dean pulled him onto the bed and slipped Spencer's off as well. "What do you want to do?" Dean asked, almost hesitant.

"I'd like you to top me," Spencer said nervously.

"Are you sure you're ready? I mean..."

"I'm ready NOW for YOU," Spencer said. "Just be gentle," he added with a flicker of a plea.

Dean nodded and knelt between his knees, taking the man's hardening penis in his mouth. "Mmmm," Spencer moaned, running his hands through the man's hair. After a couple of minutes, as Spencer began to buck, the stopped sucking and began licking Spencer's balls and ass. He finally zeroed in on Spencer's almost-virgin hole and began to probe it with his tongue – at first playfully, then driving it deeper.

"Oh, God Dean," Spencer cried, grabbing at his shoulders. But Dean playfully swatted his hand away before continuing his teasing preparations. When Spencer was babbling incoherently, Dean reached for the lube and a condom. A few moments later, he was pressing gently at Spencer's ass insistently.

"Relax," Dean whispered, and push out just a little. "Ahhh," he gasped as he head slid in, "that's it..." Giving Spencer a moment, he leaned in for a kiss and nibbled on the man's lip while he gave him an inch more.

Spencer's eyes were closed and his face was pinched, but Dean felt his fingers grabbing at his ass, pulling him closer, so he continued to gently press in, trying to follow Spencer's cues. "Spence, babe, are you okay?"

The man opened his eyes and looked up into Deans, realizing he had his eyes shut tight, and smiled. "I had no idea it could feel so good," he whispered and pulled the man down on top of him and causing Dean to slip in the last couple of inches all at once. Spencer gasped sharply but squeezed Dean tight. Slowly but surely the man began to move, and Spencer wrapped his legs around the man's waist.

"Harder, Dean," Spencer began to plead, and the man happily obliged, causing the man beneath him to writhe and groan in increasing pleasure. Spencer was very near his climax when Dean came, and the man quickly slid down Spencer's body and took his hard and pulsing member in his mouth. A few quick bobs of the head later, Spencer warned, "I'm coming, Dean," but the man did not pull off and took Spencer's huge load in his mouth, the excess dribbling obscenely at the corners of his mouth. As Dean collapsed next to him, he wiped the excess with his finger and licked it clean.

Spencer nearly attacked him with passion, tickling the man's hard stomach while they kissed. "Will you be ready to go again tonight?" Spencer grinned mischievously.

"After dinner," the man replied. Actually, they flip-flopped that evening, taking turns fucking each other, and collapsed in each other's arms, spent, when they finished.

"What do you have, Horatio?"

"I have a list of potential Order operatives in Richmond," the man said with a smile.

"How in the hell did you get that, since we don't know what the Order is?" Sebastian asked.

"It occurred to me, if these people were infiltrating the school, I just needed to check new admissions records for the last few months. It's a strange type of year to start a new school," the man said.

Sebastian nodded with a smile. "But some of them will be regular transfers?"

"Of course," Horatio smiled, "but the names in red also moved into Xavier's neighborhood, or within a mile's radius of one of the boys. The names in orange moved within two miles of one of the boys."

"How do we verify who's who?" Sebastian asked.

"I'd suggest beginning with round-the-clock surveillance of the red names – watch their phones, mail, and any radio signals. I'd consider breaking in when their houses are empty and doing some recon, if it isn't against your ethical code," the man added with a smile. "Meanwhile, I'm hacking their phone and cell records to see which of them know each other. The more names on the list they are in contact with, the more likely they are to be members..."

"Excellent work, my friend! Keep us posted!"

"Well, who knew my years in MI5 would come in handy again?" the man laughed. "Enjoy your party tomorrow night!"

"I just hope it's nice and uneventful," Sebastian said. "In your day, of course, all of this was much harder of course... No internet!"

"Yeah, but no drop cell phones and high-level encryption for personal communication either."

Sebastian went to find James and update him. Then he asked, "I just found that chaplain, Hoffman. You want to go with me to meet him?"

"Sure, where's he at?"

"D.C. He runs a place called New Days Life Crisis Mission. Apparently it's a half-way house and crisis counseling place for guys just out of the joint," Sebastian said warily.

"You think this Hoffman is in the Order?" James asked.

"He is, or someone who is is using him to make contact with his guys," Sebastian said.

"We should take Spencer and Marcus with us then," James said. "After last time," he added, indicating Sebastian's still-healing knees.

Sebastian nodded, and picked up the phone. "Yes, Sebastian," Marcus answered, sounding flustered.

"We need to go out on a mission. I found Hoffman, and I'd like you and Spencer to back us up!"

"Spencer's out with Dean," Marcus said. "I can be ready in ten! Should I call him and tell him to meet us?"

Sebastian thought for a moment and said, "No, we'll be fine..."

Fifteen minutes later, they were all ready to go, and opened a portal to the seedy D.C. neighborhood where New Days and its rehabilitated denizens were holed up. The unlikely group, two gorgeous teens and a handsome man in his twenties, walked up a street past a drug dealer and pressed a button on a gate in front of a rundown old house converted into a mission.

"YES?" someone asked impatiently.

"We need to speak to Seymour Hoffman," Sebastian said. "It's urgent!"

"What does it concern?"

"Two of his former clients, Rondele Parker and John Philips," Sebastian replied.

"Are you cops? Come back in the morning!"

"We aren't cops," Sebastian said, looking at the other two and mouthing `Get ready!' "We're here about the ORDER!"

Suddenly flood lights on the front of the house clicked on and to their left, about fifteen feet away, a man they'd forgotten until just then pumped his shotgun with an eerie sound on the abnormally quiet street.

Next: Chapter 26: A Light in the Darkness II 11

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