A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Feb 17, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a companion story to "Things that Go Bump." The story lines are related and the characters will occasionally interact. The stories begin at roughly the same time. My sincerest thanks go out to Darryl AKA the Radio Rancher (darryltheradiorancher@gmail.com), John aka Tigger, and Kelly P, who kindly read advance copies and offered editorial assistance. And thanks to everyone for writing such encouraging emails.

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spams and flames, so just let me know!

****SPECIAL NOTE: If you haven't been following my other story, "Things that Go Bump," characters from that story appear here, picking up after Chapter 18 in that story -- hope this isn't too confusing!

A Light in the Darkness, Chapter 5

"Unbreakable Bonds"

Chase sneaked out the next morning so he didn't wake William and met the bus with Matt. When William woke up to the empty bed, he grumbled and went to shower. He had breakfast with Steve and told him when Dave would be arriving. Then he called Aiden and Xavier and they picked him up to tour the house they were looking at. It was a beautiful old Georgian with five bedrooms and a massive library, perfect really. It had a walled garden, and even though it was a little overpriced, Aiden put a bid on it right away, seeing how much Xavier liked it.

On the way back from the house, he asked them to drive him by Edward's house. A nice looking woman with a thick English accent opened the door. "Can I help you dear?

"I'm a friend of Edward's.... I'm just dropping by to see if he's alright.... We saw him at the hospital yesterday...."

"Come in, come in.... He's a little down today.... Susan's back at school, you know.... And how come you aren't?"

William laughed. "I'm not starting school til next week...."

"If you're new, how do.... Oh, you must be the poor dear who lost his parents.... Your boyfriend told Edward yesterday...."

William nodded with a smile. "That's Chase...."

"Well, Edward is the first door down the hall.... I'll be along in a few minutes with a cup of tea...." William followed her directions and knocked on the door.

"Come in...." William walked in to find Edward sitting propped up on pillows wearing just a pair of gym shorts. He was cute, with a light complexion and a slender but firm body showing little muscle definition. His blush spread from his face to his chest, making him cuter. "I thought you were my mum...."

"Clearly, you were mistaken," William added with a smile, hopping up on the edge of the bed. "How're you doing?"

"Lonely.... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll be glad to get back to school tomorrow...."

William laughed. "So, every time I ask Susan about you, she says I should talk to you...."

"You don't beat around the bush, do you?"

He shrugged. "I just want to get to know you better.... Especially after what you did.... You're my personal hero," he added with a laugh.

Edward blushed again and looked away. "It's been hard.... I've been bullied a lot, though not much worse than Matt.... Chase has it easier, but not much...."

"Why? I mean, you don't seem like the kind of guy that normally.... I mean, Matt is friends with a blind gay guy, so you kinda expect....."

"I'm so shy.... I'd always blush when people talked to me, especially guys.... But I blush not only when I'm embarrassed but also when I'm nervous.... Talking to guys makes me nervous.... You can see where that would give people the wrong idea."

William nodded and reached out, putting his hand on Edward's hand, feeling him flinch almost imperceptibly. "But you're not shy with Chase...." Edward shook his head, blushing fiercely, as William was Chase's boyfriend. "So, you see, I've got to wonder...."

"I'm not gay!"

"Shhh.... Edward, that doesn't matter.... I was going to say, I've got to wonder why you wouldn't be nervous with Chase.... He's the most gentle person I know, but it's more than that.... Is it ... because he can't see you?" Edward looked shocked and sat frozen for a moment.

"How did you know," he whispered almost inaudibly.

William shook his head. "What happened?"

Edward motioned for him to come closer. "My dad died when I was pretty young, and my mum worked all the time.... She thought I needed a father figure around ... so she started having my uncle Billy watch me in the evenings when she worked...." William looked away as he knew where this story was going and he could barely take it. Feeling Edward's hand on his forearm, he looked back at the boy with a sad smile. "It went on for a couple of years.... I wanted to tell, I really did.... He didn't threaten me or anything.... I was so lonely, I missed my dad, I missed my mom.... But he'd hold me, he kissed me so softly...." Edward could barely hold back the tears. "Mum came home early one night and caught him naked in my bed.... She didn't press charges, but we left England to come here; her company gave her the transfer...."

Edward's tears were heart-wrenching and William stretched out beside him and let the boy roll into him, wrapping his arm around Edward and stroking his naked back much like Edward had Chase's the previous day. After a few minutes, Edward's mom started to open the door to bring the boy his tea, but William raised his free hand to his mouth in a silent 'Shhh' and she backed out silently. "Chase," Edward whispered, "can't see what a monster I am...."

"How can you say that? You're brave and kind and, I hope you don't mind my saying, quite handsome...."

Edward sobbed again, and whispered, "I ... I let him do those things to me.... By the end, I wanted him to.... When mom stopped it, I thought I was going to die, William.... How screwed up is that?"

"Actually, I'm not surprised.... You were starved for affection and attention, and he made you feel like he was providing both of those things.... He used you to get off, yeah, but he also saw to it that you felt that he filled your need, he made you need him.... There's nothing wrong with you, Edward.... And I'll tell you a secret.... Chase sees everything, more clearly than you or me.... The things Chase can't see, that's all the outside crap.... None of it's real. But what matters, what's inside, he sees it all.... If you were a monster, he'd be the first to know.... But you saw, yesterday, he had no hesitation about hopping right up in that bed with you...."

He felt the boy relax in his arms and he kept up his rhythmic stroking of the smooth, soft skin. "I feel ... bad, sometimes.... Susan, she's great, and I think I love her.... But sometimes, I just...."

"Does she know?" He nodded his head. "Everything? Even that there are times you'd like to be with a guy?" Again, he nodded. "She's a pretty understanding gal.... My advice is never do anything without talking to her first.... But you're sure you aren't gay?"

"Pretty sure.... I guess I'm bi, because most girls I find something attractive about, but only some guys...."

William smiled as he felt Edward poking him through his gym shorts for the first time. "Well, just always be honest with yourself and your partners," he said, squeezing the boy. "And whenever you want to just cuddle, I'm sure Chase and I would be happy to oblige, but we are together...."

"I know," Edward said sincerely. "I would never...."

"I know," William said with a smile. "But I do want to thank you properly for what you've done for me," he said, lowering his lips to Edward's softly, an intimate but brotherly gesture, and rolling to wrap both arms around the boy. Before he broke their embrace, he whispered, "I really don't know if I could have gone on without him, Edward...." In a few minutes he rolled and sat up. "I've got to meet a guy about some money," he laughed. "Sorry, I have to run," he said, squeezing the boy's hand. "Thanks for sharing with me.... And you should talk to Chase, tell him all that you told me.... He can help more than I can...."

"You helped, a lot," Edward said, squeezing his hand in return. On his way out, he waved to Edward's mom, who grabbed his tea and headed off in that direction. He called Steve, who quickly drove to pick him up. They grabbed some lunch on the way to the house.

When they got home, William went upstairs and plopped down on the bed, reading until he heard the doorbell ring. William ran downstairs and opened the door, forgetting to look and finding himself lucky it was only Dave. "Come in, buddy," he said to the smiling young man.

"William, I don't know what to say, man," he said as he came inside. "Thank you...."

The boy nodded with a smile. "No problem.... Now I just need you to convince Steve that you can handle my money.... He'll have some good advice for you too.... You two have a lot in common...." Steve was sitting in his office when William led in the fresh looking young man.

"Steve Abernathy," he said, standing to shake hands with Dave.

"Dave Swanson, sir...."

"I'll leave you fellows to get acquainted.... I'm going to go check the accounts and see how much we're talking about here...." So Will got his card and got on the phone, jotting down numbers as he checked the accounts. He was right that the one he took a payment from was among the smaller ones. There was way more than he expected. When he returned, he found the men laughing like old friends and chatting about nothing much. "Well?"

Steve sat back in his chair with a smile. "I like your style, William.... We've been talking, and I'd like to propose a slightly different plan.... Don't be stingy, William! I'd like young Dave here to work for me, with me.... I like your plan of starting him light so he can go to law school, and I think your pay plan was a fair one.... But this way you won't bear the brunt yourself.... Also, I can use the help, especially if that treatment works out, and Dave here could use an old dog like me to bounce ideas off of.... What do you think?"

"I think its a good plan, dad," William said, earning a grin from Steve. "Because its a little more than I expected.... Too much for one man, even you Dave...." They both looked at him expectantly. "There's around two hundred million euro in the Swiss banks...."

"Shit," Dave exclaimed.

"It looks like we're gonna be busy, young man," Steve said to Dave with a laugh.

"Make me and Chase billionaires and we'll see to it that you end up in a good retirement home when the time comes," William teased and Steve threw a pen at him.

"Now, come here and fill out some paperwork so we can get that money transferred and put it to work...."

They did the paperwork and talked about some strategic options, and then William left them to their fun. He had some other business to attend to, calling the young delivery guy, Robert, to invite him to Chase's party so he could introduce him to Derek, the young student and limo driver, as he had promised.

Chase and Matt came in a little while later and found Steve and Dave still chatting away about Steve's business and what Dave could do for him. "Hey, Dave," Chase called, with a bright smile.

"Hey, little man! You know how to make a guy feel welcome," the young man laughed in response to the enthusiastic greeting.

Matt jokingly replied, "You don't know him so well, do you Dave?"

"How's that," the man asked with a smile.

"Because you didn't get a hug and kiss to go with it...."

Chase blushed. "So I'm affectionate...."

"Nobody's complaining," Matt said, elbowing him.

From behind, William made the boys jump by adding, "That's right.... Edward certainly wasn't kicking you out of bed...." Now Chase was positively crimson as William wrapped his arms around the boy and kissed him softly beneath the ear. He smiled as he felt a full-body shiver shake the boy. Then he leaned over and kissed Matt on the cheek as well, jokingly.

Matt wiped his cheek exaggeratedly and yelled, "Hey, now, I'm not your tart!"

"Well if you ever change your mind...." Now everyone was having a good laugh at Matt's expense. "Everything go okay at school today?"

"Yeah.... Everybody wanted to talk to us, ask about ... you know.... Edward's going to come back to a big surprise...."

"What," William asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, it's hard to tell the story without making him look like a hero, and ... I told the story a lot today," Chase replied.

"He's really shy.... The limelight might not be where he wants to be," William cautioned.

"I'll look after him," Chase said with a smile.

"Alright then.... In any case, will you do me a favor," William asked.

"Anything," Chase said, squeezing him tight.

"Make some time to talk to him in private, spend some time alone with him?"

Chase looked at William quizzically, but nodded his head. Matt excused himself, and soon Dave took his leave, with plans to meet with Steve the next day after classes. When Chase went upstairs for homework, William headed out to his workshop.

Steve followed him into the back yard. "You have good instincts, William," Steve said before he got too far. "I've needed some help for a while, and we can help you.... Thank you...."

The boy smiled back at him, looking every bit the free spirited boy he may once have been. But Steve couldn't miss the look in his eyes that betrayed the unnatural aging the boy had undergone in the last months. "I'm gonna lift some weights.... I'll be up in a couple," he said.

Steve grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a tight hug, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "You know you can talk to me, if you ever need to...." William choked up but nodded.

"Thanks, dad.... I know...." The man patted him on the shoulder and watched him walk away.

Beyond his door, he sat heavily on the weight bench and sighed heavily. He wished he didn't have to be so strong. He wished he could let others take care of him, but he couldn't seem to do it. His parents were gone and he had to take care of himself. 'You've got to be strong,' he repeated to himself, over and over, as he pumped the weights. 'You've got to be strong....' But on his face were tears.

When he was exhausted he ran up to the house, avoiding seeing anyone, to grab some fresh clothes before heading to the shower. Chase turned his head as he bustled into the room. Chase made a funny face and asked, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" William laughed, and Chase immediately heard the tears that were still in his voice. Chase was up in a minute and grasping for William, who slumped in his arms.

"They're gone!" He cried on the small boy's shoulder. "They're gone...."

"I know, sweety.... I'm so sorry...."

"What am I going to do? I'm trying to be strong...."

Chase kissed him on the neck and whispered, "Sometimes, to be strong, you've got to let go.... Let others in, let them help, let them do their part...."

"I'm so afraid to let go.... I'm afraid if I let go of anything, I won't be able to get it back.... I'm afraid that anything can be taken away from me...."

Chase took his hand and led him deftly to the bed. He took William's hand and placed it on his chest. "Do you feel it?"

"What? Your heartbeat?"

Chase smiled and nodded. "As long as it beats, you have me.... Even after the end, you'll have me...."

William's tears began to flow again, more than before, as he laid down and put his head in Chase's lap. He knew that his gift for the boy, however dangerous, difficult and rare, was perfect. There was one place in the world where he didn't have to be strong and put up a front, and he was there.

Friday, Chase and Matt walked into school just as Susan and Edward arrived, and the boys flanked him on one side, Susan on the other. A lot of people tried to talk to him, but Edward smiled weakly and let Chase and Matt do all the talking. As they parted, they all made plans to grab lunches and hide in the library. Back at the house, William got ready for a morning run, but Steve stopped him.

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with you exposing yourself to danger, William...."

The boy looked at him with an exasperated expression but Steve gave him a hard look. "I guess I can just work out, then.... Can you drop me at the synagogue later, though?"

Steve nodded and watched the boy walk down to his shed. William did lift weights for a while, but then he got out the piece of willow he'd been working on for a wand. Taking out his knife, he split the tapered end into four quarters and grabbed a point of amethyst, pressing it into the wood and lashing it in place with fine copper wire. Then, with a fine tool, he hollowed out the thick end about two inches deep. He selected a mix of herbs and minerals, which he powdered and funneled into the hole, which he sealed with the help of a little sand and a magical fire, creating a thin layer of glass to hold the magical elements inside. Setting up a little target at the far end of the room, he practiced a few simple offensive spells and found he was able to use the hand-made wand to target more accurately and deliver more powerful blows. Satisfied, he put the generic wand away in case it was ever needed again and slipped the new wand into his waistband.

After running up to the shower and getting some clean clothes on, Steve drove him over to the synagogue and instructed him to either get a ride home or call him for a ride. "Yes, dad," William said, rolling his eyes boyishly at the man, earning himself a playful shove out of the car.

Pushing the button, William spoke into the box. "Irma? William Jennings here!" The door buzzed and he pushed inside. He walked up to the desk and asked, "Is Rabbi Roth available?"

She pulled up his calendar. "He's not got anything scheduled," she said, "but he's not here.... Hold on, I'll call him at home...." She dialed his number and he picked up quickly. "Rabbi? ... Yes, fine thanks.... No, no.... William Jennings's here to see you.... Alright, see you in a bit...." Hanging up, she turned back to the boy. "He'll be over in a few minutes if you want to wait in the library...."

William walked down to the library and waited for the man, thumbing through the books, paying little attention to the pile on the table. "Sorry to keep you, William, but I was working at home this morning, trying to put a word or two together for tonight and tomorrow...."

"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt...."

"Not at all.... Forty years in the saddle, I ought to know what to say.... How is it going otherwise?"

"Other than an international supernatural cabal that would like to see me and my loved ones dead? Peachy," the boy said.

The man laughed. "My! Aren't we saucy today.... You'll come to services tonight?"

"I'll check with Chase, but definitely in the morning...."

"So was there something in particular?"

"Can you tell me what to expect? Sunday night?"

The man smiled and nodded, motioning for William to sit at the table. He grabbed a book out of the pile, which he had clearly prepared for this occasion, and opened it to a large diagram of the Temple's interior. "Our portal opens to a large open room of unimaginable beauty. In the middle of the room will be an altar.... That is where you will stoke the fires, offer the incense and the Bond will be forged. Behind the altar is the Holy of Holies.... It will be veiled by a large curtain embroidered with the figures of angels.... It is absolutely essential that no one approach the Holy of Holies.... Just being too near to it can cause confusion, disorientation.... To touch its veil can kill a man...."

"Understood," William said with a grim laugh that indicated Sam's point was well taken. "So, the Bond.... What will happen when we exchange the signs? What will the signs be?"

"It is my understanding that the fires forge the angelic gold into whatever sign suites the lovers, so time will tell.... As to what happens.... I've never seen, or even heard.... It is a mystery...."

"What should I tell everyone on Sunday night?"

"I'll leave that to you...."

"Will you ask Sebastian and James to stay after?"

"Of course.... Actually, my old teacher, Avery Salazar, will be joining them.... He's helped me open a portal here that opens to Sebastian's home, so we can go back and forth as necessary. If you don't mind, I'd like him to join us as well.... He's the most powerful wizard -- good wizard, anyway -- I've ever known...."


"Oh, and here is the name I promised you.... Dr. Victor Sibelius, his clinic in in Bern, Switzerland.... He is, by all accounts, the best in the world at magical vision restoration.... But ... William.... I'm afraid there is nothing he can do for you...."


"What's wrong with Chase ... it feels like ... part of the order of things.... I can't explain it, but the energy ... he exudes feels perfectly in order.... There doesn't seem to be ANYTHING wrong with him...."

"Except he's blind...."

"That's the thing," Rabbi Roth nodded, shaking his head. "In any case, in your position, I'd follow every lead...."

"I'll hold onto this, see what Chase thinks...."

"Always a good course of action...."

"I'd better go, he'll be home soon.... Do you think you could give me a ride?"

"Sure," the man smiled. A few minutes later, he dropped William at the Abernathys' and went home to rest. William looked in on Steve, who was meeting with Dave and going over some research he wanted done.

"Hey, Dave! I'm home dad...." They waved to him and he tromped up stairs, laying back on the bed to read. He dozed off before Chase got home and woke to the sounds of Chase, Matt and Edward talking downstairs. Groggily, he made his way downstairs, and they guys laughed at him.

With a groan, he hugged Chase, then Edward, and Matt said, "Hey, what am I, chopped liver?" William went to give him a hug to, but Matt threw up his hands in feigned disgust. "No! I know when I'm not wanted...." They all laughed at him as William tackled him to the floor and gave him a noogie, Matt surrendering upon the threat of a wet willy.

Laughing, William asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Slumber party," Chase said, excitedly.

"If you don't mind, Chase, that sounds a little gay! Sleepover!" Everybody laughed at Matt's comment.

"Sounds great.... I'm gonna go out for about an hour tonight, if you don't mind Chase? Down to the synagogue," he said, looking back and forth between the boys, wondering what they'd think, but nobody said anything.

"Sure! We can order pizza and grab some movies while you're gone...."

"I gotta go take a shower, guys. Be back in a bit!" With that, William ran upstairs and showered, feeling like one should be freshly clean for services.

He was pulling on his underwear when he heard an "Oh!" at the door. Turning, William saw a red-faced Edward standing paralyzed at the sight of his tall muscular form dressed only in a pair of tight briefs.

As the boy stood awkwardly silent, William smiled and asked, "Were you looking for something?"

"Uhm.... Bathroom...."

"It's across the hall," William laughed. Edward nodded but still didn't move. William shook his head and pulled on a white shirt, buttoning it up, and stepping into his pants. "Here, let me show you," he said, taking Edward by the arm and leading him across the hall. He finished getting ready, noticing that Edward was in there for a long time! William called for him when he heard him come out, and Edward came into Chase's room. William wrapped his arms around the boy, hugging him warmly. "I'm glad you're here...."

"Thanks.... I hope we're not in the way.... You didn't have plans, did you?"

"Nope.... And you're never in the way...." He gave him a squeeze and let him go, popping his wallet and cell phone into his pockets and leading the boy downstairs.

"Where've you guys been," Matt called as they walked downstairs.

"Making out," William answered sarcastically. William and Edward piled up on the couch with Chase and Matt, William positioning Edward between Chase and himself. William casually wrapped an arm around Edward, who lay back on his shoulder, breathing softly.

They were watching television when Dave and Steve came out laughing. Dave waved, "Hey, guys! I'm Dave!"

"The goon on the end is our neighbor and Chase's best friend Matt," Steve began. "And I don't believe I know the young fellow cuddling with my son's boyfriend...."

Edward blushed and stood up. "Edward Boyle, sir," he said, holding out his hand.

Steve grabbed his hand and pulled him into a tight hug. "You're the boy who saved my son," Steve asked with a thick voice. Edward nodded, and Steve whispered, "Thank you, thank you...." When he let go, he wiped his eyes and laughed. "You're in trouble when Sarah get's home, my boy.... Dave, you remember I told you about the school shooting? Edward here pushed Chase out of the way and took a bullet in the arm in the process...."

"It was really.... I mean, it was just instinct," Edward said, blushing, as Dave shook his hand. Soon, Dave was gone, and William got Steve to drive him down to the synagogue, leaving the boys laughing on the couch.

Making his way inside, a number of the people he met the previous week recognized him and came over to say hello, a few of the older ladies asking him where "that cute little blond" was.

William laughed and said, "He's got some friends over tonight.... It's his birthday this weekend...."

"Well, tell him his girlfriends said happy birthday," the older of the the three women said with a wink as they took their seats.

Before the services started Rabbi Roth came in and sat next to him for a moment. "Try to clear your mind tonight.... The Sabbath is a day of rest, a day of peace.... Let the words wash over you and carry you to another place.... Do you understand?"

"Not a word," William said with a laugh.

"Good," the man replied, patting him on the knee and standing to take his own seat at the front and wait for a few more people to show up. As the services began, William let the chanting of the congregation wash over him and tried to concentrate on clearing his mind. Finally he laughed at himself -- concentrating on freeing his mind ? -- and just let go, went with the flow, and after a while he just felt like he was floating in a great body of water, spiritually speaking. Weeks of tension he didn't know he still had, for a moment, however long it lasted, seeped away. In that moment, he could feel them all around him, Chase a pulsing beacon of light in a dark, stormy night, Matt the warmhearted, Edward the gentle, Steve and Sarah the parental love, Sam Roth proud and grandfatherly, Xavier and Aiden lovebirds always.... And like a whisper in the wind, his father and his mother, hovering unseen above it all. For a moment, it was almost as if he could reach out and grasp them. Alas....

"Mourners and those with a yahrzeit, please rise for the mourner's kaddish." William struggled to his feet, receiving an approving nod from Sam, and began to repeat after the man, along with a handful of others, "Yitgadal v-yitkadash, sh'mei rabbah..."[Exalted and sanctified is your great name].

Again, after the service, a number of people approached him, most of whom he recognized from before. They had, of course, noticed he joined in the mourner's kaddish. One elderly woman put a hand on his arm, "Who did you lose?"

"I ... my father and my mother, and the twin babies she was...." He stopped and cleared his throat, wiping the mist from his eyes, and felt the old woman squeeze him tight as many of those nearby quickly dabbed their own eyes. "I felt like ... tonight ... for the first time ... no one's ever really lost, not really...."

The woman nodded and wiped her own eyes on a handkerchief. "I ... my Harry died two weeks ago, and I still look for him every day," she whispered.

William laughed softly and said, "I nearly had a nervous breakdown last week when I called my boyfriend's dad ... dad...." She patted his shoulder softly and squeezed, smiling, before grabbing her cane and hobbling off. Once he had spoken to a few more people and the place had cleared out, Sam walked up to him and nodded. "How was it?"

William smiled, shaking his head and shrugging. "I don't know what to say...."

"Then don't," Sam responded with a laugh. After a moment, he added, "Tonight was the first time I've seen Edna smile since Harry died.... Can I ask what you said to her?"

"She asked who I lost, and I told her, even about the twins," he said, pausing as Sam's eyes went wide, an uncontrollable sob rising in his throat and bringing tears to his eyes.

The man coughed and said, softly, "Twins?"

William nodded and swallowed hard, "We'd just found out a couple of weeks before...."

Sam sat in the nearest seat and rested his forehead on the back of the chair in front of it, closing his eyes. "Some things ... make your soul feel tired, too tired...." Looking at William, he said, "I'm so sorry...."

William sat down next to him. "Tonight, I did what you said.... It was like I was floating, and I could feel ... everyone around me.... And I could feel them too, my parents.... Just a little, but it was real.... So I told her, that tonight, I felt like we don't ever really LOSE anyone...."

Sam wrapped an arm around the boy and squeezed. "Are you okay to get home?"

"Steve's gonna pick me up," he said, looking at his watch, "ten minutes ago.... I've gotta run, see you in the morning...." The man smiled weakly and nodded. As the boy left, he put his head down in his hands and cried.

Back at the house, William found Chase and Matt trying to remember who all was invited and who might come to the party, as Sarah tried to tally it up, all while fawning over Edward whenever possible.

"I see you've been introduced," William said with gentle sarcasm. Sarah gave him a look, while Edward laughed.

Looking at the boys, specifically Matt and Chase, Sarah said with a glance at her list, "We'll definitely have to go get more stuff tomorrow, more drinks, more snacks, more cake...."

The boys groaned.... Shopping.... William laughed, and Edward rolled his eyes. They all ate pizza and drank sodas around the kitchen island, laughing and talking. Afterward, they all piled up on the couch and put on a slasher flick and managed, by a process of one-upsmanship to freak each other out majorly. By the time they finished the second movie, Sarah and Steve had disappeared, and the boys were too scared to turn out the lights and walk upstairs in the dark, while Chase didn't want to do it by himself!

"Alright, you douches run upstairs and I'll take care of it," William said at last, shaking his head when nobody tried to talk him out of it. In fact, he got the better of himself and after they were upstairs, he ran up the steps and turned the lights off from upstairs with a quick flick of his wrist.

"That was fast," Chase teased him with a knowing tone.

"Says the blind kid who's afraid of the dark," Matt retorted.

"That's why I love you, freak," Chase said, shaking his head, laughing. "I'm not afraid of the dark, I live in the dark.... I just didn't want to be down there by myself.... So, how's this gonna work?"

"Queen size.... We'll fit," Matt said, kicking his shoes off and throwing his shirt on top of them, before flopping back onto the bed and climbing under the covers. Chase quickly crawled in next to him, William guessing they were used to sleeping close. William thought about taking Chase's other side, but that would leave Edward on the outside. After a brief deliberation, he thought the boy might like to sleep between them, so he took the outside spot. Chase's face bore a question, before he smiled and shook his head. So Edward climbed over William, who held the covers up for him.

The bed was full but comfortably full of friends. Chase giggled a little, before managing to say, "Night Johnboy," before he burst out laughing. Matt rolled on his side and gave Chase a noogie for his trouble, leaving his arm comfortably draped across the boy's chest. Edward rolled onto his right side, facing Matt and Chase to get more comfortable, and soon felt William spoon up behind him and snake an arm under his own, hugging his chest and pulling him back into his warm body. Edward sighed softly, and William felt him relax instantly, melting back into him. Chase reached over and grabbed William's hand, tickling Edward's belly with his fingers, and squeezed gently. A few minutes later, they were all asleep.

When William woke in the morning, desperate to go to the bathroom, he was on his back, his arm around Edward, whose head was resting on his chest. Rubbing the boy's back lightly, he whispered, "Edward, I've got to go to the bathroom...." The boy grumbled in his sleep and rolled over, snuggling up to Chase, who was now sandwiched between the cute boys. William grabbed some clothes so he could dress without waking them, and went ahead and showered before slipping downstairs.

Steve was sipping coffee at the table with the paper as William grabbed a bowl of cereal. "You need a ride," Steve asked.

"If you don't mind...."

"Sure thing, buddy.... Where'd everybody sleep?"

"Chase's bed...."

"That must have been snug," Steve laughed, choking a little on his coffee.

William shrugged and smiled. "I don't think anybody minded," he said. "Go take a peak...."

The man tiptoed upstairs and peaked in the door, returning shaking his head. "You guys! You've got good friends...."

In the afternoon, after services, the four boys piled into Sarah's van. They dropped Edward off on the way to pick up supplies. "See you guys tomorrow," he called happily as he hopped out of the van.

"See you tomorrow," Chase said, waving.

Sarah spent most of the afternoon draggin them around town; then when they got home, the boys had to unlock the car and help Sarah set up the house and the back yard for Chase's first big birthday party, his sixteenth.

They were all tired when they sat down to eat leftover pizza, and when they finished, Matt had to run home. At last, Chase and William were alone ... with Chase's parents of course. After a little TV, however, they excused themselves upstairs and piled into the bed, nude, making out.

Chase asked, teasing, "Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

William shook his head, laughing. "Edward IS a hottie ... but that's not what it was about and you know it! I told him the other day...."

Tweaking his nipple to shut him up, Chase laughed, "I know what you told him.... I got my turn this morning anyway.... Woke up in a boy sandwich...."

"I know," William said, wagging his eyebrows. "If I didn't love you so much, I definitely could have eaten that sandwich...."

"Me, too," Chase said, his cheeks dimpling cutely. Slowly, he slid beneath the covers and began sucking William.

When it began to feel really good, William shook his shoulder. "Swing around so I can do you, too...." Chase straddled Williams chest, giving the boy good access to his cock and balls. But Chase's ass was right in his face, and he began to knead the tight globes. Grabbing Chase's hips, he pulled the boy back a few inches and buried his tongue between Chase's ass cheeks. He quickly found the boy's pink hole and began tonguing it aggressively. Chase was moaning and groaning around his cock, which quickly pushed William over the edge. Chase reached beneath to stroke himself, but William pushed his hand away.

He quickly turned Chase around and positioned the boy between his legs. With the precum he was leaking, William's ass was soon slick with the slime. Chase worked his cock in like a pro, but they both knew he wouldn't last long. William reached around him grabbing at his ass to encourage him to give it his all. The feeling of William's hands grabbing and squeezing his hips and ass drove Chase crazy as he pounded in and out of the boy's tight hole. As he was about to cum, he lowed himself to kiss William passionately, and they continued to make out long after Chase's cock slipped out. But they were teenagers, and the heavy makeout gave Chase new life. Round two was much longer and more passionate, and it wore both boys out completely. They woke up in the morning disgusting, sticky with cum and sweat.

"I'll have to try to slip a load in the laundry this morning while your mom is busy.... This is nasty.... Even a mom couldn't miss these stains," William said with a laugh. The boy's did manage to slip across the hall and shower together unnoticed. When they finished, William stuck his head out the door and ran across the hall to the bedroom with a towel around his waist. A moment later, he made a noise, giving Chase the signal to head across as well.

Chase came in giggling, "That was exciting...."

"Probably what your mom thought as she walked around the corner downstairs and looked up your towel...."

Chase's face turned red and he looked scandalized. "She didn't!"

"No, but I love when you blush...." Chase smacked him on the bare chest, commenting, "Mmmm, I like the sound of that.... How many spankings do I get to give you for my birthday?"

"That's not the way it works, Chase," William said with a laugh.

"Could it be if I wanted it to be," he asked, teasing.

"Absolutely!" They laughed and finished getting dressed before running downstairs. They started getting food out, but Sarah called, "NO MESSES! We're all set for the party right now!"

"We'll be good, I promise," Chase replied.

"NO! We'll go grab breakfast," she said, leading Steve around from the bedroom, as he finished buttoning his shirt. "I thought we might go walk around the mall for a while to keep out of the house...."

Over breakfast, they talked about random things. Sarah, of course, brought up Edward. "He's a sweet boy," she said, "he likes both of you a lot...."

"He is nice, mom," Chase said. "He's very shy, though, so take it easy!"


"SO," Steve interrupted, "What did you get for Chase for his birthday," Steve asked with a cheeky smile. "Since I keep track of the check book, I just noticed you didn't purchase anything...."

"That you know of! I've got my ways...."

"I'm sure you have.... So no hints?"

"It's very special," William said, squeezing Chase's hand under the table. "I'll give it to him after most of the guests are gone.... Only close friends and family...."

Chase's smile was indescribably as he squeezed back. "I don't need anything else," he said softly.

"This ... will be special, baby," William whispered into his ear, leaning in for privacy.

"Alright boys, enough of the secret lovey-dovey.... Let's go shopping," Sarah announced with a smile.

By the time they got home, it was nearly three, and Matt met them on the front porch before they got the door opened. "Excited," William asked with a laugh.

"Yeah! It's a party and ... people are coming!"

Inside, they all went up to Chase's room and turned on the television. Chase tried to decide what to wear and let William help him pick an outfit of navy pants and a light powder blue sweater over an undershirt, while William picked out a white shirt with black pants for himself. They had to kick Matt out of the room to change, and shortly, the bell rang. They all went downstairs and William opened the door, welcoming Amy inside. She kissed Matt on the cheek, before giving Chase a little hug.

"Where can I put this," she asked, holding up a little gift.

"There is a table in here, dear," Sarah answered, as she walked into the room. "My, my! Don't you boy's look nice! I guess people will be coming soon?"

"Guess so," Chase said, as the door rang again. This time it was Edward, Susan, Charles and Maria; Aiden and Xavier arrived a few minutes later. Again, everybody said their hellos and gifts were deposited on the table. Slowly, people began to trickle in, some old friends, some new acquaintances, and some curious people too, it may easily be imagined. Some of Sarah and Steve's adult friends also came. There was a big crowd by seven when a group of guests arrived that made everyone stop and notice. Indeed, a sort of hush fell across the room.

Steve opened the door and ushered Sam Roth inside; he was followed by a small, dark-haired boy of exquisite beauty, with a tall, jockish boy holding his hand. Sebastian and James had arrived. They were followed by Chris and Steve and Avery and Sarah.

"What's going on," Chase asked, curious about the hush that fell over the room.

"Sebastian's here...."

Chase smiled and indicated William should lead him to the group. "I'm glad you could make it," he said, offering a big smile.

Sebastian returned his smile, which CHase heard in his voice as he said, "We wouldn't miss it!" Sebastian gave him a very cautious hug and stepped back. "Chase, William, this is my partner James.... Chris and Steve are friends from school, and Avery and Sarah are friends from William's ... world...."

"Thank you all for coming," Chase said welcoming them all and shaking hands with each one of them. Sebastian watched carefully as James shook hands with the boy, hearing him gasp and his eyes go wide; the same scene repeated itself when Avery shook his hand.

Everyone seemed to go back to talking, and Sam drew Avery and William aside, leaving Chase chatting with Sarah, Chris and Steve. "Master, this is William Jennings, Alex's son...." William looked confused as the old rabbi referred to the young man as master. "This, young William, is Avery Salazar.... He taught your father everything he knew about wizardry, as he did me before him...." William's confusion deepened and it showed. "Avery is the most powerful wizard I know, I told you before.... He has mastered the flow of time, William.... He's around five hundred years old...." William's eyes widened in realization as he shook the man's hand.

"Sam, don't call me master...."

"Yes, master," the old man replied, winking at William.

"Since I heard about your situation, William, I've been thinking.... I know you've got Xavier and Aiden, but ... I'd love to tutor you, if you'd allow me.... I'm presently doing the same for Sebastian's partner James...."

"Thank you, sir.... I really do need to talk to my uncles, but.... How would it work?"

"Sam's told me about your workshop.... We could open a two-way door there to Sebastian's house.... We could meet in your secret room and practice, the three of us.... Just a thought...."

"Sounds great!"

"What does," Xavier asked, walking around the corner. When he saw Avery, he lowered his head, "Excuse me master, I didn't realize...."

"Don't be silly, Xavier," the man said with a fond smile, putting a hand on his cheek before drawing him in for a hug. "How is my favorite pupil?"

"Better now," he said meaningfully, earning a squeeze from Avery.

"Your uncle Xavier was a very ... precocious teenager, William.... He tested my will in every way possible...."

"Xavier, you never seemed like the kind to misbehave," William responded, before he realized what Avery really meant, reddening at the thought of Xavier trying to tempt his sexy young-looking teacher. They all laughed as he blushed. "Avery was just offering to tutor me, but I was saying I needed to talk to you first...."

"Well, thank you, but of course you must say yes," Xavier responded immediately, squeezing William's shoulder.

"Then its settled," he said. They all talked for a few minutes, until Xavier noticed Aiden talking to Sebastian and James across the room and just walked off.

"Why does Xavier dislike Sebastian so much," William asked, when he was gone.

Avery put a hand on William's should and said, "It's complicated.... VERY complicated.... In part, Xavier blamed Sebastian for not keeping me out of prison.... I told Xavier that Sebastian would do whatever it took to get me back, but he could only do that if he didn't risk his position for me at the wrong time.... But Xavier is very ... committed...."

"Is that why he left the Council?" Sam nodded to confirm.

"The rest of it, I'd have to speculate.... Part of it probably has to do with Aiden's friendship with Sebastian, and part of it might have something to do with Sebastian's ... well, let's say that Sebastian wasn't always as gentle in his attempts at dissuading Xavier's attentions as I was...." William's eyes went wide and he nodded. THAT made sense.

"It's nice to meet you, Avery, and I hope we can talk soon about lessons, but I want to get back to Chase.... It's his big day...."

Avery nodded and smiled as William walked off. "Remind you of someone," Sam asked.


William found Chase with Matt, talking to a tall, handsome young man about his age and his girlfriend. "Hey, guys," he said as he joined them.

"Hey, William, this is Carl and Heather.... Carl's on the basketball team.... His older brother is gay...."

"Oh, yeah, I remember you mentioned him.... It's nice to meet you guys, I'm William Jennings...."

"Chase says you're starting school with us next week," Carl said, shaking his hand.

"Looks like it!"

"I guess nobody'll be picking on you guys anymore," he laughed, smiling at Matt and Chase.

"Not if they want to graduate," William said with a serious smile. While they stood talking, quite a few people stopped by to say hello. They did all the normal stuff, got everybody together and sang happy birthday to Chase, served cake and desert. Then Chase opened his presents while everyone watched, William stayed at his elbow to help him out as necessary. Sarah was, meanwhile, making tons of pictures. Slowly, the crowds again began to disperse, and most everybody who came by to wish Chase a happy birthday as they left got a big hug.

By 10, only Sam Roth and Sebastian's group, Xavier and Aiden, as well as Matt and Edward and their girlfriends remained. William spoke privately to Chase, who took Matt aside. After a while Matt nodded, and soon, Chase was hugging them goodbye.

When the door closed, William nervously said, "Thank you all for staying.... I'm sure everyone noticed that I did not give Chase his gift tonight.... It's because the gift I prepared was very special, very private.... Very rare.... And well.... I don't know what to say.... Tonight, we are going to perform a ritual, and I'd like for you all to be witnesses to it...."

Sarah and Steve looked at each other, and Sarah was visibly uncomfortable. "What are we talking about here?"

Sam Roth stepped forward. "Think about it like a commitment ceremony for people like us.... The relations between individuals are very strong, and this ritual gives magical form to this relation.... Don't worry, I'll be assisting, it's perfectly safe at this point.... It seems that young William has already risked his hide preparing for tonight...." Avery, who had turned white stood and whispered in Sam's ear. Sam nodded. "The ritual creates what is called a Bond, a physical manifestation symbolizing that magical tie between Chase and William.... The Bond's sign is formed of angelic gold in the ritual location of the wizard's choosing -- sometimes they are rings, sometimes necklaces -- very powerful magic...."

"Is this a common thing?" Sarah still looked concerned.

Sam hesitated. "No, until a few minutes ago, I thought I'd never met anyone who had performed this ritual...."

"What," William asked.

"I performed the ritual," Avery announced loudly, inspiring shocked looks all around. "She was killed...." James put two and two together: the woman he killed for, the woman whose death drove him to the rampage that landed him in his prison, had been bound to him. No wonder he snapped.

"Who were your witnesses," Sebastian asked, sounding a little jealous, revealing his deep attachment to the man again.

Avery looked long and hard at William, peering deep into his eyes. "Two of my former students, Alexander Jennings and Leah Montrose," he said, tears in his eyes. "And since they cannot do this for you, I'd be honored if you'd allow me to assist you, if Sam doesn't mind being a witness...." Sam nodded with a smile. William nearly ran into the man's arms as they shared a few tearful moments.

"Sarah, Steve," Avery said, "I understand your misgivings.... But do you doubt that what's developing between these boy's is real? What William is offering Chase is the deepest sign of devotion one person can give to another.... It binds one soul to another, so one supports the other no matter how far apart they may be...." They looked at each other and shook their heads. No, they did not doubt it. "Then you are about to see something perhaps no non-magical humans have ever seen. Have you chosen your ritual location, William?"

"I have.... The Temple...."

"THE Temple," Steve added, and Sam laughed, patting him on the shoulder.

"THE TEMPLE," Sam said.

Chase, who had been silent all this time, took William's hand and kissed it, placing it on his heart, reminding him of what he had said in a gesture of devotion they would share many times in the future. They all walked down to William's building, which he opened, and lead the large crowd into the inner room. On the opposite wall, Sam drew an elaborate door in chalk and inscribed it quickly with elaborate symbols. Clearly he had been here a lot. Meanwhile, William gathered his equipment.

When the door opened into the courtyard of the Israelites, everyone but Sam gasped audibly, and followed him into the spiritual reality represented in the ancient architecture of Solomon. In the middle of the large stone room stood a large slab altar. About ten feet beyond that, a huge embroidered curtain hung in front of a square room, entirely obscuring it.

"Make a semicircle around the altar," Sam instructed. "Whatever happens, whatever you see or do, do not go behind the altar.... Stay away from the curtain.... Strong men have been drawn into it, and only one man is able to walk in and walk out of that room. Anyone else ... would meet their end...."

"William, Chase, approach the altar," Avery said, taking over. Avery stood at William's left so he could instruct him on the words. "To kindle the fires of the altar, you must have elemental fire," he announced loudly, part of the ritual that also served as narrative for the witnesses.

William drew out the vial and unstopped it. Repeating after Avery, he announced, "I draw near to you, O Lord, to kindle the fires of sacrifice, as you commanded our forefathers...." At those words, Sebastian's heart caught in his throat as he thought of his cousin and what that command had taken from him. Sebastian tried to see beyond his ancient bitterness, he tried to be open.... William poured the vial onto the altar which burst into flame, though there was no fuel.

"Hand the sacrifice to Chase," Avery said, to William's surprise. William poured the little pebbles of dragon's breath incense into the boy's hand. "Chase, repeat after me and toss the incense into the fire...."

Everyone stood entranced as Chase's beautiful voice filled the room as neither Avery's nor William's did, though he spoke ever so softly, "O Lord, we know that you do not desire sacrifices of blood or flesh. The sacrifice you desire is from the heart, and so we bring it. This incense is a sign of the love we consecrate before you this night. Blessed art thou, o Lord our God, master of the universe, who has created love and lover...." When he sprinkled the incense into the fire, the soft smell filled the room with a heady, intoxicating scent.

As they paused, Chase began to rock, ever so slightly. "What's wrong," William asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all," he responded with a faraway smile. "Can't you hear it, it's so beautiful...."

"Hear what?"

"The Song.... The Song from the box...."

"What are you talking about...."

"Behind the curtain, its what the curtain hides, a Song.... It comes from the box," he said, rocking and smiling. They could all hear him, but no one seemed to understand.

Sam warned, "Watch him closely.... Keep him away from the curtains...."

Avery interrupted. "Now is the time! Each of you take part of the angelic gold.... And drop it into the fires...." William handed Chase a piece and they each did as they were told. The metal moved around the altar through the fires like quicksilver. "Say the blessing," Avery said.

But before he could say the words for them to repeat, Chase began, "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it...." William, his eyes wide, looked to Avery, who simply nodded, and William repeated the words.

Avery moved between them and placed William's right hand on Chase's and bound them together with a cord. With a smile, Avery added, "Now would be the appropriate time to kiss...." William leaned in and pressed his lips to Chase's softly, at which moment a light burst from behind the curtain, ropes of vibrant blue light swirled around the room, wrapping the boys together as they continued to kiss, seemingly unaware of what was happening. Avery stepped back as the light continued to engulf the boy's in transparent tendrils. Sarah grabbed Sam's arms as the boys' feet left the ground.

"Is THAT normal," she asked.

Sam looked none-too-confident when he said, "I doubt it...."

Both of the boys looked rapt, in a state of bliss, as William's tongue slipped between Chase's lips, and the lights filling the room began to pulse. At last, Chase opened his eyes and brought his free hand up to William's cheek. When William opened his eyes and saw the light, he slowly broke the kiss and the boy's slowly lowered to the ground as the light untangled and withdrew behind the curtain. They smiled sheepishly at the white faces of their witnesses. Even Sebastian looked like he'd seen a ghost.

With a shaking voice, Avery approached the boys and untied their arms, saying, "Now is the time to quench the fires of the sacrifice, forging the Bonds...."

William took out the last vial, containing the deep waters potion and poured it over the fires. When the steam lifted, two rings, gold with swirling black laid on the surface of the altar. William reached for the smaller of the two rings and placed it on Chase's left ring finger. Chase reached for the altar and the bigger ring actually slid to his hand. He smiled as he reached out and took William's hand and slid the ring onto his finger. The floor beneath their feet rumbled again startling all present.

Avery stood by and at last spoke the final words, "The unbreakable Bond is forged, before God and before these witnesses. We vow to defend it until the end...." To some present, those words resounded with ominous connotations.

As the ritual was completed, Avery stepped forward and looked at Chase. "How did you know the words to say?"

Chase got that faraway look in his eyes and said, "I told you, the voices from the box.... Those were the words they sang to me...." In that instant, in that moment, Sebastian knew, he knew without a doubt, why everything about Chase seemed so familiar, why the power he felt was so familiar. He knew what Chase was. He knew without a doubt, and in this place.... He felt a shiver of recognition race through him and a pang in his heart from an age so long ago it danced at the edge of his memory, the memories of a human boy....

Chase suddenly was "looking" right at him, though Sebastian knew he could not see. But he was focused and smiled, as he continued speaking, "Mundus senescit.... Aethon awakens, Sekhmet will walk, and Resheph shall live again.... But the child of love shall ascend, the Crown shall speak, all is not lost...."

"It cannot be...." Sebastian whispered.

Chase's smile widened, and he shook his head. "It was, and is, and will be always, silly boy...."

Next: Chapter 6

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