A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Apr 11, 2012


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

Chapter 18

Currently, A Light in the Darkness II Chapters 19-30 are available at jaygordonstories.com ,(The latest chapters are for registered users only, so if you don't register you won't find them!), as well as new stories not available on Nifty, so check it out if you like the story!


A Light in the Darkness volume 1, which folds the two stories [Light and Things That Go Bump] together, eliminating the repetition and smoothing out the transitions is available in both a convenient kindle and print version. BTW if you are Amazon Prime members you can borrow the book from their lending library for free and I get paid! My ultimate goal is to release two books on Kindle and in print formats only this year.

The Kindle version is available, at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007P0CA3I/ref=cm_cr_rev_prod_title

The paper copy is available at: https://www.createspace.com/3832918

Carl rushed to Edward's side, as those men closest to William helped round up his and Chase's friends who had been abducted. Matt's and Sebastian's eyes locked momentarily across the distance, but there was no time. Within minutes, the Israeli authorities would arrive on the scene, no matter how many strings Sebastian had pulled to keep that from happening until now. Sebastian ordered his loyal wizards, vampires and shapeshifters to collect the children and young teens and begin transferring them, under guard, to the barracks in his yard.

Xavier grabbed William and held on for dear life. "I'm sorry, William," he whispered.

"So close," William mumbled.

"Listen," Xavier said, holding him out by his shoulders. "You've got Alex back! Chase is next! But you have to stay with us here; we can't do it without you!"

William nodded and saw that his friends were alright. Shocked, confused, roughed up for sure, but otherwise alright. Alex was fine. "William, it's time to go," Sebastian said, shaking him from his reverie. He'd lost some time, because only a handful of people were left. "We're going back to my place..."

William nodded and followed him through the portal into a very crowded house.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Sebastian called out, "we need some help outside expanding the barracks, please, and overseeing the children. They're afraid, some of the older ones are hostile..."

The lower level operatives were dispatched and the room was cleared of all but the central figures in Sebastian's cadre. "We have to begin planning immediately. We've got to get Chase back, without the resources of a council, and we've got a hundred or so kids without families out there..."

Matt asked, "How many of them are like Daniel?"

"What do you mean?"

"He had no idea he was special," Matt said, "but when his dad tried to kill me he stopped bullets..."

Spencer spoke up and said, "Interesting point. With Chase and now Carl and Chris, we're learning a lot more about the relationship between, and the differences in, the powers of wizards and priests. What if the order is comprised, at least in part, of ancient families of priests? Surely they have some mundane followers, but at least some of these kids may be supernatural."

"We'll monitor them closely," Sebastian nodded at Matt. Then he turned to Chris and said, "Go check on Carl and Edward?" Carl had whisked the boy to a private bedroom on their arrival and they hadn't been seen since.

Sam arrived moments later, flustered and angry all at once. "Thank you, my friend," Sebastian said on his arrival. "Your mission was successful?"

"Yes," Sam said with a sideways glance at Spencer. "The Black Thorn helped me disrupt Dora's ritual."

"WHAT?" Spencer asked. "And my mother?"

Sam looked at him and said, "She's fine. Silas stunned her using one of her own soldiers... She'll live."

"Why does that sound so undesirable?" the young man asked, getting in Sam's face.

"Because your mother admitted instigating this entire confluence of events!" Sam answered. "She tried to kill him during the trial, and when she failed, she decided to use the Order to eliminate him," Sam began and unfolded the explanation.

Spencer had a look of horror on his face as he sat down and put his head in his hands. "Spencer, I'm sorry," Sebastian said. Then he looked at his fellow consuls and assigned each of them to call a number of their colleagues to pass the news along and request they join a teleconference to discuss reconstituting the Council.

As those plans began to progress, William passed Alex to his uncle and went to find Carl and Edward. He found Chris and Marcus sitting with them and they all fell silent as he arrived.

"Hey guys," William said.

Carl looked away, unable to make eye contact with the boy who had not recovered his beloved. William sat down next to Edward on his other side and put an arm around the boy and whispered, "I'm so sorry..."

Edward nodded and said, "Me too..."

"We should get back to Richmond," William said. "There's nothing for us to do here."

"Where am I going to go?" Edward asked.

"Well, you can stay with us," William said.

"Or you can stay with me," Matt said from the door, "since Daniel will probably have to stay with you, William."

"I figured you'd want him to stay with you," William said, surprised.

"I know that worked for you and Chase, but I don't think we're ... there yet, Matt said. "We both have stuff we've got to work on and I don't want it to be weird..."

Edward looked confused as he listened to the conversation, having missed everything that had occurred since his abduction. "Matt's in love with Daniel," William smiled weakly.

"Not fair," Edward said. "We called him if he ever came over!"

The boys talked until Xavier and Aiden slipped away from Sebastian's planning session to bring them home. Matt, Edward and Carl exchanged hugs and well-wishes with Chris and Marcus, knowing they'd see each other soon.

When they stepped out of Xavier's office, they found Daniel reading tensely on the couch and Sarah came running from the kitchen. The first person she saw was William, who had Alex in his arms, and she exhaled. "Thank God!"

William, however, looked stricken and cast his eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry..."

Xavier hurried to her and said, "The Order is defeated, but Chase was taken from us at the last minute. It was the price he paid to send his friends home safely."

The woman closed her eyes and said, "Who has him now?"

"Daemon," William said.

"And Daemon is?' she asked, exasperated, tired, worn down.

"A demon," William said.

Daniel suddenly burst into tears and put his head between his knees, and Sarah rushed to his side, sitting beside him. "What's wrong?" she said softly, running her hand through his hair.

"If I had said something, if I had done something, none of this would be happening. I should have known!" he bawled, as the woman scooped him up.

"Hush," she said, holding him close. "Everything's going to be alright, and we're going to put this all behind us."

"Daniel," Xavier said, "we need to go to your house and get some things for you. Can you tell us what you want? I don't want you to have to go back..." He looked over at the man and opened his mouth, but words would not come. "Daniel, can I tell you something? There's basically a competition going over who gets to keep you," he said with a laugh. "See, Matt here is just worried it would be too awkward to live so close to you, so my nephew thinks you're going to live with him, and Sarah and Steve probably think they'll take you too. But Aiden and I have talked about it and we've got this big old house here, and we don't have kids yet, so when these freeloaders move in to their new place, you and Edward are going to stay with us, okay?"

The boy smiled and began to cry again. "My parents never..."

Xavier wrapped his arms around the boy and lifted him to his feet. "We all care about you," he whispered in the boy's ear.

"I don't want anything from that place," he said.

"What about your computer or television?" Xavier asked.

"I wasn't allowed to watch television, and the only computer in our house was my parents'," Daniel said.

"What about your clothes?" Xavier said.

"Grab a couple of changes, but I think Matt and I need to take this boy shopping," William said. "Let's just help clean out Edward's house..."

"Sebastian's got people dealing with the police right now, so when the house is cleared as a crime scene, we'll get down there," Xavier said. Carl tightened his grip on Edward as the boy was reminded again of what had happened at his house, and led him off to one of the guestrooms so the boy could cry in private in his arms.

William took Alex up to his room and played with the boy for a while until they both lay down for a nap. Meanwhile Matt and Daniel retreated to talk in the back yard until it was time for Matt to go home.

Sebastian and James retreated from the group and held each other. "You'll want to visit Josh and Billy?" Sebastian asked. "They're being taken care of at a secret facility."

"Can you do without me?" James asked, feeling guilty for leaving, but eager to check in with his brother.

Sebastian kissed his cheek and said, "I'll let the others know we're going and that we'll be back. I've got some problems that need my attention. In fact," Sebastian trailed off and led James back out to the group. "James and I are going to visit his brother, but we've got to figure out what to do with the prisoners, and the witnesses."

"What about the kids?" Daniel asked out of nowhere. Everyone looked at him and he said, "I learned how to listen! What are you going to do with all those kids? They're brainwashed, most of them, and they have no family. What are we going to do?"

Sebastian smiled and nodded. "Would you like to come with us, Daniel? Avery and Sam are coming."

"I'll come too," William said as he trudged downstairs. "A lot of those people are my friends... Sarah, could you?" The woman nodded and went to turn on the baby monitor.

Sebastian alerted his men that they were coming and a few moments later, the six of them arrived at a massive underground facility Sebastian had developed decades earlier.

Sebastian walked to a board and found the room where Josh and Billy were staying, and James went directly there. Then a military man appeared and said, "Consul! We've collected the children from Jerusalem, but as our operations around the globe proceed, more and more are being brought here. We have nearly two thousand so far..."

"Good lord," Sam said. "What ARE we going to do?"

"How many of them are like me?" Daniel asked. "How many of them will have powers they have no idea how to use or control?"

"My thoughts exactly," Sebastian said. "I want all of our older, inactive wizards down here as soon as possible. Anyone not fit for battle should be prepared to test and teach. We need to divide these children, the normal humans from the magickally inclined. Those with magickal gifts will remain with us, while those without will be placed with human families. Of course, we'll have to wipe certain parts of their memory and see to it they get the counseling they need..."

"Remain with us?" Avery asked.

Sebastian smiled. "Not too long ago, Sam joked that if I took on the training of any more young wizards I'd have to start a school. THAT is exactly what I want to do!"

Daniel laughed and they looked at him expectantly. The normally shy boy blushed brightly before admitting, "It's just, it occurred to me that you're way hotter than Dumbledore..."

They laughed at him, and Sebastian put an arm around Daniel's shoulder, whispering, "Glad you think so!" Then he asked the group, "Thoughts?"

"We need a better site," Sam said.

"What if we construct a massive interdimensional complex, like my training room?" William suggested. "Then we could just build in a complex system of portals to our main facilities, Sebastian's house, our farm, this place..."

"It's still going to take a lot of work," Sam said.

"Why do I have the feeling that we're going to be doing a lot of waiting?" William asked glumly. "I'll help..."

"We'll all help," Avery said, putting a comforting hand on William's shoulder.

"Now," Sebastian asked, "what do we do with your friends?"

William said, "The kids from school, wipe their memories, make a cover for them and make sure everything's alright." After a brief pause, he said, "I need to talk to Charlotte and Dave."

Sebastian left the others talking and showed William to Charlotte and Dave's room, before joining James.

William knocked on the door, and Dave answered with a look of relief. "Man it's good to see you buddy!" he said, hugging William, who sighed in relief.

"I've worried about you guys! Are you okay?" William asked as he stepped inside the spacious and well-appointed room.

"We were scared," Dave said, "but no one hurt us, and your friends have taken good care of us."

"My friends?" William asked.

"Sebastian's people. They kept us filled in on what's going on," Charlotte said.

"I ... I feel terrible that we put you in danger," William said. "If you want to go your own way, I'd understand. We can set you up somewhere with a new life. We can even make you forget all about us and put you back in your life. It would protect you!"

Dave and Charlotte looked at one another and shook their heads. "Why don't you just send us on a world tour honeymoon until this blows over and let's call it even?" Charlotte asked.

William smiled and took out the phone in his pocket, so Dave exclaimed, "SHE'S KIDDING!"

"No," William said, shaking his head. "It's a good idea, and you guys will love it. Sebastian's people can get you a fake identity and that'll get you guys away from all this. You go where you want and the money'll be in your account. And we'll get you a sat-phone so you can contact us as you need."

"Are you serious? Of course you are," Charlotte exclaimed. Then she remembered, "Did you get Chase back yet?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "It's much worse now..."

"Who was that boy who took him?" Dave asked.

"You don't want to know."

A few days later, William was sitting at his desk staring at a blank piece of paper. He was trying to work on something, but he couldn't focus at all. Alex was napping and the silence was maddening.

Suddenly the computer made a noise indicating he was being called on Skype. He answered and found himself staring at Robbie.

"Hey, William! How are you doing?"

"Not great, Robbie. Not great."

"I heard some from Dave. Said things were kind of scary."

"Yeah, Charlotte and Dave were in trouble for a bit," William said. "Chase has been gone for a couple of weeks now, and ... it doesn't look good."

Robbie blinked and sighed. "I'm so sorry, William. I can't imagine. And I know I shouldn't ask, but..."

"Hit me with it," William smiled.

"It's been a few days since I could get to the hospital and Brandon's been a little down. I thought you might be able to get down to visit since it's summer break. Jake's been asking about you guys, and I didn't know what to tell him..."

"I need an excuse to get away," William said. "I'll call you when I can say for sure, but I bet I can hit the road in an hour!"

William walked downstairs and asked Sarah if she'd mind keeping an ear out for Alex.

"Sure," the woman said, looking a little haggard. "What's up?"

"I thought I'd drive up to D.C. and visit some of the guys we met at the hospital," he said.

"Need to get away?" she asked.

He nodded, but said, "Robbie's worried Brandon's getting down and some of the guys have been asking about us..."

"You mind some company?" Daniel asked as he came into the kitchen for a drink. "I don't mind if you need some time alone on the drive, but I'm bored stiff. Matt's helping his mom around the yard today..."

"Sure," William said. "I don't mind a little company. I just want to get out of HQ for a while. I'm feeling ... buried."

Daniel hurried and got ready to get out of the house, and soon he and William were on the road. William turned on the radio and rolled down the windows, and in the warm breeze and sunlight it might have seemed like a carefree day. But William and Daniel knew better.

"Some of these guys have had it rough, Danny," William said as they got close. "Sorry, Daniel."

Daniel blushed and smiled, saying, "It's okay. Matt's going to keep messing with me about that."

"You got that right," William said. He led the way inside and talked to the administrator, who signed for Daniel to join him, and they made their way to Brandon and Jake's room.

Jake waved at them with a smile as they entered, and said "Hey, William!"

"Hey, Jake! This is my friend Daniel," William replied. "Where's Brandon?"

"Rehab! Ever since Robbie first visited, he's been going at it with a vengeance. The boy wants out of here!"

"Robbie said he's been a little down?" William asked.

"Lover-boy's been busy. What do you expect? He's fine! How bout you? Robbie said you and Chase had some trouble and that's why you had been out of touch but I," he said, trailing off as he saw the look on their faces. "What's wrong?"

"Chase was kidnapped," Daniel said. "A lot of our friends were taken, actually..."

"Jesus!" the young soldier exclaimed. "What happened?"

"You heard about that suicide cult?" William asked, looking over his shoulder to make sure they were alone. "It was a cult, but not suicide. Someone recovered our friends from them with extreme prejudice. But Chase is still out there somewhere."

"I'm so sorry," Jake said, shaking his head. Then he probed, "Someone?"

"Let's just say that some good friends of mine were there with me," William said.

"I knew it," the young man nodded proudly at them.

"This one here got shot three times," William said.

"SHIT, DUDE! And you aren't in bed?" Jake asked.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad," Daniel said, blushing.

"Don't be modest," William said. "Show the soldier your scars!"

Daniel really blushed now, but pulled up his shirt to reveal the chest wound and gut-shot. "There's one in my arm too but it's not that impressive," Daniel said softly, eyes down.

"He doesn't look like the Terminator," Jake said, "but DAMN!"

William sat on Brandon's bed, and Jake patted the side of his bed to indicate Daniel should sit next to him. "So, how'd you get hit?" Daniel's lip trembled a bit and Jake said, "Don't worry about it. I get it, believe me. It's too soon?"

Daniel nodded and laughed, even though he had tears in his eyes. "Yeah, but I bet you don't get it," he said.

"Daniel got shot defending a guy from his dad," William said.

"Shit, dude!" Jake said, putting a heavy hand on the boy's shoulder. "That's real brave."

"Not really," Daniel said, nearly purple from blushing. "Just love sick!"

Jake smiled a half smile and shook his head. "You guys! You do know some straight people, don't you William?"

"A couple back home," William nodded, thinking exaggeratedly.

He expected Jake to protest on his own behalf, but the man just chuckled and said, "He's a lucky guy, Daniel."

"He is," William nodded.

"Well, me too," Daniel protested. "After all he could have died saving me!"

The two of them gave Jake the HIGHLY sanitized version of recent events, awing the young man with their exploits. If he knew even half of it, he'd never have believed it, but somehow what they told him was credible. When Brandon returned, William introduced him to Daniel before taking him for a walk to catch up and get a feel for whether he was really depressed.

Daniel stayed with Jake. "So you and this Matt are an item now, then?" Jake asked.

Daniel looked at him and smiled. "I think so. We haven't had much time to talk about it. He's Chase's best friend, so things have been tense..." Daniel paused for a moment and hesitantly added, "You sound disappointed."

Jake smiled, admitting, "A little." Sitting up, he let his hand slide down from the boy's shoulder to his forearm as he struggled to sit up a little more. "You guys are real lucky. You found someone. I'd like a little bit of happiness myself."

Daniel looked into the young soldier's face and said, "You're cute, you're nice, and you'll be out of the army soon, right? You'll find somebody..."

"You think so?" Jake asked with a laugh. "I guess... Not if I go home after! Farm girls not my thing."

"Stay here, go to college or something!" Danny said. "Find you a city chick!"

"Or dude," Jake added with a whisper.

"Yeah," Daniel smiled. "So you..."

"Go both ways?" Jake laughed. "Some, mostly girls though. Shhh, don't tell though," he added with a wink. Daniel raised his eyebrows and Jake said, "Look in the mirror. That's the answer."

"What's the question?" Daniel asked, confused.

"What's my type?" Jake winked, making Daniel blush again. "Isn't that what you were wondering? You're cuter when you blush," Jake added.

"If I come across any other weird gay nerds, I'll point them in your direction," Daniel said, looking away.

"Don't sell yourself short, Daniel," Jake said, squeezing the boy's arm to get his attention. "If you do, eventually you'll drive this boy away! Look at it like this – this boy, Matt, he's pretty plain, huh? A little doughy, maybe a little slow?"

"NO! He's tall and cute! He plays baseball! He's also cute and sweet!"

"You said cute twice! And HE likes YOU?" Jake asked rhetorically. "How bad could YOU be?"

"I guess," Daniel conceded.

"And like you said, I'm not DOG UGLY, and I think you're cute!" Jake teased.

Meanwhile, William was asking Brandon how things had been. "I just wish Robbie was closer. It's been so great and I can barely stand it, him being away. If he can't get here more often, I've got to get out of here faster!"

William laughed at his enthusiasm and asked, "How is the rehab going?"

"Slow, but it's coming along," Brandon said.

"How long do they say before you can get out of here?" William asked.

"Couple of months," Brandon replied.

"Hmmm," William mused to himself.

"I don't suppose you have any strings you could pull to get Robbie up to the city more?" Brandon asked with a laugh.

"I'm thinking," William replied. "My uncle Aiden's family's company is based here. I'll see if there are any openings..."

"Really?" Brandon asked.

"Robbie'd be happier here, too," William said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I think Jake was pretty impressed with you," William laughed as they drove out of the lot.

Daniel blushed. "I think Jake liked me."

"WHAT?" William asked. Laughing at the face Daniel made, he said, "You're a cutie, but I pegged Jake for straight."

Daniel shook his head and said, "Apparently not. He says he's like you. He does like girls," curling his nose at the last, as if to say, Eww. "I'm just the kind of guy he likes, or so he says..."

"He told you that?" William asked. The boy nodded. "Jake's hot. Bet that makes you feel good," William added with a wink, and Daniel just blushed. After a long silence he asked, "SOOOO, how ARE things with you and Matt?"

Daniel blushed again and shrugged, "I don't know. Good, I guess. I mean, I never thought he'd even realize I had feelings for him, and now I know he feels ... something for me. But with all that's going on, the time just doesn't seem right to talk about it and..."

"WHAT?" William said, pulling off the road and looking at the boy like he was an alien. "You guys haven't even talked about it seriously?"

"No," Daniel said, blushing. "I mean, there was some gushy-gooey stuff after all the violence and near-death, but nothing really serious since. I mean ... with everything that's happened, I haven't pushed it."

"Daniel, don't let too much time slip by. What's going on with Chase and the rest of us, well, don't let it get in the way. Chase would want you to be happy," William said with heavy emotion.

Daniel nodded and after a moment, asked hesitantly, "How are you doing?"

"I've been better," William admitted grimly. "Now I know what Chase must have felt like when I was taken..." As they drove back to the house, William told him about their past and filled him in on what had transpired before he had appeared on the scene.

"He's fine, Robbie," William said with a smile as he talked to the man on the computer. "Just lonely and bored! But he's really motivated to get out to get to you. I did tell him I'd see if Aiden knew of any jobs in the D.C. area, so you could be closer," he added.

"That would be too cool," Robbie said, "but it's no big deal if it doesn't work out. You've already done so much..."

"Call Aiden at work tomorrow, Robbie," William said. "You'll interview with him – he's still got some personal staff openings at his D.C. office. If you don't fit his company, he's got plenty of friends who'd be happy to help."

"I can't thank you enough," Robbie said, gushing. "I'm thinking about you guys," he added, as their conversation wound down.

Daniel walked up the sidewalk with butterflies in his stomach. After his visit to the hospital and his conversation with William, he was resolved that he needed to talk Matt. Nevertheless, there was a big part of him that was still really afraid of rejection, despite everything.

He knocked on the front door before sticking his head inside. "Hey, it's Daniel!"

"Come on in," Matt called. "We're moving furniture in the living room."

"What's going on?" he asked as he walked in.

"The furniture has been where it was for more than eight weeks, so if it didn't get moved, mom was on the verge," Matt complained.

"Don't be silly, dear," his mother huffed as they finished up. "You boys get," she said, and Matt didn't hesitate. Daniel followed him upstairs.

"Do anything interesting today?" Matt asked as he stripped off his shirt in front of the boy, showing off his upper body glistening with sweat. He smiled widely as he caught Daniel staring. "See something you like?" he teased.

Despite his blush, Daniel surprised him by saying, "Yes, to both questions."

"Yeah?" Matt asked with a smile and stepped closer to Daniel, so the boy could feel the warmth emanating off of him.

Daniel involuntarily raised his hand and put it on Matt's bare chest, sliding it up to his neck and pulling him in to a hug. Matt could then feel Daniel's soft hands on his wide, firm back. "I went with William to visit Walter Reed. We got to talk," Daniel said. Then he whispered, "WE NEED TO TALK."

Matt leaned back and looked down into his face and said, "Sounds serious."

Daniel nodded, but smiled a little. "Not so serious you have to put a shirt on, though."

Matt laughed and leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek, before flopping down on the bed. He slid back and patted the edge, inviting Daniel to sit down. The boy took the liberty of lying down to face him, propped up on his elbow. "Glad to see you making yourself comfortable," Matt teased.

"What are we doing?" Daniel asked, returning his smile. "I mean, you and me?"

"We're having THE talk, then?" Matt asked, his smile never faltering. Daniel nodded. "Well, I think we both know we have strong feelings for each other. We both risked our lives to save each other."

"But is that enough? Are we, like, together, or just best buds with lots of weird tension, or what?"

Matt put his hand on the boy's waist and gently pulled him closer. "I'm not saying this isn't all new to me. I mean, me and Chase were always sooooo close – closer than I ever got with Amy, actually..."

"So, you and Amy never had sex, or you and Chase did?" Daniel asked.

Matt choked and Daniel smiled at throwing the boy off his game. "No, and no!"

"YOU are a virgin?" Daniel asked, surprised.

"Totally," Matt said. "I mean, Amy gave me a few bj's but that's it. And my girlfriend in middle school made me blow in my pants at a dance rubbing up against my junk... What about you?"

"Seriously? My parents were in a weirdo cult! I've never seen a naked person," Daniel said. "So you and Chase?"

"Yeah... I mean, we are so close, but it's more like brothers. But ever since that night at karaoke, I've been having these moments when I just – I can barely keep from kissing you," Matt said. "It tears me up a little bit every time I don't do it," he whispered as he pulled the boy closer and carefully planted his lips on Daniel's. This time he felt the boy's hand traveling down his chest and across his firm stomach, before creeping around to rest in the small of his back as they melted together.

When they broke the long kiss, Daniel whispered, "Whenever I'm with you, I like everything I see. To answer your question about whether I like what I see!" Then, after he blushed mightily, he added, "And the more the better. I love that blue Speedo!"

Matt laughed and said, "You look pretty good in your swimsuit, too, even if it is board-shorts. But when we take you to get some new clothes, I'm pushing for something a little more revealing!"

"You won't have to push hard," Daniel smiled. "Knowing that's how you want to see me will help me get over it!"

"Take off your shirt?" Matt asked.

The boy smiled and blushed, but nodded, and Matt grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. Their bodies were very different, but Daniel had a fairly defined upper body. It was, however, thin and natural, as opposed to Matt's which evidenced a strict work-out regimen. They'd seen each other at the swimming hole and even been chest-to-chest, but in the intimacy of the bedroom, with their attention completely on each other, it felt different. Moreover, they now knew they were both interested.

When he felt Matt's hand on his bare shoulder near his neck, Daniel gasped, though not so much as when the fingers drifted aimlessly across his chest, tickling his nipple and the soft skin on his side. Matt carefully pushed Daniel onto his back and laid his head on the boy's chest, draping his leg across both of Daniel's so he could trace every bare inch of the boy's upper body. Daniel for his part let Matt do what he liked, moaning and groaning in pure pleasure.

"It's so different," Matt said absently.


"Yeah," Matt smiled. "I always felt so much pressure with Amy, to do the right thing, to try not to push – turns out I missed that one by a mile, huh? I could have asked for anything apparently. But this I can just enjoy!"

"Me, too," Daniel grinned. "Enjoy I mean!" Daniel pulled him up for another long kiss and said, "That's not getting old either."

"If I had any questions," Matt said, "kissing you would have answered them."

`Eventually, you'll break,' Daemon projected.

Don't count on it,' Chase replied. I'm stronger than you.'

`At the end of the day, you're just a mortal, just flesh, and all flesh is weak!'

Chase could feel the pull of the demon's nature against his, and began turning his ring again. `You always wanted me, you know you did,' Daemon taunted, the voice, like the face, now Matt's.

Maybe,' Chase admitted. Lying was useless. But Matt's friendship means more to me than that, and William is my world now, William and Alex! And you aren't even Matt, I know that!'

`Besides, you know you can't have him now that I've got my claws into him,' the demon replied under the guise of Daniel as the ceaseless assault continued. If Daemon wasn't also keeping him awake and energized, Chase would have long since passed out.

`When they get me back, Daemon, you'll be looking over your shoulder for a long time for this stunt!'

`I'm not afraid of your friends!'

`But you are afraid of me, and when this is over, our agreement finished, and I have my free agent status back, you are the only thing on my radar!'

Oh,' Daemon laughed, if you ever get out of here, I'll be the least of your worries!'

`What?' Chase asked, surprised.

`Oh, I'm just an opportunist. I had no part in any of this!' the demon cackled, pleased at having thrown Chase for a loop.

The next day, Matt came over to Xavier's, and he and Daniel pushed William to come out with them shopping, as he'd promised.

With a heavy sigh, William got up off the bed where he was reading. "Edward! You want to go too?"

"Sure," the boy called back. He joined them a few minutes later and grabbed the baby from William so he could get ready.

"Some privacy?" William suggested as the boys standing around his room made no move to leave so he could change.

"We've all seen what you got," Matt said.

Daniel blushed and said, "I haven't," with a sheepish grin.

"Aright, you can stay. Everybody else, out!"

Daniel laughed and followed the others into the hall and downstairs. Shortly, William joined them, and they all loaded up into his car with Alex. "Can Carl come? We could swing by and pick him up?"

"His parents haven't been letting him see me as much since all the action," Edward said sadly.

Matt put his hand on the boy's shoulder and squeezed, a show of support. William turned toward the mall, then thought better of it.

"I'm going to go across town to the other mall," he said. And they all knew why. Chase had been abducted from the mall nearest their house. "Where do you normally get your clothes, Daniel?"

The boy blushed and didn't say anything. After a bit, he said, "Mostly my mom brought clothes home for me. They never had tags so I guess yard sales and stuff..." Then he added, "She did take me to K-mart for shoes and stuff."

"Okay, well today we're going to make you look like a million bucks," William said. "You can pick out whatever you want – Xavier sent his credit card – but you have to let each one of us pick out an outfit for you!"

"Okay," Daniel said, blushing and laughing.

They took him to a couple of department stores – Macy's and Dillards – for some standards like jeans and slacks, some basic shirts and things, underwear and shoes. Then, they loaded the car and had lunch. While they ate, each one of them took a few minutes to go buy an additional outfit for him. Once they had all done that, they took him to the Men's Warehouse for a couple of suits for events before they headed home.

Then they had Aiden and Xavier sit downstairs and made Daniel model his new clothes. He really looked like a new boy. The transformation made all the difference between the cute but nerdy boy he had been and the handsome young man he was. His jeans, they had made sure, were perfect fits, both lengthwise, as well as in the waist and thighs. Likewise, his new shirts were cut to fit his body, showing off his slender, but defined musculature.

But the real show began as each of the three boys took him upstairs and showed him their special outfits. Edward went first. "I figured the other guys might have gotten something a little more unusual for you, so I wanted to get you something you'd be more comfortable in," he said. "So I got you a pair of skinny jeans and then a button up shirt and a kind of hip cardigan, so you can express the inner nerd with a side of hotness."

Daniel smiled at the clothes and surprised Edward with a hug before he shooed Edward out so he could put on the outfit. It was the first thing that no one had seen yet, so he walked downstairs and blushed as Matt whistled. "We can play naughty tutor with that one!"

"That's seriously cute, Daniel," Xavier added with a nod.

"Yeah?" the boy asked, nervously.

"Definitely," William said as he rose to accompany the boy upstairs with his bag. When they were alone, he said, "So my outfit is sort of trendy/dressy, so when you don't need a suit, you can still go out in style."

A few minutes later, Daniel came down wearing a pair of form-fitting grey dress pants, a black shirt, and a red silk tie with a very delicate paisley design in an only-slightly-lighter shade of red. He was greeted with awed silence and appreciative nods that left him even more embarrassed than the comments had earlier.

And last, Matt took him upstairs and dumped his bag on the bed. "Alright, I went to the A&F store and got you some cool clothes to hang out in," Matt said. There was a nice undershirt, khaki shorts, and a short-sleeve red plaid button-up on the bed, along with a pair of boxer-briefs. "Couldn't help myself," Matt said. "You may not let me see those for a while, but I can imagine you wearing them!"

Daniel blushed and said, "Turn around." Matt looked surprised and did. He could hear the boy stripping and then pulling on the underwear. "Okay," the boy said hesitantly.

Matt turned around and saw Daniel in the tight red boxer-briefs, and felt himself drawn helplessly closer. He put his hand on Daniel's shoulder and turned him around, getting a nice view of how the underwear hugged the boy's ass. "Nice," he said with a grin, as Daniel moved to pull on the rest of his clothes. Before they went downstairs, Matt pulled out another bag, tiny by comparison, and said. "I also got you a new swimsuit, though you might want to save this one for one of our private trips..."

Daniel looked into the bag and blushed. The burgundy suit wasn't a Speedo bikini like Matt wore, but it was a sleek Speedo swim-short that wouldn't cover the full curve of his ass. That's what Matt had liked best about it.

"Yeah," Daniel said, laughing softly. Then they ran downstairs to general heckling.

"That took a while," Xavier said.

"Why did Matt get to stay with you while you changed?" Edward faux pouted.

"Man, Matt I figured you'd last longer than THAT!" William teased.

"GUYS!" Matt said. "What do you think of the outfit?"

"Totally hot," they all agreed.

Instead of changing, Daniel kept his last outfit on, and sat on the couch and talked to his friends. He barely jumped when Matt put his hand on his bare, lightly hair-dusted thigh, though he blushed from the smiles he was getting.

That evening, in the murky shadows of the street, Sebastian's security agents still kept a tight watch on Xavier's house.

"Hey," a voice cut the darkness, making Spencer jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you..."

"BLOODY HELL!" Spencer whisper-yelled as he spun around, expecting to find one of the security detail he was presently overseeing. He drew his wand upon finding an unfamiliar, if extraordinary figure bearing down upon him.

"Whoa, soldier!" Dorian said, raising his hands with a friendly smile. "I was just on my way up to Xavier Montrose's house. His gallery is handling some of my art."

"Sorry," Spencer said, lowering his wand but not holstering it. "Now isn't the best time. There's been a kidnapping..."

Dorian's face flickered and he said, "I thought that situation had been resolved?"

"You're aware of the ... situation?" Spencer asked.

"Chase was kidnapped, but I understood he was to be rescued," Dorian said.

"We got everyone but Chase back. We were thwarted at the last moment by a demon, who now has Chase," Spencer said darkly.

"YOU must feel terrible about all this," Dorian said.

Spencer narrowed his eyes and glared, "Do I KNOW you?"

"No, but I've heard of you," Dorian said. "I'm sorry. I ... you must be really torn. I guess I'll go." Dorian turned and walked away, before looking over his shoulder and asking, "I don't suppose you'd be able to catch dinner? I'm really bummed and I hate to eat alone."

Spencer gave him a hard look before lifting his radio and announcing, "This is Spencer. I need a break. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Copy that Lieutenant!" a disembodied voice answered, and Spencer followed the man to his car.

"Isn't it about time they updated your rank? You must be a general at least! Dorian, by the way," the man introduced himself to the handsome young officer climbing into his car, before speeding off toward downtown, in search of a nice place to eat.

"So, Dorian," Spencer asked across the table as he took a drink, "how do you know me?"

"Just about everyone in our circles knows you, don't they?" Dorian smiled his million-dollar smile.

"Not by sight," Spencer smiled. "I'm a very private person..."

"I wouldn't have known you by sight, but considering the rank is right, and your post outside Xavier's house, and your name," Dorian replied, "it wasn't that hard to piece together. Plus, you do have a reputation for being extraordinarily handsome."

Spencer blushed mightily, and coughed, but did say, "I'm quite sure that isn't true. And in any case, a man such as yourself can hardly be impressed by such a reputation."

Dorian smiled and said, "I'm surprised a man such as yourself would notice such things." Their eyes met and Dorian leaned in and put his hand on Spencer's. "We could take dinner back to my place," he lowered his voice.

Spencer was lost in his eyes for a moment before shaking his head and coughing, "I ... there's someone, and I can't."

"I'd say what I'm thinking but it'd make me sound like a slut," Dorian grinned.

"Aren't you?" Spencer asked with a wink and a laugh.

"I can be terribly naughty," Dorian said, still not removing his hand, "and wouldn't it be terribly naughty of me to suggest that it wouldn't particularly bother me if there were someone else? I CAN keep a secret..." Then his gave Spencer's hand a stroke with his thumb that made the man shiver.

Spencer laughed uncomfortably and pulled his hand away. Looking at the man across from him, there was a moment of regret. "You are an incredibly convincing man, Dorian," Spencer laughed, "but I must decline. For now."

Dorian raised his eyebrow and nodded. "He or she is very lucky."

"Not used to rejection are we?" Spencer grinned.

"My ego is helped by the fact that your rejection was conditional," Dorian smiled. "But no, most men do not say no."

They chatted a little more lightly over dinner, which was excellent, before Dorian drove Spencer back to his post. But he surprised the man by getting out of the car and walking around to his side to open the door. As Spencer got out of the car, Dorian stepped in and kissed him softly, slipping his tongue between Spencer's lips before the man could react.

Spencer quickly stepped back and straightened himself, flustered. "Sorry, Lt. Spencer, but I simply couldn't let you get away without giving you something to remember me by," Dorian added with a sinful smile before returning to the driver's seat and driving off.

"Fuck!" Spencer said to himself, before radioing in that he had returned to his post.

After showering at Sebastian's, Spencer drove one of the cars over to Dean's place. He went upstairs and knocked on the door. Dean's face lit up at the sight of him, and the man pulled him into a big hug.

"Spencer, I've missed you!" he whispered as he pulled him inside.

"It's only been a few days," Spencer laughed.

"It's been OVER A WEEK!" the man replied with a laugh. "Does that make me sad?" Dean asked as he wrapped his arms around Spencer from behind, stroking his chest and abdomen.

"No," Spencer gasped, quickly turning and grasping Dean's hands. "Dean, there are some things that you don't know about me, and I need to come clean with you."

"Why now?" Dean asked seriously.

"Something happened while I was gone," Spencer said seriously, and Dean backed up, getting a strange look on his face and settling into a seat. Spencer sat across from him and wrung his hands.

"I, I left because a friend of mine was kidnapped. A few friends of mine were kidnapped, actually, and others were nearly killed," he said, drawing a look of concern from Dean. "One of them, Chase, helped me get through a very hard time recently. We went on a rescue mission a few days ago and we got everyone back except for Chase. Since then I've been helping guard his family."

"I'm sorry," Dean said hesitantly, still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Yesterday when I was on duty, a friend of a friend dropped by and took me out to dinner," Spencer said. "He asked me back to his place, and..."

"You went?" Dean asked, hurt filling him.

"NO!" Spencer said. "I told him I couldn't, that there was someone else!"

"Oh," Dean said, looking away, embarrassed.

"He's the flirty type, said you were a lucky girl and all that," Spencer teased. Then he got serious, "But when he dropped me off, he ... caught me off guard and kissed me."

This time Dean was more cautious, as he asked, "And you kissed him back?"

"No!" Spencer replied. "Not to say I didn't want to," he admitted. "He's crazy handsome! But no, I pulled away and he left..."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Dean asked, exasperated.

"Because most guys would have killed to be invited back to Dorian's place," Spencer laughed, drawing a frown from Dean, "and all I could think about was you! That's the fact and it made me realize how ... how much I feel for you. And how I shouldn't be keeping so much from you. If you are going to choose me, you have to know what you're choosing..."

Dean leaned in and propped his chin on his fist and nodded.

"I am a wizard," Spencer said. "Crown prince of the witches, actually..."

Dean laughed and sat up. "Can we be serious for a moment?"

"I am deadly serious," Spencer said, wiping the smile from the man's face. "I can control the elements, travel through space... Not too long ago, I blew up a floor of a building in anger to protect my friends. What I'm telling you places you in grave danger, but you deserve to know. Being with me places you in danger, and you deserve to know why."

"I don't know what to... I can't believe you," Dean said. "I don't believe you!"

Spencer stood and opened a portal in the man's living room and held out his hand. Tentatively, Dean took his hand and followed him through to feel the cool wind on his face. Looking out over the brightly lit city, a city he recognized all too well, Dean heard Spencer say, "The last time I stood on this tower, I was a boy, the year before I was raped... I never wanted to come here again."

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because Paris is for lovers, and I felt like that part of me died. I never thought I'd feel that way again."

"But," Dean began, but Spencer turned to face him and looked deep into his eyes.

"Because Paris is for lovers," Spencer said, answering his question with a smile, and he felt Dean relax in his arms.

"I thought, back at my apartment, but this," Dean babbled a little. "The whole idea of the rest of this will take some getting used to, but `us' is something I'm really comfortable with," he added, his head resting on Spencer's shoulder. He smiled as he felt the man exhale his tension.

"You want to go back to your place and talk?" Spencer asked.

"Why don't we catch a meal in Paris first?" Dean asked with a smile that made Spencer grin.

"I thought you would have to get used to this?" Spencer asked.

"Not to dinner in Paris – only to your mode of transportation." As they strolled away from the Eiffel Tower a few minutes later, he added, "And you're paying, Your Highness!"

"Do you know where the nearest MacDonald's is?" Spencer asked, making Dean laugh. Over dinner at a posh little restaurant near the Seine, they talked about many things, from Spencer's life as a prince to some of his adventures with his friends.

When they came back around to Chase, Spencer had had a few drinks, and he called for another bottle of wine. "What's wrong?" Dean asked.

"It's a really touchy point for me right now. Chase is ... such an important person. He makes people like me ordinary," Spencer said as he drained his glass and waited for the next bottle to arrive. "And so good, you'd never think of him as a teenager..."

"Teenager?" Dean asked with a laugh.

"Sixteen," Spencer said softly. After the waiter had topped them off, he said, "The day I found out that I had accidentally killed the man who'd abused me, it was Chase who was there for me. He took me to a very special place and he helped heal my soul..."

Dean's eyes teared up as he listened and took Spencer's hand. So the man continued, "In all that's gone on, my friends recently discovered that my mother had been plotting to kill Chase since his existence was discovered. And here I was at the center of things. I can't help but feel responsible, and it breaks my heart to think... And it breaks my heart that I had to side against my mother. God," Spencer said, putting his face in his hands, as Dean rubbed his arm.

"It wasn't you, and I'm sure no one blames you," Dean said.

"I actually went to Chase to try to get him to help my mother at the International Congress! I made her case to my friend, even while she was plotting against him, Dean! I blame myself! I DESERVE TO BE BLAMED!"

"Percy," Dean scolded, teasing, "you ARE NOT to blame! You've done your best to protect and defend your friends, and to get your people back. You had no idea..." But Spencer shook his head and sighed. "Are you in any shape to get us back to my place?" Dean asked.

"No," Spencer shook his head and laughed. "But I can get us a hotel for the night."

"Don't you need a passport for that?" Dean asked.

"I'm a British citizen, so no, not really. Besides, I know a guy who has a place," he added with a smile. In the end they found themselves at an old home converted into a luxury B&B sharing a room with a king-sized bed. Dean would discover, to his delight, that alcohol did not diminish Spencer's sex-drive, and the young prince had a lot of tension to work out. Paris, as they say, is for lovers.

Thanks to Kevin and Terry for proofing this chapter!

More to come soon. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Devil's Gambit, as well as Feels Like Falling in Highschool.

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Next: Chapter 34: A Light in the Darkness II 19

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