A Light in the Darkness

By Jason Gordon

Published on Feb 24, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a companion story to "Things that Go Bump." The story lines are related and the characters will occasionally interact. The stories begin at roughly the same time. My sincerest thanks go out to Darryl AKA the Radio Rancher (darryltheradiorancher@gmail.com) and Kelly who kindly edited this chapter. And thanks to everyone for writing such encouraging emails.

I am now posting my stories to a Yahoo!Group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jaygordon_1981/ as well. I'm putting them up there a little in advance so I can make final edits before submitting to Nifty, so if you are interested, you can check it out. It's closed membership to avoid spams and flames, so just let me know!

****SPECIAL NOTE: If you haven't been following my other story, "Things that Go Bump," characters from that story appear here, picking up after Chapter 18 in that story -- hope this isn't too confusing!

A Light in the Darkness, Chapter 6

"Back to School"

Everyone stood, deathly still and gape-mouthed, shocked not only by what was continuing to unfold before their eyes, but also at the way Chase spoke to Sebastian like a parent might speak to a petulant child, with mature amusement.

Just as, to the horror and wonder of everyone present, it looked as if Sebastian might actually bow or kneel before Chase, the mood was lightened by the sound of James's uncontrollable giggle. "He told you," the boy whispered to Sebastian with a snort, causing him to straighten up.

Sebastian just shook his head with a weak smile, never prying his eyes from Chase's face. Chase smiled in the direction of James's voice, "Sebastian's feelings are understandable.... These days are mysterious works.... Who would have guessed that one present at the beginning of the great journey from Ur would be present at its culmination," Chase asked, again looking faraway, gesturing strangely toward the veil behind the altar.

Confidently he stepped forward and laid hands on Sebastian's shoulders, leaning in and whispering something only he could hear. Sebastian's eyes looked absolutely alive, and when Chase stepped back a little, everyone could see the tears in his eyes as he whispered, "Thank you...," putting his hand on Chase's. If anything, the power that he had felt in the boy before was magnified. The difference between what he felt now and what he felt before was like a river compared to the rivulets of water leading to a puddle after a storm. But it no longer disoriented Sebastian, it electrified him....

But as he took Chase's hand from his shoulder into his own, he noticed the ring of angelic gold up close for the first time. "Avery," he said, excitedly, waving the man near. "Have a look...." On the ring were carved sigil after sigil in perfect clarity, but the central symbol was ancient and simple. It was a crown.

Avery took Chase's hand and saw it too. "We have a lot to discuss, my friends," Avery said to everyone and no one, all at once. He motioned for them all to follow him, and they milled through the portal until only William, Chase and Sam Roth remained.

"Come on, boys," the Rabbi urged. Chase quickly, briefly turned toward the veil of the Holy of Holies, and both William and Sam could see the longing in his face. "Chase," the man said a bit more urgently.

"I know, I know.... Don't go near it...." But he said it with an easy and jovial spirit that set Sam ill at ease. "Just a moment more.... I could stay here forever...."

"That's why we don't stay too long," Sam said. "It would be too easy not to go back.... But the world needs us, and we need the opportunity to rise to that challenge.... Here is quiet and peace, there is the opportunity to become worthy of it...."

Chase's smile would have lit the room, and he cheerfully led the way through the portal with a little guidance from William at his elbow.

Back in the living room, the atmosphere was turning festive. Everyone wanted to see the rings and hug the boys, and talk to Chase. In a way they were avoiding the inevitably heavy discussion of what had transpired at the Temple. But they needed to let that go for a moment.

Sebastian announced, "I couldn't think what to get you for your birthday.... James thought you might like to come up some weekend and let us take you guys out...."

Chase smiled and nodded. "That'll be great!"

Sebastian nodded, and after a long pause began again. "I also ... I know William isn't as keen on me as you are and I wanted to do something for him, for you both, as well...."

All eyes were on him with laser-like focus now, especially William's and Xavier's. Sebastian took out a beautiful mahogany box. "William, your father and I weren't as close as I would have liked, but we were friendly, and he was one of the best men for certain kinds of work.... Over the years, certain of his possessions came into my care for safekeeping, or for security. Your father sometimes went on dangerous missions for the Council and he left some things for you, in case anything ever happened to him. When he left the Council, he never ... well, here are his things.... I know you lost most of his stuff in the bombing...." He handed the box to the boy, who looked from him to the box and back, over and over again, as tears welled up in his eyes. He felt Sebastian's hand on his shoulder as he stared at the dark box in his hands.

The room was silent as Sebastian backed away and sat quietly next to James, who put a soft hand on his knee. Xavier turned to wipe his eyes. Even he had to admit, the gesture was ... lovely. William and Chase left the room quickly and talk resumed in more subdued tones.

"Sarah, Steve, I hope you'll let the boys come up? Perhaps there uncle's could accompany them," Sebastian asked, looking quickly at Xavier. "I'm sure they'd enjoy the chance to catch up with Avery...."

Xavier squeezed Aiden's hand affirming, and Aiden smiled. "Of course!"

Sarah looked at Steve and nodded. She didn't know WHAT her little boy was, but she knew it was all beyond her. Maybe some time alone with these people would help him discover some things about himself. She was still uncomfortable with letting him go, but they could talk about it later.

Meanwhile, William and Chase sat next to one another, the box in front of them. Chase just held his hand, running his free hand over the box. "What's in this?"

William gently opened the box, removing an envelope. He emptied the contents into his hand and saw with his parents' wedding rings, restored to like-new condition. "He got their rings...." Chase squeezed his shoulders as William dropped the rings back into the envelop and slipped it into his pocket. Inside the box was a handwritten letter, a handwritten journal, a few more photographs, and a few trinkets.

William, his voice fragile, began to read aloud, "Dearest William, Forgive the cliché, here of all places, but ... if you are reading this, that means something has happened and I am gone...." William couldn't help but pause and laugh through his tears. "Tell your mother I love her and I'm sorry.... You know I love you both, but I couldn't turn my back on the responsibility I have to the world. What I do out there is for you and your mom too.... The power that we possess, that grows in us from generation to generation, places an enormous burden upon us, and I could not ignore that. The enclosed journal I kept with me these past many years. It records things I've kept secret, knowledge discovered and some things perhaps better forgotten. Use it as you may, and remember me -- these few trinkets are not mere ornaments, the book will tell you what they are and how to use them. Go to Sebastian if there's anything you need, he is trustworthy beyond all measure.... Look out for your family and friends, and look after yourself, my dear boy.... Gideon once told me that you'd know an epic love, and I hope that I've lived to meet him (never doubt I'm proud of you). Gideon may not be a pleasant character but I believe him, so don't question the feelings that will lead you to the one.... Dad." William sat still and stared at the familiar writing on the page, and as he read the words he could hear his father's voice in his head. "He knew he might not come back to us.... He never imagined this," William numbly stated, letting the paper fall softly from his hands into the box, Which he shut. "It does make me wonder why he left the Council, after what he said here...."

A soft knock drew William's attention, but Chase announced, "I'll leave you two alone...."

"How did you know it was me," Xavier asked with a soft laugh.

Giving him a quick hug, Chase smiled up at him and said, "Family resemblance, you both have such a strong presence...." Chase returned to the living room and unselfconsciously settled onto the couch next to Sebastian, who casually draped an arm across his shoulder.

"You aren't having an anxiety attack on contact anymore," Chase said, poking fun at him.

Sebastian laughed, squeezing James into him on the other side. "You remind me of him so much, actually.... I think the shock of it, and the lack of recognition ... unsettled me...."

"Who was he?" Chase asked.

"You don't know," Sebastian questioned, looking surprised

"I haven't been told," came Chase's unconcerned reply.

"Who? What are you two talking about," Sarah asked, trying not to get short. It looked like now was the time.

"We've all had a shock tonight, some of us a lot of shock," Sebastian said. "Perhaps that is better kept for later.... It'll take some time to adjust. Suffice it to say that your son is.... Well, there have been a number like him over the course of human history.... I only knew one like him before...." Sebastian looked around with a sigh. "I'm going to trust you all with knowledge that I've kept even from my inner circle, except for Avery.... The being responsible for the attacks on me, on you, on William's parents.... How to say it? They were coordinated by a force of extraordinary power, of extraordinary evil.... A purely malicious spirit...." Seeing a look cross Sarah's face, Sebastian added, just as William and Xavier returned, each with an arm around the other. "Events tonight have shown that, had William not come here, Chase would have been in danger.... More danger because we would not have known about him, we could not have protected him...." Sarah exhaled and nodded. "As Chase's power grows, the enemy's attention will be drawn to him more and more.... Right now, he's focused on me, I think...."

"Is there any way to train Chase? To prepare him," William asked, looking concerned.

Avery was about to reply, when Sebastian cut in, "William, Chase's power is ... beyond us.... There is no training we know of for what he is.... It will come to him as necessary.... But he has us.... He has you.... And then there's Gideon, who is ... a force to be reckoned with when he is freed to act...."

Chase turned slightly. "You know Gideon?"

"Our paths have crossed," Sebastian said cryptically. "Never liked him much, but you've got to respect him...."

"He's always nice to me," Chase said, letting a little crossness slip into his expression.

Sebastian smiled and squeezed his shoulder. "Of course he is, Chase.... You're you.... I'm afraid he doesn't hold most of the rest of us in the same affection...."

"Yeah, Chase, cool your heels," William laughed. "Even my dad thought he was bad-tempered.... Or so his letter would make it seem...." Chase shrugged noncommittally and smiled.

"So what or who is this enemy," Xavier asked, melting the smile from Sebastian's lips.

"That is in the same category of heavy as, 'What is Chase'.... Haven't we all had enough for the evening," Sebastian nearly pleaded, but Xavier gave him a hard look. "Xavier...." But the man did not give an inch. Sebastian's face fell, as he said, "The last witnesses said that he introduced himself as Sammael...."

Xavier's look of surprise and horror shook them all, almost as much as the fear on Aiden's face. "Sammael," Steve asked, sitting forward.

Aiden looked at his friend and shook his head. "It's not possible. Perhaps an imposter...."

Sebastian shook his head. "I'm sorry, Aiden, I wish it was true.... He killed Chang with his bare hands and burnt him to ashes in an instant.... And the scheme that he's hatching, it reeks of him.... He plans to resurrect Resheph, awaken Sekhmet.... And Aethon is already moving to join him...." Aiden blanched.

"Sammael? Resheph? Sekhmet? Aethon? What do these names mean," Steve insisted.

Sam Roth interjected, "Sammael is ... the angel of death, the evil inclination.... He is the destroyer...."

"Satan," Aiden whispered, "the devil...."

Sarah shook her head. It was finally too much. "Are you people really sitting in my living room in suburban Richmond and telling me that the person who's after us who's targeting my little boy is THE DEVIL? Are you all out of your fucking minds?"

Chase's eyes went wide, and he barely restrained his instinctual laugh.

"I know it's a lot," Xavier said. "But you need to listen.... It gets worse...."

"Sekhmet was an Egyptian goddess.... In reality she was simply one of the most brutal and bloodthirsty of my kind, but oh what power," Sebastian said. "To be honest, the thought of her still haunts me.... She made war against humankind until the Egyptians appeased her.... Resheph was a near eastern god of plague, and Aethon was a Greek god of famine.... But like Sekhmet, the reality behind the mythology was that they were some of the most ancient, evil and powerful vampires of all time...."

"You talk like you know them," Aiden observed quietly.

"If you'd not left the Council.... In any case, I revealed my identity to the consuls recently.... My sire was Resheph, and I met Sekhmet in Egypt. Sammael understands my fear of Sekhmet, and the antagonism between Resheph and I," Sebastian offered.

"What antagonism is that," Aiden asked.

"I killed him and chopped him into pieces and had them distributed to the far reaches of the world.... Sammael is nearly ready to resurrect him...." Aiden grunted at Sebastian's words and nodded. "This is some kind of psychological attack on me...."

"No, it isn't," Xavier said, looking suddenly aware.

Chase smiled at him with amusement. "You've figured it out, then?"

Xavier responded, uneasily, "Yes," giving Chase a funny look he couldn't have seen. "Sammael is death.... Then you've got war, plague, and famine.... Death, war, plague, and famine...." They all looked at him as if he were stating the obvious.

Chase startled them by speaking in his authoritative voice, "'And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth....' The words of John the Diviner...." Chase shook his head and looked around. "What?"

"You just quoted to us from the Book of Revelation," Sebastian said, befuddled.

Chase looked lost for a moment. "That's where that's from?"

"You didn't know that," Aiden asked.

"He doesn't need to," Sebastian said, standing and walking to the window. "I should have seen it.... That's what he's doing! He's always looking to destroy, but he has to do it with ... style! God damn him! He's going to try to carry out his attempt to destroy everything by acting out to the prophecy of John...."

"Holy shit," Avery exclaimed. "He'll put on the show and let THEM do the rest.... He's going to stand in the midst of it and watch the whole thing burn...."

"It's true," Sebastian granted. "Once the humans see what's going on, they'll see it to its conclusion.... Lately, they barely need an excuse.... No offense...." Steve shrugged as if to say, none taken. "I'm sorry to dampen your event...."

William shook his head. "Thank you for coming.... It seems that your being here has helped us all learn a lot...."

"And given you all a heavy burden to bear," Sebastian replied wryly....

"It was ours anyway.... At least now we know," William answered, taking the ancient vampire's hand and drawing him into an embrace. "Thank you," he whispered and felt Sebastian's head nod almost imperceptibly.

"Rabbi, if you'll kindly escort us back to your sanctuary, we need to get home.... There are things I need to see to ... quickly," Sebastian said, as William let him go. The man nodded. "Thank you for having us, Steve, Sarah.... And thank you Chase and William, for inviting us to such a beautiful moment in such dark times...." He softly kissed Chase's cheek and took James's hand. After a burst of well-wishing and hugs between Sebastian's party and Chase's family and William, they parted ways in a flurry.

When they were gone, a silence fell over the four who remained. "Mom, dad," Chase began, but didn't know what to say.

"You aren't angry about ... when I decided to offer Chase the gift, I had no idea," William added.

"You didn't make him what he is," Steve said with a sigh. "Which is a boy we're very proud of, no matter what else he may be," he finished, wrapping his arms around the young man who felt very much the little boy in his daddy's arms. Sarah joined them in a family hug, waving William in to join them.

"We've got a lot to talk about, boys," she said. "But we all need our rest.... I think that perhaps a round of hookie is the order of the day tomorrow.... We still need to get some uniforms for William and get his paperwork in order with Xavier and the school.... I'll call in for us in the morning, Chase, so you boys can sleep in...."

Both boys immediately headed for the stairs, drained and exhausted from an overly long day and a most unusual ritual. When they were cuddled beneath the sheets, Chase lay his head on William's chest. "The gift you gave me tonight," he whispered, "I don't know what to say...."

"You already said what matters," William responded with a smile in his voice, "You said yes...."

"Yeah, but ... wow.... Was it hard ... getting all that stuff," Chase asked.

"You know the answer to that.... You found me in the back yard...."

Chase squeezed him again, warmly. "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine...." William raised his eyebrows questioningly and looked down at the sweet boy. "The voices.... That's what they sang while we kissed...."

"Can you still hear them," William asked.

"Yes.... Not like in there, but it's like background noise, almost, unless I tune in to it, then I can hear ... a little...."

William laughed a little, observing, "When you listen to them, you get this look ... like, spacey, or stoned, or something...."

Chase's giggle was accompanied by a cute blush and William kissed him on the cheek, taking him into his arms. From sheer exhaustion, they both fell asleep before they knew it.

When Matt burst through the door the next morning to get Chase, he found not a creature a stirring. He ran upstairs where Chase and William still slept in each other's arms. "You're going to miss school, Chase!"

"Ugh.... No school today...," the boy groaned

"Dude, your birthday isn't a national holiday, of course there's school," Matt announced.

"Matt! I'm not going to school, today," Chase groaned loudly.

"Oh! Sorry! I guess I'd better run.... So what did William get you?"

Chase held out his left arm, as William stirred and did the same. "Cool rings.... Weird.... How does the color change," he asked as he looked at the rings, which were identical except for the engravings. Where Chase's bore the symbol of a crown, William's was carved with a sword and a lantern.

"Magic," William grumbled, rolling over. "Do I hear the bus?" Matt ran downstairs and out the front door with a frantic wave.

"That's not the bus," Chase said.

"I know," William replied, with a sleepy smile, as he curled up into Chase and wrapped his arm around the boy, slipping back into sleep.

A little over an hour later, Steve and Sarah woke up and started breakfast, which lured the boys downstairs, rubbing their eyes.

"Sleep well, boys?" Steve asked.

"Not long enough," William grumbled. "And Matt woke us up...."

"Poor babies," Sarah laughed. "After breakfast, run and get dressed. Xavier needs to run with William to school to finish the paperwork to get him enrolled properly.... Then we can all go do some shopping, grab the school uniforms and all that...." Both boys nodded groggily and sat down to scarf down some food. While Chase wasn't normally offered coffee due to his sometimes overly peppy nature, that morning even he had a cup. William finished in a hurry so he could run get ready for Xavier. Chase, on the other hand, sat with his parents.

"It seems almost like a dream now," Sarah said offhandedly, causing Chase to flash his left hand in her direction to say, 'It wasn't!' This gave her the opportunity to see it for the first time in clear light and up close. "Goodness! I've never seen anything like it...."

Steve gave her a wry look. "Do you suppose you would have seen anything like a ring forged of an angelically altered metal, forged on the altar of God?" The way he said it, dryly and matter-of-fact, made Chase giggle.

"No more coffee for you, young man," his mother said pretending maternal severity, removing the cup from his grasp.

"So I was thinking about us going to visit Sebastian...."

Sarah glanced at Steve with worry, but her husband just shrugged. Chase, who was used to his parents having these silent conversations, to which he had no access, let it pass without comment, but in addition to hearing the voices, he felt as if all his senses were heightened. Somehow he just knew that his mother had shot his father a look, and that his father had responded with a shrug.... He smiled to himself while the silent negotiation continued. At last, however, he said, "Mom, you're worried about me going off without you for a weekend, and dad is shrugging you off which is actually kind of pissing you off.... But I'm not a baby, and I'm not helpless, and I won't be alone.... I'll be with William, and Xavier and Aiden will go too...."

Sarah frowned at her son, who, after being so playful moments earlier, now seemed so grown up.... She supposed she'd have to get used to that switch happening more and more often now, as the boy really was a young man.... "Call me every night.... We'll figure out a date with Xavier and Aiden...." Chase smiled, having fully expected getting what he wanted. "And don't you shrug at me," she said somewhat crossly to Steve.

Rolling his eyes surreptitiously, Steve thought to himself, "MOODY!"

A knock at the door brought him to his feet, and, checking the peep-hole, he opened the door for Xavier. "Come in, come in.... Aiden back to D.C.?"

"All week," Xavier began, laughing as Chase ran into him and gave him a big hug. Ruffling the boy's hair, he continued, "I'll be looking for a storefront for my gallery and trying to make arrangements so that as soon as the papers can be drawn up, we can get the house...."

"It's a wonderful place, and it'll be nice to have you guys close, for William, for everybody.... Plenty of room for kids there, too...."

Xavier raised his eyebrows with a gentle smirk. "Well, it will be nice to be close to you guys and William of course.... As for the rest, talk to Aiden.... I'd love to fill a couple of the bedrooms, but...."

"We'll work on him," Steve said, laughing, as Xavier took a seat. "Why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Aiden's not coming back tonight is he?"

"No, he'll probably come tomorrow night and then come back on Thursday for a long weekend.... When we get the house set up, he can run most everything from there, or rent an office...."

"If you bought a building for your gallery, you could convert the upstairs into office space and rent to his company and anyone else to help cover your operating costs...."

Xavier nodded, "I was thinking along the lines of buying one of the nice old buildings downtown which would be perfect.... There are some three- and four-story buildings with nice storefronts on the ground level.... It'd be a good business investment; you know me, I never know what to do with it all...."

"Speaking of which.... Do you know how much your sister and brother-in-law left for William?"

"Well, Aiden tells me that the estate is worth about $75 million when it's all liquidated, plus the insurance.... I thought it was a little light, as my sister and I split over $200 million from our parents, and Alex's family was well-off as well...."

"That's because they had Swiss accounts which William has direct access too, so no estate taxes...." Xavier nodded, as it explained a lot, but he didn't ask how much. William had shown himself to have a good head on his shoulders. "Are you helping him with it?"

"Funny story, he actually hired this guy he met at the symphony...."

"He what?"

Steve shook his head, laughing, "I know! But I met the guy, he's the real deal.... Young though, just graduating.... I decided to hire him to work for me, and I'll help oversee William's money...."

"Talking about Dave," William asked coming down stairs, his hair still damp.

Steve nodded. "I'll ask him and his fiancée over tonight so you can meet him, Xavier...."

"Good idea," William said before kissing Chase on the cheek. "You ready to go down to the school and sign me up, Uncle Xavier?"

"Sure! Let's head out, buddy.... Aiden's people sent all the paperwork we need in on the plane that was sent to pick him up this morning, so we're all good...."

Xavier and William rode to the school in relative silence, and when they arrived, their visit to the school was fairly standard, filling out paperwork, then a quick tour of facilities. Then they met with the headmaster, Dr. Felicity Strong.

"So what do you think of our little school," she asked them with a smile as they sat down.

"It's beautiful," Xavier said, nodding.

"And I've got friends here.... Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, William...."

"I've had trouble in school before.... I don't always do well in the rigid environment.... Steve Abernathy said your school values independence, but I ... well, I've had some bad experiences...."

She looked down at his file and nodded, "So I saw...." Tossing the file onto her desk, she leaned forward. "Our school was founded on a British tutorial model, but we've grown a lot since those days, so we do have lectures and regular class sizes, but ... all of our courses are required to have an extensive guided independent study component, like a semester long research project or a science project.... You'll get individual guidance on your project, as well as have access to librarians to help you research, but within reason you are your guide in this component.... How does that sound?"


"Well, tomorrow you have testing all day, just to give us an idea about where you are in your studies.... Bring some tennis shoes and a set of school gym clothes as you'll have a physical assessment with our director of athletics and physical education.... I think you're going to fit in here!" Her smile was warm and comforting, and William smiled back. But then she took her glasses off, and asked, more softly, "May I ask you a question?"

"Yes," he answered, fairly sure he knew what was coming.

"Given what happened with your family and the recent ... incident at school targeting your friends ... we need to be able to guarantee the security of our students...."

"We have private security," Xavier answered. "How much additional security would make you feel comfortable, in addition to the people who will be focusing on protecting our boys...."

"Your boys?"

"We have men watching Chase, Matt and Edward, as well as William...."

"Well, two men on each main entrance and a few in the parking lot.... We could do with an upgrade of the surveillance system we use to monitor the halls...."

"Consider it done," William said, as the woman looked surprised the answer came from him.

When she looked at Xavier, the man shrugged. "Don't look at me, he's got his own money...."

"Do you think Sebastian could provide some of the men," William asked Xavier.

"I'm sure he will if you ask.... I could call Sam...."

William shook his head, no. "I'll take care of it.... Thank you, Dr. Strong.... Please let me know how much your security upgrade will cost, and I'll see that its fully covered...."

"It could be $50,000," she said, hesitantly. William smiled at Xavier and reached into his pocket, pulling out a check book. He quickly wrote out a check and handed it to the woman.

She nodded. "This is very generous," she said, putting the check for $100,000 in the lock box in her desk. "We'll be sure to get top-of-the-line equipment, this way...."

"Just let us know if you require anything else," Xavier said as he rose, shaking the woman's hand. William did the same, and they made their way out to the car.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Sarah, Steve and Chase were going to go with me to get my school uniforms and other stuff later this afternoon...."

"Want to ride into town with me and look at a couple of buildings? I've scheduled a couple of visits to some places where my gallery might fit...."

"Sure," William said, enjoying some rare time alone with one of his last living relatives. The first two buildings were post-WWII construction in an aging section of a fair neighborhood, and while they were nice, the neighborhood wasn't the kind that one generally finds art galleries in. The third building was older, built in the mid-1920's of pretty brick with Art Nouveau features on the exterior. The neighborhood was a little dilapidated but there were signs of life. A few other older buildings had been bought and restored, and some restaurants were opening in the near future.

Xavier was still skeptical until the agent took him inside. The storefront had been nicely refurbished at some point, and the ground floor had high ceilings, eighteen feet, perfect for installation art, and a very nice office.

"So what's the catch," he asked, "besides the neighborhood?"

"Actually, the neighborhood is growing in popularity with young professionals.... They can afford nice houses here and renovate to suit, so it's an up-an-coming area...."


The woman looked nervous. "Weird things go on here.... Noises, things like that, maybe a sighting or two.... Scared off some of the tenants upstairs...."

"Ghosts," Xavier asked almost laughing.

The woman took it as incredulity – if she only knew – and shrugged. "You know people!"

"What else?"

"There are two tenants and they aren't interested in leaving, and ... they have leases for as many as three more years.... Either the seller will have to pay them off, you can honor their lease at far less than the rent you could get, or get them to sign a new lease with you and voluntarily break their old lease...."

"Hmmm.... How long has the building been on the market?"

"Six months...."

"Why's that, if this neighborhood is so up-and-coming?"

"Hard to get commercial financing in this market.... By the way, do you have a lender?"

"Yes.... We'll get to that later.... Asking price?"

"It was $2.4 million, but recently dropped to $1.8 million...."

"Why's that," William asked, and the woman winced.

Xavier smiled and answered him, "Because he needs the cash now.... Tell your client if he'll take $1.6 million, I'll pay cash and take care of the tenants, so he'll have no legal worries...."

The woman frowned but walked away to make the call. Momentarily, she looked over her shoulder and said, "$1.7 million?"

"$1.5 million," he replied without humor.

She shook her head and whispered fiercely into the phone. "Is $1.6 still on the table," she asked at last.

"For about 45 seconds...."

"He'll take it," she answered immediately, "if we can do the deal this week...."

"No problem," he replied. "Have your legal people call my lawyers' numbers," he said, handing her two cards. "Cash is ready to transfer when the papers are signed, if the inspection papers are up-to-date...."

"We had a state-certified inspector in two months ago; if you'd like you can have your own people in...."

"If your guy checks out, that won't be necessary," Xavier said, shaking her hand. After she was gone, Xavier smiled at William. "I guess you can see we're cut from the same cloth.... We get straight to the point and don't dawdle...."

William laughed and nodded. "How are you going to deal with the tenants?"

"I'm going to refurbish the floor below them into really nice offices and leave their floor as-is.... They can move into the nice offices and make a new lease with me, or keep their offices upstairs until the current lease runs out, and I won't renew them.... Then I'll refurbish their floor too and charge what I want...." William laughed and nodded, and they hopped in the car to return to the Abernathies.

Xavier had more errands to run, so he just dropped William off, and Sarah, Steve and Chase immediately came outside and got in the car to take him shopping. They picked up five days worth of school clothes and some other things he'd need, like a new backpack and some pens and notebooks.

That evening, Xavier returned and enjoyed dinner with the family, and just relaxed with William afterward, talking to the boy and catching up on all that happened between the bombing and his arrival in Richmond, mostly just tales of cold nights and false alarms.

When Sam called, Xavier and William were brought into a conference call with Avery and James. Together, the five men arranged a schedule for training with Avery in William's inter-dimensional room. Sam and Avery would open a door from Sebastian's house into the room, and they'd meet there daily. It would also provide another avenue of escape should something happen requiring their immediate evacuation from the Abernathy house.

With that all set up, Xavier bid the family goodnight and drove off to his room, while Chase and William went upstairs. The next day would be their first day in school together so they both went straight to bed, since they'd both have to get up early to get ready.

The next morning when Matt burst in, he found William and Chase dressed and ready in their uniforms eating breakfast at the island in the kitchen. "Sorry about yesterday, guys," he said with a laugh.

"It's okay," Chase laughed. "So did we miss anything important yesterday?"

"Nah, nothing you can't make up...." The boys talked as they waited for the buses and William noticed Matt looking back and forth between their rings. "You know guys, people are going to notice those...."

"SO," Chase asked. "Everybody already knows about us...."

"They know you're dating, they don't know you're like ... I don't know ... married or something...."

Chase choked, and William asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Come on, I'm not stupid.... Those rings you guys are wearing aren't promise rings, are they Nancy," Matt asked with a smirk.

Chase laughed and shook his head. "Matt.... You're right.... People can assume whatever they want, though...."

"Alright.... Just saying," Matt said, now shaking his own head. "So what are they?"

"When you said they were wedding rings, you were close enough," William responded quietly. Keeping the details to the minimum, he added, "That's why the rabbi stayed after you guys left...."

"We could have stayed, it would have been cool," Matt pouted a bit.

"Sorry, bud," Chase said, patting his shoulder. "It was private.... When we do it for real, you'll be there, I promise...." Matt nodded and they climbed onto the bus, where both Susan and Maria demanded to see William's gift. Both boys dutifully put their hands up for the girls to see, bringing a round of squeals and incomprehensible girl noises.

"They're so ... different," Susan said.

"They are unique," William smiled. "There aren't any more like these anywhere...."

"You're so sweet," Maria said, gushing, causing Chase to giggle and William to blush.

When they arrived at school, William gave Chase a quick kiss on the cheek and went to the office, while Matt and Chase went to class with the girls. "Can I help you," the older lady at the desk asked with a Scottish accent when he came in. "Oh! You must be Mr. Jennings.... I've got a schedule for you here somewhere.... Oh, here it is...." AP US History, AP English, Biology, Trigonometry, PE and Latin IV -- basically his schedule from home. "And here is Ms. Frasier.... She'll be giving you a quick orientation this morning.... A better tour, rules and regulations, that sort of thing.... Ms. Frasier...."

"Hi," she said with a blushing smile, as she led him out of the office. "It's Gwen, by the way...."

"William," he responded.

"So, you're new here?"

"Yeah, I've been in Richmond for a while, but not in school.... I've been staying with the Abernathies...."

"Oh," she exclaimed, her eyes widening. "YOU'RE HIM!"

Now he blushed. "I suppose so," he answered shyly.

"I just, I mean.... I didn't recognize you in the uniform.... I saw you beat up those guys who were picking on Matt...."

"It was nothing...."

"Believe me, it was something.... Those guys are menaces.... So you're Chase's...."

"Boyfriend? Yeah.... It's alright, you can say it," he laughed. She nodded and they walked on in silence.

"So, what's he like?"

"What do you mean," William asked, laughing.

"Nothing.... It's just, he always seems so nice and happy and all.... But, what with him being ... you know ... is he really that.... I don't know, that's not coming out right at all...."

"It's okay.... There's nothing fake about him at all.... He really is that sweet, that bubbly, all the time.... You should get to know him...."

Gwen gave him a tour, showing him more of the little details than he had seen before, like special features of the library, and introducing him to personnel, like the librarian and the PE teacher. Then they went back to the library and she went over the school's policies with him and had him sign the honor code and things like that. Then she showed him where his classes were and he began his first half day.

After school, he met up with Matt and Chase at the bus, and they rode home together. "So how was it," Chase asked.

"Kind of overwhelming.... I've been out of school for so long, I've got a lot of catching up to do, but ... it definitely seems better than my old school!"

Chase squeezed him, and said, "Plus you get to see me some during the day!"

"Give it a rest, guys," Matt groaned, causing Maria and Susan to laugh.

"How's Edward, by the way," William asked.

"He's doing better.... His mom is still driving him to and from school, as his arm is still hurting, but otherwise, he definitely has been in a better mood.... You'll probably see him tomorrow; I think you have a couple of morning classes together...."

"You guys want to hang out this weekend," Chase suggested, and both girls and Matt agreed immediately, and they made some plans until they began to hit their stops.

When Matt, Chase, and William got off, Matt and William saw the old man sitting on the porch waiting, so Matt waved to them and ran to his house to get into something more comfortable. "Rabbi Roth," Chase called, surprising William.

"How did you know," he began to ask, but Chase's exaggerated expression made him laugh. Of course he knew who it was!

"Hi, boys! How was your first day, William?"

"Good.... I guess it's time for training?"

"Afraid so.... Why don't you run upstairs and change into something more comfortable...." The two boys ran upstairs and changed, and Chase sat down at his computer to work. William kissed him on the cheek with a smile and came back downstairs. Then he accompanied the man to the shed and led him into the inner room. Sam drew a door and then contacted Avery, linking the two locations and opening the door. From the room, William could see the basement of Sebastian's mansion and the two handsome men waiting to enter.

"Please, come in," he called to them, and James and Avery stepped through in athletic outfits.

"William, it's good to see you again," Avery said, hugging him, and James shook his hand. Looking around, Avery said, "It's getting a little crowded in here.... If we're going to train, we're going to need room." With a flourish, he pressed outward to his left and right, palms parallel to the walls, and the walls moved away from him. Then he turned and did the same. The room expanded around him until it was huge, the size of a small athletic complex, but its decor remained unchanged, only expanded, and William's doors and safe remained where they were, only further away. "That's better!"

Avery looked at William with an appraising smile. "So, how much training did you do with your dad?"

"Mostly defensive, with some basic offensive...."

"That sounds like Alex," Avery said with a smile. But he added, "In these times, we're going to have to perfect your offensive skills.... But first, let's test your defensive magic...." Avery backed up toward a wall, and Sam did the same. "I've been working with James for a little bit and he's a bit of a prodigy, it seems.... I'm going to get him to attack with some of the spells he's mastered and I want you to defend yourself only...." Both boy's nodded.

James began by conjuring an energy ball and tossing it at William. None of them knew what would happen as William remained perfectly still, not raising his hand or speaking to defend himself. But the ball simply dissipated in midair. "Impressive," Sam whispered to Avery, who nodded. When James responded by tossing four or five fireballs in rapid succession, William smiled and whispered a soft incantation and it was as if a mist enveloped him, dousing the fires. James raised his arm quickly and a bolt of electricity flowed from his arm. What William did then surprised them all, as he raised his arm and took the bolt directly, absorbing its energy.

Avery stepped forward, clapping. "Your father was a great teacher, young William.... An impressive display.... Don't feel bad, James, I suspected as much.... William's father was ... amazing.... Sam, would you mind...."

William, who had been smiling, blanched at the prospect of being tested by a general of the Society of Magic. Sam smiled as he took James's place. "Don't worry, William, we just need to know how skilled you are so we can teach you," Sam called from a distance.

William nodded, and gulped as the man began forming his own energy ball. When the huge orb began speeding at him, he raised his arms, exerting a repulsive force that slowed the energy ball to a stop a few feet from him. Then with a massive push, he sent it speeding back at Sam, who repeated his feat. This time, the ball came within a few inches of William and he forced it into the earth, dissipating its energy. And when the man repeated James's electricity spell, William countered by raising an earthen wall from the ground in front of him.

Avery nodded to Sam, whose grandfatherly smile beamed pride as he stepped aside. So William stood across the room from Avery Salazar. When the man's hazel eyes began to glow brightly, William had no idea what was coming until vines burst from the earth and began to wrap around him. William responded with a deadly spell, which caused the vines to wither wherever they touched him. Avery smiled and winked as an energy ball struck William in the back, knocking him to his knees.

"How," William asked, and Avery pointed to a far corner, where an energy ball was forming.

"If you can do it here," Avery pointed to the palm of his hand, "why can't you do it anywhere?" As he spoke, the energy ball began to move, its swerves carefully controlled by Avery's mind.

"How did you kill the vines," James asked.

Avery cut in and answered, "A forbidden spell...."

"Forbidden by whom," William asked, curiously.

"By the Society of Magic, nearly a century ago.... But you boys aren't bound by its rules now, you aren't members.... And I think that even its members will need to recall some forgotten, forbidden magic before our battle is over...."

"What is the Society of Magic," William asked curiously, as Sam had mentioned his father worked for them before.

"The Society of Magic is a kind of guild of free magicians who work for the Shadow Council.... Sam Roth is one of the generals of that order. When I was a Consul, I was special Consul for the Society.... Rather than governing a region, I governed the Society...."

"Sort of like Secretary of Defense," James asked.


"So, do Sarah and those other wizards work for the Society?"

"Ah, no.... That's complicated," Avery said. "wizards and Witches the world over are governed loosely by a monarch, presently queen of the witches.... She's more like the pope than an earthly king, as she doesn't command the loyalty of all witches and doesn't enforce her rule by might but through spiritual leadership.... She does have her own armies, battle wizards, to protect and defend the interests of magical folks the world over. She has pledged support for Sebastian as long as the threat remains.... Her armies have their own military structure parallel to those of the guild of the Society, and many members of the Society have allegiances to the queen, but their primary military duty is to the Council.... It's complicated, but it has rarely led to conflicting allegiances, as witches and wizards are generally supportive of council directives...."

"With one exception," Sam added, looking at Avery. "Relations have been tense since the Council sent Avery to Ashaer prison.... That's why your father, Aiden, Xavier, and I all left, or were pushed out of, the Council.... We actively opposed the sentence...." Avery nodded to the man, a silent thanks.

Avery then explained why he had been sent to the prison and how Sebastian brought him back. "Xavier ... I hope he'll forgive Sebastian.... He did all he could, and he didn't forget me...."

William nodded. "I think that Sebastian's helping us will help smooth things with Xavier.... In time...."

Then the boys got to work, conjuring energy balls and fireballs and tossing them at the two powerful wizards, each attempt gaining power and focus. Then, Avery taught them a new spell. He demonstrated: conjuring up a humanoid image, he concentrated on its location and calling out, "Incendere!" Immediately, the figure burst into flames. "A very powerful spell, not to be practiced except on dummies.... This spell must only be used with the intent to kill.... It is particularly useful ... on vampires," he finished quietly, looking at James almost apologetically.

"It's okay," James said. "Some of our enemies are very powerful vampires.... We need to know how best to deal with them...."

"Good, then.... Let's get to work...." Avery conjured more of the figures to practice on, and had the boys both start. By the end of their session, William was able to light the clothes of the figure on fire, and James was just getting able to control his concentration and really mean what he was saying. "That's enough for today, boys," Avery said at last. After quick goodbyes, Avery and James retreated to their home and the portal was shut. But it was permanent, so a bit of magic from a person on each side would be able to open it instantly.

William and Sam walked up to the house, where the man chatted with Sarah and Steve for a few moments before bidding them all farewell. Then William went upstairs to shower and get into some clean clothes before he and Chase joined Sarah and Steve for dinner. After cleaning up the kitchen, William joined Chase to cuddle in front of the television til bedtime.

The next day, William caught up with Edward at school who did look a lot better. He didn't look so anxious, and when confronted by this fact, Edward confirmed that he was seeing someone about his feelings, a therapist who spent a couple of days a week at the school to meet with students. He'd also talked with Chase some, which definitely helped him feel more at ease; William had his suspicions that Chase had probably helped Edward with a little more than talking, perhaps a little healing energy. He'd have to ask that later, though.

As William and Edward walked down the hall, their path was blocked by a couple of big guys. "So it's true, you're here.... We thought you were Chase's boyfriend," they said, taunting Edward.

"Don't you guys ever learn," William said, dropping his bag.

But before anyone could say anything, a tall, powerful looking boy stepped up behind them, putting a big hand on one of each boy's shoulders and giving each a punishing squeeze. "Hey, guys," Carl said, smiling brightly at William and Edward. "See the football team came to roll out the welcome mat?"

"You could say that," William said, laughing and picking up his bag. "How's it going, Carl," he asked, knowing that as long as the conversation continued, the painful grip Carl was putting on the boys would continue.

After a few minutes more, he let them go and told them, "You guys ... might want to avoid these guys from here on out...." Then Carl walked with them toward a class they all shared, putting a hand on Edward's shoulder as they talked. William noticed a couple of young wizards blending into the crowd as the incident was controlled. So Sebastian's reinforcements had arrived.

Actually, Edward and Carl got along quite well, despite the cute young Englishman's shy bookishness, as Carl had quite a good head for literature and wasn't all about sports. Plus, Carl did like soccer, which was the only sport Edward cared anything about. William smiled as he heard Carl whisper to Edward later, "I heard what you did for Chase.... That was awesome.... Does it hurt?"

Edward blushed cutely and nodded, "A little, every now and then, mostly just a warm throbbing...."

Carl looked at the bandaged arm with something akin to awe as he touched it with unexpected gentleness. "You know this makes you like one of the biggest bad-asses in school.... I mean you've been shot! And you aren't even bitching about it!" William smiled, as he could tell exactly what Carl was trying t do -- build Edward up a little, like he would a new guy on the team. For his part, Edward could talk about little else but Carl at lunch, telling Susan about how the big jock thought HE was a bad-ass!

As the week passed without further incident, William fell into a comfortable pattern at school and at home, having daily training with Avery and James, and usually Sam too, followed by dinner with the family and evenings of homework and time spent with Chase. And life took on a sense of normalcy he had forgotten was possible. It couldn't last, he knew, but he'd enjoy it will it did.

Next: Chapter 7

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