A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Jun 4, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Chapter 13

I am now posting my stories to my new website, jaygordonstories.com. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. Currently, A Light in the Darkness II Chapters 12-18 are available there, (The latest chapters are for registered users only, so if you don't register you won't find them!), as well as two stories not available on Nifty, so check it out if you like the story!

William and Chase spent the morning working around the house, while Sarah went shopping. Then just after lunch, they turned over Alex duty to her and rode with Steve out to the new house to look at the renovations.

"Wow, that's our house!" Chase said, pointing to the spot where the cottage was being erected near the lake. "They're really getting the work done!"

"You should see the farmhouse! It's really coming along too!" Steve said, excited, and gave the boys a tour of the huge house. The master bedroom, an office with library, a kitchen and formal dining room, a sitting room and a living room made up the first floor, and remained largely unchanged, except the old wall-paper was taken down and the carpets were removed, the underlying hardwood sanded and refinished. The bathrooms and kitchens were updated of course.

Upstairs, there had been three bedrooms and a big family room. They'd had some of the family room divided off and had another bathroom installed upstairs. The third floor attic space was being converted into another bedroom suite, for guests. Laundry chutes were being installed as well as some modern amenities. But all the work was coming along nicely.

Then they went out back where the hole was being dug for a massive in-ground pool. They'd thought a lot about what to do with the barn, but at last it was decided to convert it into a modern workspace for William, like his shed at the house, but much bigger, and they'd have plenty of room to raise herbs and store ingredients.

The little lake had a little dock for tying up a couple of canoes, and a flock of ducks was happily feeding off some underwater life. It was quiet, serene, even, and Chase wrapped his arm around William. "This is going to be nice," he sighed. "But it would be nicer if..."

"I don't think we can convince Matt's family to move out here, babe," William laughed. "But we did ask for three bedrooms, so he can stay over whenever! Not that we'd need the extra room for that!"

Chase laughed at that comment and squeezed him before turning and giving him a full bodied hug. "I don't think I've ever told you how much I appreciate it that you're not jealous of Matt and me." William shook his head, but Chase said, "NO! You know most guys wouldn't be able to handle it. As long as he and I have loved each other, it would scare off most people, but you just accepted it..."

"I guess I just wanted you so bad," William whispered, leaning in to him, "and I knew nobody could ever get between you two. And I love you so much, I wouldn't want to." Chase kissed him then.

Steve coughed to remind them he was still there. "It's almost time to be going, boys, so we can get dressed and go to the rehearsal and dinner!"

Chase smiled up at William and kissed him again, before replying, "Alright! Let's go!"

Back at the house, Chase changed into tan dress slacks and a pink dress shirt, while William wore powder blue. Alex had on one of his little outfits and was raring to go when Chase picked him up. Downstairs they met Steve in his sport coat and Sarah in her maternity sun dress, and all got ready to ride down to the church. When they arrived, most everyone was already there. Sarah and Steve sat in the church with Alex while Chase and William got their instructions and lined up for their dress run.

The music started and people began to walk down the aisles, getting directed on speed by the coordinator. "Hey, hot stuff," Chase said as Charlotte took her place between them as the rest of the wedding party lined up in front. Then the wedding march began, and flanked by the two gorgeous teens, Charlotte began her first walk down the aisle.

"Good, good," the wedding coordinator commented on their speed. They reached the end of the aisle and she said, "Alright, stop here. You can lift her veil and give her a kiss or hug, and then Charlotte, stop long enough for Chase to cross your path and let them take their seats, and then continue up to Dave. No one is giving you away?"

"No," she said, shaking her head.

"Any questions, boys?" the coordinator asked.

William shook his head, but Chase got a smile and William elbowed him but to no avail. "How much?" The woman looked confused, but when Chase began to clarify, Charlotte blushed brightly. "Like, when we kiss her, is it full tongue and ass-grabbing, or just..."

"A kiss on the cheek should be sufficient," the woman said, chuckling. Apparently she'd been around someone who thought they had a sense of humor before.

"Well sure, sufficient for me, because I've got him, but to think of someone getting married without ever getting a," he began to giggle, but William dragged him to their seats.

"Enough of that, you!" William said.

They noticed how red Charlotte was, and how much of a kick Dave was getting out of it, and they sat laughing in their seats. The rest of the rehearsal went smoothly, and everyone was excused to make their way to the social hall, where dinner would be served shortly. The wedding coordinator caught Chase and William on their way out, and William expected they'd receive a lecture.

Instead the woman laughed and said, "Thanks!"

"What?" William laughed, "I figured you'd be having fits over that!"

"Everybody is usually so nervous, these things are like pulling teeth. You took care of that right at the beginning," she said. "Rehearsals never go this smoothly!"

Chase just smiled and nodded. "I'm glad this one did!"

While they were waiting for dinner, they met a lot of Charlotte and Dave's friends from college, who formed the bulk of the wedding party, as well as Dave's family. Everybody had heard about them, and wanted to meet them after all they'd done for the young couple. Dave's parents, especially, were effusive.

"You boys have helped make all their dreams come true and we ... just can't thank you enough!" Dave's mother said as she hugged the boys.

"Well, Dave is a great guy, and that's why I wanted to help him," William said, "and why I wanted his help! So you guys can thank yourselves!"

"Oh! You're a charmer," she gushed.

Their college friends were less awestruck but no less amazed by the boys. Whatever they'd expected of their friends' fairy godparents, the boys didn't fit. They were nice, down-to-earth boys, by all outward appearances, and a little less `fairy' than some of them had guessed.

William actually overheard one of Dave's jockier friends saying to the man, "Those dudes are pretty cool for queers!"

Dave looked cross and responded, "Don't be ignorant, Robbie!"

"I meant it as a compliment," Robbie replied.

"I know, dude!" Dave said, shaking his head, laughing. "But you know, I've met a lot of gay guys because of Chase and William, and for the most part they're good guys. Just like any other bunch of guys."

After dinner, everyone sat around and talked for a little while, but it got to be time for the men and women to go their separate ways for their respective parties. Chase and William were getting ready to leave when Charlotte said, "You want to come to the bachelorette party?"

"Probably shouldn't," Chase laughed. "I don't think mom and dad would let us!"

"Let you what?" Sarah said, approaching.

"I just asked if Chase and William wanted to come to the bachelorette party," Charlotte said with a laugh.

"Someone will watch out for them – no alcohol or anything too bad?" Sarah asked, and Charlotte nodded. "Well, why not? It's not like you boys haven't been through some pretty adult stuff!" Both boys were shocked but shrugged.

"Why not?" William said.

But Dave came over to kiss Charlotte for the last time before the wedding and said, "What?"

"Sarah's letting the guys stay for our party!"

Dave smiled to himself and said, "Uh uh! William, you're with us! No fair you guys get to stick together while the rest of us split up!"

William laughed and shrugged again, and said, "Alright! Chase, put a dollar in his package for me?" with a wink.

"WHAT?" Dave said.

"JUST KIDDING! Sheesh, what sort of lame bachelor party are you having?" William asked.

"I don't know. Robbie has it all planned out!" Dave said as he led William out to the waiting limo.

"Oh, great," William ribbed him. "Mr. Too Cool for the Homos!"

"You heard that?" Dave said with a blush. "I'm sorry, he mean's well, but..."

"I know, I listened to the whole conversation," William laughed. "But I can't promise I won't mess with him!"

"Oh my God! Nothing too bad, please?" Dave begged.

"I'll think about it," William said, batting his eyebrows. "But you know sometimes we just can't control ourselves. We're animals!"

"HUSH!" Dave said, shaking his head. "Hey, guys, William's coming along! Where are we going?"

"Oh, uhm," Robbie said, looking around. "Some of the places we're going you need to be 18 to get in..."

"Strip club, huh?" William asked, not waiting for the boy to nod. "I've got ID so we're good!"

"Alright!" Robbie said. "Let's go, then!"

Richmond didn't have a lot of risqué entertainment available for young women, so Charlotte's friends had gotten a big suite and brought some dirty theme games and some gifts for the young bride-to-be.

Chase was standing with Charlotte's friend Rebecca in the hotel lobby and said, "If I had known I would have brought something!"

"It's alright! Charlotte's just glad you could come, and you're a hoot!"

Chase thought for a moment and said, "Did you get a stripper?"

"Why, you wanna get naked for us cutie?" Rebecca teased.

"I would, but it wouldn't be fair for your future husbands. You'd be ruined on other men forever," he teased. "And of course you'd all go to jail. Well, I am sixteen now, so maybe not..."

"No, we looked but we couldn't get a guy hot enough for the price," Rebecca laughed.

"You don't think Dave would mind?" Chase asked.

"Robbie and the guys are taking him on a tour-o-strip-clubs tonight!" she laughed.

"Oh, William will love that!" Chase laughed, and she looked at him funny, unable to read the comment. "Oh, William's attracted to girls to, so he may actually get a kick out of it," he added with a laugh.

"No," she said, "I'm just wondering how they'll get William into the clubs."

"Oh, William can take care of that," he said. "I'm sure his ID will say he's plenty old enough when they look at it."

"You are funny boys," she said, shaking her head. As he pulled out his phone, she asked, "WHAT?" with a bit of trepidation at the look he gave her.

"Pulling some strings. What time would you like a live show?" he grinned, and dialed the number.

At the club, Dave pulled William aside. "Are you sure? You don't have to come! I had no idea!"

"It's okay, tonight I'm legal," William winked.

"But a night of naked women isn't your thing, is it?" Dave asked.

"I can appreciate a nice looking woman with the rest of them," William said, surprising him. "What? The fact of the matter is I'm just so in love with Chase, I wouldn't look crossways at a girl anymore with a thought of getting with her. But yeah, I always was pretty much a straight guy, or so I let myself think until I met him. And I wasn't kidding myself, women can be hot!"

"Yeah," Dave said, "I know what you mean!"

"I know you do, bud! That's why I like you!" William answered and they headed for the door.

The big doorman looked at William with a grumpy look and said, "Don't screw around, kid!"

But William reached into his pocket and pulled out the license that showed him to be 22. "I look young! I get that all the time!"

The man examined the document closely and finding it quite legal said, "Alright, sir! My mistake!" and waved them in. Dave grabbed the license before he put it away and looked at it, finding it clearly indicated William was about to turn 17.

"Who are you, Yuri Geller's nephew?" Dave asked.

William smiled. "Cool reference! And yeah, kinda!"

Dave shook his head and put his arm across the boy's shoulder. The guys had already planted themselves at a reserved table near the stage. William planted himself to Robbie's left and ordered a coke when the waitress came by. "How much for a lap-dance, baby?" he asked the pretty waitress, probably a 20-year-old college student.

"I think the girls are getting about $15 a song," the girl said, smiling sweetly.

"What about you, sweetheart?" William asked, leaning back in his chairs and spreading his legs like a thug.

The girl actually blushed as she let her eyes travel to his package. "Uhm, I, uh, they don't let the waitresses do that kind of work, sir," she said.

"Damn shame," William said. "You're way finer than any of those skanks," he added with a wink that really got her going, and she headed off to fetch their drinks. He looked over at Robbie who was just staring at him, open-mouthed, and saw Dave on the other side of him chuckling and shaking his head.

After he got his drink, he winked at the girl again. When the next girl got up on stage, he got up and slipped a five in her thong while the guys cheered him on and then winked at Robbie before crossing the room and whispering to the waitress, "Could I talk to you a minute? I'm sorry for before, but I'm trying to make a point to the dude sitting next to me. You see, I heard him tell my friend tonight that I'm pretty cool for a queer..."

"Oh," the girl's face fell. "Sorry, I guess I thought..."

"HEY!" William said with an adamant whisper. "I meant every word I said! I've always liked girls... It's just there's this ONE guy, and he's the best! But if I didn't, you ARE the prettiest girl in this room!"

She blushed again and smiled really bright. "So what's the point?" she asked.

"That you can't judge someone by a label! You can't put people in boxes!" As he said that, he put his hand on the wall over her shoulder and leaned in real close, whispering, "Laugh, and lean in real close?" She did what he asked. "Okay, play along and I promise you there's a huge tip in it for you!"

"That's cool! This is more fun than I've ever had here," she said.

"Alright, this part might make you a little uncomfortable, but, is he looking?" She nodded. "Okay, I'm going to press up against you, and I'm going to need you to look shocked and smack my face!"

"Really?" she asked but she felt his body press into her and thought, he is big,' which helped with the surprised look. Then she hauled off and smacked him. Luckily, none of the bouncers or managers saw that, though one of the dancers mouthed, You go, girl!' at her. William winked at her, and said, "When you come by our table, act disgusted, but interested all at once. Got it?" She managed not to smile before he turned and walked back to the table.

"Jesus Christ, man!" Robbie said, "Try not to get us kicked out!"

"She wants it," William winked at him. "You know it!"

"Dude!" he said, shaking his head.

But then she returned to fill their drinks and scowled at William, but couldn't tear her eyes away from his package. That part wasn't an act – he felt good pressed against her – though she made a big show of spilling a bit of water while doing it.

"Dude! She does!" Robbie said when she was gone. Robbie was now spending as much time watching William as the strippers. William scratched himself with enough finesse that he filled out his pants a little better, and he could tell Robbie was seeing what the waitress had felt.

The next time she came back, William had written a little note to her, which he passed to her, saying, "When you're ready for some serious action, call me, sweetheart!" She stormed off and read the note, which did have his phone number and email on it. `Seriously, if you would like to find a better job than this one, where you don't have to deal with as many assholes, I can help.' She smiled across the room at him and nodded, prompting Robbie to exclaim, "Holy shit, dude! Five college aged studs and the only one of us getting any interest is William!"

William leaned over and ran his hand over his plumped manhood and said, "Who wouldn't go for this?" Now that he had Robbie's attention, he said, "YOU like what you see?"

Robbie coughed and said, "I guess you got that going for you..." After a moment, he said, "What about Chase?"

"What about him?" William asked.

"That dude is sweet on you bad," Robbie said, concern in his voice. "And he's kinda cute!"

"I think you do like what you see, and you're just trying to make me think twice because," William said, leaning in so none of the other guys could hear him. But his game had just taken a serious turn he hadn't foreseen. Robbie's face froze into a mask, but his eyes were full of fear and pain. "Hey, man, come on. Let's you and me have a talk..."

Robbie nervously followed him down a hall, where they found an empty room unlocked. Robbie could barely look at him, so William grabbed his arm and he almost jumped out of his skin. "Chill, dude!" William said. "I'm not going to make you my butt-boy!" he added with a laugh, and got a smile. "I am truly, madly, deeply in love with Chase! More than anything else in this world, I'm sure of that!"

"Then what ... was this all about?" Robbie asked.

"I heard what you said to Dave about us being cool for queers this afternoon and decided to mess with you. I just had no idea that you were..."

"You can say it," Robbie said, his eyes downcast.

"You should say it," William said.

"I'm gay, and you're the only person I ever told," Robbie said. "I'm sorry for earlier, but you know, the only thing I ever knew about gay was a couple of guys in high school – total outcasts – and I knew I didn't want to be like that! I just wanted to be normal. But seeing you guys, the way you are with my friends and your family, and each other... It got me thinking again. That's what I meant by saying what I said."

William grabbed his hand and said, "That was the point I was trying to make with tonight's little display, though for different reasons. People aren't pegs you can fit into predrilled holes. We're all just ... what we are. I don't even consider myself gay; I'm bi I guess. And if Chase wasn't so pretty, and didn't make so many gay jokes, no one would even guess about him, I bet!"

"I guess I was so busy trying to avoid being what I thought gay meant, it never occurred to me to just get to know other gay guys and realize that! Seeing you guys with Dave, too, really helped, because he's my best friend, and I was always terrified he would abandon me!"

"That's never going to happen," William assured, still holding Robbie's hand in both of his.

After a long silence, Robbie laughed. "That poor waitress!"

"Don't worry about her. I talked her through her acting," William said with a wink.

"Good!" Robbie laughed. After an awkward pause, he looked at William and asked, "Would it be alright if I gave you a hug?" William opened his arms and the man stepped into his embrace. Robbie's tears were not tears of sadness, and he laughed, "If it weren't for Chase, I might have asked for a kiss!"

William squeezed him tight and said, "If it weren't for Chase, I might have given you one."

"Me and that waitress," Robbie laughed.

"That's hot!" William said in a butchered Paris Hilton expression. Robbie laughed. They both jumped apart when the door opened.

Seeing the two caught-looking young men, Dave asked, "WHAT was I interrupting, rump rangers?"

"Just a talk," William said.

"You knew?" Robbie asked a moment later.

"Since sophomore year, dude!" Dave said.

"How?" Robbie asked.

"My computer was broken and I needed to check my email so you told me to use yours. When I moved the mouse and the screensaver closed, you'd left open your porn directory with like a hundred pictures of young studs pounding ass... I just closed it and pretended I saw nothing!"

"Why didn't you say anything? I was so afraid!"

Dave smiled. "I always just tried to be positive about gays and never say anything derogatory, and hoped you'd realize you could trust me!"

"I trust you dude, but with that, you never really know. I mean, people's parents turn on them!"

Dave grabbed Robbie and pulled him into a big hug. "NOT ME! I'll support you no matter what. So will Charlotte."

"And so will we," William said. "I can key you in with some really cool gay guys; you'll see it's okay!"

The girls were oohing and aahing over some of the skanky lingerie that they had gotten Charlotte when Chase's phone buzzed and he silently excused himself, grabbing two keycards on his way out. Downstairs in the lobby, he smiled and hugged his friend. "THIS IS SO COOL! The girls will die!"

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this!" the young man replied, blushing.

"You are a total hottie, and it's a shame you ever have to wear clothes. Get used to it," Chase said. "Hold on a second," Chase said, running into the store off the lobby and returning with a grin and a bulging pocket.

They took the elevator up to the floor beneath Charlotte's and got out. "I thought you guys were on the next floor?"

"We are, but we're taking the stairs the last flight!"

"Why?" he asked as they entered the stairwell.

"Because there are cameras in the elevator and I'm handling your costume!" Chase grinned as he snapped his fingers and the man looked down to realize his uniform was very form fitting.

"What happened to my underwear?" the man complained.

"I thought a jock-strap might better show off your assets," Chase smiled sheepishly at the man next to him, who blushed to no end. "Okay, wait five minutes and barge in," he said, handing the man a key.

Chase got back to the roomroom as the girls were finishing up with the gifts. "Hey guys," he said, "I was just trying to find a gift because I felt bad for not having one, but I couldn't really find anything," he said, pulling out a roll of ones and tossing it on to the table. "But I did run into this passably cute guy in the lobby and offered him the chance to strip for us, so he's on his way up!"

Charlotte laughed and said, "As exciting as passably cute is," but she fell silent as the door burst open and the handsome young Adonis in his uniform stepped inside. In a subtly British accent, he said, "I hope I'm not late to the party?"

Suddenly all the women in the room lunged for their share of the dollar bills, making Chase laugh and Spencer blush again. "Isn't he even cuter when he blushes, ladies?" They all nodded, and he said, "I for one am dying to see how far that blush travels!" Chase keyed up some music and over the course of a couple of songs, Spencer shed his shirt and undershirt. Just the sight of his creamy skin and almost perpetual blush, his rippling abs and strong arms, had the women in a fluster.

When he reached for his belt buckle, Chase thought Rebecca would swallow her tongue! He really drew it out, taking a song to slip the belt out of its loops before doing some unspeakably erotic things with it, like lashing his creamy smooth back with it a couple of times, leaving read lashes on his skin without doing any real damage. Then he ran it between his legs and humped into it, rising to full mast beneath his pants.

The women were going wild when he slid his pants over that bubble butt, but suddenly the room was silent when he dropped his pants to reveal the black pouch stretched obscenely over his erection, the black straps in sharp contrast to his white ass cheeks. Even Chase was somewhat in awe of that ass, firm, round, perfect and hairless all the way to its pink pucker, which Chase could just glimpse when the man touched the floor between his feet.

Soon, the women were on their knees, taking turns sliding cash into his strap. The shyer women slipped bills into his waistband or the tight bands cutting sexily into the sides of his ass. Charlotte in particular seemed to be enjoying the latter, the feel of the smooth ass beneath her fingers. A couple of the bolder women, Rebecca and another woman, were taking great glee in sliding the bills one at a time into the sides of his pouch, rubbing a few fingers along the shaft of his penis.

Chase smiled as he could tell Spencer was diverting his mind to keep from blowing a load in his jock, which was difficult even though he was gay due to the enthusiastic rubbing he was receiving. When the women were out of cash and he looked like he might put his clothes on, Rebecca said, "What about Chase? You have to put your money in too! I saw you keep a few dollars," she said, her eyes glinting.

"I'm a happily partnered man," Chase said, holding his hands up half-heartedly.

"So is Charlotte ... kinda," Rebecca said with a confused-sounding laugh.

But Spencer saw his chance for payback for his own embarrassment, so he sensually made his way to where Chase was sitting and put his hand on the chair-back just over Chase's shoulder and locked eyes with him, totally playing the part as he lowered himself so he was straddling Chase, his ass occasionally brushing lightly against Chase's rising cock.

"Ahm," Chase said. "Oh, what the hell!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bucks. "Two can play at that," he whispered, as he ran his fingers down the man's muscular torso to slip a buck in the waistband, but tickling that place on the side of his abdomen that William liked and watching Spencer's face contort in unexpected pleasure.

He could see the man recalculating his revenge at that moment, knowing that Chase was willing to play dirty. He turned around and grinded that fine ass into Chase's lap. At that point Chase knew he was going to lose this game of chicken as he watched the hypnotic rhythm. He quickly slipped the cash in the strap nearest him and gave the man a firm whack on his ass. "You played dirtier!" he said and Spencer extended him a hand, helping him up, and hugged him.

Then they noticed all the girls had gotten quiet earlier and were staring with open interest. They separated and Spencer reached for his pants. Chase brushed his pants nervously, but his erection was painfully obvious. "DAMN, boy!" Rebecca said, "William is one lucky girl!"

Chase blushed as Spencer laughed out loud, but Charlotte piped in and said, "Between us girls, I have it on good authority that Chase may be an even luckier girl!" Now Chase was really blushing.

"It's true," he added. "But so is SHE!" Then he quickly added, becoming redder yet again, "So I hear..."

All the girls laughed at that, and Spencer grabbed his belt. Before he could put his shirt on, a few of the girls had to feel his abs one more time. "YOU have to be the best male stripper in Richmond," Rebecca said, in awe.

"Oh, Lt. Spencer isn't a stripper," Chase said. "He's just a friend of mine!"

Rebecca looked back and forth between them and said, "You must have a real way with people, Chase, to just call up a friend and get him to take his clothes off for some skanky hos!"

"And bitches," Charlotte added for good measure, to general laughter.

"Most people would do most anything for Chase," Spencer said with a sincere smile at the boy, buttoning his shirt and giving the boy a hug.

"Thank you, Spencer. And if I were you," Chase said, "I'd take that uniform, that huge erection, and pent-up sexual energy, over to Dean's place and tell him he can thank me later."

"I'll tell him that if you tell William that, when you guys do it tonight, you're thinking of me," Spencer replied and grinned. Chase winked and walked him out.

"Want me to change your outfit back?" Chase asked, giving him another big hug.

"No," Spencer smiled. "I think I'm going to wear it over to Dean's and work out some pent-up sexual energy!"

Chase smiled and said, "Try not to think about me too much!"

"You too," Spencer winked as he stepped into the stairwell, and into a portal. Chase rejoined the girls who were trying to decide what game to play. Chase vetoed truth-or-dare, "Otherwise," he declared, "I'll spend the whole night having to kiss chicks and get blow jobs and shit!"

"Okay, truth or dare, but no illegal dares," Charlotte said, winking. "NO dares of drinking, or streaking, or anything sex with Chase!"

"Alright," Chase relented.

"Bride-to-be makes the first call," Rebecca declared.

Charlotte smiled at her girlfriends and said, "Chase? Truth or dare?"

Chase rolled his eyes and said, "Truth!"

Robbie and William sat back behind the others and chatted, laughing at the guys' antics, especially when Dave was getting his lap dance, sponsored by Robbie. They'd never seen a guy look more uncomfortable having a pretty girl in his lap.

"That's how you know a guy's in love," William laughed. "You ever been in love Robbie?"

The young man took a drink and thought back to a time long repressed. "No. I mean, maybe. He had no idea of course, but I thought he was the greatest thing. I've got a brother two years older than me, and his best friend was a little younger than him, a kid named Brandon. He was the pitcher on my brother's baseball team. He used to sleep over with my brother after games, and in the summers a lot. Unlike most of my brother's friends, he was nice to me, even though I was a thirteen-year-old nobody. I would have done anything for him," Robbie said, drifting off.

"Did you ever think about doing something, or saying something to let him know?"

"Oh, hell! I thought about it all the time. All the damn time! I used to fall asleep daydreaming about confessing my love to him, and he'd draw me into those strong arms and kiss me, and tell me everything would be alrightalright. But in the light of day, it seemed more likely he'd beat the shit out of me. The closest I ever came to doing something that would give me away was one night when my parents were out and it was just the three of us. We decided to watch Dawn of the Dead. We were all so freaked out we all sat pretty close together on the couch, and it was winter so we were covered with blankets. My brother fell asleep."

William smiled and nodded, and Robbie took another drink to continue. "Well, there was one part that really made me jump and I kinda fell over on Brandon. He laughed and whispered, You okay, little buddy?' I told him, I'm scared.' He said, `It's okay! Me too!' and he wrapped his arm around me and let me lay on him, cuddling. I was so close then, so close!"

"What happened to him?" William asked.

"I don't know," Robbie said.

"Bullshit," William said, laughing.

"He went off to school with my brother, but I lost track of him. I'd ask about him and my brother wouldn't talk anymore, so I stopped asking."

"I'm sorry," William said. He thought for a moment and then asked, "How much do you know about me?"

"I know you helped Dave get his new job, and that you helped them get their wedding on track," Robbie said.

"Strictly speaking, I gave Dave his new job. He's trying to protect my identity... Chase and I have some very powerful connections, and I've got a lot of money... I'd like to do something for you, Robbie. If I could tell you what happened to Brandon, would you want to know?"

Robbie looked at him and wiped something from the corner of his eye. "It's been five years since I saw him, and he never gave me any reason to hope, but ... yeah. I want to know." William patted him on the back.

He reached into his pocket and took out a pen and got a receipt from his wallet for scrap. "What was his last name?"

"Parker. Brandon Parker. He'd be 24 or 25 now. Other than that, I don't know," Robbie said.

"Where did you guys go to school?"

"Fairfax High," he said and gave an address.

William picked up the phone and called James. "Hey, buddy!"

"Hey, William! What can I do for you?"

"I need you to track somebody down, a civilian," William said, winking at Robbie.

"What do you have on him?

"Name is Brandon Parker. Fairfax High Class of 2004." He heard James typing.

"Hmmm, can you give me anything else?"

"Hey, Robbie, where did your brother go to college?" William asked.

"University of Virginia!"

"Did you hear that, James?" William asked.

"Yeah. Where the hell are you guys?" James asked with a laugh.

"Tittie bar," William said. "I'll explain later..."

"Uh huh, okay was your boy a baseball player?" James asked.

"That's him," William said.

"This guy a friend of yours?" James asked, concerned.

"Friend of a friend," William said, controlling his voice.

"In the spring of 2006, he dropped off the baseball team abruptly. He stayed in school, started working. He graduated in 2008, and joined the army, infantry. In early spring 2009 he was deployed to Afghanistan."

"Afghanistan?" William asked, unable to repress the question, and saw the look on Robbie's face. "Is he still there?"

"No," James said. "Washington, D.C."

"Oh, that close? Is he at the Pentagon?" William asked sounding relieved.

"No. Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He was severely wounded a couple of months ago in an ambush."

"How is he?" William asked.

"He was critical for a few weeks, but they got him stabilized and transferred back here. They had him in a medically induced coma for a while, but he's out of it now. Physical therapy, psychotherapy, rehab – he's got a long road ahead of him."

"Thanks, James. Talk to you soon."

"Not a problem. Sorry about the news, though, bro."

Robbie was sitting there holding his breath. William put the phone in his pocket, and put his hand on Robbie's arm. "Brandon was serving as an infantry officer in Afghanistan. His unit was ambushed and he was severely injured. He's at Walter Reed right now being treated for his battle wounds and getting rehab." Robbie exhaled and looked distant. "Robbie, the wedding is at five tomorrow. If we hit the road by seven, we can be back by one, or two if you want to stay longer..."

Suddenly, Robbie was in tears and he nodded and leaned over on William's shoulder. "You'd go with me?" Robbie asked.

"I'll go with you," William nodded, putting an arm around him.

"Everything alright, guys," the waitress asked as she popped back by.

"We just got some bad news about an old friend is all," William said. "We'll be alright..." When she was gone, William said, "You wanna call it a night?"

Robbie nodded, and William tapped Dave on the shoulder. "You guys okay? I'm going to get Robbie home..."

Dave turned around and went to kneel by his friend. "What's wrong?" Robbie shook his head and William gave him the long and the short of it. "You guys get out of here, but be sure to get back and dressed by three for pictures. I need my best bro!"

At the door, William caught the waitress's eye and shouted, "I mean it," and made a hand gesture indicating, `Call me.' Then he asked them to call for a cab. At that time on a Friday, it wasn't a long wait because the cabbies were out in force.

"Where are you staying?" William asked him.

"At the wedding hotel. Thought it would be more convenient for partying. That's where my clothes and stuff are," he said. "I'd moved a lot of college stuff back to my parent's place until after graduation and I start my job, and I didn't want to drive back and forth."

William paid for the cab and walked inside with the man. "Are you alright?" William asked. "To stay by yourself, I mean? I've managed to poke around and stir up a lot of crap for you tonight."

"Nah, I don't want to be a bother," the young man said with a sad smile. "I've lived with all this for a long time on my own."

William pulled out his phone and called Chase. "Hey," the boy answered and William heard lots of giggling in the background. "What's up?"

"Come by 407 when you're done. I'm hanging out with Robbie..."

"Alright, see you in a bit," the boy said sweetly. Before he hung up, William laughed at hearing Chase whine, "NOT FAIR! You're all calling on me!," and another round of giggling.

Turning to Robbie with a laugh, he said, "I think the ladies have Chase tied up in a game of truth or dare!"

"No telling what they'll know about you by morning, then," Robbie teased. William laughed and nodded, following him to his room. "Make yourself comfortable," he said as he grabbed some sweatpants and went into the bathroom to change. When he returned he was dressed for relaxing, wearing the sweatpants and leaving his smooth, lithe upper body bare.

"You a runner?" William asked.

"Cross-country, since middle school," Robbie smiled. "Lately, I've been doing some half-marathons..."

"You're looking in shape," William complimented.

"Not like you," Robbie smiled flopping out on the bed and propping up, turning on the news.

William kicked his shoes off and walked around the bed, piling up some pillows so he could sit up and watch television. "You don't mind, do you?" he asked, waiting for the young man to shake his head before stretching out to get comfortable. "I was always sort of skinny, like a runner, actually, until my dad showed me how to lift weights and bought me a nice machine. Now I do that four or five times a week, for tone mostly. Don't want the lifter muscles, but it helped fill me out. You've got pretty good build for a runner..."

"Thanks," Robbie said. "I do try to do some push-ups and stuff. How did your dad react to you coming out?" William looked at his feet and wiped his eyes. "Sorry, bro, I didn't mean to..."

William shook his head and smiled. "My mom's brother is gay, and dad was totally cool with it, but I never came out to my parents before ... they were killed last year. Everybody who knew them tells me they would be proud of me, and I think they always knew..."

"Chase's parents?" Robbie asked.

"Steve was really cool, and Sarah warmed up to me pretty fast. But Chase, they had no problem. And most of our friends have been awesome!"

Robbie nodded. "I'm just glad Dave and Charlotte are okay with me..."

"What about your family?"

"They sucked before," he laughed, "and my brother's been really distant since he went away to college. It's my friends I depend on!"

"Well, if you'll let us, we'll help you meet some great people," William said.

"What kind of shape do you think Brandon will be in?" Robbie asked.

"He was hurt pretty bad," William said. "But it sounds like he's recovering some... He'll need some friends, and I hope seeing you again will help him!"

"Alright, ladies," Chase said, shaking his head, "it's getting late, and there isn't anything else I could possibly tell you about William or his prowess!"

"You could spend the night here!" they all whined. "Stay up with us!"

"Knowing what you know now about William, would you stay here tonight?" he asked with a wink. They all giggle and he said, "Goodnight, ladies. See you this afternoon!" Then he took the elevator downstairs to the fourth floor and went to 407.

He knocked softly and shortly heard the lock click, so he pushed the door open. He walked into the room, looked around the corner, and saw William with his arm around Robbie, who was asleep. "Shhh," William whispered and put a finger to his lips. Chase went around and sat down next to him. William told him all about his night and what he had planned for the following day. "I don't want to leave him alone!"

Chase went into the bathroom and called his mom, and told her they would stay at the hotel. To his surprise, she told him she had expected they would. Chase crawled into bed on the other side, since William was near the edge and Robbie was in the middle, and they pulled up the covers over him and turned off the light.

When morning came, Robbie woke to find his head on a smooth, muscular shoulder and looked up to see William's handsome face. He took the liberty of inhaling deeply the teen's manly scent. Then he noticed a smooth leg was draped across his on the other side, a small hand on his stomach, and turned his head slightly and found himself staring at Chase. As much as he didn't want to, he stretched out his long body and yawned. On each side of him, a warm boy stirred.

Smiling over at Chase, he said, "Is it my birthday?"

"Well I sure as shit ain't Santa Clause, so it must be," Chase said with a smile as he gave the man a tight hug before disentangling himself.

Chase stretched in his boxers before grabbing his pants and William said, "Showing off?"

Chase looked down and said, "The first one's free – everyone after that, you pay!"

William grabbed his pants and pulled them on and said, "We'll take a cab to the house, and I'll get on some casual clothes and drive us to Walter Reed."

"I should stay and help out," Chase said. "You guys can take this one without me..."

William smiled at him and nodded. Robbie shucked his sweats and pulled on a pair of comfortable jeans, a t-shirt, and a ball-cap. "READY?"

"That was fast!" William said with a smile. "Let's get going!"

Back at Xavier's, Chase introduced Robbie around while William ran upstairs and change really quickly. "We'll be back BY TWO at the latest," he promised as they rushed out the door minutes later, leaving Chase to explain the situation as best he could.

Sebastian entered their bedroom and slid in next to James, who was laying down for the morning, and ran his hand down the boy's smooth, muscular back.

"William called in the middle of the night," James said.

"Oh," Sebastian said, running his hand over a bare ass as he propped up on his elbow and raised his eyebrow. "Booty call?"

James smiled weakly and laughed. "No, he wanted information. He was looking for a friend of a friend. Turns out the guy is an injured soldier recuperating at Walter Reed. I got the impression that something was important about it."

Sebastian rolled over and dialed downstairs to Richard. "Richard, could you get me the number for General Smithson?" Lt. General Smithson was Adjutant General of the United States Army

When he had the number, he called the general. "Smithson," the Army's administrative chief answered his phone at the Pentagon.

"General, it's Sebastian van der Meer, Shadow Consul East."

"What can I do for you? Is there a security issue?" the man asked.

"Just calling in a favor," Sebastian said.

"I guess we owe you a few hundred million of those, consul," the man laughed grimly.

"I have a young friend who lost touch with an old friend, and I've tracked him to the Army. Turns out he's in Walter Reed right now... I need to make sure when they go see the young soldier, they don't have any problems. My understanding is the soldier's had a hard time..."

The man was silent for a long time before he coughed and said, "You ... people never stop surprising me, consul." After another pause, he said, "You'd be surprised how many of those boys never get visitors. They go off because they're estranged from family, their girlfriends leave them while they're deployed or when they find out they're getting back broken men... I'll call the hospital administrator and get your boys cleared for access. Names?"

"William Jennings and ... one second." James whispered to him and he added, "Robbie Cosgrove. To see Brandon Parker."

"Got it. Anything else?" the general asked.

"Is there anything we can do for your guys, general?" Sebastian asked. "It's terrible to be injured, but to suffer alone! I was injured terribly myself in WWII, and if it weren't for my friends..."

The man laughed and laughed. "I'm sorry, sir, I just forgot for a second – WWII – you don't hear that much anymore, especially from a guy who sounds like he's about 14!" When he settled down, he said, "We just need more people willing to come volunteer, play chess with the guys, talk, make friends, keep the guys' minds off their problems, you know? Not so much at Walter Reed because we're closing the base and moving the facilities in 2011, though there is a group called CAUSE, but anywhere there's a base or a VA hospital. You know, normally these guys have their Army buddies, but since all the healthy guys are deployed..."

"General, the boys coming up to Walter Reed – human boys I should mention – are great kids and they're keyed in around these parts. I'll talk to them and see what they can do!"

"Consul," he said, and Sebastian interrupted.

"Sebastian, please, general!"

"Then call me Paul. Sebastian, it's been a pleasure! Let me know if you need any further assistance!"

"Thank you, Paul!"

Sebastian then dialed William's cell. "Hello?" the boy answered.

"William, it's Sebastian. Where are you?"

"In my car on my way to D.C. It's a long story and I'll fill you in," he began but Sebastian cut him off.

"You're on your way to Walter Reed to visit Brandon Parker?" Sebastian said, and he could almost see the boy smile. "I just got off the phone with General Smithson, the Adjutant General, who assures me you'll get the access you need."

"Shit! I didn't even think about security. Thanks a million!"

"Talk to you soon," Sebastian said with a smile, hanging up as he felt James's strong arm close around him, his hard cock sliding between Sebastian's cheeks. Reaching back and feeling it slick with precum, he guided it toward his hole, saying, "Someone's ready to go!"

James whispered in his ear, "All that power just makes me horny, I guess... Or maybe it's just this fine ass," he added with a light smack.

Thanks to Mary and Terry for reading over this and catching some typos, and Mark for offering feedback.

Next: Chapter 29: A Light in the Darkness II 14

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