A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on May 16, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Chapter 12

I am now posting my stories to my new website, jaygordonstories.com. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before

submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. Currently, A Light in the Darkness II Chapters 12-17 are available there, (18 is coming soon. The latest chapters are for registered users only, so if you don't register you won't find them!), as well as two stories not available on Nifty, so check it out if you like the story!

Daniel walked upstairs and knocked on the door. "I'm not hungry, mom," Matt called, sounding bored.

"Well, I don't have any food," Daniel said through the door. "Can I come in?"

Matt didn't respond until he heard the boy turn and begin to walk away angrily. "WHATEVER!" he shouted, trying not to sound needy as he hurried to the door. "Come on in," he said. Seeing Daniel stop, he added, "Please?"

There was something vulnerable in that, almost pleading, that melted the anger that had motivated Daniel's feet. Inside the room, Daniel responded, his voice angry, "I don't know why you're hurting your friends because that skank-ass ho hurt your feelings! You shouldn't treat us like this!"

Matt looked at the boy, shocked. He'd never heard Daniel curse or say anything mean about anybody, and he'd never seen the boy stand up for himself. He looked different in that light. Seeing Matt staring with a deer-in-headlights expression, Daniel smiled and laughed. "Done whining, bitch?"

"Jesus, you kiss Santa with that mouth?" Matt asked – careful not to say you kiss your mother' because he was looking out for his friend's feelings – giving him a playful shove before pulling him into a friendly one-armed hug. "Thanks, buddy," he whispered. He didn't notice Daniel shiver, imagining for a moment that buddy was baby.'

"Want to play some video games?" Daniel smiled, and Matt nodded. ***

Saturday, Chase and William hung out with Edward and Carl some. "How's Matt doing?" Edward asked as they walked around the mall waiting for their movie. "He's been really moody. Not even Amy's social disgrace or the advances of the school's finest women have been cheering him up."

"Yeah, he didn't speak to me for the last week, but Daniel called this morning to let me know that Matt let him come over and play video games last night. Daniel wants us to do something for him to help get his spirits up.

"Did you have a plan?" Edward asked.

"Chase always has a plan," William smirked, pulling the boy in close.

"Are you guys free tonight?" Chase asked with a conspiratorial smile. "I already talked to Sebastian and James, and they can come..." ***

Chase and Daniel were ganging up on Matt, while William looked on smiling. "Come on, Matt, you've been moping around long enough. Come out with us? Sebastian's crew is coming down. Even Daniel's coming," Chase said, elbowing the shy boy playfully.

"My parents are even going to let me stay out until 10," the boy said with a smile.

Matt rolled his eyes and said, "ALRIGHT! Stop bugging me!"

"Cool," Daniel said with a big smile. "I wouldn't want to go without you – there'll be a lot of people I don't know!"

Matt couldn't help but smile at the quiet burst of enthusiasm from his introverted friend. "Where are we going?"

William and Chase exchanged a sneaky smile and Chase said, "Camille's." Camille's was a teen-friendly hangout. With ID you could get in, but the high school and under 21 crowd had to wear arm bands and were subject to sobriety testing.

"Oh, no!" Matt exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "NO, NO, NO!"

"You promised," Daniel said, grabbing his arm excitedly, and Matt's shoulders sank.

"God! Do you have any idea where we're going, Daniel?" Matt asked with a laugh. The boy shook his head. "Tonight is karaoke night at Camille's!"

Daniel's eyes widened and he looked at Chase and Matt in shock. "Don't worry, Daniel. You don't have to do anything you don't want to!"

"Chase used to drag me down there all the time. Talk about pressure," Matt said. "And Chase doesn't get it because he's kind of good!"

"So are you," Chase grinned. "Anyway, William's going first!"

"I am?" William asked in surprised, and as soon as Chase nodded, he knew there was no hope.

"What time are we meeting everybody there?" Matt asked.

"Seven," William answered.

"Alright, let's meet back here at six thirty then," he said. Looking at Daniel, Matt suggested, "I can loan you some clothes if you want to change when you get back."

"Change?" the boy asked, looking innocently down at his plain button-up shirt and slacks.

"Into something more age-appropriate?" Matt asked. "We're going to a club. Though, come to think of it, my clothes might be a little big for you. Could you bring him something, Chase? – not too flamboyant, though Liberace!"

"As long as you promise not to bring your sequined sunglasses, this time," Chase retorted. "Last time, Matt brought these bright pink studded sunglasses and sang Good Golly Miss Molly," Chase explained, getting a cute giggle out of Daniel. Directly to the boy he said, "I'll bring you something cool to wear."

"Thanks," Daniel blushed, in part at the pleasant idea of wearing another boy's clothes, in part at the knowledge that his own clothes were so out of touch. ***

When they arrived at Camille's, they found that Sebastian had already commandeered a large table for them. Daniel stayed at Matt's elbow, nervous in the loud, crowded room and out of his element, in clothes like he'd never worn. Chase's jeans, which he wore snug but not too tight, were form fitting on the slightly larger Daniel, and his t-shirt hugged the boy's chest tightly. Chase noticed, pleasantly, that he was right; the boy did have some muscle – sleek, natural muscles, not built, worked out muscles – under those clothes he usually wore. Additionally, Chase had gotten the boy to let him help with the hair.

"Who's the cutie?" James asked when they arrived.

"This is my friend Daniel," Matt said, introducing the boy all around.

Daniel was pretty quiet as Matt caught up with his out-of-town friends and the guys laughed cryptically about old times, but he liked the way the guys interacted and felt the longing he always felt to be included. Not that any of them were consciously excluding him; he was holding himself back.

"Well, we're putting off the inevitable," Matt announced at last. "William, your number just came up!"

William glared at him with a laugh and said, "That just means you're one step closer to your turn!"

William went up the woman running the karaoke event and told her he wanted to sing. "Alright," she said, "what are you going to do?" He smiled and told her, and the boys could see her shaking her head and laughing, though they couldn't see what she was saying to him.

When the drunk college chick singing some `classic' Brittany Spears stepped down, arms raised, to a mix of clapping and laughing boo's, the lady stepped up on stage and said, "I hope you've got a designated driver, sweetie! Alright, next up, we've got William singing a song for Chase!" That bit got a few snickers and some jeers, but mostly hesitant clapping, along with the raucous cheering from his friends.

As the guitar music began to twang, Matt sat forward and asked with confusion, "Is that COUNTRY music?"

Sebastian smiled, as he knew the song well, though he wasn't surprised most of the boys, even Josh and Billy, had no clue. "A great song by the Man in Black," he laughed.

"THE WHO?" Matt asked with a laugh in his voice.

"Listen," Sebastian said, putting a finger over his lips, "and take a lesson!"

In his light, clear voice, William began to sing. "I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, I keep my eyes wide open all the time, I keep the ends out for the tie that binds, Because you're mine, I walk the line..." His voice wasn't perfect for the song, but the crowd was loving it. This was Virginia, after all, and the crowd approved, even if the love song was for a boy.

Daniel watched Chase's face as he breathlessly watched his lover's face as the boy sang, "You give me cause for love that I can't hide," and then Daniel saw his face light up when William grinned and raised a hand to Chase at, "For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide, Because you're mine, I walk the line."

Immediately Chase was on his feet and on his way to the stage, where he met William on his way down from the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen! Johnny Cash's `I Walk the Line!' From William to, and I'm guessing, Chase here!" This time, the applause was full and genuine. "NOW, WHO'S UP NEXT?"

Chase got her attention and pointed to himself. "Okay, one moment guys," she said, coming down to get Chase's selection. This time, she was really shaking her head, and Matt could clearly see her lips as she asked, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

She walked back to the stage and said, "Alright William, get your butt back up here for a duet!" William, almost back to the table, got a look on his face, but turned and trudged back to the stage, shrugging his shoulders at the crowd's friendlier applause.

"What are we doing?" he whispered, unsure he wanted an answer. When he got it, he said, "You sure?"

"Crowd's pretty friendly," Chase laughed, "plus we got plenty of dudes to help us out!" As the music started to play, he quickly added, "You're Dolly!" William's face was priceless as Chase began to sing, "Baby when I met you there was peace unknown, I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb, I was soft inside, there was somethin' going on."

William grabbed his hand, and, facing each other across the mic, they sang to each other, as if the crowd were absent, "You do something to me that I can't explain, Hold me closer and I feel no pain, Every beat of my heart, We got somethin' goin on."

Matt's jaw was hanging open as he looked around the crowd and saw some people looking uncomfortable, but for the most part they were totally focused on the boys, who were totally focused on each others. "Those boys have IT," Josh whispered to Billy.

A couple of the guys looked over at Daniel when he gasped and wiped his eyes as William and Chase sang, "But that won't happen to us and we got no doubt, Too deep in love and we got no way out..."

As the song ended, the crowd was on their feet. "Wow," James said, as he thought the boy's would kiss, but then backed away and walked off the stage together.

"WOW!" the woman said as she hopped behind the mic clapping. "I thought I remembered this blond! They did great, huh? Welcome to the 21st century, folks!" she added to general laughter as the crowd died down. A couple of frat boys were up next with a lackluster "Margaritaville."

William and Chase were welcomed back to the table with hugs, high-fives and applause. "Way to raise the bar, guys! Thanks a lot!" Matt declared, standing up with feigned reluctance. They could tell by the pep in his step that he was excited.

"DUUUUDES!" the woman said with a big smile as the frat boys headed back to their table. "What would we do if one karaoke passed without that Jimmy Buffet classic? Next up is Matt with a refreshing change of pace. Matt says he has the best friends in the world and this song is for them.

Chase, William and Daniel shared nervous glances, wondering how Matt was going to get them with some funny song, but when the music started Chase's chest tightened. As Matt began to sing softly, "When you're weary, Feeling small, When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all," Chase exhaled deeply.

"I think I'm going to cry," he said.

"Me too," Daniel replied with a laugh, tears already rising, and Chase grabbed his hand and held onto it.

"I'm on your side; When times get rough and friends just can't be found, Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down; Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down!"

"He has a beautiful voice," James said, coughing off the emotional edge, just before Matt sang, with a plaintive edge, "I'll take your part, When darkness comes And pain is all around..."

"It's like the song was written for him," Sebastian whispered to James, who nodded, wiping his eyes as his mind wandered back to spring when Matt had gone, with no thought for himself, into Chase's dangerous mind, and then followed the boy unarmed into the bowels of hell.

When Matt finished with a dramatic and emotional crescendo, his hand was shaking when he put the mic down, and the room was absolutely silent for one second, and then another. Even the announcer seemed at a loss for words, though she slowly drew near and took the mic as Matt made his way back to the table, where teary-eyed boys met him with a big group embrace. It was only then that someone began to clap, and as if a trance was broken the whole place went crazy.

"THAT," the announcer half laughed, "that was, of course, `Bridge over Troubled Water,' sung by Matt for his friends." The woman wiped her eyes and said, "If you want autographs or to hire them, those friends include Chase and William, it seems! They'll be here all evening folks!"

As the group hug broke up, Chase and Matt were left holding one another, and Matt whispered, "Thanks for this!"

"Thank you for THAT," Chase laughed across a sob, planting a kiss on his cheek as Daniel's mouth fell open. He was so jealous. Not OF Chase, but THAT Chase could just do that.

For a while the group just sat around and chatted as others sang, and Chase leaned over and asked Daniel, "Do you sing?"

"Here comes the hard sell," Matt joked from Daniel's other side.

Daniel laughed shyly and said, "I do sing some, but never ... in public. I mean, in church some, but... I couldn't."

Matt shook his head and turned to talk to William, and Chase whispered, "You could! Just sing what's in your heart, and it'll give you the strength... And if you're too nervous, I can be your backup singer!"

"You'd do that for me?" Daniel said, a little wonder in his voice.

"Of course," Chase said, squeezing his hand again. "You know, I was jealous of you for a long time, like you were taking my place with Matt," he added, confessing. Daniel started to object, but Chase said, "I know, I know... I realized you never meant, or wanted, to take MY place." His emphasis on that word made Daniel blush, and Chase nodded, giving his hand another friendly squeeze. Then as they sat there, Chase didn't drop his hand, and he was pleasantly surprised that Daniel didn't withdraw his hand.

Suddenly, Matt's demeanor changed completely; he withdrew and had an angry face. Chase and Daniel followed his eyes until they saw his focus. "AMY!" Chase whispered, dropping Daniel's hand. "Shit!"

Matt got up and at first Chase was going to grab him; he thought the boy was going to throw down with Amy's new beau. But instead, he angrily approached the announcer, whose smile faded at the look on his face. She had a surprised look but nodded at his words.

When his next turn was up, the announcer took the stage and said, "Looks like Matt's going to give it another go folks! This time, the song is for that special girl!" Now there was general apprehension on the faces of the boys in Matt's group.

The simultaneously sad and angry look on his face wasn't ill suited to the song he'd chosen. "Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live, Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give, Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss..."

"Oh, snap!" Billy said as Matt pointed at Amy and continued, "Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash, you tossed it in the trash, you did!"

Matt grabbed the wireless mic and walked to the edge of the stage and down the steps until he was just a few feet away and leaned in, giving everyone a clear view of the object of his song. "Black, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb, Tell the devil I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from; Mad women, bad women, that's just what you are, yeah, You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car," he sang before backing up onto stage.

Chase couldn't help but smile and shake his head gently as he watched Daniel transfixed on the boy, silently mouthing each repetition of "You know I'd do anything for ya" with an intensity that made Chase believe it.

Cheers filled the room as Matt put the mic down and stormed off the stage back to his group. "Matt, singing Bruno Mars's `Grenade' for Amy! Let's give it up for Matt one more time! What a performance!"

"I want to go," Matt said as he collapsed into his seat.

"Daniel hasn't had his turn yet," Chase said, looking at the shy boy.

"You don't have to, Daniel," Matt said, but Daniel shook his head.

"I want to. Will you wait for me?" Daniel asked.

"Dude," Matt said, crossing his arms, "I'm YOUR RIDE!"

Daniel had to wait for two people to finish before his turn came up. In the end, he went alone. "Ladies and gentlemen, another one of the boys! Daniel's got a song for us, and this one's different. Usually there is a secret admirer; in this case we have a secret admired. This gutsy pick goes out to someone very special!"

As the boy took the stage, Matt uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. His mouth went slack as he realized what the song was from the music. "Can he REALLY sing that?" Matt asked Chase.

Chase shrugged, but said, "He has the courage, so I'm betting he has the ability."

When he first began to sing, there was something endearingly tentative about it: "Wise men say ... only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you..."

His voice was higher than the King's, but as his courage rose, you could feel his commitment behind the words, and it literally sent shivers through at least his friends' bodies. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you." At that line, both Chase and William looked at each other and felt a pang through their hearts for the boy. The words expressed exactly his situation. Hopelessly beautiful.

By the end of the song, both boys were in tears, and the glistening in Daniel's own eyes made it worse. "It was great guys, but seriously, what's up with you dudes?" Matt asked them. "So who's the special lady?" he asked Chase, as if he would know. He took Chase's involuntary snort as a way of saying, `As if I'd know?'

"Is he serious?" Josh asked James, who nodded wryly.

Daniel approached his table sheepishly, to be met by a big hug from Matt. "You're my hero, dude! That was fantastic! So who is she?"

Daniel looked at his feet and said, "Maybe later?"

"Sure!" Looking around, he said, "It was real fun `til the bitch showed up, so thanks guys! But I need to get Daniel home for curfew, so I'll see you later!" Everybody said their goodbyes to the boys, and as Daniel followed Matt out, he shot a wistful smile over his shoulder at Chase.

"He REALLY has no clue?" Sebastian asked, awed by Matt's thickness. "I know he's straight, but that's pretty extreme!"

Matt drove them back to his house, and the boys ran upstairs. "Will you give these clothes back to Chase?" Daniel asked, before slipping into the bathroom to change.

"Sure," Matt said through the door. "You know you could just change in my room," he added.

"I need privacy," Daniel responded, laughing, knowing Matt knew what he'd say. When he came out, he handed the clothes to Matt, letting his fingers graze the boy's hands and wishing he had Chase's confidence so he could just hug his friend. But Matt put the clothes down and pulled him into a big hug.

"Thanks for getting me to go tonight, and thanks for going. I know you put yourself out there," Matt whispered, feeling the boy hug him back. "I was proud of you when you sang," he added. "Why didn't you tell me you were a singer?"

The boy's smile ignited a shiver that cut through him inexplicably. "I'm not..."

"Well, I disagree," Matt said, looking down into the boy's eyes, inches away. "Whoever she is, she's a lucky girl!"

Daniel shrugged softly in his embrace. "Do you need a ride home?" Matt asked, still not letting the boy go, and Daniel made no move to escape.

At last, he answered, "No, I'll walk, but I should be going."

A minute later Matt laughed and let go of the boy. "I guess so," he answered. There was a slightly awkward moment before Daniel started down the steps and Matt called, "Come by and hang out tomorrow if you can!"

"I will," the boy grinned, and Matt felt it again, but he wrote it off as a by-product of the day's wild emotional ride. ***

When Sebastian and James arrived back at their estate, Sebastian opened the big glass door and stepped out into the back yard. "So much has happened in the short time since we met," he said softly as he felt James step up behind him in the cooling night.

"It's true," James said.

"Being around those boys makes me happy," Sebastian admitted, some emotion creeping in. "And it makes me sad too."

"How so?" James asked.

"In four thousand years I've had precious few friends, and most of them, like Musa, Americ, Avery, well they last," Sebastian said with a melancholy laugh. "Like you and I will last from age to age. And in what will seem like days to us when it's over, we will watch these boys grow into men, then old men, and then they'll die. And we'll still be like we are now."

"I'd never thought of that," James said.

"It's the hardest when you're young," Sebastian answered, "and I'm sorry for you for that. Watching your family and friends, the ones you grow up with... It was easier for me because I did it at a distance. But yours know about you and will remain close."

"How have you done it for so long?" James asked, squeezing the boyish form back into himself with his strong arms.

"I've hidden in the shadows. With the precious exception of a few wizards like Sam, and people I happen along like Father Peter, I've avoided humans..."

"But not anymore," James said.

"You make me want to live whatever kind of life I can have, with all the love and loss," Sebastian said, laying his head back on James's chest. Then he turned around and said, "I wanted to sing a song for you tonight, but I was too shy..."

James smiled down at him and shook his head. "One of the most powerful creatures in the world and you're afraid to sing in front of people?"

"Yes," Sebastian smiled, and led James out into the dark garden where they sat and held each other for a long time. ***

Everything slowly simmered down to a state of normalcy. Daniel and Matt were back to hanging out every afternoon, though occasionally something strange bubbled to the surface for one or both of them. Xavier stayed busy with post-opening business, and Aiden was able to stay home to help out, since he had managed to transition most of his essential business to Richmond, and had developed a good team in Washington.

William and Chase watched Alex and kept up with their studies, during the day, with Sarah's help. Josh and Billy started work with Steve and Dave. Sebastian and Avery kept running down leads on the Order with the help of Council agents all over the world. One thing was for certain: whoever Seymour Hoffman was, he was at the center of everything.

On Tuesday evening, Chase went over to Matt's and hung out with him and Daniel until it was time for Daniel to walk home. Chase bid Matt farewell and walked the boy back to his house. "So, Matt seems to be getting back to normal," Chase said as they walked.

"Yeah," the boy smiled. "He had fun the other night!"

"He wouldn't have gone if you hadn't worn him down," Chase replied. "He likes you a lot..."

"He's the best friend I ever had," Daniel said, before puttering and looking like he was going to correct himself.

"I know what you mean," Chase said with a gentle smile. "I'm over it... Besides, Matt's got a big enough heart for a bunch of people!"

Daniel blushed and said, "He's a nice guy."

"He's more than that," Chase said. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," the boy replied, shoving his hands deep in his pockets.

"We all were singing to someone the other night... Who were you singing to?" Chase asked. Daniel looked caught, ashamed. "I thought so," Chase said, putting his arm across the boy's shoulder. "I just don't want you to get hurt, if he doesn't, or isn't able to, return your feelings."

Daniel smiled hard to choke back his tears. Being the musical protégé that he was, he began to hum, making Chase stop in his tracks and grab his hand to stop him. In their little hidden part of the world, Chase softly picked up the song, "I've never seen a night so long, when time goes crawling by, the moon just went behind a cloud, to hide its face and cry. Did you ever see a robin weep, when leaves begin to die? That means he's lost the will to live, I'm so lonesome I could cry..."

Unable to help himself, he threw his arms around the boy and pulled him into a tight hug, and again Daniel began to cry. Chase could feel, as they stood chest to chest, with every fiber of his being, that Daniel felt those words acutely. "I wish I could take you home with me," Chase whispered softly in his ear, "and show you how things can be..." Daniel held on to him as long as he could before his fear overcame the pleasure of being in someone's arms, and he took off for his door. Chase looked down at his watch and saw it was 8:59. His heart sank for a moment, before his anxiety skyrocketed as car pulled up behind him and stopped.

He turned and expected it to be Sebastian's security checking on him. Instead he saw a limo. The back window rolled down and the man in the back seat leaned out and said, "Let me give you a ride home, Chase."

"I'll just walk back to Matt's and get my car, thank you!"

"I've taken the liberty of having your car taken to Aiden's home," the man smiled. "Now, why don't you get in the car?"

"Because I don't accept rides from strangers," Chase said.

"Chase, that's not a very kind way to speak to your grandfather," the man said gently. "Please? We need to talk..."

Chase closed his eyes and exhaled, before nodding and getting in the car. "One wrong turn and I'll blow the door off this car and jump," he said grimly as he crawled in.

"Straight home, I promise!" the man said with a laugh.

"You'll understand my suspicion, given the company you keep!" Chase said. "Silas is a piece of work..."

"He enjoyed your little encounter too," the man said, smiling. "He hasn't been bested in a one-on-one match in a long time."

"He's lucky. I could have done much worse," Chase said grumpily.

"He knows that. We all do. After all, the events of the past year... Well, it's hard to keep such things secret isn't it? Your battle with Sammael, well..."

Chase sort of smiled and said, "That was just the beginning, but that, no one will talk about!"

He could tell his grandfather was intrigued, and it pleased him that the man clearly didn't know about how he'd faced off with Raziel.

"Well, in any case," the man said. "You know about the World Congress of Wizards and Witches coming up at the end of the summer?"

"I am aware of it," Chase said. "Though I don't know what you think that has to do with me."

"Don't be coy, Chase," the man said. "We knew there was a new Grand Marshal, that much couldn't be kept secret, and your power makes it clear that it must be you... You'll have unprecedented influence on the Congress!"

"So you want something from me?"

"No," the man said, and Chase's glare flickered. "Chase, you ARE my grandson, and I'm sorry things have been so ... tense in our family. All I ask is that you hear me out and make your own decisions."

"Alright, but first, I have a question for you. I was attacked a couple of days ago, and saw a man murdered recently. Friends of mine have been threatened. What do you and your friends in Black Thorn know about an `Order', and what is their interest in me?"

He could see the man knew something, and Felix knew he could tell, so he had to reveal something. Something useless. "We've been monitoring increased activity in the area by a well-organized group of religious fanatics with little to no magickal ability. I don't know what they call themselves, and they have code names to keep themselves secret."

"I guess their lack of magick explains the guns... What are they after? What do they want with me?" Chase asked.

"They're looking for something. They must think you can help them find it – whatever it is, it's very powerful, because they're bent on global theocracy..."

Chase nodded, unable to know whether the man had told him everything. But the man had told him the truth. "Alright, go ahead..."

"Chase, for years, the queen of the witches and the underlings have been consolidating global magickal power. Left to grow unchecked," he began.

"The Council would keep them in check," Chase asserted.

"Perhaps, but your Sebastian has a blind spot for the Queen and her family. It might be too late before... Never mind that. The Black Thorn is a magickal resistance to the total authority of the Queen, which is rapidly approaching. I promise you that. And one thing I can tell you for sure? If the Order knows about you and Sammael, and your power, that knowledge comes from wizards or witches. They are, and have been, the weak link in the shadow community. Someone has betrayed you!"

Chase looked suspicious but remained silent. "Tell me, Chase ... were you put through the tests to determine your rank?" The boy nodded. "Who was present?"

"William was there and some of the guys," Chase said.

"Which explains why they didn't know exactly which one of you got the rank. Perhaps the informant wasn't fully in the know... Who else?"

"Sebastian and Avery," he said.

"Both of whom are old enough to know how to keep a secret, and seem quite devoted to you and your William. Or so Silas tells me..."

Chase nodded, "And the Queen and members of her court." Felix nodded and remained silent.

"Be careful at the Congress, and be wary of the Queen's intention? We'll be there, but won't be able to raise a hand to help you if things go wrong," he warned with a show of grandfatherly concern that seemed legitimate enough. "Well, here you are, Chase..."

Chase looked at the man and thought for a moment. "Would you like to come in?"

"I shouldn't, unexpected. I don't think your father would like that," Felix said.

Chase frowned. "Have you ever just tried to say you're sorry?"

Felix smiled. "I should have a long time ago, Chase. But it's too late now," the man said. "Too much has passed."

"It's never too late," Chase said.

"Perhaps," the man said, authentically thoughtful. "I wonder if I might see you again some time? Perhaps you and William?"

Chase thought about it and said, "I'm not sure I trust you enough, to be honest."

The man sighed and nodded. "Still, he must be a remarkable boy," Felix said, pointing at Chase's hand, at the Bond.

"He made it all on his own," Chase said proudly.

"Well," Felix said, "if you change your mind, give me a call." He handed the boy his card, on which he had written additional, direct, private contacts.

Chase got out and walked up to the door, where he found his father waiting. "THAT didn't take long, did it?" the man asked angrily. "How could you take a ride from him? Chase, he's dangerous!"

"DAD, I am dangerous!" Chase said with an exasperated laugh. "He told me some things that might be useful..."

"Be careful of the lies," his father cautioned.

"Dad, I'm not blind," he said, laughing and adding, "anymore! I know he didn't tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But it's worth thinking about." Chase leaned on the crooked piece of wood he carried as his walking stick and smiled at his dad. "I love you, dad," he said after a moment of silence.

Steve grabbed him in a big hug and said, "I love you, too, my sweet boy! Where did that come from?" he asked with paternal insight.

"I was just talking to Daniel. He's so unhappy, so lonely. His parents don't show him any affection..."

"No wonder he likes Matt so much," Steve laughed, making Chase's face freeze with surprise.

"How did YOU know that?" Chase asked.

"How did I know what? He and Matt are good friends now, right. I can see why an affection-starved boy would be drawn to Matt! But you thought I meant something else," Steve said, arching his eyebrows.

Chase smiled and nodded. "Daniel likes Matt SO MUCH! He sang `Can't Help Falling in Love' at karaoke the other night for Matt..."

"And how did Matt respond to THAT?" Steve asked, repressing a laugh.

"How do you think, dad? Of course, doofus was the only one there who didn't realize it was for him!"

Steve laughed and patted him on the back. "William's upstairs with Alex, who's probably asleep..."

Chase went upstairs to find William, and though the boy didn't turn around, he whispered, "Hey, baby," as Chase came in the room.

"How did you know it was me?" Chase whispered back.

William took his knuckle and made a rhythmic rapping on the desk and pointed to the stick. Chase laughed softly and rolled his eyes, before filling him in on Daniel and his grandfather.

"You had an eventful night!" After a moment of silence, William continued, "You don't really think someone loyal to the queen betrayed you?"

"I don't know," Chase said. "When I talked to Spencer, he told me what his mother requested, which was basically the positive spin on what my grandfather said. She wants power, he says; she wants to keep the opposition from eroding her power, she says. I'm not sure I trust either my grandfather or the queen. She did nearly kill me at the trials." ***

"So," Felix asked. "The plan is in order?"

"Yes, we've got teams watching them all the time, waiting for the right time," Abraxos said.

"His devotion to the boy is extreme and absolute," Felix said. "If you have William, you can control Chase. That was Sammael's method, too..."

"And look what happened to him!" Abraxos said. "We've decided not to take William. First, he's too dangerous. Second, there's a better way of controlling Chase," the man explained, enjoying taking the opportunity to rub it in Felix's face. "We're going to take Alex!"

"Who is Alex?" Felix asked, incredulous.

"Your great-grandson of course! No one told you?" Abraxos laughed.

"No," Felix sighed. "We've not been watching my family; until recently they were too unremarkable..."

"He's a beautiful child, Felix... If everyone survives, perhaps you'll have the opportunity to see him!"

"What do you mean if everyone survives?" Felix snarled. "If anything happens to my grandson or his son, there will be nowhere for you people to hide. IT was never part of the discussion."

"Calm down, Felix," Abraxos said. "Everything will be fine!"

"Don't tell me to calm down! If one hair on my grandson's head is out of place when this is all over, I swear to God my face will be the last one you see," the old man said, slamming the phone. ***

Over the next couple of weeks, Chase and William mostly stayed in, except to do the occasional errand to help Charlotte prepare for the wedding, or to go hang out with Matt and Daniel, or Carl and Edward, or some combination of them, especially as the school year drew to a close. With the whole day available, they could do more with Daniel, because he had from morning to evening to spend with them if he wanted.

The week of Dave and Charlotte's wedding, they took Charlotte to lunch. "You guys are so sweet," she gushed. "You've helped so much! I don't know what we would have done without you!"

"You would have been just fine. Dave would have taken care of everything," William said.

"Plus, he's super cute so you'd have made plenty of your own fun!" Chase added with an impish grin.

With a blush, she said, "We do manage that! Especially given, you know," she said, widening her eyes and parting her hands, indicating a very healthy size, before laughing. "But we couldn't have had the wedding we wanted, and life would have been much harder! You guys," she said, shaking her head.

"Well, we're glad to help!" William said.

"Plus, it's nice to have another woman around besides, mom! Our life is kind of a sausage fest," Chase added cheekily.

"Someone is apparently ON today," William said with an apologetic laugh.

But Charlotte rolled with it and said, "But I don't guess a sausage fest is a bad thing if you just can't get enough sausage?"

"Don't encourage him!" William said, rolling his eyes.

"He's so serious! I wouldn't keep him around, but," he trailed off, making the same hand gesture as Charlotte had earlier, causing the woman to giggle and William to blush. ***

"So where is this place?" Daniel asked Matt. They'd been driving for a while and it made Daniel nervous to be so far from home. Even though it was just lunch time, he was worried about getting home on time.

"Just a few more miles! Don't worry, it's gonna be great!" They were driving into a state forest on a road that snaked along right by the river. Shortly Matt pulled off and parked, paying the park fee at a box and grabbing a big back from the back of the car. "You have everything you need?" he asked Daniel before locking the door. He led Daniel down a path, walking about ten minutes, until they came to a clearing. They were standing on a bank looking over the slow-moving river, which narrowed here and deepened, creating a nice pool.

"I told you I can't swim," Daniel said, nervously.

"It's okay. The water doesn't get over your head except one little spot way over there," he said, pointing to a deep hole about thirty feet out.

"Why aren't you wearing your swim-suit?" Daniel asked, looking down at his own not-so-stylish trunks.

"I am," Matt grinned, dropping his jeans to reveal the blue speedo he swam in on the rec league team in the summer. "My uniform! If school was still in and I knew no one would happen along," he added conspiratorially, "I wouldn't need it."

Daniel gulped, then opened his mouth, then closed it again, as the boy shucked his shirt and stood there for a moment in the tiny swimsuit before diving into the water at a shallow angle. A moment later, he stood in water up to his belly button, his chest glistening as he wiped the water from his face. "It's great! Come on in!"

Daniel shyly took his shirt, shoes and socks off and sat on the bank, his feet dangling in the water, but he was clearly afraid of just jumping in, so Matt waded to the edge and said, "Trust me? You'll be fine!" When the boy nodded, Matt placed his hands at the boy's waist and eased him into the water so he didn't have to splash down. For a moment, they stood chest-to-wet-chest, noses inches apart, before Matt backed up and smiled. "SEE!"

Daniel stuck close to him as they waded out into deeper water, up to their chests. "Still nervous?" Matt asked, and the boy nodded.

"It's okay. A lot of people are afraid of the water," Matt said. "But I'm not going to let anything happen to you! Steve used to bring me and Chase out here to swim. Chase was blind but I took care of him. And I'll take care of you." At those words, Daniel shivered noticeably and Matt asked, "Chilly?"

Daniel nodded, lying, "A little."

Matt moved out into shallower water before splashing the boy, causing a shocked look to spread over his face. "Best way to warm up is a little water-fight!" Soon Daniel's inhibitions melted a little and they were tromping around in the water, splashing each other, laughing and forgetting themselves. So when Matt initiated a little more physical roughhousing, it seemed like nothing. Daniel even dunked Matt once or twice, causing him to grab Daniel around the waist and lift him up out of the water. But he saw the fear in the boy's face just in time and stopped, letting him slide down into the water.

Daniel surprised him by smiling, their arms still around one another, and saying, "You could have done it. It would have been okay," before shoving Matt back into the water. Matt did toss him a few times after that, and the boy's face was afraid still but he came up laughing.

A while later they crawled out of the water and sat on the towels they had brought to dry off, letting themselves sort of drip dry in the sun. "Have fun?" Matt asked with a dimpled smile.

"That was the best," Daniel said, smiling over at him.

He felt Matt's big hand on his back. "Thanks for trusting me," Matt said softly, moving his hand up the boy's back to his shoulder and squeezing. "Thanks for everything you've done for me." Daniel felt Matt move next to him until their thighs were rubbing together, the hairs on Matt's legs tickling his, and Matt hugged him into himself. Surprising himself, Daniel let his arm snake around Matt and he hugged him back as he lay his head on the boy's muscled shoulder. Every fiber of Daniel's being cried out to close the last couple of inches and kiss the boy's cheek, even; if ever there was a time! But as the minutes ticked by and the moment didn't pass, there was a feeling of comfort and warmth that Daniel couldn't bear to risk. ***

Josh and Billy took the middle of the day off on Thursday and went to sign the last papers and get the keys for their new house. Everything was expedited by the fact that the house was already empty and the loan was preapproved by Sebastian's bankers. After it was over and they had their keys, Josh called Steve. "Do you mind if we stop by the house for a bit before we come back?"

"Why don't you take the rest of the week? Dave's off the rest of the week with the wedding and I was thinking I might take it off as well!" Steve answered.

"Great!" Josh said.

"Oh, and Josh? The boys said they were leaving you a present at the house, so don't be surprised by anything you might find!"

"Thanks for the warning! How did they get in?" Josh asked.

"Abracadabra, I imagine!" Steve said, hanging up.

Josh told Billy, "Let's go by the house! We've got the rest of the week off... And William and Chase left a surprise for us!"

"Hmm," Billy said, "how exciting!" As they drove, he asked, "When will they deliver our stuff?"

"Monday evening... I thought we could get the house furnished this weekend, except for what we want to keep of what's coming, so we'd have a place to put everything as we unpack. Even if the furniture isn't delivered until next week, we won't have time to unpack until next weekend."

"How can we afford to furnish the whole house?" Billy asked.

"James called last night to say Sebastian was insisting on buying it for us and letting us pay him back, no interest. And I'm not refusing!"

"I wouldn't want you to," Billy said. "However great this is, it wasn't our choice, so there might as well be a few perks," the realistic young man replied.

When they arrived, they found a bottle of champagne on the island with two glasses and a note that read, "Welcome home! Enjoy the champagne, and then check the master bedroom. If you want, send pictures ;) William and Chase"

Billy broke up laughing as Josh popped the cork and poured each of them a glass. After they refilled, they carried the bottle upstairs. When they opened the door, both men burst out laughing and turned beet red. On the floor was an inflatable air mattress with blankets and a bottle of lube. "Horn dogs," Billy laughed.

Josh turned a little redder and said, "This was actually my plan for the afternoon too, but I just had a blanket in the trunk!"

"Well, get naked," Billy laughed as he started to shuck his clothes, as they raced to see who could get naked first. As was their custom in such races, first guy naked got fucked first, and they both liked to win. ***

"What are you thinking about?" William asked, noticing the smile on Chase's face as he took notes on his laptop.

Chase's smile widened. "I was just thinking about the old air mattress. I bet she's never seen better days..."

William laughed. "Yeah, I bet! But nothing like this baby," he said, patting the bed he was sitting on with his computer. Chase got up from the desk and took his laptop and sat it on the nightstand, climbing up and straddling his beloved, kissing him deeply.

"Your mom's got Alex for a while?" William asked, breathlessly. Chase nodded and got up to lock the door, stripping as he returned and resuming his position nude. He felt William's strong hands roam his body as they kissed. Tossing Chase aside, he quickly stripped and got back on the bed. This time, when Chase straddled him, he also grabbed William's hardening cock with a lubed hand and got the boy nice and slippery before guiding him to his tight hole. Chase leaned in a few inches to kiss William, who was propped up in almost a sitting position on pillows, while he increased the pressure and settled himself onto William's firm manhood.

As they began to kiss again, William began to hump up into him, even as Chase slowly rode him. They grasped at each other as if looking for a life-saving hold as they continued to kiss and make love, long and slow. "Oh, God, William," Chase whispered at last. "Take me hard!"

William grasped his firm buttocks and turned him over without pulling out and began pumping him with abandon, as Chase began to claw at his back with soft fingertips. "Mmmm, harder!" Chase demanded insistently. Then he smiled, winked and added, "Pound me like I'm your bitch!"

"Dirty talk?" William asked with a grin. "It sounds so BAD coming from someone as beautiful as you!" But then he pulled out and Chase started to protest before William rolled him over, spread his knees and began to fuck him flat onto the bed. Pumping him vigorously, he wrapped his forearm across Chase's neck, lifted the boy's upper body a few inches and whispered into his ear, "Is this how you want it?" He kissed and nibbled at Chase's shoulder and neck as the sound of balls and hips smacking boy flesh became obscenely loud. Thank goodness they were a long way from the living room and it was daytime!

"Is that all you got, little boy?" Chase asked, turning his head with a grin.

William grabbed him by the waist and hiked him up a bit before giving Chase a firm, openhanded smack on the ass. "Oh, yeah," Chase groaned as he bucked against William, driving him wild. William repeated the move, leaving a nice red hand-print on Chase's lily white posterior, to an even better effect, and a few seconds later Chase felt the cock swell and shoot deep inside him, as William collapsed full-bodied on top of him.

They lay like that for a while, William's cock beginning to shrink but remaining plump enough in the tight warmth not to slip out. "That was different," William whispered in Chase's ear.

"That was hot as hell!" Chase grinned. Then he sighed and said, "I love the feeling of you on my back like this, but I need to get up!"

"Need to go to the bathroom," William asked.

"No," Chase said as William rolled off. "That was getting uncomfortable," he said, pointing at his own erection.

William smiled and said, "I can take care of that for you..."

"I was hoping you would," Chase grinned, but before William could get his mouth on it, Chase playfully pushed him away and said, "Oh, no, big boy!" William grinned and reached for the lube. ***

Thursday evening, Chase and William were sitting down to dinner when the doorbell rang. Dave and Charlotte were standing there waiting. "What's wrong?" William asked, inviting them in.

"Well," Charlotte said, looking harried, "my uncle Bernie just called and he's not going to be able to make it to the wedding!"

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry," Sarah said. "You are close?"

"Not really, but he's my dad's only brother, and my dad died when I was in elementary school," she explained. "So, Uncle Bernie was going to walk me down the aisle!"

"Oh my!" Sarah exclaimed. "What are you going to do?"

"Well," Charlotte said, "I don't have any brothers, so I thought I'd ask Chase and William!"

"Cool!" Chase smiled, making William smile. Then Chase looked at Dave and said, "You know what that means?"

"Do I even want to know?" he asked.

"It means I get to kiss her first, so you'll have some big shoes to fill at show-time," Chase added with an angelic smile.

Thanks to Mary and John for reading over this and catching some typos, and Mark for offering feedback.

Next: Chapter 28: A Light in the Darkness II 13

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