A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Apr 15, 2013


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

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Chapter 19

Currently, A Light in the Darkness II Chapters 19-30 are available at jaygordonstories.com ,(The latest chapters are for registered users only, so if you don't register you won't find them!), as well as new stories not available on Nifty, so check it out if you like the story!


A Light in the Darkness volume 1, which folds the two stories [Light and Things That Go Bump] together, eliminating the repetition and smoothing out the transitions is available in both a convenient kindle and print version. BTW if you are Amazon Prime members you can borrow the book from their lending library for free and I get paid! My ultimate goal is to release two books on Kindle and in print formats only this year.

The Kindle version is available, at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007P0CA3I/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B007P0CA3I&linkCode=as2&tag=jaygorsto0e-20

The paper copy is available at: https://www.createspace.com/3832918

Matt grabbed a box of matches from his pocket and picked up the large black pillar candle at his feet. Looking into the sky, he said, "Darkest night, blackest depths, I call upon you to deliver your mysteries," as he lit the candle. The sky began to rumble as the air filled with crackling energy.

Americ looked at Sebastian and by thought projected, `That was faster than I expected.'

Agreed,' Sebastian replied. Stand ready!' Then he projected the same to all the wizards at their stations.

"I SUMMON YOU, FIEND OF THE PIT, LORD DAEMON! STAND BEFORE ME THIS NIGHT!" Lightening filled the sky again lighting up the plain like the day.

`Why is it responding so powerfully?' Sam wondered.

They ARE connected,' Sebastian replied. Both Daemon and Chase are connected to the boy!'

`Still, Matt doesn't have the kind of power,' Sam began.

IT ISN"T ABOUT POWER,' Sebastian replied, sounding more certain than he was. It wasn't only about power, but power WAS an issue. The question was, as far as Sebastian was concerned, was only about what kind of power Matt did have. But to Sam, he replied, It's about natural connection!'

"DAEMON! Stand before me you vile serpent!" Matt yelled at the angry sky.

"WHO DARES?" the booming wind cried deeply.

"It's Matt!" he answered. "Come to me now, if ever!"

You're a convincing young man,' a laughing, high voice coming from all around startled them all, as they realized Daemon stood right in the circle with Chase still attached at the lips. You'll forgive me for not giving you a hello kiss. My lips are otherwise engaged!'

"Daemon, please, let him go!" Matt begged, taking a step closer. "PLEASE!"

I've come too far,' he answered with a smile. You are a tempting morsel, though,' he conceded, surprising them all.

"Chase will never give in to you," Matt retorted, though seeing the battered and beaten body of his friend he had a moment of doubt about that.

`Don't worry, Matt, I haven't harmed your friend further. This is all from his treatment by the Order.' Daemon replied

"Just let him decide! If you and your wiles haven't won him over by now, you never will," Matt replied.

Daemon replied, This is tiresome. Goodnight gentlemen, and goodbye!' Matt ran toward him but Daemon raised his hand and repelled the boy with extreme force. Matt's body rocketed into one of the large stones and fell limp at its base. You can imagine what I'll do to the rest of you,' he added menacingly.

Sebastian looked at Avery, who nodded back. Sebastian raised both his hands and tried to rip Chase away from Daemon, just as Avery sent out a wave of force designed to impact Daemon with maximal impact. But Daemon saw the trap coming and attempted to transport himself into another dimension.

Thus both spells missed their object, but as Daemon reappeared in the stone circle, he was surprised and for a moment they had the drop on him. Avery jerked him back again, but though this attack struck, it wasn't perfectly timed with Sebastian's.

Daemon grounded himself and his eyes flashed with infernal fire, and a wave of fiery energy burst out in all directions. Though the first circle held, it faltered.

`Sebastian, we're not going to be able to hold this,' Avery projected.

`Alright, when the circle falls, fall back and cover the others. I'll get Matt!' Sebastian replied.

`I can help,' Avery protested.

`HELP THE OTHERS AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE!' Sebastian demanded and saw the man's look of worried assent.

Daemon's second burst left the circle wavering, and Sebastian gave Avery the look. Americ and Musa joined him in making for the middle circle as fast as they could. Before the first one fell, the second was lowered to allow them to pass. Then they quickly raised the circle again.

Avery called out, "RETREAT!" Seeing the dumb looks, he added, "NOW GOD DAMNIT!"

"I'm not going anywhere," William demanded. "Chase is still here, and what about Matt?"

"Sebastian is getting Matt, and we'll all live to try again!" Avery replied angrily.

William ignored him angrily and began to run toward the second circle intending to go after Daemon.

Avery looked at Aiden and Xavier, who seemed to have nothing to say, so he raised his wand and fired a powerful stunning spell at William, who never saw it coming.

"It had to be done," Avery said to Xavier. "Get the boy and let's go!"

The two men grabbed their nephew and dragged him to join the others waiting at the third circle. As they were passing through their portals, the sounds of explosions filled the air behind them.

You're all alone consul,' Daemon's cackle filled the night air. Your friends left you to fend for yourself and the boy! When I kill you I'll have them both!' A bolt of lightning flashed from Daemon's hand as Sebastian ducked behind one of the stones. While Daemon's attention was on him, Sebastian used his own power to drag Matt to cover behind a nearby standing stone. `If you leave now, I'll let you go. Alone. But if you stay, well, you've had a long life consul!'

"Go to hell!" Sebastian answered, and added, laughing, "You're pathetic, Daemon! If it wasn't for that boy you'd be a low-level nobody in an infernal prison!" At that he felt another burst of heat as the second circle fell, which in turn released a tremendous energy.

`Well, now I have the power!' Daemon replied angrily.

"NO! You have a perversion of power! The boy you hold dwarfs you in power and will!" Sebastian taunted. Unfortunately, because Daemon wasn't speaking with his physical voice, Sebastian didn't notice he had slipped around the other side of the stone until he felt a burning hand on his neck.

`I have enough power to kill you, vampire,' the voice filled the air with malice.

"I call upon the sacred light!" a voice roared from the darkness but as light pulsed from him he became visible. "Love and life around, angels' lances surround me, pure glow of grace abound from me!" With that, James raised his hand at Daemon and said, "The power of love redound upon thee!"

A scream filled the night as Daemon burst into a heatless flame. But this time, when he tried to move between worlds, the circles collapsed and he and Chase were gone. Sebastian lay motionless next to the stone he'd hidden behind, while Matt was still unmoving where Sebastian had hidden him.

James collected them both as quickly as he could, and disappeared through a portal into the darkness.

"Where are we?" Edward asked Carl. They had escaped through a portal without thinking. Carl had been too concerned with getting Edward off the plain to think about it.

Carl turned to a nearby Council agent and asked, "Where are we?"

The harried young wizard said, "Johannesburg."

"SOUTH AFRICA?" Carl asked.

The young wizard responded, "Yes, it's my home town. It's the first place I thought of. We need to all lay low!"

"Do you know who we are?" Carl asked.

The young man nodded, "Vaguely. I know you're with Sebastian."

Carl nodded and said, "Yes. Could you do me a favor and open a portal for us?" The young man nodded and Carl told him the name and location of the town he wanted to visit. "Don't worry, I know it well!"

The young man nodded and did as he was asked, soon bidding the two lovers farewell. When they stepped out of their new portal they were in another land – a green hilly field overlooking a small town in Ireland.

Carl pulled a sleeping bag out of his sack and opened it up full, spreading it on the ground. "Let's get some sleep. Come morning we'll get breakfast in the village."

"Sleep right out in the open?' Edward asked.

"This is rural Ireland, not Sarajevo, Edward," Carl laughed. "Besides, my grandma's best friend owns this farm, so we're fine!"

Edward was so tired that even his nerves and fears for his friends couldn't keep him awake. Carl let him nod off and sat by him, watchful, until first light.

Morning comes early in a country farming community and it wasn't long before a voice called out, "Ay you, what're you doin' up there?"

Carl looked and recognized the old man, Thomas Nolan. "Mr. Nolan, you probably don't remember me. I'm Carl MacKenna."

"Don't recognize you, boy? You're your grandpa's spitting image. What the hell are you doing here?" Nolan asked with a laugh as he approached and held out both his hands.

"There was some trouble in England, and we had to get out in a hurry," Carl said.

The man raised his eyebrows and said. "We?"

"Aye, Edward and me," Carl said, letting a little of the old accent, never quite banished, return with full force.

"And Edward is?" Nolan asked.

"He's my friend. My boyfriend," Carl said.

"No need to puff out your chest, boy. You'll find no judgment here. Now gather your things and let's get you back to the farmhouse. Mary'll want to be feeding you," the man said, smiling as he spoke of his dear wife.

Carl packed his things into the bag, before looking at Edward and picking him up in his arms. The boy was limp from exhaustion. "Tiny wee thing," Nolan observed with a wry smile and a snort.

"Aye," Carl grinned and nodded. "But fierce."

"Good on you, boy," the man said, before leading him on in silence.

"God almighty!" Sam declared as James returned to the manor carrying the two injured forms. "We thought we'd lost you in the mess!"

"Well he may be able to boss you around," James said wearily, "But you didn't think he could make me leave?"

"What happened?" Avery asked.

"Daemon got his hand around Sebastian's neck and lifted him off the ground. That's when I repelled him with ... I don't know what. I just knew what to do." James said.

"YOU repelled Daemon?" Sam asked, shocked. "I'm sorry but that's amazing!"

"Not really," Avery said, kneeling by Sebastian. "Love is James's real power, and that will ALWAYS defeat Daemon. It would be enough if he were just a demon, but as an incubus, it is the opposite of his very nature."

"How's Matt?" James asked.

Avery slipped the boy's shirt off and rolled him onto his side, before running a hand over his smooth back. "It's all physical. Bruising and pain, but nothing lasting."

"Good," James said. "Get him to the guest room and I'll get Sebastian to ours. They need to rest." Avery and Sam carried Matt upstairs and laid him out on the bed. Avery took it upon himself to undress the boy and tuck him in, not entirely unmoved by the boy's charms. As he exited the room and closed the door, he ran into James.

"Everything okay?" Avery asked.

"Yes," James said softly. "I'm going to Xavier's to make sure William is alright and to check in on Daniel. I'll bring him back with me if he wants."

"He'll want," Avery smiled. He put his hands on the big boy's shoulders and said, "You're an amazing young man."

James hugged him and said, "Watch out for things here?"

"Always. Go and be safe!" Avery said, sending him on his way.

James knocked on Xavier's door a few moments later and Steve opened it to let him in. "Is William awake yet?" James asked no one in particular.

"Where's Matt?" Daniel asked insistently.

"He's resting at the manor," James said soothingly, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm bringing you home with me when we leave. Don't worry! Now where is William?"

"Sleeping it off upstairs," Xavier said. "Tell Avery I don't want to see him anytime soon!"

"What were you going to do, let him run in and get his fool ass killed?" James retorted. "Avery saved his life!"

"You don't know that," Xavier said, yelling angrily. Aiden put a hand on his shoulder, but Xavier shook it off as he stepped over the line. "You may be Sebastian's boy, but you're still just a boy!"

"I know that because Sebastian is lying in our bed unconscious. Daemon had him by the neck and was going to kill him!" James replied, and everything fell silent. There was no more milling around, no more uncomfortable wringing of hands.

"WHAT?" Xavier said, gasping. "Is he?"

"He'll be fine. Eventually," James said. "I got there in time..."

Xavier blanched, the blood draining quickly from his face. "You ... stopped Daemon?"

"Yes," James said simply. "At the last minute."

"We should have been there to help you," Xavier said, pouty.

"You should have been getting everyone to safety in case I failed! In the end, I didn't need help, and ... it has nothing to do with my relative power, as I AM JUST a boy, but there was no one else who could have done it," James rejoined.

"Sebastian and Matt are okay," Aiden said, "and we all live to fight another day. Let's call it a draw and regroup soon."

James nodded and took Daniel's hand, leading him through a portal back to the manor. Upstairs, James smiled weakly and pointed him in the right direction before retiring to his own room to look after Sebastian.

Edward was startled when he woke on a couch in a dark living room and felt a deep sense of panic until he heard Carl's distinct laughter in a nearby room. "Carl?" he called out still disoriented. Momentarily he heard a few sets of footsteps and Carl knelt by him.

"I'm here, love," he whispered, but the old man and woman clearly heard him, though they tried to appear otherwise. "These are my grandmother's friends, the Nolans!"

Edward threw his arms around Carl and whispered, "I was scared when I woke up here alone!"

"You've nothing te fear here, laddie," Thomas Nolan boomed. "Whatever you boys are running from, you're safe for now!"

Mary Nolan drew near hesitantly and smiled kindly, "Come along, Edward dear. I've kept breakfast warm for you."

Edward got up and stretched, smiling. "Thanks ma'am. You're too kind!"

"Proper little Englishman, in't he?" Thomas asked with a resounding laugh. Slapping Edward on the back lightly, he added, "Don't worry, lad, I won't hold it against you."

Edward laughed and blushed and said, "Thank you, sir."

"Boy, you call me Thomas, or Mr. Nolan if you must," the old farmer replied. "So Carl tells us you're his boyfriend?"

Edward blushed harder and lowered his eyes, "That's right, Mr. Nolan," he said, before looking the man in the eyes and adding, "and proud of it!" Nolan smiled and squeezed his shoulder before guiding him to a seat.

Mary had a plate in front of him before he realized, an English breakfast of eggs and toast, black pudding and beans. The butter was fresh from the village. "Carl said you'd like a taste of home, dear.... Would you like tea?" she asked.

"If it's no trouble, ma'am," he said with a sweet smile.

"Mary!" she said, smiling back, before pouring him a cup from the pot. After she sat the cup in front of him she slid into a seat next to him and watched him eat.

"MARY! Leave the poor boy be," Thomas declared. Edward laughed, almost shooting tea from his nostrils.

"I just want to make sure he doesn't need something," she said, smiling at the young man.

"Thank you, ma'am. This is beautiful! I haven't had a breakfast like this since I moved to America. My," the boy paused, choking up and putting down his fork. After a moment, he added, with a tightlipped smile, "My mother wasn't much of a cook, truth be told!"

Mary put a hand on his forearm. "Oh, my dear!" she exclaimed. "Has it been long?"

Edward's eyes teared up as he answered, "No. Not long..."

Thomas nodded at Carl and then inclined his head toward the door, indicating the boy should follow him. Outside, Thomas shoved his hands into his pockets and said, "How're you, boyo?"

"I've made some great friends back in America," Carl said.

"But?" the man asked, leaning against the fence.

"But I miss home still. I know she's gone, but I miss it," Carl answered.

The old man laughed. "She's not gone, Carl! She's just dead!"

Carl gave him a strange sideways look. "That's real enough!"

"Carl," the man said, "you know about your grandma?"

"She taught me some things as a kid," Carl said, trying to feel out how much the man knew.

Thomas smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you know about the stone?"

"I've been to it," Carl said.

"You found it?" the man asked, impressed.

"Aye," the boy replied. "It drew me to it!"

"The stone draws its keeper, Carl," Thomas said, nodding his head. "Carl, in our world, things are different. Death isn't an end of all things, but a transition, a gateway to a reality more complex than you could ever imagine!"

Carl looked at him and laughed. "You're no farmer!"

"Aye, lad, just a simple farmer. And one of a handful of Druid priests of the old school. None of that New Age mumbo jumbo, you understand," Thomas said with a smile. "Most of the village in fact..."

Carl shook his head. "Why were my parents so ready to run away from this?"

Thomas smiled and stared off into the distance. "Care to take a walk, lad?" Carl looked over his shoulder at the cottage, and the man laughed, "He's in good hands boyo! Your Edward needs a woman's touch right now!"

Carl nodded and set off after the man. "Your village has missed you too, Carl," the man smiled as they walked down toward the little cluster of cottages and stores that formed the town center.

An older woman in her yard pulling weeds stood up and said, "Dia dhuit ar maidin, Thomas!"

"Aignéis, good morning!" he answered for Carl's sake. "Carl, this is Agnes Kavanagh. She was another of your grandmother's close friends."

"I remember," Carl said with a smile, holding out his big hand to the old woman. "Carl MacKenna, ma'am."

"As I live and breathe," the woman said, "Carollan Mac Cionaoith!" She put her arms around him and said, "I didn't think to see YOU again!"

"We live in strange times, Mrs. Kavanagh," Carl said with a smile.

"Indeed we do, boy!" she exclaimed. "Stop in on an old lady before you leave us?"

"Of course, ma'am," Carl said.

"I'll be sure he brings his lad with him," Thomas teased.

"Oh, my," the woman laughed. "Must be a catch by the looks of you, Carl!" By now the boy was positively blushing. "You're taking him down to the cottage, Thomas?"

The man nodded and waved, dragging Carl off by his elbow. "What does she mean?"

But as they turned the corner, he stopped hard and Thomas couldn't move him. "What's wrong, my boy?"

"It's just as I left it!" Carl said.

"Of course it is! It's been waiting for you! Mary comes down a few times a week to dust and air the place out. I look after your plants, herbs and flowers. You'll need those. Your grandmother will explain!"

Carl's lips trembled and his eyes watered. "I don't understand! My parents sold this place!"

"Aye, my boy! To an old farmer," he answered with a grin. "It's in your name, Carl. Your grandmother gave me the money before she passed."

"It's mine?" Carl asked, tears in his eyes.

"It's yours," Thomas nodded. "Always was! Your parents sold it out from under you, as your guardians!" Carl's heart knotted up at that and his anger seethed within him for a moment, until Thomas said, "Nothing lost, lad. Nothing's ever lost!" After patting Carl on the back, he said, "Why don't you head inside? I'll wait out here, putter around in the garden a bit."

Carl nodded, and opened the door, walking inside in a daze, as the sights and smells transported him into his childhood.

Daniel was sitting up in bed reading when Matt woke up. "Sebastian!" Matt yelled as he emerged from a deep sleep.

Daniel put a hand on his shoulder and leaned over to whisper, "It's okay, you're back and safe!"

"Chase?" Matt asked, breathless.

Daniel shook his head, his face falling. "I'm sorry, no... Sebastian almost got killed protecting you."

"Is he alright?" Matt asked.

"Still sleeping. Daemon did something to him, they think," Daniel responded. Matt tried to get up but there was a pain in his back. "Don't be stubborn. Just lay here and rest. With me." Matt collapsed back onto the bed and rolled over onto Daniel, laying his head in the boy's lap. He sighed a little, as he felt the boy's soft fingers in his hair. "You scared me, Matt," Daniel whispered.

Matt tilted his head a little so Daniel's fingers traced over his neck and cheek. "Daniel, I am who I am," he said putting his hand on Daniel's and drawing it down to his chest and holding it there. "And I'm not going to change. I'm going to fight for my friends, and do stupid shit for the people I love, for the rest of my life."

"Doesn't mean I can't be scared," Daniel said softly.

"But could you live with that?" Matt asked softly.

"For you I will," Daniel said.

Matt looked up at him with a weak smile. "You know it's going to get worse now?" Daniel nodded. "Because in the end, it's going to be me..."

"You don't know that," Daniel said.

"Yes I do," Matt answered. "And I don't want to hurt you."

"I'll take you as I can get you," Daniel whispered and leaned over to kiss his forehead. "Now get some rest..."

Carl wandered over to his grandmother's desk and saw school pictures of him from America arrayed around. But in the middle were two books, one ancient and one newer. He took the newer one in his hands and apprehensively opened it.

In a wide and looping hand Carl could remember, the first page began, "Dearest Carl, You've returned home as I knew you would, one day. I fear the circumstances which shall have brought you. We had too little time together, and I tried to teach you as much as I could. What I couldn't is written here, and recorded on the Book of Secrets I've also left for you. Learn these pages before you try to progress to those, as you won't understand otherwise. Come see me before you go. I'm with your grandfather. Gramma"

Carl snapped the book shut and clutched it to his chest. Slowly he came to his senses and walked toward the door, still holding the book. Thomas looked up at him from the garden and said, "You want to go on down now?"

"No," Carl said, coughing to clear his throat. "I want Edward with me when I go."

"Righto! Well let's get back then." As they walked along, the man said, "What would you think of coming back here, full time?"

"Leave my parents, my friends, Edward? I couldn't," Carl said.

"You belong here, boy. The place, the people, they're yours," the man said. Carl just grunted. But he could feel it in the air, in the earth beneath his feet. He was powerful here.

"Is he awake yet?" Xavier asked.

James looked up from Sebastian's desk with a dark expression, and said, "No." And then he simple gazed into Xavier's eyes penetratingly. Xavier averted his gaze uncomfortably. "Was there something else?"

"James," Xavier said, the word catching in his throat. "I'm sorry..."

"Now that you realize," James began, letting the sentence trail off.

"I'm sorry for what I said. You didn't deserve that, especially given all you've been through, all you've done! I'm sorry... I was hurt and angry, but I shouldn't have unloaded that on you!" Xavier poured out.

James looked at him and said, "William?"

"Avery's stunning spell was powerful," Xavier said simply. "Carl and Edward?"

"I thought they were with you?" James asked, suddenly sitting up straight.

"We ... thought they were here," Xavier said, getting a sinking feeling.

James pulled out the keyboard and rapidly typed in a message. `Code RED, Agents Missing in the Field. Carl MacKenna, Edward Boyle. Relay information to James Barton or Horatio Vickers." Then he looked at Xavier and put his head in his hands. "GOD DAMN IT! How could I be so stupid?"

"James, none of us thought of taking a census in the aftermath! It was chaos," Xavier said, hurrying to put a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Sebastian wouldn't have forgotten," James said softly.

"None of us are Sebastian," Xavier said, before kneeling and putting his arms around James.

"You were right, yesterday! I have no business taking charge of anything," James said softly, picking up the phone. "Richard, could you come down to Sebastian's office?"

"James, you're doing fine," Xavier pleaded. "Don't do this!"

Shortly, Richard entered, "Is everything alright? Is it Sebastian?"

"No," James sighed. "Richard, you're Sebastian's appointed second-in-command. What are you doing?"

"I ... well, I've been looking after the administration of," he began.

"Why haven't you taken control, with Sebastian incapacitated? It's your post, not mine," James said, his stomach sinking. "I have no business sending Council alerts and commanding high-level wizards!"

"But," Richard began.

"No, HE CHOSE YOU!" James said. Both men were silent as James put his face in his hands and began to cry.

Xavier gathered the much larger boy in his arms and whispered, "Let's get you upstairs. Richard will take care of things here for a while," he added with a look at the man, standing there in silence. Richard nodded. "Let us know when you find Carl and Edward, okay?" Richard nodded again, and Xavier helped James upstairs.

"James, I WAS wrong yesterday. I directed my anger at you because I am jealous of you!" Xavier confessed quietly as they walked upstairs.

"What?" James asked numbly. "That's ridiculous!"

"No its not! You're amazing. And he chose you and I can see why!" With a sigh, Xavier continued, "You see, I wasn't much younger than you when Sebastian refused me."

James looked at him with surprise, "I didn't know – why me? I mean, you're beautiful!"

"YOU are beautiful, James. And strong and kind, and so full of love," Xavier said, putting a hand on his chest. "He deserves someone like you."

Xavier opened the door and led James to the bed. "Get some rest with him and you'll feel better."

Xavier started to walk off when James grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Xavier," he whispered, kissing the man's cheek before letting him go. When he was alone, he undressed and got beneath the sheets, pulling Sebastian over onto him and rubbing the vampire's smooth back.

When Carl and Thomas entered the house, they found an empty kitchen. Mary was sitting on the couch with Edward's head in her lap. She put her finger to her lips to indicate the boy had fallen back to sleep.

"How is he, Mary?" Thomas asked softly.

"God bless him," the woman said, her eyes watering. "He's so afraid!"

"Afraid?" Carl asked in a whisper.

"Afraid of what will happen to him, now that his mother's gone and he's all alone in the world, except for you," the woman explained quietly, never stopping stroking his hair. "He loves the friends you boys share, and the kind offer he received from the nice gentlemen in America affected him deeply. But the boy's lost his mother, dear..."

"My parents have been giving us a hard time, saying we spend too much time together," Carl whispered.

"And he's afraid they'll drive a wedge between you," she nodded. "And they will try, you know. Your parents are," she began.

"Hush, Mary," Thomas said, not as sternly as might have been expected. "It's not our place."

Mary tightened her jaw and nodded. "You should see to the garden then! There'll be weeds to pull and rows to hoe, you old geezer!"

"Aye, wench! I'll just toil my day away then, despite our guests," he complained teasingly.

The man turned to go without another word, and Carl followed him outside. "Mind if I walk with you? I don't feel like being cooped up!"

"You can even lend a hand if you like!" Thomas laughed. The two of them began working in fields behind the cottage.

After a while, and having worked up a good sweat, Carl asked the man, "Where's Seamus?"

The man coughed and looked off into the distance. "Couple of years ago, my Seamus took his young wife to Dublin for their anniversary... There was an accident. The wee ones'll be home shortly, you'll meet them."

"Thomas!" Carl gasped, a surge of sympathy in his voice.

"My grandson, Ethan, is four," Thomas said, waving to indicate he shouldn't go on, lest the old man lose his composure. "The girl, Morgan, is six. They're in day school at St. Bonaventure so we can look after the farm."

"I don't know what to say," Carl said, leaning on his spade.

"Nothing to be said, lad," the man said. "Nothing is lost, not forever. And the children are beautiful. But it's hard... Watching the farm, making sure the wee one's get what they need. I worry, Carl." Carl nodded, and they went back to work, finishing just as a little bus creaked to a stop down on the little country road.

Thomas nodded, indicating Carl should follow him down the lane toward the road, and soon they were met by two little children, flaming hair blowing in the wind as they ran up to meet their grandpa.

"Granddad, granddad, you'll never believe it! There was a wee rat in our class!" the little girl exclaimed with delight as she hugged the old man. "Who's this?"

"Morgan, Ethan, this is Carl. He and his friend will be visiting us for a day or two!" Thomas said, crouching in front of the children and smiling widely. Ethan looked up at Carl and waved shyly before hiding behind his grandfather. "Let's go see what grandma is up to!"

Carl walked behind the old man and the little children, lost deep in thought. At the door, Thomas warned the children, "Be very quiet. Carl's friend isn't feeling well, so he's sleeping on the couch." The two children nodded somberly and he opened the door. Mary was in the kitchen preparing the children's snacks, when they found her.

Carl sat down at the table with the children and soon they were yammering away about who knows what, having overcome their initial shyness at their visitors. Morgan especially was taken with Carl and he was laughing so much at the girl's antics that he missed Ethan slipping away quietly for the living room.

The little boy was kneeling by the couch, his head propped on his elbow, his face a few inches from Edward's. When Edward's eyes opened, he jumped a little, making the boy giggle. "I'm Ethan," the boy said. "Who are you?"

Edward smiled. "My name's Edward," he said softly.

"Granddad says you don't feel well," the boy said, his face sweet with concern.

"I'm just sad," Edward said, smiling weakly.

"Me too," Ethan said.

"Why are you sad, sweet boy?" Ethan said.

"My mommy and daddy died," the boy said with angelic simplicity, driving a sob to Edward's lips and tears to his eyes.

"Me too," Edward said through his controlled tears, though he felt his heart break again as the little boy put his arms around his neck. Mary put her hand over her mouth and backed silently through the door into the kitchen, unseen.

"What's wrong, Mary?" Thomas asked, standing and walking to the door. He too stopped short as he saw Ethan hugging Edward, though by now Edward had sat up and the boy was in his lap.

Mary explained to Carl, "Ethan's been ... withdrawn since his parents... He's ever so shy with strangers."

"I noticed earlier," Carl said, standing to look over Thomas's shoulder. "But Edward's special."

"Aye, that he is," the woman said with a heavy nod. "And they share something terrible." Carl nodded before stepping into the living room.

"I see you met Ethan, Edward!" Carl said with a smile. Ethan hid his face in Edward's neck, making Edward smile. But Ethan did smile up at Carl from his hiding place. "How're you doing?"

Edward nodded, smiling weakly.

"Feel like taking a walk? There's something I want to show you," Carl said.

"Sure," Edward said, lifting Ethan and setting him on the ground.

"You're coming back, aren't you?" Ethan asked, staring hard at Edward.

"I'm coming back, sweet boy. You can count on it. Alright?" Edward asked. The boy nodded seriously and Edward stroked his cheek gently before rising.

Carl took Edward's hand and smiled at the boy. "I'll bring him back!" They walked through the kitchen and Carl said, "We'll be back in a bit!"

"Take your time, lads," Thomas said with a knowing nod.

Carl and Edward were half-way to town when they heard a man's voice call to them, "CARL! EDWARD!" They looked behind them to see Chris and Marcus jogging to catch up.

"What are you guys doing here?" Carl asked.

"Everyone's been going nuts since we all realized you were missing!" Marcus exclaimed. "It took us a while to track down everyone who went underground to find out where you where! This is your village?"

Carl nodded, "Aye. I was just going to show Edward my grandma's house – my house, I guess – and then go by the cemetery. You guys are welcome to come along," he added.

Marcus and Chris looked at each other and Marcus said, "We'll walk with you as far as your house. We'll let you boys have some privacy for the rest." He reached into his pocket and pulled out cell phones. He handed one to each of them. "Richard wants you to have these on you at all times."

"Richard?" Edward asked.

Marcus looked uncomfortable and Chris answered, "Sebastian is still unconscious after he and Daemon had it out."

"Did ... we win?" Carl asked.

Chris shook his head no, but added, "No casualties, if you don't count Matt's and Sebastian's injuries, though."

"This is it," Carl said as they walked up to the quaint cottage and he let his friends inside. As the sun was beginning to sink toward the horizon, he turned on the light. "We need to go before dark," he said. "Wait here and have dinner with us before you go?"

"You aren't coming home with us?" Chris asked.

"You didn't think they would?" Marcus asked rhetorically.

"We'll stay here and visit a few days," Edward said, not really noticing Carl's uncomfortable face.

"We're just a portal away, guys," Carl laughed weakly. Then he took Edward's arm and the two of them walked out toward the little church-yard a few hundred meters away.

The boys entered the churchyard gate with an arm around one another. Carl remembered well where he was going. His grandma had brought him here often enough. When the tall, weathered Celtic cross marking his grandparents' grave came into view, he turned to face Edward and hugged him. "Give me a moment?" he whispered.

"I'll wait here," Edward assured him. Before Carl could get away, Edward grabbed his arm and said, "Flora," with an easy, airy voice, and a single flower, an Irish rose, appeared in Carl's hand.

"How did you do that?" Carl asked with a confused smile.

Edward smiled strangely and said, "I just said the words. The magick is yours."

Carl smiled, still not understanding and walked over to the grave, placing the rose on it gently. He knelt by the grave and put his hand on the stone to steady himself. "Gran, it's been so long, and I wish I could tell you everything," he whispered with a sigh from deep within his soul. "I wish you were here so I could tell you. Maybe you wouldn't have approved, but I've met a boy, gran. A beautiful boy, and I love him, and he loves me. What am I supposed to do, gran?"

"What in the world are you on about, boy?" an older woman's soft voice said with a gentle smile. Carl jumped and looked over his shoulder; seeing the old woman leaning on her cane, wearing her favorite sundress and hat, Carl fell over onto the grave. "Don't ye know, sitting on your old gran isn't the best good luck charm?" she added with a laugh.

"What the hell?" he asked excitedly.

"You didn't learn to speak like that from me, lad!" the woman scolded, still wearing that gentle smile. "Now get up off there and tell an old lady about this boy! You said you love him?" Carl just stared at her open-mouthed. "Boy, is this the strangest thing you've seen?'

"No," he said with a laugh. "Not even close, gran. You wouldn't believe!"

"What about the world do you think your old gran's shade would be skeptical of?" the woman asked with a good-natured chuckle. "Now tell me about this boy!"

"His name is Edward," Carl said with a smile. "He's English..."

"No one's perfect," the old woman laughed. "But he is beautiful... Is he a good boy?"

Carl smiled, his eyes filling with tears of pride. "We have this friend in America, a very special boy... A man tried to kill him and Edward took a bullet to save his life, gran!"

"He sounds like a fine boy," the old woman said.

"Oh, but gran, he has the heart of an angel! If I spent the rest of my life, I couldn't have dreamt of anything more!" Carl gushed.

"Then I suppose I should meet the lad," she replied.

"Is that possible?" he asked.

"Oh, I think we'll make an exception just this once," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Carl called, "Edward!"

"Yes, love?" the boy asked as he approached. When he came around a big monument, he was surprised to see a woman standing next to Carl.

"Edward, dearest, I'd like for you to meet, my grandmother," Carl said.

"I ... but ... what?" Edward asked, confused.

"Isn't he adorable!" she exclaimed with a smile.

Carl took Edward's arm and said, "Gran, I don't know ... how are you here?"

"I've been waiting a long time for you, Carl. I knew you'd come, and there are so many things to say. I've been holding on..."

"But you're dead," Edward said, stuttering mildly.

"Oh yes, dear, but death isn't the end. It's just a transfer of realities. Besides, we're druids. Rules are ... well, we have our own rules," she said with a smile. "Edward ... it's love. The dead and the living, our love holds us together, always."

"My mum?" Edward asked.

The old woman smiled again and nodded. "Dear, your love keeps her very near to you in the other world, and in what will seem like a blink of an eye, you'll be with her again. After a long life with my handsome lad, of course," she added with a wink.

"Thank you," Edward whispered. "It's wonderful to meet you."

"It's my pleasure, lad," she replied. "You take care of my Carl. He's a sweet, soft-hearted boy, no matter how tough he might seem," she added, making the big boy blush.

"Gran!" he complained.

"Boys, my time is short and there are a couple of things I need to say. First, it makes my heart swell to see you two together. When you're ready, when the time is right, you can exchange rings. Thomas is a druidic priest, and the ceremony is lovely. I hope to be there, in spirit..." The boys blushed and smiled at one another. "You're so lovely together," she beamed. "Now, boys, the stone. The altar. You found it?"

They nodded. "It's near the cabin," Carl said.

"I've written about the stone in the book, Carl, but it's important. The stone is also a prison, but its inmate has escaped. I'm afraid that's what killed me ... the being who arranged his escape! One day, it will serve its purpose again!"

"Being?" Carl asked. "What killed you, Gran?"

"An angel," she said. "But dear, that's not important. Learn all you can about the stone and play your role as keeper, Edward at your side. Now you boys run along. You belong with the living!"

Reluctantly, Carl began to lead Edward away. But an ephemeral hand clutched Edward's shoulder, as the woman spoke with her last wispy breath. "It is not the stone which moves, it is the keeper!" When he looked over his shoulder the woman was gone.

When they walked out onto the street, Edward shivered. "That was ... unexpected!" Then he squeezed Carl's hand and added, "And wonderful!"

"I never expected in a million years," Carl said, letting his sentence trail off into silence. Edward just squeezed his hand and they walked back to the cottage. They knocked on their way in and laughed. "Everyone decent?" Carl asked jokingly.

Marcus and Chris hopped off the couch and straightened their clothes a bit. "Come up and meet the Nolans with us!" Carl laughed again.

"We really should get back. But call us if you need anything," Marcus said. "We'll text you with updates!"

Edward hugged both Marcus and Chris and thanked them for coming, and Carl followed suit. "You know, this place suits you two," Chris said, before he and Marcus passed through their portal.

Carl and Edward walked back up to the Nolans' and knocked on the door. "No need to be formal dears," Mary said as she ushered them in. "I held dinner for you!"

Little Ethan weaved around the adults to stand in front of Edward. "You came back!" he exclaimed, holding his arms up indicating he wished to be picked up.

"My you're a big one," Edward said as he lifted the little boy onto his hip. "I promised I'd be back," he added in a whisper to the little boy.

When they sat down to eat, Ethan sat in his lap, despite his grandparents' protests. "It's perfectly alright," Edward said, brushing off their attempts to make him more comfortable. Carl just looked on thoughtfully.

After dinner, Thomas asked Carl to help him get the sheep secured, and the boy accompanied the old man outside. "What happened?" he asked as they walked.

"I saw her," the boy said simply.

"Can't say as I'm surprised," Thomas answered with a smile. "Have you given any thought about what I said earlier? About staying?"

"I couldn't. I can't imagine Edward leaving our friends behind," Carl said.

"Oh, now! With the power at your disposal, you could see your friends every day if you wanted!" the man answered with a laugh. "Mary's quite taken with your young man," he added thoughtfully. The two worked in silence, until returning to the house.

"Where's Edward?" Carl asked.

Mary smiled, tightlipped. "Reading to the children!" Carl peeked in on the children's room, where Edward was reading to them with fully animated personalities from the book. Ethan was already asleep, and Morgan was beginning to droop.

"Are you going to stay at the cottage tonight, or would you like to stay here?" Thomas asked.

"Do you have room? I don't know if the bed in my old room is big enough, and I'm not ready to sleep in her bed," the boy admitted with a shy smile.

"I already prepared a room for you," Mary said. Her husband looked at her with surprise as she added, "Seamus's old room."

"Thank you," Carl said averting his eyes. Edward joined them moments later, a smile on his lips, and put an arm around Carl, his head on the boy's muscular shoulder. "We should probably turn in, then. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"

The woman showed them to the room. "Carl, there are some clothes in the closet that will fit you fine. Edward," she said with a laugh, "I'm sorry. Our son was a big boy! Perhaps you can pick something up in the village?"

"I'll probably just get something from home," he said, not noticing Mary's look.

"Well, in any case... Have a good night and peaceful rest, boys," she said, closing the door behind her.

Carl stripped down to his shorts silently and climbed into bed, getting a nice view of Edward doing the same slowly, thoughtfully.

"Mary likes you," Carl said with a smile as Edward curled up into him.

"Yeah," he said with a laugh. "She's great..."

"I've never seen you with children before," Carl said softly.

"I love kids. Always wished I could have loads of them, but ... well, you know," he finished with a blush.

"Well, William and Chase," Carl said, knowing it was a bad example. "There are magickal ways to help people like us, one day," he said, squeezing the boy.

"And normal ones," Edward whispered. "Thank you..."

"For what?" Carl asked.

Edward quaked a bit. "Being here with me," he whispered, not even fully sure of what he meant when he said it.

Thanks to Mary, Cody, and Tarton for corrections.

More to come soon. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Devil's Gambit, as well as Feels Like Falling in Highschool.

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